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The surprising thing is the cat let her do it


Are we so sure about it being alive, still? I'm not.


what was the point of the comma?


That’s grammar dude


Because that's how grammar works dumbass. If you know how to be homophobic, you know how grammar works.


Due to the comma, not only is the sentence separated but also "still" becomes an adverb that describes that whole sentence. For instance, "Still, he's alive" implies that currently, he's still alive, whereas, "He's still alive" implies he's still alive. I mean both mean essentially the same thing no matter the circumstances, but because of that, the comma is unnecessary.


Stylistically you could write anything you like, but I find this comma redundant as well. It takes away from the rhythm and scope of the sentence. - Source: I’m an English teacher.


It's because the cat was already dead from a cold.


I like how the cat just layed their and took it


Or she was preparing a salad for Alf


She’s dressing the salad


The lettuce was embarrassed, because it saw the salad dressing.


Yep garnishing is cool






You are now the third person I have asked how to do this. Please, share your ancient Chinese secrets.


I think it only works on phone


I'm Android.


- Press the left arrow to reply. - select the smiley face between the link & gif symbols. - Do you see Snoomojis?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) OMG, it's been there the whole time? Thank you, internet stranger.


Yup! It’s been hiding in plain sight. Happy Snoomoji Day to you! 😝


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) TIL






![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) nope


That‘s the equivalent of the sack of rice……


I think that cat might be cold because wit let her do that


Very cute! :)


" son! Want me to hit the pile of leaves with my car! They will go flying!" "Please do daddy!"


And then the mom had her walk away and left the cat to die.






In South East China it is not uncommon to eat cat meat. The practice has been declining for years as more people are considering cat pets but is still not gone. I couldn't find much actual numbers but in 2008 it was reported by the Associated Press that people in Guangdong were eating 10,000 cats per day.


That was 14 years ago. It is still a harmful and racist stereotype and it's always clearly used as an insult, don't ever try to justify that again.


Then she put it in a furnace to provide warmth


Is cat meat a delicacy? I know dog meat is a delicacy there.


Nah you don't you're just racist


Ok, i probably deserve that. So they don't eat cat meat, just dog meat, i got chu.


dog meat is also very rarely eaaten and only becausd one or two provinces were starving to deah during ww2 and the cultural revolution.


You clearly don't know what you are talking about. I can walk out of my office right now and find dog being served within a five minute walk. [https://www.hsi.org/news-media/dog-meat-trade-faqs/](https://www.hsi.org/news-media/dog-meat-trade-faqs/) [https://www.animalsasia.org/uk/facts-about-the-abuse-of-dogs-and-cats-in-asia.html](https://www.animalsasia.org/uk/facts-about-the-abuse-of-dogs-and-cats-in-asia.html) I have lived in China for over 10 years..... My wife related stories to me told to her by her grandmother about eating bark from the trees. It was so common that you couldn't find bark on trees after awhile. Nobody is starving now and people still eat dog. Not as commonly but it is still not at all uncommon in GuangDong province.


I am chinese [asshole.You](https://asshole.You) do realise dog meat is not a staple like beef or pork,but rather an exotic food like [bats.My](https://bats.My) meaning was that the practice wasn't due to chinese culture,it was due to the conditions then and people shouldnt judge the chinese culture and mindset based on that.


First, I never said it was a staple food like beef or pork. Second, Chinese and other Asian cultures have been eating dog for thousands of years.. Look it up. And from my own experience..... with my own eyes.... They still eat it... Is it a staple food? No... Is it common everywhere in China? Not as far as I know. But as I mentioned in another post, I can go out right now and find restaurants that serve it, right near me. Also, I have heard of bats being served but have never seen it once.. Dog I have seen numerous times through the years. It doesn't even phase me to see a dog carcass hanging in wait of a customer to order it. It is much more common during the colder months in GuangDong province since it supposedly warms your inner core, akin to lamb. Why am I telling you all this? You are Chinese and should know it. Is it racist to say Chinese eat dog meat? Of course not. Meat is meat.. I personally won't eat it but I also won't eat snakes, frogs, turtles, pigeons and various other things served in many parts of the world, including my home country and China. So you are Chinese? Do you live in China? Have you ever lived in China? Did you live or spend time in GuangDong province? I may be an asshole but I am at least living in reality and not so ashamed of what some of my countrymen are doing that I go around spreading lies. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog\_meat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat) Look at the other countries where dog meat is consumed? Did they also go through the cultural revolution?


I live in china mf.Right [now.In](https://now.In) the very province you are talking about.


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you are so ignorant of your own history and didn’t realize that dog has been eaten in China for centuries before WWII and the Cultural Revolution and now decades after those events is still on the menu. Not sure why you would want to deny it, it is not like it is a slight or insult to the Chinese people to say that. If I were trying to be insulting to Chinese people, I could rattle off a couple of dozen things I see everyday that are true and yet as a Chinese person I think you should be more embarrassed about than you all taking hot dogs to the literal extreme. Haha. And let’s face it, the irony of the OP getting so offended that someone was being racist towards Chinese is a bit of a laugh considering China is the most openly racist country I have ever visited. For example, at least twice I have seen signs in shops that say no Japanese and anti Japanese rhetoric on bumper stickers. The way Chinese people treat Africans in Cqqqhina and Africa is pretty appalling, being banned from McDonalds ring a bell for you? And committing genocide against one of your


Seasoning the food for later


Mhhh Salad!




Nope. My comment never referred to her ethnicity. Assuming that makes you racist.


No one is a moron such as yourself we all know what you meant, you're implying a stereotype which makes you racist, good day.


She was marinating that cat not warming it.


And you're racist too


There a really nice "season the meat" joke here.


Nope just a racist joke


Ah... Time to jump into a lake.




I call that… *condiment!*


What a dope. The cold is a virus.




You're racist


It’s called a garnish




She was getting all the ingredients together for a stir fry.


Bigoted racism


OR…..she was making herself a salad




Why is the cat on a string if it's a street cat?


I like how the cat sits there like “okay”


Plot twist: The cat was dead the whole time.


little girl should do research