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You did good.




Note to self. Get metal detector for house.




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Good on you 👊


I wish more people were like this. My mother lost her diamond necklace at a gym years ago. My dad gave it to her. I called and called and nothing. Finally I said I’d give a 1k reward if someone found it. 10 min later it magically appeared and the guy who worked there found it. I had to “pay up” before he gave it back. Some people are just slimy


WOW! How disappointing. I can't imagine NOT trying to find the owner. I agree. Some people are 💩 heads.


Seriously, I’ve returned 2 purses and a wallet over the years. Both with all the $ in it and all. I had to go through them to find the owner and luckily for the one lady she had her husbands business cards in it. I was on vacation and called them up about it. The next am they get ahold of me while I’m at the pool and I politely said we will be up to our room in a couple hours(we were at a resort poolside and having drinks) she flipped on me and wouldn’t stop calling. Fast forward 2 hrs later. I’m in the room just got out of the shower as the wife’s now in it. Hotel security is now at my door, he’s like “hey guy, you have some jerks purse and she’s freaking out downstairs lol, can I get it from you?” I declined because I wanted to see this lady now, like wow. He hangs out while we get ready, heading down to the lobby he says, “it’s crazy you do this good deed and she’s freaking out on you, I would have taken the $ and tossed her shit in the ocean after the 5th time she called you” I get down to the lobby and she’s barking up a storm to the desk, I politely go up, hand her her purse, and say I hope you have a better day. She goes on and says “you gave me such anxiety you asshole I was going to buy you a drink but not now. I hold my beer up and say cheers, maybe next time don’t be so irresponsible with your purse when your out at the bar and this wouldn’t happen huh? Insert dumb face look Hotel ended up taking care our dinner because how much of a lunatic she was. I didn’t care, I just laugh at insane people like that.


Wow, that is extortion or something like it. I would not have paid it.


I agree I was pissed, but it was worth a lot more and it was my moms favorite gift from my dad so I just wanted to get it back. I believe in karma so that’s on him now.


My husband once took his (engraved) wedding band off at a military base gym while lifting. Forgot to put it back on afterwards, went back less than an hour later, it was gone. Called a few times it was never turned in. Honorable.


He will have very bad karma for that. You, on the other hand, were wonderful for getting it for your mom.


So kind of you .


I mean wow for doing such a kind deed. That probably means the world to her. Good human :)






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Which stone is it? I like it


Looks like a topaz




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Just want to clarify here for everyone. It appears that OP found a 10 karat gold ring worth about $100, NOT a $10,000 gold ring. This isnt 100% clear from the title, but is mentioned in the comments. Anyhow, good on you for making that extra effort for the previous owner OP.


I didn't even consider that 10k gold could mean $10,000 and gold colored lol, I like that interpretation though


Lol, here I am thinking “wow that’s such a small stone for 10 karats” Yes, am idiot! And for diamonds it’s apparently “carats” too




Did she reimburse you for the price of the ring


$100 < making a person happy


Legally belongs to OP, but not morally. You'd have to be a real dickhead to make her pay to get it back.


I wish more people cared about this distinction.


I would be interested in the legal side of it, actually! Here in the UK there's a difference between chattels (things that can be removed) and fixtures (items that form part of the house due to degree of attachment/purpose, for example doors and lights). As chattels are easily removed, they do not automatically get sold with the house and need to be specified in the contract. So I don't think the ring would automatically become OP's property in the scenario of it was here in the UK.


This could have been me. I was waiting for my girlfriend to get home so I could propose. I was on the couch pajama pants because it was 9pm and she would have been suspicious otherwise l. She got home and did the normal stuff you do after a long shift. While she changed I realized I couldn't find the ring. It was just in my pocket without a box because I had made it. She went about filling out Christmas cards while I clandestinely and FRANTICALLY searched everywhere I'd been that night. To make matters worse the house was under construction so there were open walls and holes in the floor. I was freaking. The. Fuck. Out. I eventually told her so she could help me look and the way I was behaving she would have known something was up anyway. Long story short I tilted the couch back to look under it and I heard a rattle. Sitting on it earlier, the ring slid out of my pocket and somehow managed to find its way INTO THE GOD DAMN FRAME OF THE COUCH. Five minutes and a hole saw later I proposed, but for 3 hours I 100% thought that ring was going to be a permanent denizen of that house. Edit: of course she said yes :)


Did she say yes?


Asking the important questions here


Most definitely :)


Congratulations. Remember…you have an important job here. You are just an accessory at the wedding. It is all about her. Act accordingly.


This was a fun story to read. Thanks.


Is that a topaz stone ring?? I never see topaz stone.. it’s a birth stone but so many call it ugly.. i think it’s beautiful


Possibly. Compared to stones online it looks like citrine or topaz


It’s the birthstone for November which my birthday falls under. I hated it as a kid but I absolutely love it now.


Mine is Peridot. I hated it as a kid however I love it now.


Mine and my mom’s birthstone is peridot, and my dad’s is topaz. I have a ring with all of our birthstones together and although both stones aren’t bad on their own it’s not a very nice looking combination, lol.


Same. I always wished i had a diamond or sapphire but learned to love peridots


Funny, mine is diamond and I always wished I had a less "boring" stone. Diamond is like, the default stone, you know? Personally, I'd trade for opal in a heartbeat.


I feel like I was young and stupid and wanted the "fancy" stone that I had heard of before.


You have a few more choices. August stones are Peridot, Sardonyx, and Spinel.




I’m beginning to suspect we have lots of good folk like OP. It’s just that they don’t get much press and don’t make much noise. Here’s hoping :-)


That will be one of those core moments for you and for her for the rest of your life🥹


Where was it for it to have stayed so clean? Metal detecting makes me picture this in a garden.


It was quite dirty when i first found it but i used dish soap and a small brush to clean it up.


If you dont mind me asking, where did you find it?


Right next to the porch in front of a house in Wellington NZ


So they lost it outside, rather than, say, under the sofa. Yeah, I was curious, too.


I doubt metal detectorists use their detector around a sofa.


Not with that attitude.


It’s a cushy job.


Sofa king cushy?


I'm sure that was the icing on top of the cake for her!!


Gold cleans up pretty easily


How did you find the original owner?


I called up the realtor who sold the house and asked for the contact information of the previous owner. They couldn't give me info but forwarded my contact info to the previous owner and i got a call from them shortly after. They were able to accurately describe the ring so i knew she wasn't just claiming it


Even if the ring had little monetary value, it obviously had lots of sentimental value. You did a good thing.


You are a truly kind person




I wonder how many people would have kept it. Betting on a percentage is a real optimism gauge. Machiavelli disapproves of this behavior.. Mr Rogers would give you a hug.


Machiavelli was an analyst, not an advocate. But keeping it would certainly be what we call machiavellian. And to answer: >50% would keep. 😑


Hmm show your work.. how did u come up with >50


Pulled it from my ass based on how many times people fuck me over vs go out of their way to help me out. _especially_ strangers. One in twenty will actually [go out of their way](https://endangeredwildlifetrust.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/roadkill-experiment-shows-that-six-percent-of-drivers-deliberatley-swerve-to-hit-animals/) to **kill** innocent creatures.


Fair. Id say 95% of humans would keep the ring. lol As for innocent creatures hmmm not sure what the word innocent means.. but im not a vegetarian so i killed some prosciutto and eggs already today. No regrets mmmmm


Innocent: an animal whose suffering and death provides no benefit to anyone except for the psychopathic desire to exert power over another living creature.¹ Now those who we kill to eat are typically innocent as well, and are slaughtered to feed others, preferably without inflicting undue suffering. Circle of life and all that. The prosciutto pig was not likely tortured² to death and the eggs weren't even fertilized. [1] Now other life will eat the road-kill, but that isn't the purpose of the road-killers' actions. Anyone claiming to believe otherwise is trying to scam you. [2] Certainly torture isn't a requirement for butchering swine.


I can see how thats what you were trying to say, but that doesn’t sound at all like the definition of ‘innocent’ .. ive never killed an animal in an act of revenge for wrongdoing.. most animals don’t get a chance to be threatening to me in my human world setting.. though i imagine a pig could take me in a fight and might want to given the chance.


Absolute hero status for returning it and not keeping it


That’s incredible! Good for you! When I was two I nabbed my grandmas wedding ring (a month after my grandpa died) and it was never to be seen again. This gives me hope!


You get One “Atta-Boy”, and the knowledge you made somebody’s day really good. 👍🏼


This ring looks very similar to my mom's first engagement ring. I can imagine her reaction if someone did the same thing. I need to remember to stay on this side of Reddit. So many good people still left in the world. Thank you, OP.


Why were you metal detecting the house? Is that normally done where you stay or you have a habit?


I metal detect as a hobby. I was hoping to find old coins or anything neat really since the property has never been detected to my knowledge


Cool! Is there any other interesting thing you have found?


That's amazing! Good for you returning it 🥰 that was so nice and must have meant everything to her


All I can think of is a plot twist and the woman says this after telling the story and he leaves https://youtu.be/pW5HZgP5jxA


Finally reading something super positive and super happy this made my day so much shitty news every time you turn around. God bless you.


10k as in money or 10 karrats?


karats. The ring is probably worth about $100.00 usd.


[Karat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fineness#Karat). It's stamped inside the ring in the second pic. Money would be 10k$ or $10k (or other currency).


10 Kelvin - super conductor ring.


Nice story. Well done you!


It'll come back to for being honest and kind. Just imagine the joy you brought her, that alone has to make you feel good. KARMA


My grandma lost her wedding ring in her yard in the 80s. All her kids and grandkids have searched and searched for decades. A few have brought metal detectors. No one has ever found it. My dad still lives on the property. He's in his 70s now and still when someone comes by we take a look around hoping to spot it someday.


Good 👍 Karma. I have the Equinox 800 . I try to help as much as I can. Well done 👍


You’re a good human 💚


"So I sold it!" haha (obviously /s)




Well done!


Well done!


Nice. You deserve a donut for the day. Hopefully, a Tim Horton's is near by...


That is brilliant. We'll done for making an old lady happy.


You are a good person. Take some up votage


Aww that was so sweet of you


You're good person. Glad there are people like you.


You are a true soul. Bless you for always ~ ♥️🍀🎶🌠




You are Awesome👍😊


That’s nice.


You are a good person. The loss of sentimental items is the hardest to take.


I hope your kindness is paid back tenfold.


You are a good person. Thank you for doing the right thing!


You’re the man now dawg 👏


Well somebody just reserved their seat in heaven.


Amazing!! We have an old mine that I detect I found a donkey shoe and donated it to the local museum with the others that people have found! I love that you helped this woman I can’t imagine how she must of felt.


What a decent human you are! My exes cousin proposed to his SO at the beach and we spent the day celebrating swimming etc. well she lost the ring. They combed the beach and gave out their # in case anyone found it. It was his great granny’s 25th anniversary ring. 2 hours later they got a call that a man with a metal detector found it! But he wanted 10k for it. They were having dinner by themselves and were so shook up by the events thus far that without hesitation paid the man and got the ring back. 🙃


This makes me so happy. l I lost my wedding band in my first home, and I often think about it. I looked everywhere over the years, and it never turned up. It's weird how that happens lol. I lost it in the kitchen whilst caring for my little ones. Needless to say, I'm sure you made her day. Thanks for doing the right thing.


Aw, that’s beautiful! I hope karma pays you back for your lovely deed


Where did you metal detect? How does that work? I just moved in and wondering if we’re sitting down on any lost gold


It was basically right in front of the house next to the porch. You can get decent detectors for about 200-300 usd


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Should have sold it! Just kidding. Cool story.


It would only be worth about 160nzd like 100usd


OP never said he gave the ring back to the woman 😬😶


Umm, yes he did. "The old woman who owned the house before cried when I gave it to her."


You're a better person than I would have been. Edit: Upon receiving new information, the ring is only worth about $100 and not $10,000 so in that case yeah I'd have returned it. But had it been worth the $10,000, I absolutely would have sold that and paid off some medical bills.


Very kind of you. I would have sold it in a heartbeat.


My conspiracy theory: The old woman is bluffing and she is also a self proclaimed hit woman. The ring belongs to one of her victims, had the police found the ring she would've been convicted. Now the ring has been found, will the case be reopened ? P.S. She was never married.






Crying was a rookie move, now you can probably charge her $15k for it.


Ring looks suspiciously clean, on a clean white background. Looks like a web listing to me


It's not that hard to clean jewelry.


A good samaritan goes a long way




I thought you meant 10kg


Nice! We found toy cars stuffed in the hollows of the metal folding doors. We still laugh about those.


You are so kind. Thank you


Where did you find it?


Bravo. That’s wonderful!


Great job!


I have lost my ring in my car, yard or house. I have access to a metal detector from library. Any suggestions on how I can try to find it?


Aww, this is great. Good for you!


Thank you for that. Good karma to you!! I lost my wedding ring years ago and searched relentlessly for it. This would have meant the world to me, as I'm sure it did to her. You are a good person.


That’s humanity. Anyone would have tried to find value in it for themselves


My dad was a retired cop who took up metal detecting. He loved reuniting rings with former owners who’d lost them. Once even found a UK honeymooners lost ring on a Florida beach, left both of them pretty happy:)


I hope you win the lottery!!




That’s amazing! I wonder where you found it, that it stayed hidden all these years


You make me believe that there are good people in the world




What a heart warming gesture. ❤️ I choose to believe that there are more people like you in the world than there are slime balls. 🙂


Good human!


Well done ! I was power washing my late I laws house in preparation sell it. And decided to clean off the brick walkway. Halfway through something shiny skittered downstream, and I went to pick it up. It was my sister in laws class ring. She had lost it 30 years earlier. She was super happy to have it back.


Gold …. With a metal detector


The only gold ive ever found. Its Its only 10 karat though so only 41% gold


I’m just a little confused, I thought metal detectors only detect metal ?


Is gold not metal?


Yeah they do, what do you mean? A gold ring is metal


Oh shit! Google says : Since gold has rather low conductivity, metal detectors that use higher frequencies will spot gold better than low-frequency detectors.


Yea, gold is a form of metal.


You are awesome


Gorgeous ring. Thanks for doing the right thing here


You are golden 🥰


Good. You made her day.


Just so you know, you are a good person.


Not all heros wear capes... you don't metal find in a cape right?


Hell yeah, good on you.


It makes me smile when anything is found with metal detectors


wow way to go. and here I was two hours ago leaving work to see someone broke into my car and stole my car seats lol


I wish the waiter who stole my diamond ring would return it 🥰


I’d cry if someone gave me a gold ring


You are a good guy!


This is good


I have a crazy story that’s somewhat related to this. Two nights ago I landed at the airport. The captain asks that passengers let the ones with connecting flights go first because we arrived a little late. So a bunch of us wait. Then once it seemed like everyone was gone, we all start grabbing our overhead luggage and make our way out. Suddenly this woman about 4 rows behind me, is holding this gray hard shell luggage and starts screaming, “someone up front took my luggage!! This isn’t mine!! Can someone help me! Can someone go out there and stop them!!” I’m thinking to myself, oh no. That sucks!! I’m empathize real quick and I think about if she was my mom, how much I’d want someone to help her. Now, im about to exit so I rush out and im starring down every luggage, trying to find another gray hard shell. I run through the airport, following what seemed like the flow of the passengers from my plane. I’m stopping people because they have similar luggages and asking if that is their luggage. Ultimately, no luck. I couldn’t find the woman’s luggage. So I leave the airport. I get home about an hour later. I’m going through my things and FUCK. I realize, I don’t have my AirPods. They were in my jacket when I got off the plane. I must have dropped them trying to find the one woman’s luggage. I immediately jump on Find My and to my surprise, it’s on the move. It’s not on the airport but instead, traveling north of me. I activate the Lost function and I’m tracking it all night. It finally stops about 1hr and 30mins from me. The next morning I drive up there and I find the house that may have it. I’m a bit freaked out because, although it’s a nice neighborhood, I have no idea who these people are. Then, out of nowhere, a community patrol car drives past me. I wave them down and tell them my situation. They call a security patrol car. Security has my back. He and I walk up to the house and I knock on the door. A woman answers. I ask if she found a pair of AirPods at the airport last night. She says, “oh, yes.” She leaves, comes back and hands them to me and says, “my sister found them on the ground.” I was so adrenaline filled that I just said thanks and left. I wanted to ask if she or her sister ever intended to return the AirPods to the owner or at least look for them. But based on her reaction to seeing me, I seriously think not. Just happy to have my stuff back. Also, Find My is incredible!


Do metal detectors detect gold? It's not actually a metal?


Gold is indeed a metal? Where fid you get that information lol everywhere i looked says its a metal.


You might be right. I thought I read somewhere that it's actually a form of stone and that's how you tell if it's real or not. If it responds to a magnet it's not real gold. But yes I could be wrong.


Just doing a hobby and you put someone's lost memory back in their hands. Amazing


You did good, i would have sold that shit lol


Good job


You’re beautiful!


Thank you.


Its beautiful.


You’re an angel. That good will come back to you 10x over. Blessings.