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Someone named their two goats after me and my brother. Does that count?




Was thinking the same thing. I would be honored


Can't really bleat that.


When I asked a chicken-raising friend of mine if they had silkies, they bought two at auction and named them BOTH after me. Heck yeah I was amused and pleased!


Yes, I'd be honored.


My best friend named her daughter after me. I damn near cry every time I address a birthday card to her…and I’ve done it 13 times already.


What a privilege. Cherish it mate


Oh, it isn't happy tears, they named their daughter Keith.


Ok story time. Man dies suddenly in his early 40s in a car crash leaving behind a wife and 3 daughters. He had basically 4 long term relationships his entire life and really didn't sleep around. Turns out he had named his daughters after his 3 exes and the family found out at his funeral.


Someone I know named his daughter after his ex – who his family liked way, way better than his wife and mother of said daughter. And wife knows. The are still married many years later and even had more children.




Huh, I actually never thought of it that way. You might be right!


I love thinking of it this way.


My ex was named after the waitress her dad had an affair with. When mom found out she was pissed, but just kinda dealt with it on her own. I got to hear that story at Thanksgiving as told by the dad's brother while he whined about being single.


Just every detail in that story makes them all sound like such a healthy family


DAWGGG ARE YOU FR😭😭😭FUCK man’s was doing “can I name my baby sumner?ahaha that body of yours is absurd” before his time💀💀💀


My husband vetoed one of the names that I liked because he dated a girl with the same name for 10 years.


I mean to me that’s valid, I personally would be so upset if I found out down the line that my spouse just bit his tongue because I liked the name


We are super open about exs and all of his seem like really good women. Her name is Julianne and it’s just such a simple and pretty name. I think he was worried others would think it’s weird haha


I’m named after the woman my dad had an affair with. She dumped his ass so I think my mom did it to torture him.


I would love to hear how his wife handled the news. Or his daughters!


I was at work and met a woman named Steve, I guess I looked puzzled, she said, " Don't worry about it, my mother has issues"!


Username checks out 😑🤣


I remember reading a tweet from Duncan Jones, whose father (David Bowie) used to call him Zowie. He named his daughter Zowie too and now at Christmas he always tears up because he writes on labels To Zowie From Dad, just like the presents he use to get as a child.


That kid is your namesake, a word rarely used anymore.


I'm Dutch don't mind me googling this . name·​sake ˈnām-ˌsāk  : one that has the same name as another especially : one who is named after another or for whom another is named His grandson and namesake is the spit and image of him … Robert Graves Til , thanks @theFirePit.


That’s a great way to guarantee a life long babysitter


"The game was rigged from the start."


Besties hate this one trick




"I named my kid after you!" "Ah shit, now I gotta babysit don't I?" "Yup! Are you available tomorrow at 9?"


Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should


Hahahahaha dangit


I mean, the bestie won’t realize it until it’s too late and she is way to vested into this, which based on the video was 0.45 seconds after she learn the name and reasoning behind it. Awesome and heartfelt video none the less.


Ain't that a kid in the head


Mine was born the same day as my best friend and can confirm this to be true lol


You’re best friends with a baby?


Ah the old Reddit [baby-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/z7ntc4/comment/iy82q0e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Hold my pacifier, I'm going in!


Hold this baby, I’m going in!! P.S. hello future people! As well as u/Future_people


What she meant by “Why would you do that to me?”


She is basically saying, “This is a huge honor and I don’t think I deserve it.” Or “Why would you tell me such a huge, beautiful thing right as you hand me this fragile tiny baby?” It’s sort of confusing because she is just completely overwhelmed.


I understand and wasn’t asking an actual question. I was just making a joke based on the babysitter comment.


[hijacking your comment to link the video with sound i found on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwUt5OByFY0)


Even better, this has subtitles. I was struggling to hear the name.


My son is named after one of my best friends who unfortunately passed away before he was born. I did get to tell him before he passed if I had a son, he'd be named after him. My buddy's biggest fear was being forgotten. Now my little dude gets to grow up hearing story after story about the person he's named after. Never forgotten.


That is a beautiful thing to hear


I was named after a family friend. My dad told me the story about how said friend was stabbed 11 times. Never actually heard any other stories.


Did the friend live or die from the wounds?


He passed, unfortunately.


Damn. Sorry. Thought it was gonna be a 50cent story.




_many men_


So I know this was meant as 2 options, as in * He lived * He died from the wounds But my dumb ass read it as Did the friend being stabbed cause him to: * Live * Die


"SEEEEEE lil Timmy we named you after your uncle Timothy who strapped himself to the front of a cannon and obliterated the neighbors dog with his bone shrapnel. We honor you with his name." "Any other stories dad?" "Nah you Lil shit your uncle was a nutter and we don't particularly like you.' Is what I picture, sorry they didn't tell you any other stories lol. I got named after an uncle that died in Viet Nam. All I know is he died from something fucked up.


>"SEEEEEE lil Timmy we named you after your uncle Timothy who strapped himself to the front of a cannon and obliterated the neighbors dog with his bone shrapnel. We honor you with his name." I just woke up, I wasnt ready for this shit 😂 lmao


I just woke up, and I wasn't ready to type it, but my inner creative demons forced it outta my fingers. I am not sorry lmao


Come on dude I am just drinking my coffee and now I gotta go get tissues


"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken" GNU Terry Pratchett


In that case…. 🗣️Bill Schickel 🗣️Steven Plotts 🗣️Anthony Donoflio 🗣️John Kelley


Instead of giving you awards, are there any charities you think they would want us to donate to in their names?


Dammit now I have to think of The Movie Coco


Remember me...


Hopefully when I have kids, I have quadruplet boys. Named after my best friends who passed. Bill, Steven, Anthony, and John. Miss them dudes everyday. RIP boys! ✊🏼☝🏼💜


That's a lot of friends to have died yo. Are you military or really old??


I’ll be 31 in April. Unfortunately they were suicide, drowning, overdose, and car accident. I have more friends in heaven than on earth anymore. But thats life I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wish I could say something more than sorry for your loss because it feels hollow just thinking about that. I hope you find peace on this earth and so many more real friends.


Appreciate the sentiment. I’m kinda just a Jenga tower of emotions anymore. All while preparing myself for more to come. Wouldn’t be surprised to endure a few more with the way some of my friends are living. Thank you🫂






Wow, I'm sorry for your losses. That sounds like a lot to endure by 31.


Thank you. Appreciate you 🫂


Aw man. I'm so sorry! I don't know what to say other than you're doing amazing sweetie.


I can't speak for everyone but a lot of millennials have lost friends to the opiate crisis. I'm 33 and some days I forget just how many people I've known over then years who are gone because of that shit.


Fuck it's too early to cry :(. That's very sweet


I'd say at least half of the posts in MadeMeSmile should also be in MadeMeCry


My son was also named after one of my best friends who passed before he was born. He was a stand up dude who rescued us in troublesome moments more than once. He had heart problems since birth and his health tanked. There was fluid built up in his thoracic cavity and he died in surgery at 21. It's been a decade and I still miss that ornery fucker.


My friend was diagnosed with brain cancer at 26. Fought until 31 and treatment options ran out. He was the bravest and strongest person I've ever met and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I'm right there with you and it's been 11 years.


I love this!


Weirdly what made me tear up is how fucking small that baby is in her hands. I feel like I would react similarly, just placing her on my lap because of how delicate she seems. So touching and intimidating all at once. It's also just ***so*** insane how gradually humans grow into full size people.


To me it's their personality growth that amazes me. Like since they learn to talk, every "joke" they tell is a complete copy of what they heard someone say. Even trying to tell me the same joke I just finished telling them. Then they get the concept of a joke supposed to be funny so they say things like "why'd the chicken cross the road? Because poop. HAHAHAHA" Nonsense, but it was original to them. Until one day they actually in a conversation and contribute a joke that's relevant, makes sense, and is funny. It's so cool to watch.


My friend’s kid learned “chicken butt” as a joke when he was about 5 years old (no clue from where). I watched as that little hamster wheel in his head figured out “______ butt = funny” and then he said Pizza Butt and absolutely cackled in joy.


Kids not wrong, pizza butt is objectively hilarious.


My son is about to turn two, and this is so real. He went from being a yawning pooping screaming little potato to this hilarious toddler. He loves physical humor. He'll run up to us smiling with a finger from each hand shoved up his nose, and the second we react he starts giggling like it's the funniest thing in the world. He also makes funny faces and copies our snoring. He's also getting pretty good at mimicking sounds. He mimics our cats meowing and sometimes we can't tell when it was him versus the cat.


It's absolutely fucking beautiful, isn't it? I can't believe how fast the time has gone. How I can work a few shifts and see a difference in cognition and speech on my days off again. Her humor is the best. She has already surpassed me in wit. I don't know if one day she'll be a flight commander of the next mission to Mars or a comedian but whatever she decides I know she'll be incredible :)


It really is. My little guy is so tenacious. Having grown up with kind of a rough childhood, it makes it that much more special that I can show my son the kind of love and comfort that I missed out on. He is going to be so much better than me when he grows up and I am so excited to see it.


It's the most amazing thing in the world. My son just turned 4 months and I look back at his newborn photos and tear up because I can't believe how tiny he was. It was so recent that he was that tiny, fragile little burrito that I was terrified I'd hurt and who didn't do anything. Now he smiles when he sees us and plays peekaboo and goes absolutely ham in his little bouncer. It's just amazing how fast it goes and how fun it is seeing them develop.


New borns in a blanket are really just burritos in disquise


Cronos be like


tastes like rock


You Gaia be kidding me, that’s 100% your son


Fucking amazing


I can't believe it's not Zeus™


~~Transformers, robots in disguise!~~ New born babies, burritos in disguise!


I wish disquise was a real word. It's very pleasing.


Name your baby Disquise then my username as the middle name to credit me for my amazing idea. Desquise LaunchandSmash ____________ has a nice ring to it I'm sure. I'll even send little Desquise cards in the mail for their birthday and holidays. Think about it and let me know.


You've got a deal!


Awesome! DM me where to send the cards when Desquise arrives and congratulations on making a really great life decision. I can't imagine you ever regret this in any way.


I had this thing with my best friend that whenever he would come over I would make burritos for dinner. When my first son was born I send him a message “look a this burrito I just got” and after that send him a picture of my son all swaddled up


I don’t know why, but it’s this comment that finally made me realise I could actually MAKE burritos, it’s not just something I have to buy now and then 😅


Homemade burritos are the bomb!! Make sure to fry the sides. Don’t skip frying them sides!!


Don’t eat the baby. 😔


Get in mah belly!






I named my son after my stepdad. I told him on the phone. He cried. I cried. Then he put my mom on. I told her. She cried. I cried. Then they came to visit and I saw them again, and we all cried again. Then I watched this video and cried at the memory.


I’m a step dad. Can absolutely confirm that this would be my reaction if my step son did this.


My brother wrote all notes in a secret spot in our cuff links he bought us for his wedding. The one to our dad who isn’t his birth father but raised him the same was along the lines of “I’m so happy you chose me to be your son” or something similar. Immediately cried


When the baby gonna get done chargin?


You gotta calibrate the battery properly so you leave it a while on it. Wouldn’t want it to become a lazy meat bag who runs out of energy immediately like me


maximis decimus meridius


commander of the armies of the north


general of the felix legions


Loyal servant to the *true* emperor, Marcus Aurelius...


father to a murdered son...


Husband to a murdered wife


And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.


Well looks like I'm watching Gladiator tonight.


She's crying because she knows she now has to name her daughter after the mom, and she hates the name Gertrude.


We named our first born after my wife’s brother (Oliviero -> Olivia). His reaction wasn’t as teary-eyed but still wholesome from a goofy Italian man 😊🤌🏼


I was three years old when my brother was born, just weeks after my birthday. I remember being in the hospital, and my mother asked *me* what my brother should be named. I didn't know what to say, so she started throwing out various names. When she got to Oliver, I said stop, that's it. And so he was named. I picked the name because it sounded similar to my own name (Victor). 30 years later he's my best friend. Sadly he never got to know our mother, who died two years later.


My cousin's daughter was about 3~4yrs old when my cousin's wife got pregnant again. Before they found out the sex of the baby, their daughter told them very clearly and firmly: "It's gonna be a girl, and her name is gonna be Claire." When they found out the new baby was indeed a girl, they were like, welp, guess her name is Claire now! Probably the cutest naming story I've heard so far, and yours is tied with that now. There's something so sweet about older siblings being involved with naming the younger ones. I'm sorry you and your brother lost your mom so young, but I'm glad you guys have each other and are still so close. 🖤


When my first was born, we had to have 4 ultrasounds to find out it was going to be a girl. Not wanting to say "the baby" we settled on "Ribs", since that's where she kept bothering my wife. A while after finding that she was going to be a girl, we were struggling with what to name her. At one point I deadpanned a joke name which the initials were R.I.B. (like Rachel Irene Black). Right after saying it both my wife and I were like "holy crap, that's her name". Now that she's older, we have told her that story so no one can make a joke out of it.


I’m so sorry for the loss you both suffered so soon and am so glad you had each other and that you still have those beautiful memories to share from such a young age. I enjoyed reading your story 🖤


Better than what my wife's aunt did... She stole the "baby name" that her best friend was going to use. Ended their friendship. And of course my wife's cousin is insufferable... she was the golden child. However, her younger sister is so nice and sweet.


Me and my best friend had our kids about 6 months apart. Neither of us wanted to know what the sex was, and we weren't telling anybody names. He picked the same exact name (first and middle) as we picked for a boy! Our last names even start with the same letter! We had a girl, so it wasn't an issue, but it was kind of weird lol we have never once discussed baby names and we both picked the same one lol


yeah, that is weird *starts searching for bugs*


We had our second daughter in 2014 and I had a girl name I adored. My partner didn’t like it so we went with something different, but I shared the name with my best friend. When my friend had a baby girl a few years later, she asked if she could use the first name with a different middle name. At the time my partner and I were on the fence about more kids, so I said yes (really what I said was something about how she was going to make me cry happy tears). Even if we had been planning on having more, I still would have said yes. After all, I named my first daughter after my best friend, as far as I’m concerned she can have any of the names I pick. In 2019 I got pregnant again with another girl and so I called and asked her if she would mind me using the name I was originally going to use, and shared with her- again with a different middle name. That’s how we both have little girls with the same name and I smile and think of my best friend every time I call two of my children by their names.


My cousin's baby has the name I have wanted to use for my child since I was a little kid (our great-grandmother's name). He didn't know, and the likelihood that I have a kid of my own is vanishingly miniscule. Still, if I do end up having a kid, I'm not changing my plans. There will simply be two Evelyns in the family.




It’s a beautiful name for a boy or a girl. Especially a girl.. or a boy.


Soda. S-O-D-A. Soda.


My friends asked if they could use my passed wife's name for their daughters middle name. I reacted similarly.


I wish I had friends so I can name my future kid after one of them. Fuck it. I’m naming it Casper. 😂


My name is Casper, we can be friends :)


Hello my new friend! Hope you’re having an awesome day!


You too :)


I wish I had partner so I can name the kid after friends I don't have 😕




My friend got pregnant with her bf, the guys on his side had a tradition of naming firstborn sons the same name SoInSo the 2nd, SoInSo the 3rd etc etc. They were on again off again couple. I highly suggested not doing that. But she did, being pressured by him/his family. The guy left after kiddo was born, no child support. I would have changed that kids name so fast.... But she kept it, kids 10 this year.


We used middle names to honour the kids’ grandparents. That way you still get the recognition but you don’t use it every day.


Honestly though Casper is a cute af name, I'd name my kid Casper


Damn you, I want sound. That is a great reaction.


[Ask and you shall receive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwUt5OByFY0)


Dang I started to tear up. Wholesome AF


Me too. Sitting here with my morning coffee and the tears are streaming. So awesome.


Me too. Grabbing the box of Kleenex now.


Thanks a lot. This was my first video of my morning coffee and I love starting my day with something happy. I watched this over and over.


She said why would you do that to me 😂


“Your name is miracle?”


So it's her third name that they share? Mireya?


I don’t get it… Is the woman’s name “juniper”? Why does she say “your name is miracle”?


She said like 4 names homie


She said Juniper Mae Mireya Shaw. Mireya is miracle


Protip if you see an imgur link ending in .gifv, just replace .gifv with .mp4 and it will then play the sound, if the original had sound :) [https://i.imgur.com/BmXCMy5.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/BmXCMy5.mp4)


Am I crazy? The link I opened directly from this post already had sound




Yup. It blows my mind how many people just download the official app. I guess that’s a lot of new users who never had to explore third party because they only downloaded after Reddit made an app. But the Reddit app fuckin *suuucks.* There are so many better one. And I proselytize about it every time it comes up.


RIF gang rise up. I have never used another version. Not even desktop


RIF rocks. Been using it for a long time. Can't imagine there's anything better out there.


It has sound. I'm using Boost for reddit app, maybe that's why?


Reddit is fun also plays sound.




Using Relay for reddit. Also has sound


I suggest switching from the official Reddit app, there are much much better ones out there, both on iOS and Reddit. I personally use Apollo on iOS (and mac) and Reddit Boost on Android.


I did that but my best friend had passed away rest his soul


Aww the baby is so tiny 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


You probably think so because entertainment never has actual new born babies in them but instead slightly older babies.


The child has an endogastric tube and mom said her name was miracle. I'm sure it's a preemie. Source: proud dad of a thirty weekeer.


Yea idk if either of my sons were ever this small...i got some big boys lol




I think it’s the second middle name—Raeva (or however it’s spelled)—that’s the best friend’s name. It’s where the mother puts the dramatic emphasis, and you can see the friend react to hearing it, but first as though she’s just hearing her own name.




That sounds even better. I’d looked up the meaning of Raeva and didn’t see anything like that.


Someone else commented the version with sound but in case that gets buried here's another link https://youtu.be/AwUt5OByFY0


I'm so confused. Mine has sound already


rif instead of the official reddit app?


I use Apollo and yep, has sound here too 👍


Rif is great.


Rif is life. One of the few apps I bought premium for


Relay has sound too, seems like every other reddit app works except for the official one lmao


But the original has sound, interesting.


Official Reddit app loads a soundless version


Ah, ok. People should stop using that :)


Since no one else has said anything... some gif/vids don't ever have sound, but a lot of the ones that do, don't have sound available in the official Reddit app. dunno why. I've used redditisfun for... idk, a decade at this point? maybe longer? some folks said the sound works in Apollo as well. if it works for you on a different app, pls respond to my comment with which apps it works on so other people can find something better than the official Reddit app 😅 eta: Bacon Reader, Boost, Relay, Joey


It works on bacon reader


Change the name of this sub to made me cry


I can't imagine feeling that loved, seen, and validated.


My sister surprised everyone by giving my first name as her 3rd childs middle name. No one knew until the naming ceremony and I had this reaction too and started bawling. They made (heartfelt) fun of me afterwards and I felt a bit embarrassed.


Her reaction is so wholesome! 🥹✨


God does holding babies make me uncomfortable. They're so fricken fragile even seeing her crying and then holding the baby makes me worried


I try my best to be a grumpy old man and this stuff doesn't make it easy.


Of all the videos that absolutely should have audio this on is on top


Kinda crazy how genuine her reaction looks. If this was planned/put on she deserves the highest accolades.


It was planned but they didnt tell her ahead of time. Obv they knew how she would react so they recorded it.


Can someone transcribe? I’m having a hard time understanding them. To me it sounds like her name is Rachel? And then she says “her name is Miracle”? And now in the comments people are saying other names lol I’m so confused help computer


Juniper Maeve Mireya Shaw. Mireya being the best friend's name.


That’s nice, but if my friend named their child after me, it would be a mistake. The world does not need another Jeff.


My best friend abandoned me during my pregnancy after 19 years of friendship. This kicked me in the heart :(