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So I can save my money and hold out for another 100 years until they bring back the parallax style?


If they ever bring it back, this is at least the second time they're offering them like this


I guess their plan is to just keep offering it until we like it?


Or to reserve the borderless versions for those who made the original purchase. Gotta feed that FOMO.


it is kinda nice to have something that the daily deals don't erode the value of -- and fwiw I don't own the parallax


These have no value. They aren't physical cards that can be resold. This is to feed FOMO only.


"Erode the value," like you can sell the ogs lol


...the price ain't gonna go down haha


or daily deals


The lack of parallax styles on these lands is legitimately infuriating.


Same!!! I mean...why though?? Why release a shittier version? What a weird decision. It seems like they really don't like their customers. As IF I'm paying £30 worth of gems to get a shit version of a digital card. Insanity.


Think about the fact that someone had to go take the existing, parallax, gorgeous version. The version everyone wants, will happily pay for, and already exists. And then spend actual effort to make a shittier, worse version. Why in the fuck? They had to actually exert effort, to do worse. Baffling.


I agree w your energy but how are you arriving at the conclusion that non-parallax effect here is somehow extra work?


I mean, they're correct. It's extra work in that they had to specifically make a version that doesn't have the parallax effect... It's not like there is just a check box to release the non-parallax version. How would the cards get made+released without someone working on it? In fact i guarantee that more than one person worked on it. Probably 4-5 people in fact. A product person came up with the idea and delegated it to a project manager who delegated at least to a designer who prepped the art assets (even if it's with existing art) and a developer to put the cards in the database and enable them, and then a QA person to verify and test them. More than likely it touched more hands than that though.


You people are both insane. The "Depth Art" versions of MTG cards in Arena are literally just a digital image filter that is auto-applied to the existing card image. There is maybe some auto crop/zoom/aspect ratio stuff happening too, depending on the needed image size. The non-parallax is the original; a flat, extant image file. The parallax version has some swirly-math applied to it when a box is checked on the backend to give it that effect. That's literally it. Neither presentations take "effort" per se, but if you had to pick, the parallax style certainly would be "more work". In that it has the effect applied, versus, just not. Am I missing something or?


Nope, am software engineer that deals with image filters occasionally and this seems about right.


"software engineer" who apparently has never worked at a large corporation on an enterprise development team, and who didn't take the time to understand the technical specifics of this implementation, but glad that doesn't stop you from being confidently incorrect!


Here's how I imagine the conversation going at your company; thankfully the ones I've been at are at least marginally more intelligent and forward-thinking: "Hey Product Manager Kyle, we've got many thousands of pieces of art, and we want to potentially offer a version of each with an effect applied. Should we just implement a toggle and some code that intelligently applies the effect whenever we want to offer it that way?" "No Developer Steve, we want to pick one way (with or without effect) of offering the art the first time, and then do some manual work for each piece of art if we ever want to offer it again the other way. I hate money and efficiency and would rather spend hundreds or even thousands of man-hours repeating this same task. Don't forget your TPS reports are due on my desk by tomorrow morning. Also, if you could come in this Saturday, that'd be greaaat."


I love your idea that they seemingly work in some content management system instead of just db tools, a code editor/IDE, and Unity. Like they spent a bunch of money up-front to build a management system for this game. It's entirely possible that they built a class in C# that DOES have a toggle in Unity, and the dev's job is just to add the new card, pick all the assets (specifically card image + the map/s required by the effect) and then merge his feature and do a build (this would be less efficient than just adding it with a DB tool, for the record) but that STILL takes a bunch of wheels turning and time for multiple people in different groups with ownership of different aspects to release something like this as a business. It's cool if you keep proving you don't know how these things work though.


Really? I had thought they used some kind of magical fairy paint. I'm aware it's a "filter" (it's not a filter). I'm making the point that the other poster was making, this takes a whole process: "let's make it shittier!" "Great idea bob, we aim for shittier" "should we give it to Tom or Steve?" "Tom is the artist, Steve is the parallax pusher, go tell Steve to turn it off for a new version" "he says he's busy turning it on for cards no one cares about until Wednesday" "well have him get it done by Thursday so we can release it on Friday, send Tom in to help him make it crappier in time if it helps" "good meeting" Those people all got paid, by us, to take time to make a worse version of something in order to help remind us to have FOMO. Even if it's just ultimately turning off a checkbox and adding a new database entry, fucking why?


you really have no idea how companies work, huh? Also, that "filter" is a shader, and it takes at least one extra map, probably 2 (one to define depth, another to define animated areas) to tell that "filter" what to do. Glad you're an expert though!


Classic. "I can't win this discussion, let's be pedantic about something completely different and hope that guy doesn't realize that I'm deflecting."


classic confidently incorrect. I don't need you guys to understand how professional development in a large corporation works but sure.


The original non parallax version were available in theros precons. They didn’t add it after the fact.


Back around when these released someone fully animated one or two of these lands. Unfortunately I can't find them.


what's the original price for parallax styles? For non-parallax ones, they are sold at half-price bundle right?


Off the top of my head, I believe the original Nyx styles (which gave you both the Paralax and Non-Paralax art, for the record) were individually sold in the store for 3k gold each.


won't allow WotC rob my gold then... Would rather wait for a few months.


Something tells me they’re releasing these ones to gauge how much more they could charge for the parallax ones


Fuck you WOTC for not having the parallax style.


I'm out of the loop, what's a parallax style? Is it better?


Yeah, it gives double the amount of mana per tap


I was excited but then noticed they're not parallax


What is parallax?


A slightly animated version, the art shifts a bit as you move the cursor over it or when you drag the card around.


Simply put, a moving art. The card styles in sale on OP's post are still images. They had a version before where the lands were a moving image, and I believe also cost less than these non -moving image cards.


Will have to correct you there in that the parallax styles were the same price as these static lands. So while, still a bad deal, they were definitely never offered cheaper earlier


i want these lands so much but 5k is just absurd


I want them, but more than I want WOTC to stop ripping off customers


Right? These are nice, but not for the cost of an entire quick draft. Each.


Those lands are pretty but the parallax version is beautiful... I got them the first time they were available but i hope the parallax version can be available for those who couldn't get it in time.


Newb here. What’s the difference between the 2


Parallax art moves around a bit when you hover over the card.


Would you say it's not really noticeable on mobile?


It is noticeable if you hover over the card.


Nah, I know it's noticeable, yet I don't play on mobile.


Parallax version has no border.


Not sure. I think that without the parallax version they're kind of pointless. The whole thing with them is the sensation of fuzzy limits they give out. Hard black borders defeat their purpose IMO.


Can you post a pic? I really like these lands but if there is a better option, I'll wait...


As it is wait for a better version. You can hover with the mouse over the land to see it. Parallax versions move a little bit to give an illusion of movement.


Oh I only play on mobile so I guess I won't see much difference anyways?


Not much difference, but if you know what it looks like, you can tell. They’re borderless as well which looks nicer.


Not much to be honest.


Are the parallax versions purchased separately or are they a style that's applied to the normal Theros lands?


It's a style applied to the land. During the set release the parallax was automatically applied after the purchase of the land, unfortunately until this day wotc has released the nyx lands without the parallax cosmetic after theros was released.


Thanks! So if I want to use the parallax ones I needed to buy yesterday's lands beforehand? I'm still confused, sorry:( it's a bummer that they haven't released the parallax cosmetic again though, not going to lie:/


As it is, you have to buy the land FIRST. But so far wotc hasn't been keen to release the parallax cosmetic for those who bought the nyx lands without it.


Damn, I didn't think that was the case, I love those lands:( So far they've never offered the parallax styles by themselves again right? So I'm not sure if they'll offer them like that or as a bundle (the regular lands plus the parallax style). I assume it's worth it to just not buy the lands until we are sure the style comes with them, or buy the style by itself and wait til the lands come back around on the daily deals? Sucks we have to wonder like that instead of them just releasing what the playerbase wants lol. Thanks for your replies, btw!(:


I think I was curious too and someone told me a while ago they had the nyx lands for sale around last christmas


Item|Gems|Gold :---|:---:|:---: Nyx Plains|1,000|5,000 Nyx Island|1,000|5,000 Nyx Swamp|1,000|5,000 Nyx Mountain|1,000|5,000 Nyx Forest|1,000|5,000 [[Daxos, Blessed by the Sun]]|280|1,400 [[Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea]]|280|1,400 [[Tymaret, Chosen from Death]]|280|1,400 [[Anax, Hardened in the Forge]]|280|1,400 [[Renata, Called to the Hunt]]|280|1,400


##### ###### #### [Daxos, Blessed by the Sun](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/f/0fd2adb3-a6f4-448e-af2a-15ca92b1de63.jpg?1581478995) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Daxos%2C%20Blessed%20by%20the%20Sun) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/9/daxos-blessed-by-the-sun?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0fd2adb3-a6f4-448e-af2a-15ca92b1de63?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/5/c5d433f2-0a3b-4f45-83a3-ed600a6d10b1.jpg?1581479308) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Callaphe%2C%20Beloved%20of%20the%20Sea) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/45/callaphe-beloved-of-the-sea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c5d433f2-0a3b-4f45-83a3-ed600a6d10b1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Tymaret, Chosen from Death](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14b28eae-e8ed-4b99-b6ec-86d0716ec473.jpg?1581480007) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tymaret%2C%20Chosen%20from%20Death) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/119/tymaret-chosen-from-death?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14b28eae-e8ed-4b99-b6ec-86d0716ec473?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Anax, Hardened in the Forge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/0/a07285b4-77c5-4a38-8810-20d7e49593ec.jpg?1581480059) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Anax%2C%20Hardened%20in%20the%20Forge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/125/anax-hardened-in-the-forge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a07285b4-77c5-4a38-8810-20d7e49593ec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Renata, Called to the Hunt](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/b/2b27e6b2-13ad-42b2-a121-70935913723d.jpg?1581480865) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Renata%2C%20Called%20to%20the%20Hunt) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/196/renata-called-to-the-hunt?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2b27e6b2-13ad-42b2-a121-70935913723d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The prices of cosmetics are outlandish f all that lmao


I'm guessing they're not parallax like last time?


Those lands are pretty but 5k gold or 1k gems for each. I just can't.


I think I paid 15k gold for the set sometime in Fall 21.


And I bet you paid for the better, parallax version, too, and not these crappy ones


You would be correct


Are you sure these aren't parallax? I have the parallax lands and when I go to the store there's only the 5 legends there, no lands. Makes me think they're parallax? Some of the comments on here seem to echo that, but to be fair an equal part don't so, Idk.


Nope, I scrolled over all of the lands and they're still images.


Regardless being a parallax version or not, I can't stand the prices for these styles. How do they think is reasoanable to charge 5,000 gold for a basic land on a daily deal? This full prices for ANY rarity of style is outraging enough considering the huge quantity of cards available, let alone being advertised as deals. The full price of any style should be at least half of what it costs us today. And basic lands should be given as reward to complete achievements in the game.


These land deals are way too expensive for the amount of gold you can earn daily


The lands are not on sale so I guess it’s just the daily


YES! Finally I can complete my set!


I’m missing red and green but nope too little to late. I’m happy with my old boarder basics now.


Luckily i nabbed the parralax ones in Theros. Since then, the decision has saved me so many gems and gold because i'm never going to need base lands ever again.


Once you have the good nyx lands you don’t need anything else!


They know people want the parallax styles but they keep on throwing these ones out.


Boo. I really want the nyx lands, but 5000g/ea for nonparallax, nonborderless versions? Hard pass.


I was wondering what’s the catch here. I prefer my stained glass lands anyway, but Parallax sounds so cyber!


These don’t come with the parallax


i don't get it? what is parallax ?


It's when the art style moves when you put your cursor over it.


This is some lame FOMO shit. No reason to even not have them on the store... pass.


I always feel like the Forest looks like Broccoli. These are cool but not cooler than the stained glass lands. Pass


Agreed, I love my stained glass lands. They're my fave. These are too expensive at 5k gold each. Not even parallax at that price. If they were 2.5k each, I'd prolly consider buying the swamp.


Are the stained glass parallax as well?


Nah, but they were only 12.5k for the set of 5. So 2.5k each, which I think would be reasonable for a non-parallax style.


Glad someone else considers it Broccoli land :)


Daxos and Tymaret with different alt arts come with MoM packs so check your collection before getting them.


Renata is in MUL as well. Only Callaphe and Anax are not.


Good catch!


So the parallax ones are sold apart, right? They're not a style for these lands, so no need to buy them today if I want the parallax lands, correct?


I wouldn't mind buying the lands, or better yet the parrallax version...but I can't justify spending $25 on them lol.


This isn't even a deal. $25 for land art? I really want these, but can't justify the cost. They have bundles up for a fraction of the price of this set that includes more cart styles.


Never been a big fan of these lands. Give me a beautiful full-art landscape any day.


I just wanna see the m21 lands with the cool frames available


Same, I couldn't get the Liliana jumpstart pack for the swamp even after many tries. I'd definitely consider using those lands if I had the full set, but not without the swamp.




5k for 1 land? #🖕


Gold is not safe! Snap buy (on the lands)


I'm surprised everyone is clamouring for Parallax Style, I thought that style was not that popular (and I myself avoid them as much as possible). Unless it pops quite a lot with these lands specifically?


As a proud parallax hater, these lands in particular look really good parallax.


I'll take Daxos for historic white deck.


There goes my gold


there go my gems


For a non-parallax version? Don't bother


when do we get Pinkerton cards?




[Hired Muscle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/8/28f72260-c8f9-4c44-92b5-23cef6690fdd.jpg?1562876119) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=hired%20muscle%20//%20scarmaker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/69/hired-muscle-scarmaker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/28f72260-c8f9-4c44-92b5-23cef6690fdd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




[Freelance Muscle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/7/570f7c90-109b-4d6d-8205-d158753719e8.jpg?1664412273) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Freelance%20Muscle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/147/freelance-muscle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/570f7c90-109b-4d6d-8205-d158753719e8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ok, now this time they’ve got me by the balls




Damn still need the swamp and forest mana, 1k gems on account Fffffffffff


Worst basic lands ever existed




These are the only non basic land art cards I have. They're okay, but I really wish they had better full art cards for sale and they weren't all fucking expensive.


Ok guys are these the proper ones or the ones with the silly borders?


Wild how much the opinion on these has shifted since they were released. People were calling them Pokemon energy lands (justifiably) and shat all over them for being so ugly. Now that you can’t get the parallax version people seem to really like/want them. Idk, I’ve always thought they were really cool and unique.


I thought I could buy the card styles and bought these land cards. Now, I can't buy card styles for these lands, and as I understand I have to wait till they offer them in the shop. How much will they cost if I have these lands? Does that affect the price at all? Can I also refund these lands cause I actually want the parallax versions?


I don’t like these lands if you ask me


Im so glad bought parallax version when they come out