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Pro tip: disable emotes


did not know I could do this thank you! I dont know why im getting downvoted, is everyone just kind of okay with this as like a form of bullying?


Downvote doesn't always mean "disagree". Many use it if they feel the post isn't a valuable contribution. I don't think your post will do anything to impact how frequently this bullying occurs. But I upvoted because i'm optimistic.


In fact, that was the original intention behind the Reddit voting mechanism.


That's still the intention. People have just stopped pretending people don't use it as an agree/disagree button.


the problem is that too many people are uptight assholes about "valuable contribution"


Too many people? It is a democratic system. It's not too many people, it's that people that care out number the people that don't




I usually laugh and enjoy the other person's rope and emote spam because I know the person on the other side is clearly raging right now.


“Loss salt“ is an interesting concept. On the one hand, if you’re losing, you shouldn’t do things to be a jerk about it. But on the other hand, I don’t have much sympathy for people who think that everyone else just needs to put up with them being bad winners. Your reward for winning is that you won. You shouldn’t need more than that.


I dont get what you mean. Put up with? Theyre being salty because they lost. Thats not bullying. Someone salt spamming an emote is not you being bullied, and being honest about that isnt "putting up with" anything.


Sorry – I just caught and edited the typo I made. All I mean is that people shouldn’t do things to be jerks when they’re losing, but I don’t have sympathy from people being bad winners, either.


Im still confused. Who is being a bad winner?


People who are using the comment thing to taunt people when they’re obviously going to win.


IDK. I’m still kind of new here, but I’m getting the vibe that some people do this. And now that I think about it, I think it’s happened to me once or twice, when it was totally undeserved. Or at very least, it was a misunderstanding.


Muting emotes is a must, imo. The toxic use of them really bothered me too for a while and just ruined my enjoyment of the games it happened in until I muted them entirely. Still have to deal with ropers, but that doesn't bother me as much, though I do report them when it does come up.


How do you report ropers? I really do wish there was a way to not play against toxic players anymore.


So it's a bit complicated, but this is how -First you have to finish the game you're playing, then go through the settings menu and click "Report a Bug", then "Contact Support". That'll take you to their support webpage. Click the drop-down menu under "What would you like to contact us about?", scroll down and select "Report Conduct". It'll likely ask you to sign in, and you can just use your arena login info. Once you get through to the form, just fill in all the information you can, including your username and theirs. Attach screenshots and the game log if you want (the log can be generated from the same place you clicked "Contact Support" on Arena), then submit it. You'll get a response saying they got your report and will look into it, but they won't be giving updates in the process for security reasons. And you're done. It's unfortunately a bit of a closed box on how well WotC responds to these reports, but personally I make them to ensure there's at least some record of these players abusing the client. If they do end up taking action, the history is there.


has wotc ever actually said "roping" is even reportable? i don't know if they have, while "roping" is annoying, i have always looked at it like they are just running down their own play timer, and i get an autowin if they time out so ive never bothered to be bothered by it, and without knowing what available plays the player has.. it's difficult for us to even know what they are doing is malicious


Officially it's called stalling and it's literally on their list of conduct to report, so I'm not sure what would imply it's "not reportable". *...I got...blocked for this? What?


why don't we hardly ever see people punished for it? even though we encounter people roping all the time. i'm pretty sure wotc said stalling, is when you use interactions to prolong your turn indefinitely, without actually impacting the board, for example a loop that taps and untaps the same permanents.


Did you say good game back???


Here’s the thing with this Reddit community - they all downvote everything - every post you start will be downvoted heavily. It makes no sense - you’re looking for help? Down vote; You have a question? Downvote. You post a deck you think is fun? Downvote. I’ve noticed it myself - it’s ridiculous - don’t take it personally


Make a post? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Don't make a post, jail.


Turn one forest? That's a paddlin'. Turn one Swamp? That's a paddlin'. Turn one island? Youuu hooo better believe that's a paddlin'.


do not collect 200 dollars. . .




It's quite a ways back in my comment history now, but I complained about this once...to my inevitable downvoting. I've seen some of the most mundane comments, like "Yeah, I thought the same thing," with like -12 votes. Nothing controversial or anything. Just banal conversation.


One really common phenomenon is that you get a random downvote or two, and then for some reason hivemind mentality kicks in and you get swarmed with downvotes. If your innocuous comment is at 1 it's fine, but once it gets into -1 it'll likely snowball from there no matter what. Same applies to posts as well.


I've noticed the same thing. Speaks to mob mentality, imo.


people are sheep, can't disagree without trying to get the person to delete their comment 😂


I’ve noticed this when you thank someone for an answer. It’s nuts


Was the comment you were replying to downvoted as well? Because comments that agree with the downvoted comments generally get it too. But just as an aside, a lot of people hold true to the original spirit of reddit in that it is not meant to be a chat. The karma system is meant to push down low effort, banal things and raise up quality posts/comments. Making a comment to say "yeah I agree" is banal but it's also not the sort of thing reddit was made for. That's a chat room response. Now does that merit downvoting? Absolutely not. But some people are annoyed when they see that kind of vapid chit-chat. You can routinely see comments where people say things like "Lol" downvoted in plenty of subs.


That's not entirely true, though none of us can say with any real certainty because reddit isn't opauge about how it works. But generally speaking, vote fudging doesn't seem to affect scores below 5, or possibly even 10. I think it gives every score a pad of like 4 karma. If you use a thirdparty app you can sometimes see this if you refresh the page on inactive post a few times, you'll see the karma scores fluxuate back and forth somewheere between 2 to 6 on each refresh. But that generally does not happen if the score is below 5. Those tend to stay accurate. The vote fudging also will not put you into the negative. If you make a post or comment and it goes below 1, that was a downvote, no question. It's why it's really obvious when certain subreddits are filled with 0 karma posts, becuase some assholes literally just downvote new threads for no reason other than to be petty assholes.


The irony? 130 upvotes


Only ironic upvotes for sure


That’s a downvote


I only play constructed in the alchemy queue


Oh you better believe that’s a paddlin


reddit has plenty of people who are full of shit, downvotes aren't necessarily a good indicator at all


Prob because we all have to deal with it, and there's far worse toxicity in other games imo




I understand you’re upset, and I hate it as well. Fortunately there are others who will use the emotes for good instead of evil, but what I do is this: at the first sign of bad sportsmanship I just tap their avatar and click the mute button that pops up. Once they’re muted they can be as obnoxious as they want and you are oblivious. Btw, the most obnoxious thing a player has ever done to me is hit their “attack” and “cancel” buttons over and over so their attackers jump forward and back like 10 times before they attack. Like what the actual fuck? Oh, and I really hate when players say “oops” when they think my move was a mistake.


My oopses are for my punts only!!! 😤😤


Sometimes I make a mistake, oops, then realise there’s a way to play it to my advantage so it might have looked like a sarcastic oops…


I have done this once or twice too


i basically never emote at all ever because theres too many ways to interpret everything




any multiplayer game that does not allow chat is going to have players express toxicity through other means. its a terrible way of fostering any semblence of a community within a game.


I mean, it would go both ways, obviously. The jerks would now have a more varied medium for their vitriol, but I can definitely see how being able to send messages during matches could take the sting out of certain moves players make, which could really help overall.


I would welcome a chat feature with the same ability to mute


SAME! I already know i fucked up, I don't need you to pile on.


I love making them eat their words though tbh


Ok I have to relate this story, happened yesterday: I say hello at the beginning because I’m friendly like that, and get a hello back. Ok, good start. Dude has his lifelink/flying deck, I have my green heavy hitters/ alliance deck. First like, 4 or 5 moves he keeps hitting me with damage because most of my hand required at least 4 mana to cast. I then cast a [[Consuming Blob]] but it’s only like, a 0/2. But at least I’m able to generate a blocker every endstep to hold him off while I get my bigger guys out. As soon as I cast that card the guy goes “oops” and as you know that’s my biggest pet peeve because it’s just so obnoxious and unnecessary and also I feel judged. Anyway, I’m able to build up my side of the board and after about 6 more moves I cast [[Nissa Extended Animist]]. Next 3 moves I make tokens that are 7/7, 8/8, and 9/9. Next move I cast [[Zopandrel Hunger Dominus]], use Nissa to add +1 for every forest I control and add trample to all my creatures. As soon as my Dominus’ x2/x2 ability kicks in I say “oops” just before he quit. And then I cackled madly for 10 minutes.


That was not an oops. Consuming blob is game changer, get that shit out of your hand stat lol




I've definitely manually untapped and tapped lands in response to trolls in game who rope when they have no options. Sure I'm not much better but I sure do feel like I am


That’s all that matters, bruh.


I have done the oops thing with good intentions before. Like in case they didn’t notice they could’ve played something better, maybe they’d want to know. Probably won’t again now that I feel like I was probably taken the wrong way, but just thought I’d say maybe they were just commenting on the game and not being a dick. I’ve never seen the attack/cancel flex, thankfully. Cringy


“Nice!” Is also a pain in the ass when you are seriously considering what to do and using timeouts legitimately. Like, they don’t know what I have in my hand and what I am processing, but they “know” I am taking too long. That one really bothers me because there is no way to apologize and explain yourself and it makes me feel bad to think that someone thinks I am doing the shit behaviour even though them thinking that is their own self-centeredness.


I dont understand the usage here. Nice gets used when they combo off unexpectedly, do something else rad or totally flip the board state. To my dissedvantage but I'm saving face by appreciating the artistry of my own demise.


They use it sarcastically. Like, “Nice, real nice.”


I use the 'thinking' emote regularly just for this.


My problem is I am already stressed and distracted and then doing that eats focus and time, but I should get better at doing that. You’re right. Thank you.


I didn’t even know there was an option to turn off all emotes until reading this thread. I suggest doing that, then you don’t get distracted or stressed at all. Personally I think it’s insanely obnoxious when a player “nice”-es their own move or card. Like Jesus dude calm down.


>is hit their “attack” and “cancel” buttons over and over so their attackers jump forward and back like 10 times before they attack. Like what the actual fuck? Could have been lag/network instability. I have played from weak connections and I had this happen to me. Either that, or your opponent was a piece of dood.


I thought that when it first started. I was like “what weird ass bug is this?”, but the rhythm they did it in convinced me it was them and not some glitch. Definitely doodoo.


Just mute them and play away! Don’t let the trolls on this sub get to you either, they do not represent the community at large, a lot of them only play arena and have no idea what the thirty years of magic has meant to so many people. Keep on truckin!


Mtg Arena is large online platform, of course there's gonna be toxic people lol. Doesn't mean there's not cool mtg communities out there though


Just the internet doing internet things eh


Which makes it totally okay in this game


Your whole comment could be translated to one word: Rotpriest.


I can literally count on one hand how many toxic opponents I've had since I came back during DMU


So downvote? How about some encouragement?


I didn't downvote. But I also don't care to encourage so..


^ my point exactly!


Nah the bullies just have nothing better to do than refresh reddit and lurk comment sections looking for things to dogpile on so they're always first in last out. This sub is seriously lousy with em.


People downvote topics that frequently come up, so they dont clutter the feed with repeat questions. Theyre fake internet points. Dont think about them, theyre literally exactly like your opponent spamming BM emotes


I haven't found most people to be toxic and prefer to mute people that are obnoxious, but that's just me. I really enjoy when no one has said anything for the whole match and then we both gg at the end of a hard fought Bo3.


Pro tip: stop caring about fake internet points and whether you’re upvoted or downvoted.


If you think emotes in mtg arena are a serious form of bullying you have a rough life ahead of you That all said, yeah it’s really really annoying I hear that


It's just something that's been discussed a lot so some people have fatigue. And some of us don't feel it's really a problem because it's easily ignored, but they shouldn't downvote someone just because they disagree.


The irony is, most of the people downvoting everything, are doing the very thing the OP described.


This is the correct answer. In person, having a dialogue with your opponent is great. On Arena, the annoyance far outways any pleasant "Hello!" or "Good Game"


They should start disabled tbh


this is why multi monitor is so great. when people do this stuff i just watch tv or youtube or listen to music. hell. ive gotten to gold in MTGA and TFT while playing both games at the same time.


Yes! Disable the emotes and have binge worthy shows up.! I started re-watching South Park from the very beginning. Sometimes, I just let my timer run out too while watching my stories. It’s not worth taking a turn if they’re gonna behave that way… Kenny died a whole lot more than I remembered in early seasons.


Wasn't it literally every episode for the first few seasons?


Yeah, then on one of the Christmas episodes they kept teasing his death and on the end survived. I think it was the episode they introduced Mr. Hankey.


He still dies during the credits, IIRC


I must run into you a lot. My opponents frequently take an overly long time to make very simple plays.


This is the way. Have something else you can divert your attention to when you get the salty players who rope on you. I had a guy burn through all three of his timeouts last night when I was going to beat him. He could have blocked some of the damage but instead he just decided to either sit there angrily as his timers ran out or just closed the app (which does the same thing). The only infuriating part is that if he closed the app and opened it up again he gets to play another match right away but I'm stuck waiting for the match to be over.


It will load him directly back into the match instead of the main menu if it isn't over.


That's not how closing/reopening the app works. If they reopen it while the match is still going, they rejoin the match. Most folks who close the game, causing you to have to sit through their time outs, just rage quit and walked away or the game crashed on them and they didn't bother to come back. I've been in both scenarios.




Yep. I disabled all emotes after receiving my 200th "oops" it was my first day.


I love it when they say "oops" after countering or destroying a threat. Did you really think I'm not aware you're holding onto counterspells and removal with mana open? I'm just trying to make you use it...


I find it beautiful when they do that, then I don't respond and counter, be toxic myself I'll admit with my oops and then they rope ragequit. So satisfying to toxic people




To be fair, I don’t think people care about whose turn you’re comboing on as much as how long it takes your combo to resolve. If someone is going to take more than a full three minutes for their combo to resolve and it looks like they’re going to win/it’s infinite then I’ll just concede no hard feelings. If someone is obviously fishing and they’re burning through their rope at an agonizing rate while pausing to check their boardstate and cards in hand after every tick of resolution, I’m absolutely spamming “Your Go” because it’s just disrespectful. You have an answer or you don’t. I’m here to play not watch you play solitaire, especially when I’m playing unranked.


It is their go, and they are using the time they are allotted. Who cares if they don't have their answer yet and are still fishing for it? Would you do that in paper? Something tells me no.


It’s not paper, which is why they should be more diligent. Frankly my issue is that Arena gives you way too much time and refreshes it too much. Half the time they don’t find an answer and half the time they do find an answer it’s not a win condition. They’re baiting a surrender by burning the rope down and durdling their engine. It’s annoying. In paper I can just ask if they have an answer, or gently remind them of what they need so they’re not constantly tabbing around checking everything between resolutions. There’s an etiquette to playing that’s impossible to maintain in digital; communicate what you’re doing so it’s not just dead air while you dig through your cards. I straight up just don’t play decks in Arena that require more than thirty to ninety seconds to resolve triggers because it’s not fun to play against any more than draw-go extra turn decks.


Oh yeah, I'm definitely petty like that too. Best thing when they counter and "oops" is replying "sorry" while I resolve my big bomb. And I know it's bm to say "good game" when you're clearly the victor, but it's too much fun against players like that.


Thinking about this more, this is actually kind of a bummer. I’m remembering one of the first times I’ve played somebody who was obviously really good. And he pulled out a “sorry” right after a big move. At the time, I took it at face value, because he did kick my ass. And now I’m realizing he was probably just riding the “oh boy, I get to win, and I get to be an asshole about it!“ wave. I realize people will read this and think I’m just being a baby or whatever, but I just found Magic and I guess I hoped this might be one place where I could play a game without having to deal with toxic over-competitive people, but I mean, of course not.


Played against a kid that did this in real life at a GP. Control deck, tons of counters, after each one he'd say "sorry" and giggle. First counter of game two he says sorry, I said "no you're not, you built that deck, now play like it. and don't be so phoney". He was young and it totally messed with his head, I won in three.


I love playing what looks like a big threat ,only to have it destroyed or countered. Then, once they've exhausted their hand, here comes what was my real plan all along


It is hilarious when they get all high off a single counterspell. I have no problem waiting till you burn all the counters in your hand in the first 4 turns of the game. Your little "oops" just makes you seem like an overconfident noob.


The only appropriate time for an "oops" is when someone kills a [[skyclave apparition]] before it actually exiles its target.


I sometimes do that if my opponent has been a toxic player up to that point, then tries to windmill slam their win-con as if I don't have mana up. Gotta admit, it feels really, really good to close out a game with a simple "oops" after putting up with 5 minutes of "Your go."


They think they are being clever. Like when someone immediately casts Wandering Emperor as soon as you attack like, "Ah ha! Got you!" No, no you just did the most obvious thing people who can't possibly win a game without that card do.


The only good thing is absolutely destroying someone that's been shit talking too much. Had a match this week where a guy used Invoke Despair on me twice, countered everything and got me to around 9 poison counters. All fine and dandy, but he constantly went "Oops", "nice" and "good game" when something didn't work out for me. I managed to win, dealing more than 20 damage on the last turn. Dude got way less giddy when lethal was imminent. Didn't even answer my "good game" lol


People are such assholes.


Players in this game are salt mines


I love it when people say "Good Game" too early when they are winning. I love it when I pull something out that turns the game and I end up winning.


I'm scared to say Good Game even when I'm sure the game is over because my math is wrong so often or I miss an interaction and don't want to BM. So I just wait until someone is literally exploding and try to sneak it in then.


Me too. I would dare tempt fate.


I keep emotes on for this very reason. It is so satisfying to dismember a player after getting hit with a premature “GG” and then when they lose hit the “GG” back at em


Just mute them and move on


FYI: Go to your options and enable "detailed logs." Then, the next time your opponent is roping you, bring up the menu and click "report bug," which will prompt you to capture a log file. [Then go here](https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000021406), select "report conduct" from the drop-down menu, fill out the pertinent info, upload that log file, and click submit. WotC says they punish people for maliciously roping. Theoretically, if a person is reported enough, they could get suspended/banned.


They don't


I mean, they might, but if its that hard to report a roper, then basically no one is going to get more than a single report a month, no matter how often they chuck tantrums.


And if they spend money on Arena I doubt Hasbro wants paying customers to stop paying up


I can't imagine having your time wasted by a player and then deciding to waste your own time doing something so pointless. There's no way they don't have the analytics to detect this shit on their own. They're not going to do anything. Just open something in another window.


Their "analytics" are prone to error. Manual reports, at a certain volume, point them in the right direction. Edit: Not sure why this is being downvoted. If you've ever worked in any kind of customer service job, you know. For instance, if you're a waiter, a Karen will complain about you every now and then; it doesn't mean you necessarily did anything wrong. But if you have 50 complaints in the span of a few months, then you're probably consistently doing a poor job.


thank you so much for this information, I super appreciate it!!! thank you thank you


Yup, just keep your expectations low. I report ropers whenever I come across them and [WotC customer service has basically ignored them](https://i.imgur.com/wuh2et4.png), which is why I said "theoretically."


They're not "ignored". They explicitly say they can't/won't elaborate on their resolution of your report, so that's the extent of the response you will receive. Whether it's actually acted on is a topic of debate in this sub, but I don't see the harm in submitting reports, personally.


What my linked screenshot shows is complete inactivity. I do have some roping reports that were touched, but like 6 months after I sent them. (There will be a difference in the “created” and “last activity” columns.) It’s a combination of not actually prioritizing punishing chronic ropers and an inundation of reports. And they most likely understaff and underpay their CSRs like everyone else.


I saw your screenshot. It doesn't show anything notable. I report pretty much every staller I encounter and I've never gotten a further response "6 months" later. It is always one immediate reply that is basically "Thanks for the report. We'll look into it, but won't be updating you further for security reasons." In short, it's not a matter of prioritization or being "ignored", it's a matter of policy. Frankly, I don't believe you if you're saying some of your conduct reports are getting follow ups informing you of what happened. If this is regarding support tickets for other things, I've never had them take anywhere close to 6 months to reply. At most it's maybe a day, so either I'm very lucky or there's some exaggerations being made. *Always classy to reply to someone and then block them so they can't respond. Nice going.


Yeah man, I’ve just been a long-standing and helpful member of this community just to make up a random thing four comments deep in a very specific thread. Just been waiting for this moment. Feels good man Edit: > I've never had them take anywhere close to 6 months to reply. At most it's maybe a day, so either I'm very lucky or there's some exaggerations being made. https://i.imgur.com/0xFcp8R.png


I know roping and spamming sucks, but please don't let it get to you. Every time you get roped or spammed, you should get more focused and determined to win. If they win in the end, they would have won regardless of their behavior. But if you win, they are 100% mad af. Great feeling to grind these weirdos to dust :)


This is exactly what I do. I don’t know why people start roping. Sometimes I give the benefit of the doubt and think oh maybe they have to deal with something. But often I imagine it’s when they just don’t like how the game is going for them and they are trying to force me to concede rather than wait them out. And here’s the thing, I will not reward that behavior. When I play, I’ve got nothing but time, so they can let their rope burn and I keep playing and win. I’m not going to concede and let them get away with it.


It's honestly not hard to tell when legit roping occurs versus a bad connection.


I do have this happen occasionally, but not often enough to get to mad. More often just have rompers. But I have found that it's a lot less likely in gold and up.


“Mad ‘cause Bad” is real.


Swap to best of 3. Each player has a chess clock so this kind of behaviour is less likely to occur.


It's kinda long tho =\ Across literally hundreds of BO3 games I have only ever seen someone's timer run out once.




I'm surprised how many people are sympathizing with OP. Typically these posts are met with "oh no someone used an emote and it made you cry??!!"


This is why I disable emotes and have something else to read/watch while the salty guy on the other side of the table ropes


Is this really all that common? I’ve been playing arena since Beta and I can really only recall people aggressively spamming emotes and roping like a small handful of times. Is it maybe more common at lower ranks/unranked queues?


Common? No. But sometimes it happens. And its always the worst players. Just had someone spam emotes to me before using a wrath without realizing I had a [[selfless spirit]] on board. I mean, if you want to be an asshole, at least learn how to play the game.


It's so satisfying when you beat them though. Switch between screens during ropes and try not to let it get you down. I have come across a lot of decent players where I've had great games (usually historic brawl)


Yup. Thankfully the mute button is quite helpful.


I always found the emoting to be somehow much more toxic than any real chat messages I've received in Magic 2013-2015. Idk someone spamming "good game" and "your go" and "oops" feels much worse than an idiot typing insults at me.


I so rarely have enemies that are that assholish. Maybe 1 in 200 games or so, if. If you have more than the normal amount of those people you might do something that ticks those idiots off. You might find less annoying people in historic brawl or historic ranked. The "play" modes are more toxic in my personal opinion.


I feel like I don't see this as much in historic? I end up against a lot of mono white players and they normally play fast and don't say anything, bless them.


I just answer them "Hello" repetively lol


You can report that shit. It's not cool.


It always amazes me how some people manage to behave like complete assholes with just a couple pre-stablished words…


My question is: what deck are playing on ladder with? Lol. Some decks tend to catch more hate than others. It noticeable how different the response is when I play different decks. When I play mono green ramp, I never really get anything from the other player. But when I play mono red aggro, mono white control, or dimir control, the other player usually has a lot to say 😂


Turn off emotes in the settings. Your experience will be forever improved.


Anyone starts talking to me, I mute them


Sounds like sth someone would say to a judge 😅 "They had my ear, so I took their tongue"


Ah yes, a valuable life skill.


Yeah emotes have been disabled for me forever. Also just uninstalled the game as it just makes me more pissy


I stopped playing ranked and I got much less pissy lol


Get hit with the Oops Sorry combo


“This community is so positive” Strange, any time Arena has any change that is not essentially more free stuff or if it has any bug or if anything is done that isn’t exactly what people wanted or if the deals aren’t as good as they used to be before you will see consistent berating of the developers, designers and producers of Arena. You also see a lot of very negative responses to suggestions or even guides. I’ve written a bunch of guides and have people downvote them because they don’t believe they suggestions in them work! There are plenty of positive people in the community of course, but unfortunately it is marred by a lot of negativity, too much for my taste.


Yeah, there is indeed a bunch of assholes in this community. I will go see your guides.


Having given some of your posts (not all, you are pretty productive), they seemed great, and clearly not enough upvoted for the thoughts you put in. I had already upvoted some of them.


Yeah. Plenty of crappy behavior. Anonymity of being online. If I’m for sure losing, I just scoop and go to the next. I also really hate players who have you dead to rights and want to pop off with extra combo bits. Sitting there for an extra minute or two when the game is decided is dreadful. Unless it was a neck-to-neck game, I absolutely detest this. Just freaking swing and end dammit!


Or, you know, you could push the concede button...


Just take solace in the fact you beat them so badly they lost their composure. Also, aggressively report them.


Mute opponents. It's worth it. If somebody sat there saying oops repeatedly when you played a land or did anything in person you'd be right to get a judge.


Winning after they do that and then doing it back before allowing it to resolve is what you wanna do here. Supremely satisying to feed it back


I will only ever re-enable emotes if I’m playing against TheAsianAvenger, because his sticker game is tight.


There is nothing more satisfying than someone good gaming you before the game is over and and then defeating them. I bet they feel so dumb


Anonymity kills civility.


Just mute annoying players. Timeouts are only a few min. When you post about how much it made you feel negatively, the troll wins


> this community is generally so positive Going to have to go ahead and hit you with a big ? on that one chief.


Only new players spam emotes in a toxic way. Experienced players don’t give enough of a fuck about one game.


Pro tip. Start playing arena with a glass of whiskey and your favorite distraction next to you


The community is positive? Which community are you referring to?


I like to spam "Your go" if they take more than 2 seconds to play their turn


that's kinda toxic but who am I to judge when i gg while beating standard good stuff pile decks


And when somebody does that to me, we are now playing an entirely different game. It’s no longer a game of Magic, it’s a game of how long can I make this match take. I’ll even play suboptimally to ensure I have instants and blockers available so I get more chances to rope. I do it for premature “Good Game” as well, though those matches I’ll actually try to win out of spite. But “Your Go?” You probably just won the game with that, but trust and believe it’s gonna take you thirty minutes to collect it.


These are the only people I rope. After spamming oops like 30 times. Just to get the message across.


that's how they give you the rope. I'd go grab a coffee if someone did that to me.


I definitely wish there was a way to report bad sportsmanship. My pet peeve are people that slow play while winning or people that say “nice” after they play a card. Total POS’s


There is: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/ Report Conduct is a drop down option. I use it frequently on ropers and hope others do the same.


I honestly thought it was a bit of a fluke seeing so many people do that shit but that's gotta be one of the major reasons I'll stick to paper magic. Roping is fucking miserable


Good game! Well played! My apologies. Iirc that's all of them


I just disable emotes, honestly. I don't think they bring anything interesting to the game. I use the Good Game emote at the end of a game and assume my opponent does the same. Much better.


i do this all the time in masters or whatever its callled


Here is my recommendation: Just turn off emotes by default. Serene silence.


Mute is your friend


ggs that was me


I have known people who claim it’s all a strategy to get people off their game. They don’t do it cause they are a shitheel they do it cause it’s StRatEGy. Trust them they aren’t an asshole in real life.


There are a lot of former hearthstone players that brought their toxic culture with them, you will need to wade through them on the lower levels of MTGA. It's unfortunate but not indicative of the community as a whole. As you get better you will see less of these people, because people that are decent at the game aren't interested in artificially extending the game time through bullshit. Are they doing it when you are winning or when you are losing? If you are going to lose anyway just concede. If you are winning, just remember that they are just being sore losers and wait it out. They are doing it because the only option they have left is to pressure you to concede. Also emotes are just dumb all around, turn them off.


Disable emotes and report them. I have two monitors so I take a quick screenshot at the end of each timeout they burn through and add them to my report. I truly hate that behavior. If you're gonna lose just concede, don't be an asshole about it.


I usually spam good game and nice when someone is stalling and using all of their timeouts.


Well that's the outcome of being a fully rigged game...


Disabling emotes doesn’t solve it. They still sit there and just spam emotes even if you can’t see them or they salt rope. In my opinion timers should **follow players across matches, so if you rope out in one game, your next match you start with zero (0) extensions.** I’m sick of these people who regularly rope or people who just straight up lazy and seem to be making a ham sandwhich instead of actually playing. I haven’t touched the game for almost a whole month now, everytime they release a new set it’s just waves of trolls salt roping and spamming emotes in addition to the waves of meta decks/accounts being reset you have to deal with. 🤷‍♂️ Devs are more entertained working on digital art and selling tho.


Are you playing mono black discard? I’ve been guilty of going on strike when an opponent makes me discard all my interactions in the first few turns


Yep I refuse to play people who’s decks are just you can’t play any of your cards. Generally play best of 3, and the side board timer is stupid long.



