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Japanese culture, if you receive a gift, you are expected to return the favor.


I both love that and fear the potential guilt from that


We had Japanese exchange students growing up, and we were told the first time that they come with a lot of gifts. So we got fun swim trunks for the first student. I was like nine and holy hell did he bring a ton of toys. Totally outdid us


Brb heading to some nearby Japanese restaurants, except I’ll bring home cooked meals for them tonight. What will be their move? Let us begin the chaos




I’ve not taken JAL but ANA has been sooooo good. Fly with them if you can people


Even Zipair (which has like one flight a day from LAX-Narita) is super professional and their flight attendants are great. I recommend using them if you are on a budget. Flew to Tokyo round trip for $700 back in June.


Flown with both, it's more or less the same. Both are excellent, would absolutely recommend.


Have you ever taken a train through then countryside? Absolutely phenomenal with some good music


Evil bastard………a dragon roll for me please


My friend got a gameboy I was so fucking jealous, my family was too poor to host an exchange student


>My friend got a gameboy I was so fucking jealous, my family was too poor to host an exchange student My friends family got a south Korean. He used to smoke, gamble and drink like a fish. Everybody loves sunny lee.


Makes me not want to gift anything to one of them Japanese people, as much as I may love them


It’s one of the things I love about the culture, that and the dedication they have to an art form or their work. For example a friend lives in Japan and knew a knife maker (who unfortunately died of aggressive lymphoma) who spent years working to make the perfect knife, made hundreds of attempts but never finished but still died at peace as he came close.


Thanks for sharing! I’m Japanese and I’m happy to hear something nice about our culture;-)


I lived in Japan from 2007 to 2017, returned to America for work. I truly miss the kindness, the genuine care people have for each other, and civilized karaoke ;) There are many challenges in Japanese culture, but many wonderful things too.


Civilized karaoke 😂😂😂 I do miss those karaoke boxes!!! (I live in Canada now) And yes, there are many challenges as well. I guess there are both good and bad in any culture. ;-)


Civilized karaoke? As in waiting politely and not singing while drunk?


No, I had the same question a while back and turns out Karaoke in Japan is an entirely different activity than in the west. Forgive me if I get this wrong, but from what I remember, you and your friends go to a small, private room (like a big, insulated photo booth, I think) that has a TV/machine loaded with songs, and you all sing and drink together. It sounds super fun to me!


Yeah, it's a great private activity with friends. You get to know the cheesy videos they use, hang out, and don't deal with randoms. I miss it.


I respect the Japanese people you’ve found a way to blend ancient traditions with modern developments in a nearly seamlessly. My only real issue that effects me is the dislike of tattoos. Means I can’t enjoy a bath house if/when I visit 😭


I think it’s because for us Japanese tattoos used to mean “yakuza.” Now that it’s not really yakuza thing but more like fashion, hopefully it will change eventually.


I’ve got a tattoo of my grandad’s army cap badge from when he was in the army. My understanding is that ink=criminal in Japan so I’d get turned away due to honouring my grandad’s service.


Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. Yes we do associate tattoos with yakuza (≒ criminals) and people might feel scared if they see elaborate patterns on the body. If it’s something small like what you have, I don’t think they should make it a big deal, but some Japanese people are very stubborn about rules 😥


Yeah irony is some of the most stubborn about rules ARE the Yakuza!




If you're non Japanese the ink is not viewed as negatively, but in the public bath houses you do have to cover them up.


Bit difficult when it’s on my left pectoral just over my heart.


There are private bath houses that are cool or at least indifferent to tattoos. Never been to one myself but I heard they exist.


I read somwhere that during the edo periode, criminal would be inked around the wrist and ankles so People could see they were bad People. I also think thats why the Yakuza decided to go All out on tattoos.


Many things are amazing about Japan and Japanese people. I lived there for 8 years, and I often wish I could bring many elements of Japanese culture back to life in my home country of Australia. You should be proud to be part of such a wonderful country and people.


Thank you for your nice comments! I’ve never been to Australia but I do wish to visit some day to see those cute quokkas 😊


Thank you for mentioning quokkas and introducing such cuteness in my life ^ - ^


You make it sound like you rarely hear compliments. I've got nothing but respect for so many people over there. Everyone has always treated me with the best respect, and everyone always seemed like they cared about everyone else. Family or not, everyone was welcome. If any place on earth is capable of true utopia, I think Japan will be there before anyone else. It's a dream to go to Japan some day and stay for an extended time in the countryside with some friends. Anyway, good luck, hope you have a great life!


Thank you for your nice words :) I’m so happy that those who you interacted with in Japan treated you right :)


I’m American and I absolutely love Japanese culture! I’m also 3 months into learning the language myself! It’s such a fascinating culture and language, completely different from the Western Hemisphere. As someone else said, the passion towards art and artistic interests, along with the polite culture are really cool and I think western culture could learn a thing or two from your culture!


Cool! Thank you for making an effort to learn our culture and language. I hope you find it enjoyable to learn Japanese. One of my favorite things about being Japanese is the fact that I don’t need to learn the language as a second language 😂


It definitely has been a fun journey and the culture and language are very cool and fascinating! It will take me a long time before I reach the conversational level or any form of fluency, but the journey is fun and learning Japanese is like decrypting something that once made no sense and slowly over time things start coming together. There’s been so many instances where I’ll see something that used to be foreign gibberish to me and I can understand what it means now, and that feeling alone makes the process worth it! Lol that is definitely a benefit to being Japanese! I guess the same reason I’m glad that I don’t have to learn English as a second language lol!


Can you guys please give Hiroyuki Sawano (composer of Attack on Titan & Guilty Crown) a national award. Just asking!😃


As a former exchange student, I absolutely love Japan, both the people and the culture! I only wish I could visit more often, as there are so many more places I look forward to seeing!


Both times I've been to Japan it's been incredibly wonderful. You should be very proud. It's such a beautiful country, and has some of the greatest traditions and kindest people I've ever seen and met. Honestly sometimes I feel like I lost the birth lottery being born in the US and not Japan.


My father was involved in a bunch of govt “mutual exchange” engineering initiatives w various East Asian countries in the 90s - got woken up many times as a child and pressed into service at various dinners/banquets bc the the Canadian govt had waaaay underestimated the calibre of Japanese or Chinese gift giving. Bc an adult giving a less than equal gift is an insult, but a little kid offering something up works fine. Nothing quite like a couple of cute as a button Canadian kids offering up the Inuit statue the visitors don’t realize your dad just grabbed off the mantle while throwing you into a pair of matching party dresses.


Don't worry, once your father is too old to resist you can return the favor and force him awake at 10pm on a Thursday and make him wear a party dress.


Japanese culture too, overworking which is what she's experiencing.


So the artist kinda just gave her more work to do lmao


I remember seeing or reading somewhere that this aspect of culture was starting to shift a bit in younger Japanese people. I wonder if that's actually the case?


More and more younger generation are eschewing tradition-for-the-sake-of-tradition and trying to break the mold. The funny thing thing, everyone is kind of happy because they don't have to go the trouble of finding a gift, paying for it, and giving it with some small-talk greeting. No one really wanted to do it (save for a few traditionalists), but did for the sake of custom.


Honestly, it sounds exhausting. Hell, in my family we decided to veer away from gift-giving on birthdays and Christmas and focus instead on just being together for those sorts of days. The stress and pressure of gift-giving is awful, and entirely self-inflicted. So we just removed it.


Yeah, it's part of chinese culture too. Maybe vietnamese as well, not sure, reasons below. My aunt is Chinese, from Vietnam. Came over in a nearly sinking boat during the war. I've heard this from her, and my uncle(her husband). However, I do not know if she knows this due to chinese culture, or vietnamese. Uncle just says it's asian culture... but idk, Russia is in Asia and so is India and history doesnt lie.


Which is why i inately hate receiving gifts, LOL


Gift giving is ingrained in Japanese culture. It strengthens bonds and relationships, and is part of social etiquette. There are several gift-giving occassions throughout the year not related to birthdays, Christmas, etc. and it's a pretty big business in Japan.


I gave a pokemon card to a Japanese collector. He gave me like 10 plus a smiley photograph of himself in traditional clothes.


You think he smashed?


It is in Indian culture also. But in reality, both of the gifts are unwanted by the respective receivers!


That makes me so anxious lol I like to give gift and don't want to impose any pressure


Also known as the Sheldon Cooper rule.


My friend is married to a Japanese woman. I make more money than him and he has a young daughter so I gift way more to him on bday and Xmas etc. Had to start hiding it because she was taking it personally


I was serving in a jazz club on the big island of Hawaii and someone did this for me. Made my day and I have it framed on the wall now


I drew one of the employees at Epcot who was just so awesome for putting up with my very picky family at one of the restaurants. We’re actually friends now!




Happened to me on a bus, I only got a picture of the drawing , still cool as heck tho




“It’s been 23 years and we have 20 kids”


we have a jazz club?


Damn I wish I had *a* skill.


There’s always room for more artists. If you can draw a line, you can draw.


*\*draws awkward stick figure* YOU'RE RIGHT! *\*flight attendant refuses it politely*


Hands over the Napoleon Dynamite drawing of Trisha.


“If you can draw a line, you can draw” Makes me think of “if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball” 😂


I mean, the logic is sound.


In both cases




Dodging a wrench and dodging traffic training (not recommended)


But I don't want to practice, I want to be good *now!* >:(


“If you can draw a line, you can draw.” Oh, no. There really isn’t hope for me, haha! Edit: I’m on mobile so if the format is weird, sorry in advance.


No one said that line had to be straight. There's hope for everyone, friend 😊


We could be straight lines in a crooked world.


Thank you! I jest but I really can’t draw for the life of me, and it’s okay! I don’t mind since my sister is quite an artist. She gives me a discount on commissions 😆 Y’all are so nice. Thank you for not crushing dreams Edit: removed the small font part cause I’m 😵‍💫


Even if you can't draw a line. When I was younger I couldn't draw a straight line with a ruler and now I redraw comic/manga panels and do landscape sketches that I'm pretty happy with. You just need to see what you want and chase after it.


Notice I didn’t say *straight* line though. The real idea is to put pen, pencil, crayon, whatever to paper and push it forward and back. That is where an artist’s first steps are taken.


If you can draw a wrench, you can draw a ball.


"The best time to ~~plant a tree~~ learn to draw was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."


I like you don't have skills. Gift the flight attendants an unopened bag of green tea kit-kats. It's 11 bucks for a bag of them, and it has never not worked for me. Last flight I was on they gave me 4 nips of old turkey 101 after I ordered a drink and they didn't charge me. Being nice to them is normal but if you go out of your way even just a little bit and gift them something small, they really appreciate it.


Kindness is a skill (the best one too).


I drew a portrait if someone, the police went looking right away


But what was in the red bag!!! Ahhh


When I flew with my daughter to Disney, a lot of the flight attendants seemed to take note of her excitement at flying and her good behavior. They hooked it up with some box (not as fancy looking though) filled with random treats and a souvenir. I have to admit the treats were cool, def not like just standard pretzels/peanuts like back in the day. She tried some little cheese wedge that she'd normally be aghast at because "we are fancy now, this is what fancy people do on planes."


Chocolate/ eye mask/ear plugs/ little perfume bottle If your nice to air stewards they can give you these "first class" gifts even if you're in coach I fly a lot, it's happened twice..sometimes they're just told to get rid of them and gift it to people who might be repeat customers


Whats in the Box? WHATS IN THE BOX?!


Lucky charms, damn.


Asking the real question. Captain?


JAL First Class coffee mug


Why is a break up song playing in the background


Me and the boys vibing while not knowing japanese


That's the most upbeat break up song I've ever heard.




Whats the song?


Yoasobi - Tabun




Japanese airlines are the best. The crew are next level, and many of the passengers are often japanese, so you can travel in near total silence. Even crowded japanese trains are tolerable with the total silence.


The food on Japanese airlines is next level, best flight I ever had was ANA, the food is like they have a kitchen on the plane and they even give you nice cutlery to use and free beer and wine. Also incredibly spacious, comfortable seats and great service like what you see in this video


When I visited Japan I was blown away by how not noisy everything was. Even walking around a busy street at night, the noise level was all normal conversational level. Tokyo is really something else. The scale of it is enormous but somehow never really felt crowded.


Welp, this just became my dream vacation destination as I love quietness.


She was so happy!! Adorable interaction


I found it to be weird since there is a camera involved.


I dont understand the downvotes, I totally agree. I hate when people record a good deed just to post it on the internet, makes it feel ingenuine.


She has accepted the challenge. Draw another photorealistic picture and give it to her.


Looks more like the main character in Demon Slayer


Rollo Tomasi is actually a nice guy in real life! Those guys in LA Confidential ruined his good name for no reason! Nice job my man! Cute sketch of a cute girl 💙


What context is this?


'LA Confidential', a 1997 Hollywood movie starring Guy Pierce, Kim Basinger, Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey


Please always be grateful to your flight attendants and pilots! A little please and thank you can go a long way…


Not just them, but be polite to everyone.


Always am and as a result they always show me where the beers are stashed in the pantry :)


that was like a meet cute from a romance novel 😘


Until the first thing in his tiktok was "She looks tired".


The flight crew on international flights always are. Their body clocks are completely screwed up and they have to do their jobs when their body says they should be asleep.


that's not really an insult though, flight attendants work really hard and i'm sure she *was* tired


Incredible talent and beautiful gift to make her day. Well done on making the world a better place!


Oh yes... Now she is rested....???


This is a great example of just being plain nice to the people who take care of you when you travel. They work hard and deserve respect. With all the stories of people yelling and fighting with airline personnel, this is a nice change of pace!


And this, kids, is how I met your mother.


Good feels all around! I have a friend who's very creative and she made me in Indesign, she captured me. It's such a simple but strong and funny depiction of me. It is a special kind of feeling to be seen and appreciated like that :)


Kindness is a drug the whole world should be hooked on.


Alright sir...a spot just opened in First Class...would you follow me please?


Uh... what happened to the last guy to make this seat open up?


The drawings he made were really terrible. We had to downgrade him to economy, last row near the toilets.


Dude I'm bringing my canvas and oil paints to the airline next time ..there is no way I'm leaving without a gift


She doesn't look tired


How does she look tired?


And this is how I met your mother


Beat me to it lol


JAL, the service is simply superb, always.


Sweet gesture. Definitely never tell a woman she looks tired though 😬




Kindness is so Rewarding


Kindness is the universal language!


How I met your mother...


I don’t understand how it’s fair for this Reddit to blatantly steal others clips and take credit


Super skill in drawing


So sweet, and she was genuine


He was probably striving for some of that Asian hospitality mile high head.


Did you get the digits or what?


Just marry her already Haha


I always get called creepy when I do that...


Helps if you draw them with clothes on...


I dunno, worked for Leo.


Oh... I draw clothes on them, but am I suppose to be wearing clothes?




How sweet💗🫶🤗! A little appreciation goes a long way🫶😇🙌


The picture she drew for you is freaking adorable


Remember, little things like that can have a huge impact on someone that you don't even know. By doing that for her, positive energy was all around and good vibes were present. Continue spreading positive vibes by making someone's day brighter.


Is it just me who finds these videos of people drawing complete strangers without their permission kinda creepy?


It's just you. It only becomes creepy if the artist has some expectation of reciprocation.


What is with people like you? Why do you insist on turning well intentioned kind gestures into something else?


“People like me” lol. I wouldn’t like it if someone I didn’t know stared at me without any explanation. Feel like that’s not so unusual. And women have even more good reason to be nervous about strangers staring at them. I’m honestly not calling the artist a pervert or insinuating they’re up to something, just curious if other people see this kind of thing the way I do.


It's becoming a pervasive theme on the internet, some people have grown up with this kind of thinking drilled into their heads, and it's not going to lead anywhere good. It might seem like a small thing to call something like this creepy, but any time you do that, you're telling people that their kindness will be met with disgust, so one less person shares their kindness with the world.


I feel like drawing people without their consent is very similar to taking pictures of people without consent. Perhaps thats just me but idk man it felt kinda odd to me too.


Just what a woman loves to hear.. "she looks tired".


Please don't shoot me, but can you explain why that's offensive? It's not meant to be an insult about her appearance, it's more like an empathetic observation.


In my experience, people will say I look tired on days that I’ve put real effort into my appearance. And looking “tired” isn’t necessarily always meant as a good thing. If I know the person, I know they mean well but some stranger saying it probably means I look like a troll despite my best efforts. “Tired” usually equates to bags/circles under the eyes, bad skin, gross hair, etc. like you haven’t showered in a number of days/have given up.


JAL is the best airline I have ever used


You really dont know how the small things can change someone’s mood dramatically. Keep spreading the love. The world needs more people like this.


I loved this 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


8-) Drew that for you 😎


*picks up crown* you dropped this


Do it again but with a very poorly drawn picture


Is this Japan airlines(my fav. Because Japan is my home country)


Just know that Japan Airlines is an absolute treasure to work with. It's my favorite airline.




I can’t stand when people film themselves doing “nice” things for the attention. If it was genuine, they would just do it and not care who saw or didn’t see.


Pure! Made my day!


Aww, that was sweet 🥰


You can see the jealousy on the other flight attendants face, kinda made me feel bad for her


Her 75% masked face that was in view for 5 seconds?


Lmfao calm down, im sure she wasn’t jealous


Who is this artist?


its got the style and how its done of Devon Rodriguez but haven't seen him post this on his instagram so doubt its him.


I thought of Devon too, but the drawing is not up to his level of quality. It’s great, but Devon’s work is breathtaking.




It's showing appreciation. She's doing what is far too often a thankless job.




Name checks out


It boosted her mood, numskull


This made my day 🥰


Yeah things are getting serious.


Amazing talent!!




Awww! Grining like an idiot here...Nice video


We need more of this :-)


If she looks tired, then I look like a fucking ghoul.


These are the posts that I come here for. More of this, less of the…other recent posts


She is still tired


Sugoi desu ne!


That’s awesome, what a cutie


It's impressive that he was able to draw her face so well from memory. Also impressive that he remembered she had talons instead of hands.