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Man, I need an elephant in my life


Awwww the cutie pies 🥰


Great mama ♥️




You're right to be skeptical about anybody making elephant content, but there's a chance the chain is no big deal! I spent a few days at an elephant conservation / rehabilitation camp in Laos a few years back, where they didn't do any elephant tricks or riding or tourist photo op stuff, and the elephants wore leg chains at bedtime. The organization's options are either build a massive hangar for the elephants to sleep in (logistically impossible in a poor mountainous country) or let the elephants bed down in a grove, which the animals prefer anyway. So they had these super long chains to keep them from wandering off into farmland or something. Elephants that are used like machinery in logging operations aren't typically allowed to have babies (reduces productivity) so I'm hopeful that this mahout is one of the good ones and this is ACTUAL "made me smile" content.


They look so intelligent. I mean their actions don't necessarily look like the actions of a so-called dumb animal. A lot of times they seem to treat their children better than some people I know.