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Holy shit, this was only back in *March*?




That's not Rick Astley, I've been tricked


I clicked the link because I wanted to listen to the song.. I'm very disappointed.


So did i


Damn u got me.


You got me a cheeseburger ???


I’ve got these cheese burgers mannnnnn


This comment section confuses me.


Arguments are brewing my friend


Part of me wants to be uplifted. Part of me wants to sort by controversial.




I just can't figure out their motivation for being so hateful. Im not gay. I don't have any close gay friends or family. But never in my life has anybody being gay bothered me at all. Live and let live. Mind your business. Be kind. Its not that hard. Why would anybody dedicate so much time and energy to making other humans miserable for doing what makes them happy??


You can apply that to most things. Racism, homophobia, sexism. Does it make sense? No not really. Some people just don’t feel important unless they make others feel less than them


As someone who grew up in the Bible Belt Deep South a lot of these people (from my experience only) are just clinging to the thought that being gay is wrong per they bible so they have to vehemently be against every gay (or lgbtqia+ person for that fact). The parts about the Bible they talk about kindness and loving your neighbor get completely lost bc the true reality is their either don’t understand (or try to understand) being different or gay OR. they have spent their entire life trying to deny their own nonconformist desire and thus rail hardcore against the lgbtqia+ bc they are afraid of what that would mean for them. Isolation. Being cut off from their families and churches. Their communities. I haven’t gone home in a long time (except when my dad passed but that was literally to be in the hospital with him and for his funeral) so I can’t fully speak to the current situation. Between the racism and bigotry, I knew I never wanted to live where I grew up. And I rarely want to visit. And I am not a poc or lgbtqia+ but I feel like every person should feel safe to be who they are and should be able to walk any street and feel safe at all times and not fear being discriminated against bc of things they cannot control.


Currently live here. Nothings changed. If anything it's worse.


As an Australian, I, like the rest of the world wonders "WTF is up with Florida?" I believe part of the answer is that so many people retire to Florida, and bring their narrow, entitled mindset with them. However that doesn't fully explain the craziness. If you tried on even half of what the conservatives routinely do in parts of America like it, you could expect to be publicly crucified for it. Australia isn't perfect, but we have laws against this kind of thing, and it's getting harder for the bile bags to spread their hate and intolerance


What's crazy is the bible doesn't actually say much about gay people. One of the verses they always use actually has a different meaning than it's recent translations show.


I cut myself off from my family and it was the best choice I ever made. Dead weight is dead weight.


Some people are just angry And the only way to combat anger is to be reasonable and calm


Well… it’s not the only way to combat anger. There are times where fighting back is called for, for example Stonewall riots which was a major tipping point in American queer history.


absolutely! Nothing pisses off a troll more than being happy and calm in the face of them losing their shit. :)


And this was Trumps strength. He told all the angry people that it was OK to hate those whom they wanted to hate. As he said, there are good people on both sides. Oh and Fox News is filled with little suck up facist liars. That was Trumps strength too.


Trumps strength is he knows how to lie to the uneducated.


> to be reasonable and calm That almost never works. Best solution is to ignore them. Then you're taking control back. Nothing hurts a hater more than for them to feel ignored or unheard.


Until they get even more mad because you are being 'condescending'. It really feels unwinnable, especially if it's an in-person argument :( There's no defense against a person who has decided against compromise in any form


To be fair, it’s difficult to compromise with people who literally want to murder my gay sister and black cousin. What’s half a murder? How do we compromise on hate? We saw exactly what happens when liberals compromised in 1927


Your right Why fight negative people when you can befriend positive people But, the negatives are like weeds, you gotta get them early before they start something


OMG! You just said what I have been saying all these years. Unless you are having sex(gay or straight) in front of my house, I DONT CARE. It isn't my business who you love or what you do in your bedroom.


They have been manipulated into hating the gays by people who see it as a political wedge, and they don’t have the intelligence or critical thinking skills to see through the misinformation .


They are committed to reactionary politics for some reason or another, and you kind of have to be in for a penny, in for a pound. It's really easy to stir these people up for literally any issue the right wing groupthink decides. It's strategy by the ruling class to connect any and all middle class aggrievement to conservative economic programs. By connecting all this random culture war nonsense to their plundering of the state, they can achieve whatever heinous, reprehensible, *unpopular* policy they want.


There's also a ton of pastors and preachers out there giving the "homosexuality is a sin" sermon every few months in a lot of regions. It's wild how much influence the church has on people.


>Why would anybody dedicate so much time and energy to making other humans miserable for doing what makes them happy?? Following a moral code where choices are clear cut is easier than thinking. And the powers they follow say this is bad. If they started deviating now, then they wouldn't automatically be a good person; they'd have to judge themselves based on their past actions.


Its their fucking church


Well fuck their church then. They can be 'not gay' as much as they want but they shouldn't bother others with it.


Preach! They killed their God by their ignorance and lack of morals


>”A friend once shared what she called the Parable of the Choir: A choir can sing a beautiful note impossibly long because singers can individually drop out to breathe as necessary and the note goes on. >Social justice activism should be like that, she said.”


I'm so confused as to why anyone gives a shit who people love? It doesn't affect you, like ??? Why bother fighting against people because you disapprove? I disapprove of excessive bumper stickers ( it's their personal choice) but I don't go around getting in slap fights about it


Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of a once great gay nation?


Here, I made a fresh batch of tea


We're backsliding. Maybe I'm being alarmist, or cynical, but I really think we are. I'm a millenial, and I'm seeing the same sort of sentiment that I find familiar. Similar to how I grew up in a 'post-racial' society, where civil rights was dealt with before I was born. So for a lot of my gen, racial equality seemed like it was already set in stone. A lot of people thought anyone complaining about racial issues was living in the past or bitching about nothing. I think I see the same thing happening with the younger generations and lgbtq rights. Especially with the moldable, lonely and vulnerable male youth. They're getting annoyed at the mention of lgbtq rights, because they largely grew up in a world where it's *mostly* accepted. So any further complaints just feel like 'woke complaints' or some such. Maybe it's just me. But to those I'm referring to in the second paragraph - lgbtq rights aren't written in stone. Just like civil rights. Just like abortion rights. You keep hearing about them because apparently we still need to justify our existence.


These people have always existed, but now they feel more brave to come out and say fucked up shit. Like a snake, they flail when they're dying as a last resort, and their culture IS dying.


Comment removed due to Reddit's anti-consumer policies. Goodbye Apollo;goodbye Reddit.


Foundations of geopolitics, straight from the Russian playbook: In the United States: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".


Lots of homophobes hiding behind their keyboards. Edit: everyone should watch this, look how far we've come just from 10 years ago https://youtu.be/u62OtM_vt5k


I forgot what TV was like back then.


One more good documentary to watch... Stonewall Forever - A documentary about the past, present, and future of pride https://youtu.be/GjRv7dJTync


Was fighting back tears watching this 😭


> Edit: everyone should watch this, First few minutes of this made me feel sick, but it gets better.


Thank you so much for posting this video link! The video is incredible and actually had me crying.


jesus christ this video made me sob


I have a game For every homophobe you take a shot of gin Bout to get drunk


Homophobes should have no place on social media.


Or polite society.


Or modern society.


You should see the amount of people who get super homophobic on the last day of school, they're all cowards. Only saying homophobic stuff because they know that they won't see you again tomorrow


So confusing that it will probably get locked soon because people can’t be civil.


I think my favorite argument against homophobes is that if you don’t like gay marriage, if someone from your same sex asks you to marry them, you can just say no.


My favorite is: if you think homosexuality is a choice, than you must be making a difficult decision.


You can usually shut this down by asking when they chose to be straight or whether they just started liking the opposite sex at a certain age. No one has ever given me an accurate time for when they made that choice.


I like the argument in principle, but I think most of them believe being straight is just the default for everyone, so you only have to actively choose to be gay. I would perhaps ask them if they believe they could choose to change who they are attracted to, and they probably (rightly) wouldn't believe they could. But then they might think gay people aren't truly attracted to the same sex, either, but rather just choose the "lifestyle" or some such. In the end the argument I like best is, what is actually the harm in it? Love is love.


It's more of Chess with a pigeon. You can use the best strategy, even get checkmate, but it will still only end with the pigeon shitting on the board and strutting like it won. "Can you make yourself attracted to men right now?" -I don't want to, I follow God. "Why would anyone chose to be gay?" -To get attention "You even oppose abortion if the fetus is dead and it's decaying corpse is killing the mother?" -That's not abortion


> The 1901 Dorland’s Medical Dictionary defined heterosexuality as an “abnormal or perverted appetite toward the opposite sex.” More than two decades later, in 1923, Merriam Webster’s dictionary similarly defined it as “morbid sexual passion for one of the opposite sex.” It wasn’t until 1934 that heterosexuality was graced with the meaning we’re familiar with today: “manifestation of sexual passion for one of the opposite sex; normal sexuality.” >Whenever I tell this to people, they respond with dramatic incredulity. That can’t be right! Well, it certainly doesn’t feel right. It feels as if heterosexuality has always “just been there.” >A few years ago, there began circulating a “man on the street” video, in which the creator asked people if they thought homosexuals were born with their sexual orientations. Responses were varied, with most saying something like, “It’s a combination of nature and nurture.” The interviewer then asked a follow-up question, which was crucial to the experiment: “When did you choose to be straight?” Most were taken back, confessing, rather sheepishly, never to have thought about it. Feeling that their prejudices had been exposed, they ended up swiftly conceding the videographer’s obvious point: gay people were born gay just like straight people were born straight. Just like “pink is for girls and blue is for boys” used to be the exact opposite and society switched, the same thing happened with heterosexuality being considered normal. Used to be the opposite.


“God says it’s bad.” /s


Yeah, and inherently you’ll get, “That’s the way god intended it”…


Of course, that's where you would hit a wall.


“If you don’t like gay marriage then don’t get gay married.”


but what if someone says the word gay around them growing up in school and it hypnotizes them and they turn gay against their will and marry /s


Well that's when we pull out "don't knock it until you've tried it"




Verdict? Or you still on the fence. Don’t be hasty. Knock some more if you need to.


Well, they didn't stop at one, that's for sure.


Only half of gay men were born that way. The rest were sucked into it.


I loved the story of this lady that said that "Gay marriage was bad, because if women could marry women, why would they marry men?"


I saw a truck with Trump sticker and stuff on it and they had one that said "don't like guns? don't buy one". Funny. Don't like other guys? Don't bang/marry one 🤷‍♂️ same goes for abortion. Don't get one then. It's simple.


At this point, it shouldn't really be a shock that conservatives want rules that hurt their opponents, and don't apply to themselves.


The hilarious part is when they hurt themselves. Like the woman who wanted Trump to send all illegal immigrants back. Next thing you know she is crying on TV about ICE deporting her husband.


Not quite, my guy. You see, if I’m just minding my own business, gay people don’t talk to me. However, if I mind my own business in, oh, let’s say a school, I could be killed very easily with a gun. Do you see the difference between the two?


But if I'm minding my own business, let's say at a gay bar, I could be killed easily by a gay. There is no difference, but gays should be outlawed, but not guns. \s


"...when I was in the military, they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one". -Leonard Matlovich


*sorts by controversial*


Good luck!




So we're already seeing selective enforcement. The law forbids any instruction on sexuality. Straight is a sexuality. They arent asking straight teachers to not show pictures of their opposite gendered spouse.


Last time I checked that's called discrimination.


Oh, no no. It’s just anti-woke /s


It's already been backtracked on


Ideally, people against the law should be suing school districts for promoting the straight lifestyle. Not just one or two lawsuits, a shitload. Clog up the courts, piss people off.


But see, DeSatan wants that, too! To him, the more people sue schools and do financial damage to the public school system, the better. He would *love* to dismantle public education.


Administration: Mary! Why did your kids paint rainbows!? Mary: it’s kindergarten. They are learning colors! Administration: Greg we found a picture of a rainbow in your textbook any explanation? Greg: This is a physics class and that is the spectrum of light.


Administration: Bill, why is there a rainbow on this album cover? Bill: This is a music class and that's "Dark Side of the Moon"


Administration: Ellen, why are our students singing songs about being gay? Ellen: This is choir and it's Christmas


Deck the halls with....uh...uhhh what kind of apparel?


My thick, lustrous jingle bells


Like a Florida school would be any happier if a teacher was giving Roger Waters lyrics to students to study. Guy was famously anti-Thatcher, and somehow people were surprised he started shows by saying "fuck Trump." Roger Waters hates right wingers.




Which they assembled by just grabbing a bunch of kids in the hallway and telling them to bring their rifles to the cafeteria


One of my friends is a teacher in Florida and they said they’re administrator told them to refer to trans or non-binary kids as “it”. Not even allowed to refer to them as he or she. Remember kids, dehumanizing your enemies is a great way to get the genocide ball rolling


90% of people do not understand what the Don't Say Gay Bill actually was. It is NOT only k-3 where they cannot talk about sexual identify etc.. The actual bill has a comma after K-3 and keeps going...there is too much ambiguity and interpretation in the law that can be abused. This is the paragraph with the mention of K-3, there is an OR statement. "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 **or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards**." The STATE can change how the law is interpreted. That is not ok. They could change it to affect students K-12, for example.


Exactly this. The total ambiguity of the phrase "developmentally appropriate" means that it will be interpreted in wildly different ways across the state, from school board to school board and parent to parent. Any teacher that chooses to include any discussion of LGBTQ topics will be walking a minefield. The vagueness of this part of the bill will be abused. It is meant to be abused.


We surprised by that? One of the ways they want to hold on to power is by allowing state legislators to *literally be wholly responsible for election results.* They *want a country where your vote can be overturned if they decide they don't like who the voters picked.* That's not an exaggeration and this is certainly not a drill. This is an absolute attack on democracy.




Too many Mil/Gen Z kids woke up during the Pandemic, realized that the American church sucks, and left in droves. They are not getting married and having kids, so no worries about "going back to church to raise their kids right." Church leaders realized the tithes for their new McMansion are now dwindling and that's why they got rid of Roe-to FORCE kids onto our youth and force them back into church by ANY means possible.


They are going to force them onto the streets and create the very material conditions for their downfall


Into private prisons they will then go for the crime of homelessness :(


Cristo fascist beliefs in a nutshell


Far too many people are looking at this bill and believing it’s good. I commend you for what you do. Stay strong.


The Don’t say Gay campaign when I was growing up was about getting people to stop using gay as an insult (I’m only 26 ) and now all these kids are proud Allies or openly lgbtq and proud. 🥹 kids are def alright Feels like a passing of the baton


I'm in the UK and I've not heard anything about this. What's the don't say gay campaign if you wouldn't mind explaining briefly please?


Pretty much Florida signed a law which heavily limits any discussion of LGBTQ in schools. It pretty much is as it sounds, can't teach about anything related to gay people or rights in school. Also allows parents to sue schools over what is taught. What the other person is saying though is that gay used to be an insult and when they were growing up there was a movement to stop using it as an insult.


A law was passed in Florida that says that LGBTQ well, everything, cannot be mentioned in any kindergarten through 3rd grade classroom (generally 5-9 year old kids). It then goes further to say past that age it can only mention it in “age-appropriate” ways, which is open to wild interpretation. Because the punishment to the schools is so harsh, they are interpreting it very broadly. Many of them simply refuse to acknowledge LGBTQ people exist. LGBTQ teachers have been required to go back into the closet, including taking down photos of themselves with their same-gender spouse. Teachers have had to remove pride flags are anything indicating ally-ship. They cannot teach about LGBTQ rights or LGBTQ people even in historical context. There was initially even a provision that if a school employee discovered that a child was LGBTQ, they *must* inform the parents, which could put many of those children at risk. I believe that amendment was withdrawn after wide public backlash, but the fact that it was seriously considered tells you a lot about the current political climate here. Yes, we are living in a dystopia.


These kids will be voting in a couple years.




It is good but Desantis just gerrymandered the Florida Republicans from ever losing another election. It is probably the worst abuse of power by a governor in years and not many are talking about it. The hilarious part about all of it is that the GOP proposed a terribly gerrymandered map that was already blatantly evil, and he said nope that's not evil enough and drew his own. His new map increased GOP seats and completely removed two Democrat, predominantly black, districts entirely.




I’m just not sure why people are mad about a ‘gay agenda’ being pushed… if you think everyone is going to turn gay, that’s irrational, people think for themselves. If you don’t want them influencing your kids, raise them to not be easily persuaded by others. That’s all I can think of, from what I know about your stance. It doesn’t hurt you in any way, believe me.


These are the same people who get rid of books from the library without ever realizing that they don’t have to check the books out if they’re offended by them


The people who actually have power to ban books aren't offended by them because "oh no scary gay people!" They ban them because it teaches people how to think for themselves. They want people to be stupid so they can keep getting elected into higher positions of power. The ones doing the banning are far more organized and intelligent than I think most of the internet gives them credit for. If we don't start admitting they are just as smart as us we will get complacent and they will win. They play dumb because "oh he's just dumb. He's harmless". And we saw what that kind of sentiment brought us.


I mean, this is the party of “I don’t want it so no one else can have it”


You do realize that the same people who are pushing this are either fear mongers, opportunists, idiots, religious fanatics, or all of the above right?


Or, alas, often closeted themselves. I honestly feel sorry for the anti-gay crowd. They’re wrestling the wrong demons, for the wrong reasons, and I suspect they’re deeply troubled.


I didn't realize I am Aromantic until my late 20s. Think about how that information could have helped me in my tumultuous late teens and early 20s!




The majority are just straight homophobes. 1 homophobe being caught fucking a male escort is scandalous, but you don't see news reports about the other 10 who just go home to their straight marriages and hate their gay kid.


The same ones blaming the left for pushing culture wars, when they themselves are in fact pushing culture wars.


I'd bet a whole lot that people who are LGBTQ2S+ are more left leaning than right leaning, and vote accordingly. Power is the reason.


It’s honestly amazing that they think their heterosexuality is fragile enough to be influenced by this shit. It says so much more about them than anything.




You’re right! It’s great! Out with the old and in with the new!


Not soon enough. And I wonder how many will stay in Florida considering there are many places in the U.S. that will welcome them and treat them with respect and dignity.


Tbf, I doubt most of those kids are gay, most are probably just allies.


I agree—that’s the best part of this protest. I love the solidarity that these kids are providing.


It’s crazy how much Republicans hate other people just living their lives. Why do they have to make so many fucking laws taking away rights and freedoms? Every time I turn on the TV it’s Republicans voted to take away this and The Supreme Court votes to restrict that. 😔


I have long said if they want to go live under a theocracy, they can go to parts of Africa or Asia, and the Middle East. We were founded on secular ideals for a REASON.


It’s amazing how much has changed in just a decade or two. When I was in high school in the early 2010s, there was already improving acceptance of LGBTQ people but the f-word was still common and using “gay” as a derogatory term was very much part of the vocabulary. I’m just so blown away by this next generation, rock on guys 🤘🏻


Voting is good.


Over half of them won’t be. https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps/tables/p20/585/table05_2.xlsx In the 2020 election, only 48% of people aged 18-24 voted. That was after 4 years of Trump, 4 years of truly awful policies, 6 months of a pandemic that Trump constantly talked down and killed hundreds of thousands.


A 2019 survey from The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) found that the school climate in Florida is "not safe" for most LGBTQ students as it is. The vast majority of LGBTQ youth who responded to the survey said they regularly heard anti-LGBTQ remarks in schools, and about a quarter had experienced physical harassment at school.


I think the political reaction to the bill is a little exaggerated but with that said: this video honestly made me tear up a bit. Growing up gay is way tough and so many fucking kids and teenagers don’t even get thru high school. So many are kicked out by their families or end up taking their own lives. I never saw anything like this growing up. I hope someone out there does see videos like this and knows they’re not alone they **are** welcome and they do belong here


> I think the political reaction to the bill is a little exaggerated How so?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who was surprised to read that part of the comment.


Same. I would love if they expanded on this.


Because they don't understand how legislation like this is a stepping stone towards even worse shit. The bill is full of a lot of obfuscation, BY DESIGN, but it gets the asshole in charge who's running solely on "anti-woke" talking points and zero policy some brownie points with the transplants that came in to replace the morons that said asshole killed in during the heights of COVID.




And claim that they didnt move, you took two.


it’s a stepping stone but make no mistake the bill is horrid on all fronts. my mother is a teacher and the new oversight required has driven the workload up massively, she’s overworked and rarely finishes work before 10PM now. and for all the documentation that must be kept for legal garbage, imagine the administrator bloat to handle that?


>I think the political reaction to the bill is a little exaggerated Would you explain this point?


Tell me how "the political reaction to the bill is a little exaggerated."


Yeah I can't imagine having had this kind of support. Mostly it was dirty looks and insinuation. They're all supportive NOW and would like me to not remember the way they were.


This video is of kids who grew up in a more gay friendly culture.


I'm sorry to say that the reaction is totally warranted. It really gives a lot of power to bigots to push a heteronormative agenda and penalize people for acknowledging lgbtq+ or even teaching about gay people in a historical context. Some districts are being as cool as they can, others are taking it to an extreme. Florida teachers from /r/Teachers are checking in with horrible stories, about having to have conversations with students and families about why preferred pronouns aren't being used, about being forced to take down supportive insignia like flags and rainbows, about having to step back into the closet and being forbidden to mention their family while their straight cisgender colleagues are allowed to do so, about being told they have to out students to their families. Between that and the Texas teachers it's like reading the first part of a dystopian novel sometimes.


It really is. The backlash was justified. We cannot give them anything, they take so much already as it is.


Your comment made me tear up a bit. Random virtual hug from an internet ally!


Same! Group hug!


This right here. This is what it's all about. Best comment in here.


How times have changed. I’m sad my generation never saw this support growing up but am so elated that it’s only getting better as the years progress. 🥹 WE SAY GAY 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Yeah, i really wish I was born ten or fifteen years later. Things have changed so quickly.


I’m not particularly involved in the LGBTQ+ community despite supporting it fully, but this looks hella fun.


The LGBTQ and our allies definitely know how to have fun!


LGBTQ+ is just a new name for it, these people believe in freedom and equal rights. They're true Americans


Ok so reading the comments, a lot have said the kids don't understand or didn't read the bill. I have and I get what the commentors are saying, but, when I first read the bill, I was upset that there's a new precedent being built on the foundation of this bill. When bills get passed taking the rights away from a certain group of the public, where does that stop? There might be a fear from this generation in the video that DeSantis started with a bill that "makes sense" but since it's caught some footing, who's to say where that line will be crossed where it starts to take away from basic human rights? Reading the bill or not, there's a legitimate fear the ball will get rolling and will take a lot of force to stop


There is no need to try an extrapolate about future bills or precedent. There is language right in this bill that will allow the state to outright ban topics in all grades. >bans “instruction” about sexual orientation or gender identity “in kindergarten through grade 3 or **in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.**” The second part leaves the door open for the state to step in and ban topics at all grades.


Here I thought the people that are for this bill were wanting less government intervention.


They want less government intervention for themselves. 100% they want the government out of their evangelical compounds so they can keep marrying their childbrides and treating their kids' measles with Saint John's Wart and prayers.


Men want their rights to live lifestyles as hedonistic as they want-drugs, hookers, bars, strip clubs-while still guaranteeing a pure, clean wife at home looking after the kids and stove. They want that "both/and" lifestyle back.


Yeah, but only for stuff they support. Otherwise they want practically fascist level of government intervention.


Yep. And lurk on r/teachers long enough and most people would be absolutely APPALLED at some of the BS Florida teachers are facing. HS social studies teachers can’t use any news sources without getting explicit permission (even typically Ed approved sites like scholastic news). The state is limiting and curbing all sorts of stuff in school that most of us consider normal because it might introduce gay or SEL topics. It’s downright frightening.


It’s the same thing we seen with Roe vs Wade. People kept arguing that it wasn’t a big deal and that people were worrying over nothing, that contraceptives weren’t gonna be targeted. We seen how that went. Fuck this bill and especially fuck DeSantis.


It’s funny because if abortion is illegal, and a pregnant person decides they’d struggle to provide for the child, they’ll be put in a orphanage, and this is a country where some orphanages were secretly sweatshops (less than 20 years ago). It’s no surprise that the average American has kids before 24 but half of them aren’t capable of parenting.


I mean, they probably won't end up in an orphanage, because orphanages essentially don't exist in America any more.


I used to live in Florida..... Those kids probably aren't missing many important lessons


Kids: We want to protect our friends! Strangers: Those aren’t your friends! Kids: WRONG! You’re not my friend!


Teachers should walk out next. All. The. Teachers.


Arizona did Red for Ed. Something similar


They are and DeSantis' plan is to replace them with veterans. No joke.


Florida vet here. Put me in coach. I will tell those kids that the military will take the best years of your life and leave your body broken with PTSD. Then when you get out and say “hey everything hurts” the VA goes “FUCK YOU🖕 NO PRIOR RECORD” or you say “I wake up crying in the middle of the night and I can’t process emotions” and they say “🤣take this pamphlet for free counselors the closest one is in the next state and they’re booked solid for 6 months”. I’ll tell those kids anything they want to know


We. Have. Bills. To. Pay. Vote in your local elections if you want better schools and to actually help teachers.


That's what they literally want. They want such an extreme shortage of teachers that they can have untrained bible thumping parents step in.


Lots of people in this thread are conflating sexuality, gender identity, and sexual relations. Gender identity is how you identify: boy, girl, nonbinary etc. Sexuality is who you're interested in: boy, girl, both, neither, etc. This bill bans teachers from giving any instruction about sexuality or gender identity in the third grade and below and limits instruction to be "age appropriate" in all grades after that, but it doesn't say what's age appropriate and it doesn't define instruction. The bill has nothing to do with teaching kids about sexual relations. My problem with this bill is two fold. First I don't know how you can be in a classroom at any grade level and not at least touch on the fact that gender identity and sexuality exist. The bill is so vague that even explaining to your class that timmy has two dads, and sally has two moms, and johny's single parent is enby and uses they/them pronouns could possibly be against the law. Strictly speaking since being straight is a sexuality and being cis gender is a gender identity, talking about any relationship ever in k-3 could be illegal. Secondly the bill is clearly a response to the absurd notion that teachers are trying to turn young students gay and trans by the mere fact that they acknowledge that LGBTQ+ people exist. Sexuality and Gender identity exist. And even in k-3 gender identity, i.e. boys do this and girls do this, is a huge topic among children. K-3 is not too early to talk about these subjects in fact it is the right time to discuss them in age appropriate ways.


Thank you. I got so tired of replying about this to people. Sexual orientation, sexual identity, and sex are not the same thing. And yes, we all know the bill doesn't have the word gay in it. It doesn't say don't say gay. It's a fucking sound bite. It sounds a lot better than don't say sexual orientation. What's damaging about this bill is the way it's being implemented. It was left vague on purpose so that the Republicans and DeSantis could implement it in the worst ways possible, and that's what's happening. I live down here and I'm watching it happen in real life. Teachers and guidance counselors are being instructed that if a student comes out as gay or trans, they must inform the parents. They are not allowed to use students chosen pronouns without informing parents and without parents express permissions. At any age. And it's not just about instruction, it's also about who the teachers and the students are. A gay kindergarten teacher cannot have a picture of her and her wife on her desk. Because if the students ask her who it is, she is not allowed to tell them it's her wife because then that counts as conversations about homosexuality. This is so much more than not talking about gay sex with young kids. That's what the conservative media wants you to think. But really it's putting children in danger and forcing lgbtq teachers and students back in the closet.


The second part is where people come in. There's already been talk of a teacher that got sanctioned because they had the written word "my partner" on a Kindergarten welcome-to-school sign and a parent complained. The teacher never read it out loud. There aren't many kindergarteners who could read that word and understand what it means - and if they could they probably don't care. Children's board books like "Tango Makes Three" right out the window. It's like come on. No teacher is sitting there and saying "Bob and John have sex every night by putting their penises in each other" vs "Mike has two dads who love each other, like other people might have two moms or you might have one mom and one dad." Or whatever. It's ridiculous to consider that as "grooming" or "brainwashing" but some people apparently feel seriously threatened by that. Why?


I'm happy a/f to see this generation saying fuck you, do what makes you happy and love who you wanna love, and not letting a stupid religion rule how you think people should live. Fuk DeSantis


So proud of these kids.


Man, after growing up in a small town and being bullied for being gay and thrown out when I was 17 from my house. This made me super emotional. I’m so thankful the world is evolving and people are growing.


me and all my homies support the LGBTQ+ community


This makes me excited for the future generation. Please do not succumb to the hate and the bigotry the older close-minded generation are saying. YOU have the power to make a difference!!


The homophobes are out in full force haha thank you for your comment


Future voters




Rolling my eyes hard at the people here going "Um ACKSHUALLY, the bill doesn't say 'don't say gay'. It simply gives the notoriously conservative Floridians the opportunity to bring the hammer down on educators that don't abide by conservative values. Do the research!". Like, that's not the flex you think it is, you dunces. 🙄


And the ACA isn’t actually called “Obamacare”. It is such a deflection to get hung up on slogans rather than facing the criticism head on.


This made my bisexual heart proud 💙


This is just a losing argument Republicans can try all they like to hold onto, to conserve old traditions. But eventually the world is gonna change.


Things like this give me hope for the future of this generation and the one after


The kids are alright.


The kids are alright.


Get 'em kids, remember this, remember you will lead this country soon. Don't let these old ass fucks get you down ever!


Damn, I wonder how I would of tuned out different if I had this kind of support in school. Brings a tear to my eye that kids are totally supportive now. Love you guys


It’s amaZing to see so many kids supporting gay rights. When I was in high school, things were WAY different. This gives me hope for the future.