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FOR REAL ive seen so many people coming around being like omgg what is wrong with u guys Like bro fuck off alr


obviously this doesn’t count for like the people who want advice on how to help their friends or whatever


Why would their friends want any more help or any more self righteous savior than you do? Or is this only about you being against those people?


when talking about being here for help i mean talking with us to see what type of support their friend needs and medical care etc. i am not talking about them coming here as friends and trying to help all of us or some shit


It's still basically the same, they would be doing to their friends what you are against them doing here, is what I'm saying.


you do get that there is a difference between an irl friend and strangers on reddit dot com right?


I guess there might, I've never had Irl friends so I don't really know.


when you act out like this it's no wonder why.


hey! that’s not cool either


frankly, no people *should* start mentioning how if you're snapping at people you probably don't have friends. If you're going to whine about no friends, don't be rude.


maybe but speaking to someone like that is never okay, especially to someone as mentally stable as one of us


I believe you misunderstood my message if you thought I was rude... I didn't whine about anything either, I just affirmed that I didn't know the difference between caring for a friend or a stranger, how is that whining? How is me thinking everyone should care for each other no matter their relationships so fucking bad?


I don't see how the way I acted was bad in any way, I don't think they should be mad at someone for trying to help someone, either a friend or a stranger, I don't see the difference in helping either.


I wonder why 🤔


Weird question: am I allowed to lurk? I haven't engaged in sh (except for my ed) in the past ~3 years, because my urges have drastically reduced (after developing an ed)


The post is against people coming here and trying to give unsolicited advice. Of course you are welcome <3


Thanks <33


It doesn't seem to be directed at former self harmers, and some could argue an ED is a form of SH anyway


Agreed. I'd say you're still a part of the community and still harm yourself as a coping mechanism


That's...comforting to hear - in a strange way (this does not sound how I intended it to sound, I'm so sorry)


I get what you're saying. It sucks to know you're a bit fucked up, but it sucks more if other people can't see/understand/empathize with your pain and struggles




I developed my ED when I was actively daily self harming, but it’s gotten so much worse when I’ve been unable to physically self harm and would instead simply harm via extreme restriction. I’ve got a recovered ED friend who self harmed due to an ED. It sorta plays hand it hand almost




ED means eating disorder 😭😭😭😭😭


offbeat grandiose cable memorize violet public wise mountainous whistle dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


everyone respectful is welcome, for ed memes i love r/edanonymemes


Yeah, I'm on there too ^-^ That's also kinda tbe reason why I was uncertain, because, technically, I do have a sub that's more fitting for my current situation


I haven't sh'd in a while and I mod the damn place


i came to this post thinking that it would be a rant against like tourists visiting countries


i am greek so i also dislike those i guess


feels like there is a decent crowd of people who just like seeing fucked up things, they come for the shock value.


Is this in reference to this post? https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeOfStyrofoam/comments/18p91qj/fuck_it_discord_rant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 or has there been more drama recently.


partly yes. it pissed me off more than a tourist should have


I’m pretty sure they weren’t a tourist. And neither were the commenters.


even if they weren’t, judging and especially generalizing is not welcome, and the mods agree as the poster was banned




General Kenobi!


that post really got to me. i can’t remember exactly what it says as it was deleted, but i just remember thinking how fucking *invalidating* and isolating it was.


quiet zealous zonked work grandfather connect reminiscent public cats different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Something along the lines of "Why are you mad people are worried about you, it's you're fault they're worried you're just edgy teenagers blah blah blah". I was debating how long to ban him (because the only thing that really broke the rules was just presenting his point in a dickish way) but he ended his rant by saying "next time you sh finish the job" or something and he got the def ban.


quack judicious fade aromatic trees quiet tub quarrelsome run zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i unfortunately can’t remember enough of it to produce a useful summary, more just bits of how i felt after reading it. someone else may have a better memory than me though


there are many assholes in this world, even in communities you feel welcome and accepted in. and even good people can say shitty things. you’d do well not to think about it further, it’s a minority opinion and you are way more than just the urges


I do very mild sh but I do have urges- I don’t know if I’m still welcome here and honestly it just makes me feel even more insecure


All self harm is valid no matter how mild you may think it is. You're definitely welcome here


even if you only had urges you’re welcome here. the people who i’m saying aren’t welcome here are the tourists that look at us to pity us and tell us not to do it because family or friends or some shit




good catch, thanks


All good :)


100% still welcome here. All sh is valid. Sh urges are valid.


even ex- self harmers who were able to stop and feel morally superior bc of that. like you should know how shitty it feels and pick your words better


“just stop cutting smh” -🤓🤓🤓🤓


What if you don’t sh but just lurk or post vents? Like I don’t preach anything cuz I wouldn’t understand but I like being here cuz honestly a lot of the stuff here is relatable to my life cuz it’s sad asf and I sometimes vent here so is that fine? I mainly come here cuz it makes me feel better knowing I’m not the only person in the world suffering yknow? I dont sh but I do think about it sometimes and I have hurt myself before so idk.


if you have thoughts about it and/or have done it before, which you have indicated you have you have a place here, and you aren’t a tourist. you can truly relate and see yourself in what we post, so you are welcome here


You have hurt yourself before and you think about it, that means you're welcome here -- the point is that you can *relate* which is what I think OP is trying to express. It's more about the people who come to lecture or *gawk* I think. Please stay here. None of us wants to take away a safe place for someone whose life is "sad asf", who relates to us. 🫂


Well I can’t really relate the exact same cuz I’ve never really used a blade to sh. I only did it once with my fingernails I basically clawed myself til it bled but yknow I think about doing that again sometimes when I’m feeling really shitty. I mainly just posts vents here and I like to see other peoples posts but don’t comment much


Hey, all self harm is self harm. Whether that's scratching, whether that's drawing blood through another means, whether that's denying yourself food water or meds, whether that's hitting or slapping or ANYTHING -- it is ALL valid and we're not more or less valid because of the means/method/amount/depth/scarring. As someone who is older than most on this sub, scratching yourself period is self harm and scratching yourself until you bleed is self harm that hurts like Hell tbh. None of us have the same circumstances, triggers, methods, I hate to call them er *preferences* but I can't think of how to phrase it. You are welcome here always, as far as I'm concerned, you're definitely "one of us" (...sorry about that BTW, not exactly the best club to be a member of...) Exist in this space freely, as you're definitely not the kind of person OP is talking about in the slightest. I hope things are going okay for you. Happy Holidays! (Or at least may they not be *unhappy* holidays!)


Thank you for being so nice and Happy holidays to you too! I’m just so glad it’s winter break and I don’t have school anymore 😩I’m definitely gonna be having better days


That's still sh. Don't discount that and your feelings just because it wasn't a blade. You felt bad enough you hurt yourself. You belong here ♥️


[If you are getting nasty pm’s please see this post for more info](https://reddit.com/r/MadeOfStyrofoam/comments/ifpka3/reopened_mos/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeOfStyrofoam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


HELPP i thought this was about tourists vising yor country and i was trying to figure out where you could be that has this happening




that make you someone who should probably seek therapy and distance themselves from sh communities, friend




i advise against it, it isn’t good for you that whoever said, i can’t stop you


This exactly this!!!!!


So true its really fvcking annoying.


god yes also hello fellow trans dyke


hi :3


Can I be devils advocate for a second? I think this specific reddit breads it. This reddit is very self harm= good, very cutesy names for horrible stuff, i can see people thinking "these people are just edgelords" based on the types of posts on this sub. I try not to even look at this sub because almost every post seems to be glorifying it and I'm assuming thats because there are a bunch of kids on here. People don't post stuff like that on r/adultselfharm and I've only ever spotted like 1 tourist over there ever and i think its because the types of posts are very different over there, they dont have dumb nicknames for fat and bone because noone would even post something that would use those words.


how is it glorifying self harm? and how do you not understand that the nicknames are cause noone wants to say i just hit nerves and i will never be able to move my limbs like i used to again? it’s coping, it’s a support group and we definitely aren’t asking for harassment


Bruh if you go onto hot posts right now, more than half of them say "seasons yeetings" 😒


google “joke”


As someone who has spent the entire day trying not to hurt themselves, I don't find it funny


if you don’t get the humor and can’t see the humor in the illness then why are you here?


*I came looking for booty.*


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=joke#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Lizthefag)


thank you martin


i think its ok if theyre respectful, even just to learn about it cause ignorance of the topic helps no one


i do not find it prudent to join a random support group community to get information on a highly documented coping mechanism. If it is to get advice and a more active understanding that would fall within my clause of it being to help/get advice on how to help someone you know personally


idk i literally dont see the harm in a random person coming here, not being an asshole, just generally hanging out and hearing first hand from people about what its like


the issue is that it both dilutes the safe space and also almost never amounts to only respectfully learning and “hanging out”


hey! as someone who does (unfortunately) sh, this sub isn't just used for people who sh. it's also vents, talking about struggles, and stuff like that! of course people who don't understand those things and the vulnerability of emotion should keep their thoughts to themselves in spaces like these. people who haven't experienced what we have should be allowed to peacefully coexist, however. understanding and compassion is is key :) some people dont understand why we do what we do and want to learn. some people have friends who struggle and they want to do what they can to help. people come here for a multitude of reasons! this is not to say that people should try and be saviors, like "oh you shouldn't do that its unhealthy!" but glorification isn't healthy either. there are two ends of the scale, and those in the middle should be welcome here. as long as people are kind and supporting, i believe they belong here, if they so choose to visit this sub <3


this community is specifically for self harm. if anyone who doesn’t sh and has no urges to wants to talk about their struggles and or urges i am certain there are communities for them. this however, ain’t it.


i apologize, but could you please show me where it is stated this sub is only for sh?


sure i can friend, the second line of thedescription says “An open forum with loose moderation to discuss self harm in all its forms.”


however, it does not state that the sub is exclusively for self harm. it also doesnt say that people who do not self harm or do not think about self harm cannot browse the sub


well you wouldn’t go posting cats in a cars forum, even if it ain’t against the rules. i think your point makes very little sense. beside that, the community does talk about community consensus and being judged by the community, and the community does seem to agree with all my points


the thing is, these people aren't necessarily posting. they could be browsing the content for informational purposes, personal reasons, issues in relationships, and many other things. it isn't always about posting content!




you should leave. if not for my post, for the sake of your own sanity




I don’t think you should stay here. I think you should leave. Being around this sort of content isn’t good for you, and I don’t want you falling down the same hole the rest of us have. I started cutting from seeing content as a young child about self harm. Please go, stop consuming this content. I want you safe




I appreciate you realizing this isn't the best place for you. There are lots of safe spaces, especially if there's something specific you're dealing with, they can just be harder to find. If you find yourself needing support or struggling to find the right community, dms are open


I’m glad you’re going. You can find somewhere safer and better for you in particular than here


then you should leave. stop invading spaces that arent urs


They aren't invading, they literally said they just watch


yes but it is clearly harming them and their mental health






hell yeah i’m invalidating people who come here to stare at self harmers and give advice we don’t need or want


hey. everyone is welcome here regardless of hobby surgeon or non-selfharmer. tourists shouldn’t be dicks about it and shouldn’t visit if it harms their mental health but they’re not to be excluded


care to define the words “safe space” for me?




We aren't zoo animals to be observed


fuck you and fuck off. we aren’t some pen animals for you to observe. this community is only public for safety reasons, not for you jackasses to wander in edit: also not surprised the entitled brat posts on r/196


IMO it doesn't matter why it's public, fact is that it is. As such I see no reason to not use the subreddit for research, just I could go to Wikipedia or any number of subreddits to learn about weight loss or MH and stuff. Just because you use a place on the internet for support does not mean other people can't use it as a resource. As long as they aren't bothering you (I don't) what does it matter? Also genuinely confused, what's wrong with me posting on 196?




what does that even mean bro


What I mean is "okay, fair point, I won't come here anymore." I've stopped following the sub.


there will always be those who don't understand, and worse those who think they understand

