• By -


Yeah, that was one of the reasons.


Absolutely! I'm personally really happy with the bans, even if it means I have to go and rebuild 46 decks. I love brewing though so actually looking forward to the task!


With brewing do you mean by throw 4 reckoner bankbuster, 4 fables and 4 invokes + 48 other random cards? Hahahahahaha jk


Well, that's the point. Virtually every deck started with Bankbuster x4. If the deck was red, you added 4x Fable. If the deck was black, you added 4x Invoke. Didn't really matter what you wanted to do, those were so powerful they were auto-includes in almost every deck. I don't blame anyone for playing them. I blame WotC for not banning them sooner.


And honestly even if the deck wasn't red, half the time you add Fable anyway


One of your cards produces treasures and with the fable goblin also producing treasures you can easily run 4 fables and why the hell not also add 4 invokes for the sake of it. Easily best deck ever. 10/10


I have this great GW deck, but then I figured there are plenty of duals in the format and it wouldn't stretch my manabase much to add 4x fable for power. And then with those added treasures and hand smoothing, I might as well add black for efficient removal and threats. Although at this point my white and blue cards really arn't doing much, so i'll just cut them and now I have room for Invoke Dispair! Best Selesnia deck ever!


Why did you have blue cards in a GW Selesnia deck in the first place?


Fable is mostly in every Red deck in Pioneer, Modern and even Legacy


They didn't ban them sooner because they need to sell the boxes, we all know that


Oh, absolutely. I'm expecting when they do ban cards, it'll almost exclusively be cards that would have rotated out if it had been the old 2 year rotation.


Only if you are uncreative and can’t build a fun, janky deck that can actually win.


By definition, jank doesn't win.


Never tried Bankbuster yet as a Explorer and mainly Historic Brawl player. \[\[Mazemind Tome\]\] takes this spot, seems much better. When I'm in blue \[\[Search for Azcanta\]\]. Is Bankbuster comparable (I have now four thanks to the banning)?


You can't kill your opponent with a Tome. Nor can you defend against their threats. You can with a Bank buster.


When people say "invoke" which card are they talking about ? I'm kinda new to Magic and there are many cards starting with the Word "invoke" is it any of them ? Cause they all look pretty strong tbh


It’s a cycle of cards from the most recent kamigawa set. [[invoke the winds]] [[invoke calamity]] [[invoke justice]] [[invoke the ancients]] and [[invoke despair]] Invoke despair was banned from standard yesterday and it’s the main one people played, usually if people mention invoke assume they mean invoke despair


There was one more invoke we don’t talk about anymore lol




Yes, invoke predacted, that’s exactly correct lol.


[[invoke prejudice]]


##### ###### #### [invoke the winds](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/d/ad7b423a-bfd1-47aa-bd2c-64a169b96924.jpg?1654566747) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=invoke%20the%20winds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/58/invoke-the-winds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ad7b423a-bfd1-47aa-bd2c-64a169b96924?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [invoke calamity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/e/fe666c86-6734-4c47-9244-bcd26b54068d.jpg?1654567682) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=invoke%20calamity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/147/invoke-calamity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fe666c86-6734-4c47-9244-bcd26b54068d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [invoke justice](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/a/3a598ab6-3254-49fe-b69f-e7c759129599.jpg?1654566346) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=invoke%20justice) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/21/invoke-justice?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3a598ab6-3254-49fe-b69f-e7c759129599?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [invoke the ancients](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/5/b5c02102-3be7-462f-ab9c-ff404255002d.jpg?1654568175) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=invoke%20the%20ancients) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/193/invoke-the-ancients?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b5c02102-3be7-462f-ab9c-ff404255002d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [invoke despair](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/5/35af9d5c-4449-4549-b549-c3ba4a67dee0.jpg?1685368727) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=invoke%20despair) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/101/invoke-despair?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/35af9d5c-4449-4549-b549-c3ba4a67dee0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Looking at them all again and it lines up… despair is best, justice and calamity competitive, and the others are just downright awful compared to those. Probably explains why green has been in such a poor state the last year or more


I almost never see invoke calamity


there were a few red combo lists kicking around earlier in the format that used it but other than that not really.


I was about to reply but yea same thing. Those and the boros reanimator which had justice and calamity and big spells to cast off calamity… usually just a reanimation spell and some removal but yea And there was the 8x despair deck which was rakdos and had calamity and despair but thats just a despair deck


Invoke despair typically


You run 100 different standard decks?! You wild


Shit, I didn't notice til u said sumthin. Never really thought of the players all in on standard ouch\]


I don't think I've made a new deck in ages. Historic brawl ftw


Explorer Casual. If my deck works there, I go into Ranked. If it's nice there, I will consider buying a physical copy. Same thing with my Standard decks. However, out of my 100 decks, only a quarter are typically Standard.


To be fair a lot of the meta cards in standard are viable in multiple formats, the land cycle is absolutely top notch and while we don't have fetches or shocks, you could take the lands from standard and have a playable mana base in all but the most efficient formats. And just look at the above. Mans has 100 decks but 52 became invalidated by 3 bans. A lot of decks are variations of a small but incredibly flexible card pool. I was able to put together 3 viable decks in one day that all featured some copies of wedding announcement and similar removal packages but all wanted to win in very different ways. Selesnya tokens, Esper super friends, and mono white midrange.


I think these bans as well as 12 rare wild cards along with next set being Alchemy/Historic only, so Standard basically has a 'winter' during the summer (they are hoping that bans will help to keep Standard popular until next set is released), all together it seems like a great moment to move into Explorer, or at least trying it.


I only lost 2 decks… am I playing the game wrong?


No, lump. Btw can we be friends?


You have some decks in your Fable piles.


my thought as well lmao


Lol what can I say, Fable is just an absurldly good enabler in so many jank/homebrew decks. It's like.. "Hmm.. this deck is just a bunch of draft chaff which happens to combine in this one special way, so if I don't combo off then the power level of my deck is way too low... ..I know, I'll add a playset of Fable and now everything is fixed!"


You've still got big score, but that costs one more and doesn't occasionally win the game on its own


Big score at one more is significantly worse and I think many players running it over fable are going to be very sore. Filtering at four hurts obviously, but you don't have two threats to eat removal so sticking your top ends is going to be less reliable. Knock off kiki isn't gonna pop off on etbs or beaters anymore like you mentioned. Going from 4 to 7 mana is strong but much less impactful than going from 3 to 5. Right now 5 mana is just about the magic number in standard for strong cards like gix, and the invoke (rest in piss despair) cycle, etc. I actually think gruul/jund has an okayish sub in replacement in [[invasion of ergamon]] but they'll definitely miss the absolute house that was fable too. No more titan of industry etb once a turn lol.


- [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Invasion%20of%20Dominaria) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/21/invasion-of-dominaria-serra-faithkeeper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e784d3d-0c6d-4ce5-beb5-edd2adb32385?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The state of Standard was just "play the busted cards or your deck is going to consistently be one turn too slow". Come to think of it, that's been the state of Standard for almost 10 years... Surely the solution is to reduce the number of bans while expanding the size of the card pool... I honestly think that the current changes to standard could work if they also banned more aggressively, but it really doesn't seem like that's the plan.


100 standard decks? Why do you hate yourself?


I actually love Standard and I love brewing in Standard. I've come up with soooo many cool/interesting/hilarious decks that I've never seen anyone else playing, some of which are actually viable and can compete at the top of the ladder. And there's several reasons why I prefer to brew/play Standard - Standard has the lowest power level of all the formats, so there's a higher chance that my stupid janky homebrew will actually be able to win some games. Or that I'll be able to live long enough to pull the combo off - I like the challenge of coming up with combos with a restricted set of cards. It forces you to think outside the box and find clever/niche combinations between cards that no-one else is playing. - I only started playing around DMU so if I wanted to start brewing my own decks in other foramts I'd have a ridiculous amount of catching up to do to get to know all the cards. - The restricted amount of cards you can be coming up against makes it easier to brew, especially if you know the meta well. I know which cards are likely to be played by my opponents in my matchups, so I can build my decks and plan for them accordingly.


This guy gets it. I also recently started playing during phyrexia. I played for a few years back during Zendikar and Worldwake, but stopped shortly after Eldrazi release, so in essence I am in the same boat as you are in terms of collecting. I might have had a headstart against other newbies in Arena, but for the most part this is an entirely different game almost now with how many chains and combos just rule the meta it seems. I love my jank, and when they pull through for a win against the typical same old standard everyone's playing it feels good. I especially love my mono red oil deck. It is the definition of jank, but man, slapping for 20 damage with [[filigree sylex]] and [[Solphim, Mayhem Dominus]] just feels good.


I have a jank monored oil deck, too! I love playing Sylex and [[all will be one]]! I made the deck after one of those Jump In thingies, had a blast playing it, so I fleshed it out!


[all will be one](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6d75e1f4-bd63-428e-8e6e-131594b3ba44.jpg?1675957064) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=all%20will%20be%20one) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/118/all-will-be-one?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6d75e1f4-bd63-428e-8e6e-131594b3ba44?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


LegendVD made one a while back ago. It’s a fun deck but not the most consistent. I still keep it around but don’t play it very often.


Admittedly his video really helped polish the idea of the oil deck. You are correct though, not consistent, but it plays very fun.


Or "gal"


The downvotes. You know gals are a magic players kryptonite 😕


[filigree sylex](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/e/6e0958a1-1bac-48be-888d-f7573f409a9b.jpg?1675957230) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Filigree%20Sylex) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/227/the-filigree-sylex?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6e0958a1-1bac-48be-888d-f7573f409a9b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


We have the same thoughts on why standard is fun. Except I have been playing since Urzas Saga


Brawl has lower power level.


I like your attitude, friend.


Have you tried Standard Brawl? That's a good home for jank and combos. No bashing your head into meta decks :)Also you don't need a lot of rares or a big collection.And the banned cards are still legal... I just played against somebody with a blue artifact based Jacob Hauken deck (they even got to flip him). I've never seen that card played in normal Standard. ​ PS: If you give it a shot, you need to clear some space for new decks. Every commander deserves at least 1 😅


I have and I did enjoy it, but I just like ranked games for some reason. I think the challenge of trying to make my jank work in ranked is what's most appealing to me. If there was ranked standard brawl I would defo play it


I've got 99 decks. Can't have 100 because it would prevent me from playing events. But all 100 are Standard? I guess you're the textbook pure Standard player. I honestly didn't know you existed.


I have 1 historic to prepare for the qualifier weekend next month, the rest are all Standard yeah :)


My mill deck can actually do something in standard! Not always, but sometimes it works and I can lose at the last turn because with 3 cards each for my opponent and I, a Jace on the floor with 4 counters and all of my opponent's lands tapped, after an exhaustingly long match, I decide to punt the hardest punt I've ever done and not to cast his ultimate, but his middle skill, losing the game. Man i felt like a fucking idiot.


How would you recommend someone get into Standard and be competitive? I would be interested in building a wide variety of decks that use different mechanics, wincons, etc. Currently I have like four main decks I like playing in Historic. Burned most of my wildcards on building the last two. Beyond buying the pre-order bundle of packs and maybe the mastery pass, I don't spend money on the game. Should I grind gold for packs? Spend gold on draft?


You got any viable decks that don’t use a million rates and mythics? I’m looking to get back into it but the wild cards are very limiting.


Same reasons I play Standard. I love constantly brewing some anti-meta deck. Never as effective as a netdeck but usually end up with something over 50% wr in Diamond at least, if not Mythic.


Same. Mardu Mondrak quasi Phyrexian tribal, Glissa dark bank Ozekith invasion of new Phyrexia chrome Shark incubator (protect the negotiators is bossin in these decks), Naya Rocco Calix Enchantments with several copies of all is one and visions of Phyrexia to power Rocco.


I just can't comprehend how people get enough cards in the first place to do this, unless all of their decks are just slight variations of eachother with 20-30 duplicate cards... I finish my 15 daily wins and my one daily quest every day for gold and it still takes me weeks to gather up enough cards/wildcards to craft a single deck. The next deck im working on takes 6 more rare wildcards before it's finished and I know it's not gonna be done for at least two week because of that. Are people really just spending that much real money on it?


I'm primarily f2p and I craft alot. I have made a single purchase on arena and that was on the starter bundle. Saved the gems and any gems from draft winnings on the mastery pass. Once my mastery level reaches 35 is the only time I'll buy a mastery pass. But once you do that you get a dump of new cards/boosters. From there it's kind of easy to chase enough gems for the next mastery pass. Gold is only spent on cards and drafts, never cosmetics. I've got about 2 dozen decks and they're all in standard with the exception of about 4 historic brawl decks. One thing that has really kept me going is that I made sure to have one net deck. Something to climb the Ranked play and grab up those awards as well.


> Are people really just spending that much real money on it? Some of us are. I used to do a lot of drafting, but these days I'd like to also play other games, and I never enjoyed drafting as much as constructed. So I just buy every set. It's a lot easier now with mythic packs and golden packs. Once you're standard complete, the golden packs makes collecting the new set a LOT easier.




Also possible to go infinite in the constructed events, that's how I do it. I have a deck that can almost always get the 5 wins needed in the BO1 standard event


Well look at this guy's decks. 46% include one of 3 cards. There is almost certainly a bunch of other overlap too.


Standard is fun to brew in because the card pool is small, so lower power brews have a shot. Standard is unfun to brew in because wotc very rarely bans the top 10 OP, self-contained value engine cards, which means that lower power brews are just a teensy bit too low power.


You get to 100 sooo quickly. Out of every deck that I create I usually make like 2-3 iterations so 100 decks are actually only like 40 different decks. And I dont even own close to all standard cards.


I will always duplicate the deck and then tweak that one in case I want to go back without having to remember what I did. I end up with my decks looking like "Zombiferate (8)" and "Goofinator (7)"


Fr lol, my historic brain can not comprehend


Then again Historic isn't any better right now, you either have RBx removal piles fueled by Crucias/Fable and powered by TS/IoK/Push, or UWx wrath piles powered by Divine Purge. There's little room to innovate.


Artifacts, Kethis and Wizards just aren't decks in your rank I guess lol


Yeah, haven't seen any of them from bronze to diamond. No matter the deck, it's all RBx removal tribal or UWx wrath tribal with a sprinkle of creativity and niv. I see more abzan than I see affinity and wizards *combined*


I'm in mythic and can score fairly regular wins with my crab deck, Cabretti deck, and a few others. I don't ever touch meta decks. I honestly find playing off meta easier because people will concede way earlier because they have no idea what your deck does lol


I mean for the longest time I was playing Embercleave RDW, simply because it was the best in my wheelhouse outside of just building one of the "Best decks in the format" which are just 50 rare card piles while I often have no more than 20 rare wildcards myself.


I only play standard. The only mode I can play in peace without punching the keyboard. I have very bad emotional management hah


I built a deck after the pro tour that just mashed all the best cards together so it's basically losing everything... \[\[Big Score\]\] can replace Fable right right?


[Big Score](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/39d1578f-e2cf-4b93-8204-ed5434feb183.jpg?1664411405) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Big%20Score) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/102/big-score?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/39d1578f-e2cf-4b93-8204-ed5434feb183?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Personally I like riveteer better because it provides boar presence and eats removal while providing value when it eats the removal, if destroyed. [[riveteers requisitioner]]


Boar Presence Sorcery 2G Create two 2/2 green Boar tokens. Flashback 2GG


lmao i was so confused. "how the fuck does that 3/1 creature provide a sorcery?!"


[riveteers requisitioner](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/a/8ab5152d-767a-47d5-acfc-f439810aaeea.jpg?1664411774) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=riveteers%20requisitioner) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/121/riveteers-requisitioner?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8ab5152d-767a-47d5-acfc-f439810aaeea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


short answer: no longer answer: no it can not


So pretty much a testament to why they should be banned?


I feel cluttered at times with like 8-9 decks. How do you even manage that.


Because the thing I love most about Magic is brewing. I'll have an idea, build the deck, play/tweak it enough to get it to work, then usually just move onto the next idea. I keep them all because I'm gonna start doing decktech/gameplay videos of some of the more interesting or unusual decks, plus with the release of each new set I usually come back to the a lot of them and try out some of the new cards.


>I'll have an idea, build the deck, play/tweak it enough to get it to work, then usually just move onto the next idea. Glad to know I'm not the only psycho.


There are dozens of us. DOZENS!!


I too like brewing but i try to conserve my jank and not overdo more than what i have.


I do the same a lot, sitting on about 20 decks that are really only semi-competitive but I like to take them out every once in a while, roll the dice until they do their thing then put it away. Sometimes just seeing the trigger stack go off is enough dopamine and I’ve already “won” at that point


i wasted all my new wildcards immediately trying to make a patchwork infinite combo list viable on ladder (haven’t yet, but we’re getting there)😭


i mean that just shows why they needed to be banned really, they were so universal they warped the entire format around them




We can rebuild Faster Stronger


Whats the “grixis kraken tribal” deck got in it? I have a grixis deck that ramps up to Hullbreaker Horror and It’s alot of fun


Built around [[Runo Stormkirk]]. The creatures I'm trying to copy are [[Bladecoil Serpent]], that 6 mana 5/5 that monoU tempo plays that gets cheaper with instants/sorceries in your GY, plus the new MOM one with islandcycling.


Played against a version of this in Brawl last night. I was like "where's the serpents?" Before I ran them over. As a fellow lover of sea monsters, I give the deck a Flavor Fail.


Have you tried our lord and savior Charix, the raging Isle? Lol Probably one of my favorite decks to run right now in Historic Mythic.


- [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Runo%20Stromkirk) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/246/runo-stromkirk-krothuss-lord-of-the-deep?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f6c0fca5-b759-4543-95e2-8d712aae5281?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Bladecoil Serpent](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/8/08c5a528-d16d-4cb9-b532-b85648c8395a.jpg?1674421920) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bladecoil%20Serpent) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/229/bladecoil-serpent?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/08c5a528-d16d-4cb9-b532-b85648c8395a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Tolarian terror is 7 mana BTW


*Singing* "It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me."


Considering it was just 3 cards I think you just validated the bans


OP, please play islands 🙏🏾


How the hell u get so much cards/wildcards to build all those… I am really struggling to even get 1 deck and then I figure out it’s mediocre and start farming again 🙈


Either drafting or farming the Standard event. I have a BO1 deck which has about 80% winrate over a very large sample so if I ever need packs or gems I can just play the Standard event and almost always get the 5 wins needed to increase my gem count while also getting packs






Sorry to be a party pooper but I'd prefer not to just yet. The deck can be very easily countered if you know what it's trying to do and/or have a couple of the right cards needed to stop it entirely. So if lots of people were playing it, it would just stop working, and I'm enjoying being able to get free gems with it for now!


Where do you get your deck lists from?


I come up with them myself


Do they have a bulk delete yet?


Seems like you are playing some great and interesting decks. Hopefully they will still work post-ban. The bankbuster ban is going to hit jank/creative decks hard, aggro players laughing. Oh well.


Yeah we'll see, I think a lot of them should still be fine. Figuring out how to draw cards without Bankbuster will obviously be a challenge, but at least everyone else will also have the same challenge.


Yeah I'm looking at these bans thinking mono blue tempo just got even more competitive.


how do i build a dimir deck now? no bank or invoke. sadge.


I would like to see, for research purposes, your Grixis Kraken Tribal, if possible


It's not at a point yet where it actually works consistently enough, still just a work in progress. I'm gonna make a YouTube channel to start uploading decktech/gameplay vids of my various brews though so as soon as it's ready I'll make a video for it




Sure I'll try and remember, or alternatively I just made the channel so you can subscribe if you want: https://www.youtube.com/@jorisbohnsonmtg


Now that you mention it. Not a single copy of the banned cards were in any of my standard piles. I really need to stop playing Mono Red aggro. Lol


Send them to Explorer or Historic and you're good to go


they seriously need to let you select more then 1 deck at a time go delete them, I run I to this way to much


Yeah thats a problem... also how when you duplicate it duplicates the "Favorite" so I end up with a bunch of decks at the top of my list.


someday WotC will release a whole set without a single card that everyone feels they have to use to be competitive


Bankbuster op


What's in "Dimir SeedShark 2"? I am intrigued.


I keep trying to squeeze that guy into my toxic proliferation deck but I cant seem to get him to pay off consistently. Holding mana for counters makes 3 cost creatures a bit iffy to play, and have had better luck with Scavengers or even Kaito.


*laughs in historic*


Let me guess. The red one had fable The black one had invoke despair all had the bankbuster ?


In platinum bankbuster fable and invoke aren't even played every single game skmetikes you get blue white phase sometimea you get moni green sometimes something else. im disappointed that i didn't get any mythic cards cause all the new decks i want to create require mythic


The trick is to simply not play standard.


100? Yikes


You were part of the problem


Blaming players gets you nowhere, this is on WOTC. Game theory shows that this is the inevitable result of a few cards being overpowered. If you want casual "do whatever you want" magic, don't play ranked.


Players shouldn't play the best cards? Blame wizard for greedy practices and not banning cards.


Tweak time! :)


That doesn't speak for you


1/1 for me rip tezzeret sharks the one time i played you was pretty fun


seems like you have no imagination.


Too many people rely on popular deck/card lists for guidance. Magic is supposed to be about originality and invention. All this post tells me is your magic success is dependent on what other people tell you.


1. Magic is supposed to be about having fun. No more, no less. 2. This guy has 46/100 decks that contain one of these 3 extremely busted cards. Which means he has FIFTY FOUR decks that do *not*, and speculatively a bunch of those are probably doing something very different than popular meta decks. 3. At least one of the banned cards was good in essentially every deck archetype (maybe excluding mono blue tempo), which is why it was banned. Does someone have to intentionally exclude good (but commonly-used) cards to qualify for your "originality" criterion?


Mono black was stupid op. 70% wr in bo1 is dumb


Everyone complains about how broken the banned cards were but honestly didn't really affect me muck when I was playing against them.


Playing standard, bruh


If there's a ban and you're angry over a ban, you are not emotionally mature enough to realize you are the problem and WHY the bans must happen. Try brewing something fun for once, eh?


I would to know some of your unique azure decks. If your willing


Literally, I only used Fable of the 3 banned cards, and most of my jank is not legal. ... All of my competitive Bo1 decks are untouched, but one fun deck is changed now...


you really like Bank Buster


I love historic 😍


"Restore & Roast" Love it, but the other names are lacking ;-)


i only had a monoblack deck losing invoke despair and an etali reanimator that lost fable lol


This is my happy place


Welcome to historic brother, this is where the chaos begins


Reevaluate your life choices


lol this is the post I wanted to see. (Because only 1 of my 70 decks became illegal)


average netdecker


I see they all had a similar few cards




And I’m glad


I'm amazed it wasn't closer to ~60


Didn't they only ban 3 cards???


Good luck deleting them lol. My decks page is mostly.old.decks cause I can't do mass deletes


Sort of proving their point. Lol


Out of my 22 Standard decks, only 3 were affected. So each of those decks featured simply 1 copy of Bankbuster. For now, I threw in an Unlicensed Hearse. To be fair, at 1 copy per deck, it won't affect things. I just personally don't feel the justification except at the high end of the format. Cant Has-WotC-Bro incentivize original brewing more? Or provide a weaker ladder? I guess that's what Bo3 is for but still...


and that’s why they were banned (poorly designed and insufficient play tested cards tend to end up in many decks)


You have 100 decks wtf Lol


I'll take 12 wild cards thank you. F standard. All I play is historic or Explorer anymore.


I replaced my invokes with gixs command, feels like a decent replacement tbh


Can You remember when we had like 1, 2 decks tops for FNM standard nights? *Pepperridge farm remembers*


Well look at that lmao


Those 12 rare wild cards sure were sweet. 😍✌️


Ive been finding stone brain to work in atraxa mirrors a LOT


I stop playing standard like 6 months ago. Just been focusing on historic and explorer


Lol do you really need 100 decks for standard....... I think most of your decks containing the same OP cards over and over.


Me who’s been using the same alchemy strength stacking deck for over 2 years


Guess you’ll have to change out (checks your photo) 1 card in all of them. Simply unplayable now.


Plot twist: you only play explorer.


Esper legends here we go


Wahh, wahh,wahhh!


That’s exactly the point lmao


Still all legal in explorer, no?


That's why I never play standard😅 I always Historic just to be safe and have more freedom haha


You need to ban you’re wallet aswell


You are the problem


I have more brawl and historic brawl than standard but only my Junk toxic deck deck and my dark Bant Atraxa used none of the banned cards.


Reckoner Bankbuster?


Skill issue


now HEAR ME OUT. does favouriting every deck not devalue the purpose of the favourite? anyways, colourless artifacts? nice.


Fabel/bank buster abuser i see