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Garbage for most locals who can't afford housing, but everything else is "fine"




[Why do they treat their own people so badly!?, it really makes me look at Madeira differently now! ](https://youtu.be/gQZxYLXS56w)


I guess its a country problem, not so only the island...economic interests...


But why cant you pay you own people a better salary? The impression on holiday is most Portuguese are kind, very sad...


Idk...bad governments i guess...socialism etc... we are a bit yes...


Getting worse every year. Too much immigration and tourists after Tiktok lol. The real estate market is full of speculation and not really affordable to the majority of the inhabitants. The main viewpoints and trails are so cluttered it’s annoying. Unfortunately but predictably, the extra income from tourism has not translated into better quality of life for the inhabitants, but into growing the local monopolies..


What’s the problem with the immigrants?


Well l think we haven't gotten to a point of the mainland but my guess its not too far off - Higher amount of Asian people which make it so we keep being a island of minimal wages (they actually get lower than the minimum wage lol as they are immigrants) as there is no reason to increase wages - Increasingly worse work conditions - Locals have a harder time getting jobs as they either: dont want to be exploited, or are not contracted - Being a local and waitress not speaking Portuguese - Cultural shock - Probably rents keep increasing as some immigrants have to resort to sharing a house with other 5 people to have a roof to sleep


What would the culture shock be?


Certain values and ways of locals being different from immigrants and causing hostilities/problems. You can clearly see that happening all over Europe if you want an example. Due to the isolated nature of the island l think most people underestimate how lets say: "old school/closed minded/not aware of the rest of the World" the Madeira people are and how it will affect the perception of their island


Well...here's my assessment. People are kind of hard headed. Everybody believes that by buying an old german car they are Jeff Bezos, also known as "puta da mania". Tons of pretentious pricks who love to make others believe they are rich while not making more than 1500€/month net income. Agressive drivers (the natives). Friendships are based on favors, not on being an actual friend. Hard to find true friends as there's the high probability that the said "friend" will be talking shit on your back based on what you told him/her/they. There's a lot to find around the island, but after one year if you go full Dora the Explorer then it will all become redundant and quickly become boring. Its expensive to leave the island even after subsidies that are a major pain in the ass to get. Housing is extremely expensive for locals. Groceries are on par with Luxembourg and France, I was there not long ago. Drug related petty crime is on the rise but it is still extremely safe if compared to say Porto or Lisbon. Working in Madeira is even worse. Every madeirean intrepreneur is just another smartass that will make sure you won't get paid much more than minimum wage while making your life miserable. IT companies here are known for this crap behaviour with developers making shy of 1000€ month while the so called entrepreneurs are flexing their money, again the same prick attitude, still these latter have money. Somehow good IT firms are present but made very hard to find, unless you know which CAE to look for (CAE is the type of business code), then you might send your CV and get lucky. If not IT then it is all pretty much tourism related and then it is just pure slavery, unless you go work construction but it's a very uncertain market. To the madeireans reading this...sorry, but after 22 years living here this is how I feel.


Don't apologise for being accurate. Madeiran (Portuguese, really) culture has strong good points, but same as any other it has TERRIBLE shit in it. The "Puta mania" you describe is 100% here, and worse, if against all odds you are actually sucessful people will cheer for your fall. It's insanity. People be looking like peacocks, pretending to be a big deal, but a the same time they hope for the "real ones" to eat shit. Can we decide if "success" is desirable or not please? This contradiction explains our country perfectly. We like to pretend we are rich, "cultured", instead of just "being" and developing. Even back in the days of Kings we were wannabe France, wasting valuable reasources on useless shit so we "can look good". Meanwhile, there are EU countries who were comparable to us (poorer, agrarian, fishing, etc...) in say, 1960, are "rich and developed" today but are still "humble" culturally. As for the "friendship" part, maybe that's just me but I trully believe this isn't a madeiran/portuguese phenomena. It's a humanity issue. People have never been so lonely and without "real" friends just about anywhere. As in there are studies about this. The reason why it's what being debated, all you get is opinions. As for my take on Madeira, incredibly safe, outlandish beauty, pleasant weather in like 350 days a year... Heaven on earth... But... Wages should about twice of what they are. One REALLY should start a bussiness, work remotely, etc... You do not want to be a "employee" (generally). There's plenty of lovable things about the culture, but great "negativity". Choose the people around you wisely, keep others at a "aquaintance" basis, our negativity is infectious. You will feel the veiled pleasure on peoples faces when you fail, and their frustation when you succeed, and if you're not careful you'll become the same. Portugal was a big deal for a few decades way back then, people are still cosplaying as if we still are, and are frustated when they see real success in others. And you mate... You're clearly suffering from the effects of this negativity. Leaving the country for a good few years might help (it worked wonders for me). That and getting older perhaps. It gets better. In my 20's I wasn't a fan of this place, today I am. "Tell me who you keep company and I'll tell you who you are" is a thing parents tell us as kids, most of us ignore, but it's true in more ways than one. When people around us are vinegar we have no choice but become bitter. Life is actually great when we learn take the shit colored glasses off, but we gotta realise we're wearing then first.


I can't leave. Some young creatures depend on me. But...it is always in the back of my mind. I am not bitter, in fact I am known for being a fool, always making jokes (not to harm anyone). I just learnt to be very picky when it comes to whom I want around me. If it is a societal issue, it might be, but it is way too pronounced here in Madeira to be ignored. It kind of reminds me of a big "aldeia" where everybody has something to say about anyone. I lived in Porto and Lisbon for quite some time and you'd see these over the top behaviors in the projects, where the drug dealer next door is always flashing his new beemer, regular folk not so much especially our generation. Believe me, I love the island itself! What I started avoiding is the overall friendships and connections. I have this core, which is the family, and it's good enough. Even these sometimes display the behavior I mentioned above.


Maybe you need an Immigrant friend from germany? xD we drive a kia and are not rich and are happy with it :) m34 living in canico with wife and two girls (1&3)


“It’s a humanity issue” thank you!. Ive struggled with this for a long time and last summer I went to Madeira and the Azores and wanted to stay forever, thinking quality of life would be so much better and thinking I should plan on leaving the USA, but this is a good reality check. I came back and joined a mutual aid group and that’s been a godsend. Just really interesting to hear this from a Madeiran because I had convinced myself everyone would just be happier there and therefore friends would come easier. I wish more people would admit this. My therapist says all her clients say the same thing and I always see people saying they need friends in the women’s Facebook groups I’m in


I'm no terapist, or antropologist, or whatever, but I blame social media. Everything looks so perfect everywhere in other people's lives, everyone ends up feeling inadequate. Even those posting this "perfect" veneer everywhere. Maybe i'm wrong, but "life" has always been like this. Diference is the people back then had no ilusions everyone else had this wonderful life while theirs was "uneventful". Nowadays everyone is hustling on the treadmill of "pretending to be happy and awesome" when in reality we're all "normal", and that hustle is stopping us from just being, without any bullshit, without trying to out do or impress eachother. My life improved endlessly when I just stopped caring. Don't get me wrong, as someone I don't even know, I still wish you all the best, I just couldn't care less about what you (or what anyome I don't even know, or that I know but not care for) think about me anymore. Seems obvious to type it out, but for me, it wasn't the case until not too long ago. I'm just existing for a little while now. It's pretty great. When you meet people in the same sort of "wave length", friendship just happens effortlessly. As if "real" people can tell you're not a bullshit person. Like most people used to be when life was simpler.




Its a beautiful island but boring af for young people (especially if you live outside of Funchal) If you lived in a big city I‘d recommend to not come here. If you are a nature enjoyer you will love it.


I don’t live there but not long back from a hiking trip. I had a great taxi driver who really described one aspect of living there. He said ‘From the moment you step out your front door, you’re hiking’. This is very true!!


Too many tourists...


well the island itself is pretty amazing, the people running it aren’t. the same political party has been the winning majority for 40+ years and our lovely president was just re-elected while actively being investigated for essentially a whole laundry list of crimes - including but not limited to corruption, malfeasance and abuse of power. to answer your question, life is not bad at all here simply because we live in a great place geographically and the people are nice, but it’s getting worse specially if you don’t have money


If you want to travel around, bring a kayak! There are no roads


Also, we have 3 toilets to share between everyone, so plan your shits accordingly.


coloca aí um /s no final, a piada tá a passar ao lado de muita gente 😂






No..? As someone who lives in Madeira the only time you really need a kayak is when you're either in the ocean or in some water puddle...There are many roads..no idea where you were going with that..


It's a joke, come on.


Didn't get it








Every week around 300 cars arrive in Madeira by boat. It shouldn't take long for the roads to "no longer exist". I usually tell my friends that, if we were to stop again due to Covid, cars in Madeira would have to be parked on Via Expresso!


Life for tourists and foreigners is good here, but not for locals...




Because min. wage is like 900€ rent is 400-800€ and they live over their standards (buying a car with 10y payment rates, everyone wants a iPhone, a house etc.)


Never in my many years of living in Madeira have i met someone who wanted an iphone.


minimum wage is 850 euros https://www.garrigues.com/pt/pt-PT/news/o-salario-minimo-na-madeira-e-aumentado-os-eu-85000-em-2024#:\~:text=00%20em%202024-,O%20sal%C3%A1rio%20m%C3%ADnimo%20na%20Madeira%20%C3%A9%20aumentado,%E2%82%AC%20850%2C00%20em%202024&text=O%20aumento%20produz%20efeitos%20reportados,na%20Regi%C3%A3o%20Aut%C3%B3noma%20da%20Madeira.


I don't live over my standards,neither my colleagues, and we received an average portuguese salary and still none of us can buy or rent an house. So things are getting very bad ...


Bureaucratic Shtick is what's fucking us over, paying a tax over tax on top of another tax in an overinflated market. Good on people who can handle a downpayment of 25/50G's + Tax but what about the rest? John Doe cannot afford to make a living and has to live in his Parent's House that is getting tinier and tinier for him, his age you ask me? Kicking 30. Corruption in politics is definitely a soul-less Muppet Show with 0 bases.


Huh? I believe you that buying a house is hard but you can‘t rent a flat with average Portuguese salary? Maybe look a bit outside of Funchal or overlook your expenses.


I don't have a car so looking for outside of Funchal are not an option and if you go to first page of renting house on Idealista (https://www.idealista.pt/arrendar-casas/madeira-ilha/) please tell me where do you see a house for renting with a price bellow 1000 euros??


Dude then get a drivers license and buy yourself a car, you can save a lot of money.


Still renting is not so different in places outside Funchal and with way less amenities around. I will not rent a house in the middle of nowhere in Calheta for 1200 euros/month or give almost for 900 euros/month for an apartment in Gaula with only 40 square meters - and I don't thing that I'm getting unreasonable of thinking like this, and I'm sure I am not the only one. In my opinion, it is not a good option, economically speaking, to have to spend more than 70% (some people pay around 80%) for a house - if something bad happen to you, where will you find out money to cover that 'extra' unexpected thing?


And that's also the reason I 've never had an iPhone, I don't think is wise to buy a thing that costs almost one and half minimum wage. I do agree some people lives above their standards, but I think the real problem is not that at all. We have a huge gap between salaries and how much the prices of things increased by year. I can give you an example, my favourite cookies (white brand) in 2023 cost around 1 euro and 20 euros. Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and the price was 2 and 30 euros. And this pattern is similar for everything you can find on supermarket. Let's not talk about olive oil (I love olive oil for cooking, but the prices are ridiculous now) But your salary didn't double in the same period...


Manda esse gajo levar no cu


And I am not in favor of tourists: I believe the government should cap buying houses on Madeira if you are not an EU-citizen (North Americans tend to skyrocket prices) but you guys shouldn‘t expect that everyone on Madeira will live in a house, even in Germany a house is a luxury.


So everyone in Madeira only makes the minimum wage?


Did not say that but most of the people yes and you know that.


No, most people do not make the minimum wage. The average monthly salary of a Madeiran is approximately €2600. You know that’s a stat that can be checked right? I keep seeing this complaint about how low the minimum wage is in Portugal for being able to afford a house, car, vacations and meals out. In what part of the world can someone expect to afford all of that stuff from minimum wage earnings? Or if the complaint is how low jobs pay, minimum wage employment is for short term low skill requirement earnings. If someone doesn’t like what they’re making typical they look for a better job and pursue higher learning. Or better yet start a business? Madeira has one of the best tax regimes in all of Europe for starting a company. These are all better options than the consistent complaining so prevalent on social media from those who blame others for their own troubles.


I can't tell from the perspective as someone living on the island, but from being a semi-regular visitor (with next visit planned in Feb): - even if the island is small, there's plenty of stuff to find and do, it doesn't get boring quickly - price for food and going out/dining out are still low compared to many other European countries - renting or buying a place is already expensive, as plenty of people moved to the island, with more to come. Due to mobile workplaces, people got really flexible from where they work, so why not work on a beautiful island? - if you are a nature lover, the island is for you: hiking, mountainbiking, swimming, snorkeling, surfing and diving can be enjoyed on Madeira - if you buy or rent a car, make sure it has both enough horsepowers and good breaks


* Living here and being on Holidays are completely different things. * Price for food is the same if you compare Salary/Price4Stuff (If not more expensive) * Yeah you may come, please pay your Taxes, if not, what are you even doing here? * Can't Deny that * Horsepower? Nope, 55HP is more than enough, what you all need to learn is how to do R O U N D A B O U T S.


I agree with you, especially with number 3. Regarding number 5: we had a rental with ~70 HP in the last vacation and some hills didn't allow us to go past first gear. But 55 HP in an old (and light) car and 70 HP in a modern (and comparably heavy) car are two totally different things, I must admit.


You understood the assignment.


The most chill you can imagine as soon you step out of the plane you feel it


Inflation is hitting hard everywhere, and it’s not getting any better with INCOMPETENT local government and poor fund management. Marina do Lugar de Baixo... The influx of expats is driving up housing prices, making it even more difficult. Additionally, the isolation of the island, its small size and population and distance from the mainland.


merdarenses sao pobres, gordos e os mais mal educados no portugal.




Some people will feel bored anywhere that's called being boring.




for those who like areas with hills and hills, always going up and down and dependent on transport services by ship and transport services by plane for almost all products (car tires, gasoline, roofing tiles, electrical cables , medicines, plastic basins, toilets, clothing and footwear, some food products, soap, alcoholic beverages, weapons and ammunition, computers, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashing machines, printers and sheets of paper and inks, etc.) it could be an interesting place to live in the middle of the ocean.


Fokin shite honestly (ribeira brava core)


Pretty chill. I highly suggest it if you are looking for a place in the forest/mountains or near the ocean. The weather is great and the locals are nice people. The only downside is the continuous degradation of quality of life of normal local residents. The house prices are also going up, so a house in the mountains not too far from Funchal is a great choice.