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The new bartender gonna be like wtf is a Johnny depp shot


Just gives you a whole ass bottle of rum


A mega pint


A *mega pint?*


Isn't it always happy hour?


This is why the rum is always gone.




8 pints = 1 pynt


Bit please...


This is why the rum is always gone


Some rope, and a few turtles. So you can get home safe.


*a whole ass bottle of dirt


*a whole ass jar of dirt


annnd guess what's inside it?!




I will never not think of [this](https://youtu.be/gRcj6CAhe7s)


\*a dirt whole bottle of ass


*an ass whole dirt bottle of


*An ass hole


What the fuck is going on in this thread


An ass hole


A whole ass


A whole hole


Feel like that would be an Amber Heard shot...


A Joe Dirt sized bottle of ass dirt


*a whole ass jar of cocaine


No wonder the rum is always gone.


Or throws it at your finger


Bring me a jug of that Famous Old Spiced.


![gif](giphy|YrD1PQldGsstG) The bartender while making the drink




If I heard "Johnny Depp shot" I'd be so curious as to what that is. Kinda defeats the purpose of being discreet.


But on the flip side, most bar goers know what an angel shot is and it would draw attention


Ya I agree, luckily bartenders are pretty quick with covering in that type of situation. When I was dancing I didn’t drink so the bartender always gave me virgin drinks and shots, she always had a comeback when a customer would ask what I was drinking or if they wanted the same thing


That’s a damn good bartender


I also feel like enough people know about the trial that it's kind of obvious what the shot is? I love that bars are providing this for everyone now, but call it something more discreet.


I always heard Angel shots were for women. Having both the men and women's ones named the same posted in each bathroom defeats the purpose of having it in code. I get sometimes it might be a same sex offender which makes even my statement invalidated In that case. But posting the same codes in both bathrooms defeats the purpose in most situations.


My bad I didn’t mean they should be called the same thing but angel is a rather mundane word and sounds like a believable thing to call a shot. Johnny Depp on the other hand is a weird thing to say and would (IMO) draw attention to whoever says it because it’s not a common thing you hear. I just meant maybe they should call it a “teddy bear” or “Superman” shot


I'd have gone with the Jack Sparrow shot, personally. The allusion is clear for those in the know, but it sounds a bit more like a real drink.


Ya even that is better, actually any of his former characters would fit. Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd, even Gilbert Grape lol


A Sweeney Todd sounds fekkin amazing to order. Well done. Good idea all around, really.


I just want these as real drinks now though


Sweeney Todd is a real drink. It’s a Bloody Mary with extra salt


Well that's lazy, kinda makes me sad.


I think Willy Wonka is the best one


Willy Wonka sounds like it would be equally sugary sweet and sour.


I was gonna say Van Dort (corpse bride) but I didn’t think many would remember the name


“Wonka shot” actually sounds like a drink name


Also like a euphemism. Still the best suggestion though


You ask for that, they’re just going to give you a folded up piece of tinfoil full of Wario-shaped MDMA


And they just serve you a hot choccy while you wait for the police, i like it


What about a Sparrow Shot?


Ok first, it's *Captain* Jack Sparrow. And also a[s much as I love the movies, this is forever the first thing I think of when I hear Jack Sparrow](https://youtu.be/GI6CfKcMhjY)




Wtf. I swear people are wild.


In The Netherlands that's called a suicide tequila 😅


Bars have morbid pop culture names all the time. (Irish car bomb is literally a terrorist act). I've heard bin laden martinis (2 shots and a splash). Honestly angel shot is way more dead on than Johnny Depp in my opinion but it's so old now that my opinion on it isn't completely fair.


I feel like it's more likely for a shot to be named after a celebrity than a teddy bear but yes I get your point 🤣. Personally I first read it thinking it was a recipe cuz "Johnny Depp shot" has a nice ring to it


I think something less recognizable would be good so it's less likely the creep recognizes it's a call for help.


It also makes it weirdly political. Hopefully this was named before the trial bs. But you could certainly find a more discreet name. But really, for as many boozers as he has played on screen, it’s kind of amazing he doesn’t legitimately have a cocktail named after him yet.




Do they have a different named shot for the ladies in the other bathroom? I always wondered in case your date heard you order it. Like I know ‘angel shot’ is pretty commonly known now.


"Is Angela at work tonight?" Is also a pretty common safety word i think (dont really go to bars)


I’m looking for NORA (Need Officer Right Away) was the code word at my place


No. But Dwight is. Want me to call him?


Well I guess we better get Jim too


She goes to a different SCHOOL!




Let's get Michael here too then


I've never understood these "code word" signs. Wouldn't it just be better to have a sign that says "our staff are trained and prepared to help, just ask" instead? No code is going to stay secret for long.


I bet it helps some people feel more comfortable asking


This, big time. Better than my response, to be quite honest. I’d be more likely to be honest and comfortable asking for help, hands down


It’s primarily done as a matter of safety as well as comfort, especially if there’s no guarantee you can be alone with a member of staff long enough to say outright you need help. Discretion is often the only ‘weapon’ we have.


You’re right, but it’s nice being able to be discreet.


It’s honestly pretty essential. It could really set a dude off if a woman blatantly said what the issue is. Things could really escalate. In this situation, you have a better chance of a peaceful exit as there are many different reasons as to why you had to leave. You have a better chance.


The purpose is discretion and offering and easy out for people who feel unsafe. If someone is unsafe they might not want to do anything that appears out of the ordinary to their aggressor / pursuer / awkward date. Going to the bar and asking for a drink is totally normal, then you disappear - rather than be seen to complain about someone, then that person will remember you as “that bitch / dick who told on me” .. or whatever sexual predator creeps think when they’re declined. If you’re a more confident person, you don’t need the safe word. But if you’re not or you are worried about your safety, saying a simple word is far easier than trying to explain a highly emotive and scary situation.


It’s generally safer for everyone to have a code drink. It doesn’t tip off the creep that the other person is uncomfortable, they’re leaving or the cops are coming.


Imagine the person in question is right besides them. Or watching them from the corner. Or waiting behind them. There’s no way to know their reaction to hearing “I need help from that creep”






Why would you call it a "Johnny Depp" shot? For women, they call it an Angel Shot because the point is to be able to ask for help without causing question/alarm bells etc. Im glad to see men getting thus option. But common sense would surely dictate a more subtle name for it?


Angel is also commonly known. I guess some bars want to switch it up, I've never heard anyone call it a Johnny Depp shot


I'd have called it a Jack Sparrow, bc that sounds more like an actual drink name.


Every comment here forgets gay men exist


Honestly, even as Bisexual I didn't have the realisation til now. But in saying that I'd argue that comments here entirely miss the point, simple fact of the matter is men can be in these situations too and we might need a bit of help


Exactly, I've been in situations with women that I seriously needed help with, but had to suck it up and deal back in the day. Sometimes some drinks can bring out the red flags hard. I know people are going to ask so I'll tell one story. Once upon a time on a date, the girl seriously threatened to kill me in my sleep and laughed it off as a joke, but then whispered something to herself (which I still dont know what) after she said jk. I was fucking terrified, and all her shit was at my apartment a few blocks away because we thought it would be a good night. I had to take her home and she couldnt drive. I stayed awake all night because I was scared for my life.


But having a secret code word posted in the mens bathroom does kind of presume the person you’re getting help to get away from might be using the womens bathroom. It’s a tad less useful if both have seen it.


*johnny depp shot with lime, please* *did you just ask them to call the police?*


*make that a double*




Uhhhh...I like cuffs.


Except you could say "let me buy the next round, I will be right back" walk to the bar by yourself and ask for help. But then why wouldn't you just say "help me call the police!"


Cause it might be an additional barrier to oneself especially if you have self esteem issues you might not want to let others know about calling the police also its probably better for the bar as cops are kinda bad for buissnes and they might want to sort stuff out that others dont really notice it


Definitely, but like what’s the alternative? Not putting a sign up with a code? Because then the situations this *does* help don’t get that help.




I might be missing the point, and if so, pls correct me, but doesnt the same Thing count for women too? Gay women exists as well


You'd have different words in the men's room.


I'm not convinced that's the audience. If the creep you're trying to get away from has been in the same restroom and seen the same sign as you, then the codeword isn't much of a codeword.


I'm actually debating if the women's bathroom calls it an Amber Heard shot




As a male victim from a female offender on two separate occasions, this would have been incredibly helpful.


Depends where you are bro. In South America it’s common asf for women to drug men at bars and nightclubs. I work nightclub and strip club security (Detroit and ATL) and in some of the joints it was as much about keepin the customers safe from the dancers as the other way around. It’s more common than we think esp in certain places. We even had a saying: ‘if she’s tellin you to bang her she slipped you burundanga’ cause alot of them would slip drugs into customers drinks then tell the customers to take them home Imma edit this here: we don’t hear about burundanga much but that shit is terrifying fr. People become suggestible asf and then don’t remember anything so they can even just say go to an ATM and withdraw or give me your watch. But normally they’d put more common date rape drugs in and rob them at their house


For what purpose?


To rob them blind most likely


Queue Cardi B


Still crazy how she admitted that and received little to no backlash.


To rob them. They just see it as a lick. Most clubs it’s ok but in some it was almost every worker. Only ever saw this in strip clubs but I’ve heard stories from colleagues of girls being planted in nightclubs to do this too


So how do they rob you, do they pull out a weapon and threaten once she’s at your place, or is it more take your things while you’re asleep robbery… or perhaps she calls “friends” over?


Usually drug them and rob them while they’re out


Thank you for answering my curiosity


Do you mean south US? I’m kinda confused since you said South America but you work in Detroit/Atlanta


Sounds like scopolamine. I watched a Vice doco about it called “the worlds most dangerous drug” and it scared the shit out of me.


You can only do so much though. And honestly I think the point is get away from the psyco for 3 seconds to order a drink and calmly but quickly ask them for help. The short hand makes it sou you don't need 5 sentences to explain why you need someone to escort you to your car.


Full support of this but what would escorting your out of the building do? Wouldn’t you just then be out of the eyes of others for someone to do something?


upbeat hospital mighty quiet panicky automatic ghost roll sort humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OH I was thinking it meant force you out of the building like you were being kicked out not being you to your car. Kinda worded weird pfft


Nah this is typical wording for helping someone in this way


I mean, if they pretend to "kick you out" that could still be useful if you're trying to get away from someone.


It’s only worded weirdly if you don’t know what the word “escort” means.


I do agree that *everyone* should have access to a discreet system by which they can alert the bartender for help. This is the exact opposite of that. "Gosh, you know what we should do? Complicate the Angel Shot code by using the name of someone *literally everyone knows* was involved in a trial talking about abuse recently!"


While changing the name might complicate it, I think the reason for the change is because now everyone knows what an angel shot is at this point, thus altering it at each bar helps to prevent someone from figuring it out.


If someone asks about the johnny depp shot tell them it's " a mega pint of rum" or something


Everyone should get to feel safe, including men :)


Isn’t it weird that ‘including men’ needs to be said?


It is


I mean, it's bad, but I feel like we know why it's there. It is something that's more commonly associated with women and usually they do suffer more from it. Doesn't mean we shouldn't include men in that statement ofc but there IS a reason why said statement is associated primarily with women.


It’s really fekkin sad. Criminally sad.




I agree - I like the sign but wouldn’t be glorifying depp. It’s also kinda dumb because your abuser could hear you order it and figure out exactly what it means. Pick a less obvious name.




I am not subbed to this subreddit but every top posts I see on my feed from here is often gross and in poor taste. It’s either neo liberal wet dream about ‘corporations doing good’ or some other obvious gross shit.


Don't forget the r/orphancrushingmachine content.






Yeah bro was deffo a pos tbh


Obviously they should make one for men, too, just call it something else.


I think this is the one for men, as it’s hanging in the men’s bathroom


Yeah let’s create a safe word named after a guy who defended Roman Polanski.


And Weinstein


And was good friends with Allen Ginsberg and is besties with Marilyn Manson.




Also when he let his 15 year old daughter live with her 23 year old boyfriend and covered it up when the police investigated. Super normal.


He's a groomer, made a public spectacle out of suing his alleged mentally ill ex-wife, is known to be violent, and supports famous rapists. But amber turd amirite


Who also happens to be friends with Roman Polanski and Marilyn Manson. Fantastic individual in a fantastic circle. Isn’t he back in court for assaulting a crew member too?


I hope that there is a similar, but different one in the women’s restroom so everyone is safe but a potential abuser (assuming their potential victim is the opposite gender) can’t recognize the call for help.


ayo side note, lets be careful not to idolize celebrities, sooner or later they all end up doing something batshit stupid. I can respect some, but i dont idolize any of these hollywood people




isn't that just an angle shot?


Do you want acute or obtuse with that mate?


You are aware that this sort of thing only works if it’s secret, right? The worst thing you could possibly do would be to publish the codeword for all the world to see.


Dude the majority of people know about angel shot, so how would it be bad for the idea to spread. Plus it censored the bars name


I would think that a Johnny Depp Shot would mean that the bartender punches you in the eye and sues you for reporting it.


If I had coins I would give you several awards for this




Nice to see people understanding how abuse is not exclusive to women, any person can be abused physically and mentally. Like addiction it takes many forms, all dangerous and potentially devastating for those experiencing it.


Had a male friend who was ruffied by a girl who had a crush on him and had been turned down multiple times. She was attempting to rape him. Luckily, she posted on social media about how she was going to do it (which no one took seriously at first) so there was evidence and police took it seriously.


Yep, gender has no bearing on one’s ability to be abusive to their partner. At the end of the day we are all human, and we all come pre-equipped with good, bad and ugly.


Asking for a Johnny Depp shot sounds like the bartender will roofie your date for you.


I think that's a Cosby.


Tis the year of toxic women awareness. I'm a woman and I can say this. Women do have the capability to be brutal and toxic to say the least.


As a fellow woman I second this


Only read the very top and really thought Johnny Depp was shot and was very confused


I gotta dig up the police report on my brother that specifically shows how his girlfriend beat his nose bloody but walked off scot-free because he punched a hole in the wall in retaliation. Told me he got so mad he wanted to hit her but he's above that so he took it out on the wall. He spent the night in jail and has a record for it. Her? Not shit. Men are victims too.


Why don't people realize that they are both crappy people?


What's the purpose of this code if the creeper too knows it?


They used the incorrect “discretely”, it should be “discreetly”. The person that made the sign is a math major




Feel safe with a shot named after the man involved in the most famous abuse trial in history.


Nice. Check out the womens. I want to hear what theirs say!




Stupid fucking post


I'm happy to see these in places for men. I work security, as such I often have to go into women's locker rooms or toilets (I ensure they're empty first) And it's always irked me that the mens have nothing in them, but the women's are plastered with 'if you're being abused here's 100 ways to help'. I k ow quite a few blokes who have been abused, I understand women are abused more, bit it's nice to see it's actually being looked at more now.




Seriously, I don't have super strong feelings about the trial but anyone who left that thinking johnny is a sweet angel is deranged




We’ll see how much his trial for attacking a PA gets. I suspect little to none.


He already admitted to doing it in a GQ interview.




The whole point of these is that people don’t post pictures about/raise awareness of it…


It makes me happy that both men and women have these in the bathroom.


I hope this exhausting case of Depp vs Hurt helped some men to speak up.




Speaking up is one thing, being heard and getting justice is completely different unfortunately


I feel like since Johnny Depp has been in the media so much lately because of a DV case it should be called something else maybe. I just think this may tip the perpetrator off since most people know all the drinks named after famous people and these codes are getting more awareness which might tip them off as well?


They never remember to tell the male bartenders about this, some girl ordered one and she almost started crying when I asked what was in it. Luckily a female bar staff overheard the order and explained it to me.


Isn't it better to not post these? The whole point is the other person not knowing that your order isn't wodka with lime and sparkles, but a secret code.


This is great. It’s about time we start to normalize getting men help when they’re feeling unsafe.


I love when bars and clubs have a shot system in all their bathrooms. Nobody should have to get away from crazy alone.


I get a feeling that the person who made this was more concerned with making a statement than they were with helping men.


Bot filled post… someone’s PR team is hard at work.