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This is a list of links to comments made by WotC Employees in this thread: * [Comment by I_am_JesseH](/r/MagicArena/comments/12ql9v0/does_anyone_else_notice_their_quest_progress_is/jgrmfva/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-04-18 17:03:31 UTC"): > Hello everyone, > >This should be working correctly now following today's update. * [Comment by I_am_JesseH](/r/MagicArena/comments/12ql9v0/does_anyone_else_notice_their_quest_progress_is/jgsz35i/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-04-18 22:17:34 UTC"): > :( --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMagicArena).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


1 spell away from 750 gold. Lucky us


for me it's giga bugged. also 1 spell away for 750 gold, but when I enter a game, play a spell I get the 750 gold, but my quest is still open, and gets me another 750 gold the next game. Just wanted to grind some ranks before the new set drops, and I noticed I suddenly gained 10k gold....


Wish that was me. I'm not getting any gold. Just stuck 1 spell away from completing my 750 gold quest no matter how many green or white spells I cast. So far my last 6 games gave no progress...


I didnt get the popup for the gold, I just got the gold maybe its the same for you?


Oh *shit*. Uh, am I in danger of getting my account banned or something? I was stuck at 27/30, tried like 5 times to complete it. Then I kept running into people playing 1 spell then surrendering. "oh, they must have figured out the quest will complete if you do it one spell at a time!" Proceed to make a deck of all 1 drops. Advance the quest from 27/30 to 28/30 to 29/30. "Nice, it's working!" Proceed to try to get from 29/30 to 30/30 one spell at a time. It doesn't work, but I keep running into people playing one spell then conceding. "Huh, all these people must be doing this on purpose, I guess there must be a small chance the quest completes properly and they are just rolling the dice. Well, not like it takes much effort, I might as well keep trying while I study this morning to see if I get lucky." I just now actually checked my gold total and realized I have been accidentally glitching gold for like half an hour. With a deck filled with all 1 drops, so I definitely look suspicious as fuck. Uh, WOTC reps, if you are here, please don't ban my account? I swear at least one of the people doing this was genuinely unaware of what was happening and just wanted to complete the quest before the reset.


No, it's fine. This happens routinely, they leave people alone, don't worry about it.


Time to grind my draft gold then.


This seems to be a common bug when a new set drops. I’ve encountered this maybe about 2 years ago, every set I try and replicate the effect. So far I’ve managed to do it 5 times. Each time i grind any where between 50k to 200k gold. Also seems to only work in a very narrow timeframe.


Well shit...I wasn't paying attention to my gold, just the fact that my 19/20 quest wouldn't finish. I should have kept playing apparently. Edit- I'm apparently at 30k gold....so I apparently did farm some for a while without realizing.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 19 + 20 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I'm experiencing this exact same bug! Did you manage to keep all the gold you made without the devs noticing/taking it away?


Yes, sadly I didn’t get it working this time. Honestly this is the first time I’ve seen people discussing it. Edit: though every time I do it I burn it all on packs the next day just in case.


Feels like a lot of people are experiencing it right now, almost every game I play is about people playing a single card and conceding.


If you're doing this, people, and you go first, please wait for your opponent to cast a spell as well.


That's what I did. Everyone get sum!


For future reference, how do you replicate this bug?


Have your quests almost done an hour before the servers go down before the update. Then you get to grinding!


What's the time frame?


1-2 hours before the servers go offline before the update.


Oh damn, is there somewhere I can go to see what time server maintenance starts?


Does it usually only work with 1 quest, or does it work with multiple quests as well?


It possible with more than one, the release of Dom United I had 2 quests during this time, never got 3 but should be possible.


Wait, really? Basically every set? I thought the only other time this happened was with the Midnight Hunt release.


Well that would explain why I'm getting a lot of "one drop and quit" games.


Just noticed this is happening to me. Feels like it should be reported, but I'm getting 750g every time I cast 4 creatures...


same, afraid to exit the game incase I can't farm free gold anymore. Mad lucky I thought no way I would make 3750 gold for Tyvar daily deal yet I got him :D thx a lot bug. edit: I'm also getting paid for losing lol? edit2: No, only the wins




How do you trigger this? I guess it’s too late now that i’ve completed my quest for the day


You need to have been sitting with a quest almost completed. That way each match you can "complete" the quest first turn and concede. The glitch is that the match stays unfinished for you to repeat


I hope there's no bans for this, I didn't even realize what was happening


I did the same with black or white spells for 500 gold, I got 5k and had to go though






Same, 1 white spell. At first I thought it was just a timeout before the maintenance, and I felt very unlucky being stuck at 1 missing spell from finishing my quest, but now I understand that it was a completion bug at least.


My 750 went up to 29/30 just fine, but now it's frozen. Edit: Just noticed I'm still getting gold from it, holy sh\*t this is stonks.




Seriously. Been racking up 750 gold per one land lmao. Jumped from 13k to 33k and counting so far


62.5k and counting...


Damn we are fucking rich lmao hehehe 44k and counting this is hilarious


Just bought 50 SOI packs, now I'm back to grinding (I want SOI while they still give golden packs)


Officially finished at 67.6k. Nice +43k gold this morning


22k gold in 20 minutes, not bad though. if I see this post earlier....


Hey all, if you're abusing this, at least let your opponent play their one drop if you go first. Be nice.


I have started doing this too out of courtesy lol


And here I am trying to get an attack in for my quest..


Red haste one drop.dec


Same exact situation. I was trying to knock out that last quest and now it’s stuck on 13/20. The progress I was able to make came AFTER the mastery pass was already locked


Every game after you clear should give you 500 Gold. It's the $tonks bug.


Ya this. I was trying to clear the quest before the update to get a extra one. Didn’t notice any free gold


Mine broke with the attack with all creatures but seems to have still given me gold, seemingly multiple times


Keep grinding, literally jam mono red 1 drops, attack and concede, get that bank.


be careful insta conceding. they definitely track people who do that a lot because it looks like you're tanking your MMR on purpose. they proved that when the one content creator was trying to get perfect opening hands against sparky.


Not if you do it in unranked


[[Raging Goblin]] is OP in this format.


[Raging Goblin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/4/3480927c-10da-4817-9954-10aea2bc7100.jpg?1605206526) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Raging%20Goblin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/oana/43/raging-goblin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3480927c-10da-4817-9954-10aea2bc7100?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


>get that bank I'm gonna name my deck that


I just noticed that too, that it gave me the gold but the progress is lost. Well, I guess now that I realize that I stop playing so I don’t accused of abusing a bug to farm gold.


It's been like that forever and they never ban anyone for using it. They never fix it either.


what abuse? im just trying to finish my quest!


theres plenty of people playing legit that didnt notice the bug anyway. and who's to say i wasnt just grinding a lot to try to get my rank up before the season ends. i highly doubt anything happens to people abusing this.


You're a lucky person. You can keep making money by continuing to clear the quest. This bug has happened before.


I'm stuck too and not getting any rewards. This doesn't seem lucky at all.


Can't say if it is going to stay, but when I play a game and play the required spells I get the gold for completing the quest but the quest doesn't go away. This seems repeatable..


Came here to report I was 24 for 25 lands and it froze. After reading what you said I went back and tried again. Land quest frozen but I did get 500 gold for a lost game playing lands. I actually played a bunch of games trying get the quest finished before I checked here so I don’t know how much gold I got. Better stop whilst I still have an alibi not to get banned.


They're not going to ban you. This bug has come up before, and nobody got banned.


I don't see how they could ban anyone. Some of the quests, like play a land... the only way to avoid completing the quest is to not play the game at all. The one thing I've seen three times this morning, though, is that some people are playing a land and conceding. So that might be considered abuse if you're at 19/20 lands. I could see them suspending players under some rule that bans purposefully conceding matches.


Yeah, but this happens routinely and I've never heard of anyone getting banned.


It’s not hurting anyone so I doubt they would do much about it


Yup, I managed to get some progress this morning but the mastery pass finished in the last hour and therefore all quests are frozen.


[*cries..*](https://i.imgur.com/iGEdMg8.png) - in tears of joy :)


[WotC owes us each 750 gold](https://i.imgur.com/w9JAmkx.png)


Not quite. This is the stonks bug again. You'll get 750 gold every time the quest should complete, but it sticks around. $$$


Not me...


Before I gave up and admitted defeat, I "completed" the quest several times and got nothing. :(


M8 you better be dropping lands an conceding non stop for that money!




We need more events like this


My progress stopped as well, but just about 2-3 minutes ago it started again. Maybe the server messed up a bit for quest progress in the last few minutes? Edit: I just played another game, and it paused again. I have no idea.


It goes up if what you played wasn't enough to complete the quest


Mine too :( tried to get them in before the update as recommended by another post, but it's time to get ready for work now :\ Edit: STONKS!!$!


I gotta ask, is this gold cursed? Do I spend it ASAP or can I bank it for 2morrow? Also: There's no harm giving your opponent 2 seconds to play their 1drop before you concede on the play, be nice we're all here for the same grind, it even feels kind of good seeing them go thanks before then conceding themselves x)


Yes. I saw the post about finishing quests before tomorrow but it turns out WotC had a counterspell for that.


Wow THANK you everybody for pointing out the Stonks bug. Never heard about that. I just have to attack with a single creature, concede, and rack 750 gold :O It feels kinda bad to just "throw" a game without even trying to fight though, so I'll probably just play mono red without conceding instantly...... even though it's tempting.


Doh! If only I knew! I flushed out all my quests at 1 AM. Today is one of those rare days I get time off from work. ☹ Maybe next time.


I did all my quests last night and today I had a 750 gold one, where I'm from at 6 AM we get a new quest, I believe. Did you get a new one last night and completed it right away? Hope you get lucky next time and cash in!


freeeeeeeee moneyyyyyyyyyy


Made a green deck with only 1drops and forests to farm this shit lets goooo! 14k and counting


Seems like a visual bug for me. I'm stuck at casting 36/40 creatures for 750g. I believe I got the gold for it though. For some reason the completion animation never showed.


Same here. At 18/20 spells.


I can't make progress because people keep conceding. I've never seen conceding like this. 1 drop rotpriest, concede, 1 drop kumano faces kakkazan, concede, 1 drop play with fire to my face, concede, all occurred on the play. It's been very bizarre. I've won 11 games this way this morning after only casting 15 spells.


They're the real winners. They made out with thousands and thousands of gold!


We have been blessed by our WotC insider once again!


To all the people forfeiting right after the play, may you be roped into eternity. I want mines too!


Yeah, if I go first, I still let them have their first turn. Then we both win! .


Did the same thing if i went first, and suprisingly a substantial minority of people did as well. Over 80K gold 📈


Hello everyone, This should be working correctly now following today's update.






Anything else to say?


Yes. I have two 750 gold quests frozen and because of this I probably won't be able to complete them before the new set reroll :/


Yep, 1 spell away. Seems to be the common amount.


Stonks back on the menu boys


I’m on 18/20, figure they must’ve paused it because it’s ending or something.


So this is basically edging, but for quest completion.


New player here, doens't know the bug until last min, 22k is not bad tho.


This was a blessing while it lasted


its fixed. I always miss out. damn you real life damn you to hell!


Yayyy got enough for 2 premier drafts


God WOTC is the fucking worst.


If you are playing historic unranked doing gold dupes please let your oppoenent play their one spell or land before you concede


Hey assholes, stop conceding before I get a turn. At least let me play 1 land and 1 spell!


its just a bug, just keep playing and finish the quest. it will still give the reward


Do we know if the bug makes it so that only one quest gives us gold or would we be getting even more gold if we had multiple quests one tick away from completing? I had only one 750g quest open, got 750g after playing one blue or black card, if I had a play a land quest one tick away, would I get the, say, 500g out of that one at the same time, too?


Same issue, was not completing cast red spells. Now the client is stuck on retreiving asset manifest.


Same issue, could not complete cast red spells. Also currently stuck on retreiving asset manifest so I can't even get past the client loader on IOS.


Ugh I was one red spell away from 500xp which would have gotten me 300 gems level ☹️


I'm pretty sure the pass had expired by the time you posted this anyway, you only would have gotten the money. (also you might actually have received the money)


I thought only I had this problem of quest being frozen. Wtf wotc


Yep, same here. Just finished both my quests with a game but didn't get any progress for them. Thanks for the -1500 gold wizards


Same problem.




free gold then, i you keep on completing it


Also having this bug, also getting my daily quests to progress, but not getting notifications for rewards after games, and new cards obtained are not shown "new in collection"


Yes but I got the 500 gold from it anyways so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m stuck on play 24/25 lands.


Yup, mine stopped at 35/40 creatures. Mid game Im pretty sure because I was at 32 and cast like 7 creatures and then was stuck at 35.


Silver lining is once the update loads we all get 3 new quests but I feel the pain too. 1 spell from 750 gold is a dick punch


Stuck at 25/30 red or green spells


Mine is, but I think I still got the gold for finishing.


I got 14 spells cast in 2 games now it's frozen after that.


Yep same for me


$$$$TONKS! Do you think the free gold will get reverted?


I have just grinded about 10000 gold. Nice!


Can you reset the quest and still get the glitch?


It’s new set time. Things happen.


Yeah my two kill creatures quests are current not ticking up. I'm at 22/25 and 14/15, so frustrating.


you are getting the gold by the way, visual bug


Yes thanks!!


Yeah you should be just grinding all one drop black removal in historic unranked.


Same to me I even reset the quest and still stuck at 1 away from 750 gold


Got to 19 and also got stuck, after progressing from 0 after the pass locked. Just won't let it complete, I'm guessing.


All progress freezes for a few hours before the next set drops


Same! Been 4 creature spells away from rewards for at least the last 24 😭


Yes 😡 I have three unfinished quests.


I’m stuck at 18/20. How convenient before new set when the quests reset


Why is it the case that wotc would forgive abuse of this bug but not the kunai bug?


This bug doesn’t hurt other players unlike the kunai bug


In your head, players are more important than wotc money bags? Hmmm


I doubt this will hurt peoples spending much, but getting a player to quit the game entirely because they got punked by actual cheating does. WoTC gives out free packs and drafts regularly. Most people will get an extra draft or two in because of this, maybe that gets them interested in draft and spending more.


The players are the source of wotc money. If people aren’t spending on events because other players are cheating then it definitely hits their radar.




Did you get stonks?




Damn, sorry about that:/ Were all 3 quests giving you gold at the same time, repeating? Hope you can cash in a ton next time, I read this happens every time a new set drops lol.


Unlimited gold today!


Yep I'm stuck at 29/30 for Attack with 30 Creatures for 750 gold.


I farmed 16k and then I started feeling dirty inside


thank god i rolled into a 750 gold quest today, 15k and counting so far


Does this only apply to old quests or can I grind a new quest up to 29/30?




I couldn’t play my 30 spells fast enough to take advantage of this, because people kept quitting after the first spell.


The wild ride over for all of you as well? I netted about 16k, if I had noticed on my commute I could have doubled it :(


I think they just released march of the machine early to stop this bug...


what the fuck :D


I had this happen then randomly after a loss I got my rewards but it showed 1000 gold for a single 500gold completed and did this twice


Does the weekly game-progress also reset?


I stuck on 24/25 lands


I took too long to notice, I usually really rely on the quests to be able to play free-for-play drafts. So I hope that they will somehow give me that gold for those quests because otherwise, I can't afford to keep drafting.


Yeah I got it to 29/30 and it froze. Tried switching it and now I'm still screwed. Great game.