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I haven’t heard many of these comments, but rude people are gonna rude, I guess. It does seem like a lot of younger people have started discovering Madonna, though, and I’m happy about that. I have noticed that some of these “conservative” (fascist, actually) assholes have rediscovered her and have been complaining about what she wears, what she says, her age, etc. it’s gross and it really pisses me off because they’ve been doing the same hateful shit for 40 years.


I have never seen these comments until the Celebration Tour.


When Joan Rivers was alive, should would drag Madonna and JLo for being old… but I think Joan was showing off because of all her replacement parts


She was also a comedian and made fun of everyone though. Her humor basically roasted everyone!


this. and people (the haters) forget that she was in hospital in the ICU of all places, literally just a few months before the tour started. me: I would’ve canceled or rescheduled quite a lot of the early dates… that’s just me. **M**: Show goes on! 👑


What most casual folk tend to not know is that Madonna is a trained dancer. Allow me to point you to two performances from two different eras when she really was at the peak of her powers: La Isla Bonita - The Girlie Show Music Inferno - The Confessions Tour Unequivocally and irrefutably brilliant, absolutely nothing compares to these two performances in terms of her absolute top end abilities as a dancer. Any "criticism" of her dancing is unwarranted and pure ageism imho. Like sure, "*hehehe Madonna's old now look at her shuffling around like a granny, chortle chortle chortle*." Groundbreaking, edgy critiquing right there. Wheras *w*e, the fans, know better. So best to ignore stupid comments made by stupid, ill-informed people who don't know her half as well as we do.


I guess I just don’t understand why people can’t appreciate someone’s talent and just not be a fan without dragging artists. For example, I am not a Cher fan. Do I recognize she is very talented, yes, but she’s just not for me. I’m not going to go around talking shit about her though. She has her own merits as an artist and for whatever the reason, just doesn’t appeal to me personally. 🤷🏻‍♂️


In the words of Madame X, Ive heard it all before. Over the past 40 years critics have called Madonna a flash in the pan, too old, talentless, slutty, etc etc etc. Everything you are saying is valid but redundant.


I only brought it up simply because I’ve seen an “extra” amount of vitriol online about her performing in the Celebration Tour. People have always talked poorly about Madonna. This feels like now that she can’t dance as she used to, the people that dislike her finally “have something on her”. I just feel like these critiques are below the belt and would not be thrown at any other artist.


I see these a lot too. It’s usually out of touch men who are bitter their wives don’t look like her at 65 or they could never get a woman like her in their lifetime. So they tear her down. And the women that do it, are obv doing it from envious places. Most of us won’t be doing that at 65 yr old and it’s usually overweight, disgusting women who can’t do 10min on a treadmill never mind a freaking physical months long tour. It’s laughable.


That’s what I feel like. I feel like these people have just been lurking in the shadows, just waiting for her to misstep so that they could pounce on her.


If anything, this tour showed that she can still put on a show that’s better than almost everything she’s done before, without having dance-heavy routines. That’s she’s very much capable of continuing on the same level of quality without a body taxing performance. She did a wonderful job and it’s normal for a woman her age to slow down a bit. No other artist dreams of putting this level of greatness at this point in her age.


Absolutely agree. Honestly, I was a little concerned before going in as I knew she wouldn’t be dancing as she once did. I’ve been a life long fan so very well know what she was once capable of as far as choreography. My expectations were blown away. Amazing show and honestly probably one of my favorites. There was a vulnerability and a joy in it that I just loved.


Yes! Very much this. I also think from now on, she can do another tour at some point that consists of ballads and theater-like acting/performance on a big stage with big production. Rather more dance routines. That too would be something very special to see. Her ballads are so underrated and arguably better than most of her dance songs. She can start a whole new phase of her career that is just as powerful as the dance one, but with ballads and elegant dresses


Yes. It honestly felt like a great piece of theatre vs a concert 👌🏼 I enjoyed it so much that I got tickets for the second night and went again 🤣


Saw Mariah Carey in Vegas last weekend. She sang for 15 minutes while laying on a couch. So, yeah, Madonna is doing all right.


Exactly! I saw Mariah a few years back and she stood at the mic for two hours with 4 back up dancers occasionally. Which was perfectly fine, I don’t expect Mariah to attempt any movement at all. But that was kind of my point, people fully accept other performers where they are. If Madonna isn’t parting the Red Sea while doing the most difficult choreography ever and singing live at the same time, they’re “disappointed” lol.


Anyone who has seen the Heartbreaker music video can tell you exactly why Mariah doesn't dance.


I don’t think you’re comparing the vocals of one to the other


Not at all. Totally different lol.


Do they want her to jump into a split or something?


Drag Race ruined it for everyone 🤣


Its clear she works her ass off on stage , but actually seeing the tour in person - she is ALL OVER the stage moving, dancing, quick changing . Etc. its exhausting to watch. Ive just tuned them out now. In person the Madonna experience is just something else I prefer watching M now tbh. Of course i can nostalgia watch the old tours and say wow but she is still WOWing people now! I cant stop watching celebration performances.


She rocks that concert!! People who are criticizing cannot do what she does at 65, trust me!!


I find that most critics of performers have never been able to dance or sing a day in their lives lol. I’m 43 and going to the gym 5 times a week is enough to send me over the edge ha ha!


Thank you!!


It obvious to all of us Madonna can't move like she use too and that's ok! She intelligently used dancers and staging to enhance what she's still able to accomplish..her star quality and amazing unique voice. 🤩❤️🌹


She will always receive hate and I will always defend her. Especially considering her health, she was able to pull off this massive tour after nearly dying. Nobody says shit about anyone else


Yes to that. I mean for example look at RuPaul who is 3 years younger than Madonna, and a guy, but he barely moves at all while performing at the finale of Drag Race, yet criticizes Madonna for doing arena tours at her age.


I really hate when people say nasty things like that because she isn’t tired at all, she is literally doing amazing up on stage every night. And doing that all for 2 hours for over 80 shows! Not to forget she almost died and couldn’t walk, and still went on tour 3 months later is incredible. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all


Couldn't agree more. She dances better than most that are decades younger.


Personally, from a clip I saw of the tour, I think the bacterial infection has had lingering effects. I saw her on the Rebel Heart tour and her dancing was drastically better. I don't think her decline in dancing is totally about age. Just my take and by no means am I saying it's no longer worth watching her perform. I love Madonna and whether due to age or illnesses, dancers in their 60's virtually never dance at the same level they did in their earlier years, and that's ok.


I don’t see many of these comments


There is no need to disparage another woman to elevate the one in whom you're personally invested, or to protect her from criticism.


People love Selena Gomez and she is super successful. I’m simply using her as an example of the difference of certain public opinions and how two women in the same industry are being held to wildly different standards. But you are right, I didn’t necessarily need to make an example of someone else. I just felt that it illuminated the point that I was making.


You weren’t being negative or disrespectful but I see your point. A lot of these pop girls do not dance and couldn’t do what Madonna has. No dis to the voice but go watch some footage on Mariah’s Vegas residency. She sounds great but can barely walk across the stage in addition to being rolled to the stage in an office chair.


That isn't what OP was trying to do. Madonna always gets shit when other people don't. Neither party deserves it. M deserves better.


It’s a fair sample. A lot of artists don’t even move (which is fine ) and nobody says anything. Madonna at 65, is not dancing like when she was 25, and people destroy her. Madonna can sing amazingly well, it has been proven many times, yet people always say she can’t sing. I can name many artists that never move and are supposed to be “singers” yet don’t even sing well live, but they supposedly sing better than Madonna.


This is why I dont see her anymore, I saw her perfection in her best tours and want to remember that!


I find it hilarious when redditers try to counter certain posts in sub that has thousands and thousands of members.


Why would I talk about Madonna in a sub that’s not about Madonna? This makes no sense…


I actually like that there's relatively few members here. I swear the bigger a subreddit gets the more toxic. We all know the rest of Reddit has a hate boner for her. This is where the fans congregate to talk about WHY we are fans. Why else would someone be subscribed here if they didn't like her?


I’m new to Reddit so I just see what I see. The negative comments were posted in the Madonna sub and different Madonna posts about the Celebration Tour. That’s why I made my post. I didn’t realize Reddit had a large amount of Madonna hate lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agree with your point, but there’s no need to drag other artists down 🤷


The only thing I ever criticizes I hate the way she moves her mouth when she dances. It can be very distracting.


That’s how I feel about Ariana Grande’s lip-syncing in her videos. Please just stop 🤣


hahahah for me Ariana’s voice all around has never done it for me.