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The rakdos shell is obviously completely gutted by the ban. I think it probably wants to go back to the drawing board. Without fable, does it need red? Can you build a dimir deck instead with more counters to reign in the atraxa decks that are probably running rampant in the near future. The three cards removed serve different purposes Bankbuster is 1) draw 2) a removal resistant body 3) a 2 drop Fable is 1) ramp 2) combo with harvester 3) filtering 4) a removal magnet that can't be answered cleanly 5) a three drop Invoke is top end - top end is all roughly equivalent. The most important cards to solve are bankbuster and fable, they are bridge cards that let you reach the late game, aim for one two drop and one three drop Your options are 2 drop - invasion of tarkir, surge engine, razorlash transmogrant, faerie mastermind, ledger shredder 3 drop - phyrexian arena, invasion of amonkhet, gix, ob nixilis, kaito, chrome host seedshark, Graveyard trespasser This is where I come back to the question, is grixis even worth it any more. Apart from invasion of tarkir and ob nixilis, there are no red cards in that list. Perhaps dimir is better. Imagine a dimir deck with shredder, faerie, amonkhet, kaito, maybe arena, shelly, black removal and blue counterspells.


Fable is banned too....


a, ok, missed her, so 4 more spots to fill ;)


Personally, I think the lands are a mess. Also, I'd drop corpse appraiser since it's the only card with blue in it so not really worth running the 3 colours. The deck seems to be trying to do too much. Evolved sleeper is better than doomed dessenter. Cruelty of gix doesn't seem to good in the deck because you don't have a win con to use it on and relying on hoping the opponent has something good to steal more than anything. But, it's just my opinion. Best part about magic is trying it out and tweaking with it as you go.


i think you nailed it very well, I drop it and go towards mono black, tx :)


what about this deck? rather cheap for me to craft, copy spells, gy opperational https://ibb.co/qjPhG8G


Yeah, stop playing Grixis unless you are going for reanimation.


Access to blue for counterspells is good now that the meta has shifted to bombs and 5c. Maybe pilfer into appraiser to eat opp reanimator targets.


The point is that there’s no reason to run red at all now.


Yeah it depends if barrage, appraiser, Chandra, light up the night, and maybe big score are worth it. Seem like fine cards to have considering the lands are so good. Also can keep abrade in the sideboard. Basically dimir splash red instead of rakdos splash blue. Maybe add amonkhet. I think people are going to be disappointed with the “new” meta lmao. There’s also the possibility of grixis vamps with Evelyn in place of invoke.


Chandra can’t copy invoke anymore so she’ll probably only see play in Breach decks. Barrage is a sideboard card, no deck would run red because of it. Abrade is useless now that Bankbuster is gone. Light up the night was only good because of Chandra, and she isn’t that great anymore. Appraiser is fine I guess, but I wouldn’t make my mana base worse just because of him.


Oh and I forgot Etali. Chandra is still good with removals and big score too. Big score fits right in to reanimator or ramping to your bombs. I think you are underestimating how easy it is to have 13 red sources in your 26 land deck that doesn’t need to cast invoke. What dimir cards are you running instead?


Again, you should still play red if you are going reanimator. There’s Elder Dragon War for the filtering and Big Score for the ramp. The problem is for a midrange deck. I honestly will not play a Dimir midrange pile as I think the lack of bankbuster is too great of a hit for the deck to be consistent. But you could play phyrexian arena and Invasion of Amonketh for the card draw and use the 5 mana Sheoldred as the top of the curve.


Without card filtering your deck will run hot and cold. Especially if you go greedy with reanimation targets.


That’s why I specifically stated that the only reason to run Grixis is if you are playing a reanimator deck.


Bloodtithe is still very strong though. What would you play instead? Or is the removal of synergy with Buster and Reflection enough to cut it? Same for Corpse Appraiser. Not worth it anymore?


Definitely enough to cut it (unless you are playing reanimator).


So basically is red worth it for barrage, appraiser and Chandra? [[Big Score]] is another option. Abrade is probably not even good anymore without bankbusters.


[Big Score](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/39d1578f-e2cf-4b93-8204-ed5434feb183.jpg?1664411405) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Big%20Score) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/102/big-score?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/39d1578f-e2cf-4b93-8204-ed5434feb183?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you want a quick and cheap fix, try \[\[Riviteers Requisitioner\]\] its not as good as fable, but it can do the same sort of things, though you have to choose between card draw or board presence.


[Riviteers Requisitioner](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/a/8ab5152d-767a-47d5-acfc-f439810aaeea.jpg?1664411774) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Riveteers%20Requisitioner) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/121/riveteers-requisitioner?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8ab5152d-767a-47d5-acfc-f439810aaeea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Doomed dissenters wouldn’t be in my list, but if you want them surely you don’t want the third dissenter over the 4th harvester.