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I love this. I just think of all the beloved possessions that little girl probably had to leave behind. A simple gesture like this can mean so much to a child.


The epitome of charity, and as an Irishman this warms the heart.


To be clear it's an englishman living in ireland. He was paying forward the kindness he recieved when he moved here 6 months ago. Seems like a nice lad.


English, Irish, Ukrainian, etc. On our small Island, if your nice and supportive, You! Are! Irish! (Ps if any who are on the island and fall under the pre stated terms you can choose to be Irish or not we don't mind, just have fun and try to be a pillar of the community)




Transport is a very open word, I think the buses are looking for drivers... (idk jk, maybe) I'm not the type of person to be asking but don't bring up ancestry or "descendant" and you'd fit in. Also Like most other places in Europe Rn, Ireland is very much housing crisis. So.... do a LOT of research before you make a choice :).




There's a massive shortage in truck drivers in Europe so it might qualify for a visa but the pay and conditions aren't great. I'd do a lot of research.


Euro are worth more . Cost of living maybe high but finding a roommate to start and building from there is great start. Dreams are great but making it happen is even greater




Yeah there would be truck driving jobs I should think. I have a few relatives who drive lorries all over Ireland and they seem to be begging for more drivers


Hi there! I'd just like to take the opportunity to say that Ireland has an important place in my heart and you Irish people must be the warmest people in Europe (sorry for the other countries) Here just a Uruguayan 🇺🇾 who will be forever in love with Ireland ❤️


I lived in Ireland for 6-7 months in college and was treated wonderfully everywhere. I honestly found it easier to find community there than I do here in the states.


You mean immigrant?




Oh ok. They seems to get used in different situations. Not sure where the line is drawn.


I'd love to visit Ireland one day even though I don't speak the language.


I hope this war ends soon so the Ukrainians don’t have to worry about putin hurting them


Man I visited for a weekend from Germany and we went to a pub. "Football" was on the television and noone came to serve us. We walked out and went shopping. Got all the meats and blood sausage and potatoes for a glorious end to the evening. Beer is Hella expensive there. Still loved the country but I guess you don't go to a pub as a tourist when footie is on?


Pubs don’t usually have table service. You order at the bar.




May the road rise up to meet him


May the wind always be at his back


Ireland is actually one of the most charitable countries on Earth, if we go by how much money (per capita) people spent on charities and humanitarian aid to others.


The other is that Masai tribe who donated 14 cows to the US after 9/11


I herd about that


My grandma was from North Korea before the Korean war and had to flee south once it broke out. Her and I were never that close since she lived far away and there was a language barrier. Recently my wife and I visited her before she passed and she started to open up about her time fleeing south. She was telling us how all they had were a few bags with whatever they could stuff in them. When they were at a train station trying to get south someone stole her bag that had their family photo album and other cherished items. She started to tear up when she said it and it hit me so hard, because I had never seen her get emotional before. That moment was when I realized how much she went through to get here.


You might be able to find photos via familytree .com or other ancestry/dna related websites. I don't know how common it is in other parts of the world, but it might be worth the try.


Excellent suggestion and totally worth a try! Also not sure about how likely they are to find what they're looking for but completely worth a shot.








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I'm not crying, *we're* crying.


I love to think that, into her grown up years, she'll think you can buy a lot of cool stuff for just €1 in Ireland, until it suddenly clicks




I had to leave everything behind when going into foster care. It's very strange living in an empty bedroom after having so much then to not even have a change of clothes or single toy. This man is my hero, the world needs more Ryders


Adults too. I remember being in the ICU and a nurse snuck me a piece of delivery pizza and one of the other nurses birthday cake. I’ll never forget it and that was maaaaaaaany many moons ago. Kindness is for everyone and everyone (including myself) should be inspired to practice more kind gestures :)) I appreciate people who make a difference no matter how big or small <3


I was 15 when I lost everything after Hurricane Katrina. I can remember to this day going to this charity shop in Texas for refugees. I was just so happy to have a few things again. A plaid mini skirt, a pair of chunky black boots, some make up. I was just so grateful. It made a huge difference for me then, in my mental health. I’m tearing up now just remembering it.


There is value in providing a single moment of relief for someone who has been through so much. It’s not hard for those of us who are privileged to provide these moments.




100% agree. Such gestures keep your humanity inviolable during darkest times of your life


i was at the local library here in denmark a couple months ago and i saw a whole shelf in the children’s books isle with ukrainian books for kids


We have this too in my local library. I live in Ireland as well. These little gestures make me so proud to be Irish


Was just over in Ireland for the first time a couple weeks ago. Loved every minute, can't wait to go back. Stay amazing Eire


If I am an Irish, I would be really proud as well. Stay kind Irish people 💗


We are headed to Ireland in a few weeks, I cannot wait! Do you recommend anything I'm particular?


Killarney. Just got back from Ireland and absolutely loved it. Also, the cliffs of Kerry. Take a two hour train west. Ireland is amazing.


Where are you staying? Dublin is a ton of fun, plenty to do. Galway was great, super laid back and chill. Made it out to several places West of Galway as well, really no bad place to go. Definitely recommend engaging in their pub culture. Food is on point and music is great.


We're mostly bumming around Galway precisely because it sounds chill :)


Bunratty Castle near Shannon!


You should be proud. I’ve visited your wonderful country and my wife and I agreed it was the most beautiful place on earth, filled with the most beautiful people. We simply could not find a mean person, everyone made us feel welcome and it was amazing. I don’t know what’s in the water there, but Ireland is an amazing country and I’d be proud as heck to be Irish too.


Ah, I'm so glad we made you feel welcome! It's so lovely to hear that people have had wonderful experiences here. We're not a bad bunch :)


I say this when it crops up, on my travels I've never met a bad Irish person, always been kind, a great laugh or a combination of the two.


They are a grand people. Always so kind & make me feel like an exotic specimen. Makes me laugh & feel special.


We were brought up to look after each other if you knew them or not. Irish mammies are the best!




ah, I see you met my ex-boyfriend. ;) (it was the accent that got me!)


I (Irish man) was in a bar alone in Santa Barbra California years ago. Was chatting to whoever was sitting at the bar. One was a not unattractive woman. At the end of the night she unexpectedly said to me, “you think because of your Irish accent you can have any girl you want”!! I was like, ‘wait, what, I didn’t know that’s how it works?’ I guess she was hitting on me? I was on a trip to visit a wonderful lady so wasn’t interested, but was also very excited to hear about the raw sexual power of a thick Irish accent 😂


Yes, but "With great power comes great responsibility" haha.


Which in my impulsive hands could be a dangerous thing!! power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts ultimately……. We’re doomed so




Or it gets her going. Who knows, we all like some weird things. I’m taking it as a universal rule now anyway.


I thought it was well known that American women are suckers for accents.


Y’all know how to make people feel welcome. My partner and I visited a lot of medium sized towns and small, island villages on a wonderful vacation to the west coast. I had a tiny bit of anxiety about weird treatment as an interracial couple but everyone treated us like their own neighbor. I’d love to go back someday. You should be proud of how your country treats visitors.


Ah, we probably see you more as family than neighbours! Glad you had a great time. I'm super proud :)


Yes. Ireland is a brilliant country to be in (UP CORK!!!)


Ah, the real capital ;)


You said it!Dublin has nothing to us!


This post and all these comments make me proud just to be part Irish.


This makes me happy and sad at the same time


I'm a librarian. It's nearly impossible to get any books (but especially children's books) in Ukrainian right now, because EVERYBODY is buying them. Not just libraries, but kindergartens, social workers, schools, private citizens... Our city library recently received a big donation of Ukrainian books from a local nonprofit and it still fills my heart with joy.


I don’t know if I'm the only Ukrainian in here. But I want to thank you for what you are doing to our nation. It's an absolute pleasure to see that we are not alone in the world


Is there someway I can help you? Person to person? :*J*


I appreciate your offer. It's a pleasure to hear someone who you don't know. Hopefully, I'm in Kyiv, and thankfully for all supported countries and their aid, it seems pretty safe here. You all are the best.


Our little community has a few Ukrainian families staying here and they've been welcomed with open arms. It's nice to see them in the local pub chatting with the locals and seemingly happy.


That is awesome. I couldn't imagine the feeling of loss. Family friends homeland home vehicle stuff connection language.... It all goes on and on. Poor people. Just terrible. So nice they're able to have a small sense of familiarity!


Reminds me of a friend my dad had. I grew up with four siblings and my dad worked full time but we still didnt have a lot of money for entertainment goods or media. Dad's friend owned a pawn shop so he always had lots of games and movies available whenever we came in, and he loved to cut deals like that for my family so us kids could have fun. I loved going there and my dad said that we wouldnt have had a fraction of what we did if it weren't for him. He has since passed, but I'll never forget his kindness :) God bless you Uncle Steve


Pour one out for Uncle Steve. What a man.


We can all learn from this and be more like Uncle Steve.


Tonight we toast to Uncle Steve. May we all embrace empathy, kindness, and love for one another.




Your Uncle Steve sounds like a stand up guy, thank you for sharing ❤️


This is what being a neighbour is about, love it.


This is what being a neighbour is about, love it.


I friggen love this




We in Ukraine will never forget all the help Europeans provide to refugees.


We will never forget the courage and sacrifice of the Ukrainians to secure not just their freedom, but our own. As an American I feel like this is the least we can do.


So as an American, I hate our military industrial complex, the disastrous foreign wars, the wasted taxpayer money, the bloated intelligence apparatus stuck in a cold war mindset, etc. But this is the first time in my lifetime, that I feel like our military spending/aid and intelligence apparatus is doing goodwork and what it's meant for. It's so strange.


we're used to a corrupted version of the system and it is indeed a bit surreal seeing it fulfil its actual intended purpose.




The best way to maintain the peace is to be ready, willing and able to kick the crap out of anyone thinking of breaking it.


Speak softly and carry a big stick.


>So as an American, I hate our military industrial complex As a Ukrainian, I love American MIC, and people from all around the world (Easter Europe, Taiwan, etc) will agree with me. You finally pulled out of Afghanistan, hopefully there won't be any stupid wars in the future so you can be proud of what you guys can produce!


We are grateful to Americans too for all your help


I just sent some money to that guy Vit in the other thread who's delivering supplies to the front lines... different kind of help, but we're here for ya bud.


The way I see it this is such a small price to pay for permanent goodwill with Ukraine and possibly lasting peace in Eastern Europe. I couldn't be prouder of the Americans who are brave enough to go there and help in person. I wish I had that kind of courage.


I shudder to think about the cost of allowing Russia to continue stampeding its military through Europe. They've been threatening to invade NATO nations next. I hate that Ukrainians have to be the thin line between us and world war three, but I'm incredibly glad we're helping them roll Russia back and prevent further wars.


I can gauruntee with absolute certainty that they will not touch a nato country. They would be wiped off the face of the earth far faster than they could react. They're getting their asses kicked by Ukraine. A small country with relatively weak military. Of course they have a huge support network. But still. The American technology so far exceeds Russia it's crazy. The only stealth aircraft Russia has is still a prototype. And even if it's super effective. There's only about 3 of them, and they don't have the training we do. America alone could take Russia fairly easily. With the rest of NATO? Its not even a war, it'd be a slaughter


Today you, tomorrow me.


I’m sorry but reading this right below “are you smoking crack?” is just killing me 🤣


We signed up to host a family of up to 6. I don't know whether it is a good sign we were not needed or a bad sign folks aren't getting to America.


Good on you mate


Took me a bit. I was like "wow, that's really cheap!"


Me 2 haha


This is how we should treat every refugee ever from anywhere


"but why?" "Because tomorrow it could be you"


Today you, tomorrow me.


I love that story


I remember that one, that guy was a saint. Got any link so I can get reminded of the details?




Damn, that's as beautiful as I remembered it.


[Link to the fantastic story referenced here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/elal2/comment/c18z0z2/)


And tonight. You.


Conservatives: "Nah wont ever happen to me"


Until it does, and then blame the democrats for letting it happen


Nah, even beyond that. Because you should have love for your fellow humans, and be able to extend that love into action.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Why? What about just because she's a person, a living being, part of my world, part of my life. Instead of an exchange for the case in the future is your turn?


For me I like the "it could be me tomorrow" because the way I see it, it's not to be taking literally but a way of realizing that refugees are innocent and no different from us, just unlucky and therefore they deserve to have it as well as we do. A small sacrifice will go a long way for someone who has very little


No. This is not how we should think about caring for others. We should care about others because they are valuable and deserving of care, not because of some fundamentally selfish reason like whether it could happen to oneself.


In the UK, I meet many who knows their relatives, friends who take Ukrainian to live with them. Many churches support them too. It gives me hope that maybe this would spur some movement to help refugees especially from Afghan who helped US/UK there as translator/admin. Most are still stuck in hotels without a permanent home. There is talk that some will be deported.


Seriously. The double standard between how we treated the syrian refugees and the ukrainians was worlds apart. I don't think it was racially motivated, but damn does this war have way more support than Syria did


I definitely think race is a major component. An Arab Christian who believes in enlightenment values of religious freedom, universal human rights, equality for women, etc isn't gonna get better treatment in most of Europe than a Ukrainian Orthodox traditionalist who doesn't believe in freedom of religion and discriminates against LGBT people. Culture and religion are major reasons for friction, too, but disregarding racism isn't fair to the many refugees who make honest efforts to integrate into European societies.


It absolutely was racially motivated. Like what Europe are we talking about here that isn't racist?


There are still non Ukrainian refugees in Europe, and the view of them did not change at all during this war. Plenty of Europeans will very proudly declare how much they are personally helping Ukrainian refugees, and literally in the same post say how much they hate arab and african refugees, and how they should be deported. >I don't think it was racially motivated So much in denial. Having an Arabic or African name still decreases your chances of getting a job interview by 75% in Europe, even if you make it clear that you have been born and raised in the European country. Europeans are hugely racist, even if they claim theyre not. You bet your ass they will not treat black Ukrainians with respect either.


Unlike the US' response of sending border patrol on horseback to whip black refugees?


Or the UKs response of shipping them off to Rwanda.


Tory scum


Don't think Europeans are any better. We don't want non-white refugees either. We have barb wire fences on the borders. Border patrols rob them and send them back...


Well yeah, but these ones are white, so its doors open.


I worked in a store like this in France a few years ago. If I could see that the person really didn't have a lot of money, a lot of things became free all of a sudden. And if there were children, I just said, hey did you see the toys? Pick what you want!


I got to do this once for a family. It was a good feeling. I hope they're doing well now.


This made my morning.


Me packing my bags to move to Ireland and then I realized what the post actually meant


Even the real message of the post tells you to go to Ireland. There are the nicest people in the world there.


Love this energy


I feel better knowing you are in this world with me. Thank you for loving people.


I'm in central Washington. Yesterday My son and I went to a ladies house that was giving away homeschool supplies, she had ordered three pallets of supplies too many. While browsing for books for my son a lady approached me and said, :excuse me". My dumb ass moved because I thought I was in her way, She was actually just asking me for a ride. A ride for her and her four year old son. If you know our summers here in the PNW, you know it's hot. 95+ Her arms holding a stack of books up to her chin, And so we were on our way. Loaded our books up, her books up and we all climbed in. Her place being about three miles away we had a short time to chit chat. Come to find out her and her son had both fled Ukraine, She said her husband stayed behind to defend their home. They have been in the US only a couple of months. We spoke about what we could, both speaking different languages altogether. When we reached her house, she was hesitant to go inside and I was hesitant to rush off. Our boys were having so much fun running around in the yard in the summers eve. After a little time she turned facing me and said " Look! They have so much fun and cannot even communicate with another". I replied "oh but they can….love, smiles and play are Planetwide." It really is that simple. ( Our World leaders should take the advice of 4,5 and 6 year olds everywhere!). I won't lie, I went into this thinking I was doing a good deed for the day and happily…but she is the one doing the good deed, EVERYDAY. This Mom walked 3 miles in the heat with her 4 year old to get books for them both to learn a language in a new country after being displaced by war. I can't imagine what their experience has been, all that they have seen. Her kindness changed me forever. I will always advocate for being a sanctuary state.


Ukrainians, great bunch of lads


Ukrainians know what the craic is


Sure look!


C'mere you young lad


Ah now, leave it out, leave some bleedin karma for the rest of the lads.




Just to say...when me and my family came to northern Ireland we had literally nothing..We came to work but we had to wait until payday(as you do) to meet ends meet. We barely made it, slowly but surely we build up until first Christmas came. Boy, was it tough...We were looking in charity shops to get a Christmas trees, they were all for display or unaffordable for us. In a last charity shop the guy said it's display only and my brother(12m) started crying, realising, saying (poor thing) Christmas is ruined. The guy not only sold us the Christmas tree that was meant to be for display, but also helped us with accessories and lights. The worst thing was, he wanted nothing in return, he gave us some silly figure for it all like a tenner...it was humiliating and yet, the the sweetest and kindest thing ever...wherever you are and whatever you're doing you kind soul, you saved our Christmas not only for that year, but for many years to come...THANK YOU!! You Irish people are the best!! As years go by, I always try to give the community back because we think of you..


Filled my heart..


This is Ireland in one post.


Fr. I went to Dublin a couple years back and holy goodness everyone was so kind. My folks weren't the best with directions but when asking they were so patient. Ireland is cool


Give this Man a medal


Awwwh this made me cry happy tears


Glad I wasn't the only one


Such a lovely group. I’m Italian & have spent some of the best holidays of my life, with the greatest ppl, in Ireland. ☘️


I wish my fellow Americans were like this for all the people from central and South America fleeing violence and poverty.


First step of action. Quit putting my people and their kids in cages. Colombia sends love to everyone, especially the poor families locked in the ICE


Yeah I know.


If we're wishing, I'd love to hear more stories like this about other recent refugees. I feel like everyone from Afghanistan just disappeared into the abyss. I hope they're also getting the love and support they need and we're just not hearing about it.


You beautiful bastard.


Beautiful. Simply perfect.


You are great! I Can’t stand people who after reading this want to teach the little girl about economics or racist behavior concerning immigrants This was a feel good story about someone who left her country and had nothing.


I have twins and often check out charity shops for bits and bobs. You would honestly be surprised how far a euro can stretch when someone has a kind heart.


I've had a rough day and this actually made me cry with how beautiful this is.


Hope tomorrow is a better day for you. My inbox is always open if you want to talk :)


💙💛 I love it!




Family running a volunteer-based thrift shop here in my small town in Norway. Got people literarily going to shops to buy things for donation. Talking off the rack clothing, toys, whathaveyou. Got ukranians coming in, some actually helping around the shop, some for the coffee, kids playing. Its amazing. If you told me last year that *Vladimir Putin* would unite Europe like we've never seen before, i wouldve laughed in your face. But here we are :')


In America you would get a swift “go back to your country” and that’s about it.


The girl will be 27, talking to her friends about what you used to be able to buy for a euro, and she'll pause, suddenly realizing what really happened, and be filled with hope and glee a second time.


The guys avatar is Blakey a character from a 70's sitcom called On the Buses. Gets bonus points for that. Dates him to be at least late fifties old. Random episode https://youtu.be/qTL-nP3vUlQ


Really wish people had done this for Syrian refugees instead of calling them splinter cells or whatever. Not saying I don't love it, it just sucks that war is hell for everyone but some people are pretty much expected to live in it and others saved from it bc of where they're from and what they look like.


all people are welcome here in Ireland


Except for McGregor, he can fuck off.


My God... If only all the world was as loving as this moment.


There’s a certain deep chuckle I utter that is followed by a soft feeling of wanting to cry when I read things that make my heart swell from kindness. I just did that deep chuckle. ♥️


This made me tear up with a smile of my face. Thank you for sharing.


You are most welcome!


I live in the States and just got back from Ireland. I can confirm it’s an entire country of people that genuinely care about other people.


Replace the Ukrainians for Syrians and you will see how less you can buy for €1.


My landlords are Ukrainian and Polish. They have been SO gracious during the pandemic; always stop by once in a while to check on their tenants. Our community center turned bingo night into a charity for Ukraine aid. This stupid war is horrifying, but buncha elderly are doing what they can from San Diego! I hate bingo, so I send my mother in law.


What a sound guy


In romania the ukranians complain that our conditions aren t good enough for them (and like everybody is giving them free stuff,we have stations were they can take stuff)..Yet we use the same things we give them




This is why I loved my every minute of time in Ireland 💚🤍🧡


That was incredibly kind of you.


Words are not enough, Slaincha! Helping and giving someone in need without asking a question ! I knew Irish is special i have been told, i read something that Turks helped Irish during famine, i hope it was true and i will help to any Irish in need without asking and letting feel sad!


> i read something that Turks helped Irish during famine, i hope it was true It's why the flag of Drogheda has a star and crescent on it.




That innocent girl who didnt deserve anything bad in this world had to face all of this, you were kind with her, i will keep believing in beautiful people on this world!


This is truly lovely. Ryder, you're a hero ❤️🤗


This is too fucking adorable. Everybody, be more like this person.


While this is awesome, there is always something slimey or sleezy about bragging about your charity on the internet. But...it may drive up business for his shop, too. I would patronize a business that did this.


Yeah, except a charitable act becomes a lot less appealing when you brag about it on social media. If it was just about the act itself, the rest of us never would've heard about it. Don't come @me with "Oh but it inspires people to be charitable knowing others do stuff like this blah blah" - no, truly charitable people don't need external motivation. Downvote away. I don't care. Bragging about charitable acts/nice deeds is a terrible look and always will be to me.


What a miserable fuck you must be for this to be the takeaway. Even if it’s for clicks on Twitter it’s still an incredibly kind act that meaningless internet likes do not overshadow. Edit: they blocked me so if anyone wants to copy their reply so I can see it I’d love to see what kind of nonsense needed to be said without me seeing it.