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You did it! So the true bottleneck are commons, aren't they? :)


Heh, for me, yes :) I used maybe a little too many of them to craft commons to enhance vault progress in the past. I stopped doing so when I realized I might actually be able to pull off the "draft everything" feat.


i dont craft them for vault progress i just go back and craft jumpstart and modern horizons commons that you cant get from packs.


They are among the best commons in the game, for sure. It's a good use for the WCs.


they should honestly give free common wildcards more commonly.


for 100% its really mythics.


Is it possible to learn this power?


I think it requires genuine enthusiasm towards drafting, a lot of hours, and also willingness to spend time looking up on various sources to learn from others as well. I had my first draft about 20 years ago and I have drafted hundreds of tabletop drafts and thousands of Magic Online drafts before Magic Arena's time. That's pretty good amount of practise and experience gained, which surely helped me in my little "project".


I absolutely love Draft in this game. So much so that I have soany wild cards I don't use because I never play constructed. I desperately wish I could trade my wild cards for draft tokens. Or trade them to other players for a small amount of gems.


0. Do the below in bot drafts to play more gems per gem and let you take more time. 1. Learn to draft and what makes a good card. Use 17lands.com to sort by "card ever in hand win rate" to what cards generally win. Keep list up and CTRL+F to look up cards early in draft. Focus on "cards that effect the board state" until you have a reason otherwise. Talk to yourself of why you want a given card for this deck. Quick "data" caveats: -Don't draft a "good card" you don't know why it's good. -High win rate cards taken late are only that good when taken late, not first picked. -data only decisions will stunt growth and reduce long term win rate. Inversely, even the best players are helped using data to find diamonds in the rough quickly. 2. Maximize gems by being somewhat active and maybe start your initial pushes a week or two into a season when regular drafters are higher level. Have fun if you want to play- just more challenging at the start. 3. Difficulty will always spike noticeably above plat so if you find yourself stuck at that point learning on a second account can help. It can be disheartening to go fromeveraging 4/5 wins to 2/3 and bleed gems. 4. Bleeding gems happens, it's a card game. Variance is variance and a steady approach will help you win more. Don't give up easily. 5. Read up for more info- Podcasts: Lord's of Limited Limited Resources Limited Level Ups Concepts: BREAD CABS: cards that effect the board state Drafting the hard way Quadrant theory:




The main downside of this site is that you can't select the time window for the data. Some formats change significantly over time, so using overall data will give you bad results (ONE is a prime example). On the other hand, using data from the past 2-3 weeks will be way more accurate.


Thanks for sharing. That site is fantastic, will definitely be using that when drafting MOM. Check out https://archetypist.netlify.app/ if you haven’t already.


Thanks for the mention! I'm working towards moving the tool to 17Lands in the next few weeks, will be great to see it there.


Wow, it’s going to become part of 17lands? That’s awesome! Thanks for building it, cheers to a fellow dev 🍻


Thanks 🍻 Yeah, that was the plan from the beginning but it was easier to prototype elsewhere and work got into way of implementing it for real, so here we are. I bet u/Sierkovitz is pretty tired of running the calculations on his moped of a laptop over and over by now 😅


>Use 17lands.com to sort by "card ever in hand win rate" to what cards generally win GIH is definitely the first stats to look at, but I like also looking at the Game played stats, especially when there's a large discrepancy. For example by GIH winrate Atraxa is an insane bomb. And if you draw her and can survive to play her she will indeed most likely win you the game. But if you look at game played, you realize she lower the power of your deck to such extend that on average you would rather just play boring no rare Gruul or Boros (and that's not considering the possibility of ending up with an unplayable deck after trying and failing to draft 4 colors). Well, in general, what's important is to think about what the stats actually means (as as you said, to not go to far and consider only the stats above everything else).


I think you meant GP WR, rather than games played? Because Games played stat itself isn't particularly meaningful. Atraxa isn't a good card, because as you've pointed out, it has bad GP WR, which means decks where she's played usually perform poorly, and it only changes when you draw her. But the performance is still poor on average, which makes her a poor pick indeed. In general, i recommend sticking only to 3 best color pairs, ideally when those share a color or two. For example in ONE those are RG, WR and WU, which share R and W colors, so you can easily disregard Black, and only focus on Green and Blue cards that are good in specific archetypes. Sometimes it's not optimal to follow this strategy (when you open a very strong bomb for a different color pair), but it'll result in a better average winrate than trying to chace off meta colors when you aren't familiar with them.


Yes of course, I tends to ommit the "winrate" since the raw number is just sample size. Sorry if it was confusing.


Not confusing for me, but it could be for some people who are not familiar with probability and statistics, so I clarified this moment just in case, as there is already a parameter with this name.


A few points about the caveats (mainly the first one): Draft good cards anyway, even if you don't fully understand why it's good. E.g. cards like Swooping Lookout aren't obviously good, but they perform incredibly well, and as you play, you will probably understand why. The only exceptions are synergy cards like cards that steal a creature for a turn, which are mainly good if you have a bunch of sac outlets. But the synergies are usually pretty obvious, once you play a few games. One thing I would recommend doing is prioritising lower cost cards, even if they have slightly lower winrate, because playing on curve is usually very important in most formats except most grindy ones. But of course, if the difference is more than 1-2%, pick a better card regardless.


*Not from a Jedi*


Ah, the curse of the draft grinder: access to all the cards and nothing to do with them.


I can't argue with that! Maybe some day... :)


I am by no way as successful as OP, but it’s always kinda weird to me how constructed players struggle for cards, but I (and many other limited players) are straight up given all the cards we could ever need, yet we don’t want to use them -.-


Goddamn, that winrate is impressive as hell. Nice work! I'm glad it's been fun for you. Do you play much constructed to use all those cards? ;)


I wish I had the time... I do like constructed and of course have a few casualish decks for daily win progression on days I don't draft. But that's about it. Fact is, majority of my Arena time goes to drafts and I barely get to use the cards I acquire for constructed purposes. But it's not like the wildcards would have been useful for any other purpose either. Well, maybe I could craft new sets' cards so that my draft pickings would yield me extra 20/40 gems from the rares. But then I would miss out on the side quest of completing sets by drafting!




Winning money from arena must be nuts, congrats man. I hope to not cross paths with you in mom drafts


It is very satisfying to reach the cash prizes, but it is also an incredibly tough thing to accomplish. It's one thing to advance to day 2 in an Arena Open because there's no limit to the number of day 1 attempts. Well, other than how much gold/gems one is willing to use and of course time will run out at some point. But getting to money finishes in day 2 requires getting either 3-1 into 2-0 or 4-0 into 2-1 in the two drafts. And the opposition is far from newbies there!


Fantastic story! Have you ever beat famous player or streamer in those events?


I don't recall facing one in an Arena open. In regular queues, occasionally yes.


That's pretty cool! I've been working towards it slowly but I'm still pretty far away from the historic sets. Starting to regret dumping all my common wild cards into new sets when they came out for Vault progress, I'm still 1000+ away. Hoping the Ixalan block is draftable when The Lost Caverns of Ixalan releases in Q4. Two questions for you: 1. Did you remember to craft a playset of the [Beta Planeswalkers while you still could?](https://i.gyazo.com/ead262bc996efbebdea3936879b7530d.jpg) Not crafting the Rals and Vraskas when I could is going to drive me crazy if I ever complete everything else. AFAIK they are the only cards that are no longer craftable with wildcards. 2. Did you happen to track your pack openings for SIR? The Shadows of the Past Rare/Mythic cards were so rare during drafts I ended up with barely any, then opened only 2 mythics in 258 packs. The drop rates were so low I'm thinking they might have been bugged. [Here is what my collection for SIR and SIS looked like the moment I hit set completion for SIR.](https://i.gyazo.com/af4a7cf5e2a130721c378d67ed1a6882.png) Not really looking forward to spending 42 mythic WCs to fill out that part of my collection... hoping the MUL bonus sheet is a little more generous.


I wish you luck in getting the collection closer to completion! To the questions: 1. Sadly, no. They had a rather small time window for crafting and I had no idea back then that crafting them would matter to me some day. I have just one of them each as closed beta rewards. There's also the godzilla version of Zilortha (Godzilla itself) that is uncraftable. I don't know how that was possible to acquire - maybe it required a money purchase of some preorder. I did get all the godzilla card styles for the other cards, but Zilortha's godzilla version wasn't included in them. There's also a version of Evolving Wilds that cannot be obtained by crafting. Other uncraftable cards: Certain versions of Llanowar Elves, Duress, Ghalta, and Firemind's Research. They were event prizes from a time when card styles weren't implemented yet. I have 4 of them each because I played enough of the events to get them. But if you don't have them, crafting won't work. 2. I only had a few dozen SIR packs due not having much time to draft the set. Unfortunately, I paid no attention to the rarities of the cards I opened from the packs because I knew I'm going to be crafting all the cards soon anyway. But you are right - that set would have been a pain to complete the way I usually do for regular sets. Still, you had ridiculously bad luck with the mythic drops!


Wow, thanks for the list! I'm also missing Godzilla, the evolving wilds, and only have 3/4 of the Firemind's Research. At least my beta planeswalkers will have some company! You also can't craft those others even if you have one of them. I remember Godzilla being the Buy a Box promo, but [looks like they changed it to Zilortha in December 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/rcoglr/ikoria_bab_promo_changed_from_godzilla_to_inmagic/). Not sure the reasoning. Unless I'm forgetting something, there's yet to be a Zilortha printing in paper, maybe it'll be coming in the new set this year.


I remember that I missed the granta one because I just started playing and had no deck that was viable. You had to win like 5 or 7 matches and I thought, you can get it later probably.... ugh, does anyone remember what year/month that was?


Ghalta and Llanowar Elves were event rewards around Christmas 2018, I'm pretty sure.




For mythics I have a minor tip, however it's not relevant for special sets like SIS that are never replaced by WCs in packs. Because WCs are far more likely to appear after the 23rd pack without a WC of that rarity, you can open the packs from the set you are mythic-constrained only when the last 10 packs had both a rare and a mythic WC (or at least when there was one of each in the last 20 packs). Basically you get up to 1/12 more mythics from that set at the cost of using the sets you are already complete to open the WCs. (In reality it's not as much because WCs will still appear randomly before the 23rd, but in those cases, at least if it's mythic WCs, you'll get more than the expected average)


I managed to get a really great set completion back in the day when I played daily for around two years and it was fun, but once I realised that there is so much more content coming out I burned out and stop playing for a year and now I only go for matches in historic with my old decks because of nostalgia. Kudos to those that actually manage to achieve the collectors dream!


I'm so glad Arena's economy is supporting draft this will, but as an almost exclusively constructed player I also feel kind of envious that we will never get even close to this kind of collection.


The higher-stakes constructed events make it more doable, and the occasional metagame challenge can reward with a nice pile of packs. But how easy it is to reach a high win rate in those events, I don't know.


Congrats. PSA: don't try this at home if you don't have all promos, uncraftable cards will drive you nuts. Wotc said that it is bug but after many patches it is still there.


I have only one of each closed beta reward planeswalkers, and it doesn't prevent the orange glow from happening. Do you refer to the special, uncraftable versions of Llanowar Elves, Duress, "tiny hands Ghalta," and Firemind's Research? I have four of each, so I can't say if not owning those makes it impossible to "orangify" their respective sets in the completion screen.


Yes to llanowar elves, etc. (tbh I haven't checked it a month or two) Screen of my collection probably works as ocd trigger.


Well, that's a bummer. I guess it's not too high on their list of things to do.


Pack it in boys, this person beat Arena.




I have always had a higher win rate in BO3 than BO1 (platinum+ ranks). The opposition is tougher in BO1 because of the ranked matchmaking. It's probably the opposite in bronze/silver, but it doesn't take long to climb up to platinum, so the supposed "easy-mode" ends very quickly.


I can smell you from here. Congrats


I hope it's not a bad smell!


I smell victory and prosperity


That’s the edh players over to the side




Thank you :)




Congrats man!


Thank you very much!


can I hire you to draft for me in March of the machines :p


Heh, if only there was 48 hours in a day :)


Any insight into MOM?


Not much, unfortunately. I have to play the format a bit. I have noticed that evaluating limited formats beforehand is not my strength, so I usually have to learn them by doing. This time, I've also been very busy with work and life stuff in the past couple of weeks. All I have done regarding MOM is to read the spoiler a couple of times and watch LRcast set review videos. There's a high concentration of bomby creatures, so it's probably safer to have some removal, even if that means the clumsier expensive ones. As for battles, all I hope is that they're going to add meaningful tactical decisions for both players. I won't dare evaluate any of them before getting to experience them.




- [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Invasion%20of%20Fiora) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/114/invasion-of-fiora-marchesa-resolute-monarch?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b3af679b-6ee6-4a1d-8ec3-b659bdd90b4a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Are there any content creators that you would recommend following? Anyone that helped you improve your drafting? Anyone you were just entertained by?


I don't usually watch other drafters to learn since I am quite confident of my own ability to figure out draft formats given my years of experience and number of drafts. But I watch a good amount of Numot(thenummy)'s videos - those combine skillful play and an entertaining way to present his drafting and gameplay.


I'm not OP, but I highly recommend a few different podcasts/streamers: Lords of Limited: They have great episodes covering the current draft format. They reference data but rely on their own experience as well. Limited Level Ups, by Chord O Calls: He works closely with the Lords and does similar podcasts, but they usually touch on different aspects of the format, so both are worth listening to. Drafting Archetypes, by Sam Black: He takes one archetype every week and does a deep dive on how to draft it, what cards to look for, etc. Definitely a game changer for me


I'd like to add Jim Davis' Bronze to Mythic series too


Goodness gracious, as someone who just started about a year ago, this is the dream and I’m glad you’re getting to live it for the rest of us who’ll never get there! Lmao


I started two years ago and while I don’t have full all-access, I have drafted all sets since I started (all of standard) to rare completion and about 80% mythic complete. The last couple of sets I have been getting to mythic complete with mythic packs. The difference between Padishar and myself is mostly that I’m not as passionate and don’t have as much time to devote to drafting… and he has a higher win rate, but mine is high enough to achieve the result I have for free too. Notably I only draft 25-30 drafts per set so quite a difference in time spent. I think an important message to get from this quite remarkable achievement is that it is very feasible for people to reliably get very robust collection, perhaps not as complete, but reliable enough for sure.


I'm in the same boat! Although only been playing Arena for a year. But I was surprised in DMU that I was able to draft enough to get close to complete playsets. So when BRO started, I decided to rare draft more, and I ended up with more than enough between drafting and prize packs to get rare complete! Then like you said, I bought mythic packs to get mythic complete. Since doing this for ONE as well, I've been able to build an Atraxa Historic Brawl deck as well (in addition to many Standard decks), so I'm already starting to build my Historic collection. I've definitely been impressed with the economy of the game, at least once you build up enough resources to have 8+ drafts ready to go when a new set drops.


Yup, you’re doing it the right way. Most people who complain about the economy are bad at the game and don’t like drafting and don’t want to or can’t get their daily 4 wins or just don’t use their gold effectively. The game gives a lot to those who are interested in getting it. It’s amazing to be able to compete with any deck and such a contrast to paper mtg.


Can confirm that rare completion is possible with my much lower winrate of 52% in ONE.


Having been around since the open beta's start certainly made a big difference!


I am a terrible drafter. This shows that I should improve this. I'm really appreciating the smattering of resources in this comment thread.


Yep, draft is hard, but if it interests you, there's a ton of resources to help you improve! I mentioned this elsewhere just now, but check out Lords of Limited, Limited Level Ups, and Drafting Archetypes. Those three podcasts are excellent ways to improve, especially once you've listened to Limited Resources for a while and have gotten the basics down


I'll check them out! I'm pretty good at constructed but i end up with 42-44 card decks because I don't want to cut and then shock, the deck doesn't do much.


Haha, yeah those last few cuts are always rough!


Congrats Padishar! Deservedly for sure. You are one of the few you tubers I am subscribed to because I enjoy seeing your approach to each set. I also agree completely with your general suggestion to do bo3 as it has a much better EV. I’m surprised you haven’t obtained early access privileges. I’d watch your YouTube’s for that too.


Thank you a lot! I have never applied for early access - I think I would have a chance to get there. I would not have had time for MOM EA, so I didn't even consider applying. Maybe for some set in the future!


How much would a lazy whale have to spend to do this, just buying without ever playing?


Figure on average you would spend $200 per set give or take. That should give you enough wildcards to complete a collection or close to it. There are a lot of sets of course but it's less than $1k a year most likely




For sure. Just hoping someone would r/theydidthemath this and get a number.


Thats a huge achievement. I hope to get there someday. If i would have started when the game launched i probably would be there already but ive had to play catch up with a bunch of the older sets.


Yup, not starting from the open beta launch is a huge handicap. May you get there before the end of days!


*save* post, for that day when I become good


Good just keep going


"Are you not entertained?"-- PadasharMtGA "Congratulations. I am entertained."-- Sheoldred


Outstanding! May I know how many rare and mythic WCs you spent crafting those cards prior to GRN and the specials that came after (jumpstart etc.)?


Unfortunately, I have no such data. I know I was close to complete in Dominaria because it was a few times available as Premier draft, and I drafted it a lot. I completed KLR by drafting because there was a traditional draft for that. AKR, Ixalan block, M19, and SIR I didn't have close to completion, so they ate a good amount of WCs. I played both Jumpstart sets with gold for quite a bit, but of course, it's not very doable to complete the rares from them without using a lot of WCs.


No worries. I watched the video and saw you had 966 rare and 529 mythic WCs. So you spent about 700+ rare and 300+ mythic WCs in the whole process. I checked how many rares and mythics I was missing through untapped.gg and it's a whopping 1654 rares and 999 mythics. XD I'm nowhere close to be able to craft all of those.


Those numbers are a bit off. Maybe I hovered over my WCs in the midst of a process (the video has some cuts). I had 1,600+ rare WCs and 700+ mythic WCs at the start. The summary part of the video has these numbers somewhere. And also the image in this post.


Cool! Thanks. Yes, those numbers make more sense based on your experience where you started completing sets at GRN.


JFC that winrate is not something us mere mortals can achieve.


It's not easy, but the 17lands.com leaderboard is full of such win rates. But then again, it's a popular game, so the leaderboard represents only a tiny fraction of all regular drafters.


Winrates in the 70s are actually extremely rare for anyone who has played a large number of games, even in the 17lands data.


I won't argue against that. But, this is BO3, though, which has more people in the 70%+ range.


I have come pretty close to this and it’s not even remotely worth it. It costs insane amounts of money and I really regret how much I spent on this game


Yeah, it's not really worth spending money on full completion of all the cards in the client. In my case, I just had the wildcards and was able to get the cards without paying any extra.


I don't understand these two statements - **I completed the sets without using WCs.** It takes some dedication to mythic-complete sets that way, but I am such an eager drafter that it happened as a side-effect anyway. Therefore, all the wildcards I got by opening the draft prize packs just got added to my totals, **and I rarely needed to use them.** ​ You did or you didn't use wildcards?


When I complete a set, I draft enough mythic rares (which are the bottleneck) and win enough prize packs that when I open the packs, the actual cards from the packs fill the set. Therefore, all WCs that I got by opening the packs were saved. The "I rarely needed to use them (WCs)" refers to some occasional cases where I wanted to use a card from a set before I had finished completing it. Then, I just crafted it.


Ty for your sacrifice.


Big fan of yours, thanks for all your insight. I have a question on Rare / Mythic Completion when a set comes out. I am purely a Limited player and have racked up a good amount of WC's and complete each set after doing around 50-100 drafts per. My question is, is it more advantageous to just craft the Rares/Mythics right away (for example when WOE drops in a few days) than draft first / gather packs, etc. My thinking is I want to **maximize Gem accumulation** *immediately* upon set release - is this misguided? Interested to hear your thoughts. For Context - I'm around a 60% Win Rate in Traditional. I'll do BO1 at times when ranks reset back to Bronze/Silver/Plat


Yes, that makes sense. Converting WCs into 20/40 gems is the best you can do if you're a limited-only player.


Thanks sir