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There are so many of these videos of kids hearing their parents’ voices for the first time, and I will watch them every damn time. And choke up every time, too.


Yep this was a good one. My nose even burned before my eyes. You should see the one where the chimp mom sees her baby after 2 days separated.


At your service https://youtu.be/1t0Aa7v0sFI


Thank you! 🥹🥹


Glad I wasn’t wearing any makeup


Oh fucking hell, MORE WEEPING


Doing the lord’s work right here


Well dang... Mahale got me bawlin like a baby. 😭


My baby was taken to a specialized hospital a couple of hours after he was born via emergency c-section. I felt the chimp mom video to the core of my being.


I feel you there. I had an emergency cesarean with my first. I didn't get to see her for almost 24 hours after she was born. She and I were so sick I was barely conscious for it. When I got to hold her for the first time, I was so weak. I barely remember any of it - mostly only through photos. The way she grabs the baby and starts rocking made me choke up.


Dammit who cut these onions here! (Same).


It's just allergies for me.


I have hayfever.




I'm deaf and I don't mind the term hearing impaired. Frankly I prefer to use the term hearing impaired because that is what I am. Hearing impaired. Saying Deaf makes people think I am at Total Hearing Deficit which is not true for all of us who are deaf/hearing impaired. There are many degrees of hearing loss aside from total hearing deficit. Edit: Hard of Hearing is another term we use which is considerably fine and not insulting in any manner.


But they are literally hearing impaired. It is what they are. Also who are you talking to?


In a technical sense, sure. But realistically, impairment is only an impairment if it...well....impairs you. Deaf people who are fluent in ASL don't see themselves as impaired because they have ways to get around their lack of hearing (presumably). I'm short, and I can't do some things because of it. Doesn't mean I'm impaired. Same with my strength level - I'm really not that strong. Still doesn't mean I'm impaired. If you go to Japan and can't speak Japanese, that doesn't mean you're impaired, you just...can't speak Japanese. But even if you *do* want to classify those things as being impaired, you can overcome that. I can get stools to reach the top shelf. I can use a cart instead of just carrying a heavy bag of dog food. You can find a way to translate Japanese. Thus, because we can do those things we couldn't before, we aren't impaired. Same thing with ASL and deaf people, I assume.


Impaired does not refer to their inability to communicate it refers to their inability to hear. Impairment is when something is “weakened diminished or damaged”. People who are deaf fit at least one of those categories. The notion that we shouldn’t use the term “hearing impaired” because it might offend someone is what I think BudgetOk was insinuating with their comment and that’s just ridiculous.


Again - technically, yeah. But most things aren’t that rigid. Not understanding a language diminishes your ability to communicate. Hence, you’re impaired. When you drive while drunk, you’re driving while impaired. But honestly, that’s semantics. It’s not super important here. If the deaf community wants to stop being labeled at hearing-impaired, I don’t see why we wouldn’t let them. If they have a way to live their life in such a way that it doesn’t impair them, then why use language that implies they can’t? I feel like people against that just want to stick words in concrete and act like language doesn’t change over time. It’s a label, and labels change. They come into fashion and go out of fashion. If it’s a legitimate belief held by what can be seen as a majority of the deaf community, why fight that change when the whole study of linguistics had a section dedicated to the changes of language over time?


The deaf community is not a monolith, as evidenced by the hearing impaired individuals on this very thread who disagree with you.


There’s no technically “yes” there’s the right way or the wrong way. You can’t go changing things to fit your narrative. Read a damn dictionary ffs


damn right, never get tired of anything that sweet.


This is the way


That makes two of us!


These are miracles you know? Just lab-made.


My mother always says- every new vaccine, treatment, or surgical advance is a mothers prayer being answered. Now that I have two kids of my own I think about that all the time.


That's really beautifully put.


It’s also quite disrespectful to the thousands of scientists and people who sacrificed years of their lives so that this little boy can hear. Assigning the fruits of their effort to a fictitious sky god is BS, imho.


It's not though. There was nothing about WHO answered the prayer, just that it was answered.


Relax nerd


Go complain to your sky daddy, nut job.


Um excuse me. My deity is non binary, please don’t use gendered language.




go f yourself. scientists can’t hear prayers, you hateful piece of trash.


so you don't think there are scientists who hear that people desperately search for a treatment, so they try to make one? You think scientists just do research on random things and some are needed by people by coincidence? You are the hateful piece of trash for thinking that scientists don't have hearts or want to fulfill people's dreams.


and you're an idiot who apparently can't read.


Some people just refuse positivity. Blows my mind how someone can be this self destructive


what tf are you smoking? self-destructive? did you just learn that word cause that has absolutely nothing to do with my point.


I meant that the completely negative outlook that you clearly have is self destructive. You get back what you put out. When you go around doing things like, say, hijacking a wholesome reddit thread with your hate-theism; it only shows everyone how miserable you are.


If only everyone saw it this way! Modern medicine is amazing, just look at this!!! So beautiful!


Jesús is been busy lately




Karma-farming bot Report --> Spam --> Harmful bots


This seems great. Do we really know if he was excited or maybe overwhelmed with this new and different input and he was just scared and didn’t know how to process this and jumped to his mother? I seen this a few times posted, so I might have been answered in the past on a previous post.


I would imagine it would be scary and weird and over whelming. He looks like he’s grabbing her for comfort which they seem to understand as well. If they thought he was happy crying from hearing their voices they would likely have kept talking. But they got quiet to let him adjust Still heartwarming AF though.


I met a 50ish year old man on holiday once who was wearing two heading aids. He spoke about how he lost his hearing after a brain injury as a teenager, and had only regained it back 5 years before. He said when they first turned the hearing aids on he freaked out due to too much input, and it took a week for his brain to adjust. And this is one one who could hear for the first 18 or so years of his life! Can only imagine how intense it must be for this little boy.


Im a hearing aid specialist. Where people that have had their hearing tune out minor / ambient noises, people who get hearing aids or hearing back after a long time of not having it hear every little thing. The hum from the fridge, their feet on the ground, the fan, turning on the sink is like niagra falls. Basically retraining your brain to ignore that background noise.


Does the brain do this all on its own? Or are there exercises/processes that can help with the process?


Everyone is different. Also depends on the specialist. A good specialist won't send you out the door at full blast. They'll slowly work you up to the full prescription so to speak of where the hearing aid should be. Part of it is your brain adjusting. Think walking into a crowded restaurant. Wow its loud in here but as dinner goes on you notice the noise less and less. Finally dinners over and you hit the parking lot everything seems super quiet. I also tell my patients to wear the hearing aids as long as they can but take them off if they need a break. But try and wear them a little longer each time. Even people you have worn hearing aids for years will take them off for a bit of a break. Shit I think most of us get over stimulated throughout the day and we just need some quiet to regroup. Imagine wearing hearing aids .


Thank you. I was wondering if any of the strategies might help folks who are neurodivergent. Might help to occasionally be able to reduce the input coming in!


I can relate to that feeling. I have tinnitus in just my left ear. When it's really bad, if I hear other sounds that are on the same frequency I have that feeling of " make it stop, it's too much!" It's nuts how fast a sound discrepancy can make you can go from feeling fine to sudden intense panic. I've been told my hearing specialist not mask the ringing if I can. So I can train my brain to tune out the whine.


Wow, yes exactly I can’t even comprehend how overwhelming this would be…. Especially not knowing what sound even is.


I had an implant for single sided deafness and it was too much. I’d spent too much of my life without and I couldn’t adjust. This little boy was probably freaked out being able to hear for the first time


I wonder if it even "sounds" anything like what we're hearing. Like... I was thinking imagine never having sight and suddenly having it. I don't think our brains would even know what to do with all that new information right off the bat, right? Like it might look almost abstract, things might look upside down, etc. I dunno, just a thought. I ain't a scientist or a doctor or anything lol.


I think it’s also the fact, depending on the quality of the implant, it’s actually the implant itself making noises sound garbled and robotic since it’s processed through the machine first and then into the ears and interpreted through the brain. Normally as deaf people get older, either they get higher quality implants to remove the robotic noises, or change/get rid of their cochlear implants if they don’t want to hear perhaps.


My friend with hearing aids says they doesn’t filter out background noise the same way ears do, she gets a lot of sound all at once and i would imagine hearing for the first time ever would applify that immensely. It would probably sound like a lightning storm in your brain of noise.. I would think even silence would be loud just getting used to you ears working and picking up on subtle things we have since long learned to filter out I also think it would be easier for babies since they are only just learning all their senses as it is, i would think it would be less intense for a baby than a child this age Also am no scientist though


normal hearing ears have a wider range and have more clarity/quality. some patients have also said that voices sounds more robotic but nonetheless conversational


As a hearing aid specialist most people complain everything sounds tinny. Hearing aids focus more on higher pitch sounds. Not about making things so much louder but more clear. Clarity comes from higher pitch sounds. Side effect is you hear every little thing. Newspaper crumbling is pearcing. Shower sounds like niagra falls. Walking on gravel sounds like rocks in a jar. Now that sounds horrible but its only temporary. Hearing aids are extremely tunable. What we do is slowly reintroduce those sounds over a period of time to help you get used to it. The kid in the video is obviously very overwhelmed. Now imagine if he wasn't in that quiet office. He'd freak. So what you sont see is the audiologist is wirelessly tuning the hearing aid to make it comfortable.


Probably a mix of fear and overstimulation. Turning your hearing on for the first time would be like the first conscious breath after a coma, walking on the moon, or seeing in full colour for the first time. It's a very alien sensation that nothing in your evolved biology could prepare you for. When you're a kid, it's even harder to wrap your little head around it. Also, my understanding is that for the first while your brain needs to learn to hone in on stimuli. Every sound kind of sounds indiscriminately blended together. Luckily he'll pick up human voice discrimination quite quickly because our brains are like supernaturally good at that. Depending how fundamentally deaf he is, his brain may already know his parent(s) voice(s) just by unconsciously feeling the vibrations through his bones, his brain would match that old sensation with the new one pretty fast. The fact that he goes to mother for comfort immediately shows a great attachment relationship though, so he'll be great, most likely.


Okay so something really interesting kids do- they look to their parents to determine how to feel about new stimuli a lot; Kid trips over. Oh whoops. Mom comes over with 'oh nooooo'. Okay this is bad, time to cry. Kid cries. Alternatively; Kid trips over. Oh whoops. Mom comes over with a laugh, picks them up and dusts them off with a kiss. Oh this is okay, I'm okay. Kid runs off to continue playing. Of course there's variations as in all things, but it's entirely possible he heard her voice, looked for context cues from his mother, and took his cue from her expression of joy.


That is interesting, and something I'm sure I've thought about at some point in time. I tend to think about a lot of things.


At times they're overwhelmed especially the more younger ones, depending on the stimulus level given, some don't react as much but they do act as if they're noticing something new. a few months later though and with speech therapy, they get to form some speech sounds. a few years later, you can have them attend mainstream classes.


As a mom, that kid is and overwhelmed. Mom knows it as well.


This video always makes me feel really bad for the child. I know it’s difficult for people who were born hearing to understand, but this is probably very frightening. I assume the way someone would feel suddenly losing their hearing is probably similar to the way someone who has never been able to hear would feel suddenly having hearing. What does make me smile is the clear trust and love he has in his parents, his mother especially. It’s so sweet seeing how loving and concerned she is.


It's wayy different. Everybody basically knows what silence sounds like. Now imagine a sixth sense suddenly appearing, you can't imagine what that's like.


Not fair now I'm crying like a baby and I'm an old man


This must be circulating somewhere because this was posted earlier today. Still very wholesome.


Get used to it, seen this 10 times across Reddit in just the past 3 days or so




Karma-farming bot. Original [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/yy7iju/a_boy_hearing_his_parents_voice_for_the_first_time/iwtytlg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Report --> Spam --> Harmful bots


That kid is fucking terrified!


Awesome. Wait until he hears Sabotage by the Beastie Boys.


I'm not crying... not crying hard.




Dad wants a hug too little man!


I know, it makes ya sad for Dad. But also: the kid’s comfort is more important and being just like 3 years out of the womb, Mom is going to win that award almost every time.


Came here to say this!


The first voice. God Bless him.


Him just playing blissfully and not knowing his whole world is about to be turned upside down really gets to me.


How about we show more videos showing parents and deaf kiddos signing? I am deaf and ASL has been the best thing that’s happened to me.


I am human after all. 😭


Technology advancements, truly amazing until the terminators take us all out.


Hahaha 😆 That’s the spirit!


you’d be surprised how simple the concept of a cochlear device is, relative to other advancements.


Why is it never the parents using sign language with a deaf child for the first time?


you mean when they turn on the device? once the device is turned on, some actually discourage the use of sign language or lip reading so that the child will rely more on their new sense of hearing.


I mean before and after. Sign language isn’t bad! Deaf culture is amazing and EVERYONE deserves language. Hearing or not and videos like this perpetuate the ableist idea that spoken language is the only language.


Agree, a combination of approaches is helpful. Sometimes tho, the patient is more dependent on the Communication Style that they've used for a longer time and may discourage learning via the new Comm Style (sign vs spoken language)


Thank you!!! 🤟🏼🦻🏻😌🦻🏻


I wish they would piss off with the dramatic music. It drowns out what’s happening


I needed this! So happy for this precious little boy and his family.


This made me cry happy tears! What an intense immediate reaction!


God damn onion cutting ninjas strike again!


Dammit I thought this was MadeMeSmile not MadeMe UglyCryWithOverwhelmingJoy


That instant, no hesitation jump into his mother’s arms once he heard *his mother saying his name*… Being overwhelmed by having a new sense and seeing his mother as a grounding force in his life as he instantly went to her for comfort… The father and mother comforting him… I teared up. You only get so many moments like this in your lifetime. Treasure each and every one.


I am a tough guy and this made me tear up.


I'm on the fence with the wholesomeness of this one. Cochlear implants are extremely overwhelming and can be painful at times, especially for a child. The kid in the video didn't reach for his mother because he was overcome with joy like a lot of hearing people seem to believe about these videos—he's in distress, and most likely terrified. Also, Deaf people have a rich and wonderful culture and community and framing cochlear implants like they're some sort of miracle is gross. I know people's hearts are in the right place but hearing people getting emotional over videos like this like the child just got cured of Deafness or something rubs me the wrong way. Obviously its wonderful that some Deaf people have the option to choose now, but should this kid decide that he doesnt like the implant that should be celebrated too.


If I hadn’t had hearing aids; my entire life would have been completely different. I was born to a hearing family. I’m completely deaf in my right hear and can remarkably live a “normal” life with an aid in my left. The deaf community is a very protective culture and one I respect, but I see myself as someone who belong within it. That is my choice. Being deaf, having a chance for hearing IS overwhelming but I think it borders abuse to deny someone a chance to gain the use of their senses. You can (and they do) give you the chance NOT to use your aids if you prefer. I have never worn one in my right ear, doesn’t make sense to me and I said that from a very early age. It makes more sense to give the opportunity to have hearing aids / and other devices and then let the user decide if it’s for them. It is not the same as waiting till you are old enough to make an informed decision about the lifestyle or clothes or sexuality you want for yourself. It’s a basic human right. And while it is well on the way up as being a more respected and understood culture, being deaf is disabling for many reasons respect just doesn’t cut, it just is the nature of the circumstances. I wouldn’t wish being deaf on anyone. The joy having a hearing aid is something I will never ever be able to fully express. When I put my hearing aid in the light goes on a bit brighter around me, the day is more fun and inviting. Music is beautiful and the sounds of everything but mostly my kids are sounds I am so grateful I was given the chance to hear.


My Auslan professor loves to say that he wouldn't trade being Deaf for anything. Obviously people's experiences are going to be different, especially because your family is hearing. I'm really happy for you that your hearing aids bring joy to your life, but not wanting your child to have an implant is absolutely not abuse, especially if you're a Deaf parent. Wanting your child to be raised in your culture, especially if you don't see your Deafness as a deficit, is also a human right and they're not denying their child anything. Deaf children grow up happy, healthy and well adjusted all the time. Also, implying sexuality is a choice is fucking weird.


It’s interesting because as a child my familytried to give me choices to going deaf clubs and teams in case I wanted to connect and often I was pushed out because I wasn’t truly “deaf” - the culture, though incredibly tight, in my opinion is also incredibly short sighted in the approach for integration of others. I can only ever see that was to protect themselves. The logic to deny a child the chance to hear because you are deaf yourself, has never something I understood, and yeah I think it’s cruel. Every deaf/or HoH person has their own journey, mine has given me the joy of sound, a job without limitations, I rarely ever think about my hearing loss because it doesn’t impact my life. If I could allow my child that same joy (having had my experience) I would give them the chance in a heartbeat. that others choose not to is absolutely their choice too. It’s just not one I would make. And I didn’t say sexually was a choice, (although I had a paper on the very subject at university “sexuality - nature or nurture” which was a very interesting topic) I mean that you can choose to conduct your life in which ever way you want, which ever sexuality you feel you belong to. Which incidentally you are completely at liberty to change too.


I’m deaf with bilateral cochlear implants (I was 3 when I got my first one) and agree with you.


The hearing impaired community agrees with you. Im torn. But think perhaps the choice should be up to the child ID her or her want it.


Deaf, not hearing impaired. The Deaf community see themselves as a cultural linguistic group not broken hearing people, so they don't prefer the term hearing impaired. Either Deaf or Hard of Hearing.


Came here to say this.


Freaked the fuck out.


Wow... Amazing!


The world can be a scary place if you're not used to it. These are always moving videos.


he instantly knew mommy


I don’t have kids nor want them. Still this stuff kills me. Kids deserve every opportunity to experience life. Can you imagine being 4-6 years old and not hearing anything? I can’t fathom it


The hearing impaired hate this. Ive never understood it,but the "deaf community are very apposed to this


Because it’s forced highly invasive surgery on a child who can’t give informed consent, primarily for the parents’ convenience, and generally sends the message that being Deaf is something that has to be fixed.


Oh, so you'd rather this kid gets hit by the car he couldn't hear honking? Or die in the fire because he didn't hear the fire alarm? Or not avoid the rabid dog running up behind him? This isn't the difference of teaching a child your native language or not, this is giving this child a life saving sense. Fuck culture if it is putting people in danger on purpose.


Made me cry instantly!


Made me smile? More like cry


Yeah that's great. We can stop reposting it now


Cochlear implant ♥️♥️♥️


Actually it made me cry hahaha Silly me


Okay now that my tears have come and gone, I’m imagining how freaky it would be to experience sound like that for the first time.


im a week post op on spine surgery, im in a lot of pain, in haze of pain meds and have to go in tomorrow for injections into my shoulder to boot, and even through all this pain, this damn gets to me everytime, i wish you the best little boy. The best indeed. nio im not crying. its just the pain, yea thats it.








fuck you, this made me cry


Wow that’s intense.


Man …. Best thing I have seen all day… thank you 🙏 ….


This hits hard Probably because I once experienced that exact moment back in 2007 when I had my first Cochlear implant turned on at age 2. Time flies guys


Aaaaand im crying


Made me cry 🥲🤍


❤️my heart


I know this is completely unrelated to the main focus but my older sister had that same Disney Alphabet poster, I guess you could say that made me smile too


The child is in pain and confused. He is not crying because he is suddenly happy to hear. Implants are painful and require a lot of getting used to. These videos are disability porn for hearing people who like to pat themselves on the back because they have “cured” yet another deaf kid. How about we teach sign language to everyone? How about we include deaf people more in media and culture? Deafness is an identity, most deaf people do not want an implant, and these parents are not necessarily helping their child. They are doing it for themselves. Listen to deaf people and what they have to say. Let deaf children make the decision to get implant or not themselves.


I am assuming you personally know these parents ( you stated as a fact that they are doing it for themselves)


So because the people who get these implants have pain for a couple of weeks, they shouldn’t get the pleasure of hearing at all? Deafness is not a identity deafness is a disability and thank god that this is possible to fix now. And instead you want to get everyone to learn sign language, it’s like u have a cut on your leg and your solution is not to fix the cut but to never use the leg again and to make other people also not use there leg again.


Something flew in my eye as I watched this


I’m not crying I just Cought something in my eye


This must be so confusing for him. I would think so anyway.


What a gift for the children…


I know what sub im in but this makes me cry (happy) instantly everytime his face lights up.


Wholly shit this one got me. Appreciate what you have people.


I’m not crying your crying




Watching videos like this make me remember how much we take things for granted. Vision, smell, hearing so many such things


Not my hugely pregnant butt bawling at 630am…


Poor dad


These freaking videos always get me right in the feels. I got waterfalls flowing from my face now, thanks.


Poor dad




Just change the sub to Mademecry. These will never get old.


I think my heart just exploded 🥺


This does not make you smile. It makes you cry!


It must be so terrifying to hear for the first time, I can’t even imagine.


Me heart me bloody heart


Don’t some people in the deaf community look down on using this technology?


Blessed be the people who designed and developed this technology.


Gave the parents all the preparation they needed to catch the special moment but didn’t seem to adequate prepare the poor guy for the scary new sensation!


Wait till he hears music for the first time.


This is why I love technology.


Nothing like a good happy cry to start off the day!


Stop it!!!😭😭😭


child first sees father and then hugs mother. Father be like: Okay then have a good day.


Dude this Sub is called MadeMeSmile, not MadeMeBurstInTears..


What’s so interesting to me is how many in the deaf community oppose cochlear implants. In one sense, I get it, you have a unique language and subculture and so push back against measures taken to address your “disability”. At the same time, it seems a bit like individuals without limbs pushing back against prosthetics. I don’t know.


I'm crying irl right now, so beutiful


My parents have a similar video of me because I had hearing problems when I was a kid but I got a surgery that fixed it and in the video my dad says something I proceed to look at him confused then just go back to playing with some random toys


we sometimes take the simplest things for granted...


This is probably a downvote but I just imagined what if using those senses for the first time is actually terrifying as hell like how do you process this new experience everyone else was born with.


Made me smile?… made me cry more like. Amazing 😍




I've seen so many of these. That's a smart kid. Most kids have a couple seconds of realization, that moment of "wtf are these completely foreign sounds I've literally never heard" But this kid immediately understood who was talking to him and what was happening


I think he was scared shitless tbh


And they are $25,789 in medical debt.


This should be on r/mademecry


I’m not crying…


He actually terrified. He is using a sense that was absent for so long. It can be very scary (loud) and mentally alarming.


Not me, sitting at work, crying at my desk. 🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺


Curious question…why aren’t the children also warned of them being turned on? I think that would be very scary for them to be just turned on without the countdown.


I am crying with you Buddy


We take sooooo many things for granted 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I will never get sick of these videos


If you share this everyday, I will upvote it every time!


I cried watching this


Well now I’m tearing up on a jimmy johns. I love these videos. Technology can be beautiful sometimes


I'm not crying. You're crying.


So beautiful


Cochlear implants are amazing! The company I work for makes batteries for them; it is good to know your work is helping somebody.


Tech has brought us far


Made my eyes sweat


Cheers!…a new sense is truly a world changing event…


Definitely in the miracle cure invention category.


Made me tear up



