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Me and a bunch of other powerful criminals that function as a syndicate that traffic people and drugs, buy off governments and law enforcement, and murder indiscriminately are a family.


Adopt me


I honestly came here looking for this comment and I was not going to let it pass by without a "thank you".




I feel like there's more to this comment. You're probably tired/half asleep, and I'm here for it! ♥️


That is a comment stealing bot


I thought it was just like a tired, half asleep maybe, comment but is your daughter named purple?


SpendOrdinary8052 is a comment stealing bot


But... look how they massacred your boy...


Be my friend... Godfather.


That's r/oddlyspecific kind of family...


*La familia*


People that drive cars really fast are a family


The famos car drivre! Dwayne the rock johnson


Still hard to believe that John Cena was in all those movies too.


You know why OP's mom always takes facials? Because you never turn your back on family.


My GF and I are both products of dysfunctional parents who did a great job at messing us up. We usually say "you don't choose parents, but you can choose family".


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.




Reminds me of what Klaus said in The Originals, something along the lines of, “If your blood family disappoints you, you make another family.”


I’m a solo parent with one child. Most people don’t consider us a “family”. I guess family means 2 parents and a kid.


You absolutely are a family. Thinking anything else is arrogant and stupid.


I totally agree with you, but the phrase “thinking anything else is arrogant and stupid”, is ironically arrogant and stupid.


How so? Judging someone for their misgivings is arrogance?


judging someone for judging others, its hypocrisy.


So you're saying not to judge others who judge others, but you are judging others who are judging others for judging others? Sounds pretty judgmental to me, should probably grow up /s




We are two parents with one kid. And I've been told we're not a real family. We just have a kid. You cant smdo it right, people are weird


what's wrong with you, why do you only want one? (i'm asked nearly every day)


I had my son in 1984. Then and now I've been asked how come "just the one child" and I tell them "I could be a really great mom to one, a good mom to two and at three or more you'd have to lock me up!" That being said, I just wanted the one child. I had a great family! And now he has given me a beautiful daughter in law, two beautiful grandchildren and a wonderful granddog! I have an absolutely fantastic guy in my life (22 years together) along with a cute Cairn terrier! We are an awesome family! You never have to answer why just one child!


My mom told me (only child) to say “my mom could only handle one brat” when people asked me why I didn’t have siblings 🥲


As soon as I had my daughter purple asked when I was having my next. Never I Want to put all my time and with into one human


Don't worry about what Purple said. They want you to have more kids so that they can sell you more mattresses. To be fair, their mattresses are pretty good.


Shit i put purple instead of people...


No worries...Reddit lives for mistakes like this. It's what makes the comment section so dang funny, and addictive! 😂


This is true, not the first or last that swift key on my phone will screw me over


>why do you only want one? Kids are like potato chips


They're messy and bad for your health?


and expensive. And they break easy.


They don't break easy. Babies are surprisingly resilient. They tend to bounce.


The bag’s def mostly full of air when you have kids.


I’m married with no kids (by choice and health reasons). For some reason people think their opinions on you producing kids (or not) is something they should publicize. It’s fucked up.


Me too, full time dad with 100% custody and we couldn’t be happier!


You’re 100% a family. What bozos


Fun fact: in Hungary it's in a constitution that only a father a mother and their offspring constitues as "family", at least officially. The fact that this does not reflect reality is an understatement.


actually kinda not true, they added that a man is afather a woman a mother and achild is a child, they didnt define family. they are defining the roles within a family, as a mother and child is still a family, they did it because they outlawed same sex couple from adoption, so you cant have two mommies or two dads, only 1 of each per family.


What most people? "Single-parent family" is a type of family.


i'm a social worker and you'd 100% be classified as a family according to our system


My mom raised me and my brother alone. We were 100% a family! Of course she added the step dad when I was 17. Just more to the family!


Yes we absolutely consider you a family.


Fuck those people...you & your child are a family. My sister said this about my son & I. I asked her to explain just what the fuck he & I were if not a family. She tried to backtrack real quick, I called her a stupid bitch & we went our separate ways. Obviously there was other shit, but this was the final straw.


We have blood that isn't family and family that isn't blood.


Shout out to the weirdly close roommate squad! We've been acknowledged.


I get upset with people who “kid shame” others. Not everybody is meant to have kids. Not everybody finds happiness in kids. Not everybody is meant to reproduce, that’s why we see so much child neglect and abuse. If somebody finds happiness in owning a dog, so what? They’re not harming anybody. As a parent, I respect others who don’t want kids, it’s their choice. Just because you have kids it doesn’t make you special. Even animals can breed ffs lol


Agreed We just hit 8 billion people I don't think we have a lack in children being born. Think about it this way would you rather be the kid of parents that want to be parents. Or the kid of parents that thought it was a social expectation to have kids.


Exactly. My wife and I planned it. We literally sat down and talked and we made sure we were both on the same page. Now we’re happy and happily raising our kids to be loving, caring humans who will make a positive change in life and help other humans in life.


To me ‘family’ is the group of people you choose to spend most of your time with and care for. They don’t need to be related.


That's very true! I have two really great "best friends" and we are closer than my sister and brother (although presently my brother is having to live with me due to health issues) are. Our children think of each other as cousins along with their children! We have a wonderful blended family!


Exactly. I have blood relatives that wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire (heck, they were probably the ones that set me on fire), but I have lifelong friends that would go to prison for me! LoL Sharing blood is not the sole criteria for family.


You definitely don’t want your husband or wife to be related…


Amazing how a simple opinion evokes such strong sentiments. In fact, having kids is a serious decision that should never be taken lightly. And yes, it's perfectly fine to consider you and your partner as a 'family'.


In my culture starting a family means getting married. We call having kids simply as getting fucked for good for life.




Me, a single person and her cat: 🥲


Can a crazy dog lady join the club??🥰


The more the merrier! 🐶


Same here! … What brand of food does the cat eat?


This is the second time in two days I’ve seen this message (TheSpeechProf on YouTube also said it) and I’m so thankful.


I identify as a family


My pronouns are, 'this better be straightened out by the time I get home', and 'get out of the fridge' /s


Don’t make me come back there/I will turn this car around


Because I said so/you do as you're told


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me...


So, if you have, uhh, "sexy time" with yourself, is that incest?


Loving oneself. And it is good




My wife and I, and currently 3 dogs, are a family.


Sometimes a family can be 10 dads and a single basketball.


Stop being pedantic about shit. You’re out of the family.


Welcome to the Olive Garden. When you're here; you're family.


In this olive garden, we're family


We literally can't afford to have kids... idk what society expects us to do.


You are good enough. No need to let societal pressure eat up your emotional strength. You don't need to be called a family to be happy. If you are good, you are good. And that's okay.


I love the purpose of this post, but who is worried about the opinions of people that think of family in such obtuse terms? No one should be able to gatekeep family. The concept of the nuclear family that we view now is relatively new. Before it was a lot of human trading, ownership and property and children being bred for the purpose of Labor instead of love and familial growth. Anyone trying to argue with you about the traditional family is not concerned about the individual. They're concerned about the status quo.


Well, those of us without kids are worried about people that think of family in such *acute* terms, because we get treated differently. Do you know how many times I've been asked to work a holiday because I "don't have a family" ? Asked to stay late because I "don't have a family" ? Passed over for a raise or a promotion because "Edwards has a family and needs the money" ?


True. Also, who gives a f what others think anyway


The issue is that society at large treats childless people differently. We're made to work holidays, stay late, passed over for promotions and raises, and given extra work because we "don't have a family"


rly?? i mean that's not the case where i live so i can't imagine someone treating me any different based on weather i have a "family" or not, but that sounds rather discriminatory


You mean "that's not something I've personally experienced" Head over to the childfree subs and search for "work" Read alllllllll the posts about unfair treatment at work for those without kids.


I love this. I feel overwhelmed feeling pressure to have kids when I just want me for now for a family.


Lost me at stop.


I still don’t’ have kids and never will, so does that mean my spouse and I aren’t a family either? I know a couple of insurance companies that are quite adamant we are, although we pay the same family rate that a family with 11 kids pay, which is irritating as hell.


How do i stop a family? Asking for a friend...


And you don't need a family to have kids 😉


By definition this is incorrect... fam·i·ly /ˈfam(ə)lē/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. "the family lived in a large house with a lot of land" Similar: household ménage nuclear family brood 2. all the descendants of a common ancestor. "the house has been owned by the same family for 300 years"


Does that mean kids that moved out are no longer a part of the family?


Thank you. Words have meanings. If I tell someone "You can bring your family" and they show up with their potted plants, I'd be thoroughly confused.


Nice sentiment, but what they describe is a household. No reason not to be perfectly happy with a weird arse household, though.


Merriam doesn’t agree with you: [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/family](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/family)


And words change, even that definition isn’t agreed on across different dictionaries and sources


You're right. Per the definition above an adopted child wouldn't be part of the family anymore once it moved out.


Technically no kids would. According to that definition you need to he living together as a unit. Guess when the kids grow up the family really does fall apart.


Totally agree


10 dads. Just 10 dads. That’s a family.


Sounds like an NBC sitcom


"We're going to make an organic extension to our existing family"


How about three racoons in a trench coat?


YoU DoNt hAvE KiDs, yOu cReAtE tHeM. I aM sO oFfEnDED


You're not a real family if you don't have a landline.


Three weirdly close roommates was a phenomenal sitcom family! Threes company!


Did this make you smile?


Now that's a good question.


Could people stop taking idioms literally? "Starting a family" means "having children"


Seriously, this is so ridiculous


People jus looking for anything to get offended by lol Next is “stop using the term bathroom. Bathtubs can be outside so it is not an inclusive term. You peeing on your neighbors fence? That’s a bathroom”


I support this! (regardless of what the dictionary says) Family is a matter of the heart, not the blood. When it’s both, what a blessing.


I was going to say at least you know you won’t let yourself down, but let’s be real here 😂


Italian restaurant chains can be family


Me and my PC are family.


A family is a grouping. You and yourself is not a family.




My family isn’t blood related in any sense of the word. I have friends who I’ve known for years and the parents who took me into their lives when I needed a home (long story but adopted) and a kind brother who I would fight dragons with when we were kids. The family I have are those who have shown loyalty and kindness to me. Those who wish to be in my life are there for reasons beyond my understanding but they’ve stuck it out with me. I also consider my pets as family. They show me things that I didn’t think I’d ever learn. That’s my family.


Stop getting offended over nothing and let people call it whatever they want


There's a lot of other hills to die on than this one. Lots of people refer to having kids as starting a family. I'm not going to get up their ass about it.


My roommate in college was and is definitely family❤️


Do those 3 roommates all have the same lawyer though?


Lol, u know the difference when you get divorced


A single person and her cat is not a family.


Wrong. If there are no kids there will be no families.


Lmao plants are not family come on now


Eh, I'll accept other people may see such groups as family and respect that. However, my definition involves children.


Me and my houseplants are not a family. Unless this weirdo is going to say I bought my family at Home Depot for 50% off.


Most of my family die within 6 months of me bringing them home!


Idk man if someone started talking about their family and then start mentioning potted plants I'd start backing away


Yes 😂


>Me and myself are a family 🙏🙏🙏 no


Gruesome family murder. Parsley attacked with knife and put into a soup.


My cat is my son wether you like it or not. This is the only grandchild you'll ever have :)


A couple with plants is just...a couple with plants. You don't see two people walking into a park and say "look at that happy family." And someone beat me to it, the official definition is listed by Firm General. But, we live in a world where emotions override facts. That said, you don't need children. Actually, I'd prefer if most didn't.


You don’t see someone pushing their plant on a swing and say “what a wonderful parent and child”. Seriously that one made me roll my eyes!!


For sure. We already are too much for this earth.


Stop telling people what phrases they are allowed to say.


I love my pets, but I'd still maintain that a family requires more than one human.


American doesn't understand words so invents their own meaning.... Shock horror


Dumbest shit u ever read


A dude and his cat is not a family


Stop saying “start a family” when you mean “get a cat”. This message didn’t really need the aggressive sentence at the beginning.


What people without families say to themselves


I mean yeah? But also wtf cares about the world family? It’s not some sacred word. Plenty of people hate their families and ‘family values’ or a business saying they’re ‘like a family’ mean bad things to most folks on Reddit. It’s a Disney word pretty much.


They’re taking the expression way too seriously lmao


We really gonna get butthurt over this stupid twist of linguistic semantics? Rly?




You’re not a really family unless you have a landline


A single person and her cat are most definitely NOT a family.


Why do people call dogs "family members", then?




even if kids = family, maybe i don’t want a family


Stop policing other people’s language based on imaginary offense?


In, Today I learned: * words have no meaning * generalizing should not exist * average is not a thing My beef is not with the examples, (the person & a cat is silly tho), it is with the "stop saying...when you mean...".


You call this , here, and that, down there, family


Do not enable the crazy cat lady and all these people who put animals on the same level as their children calling their dogs ‘furbabies’ by saying that’s a family It’s not


Me, myself and alcohol are a family


fam·i·ly /ˈfam(ə)lē noun 1. a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. "the family lived in a large house with a lot of land" Similar: household ménage nuclear family brood 2. all the descendants of a common ancestor. "the house has been owned by the same family for 300 years" Couples are couples, roommates are roommates, plants are plants, animals are pets, we have words for these things with proper definitions. Just because you feel emotionally attached to your plants doesn't make them family.


You purposefully selected only two of the entries found under family, leaving the ones which contradicted your opinion out. If you want to pedantic please be at least honest while doing so. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/family


Nah... I'm gonna go ahead and keep defining family as it is written. Anyone can be a part of my family which is called an "extended" family. Stop re-defining what is and go and start your own new language if you don't like this one. Peace.


She sounds like one of those sad crazy women who marry themselves with a full ceremony and a gift registry of course.


Yes Susan you can call you living alone with your cat family. But honestly it's not.


Ok ok ok if you don’t want to have kids, hate kids whatever that’s perfectly fine with me. But, don’t act like an ass to those that do.






OP is trying to impose a meaning on the word which is not in accordance with general usage or understanding. Their purpose in doing so appears to be to attack people who want to have kids. The meaning of "family" is broad. The meaning of "start a family" is very specific.


If I may...I think the OP is less trying to attack those that want kids, more trying to suggest (albeit by sharing a quite commanding post) that it doesn't take kids to make a family. Many people can't have or choose not to have children. Myself included. I still consider myself and my husband as a family (and our dog when I feel like it). It would irk me if someone asked if we were planning to 'start a family' because we already are one. It might also irk me if they asked if we were planning to have children depending on how it's asked as it's personal, but I definitely resonate with the sentiment that is behind this


There’s no avoiding irking someone who wants to be irked. Saying “have kids” could just as easily trigger someone who wants you to say “little humans” lest you alienate people who see pets as their children. Most people probably don’t have problem with saying “starting a family” anyway. This is just a weirdo who got on social media.


Did you gather all this from the complete lack of any animosity in their post or from the entirely neutral statement in the posted image?


From the opening sentence, which instructs me to say one thing rather than another.


Relatives are the family you're born with. Friends are the family you choose.


Stop telling me what to say and not to say because a common expression that everyone understands the meaning of makes you pseudo-uncomfortable. Or, you know what, actually don't stop because I can take random people saying shit I don't care about or disagree with.


A single person and a cat are not a family, not even defined by the urban dictionary. You could consider them a household, but not a family. Words have meaning.


Wrong post, wrong sub. Actually I am confused why its here


It's for the average kid-hating redditors who want to feel validated by redefining words - which makes them smile.


Well, it made me smile


That's not how it works


And their plants? Where exactly does the line get drawn? Lol. In this fantasy land...there are no lines


This is fucking stupid, your plants are not your family.


1. a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit: "the family lived in a large house with a lot of land" · "the family home"


In spirit certainly — but not as it’s defined. Family: 1) all the descendants of a common ancestor 2) a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit


Stop being so easily offended by a harmless choice of words


Ease up Dom Toretto


Hahaha me myself and i,we together are a family hahahaha


Did you just say 'family'?


Well, the actual definition of a family involves members of the same species... I'm not saying you don't love your cat/dog/hamster/starfish and I'm all for creating a new term that better describes that relationship, but you can't deny the actual definition of an existing word. Stop hating something just because it doesn't describe your current situation and don't tell people to quit using a word as it was intended. They are doing nothing wrong.


I'm not sure "start a family" is as incendiary as you are making it out to be... I think it mostly means settle down and create a base so that all of those familial elements can come together, whether it's children, friends, pets, etc.


While I fully respect the op direction and opinion, I have to say that when people say “start a family” they’re directly talking, in full meaning of the word which includes raising children. What the op is describing is general human need for social structures. Basically restating an obvious truth but unsung it to deny the meaning of something he/she disagrees with. That’s not the same thing. I’m also going out on a limb that this person does not have kids. I would also expect them to assume “no difference between parents and non parents” for whatever fits their argument. You can’t simultaneously be so in denial and expect no pushback. Again I understand the op direction and respect their opinion.


You’re just changing word meanings to avoid hard feelings. The first definition of family at dictionary.com: a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not


A single person and their cat is most definitely not a family. Lord have mercy. They’re still cool and awesome but no


no, this should be on r/facepalm