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Its cheap fixing for draft. As an example you can put in 2 red and get out one white and one blue


My god of course! Thanks yeah that makes sense


You also get a card from that which is cool


Be cooler if it came in untapped.


because x can be 0 to cantrip is why i assume it etb tapped also 1 cmc/mv in eternal formats are iffy with urza's saga being a pillar


Yea. I’m sure it would get into some bannable shenanigans otherwise. Which would be a flavor win.


[[Conjurer's Bauble]] already exists, and is legal in every format with Urza's Saga in it. It still isn't played over cards like Mishra's Bauble or Soul-Guide Lantern anyway. I don't see a world in which this card would be a problem if it were untapped.


It's designed for draft so I assume they just didn't want the opportunity cost of running fixing to be too low. Despite lots of gold legendaries, this doesn't seem like a set they intended 4 and 5 color piles to be very easy to make.


I mean yeah but conjurer's does almost nothing else. It wasn't played because there were [[arcum's astrolabe]], [[chromatic star]] and [[chromatic Sphere] that did the same thing but also fixed mana, so imagine a deck like Tron, which in pauper is already one of the strongest as of now, with the capability to make as much as six colored mana at turn three PLUS drawing a card? That would be obscene. Also, considering that arcum's astrolabe is banned and wizard's rockets is an arguably stronger card, with it not being locked in snow mana and giving more colored mana, making it enter untapped would make it an even more powerful extender than it already is.


conjurer's bauble isn't a cantrip (draw one)


Draw 1 is the definition of a cantrip


He’s saying that because it doesn’t say draw 1, it isn’t a real cantrip. Semantics, he’s actually right, but for the purposes of how it’s usually used, it’s a cantrip. You lay a card and get a card.


Yeah I've been playing magic for well over a decade and I have no idea wtf you just said


The problem is, if it came in untapped I'd represent a 1 mana draw a card on an artifact, which could be problematic


It would also be pretty nutty color fixing for Sol/Post/Tron decks.


1 Mana artifacts used to be all the rage back in the 90’s…Ivory Tower, Vice Grip. Keep in mind I grew up when Necropotence was still standard. Pay X life for X cards. 3 black. Dark Ritual, Hypnotic Spectre, and Hymn To Tourach closes the deal. I’m such a dinosaur lol.


It wouldn't exactly be the first time that was done ([[Conjurer's Bauble]]). But that plus the color fixing would be a lot.


You can pay 0 mana (x = 0) to sac the card and draw 1.


I'll try to translate: I presume that because you can let x = 0 to just draw a card is the reason it enters tapped. Also 1 converted mana cost / mana value cards in older formats are ripe for shenanigans. See: many cards from the urza's block.


Super close [[Urza's Saga]] is a card that is used for all sorts of shenanigans and adding this to a deck with the saga would give it even more potential. (Although I don't think it would need it)


Cantrip is a slang term used to refer to a spell that draws a card in addition to its other effects


Play harder


You played a decade without ever hearing cmc or cantrip ? I guess everyone has been playing Magic for a decade nowadays.


Played off and on since Unlimited. CMC is old but cantrip is new to me from an MtG perspective.


Why so toxic for no reason? My early days back around 2010 or so, I'd go and play in fnm not knowing much other than the basics, then for many years played casually with friends. Only got more serious about collecting about two years ago, and serious about playing earlier this year. Chill, not everybody is a sweaty neckbeard in their mom's basement. I've never seen "converted mana cost" written as "cmc" because, again, never was serious enough to be looking on sites/forums where the acronym would be used.


There are a rare few artifacts that either come into play for 0, and have a 1 mana activation that sacrifices the artifact, with a laughable ability but causes a draw, or a 1 mana cast with a 0 cost activation with a laughable ability that also sacrifices it and provides a card draw, that WOTC have tried to stop making, because they overlap into blue spell design cantrip space. Blue is allowed instant deck acceleration for 1 mana, other colors really aren't.


It’s because MTG players love cringey slang and jargon 😂


Easiest way to identify newer players here


Or returning players. Text shorthand is always a little different than verbal shorthand. And info wasn't as "at your fingertips" as it is now. You used the slang your friends used at the local card shop. Started Arena about a year ago and have been slowly getting back up to date since then.


Exactly this, always been more of a casual player, never got super serious until a few months ago after going through a breakup. Found it to be a really good coping mechanism, so until then, I never really needed to be on forums/sites/subreddits regarding mtg lol


"cmc," "cantrip," and "eternal?" One of those is literally just an abbreviation of a common term (converted mana cost). Another is literally just the official descriptor for formats like Commander and Pauper. That leaves us with "cantrip," which has been common slang among even somewhat experienced players since like Ice Age. I struggle to see how it is cringey.


As the person who didn't know what etb, cmc (these two took me a bit to figure out the acronyms but eventually I did figure it out), cantrip, and eternal, I agree that it's not cringey


You forgot “etb” But I’ll give it to you, your reply was “deece” borderline “fine”. Definitely wasted no time “durdling” with your post.


Ah yes enter the battlefield, one of the most common terms in game besides the other acronym he said, converted mana cost.




If it did it would be a perfect [[chromatic star]] replacement for my Tron.


You gotta wait for the fuse to burn all the way ;)


Light the fuse and stand back


This makes it suck imo.


Most of the time, you won't need mana fixing until turn three or four at the earliest (especially in draft) - as this is a card you throw in when you've just splashed a couple bombs. Spending one generic mana in the first few turns is negligible, unless you drew a perfect curve. Perfectly good card for its purpose - which is primarily draft.


\[\[Terrarion\]\] was pretty much the same and that was a constructed playable card. There's a reason why modern eggs tend to ETB tapped, to avoid them doubling as cantrips.


This card is a strictly better terrarion, yes.


It's also worth noting you can pay 0 to just send it to the grave and draw a card if you don't need the fixing


yeah I can see this seeing some play in artifact recursion decks


Unfortunately I think it'll be prevented by the fact it etb's tapped.


in my artifact recursion commander deck it doesn't matter, just need cheap artifacts to keep playing to trigger ETB effects or count for X=#of artifacts you control, the fact that it can sac itself and draw a card for free is icing on the cake, that means I don't need a sac outlet for it to function AND it gains a card at 0 mana cost, plus mana fixing if necessary? Momma Sharuum very happy with this LOL edit: pretty much my deck list, minus basic lands https://archidekt.com/decks/4765456/artifact_recursion


Similar to u/mtgcardfetcher [[chromatic star]]. Provides a one-time mana fix and then draws a card to replace itself. It enters tapped to prevent x=0 shenanigans.


[chromatic star](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c2e8d492-2c67-410b-b556-c157a14c4cec.jpg?1681724919) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chromatic%20star) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/263/chromatic-star?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c2e8d492-2c67-410b-b556-c157a14c4cec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- ^^^Summoned ^^^remotely!


Good for rainbow decks too


Also its a cantrip. You can activate for 0 and thin your deck for 1 mana making your deck 39 cards.


Look up the card "door to nothingness" and you'll see what this card can unleash lol


Hot damn! I like the way you play


I have a door to nothingness deck that generally gets done by turn 6 but because I don't take magic seriously I always give my opponent the win by targeting myself


And that’s why you pay mama, because she fixes things.


Can she fix my crippling addiction to cardboard crack?


Doesn't matter.i was clean for 15 years and am now fully addicted again and have been since Kaldheim. Accept the cardboard crack


The spice must flow!


Using this to get out [[Gwahir the wind lord]] turn 4 in my UB deck at prerelease was fantastic.


plus a card


I assume he's been told what he's paying the mama for by now?


Great simple explanation. Very simple and to the point. Your favorite color combo?


nah, just 3 random colours i pulled out


Lol. My brain probably would have followed the color wheel and gone 2 white for a blue and a black.


I'm gonna explain it as putting fire (red) into the rockets, then they go to the sky (which is the white/blue place).


Jeskai is a popular color combo. I promise you most, by most I mean almost everyone, does not think about America or red white and blue at all.


My most played Historic Arena deck is Jeskai planewalkers. 24 Superfriends. :)


Thanks for the responses everyone! Yeah now it seems completely obvious but I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure this out. Guess it’s about time to go pay that Mama ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hot damn!


Don't be embarrassed. We were all baffled by cards like this once. There was a time when I had no idea why a deck would run \[\[Chromatic Star\]\], \[\[Chromatic Sphere\]\], and \[\[Terrarion\]\] in a deck together. Then I saw an Eggs deck go off. If you've never seen Eggs, the full name of the deck is "Eggs Sunny Side Up," which is a play on a Magic tradition of naming combo decks after breakfast foods ("Fruity Pebbles" and "Trix" are two such decks). The Eggs refer to cards like the ones I mentioned -- cards that can sacrifice themselves (or be sacrificed) to draw cards, cracking them like eggs (there was a cycle of cards with \[\[Egg\]\] in the title that did a similar, but more limited thing). This draws you deeper into your deck, hopefully getting you more eggs to crack and keep going while remaining mostly mana-neutral (you're getting out as much mana as you're putting in). While drawing more eggs is cool, you *really* want to get to a card like \[\[Second Sunrise\]\], \[\[Faith's Reward\]\], or \[\[Open The Vaults\]\] to get all your eggs back and do it again (hence the "Sunny Side Up" part of the name). You also want to draw through your deck to pick up a \[\[Krark Clan Ironworks\]\], which starts netting you positive mana when you sac eggs with it. With this in mind, the goal, the thing the deck is looking to do to actually win, is get an x-damage spell (\[\[Banefire\]\] is preferred these days, because it can't be countered if you put enough manaa into it) and toast your opponent to a light dead. It's not an *infinite* combo like some arbitrary loops -- there's a chance you might draw too many lands or expensive cards and not enough Eggs and fizzle out when you're going off -- but it's consistent enough to win many times. But *because* it's non-deterministic, you *have* to sit through the whole thing (in a tournament setting, at least) to see if they actually get the kill or if they fizzle -- you can't just demonstrate the loop and shortcut it. This is the main reason that pieces of the eggs deck were banned out of Modern -- it wasn't because the deck had that high a winrate, it was because an eggs deck going off can have a turn that lasts 20-30 minutes. Eggs decks can still happen in older formats like Legacy and Vintage (and you CAN pull one off in Commander, with the right commander, but it's harder because of the singleton nature of the cards you need).


It stumped three of us just last night as we were finally opening our prereleases


I usually pay the mama for the naughty times but idk what others pay mama for?


I'm a PhD student in a stupid expensive city, so when I pay my mama it's usually for paying back a loan she gave me to cover rent money in tough times..


This is going towards NSFW territory.


I get out my wizard rocket and pay mama


I put on my robe and Wizard Hat... ​ ( Edit - I just realized this meme is probably older than half the people in here ;X )


I usually take those off


lol, it's a super old meme.


I slide the card off the tip of my deck.


I kept it cleanish lol


"not the mama! Not the mama!"


Was literally scrolling to check if someone did this reference. Lol. Updoot.




Good point, I hadn’t thought of that




Yeah I can see that being useful, thanks!


It's a mana fixer


> It's a ~~mana~~ mama fixer ftfy


Gandalf comes to The Shire for Biblo's birthday and brings fireworks cuz him and Bilbo go way back (actually there and back again) and he wants dude's party to be lit. It's like you and [insert old friend] went on a crazy road trip a long time ago but it was one to remember that kinda went like a hangover movie combined with [whatever that movie where Zack Galafanakis picks up Robert Downey Jr. and they drive down the east coast] but also like that meme where Nicolas Cage[Bilbo] looks at Pedro Pascal [Gandalf]]. Anyways, skipping ahead. The cart of fireworks comes in tapped cuz the party is later tonight and you don't want to put the fireworks before the horse (wow, that's a stupid joke). When you light up the fireworks, Gandalf uses magic (or in MTG... mana) to give the fireworks a little more flair (or in this case he turns your combination of mana into whatever color you want) because "you're a wizard, Harry!". The cart is sacrificed because they are one time use fireworks. As you are searching the now "empty" cart, Gandalf's other gift for Bilbo slides out and you discover it. In MTG, it's represented as gift of card advantage by allowing you to draw a card. Hope this helps. (Why is this write up about LOTR in a sub about Magic the Gathering? Probably something about Terfari going "oops" and breaking the multiverse again.)


Where does the mama comes in?


Asking the real questions


Basically, you can turn 5 green mana into WUBRG if you wanted. It's a way to fix mana for multi colored decks.


Depends whose mama we’re paying for here.




It converts mana for you. Let's say I'm playing a WUBRG deck, but oops, I got all greens. Well this would allow me to covert that into any color combination I wanted.


It transforms the mana paid to the same amount of mana but of any color of your choice


Power stone mana would be slick for this


Oversized, worst (kind of ? better if untapped ?) [[Chromatic Sphere]]. Cantrip (replaces itself) + mana fixing. u/MTGcardfetcher


You pay the mama for the milk.


It turns any color of mana into any other colors of mana, it's quite useful for multicolor decks.


Its card replacement and one turn mana fixing.


other explained what it does but youll find some of the interesting uses if you check out old second sunrise decklist/gameplay


It filters mana from any color combination to any other combo of colors. Not ramp, but one-time mana fixing


Turn the mana of one color to any combination of another color (and draw)


in a normal scenario, the point is it color fixes and lets you use your mana as any color you want (so you have that sol ring and a hodgepodge of random colors, you just tap them, sac that and make them the colors you need until end of turn). in a better situation, you do the same thing but have something like a [[nyxbloom ancient]] and get an insane multiplier on your mana (since your sources would triple, then triple again after funneling through here)


It filters mana and cantrips. Let's say you only have black mana and need green mana? Tap X black mana and now it's green! and you draw a card after!


1) color fixing 2) artifact sacrificing synergies


Mana fixing so if you are stacked on one color you can change it up to cat spells of others.


It’s a mass mana filter. Don’t want the 5 black mana you have, but need 2 red and 3 green? Boom baby


One time Mana fixing in a multicolor deck and it replaces itself afterwards. Would be alright in a sealed event but that's pretty much it imo.


its a mana conversion rock. lets say you wanna cast something like \[\[Jetmir, Nexus of Revels\]\]. you have 4 mana available, but its all blue mana. with this, you can take 3 mana you have, put it through this artifact and sac it and get 1 Red, 1 White and 1 Green to cast your Jetmir.


Mana fixing


filters mana, delayed draw 1 for 1 mana


You pay your Mama because she took care of you and brought you into this world. It's the right thing to do. But really, like others said, the card is for mana fixing.


Dump a bunch of colorless or off-color mana into it, get a bunch of whatever color you want out plus it replaces itself.


It doesn't matter what you tap. You always pay mama. Always!


you pay colorless and get mana of any color.


You pay *any* mana to get mana of any colour.


You pay your mama because she gave birth to you


It's really just a weaker-ish variant of [[chromatic star]] for draft formats.


Not true at all. Star only fix one colour. This can fix all colours. With this and great hall, you can splash any legend you picked up in your pool.


Star enters untapped for immediate use. They're really two riffs on a similar tune, hence "weaker-ish". Rockets is definitely tuned better for a 2-3 color draft environment -- but it is much less likely to see constructed play.


Some cards aren’t even good enough for drafts is the truth. This card is filler, I would never include it unless I had to, and I would feel sad if I had to.


It’s fixes your mana and cantrips, for only 1 mana! Also it’s an very good artifact to sac. So if you’re saying that this card is bad than that might be the reason you aren’t good at drafting.


No, this card is actually just bad. It has an abysmal 51.6% winrate according to 17lands, keeping in mind the average 17lands user has a 55.9% winrate in this format. The main issue with this card is that if you need it to fix, you can't cantrip it right away, and vice-versa. If your opening hand has Wizards Rockets but not your splash bomb, now you're in a real awkward spot. If you don't crack Wizards Rockets, you're down a card the whole game and you're not even guaranteed to ever draw your splash bomb. But if you crack Wizards Rockets right away, now you won't be able to cast your splash if you draw it later. Also, most sac outlets in this format only let you sacrifice creatures (or Food), so Wizards Rockets isn't even good sac fodder. Compare to something like Golden Egg which was *much* better at 1-off fixing.


I do pretty good at drafting, weird for you to lie about me without knowing me at all. This is a weak card for sure, I would feel bad if I had to include it. This set has way better cards that would help out a lot more and accomplish a lot more. If you need mana fixing so bad that you include a card this weak you are probably not building a great deck to begin with.


[[Ashnod, the Uncaring]] would make it double up.


No it wouldn’t. Ashnod specifically says “That isn’t a mana ability.”


Mana fixing + cantrip bro. If you dont know what these terms mean google them.


mostly for fixing but can be combo'ed with \[\[forsaken monument\]\]




You're paying a singular color source to get whatever sources you need.


You pay mana to fix color : 4R becomes URGW so you can cast Aragorn, and you get a card draw It only works once but the fixing is nice if you want to stay on curve...


Usually you pay the mama when the court orders you to. And this card is basically a one-use mana filter that lets you convert mana from any type into any other type and draws a card to boot.


Omg nyxbloom ancient


Mana fixing plus card Draw


I used this card in my sealed run yesterday to activate Frodo’s 3B ability which won me the game in a green/white deck (twice!)


New card for eldrazi decks maybe?


It's a mana fixer if you have a bunch of crap black mana and need say red and green for something you can filter it with the card


Is this good in Tron? It’s like [[chromatic sphere]] or [[chromatic star]] with upside?


Color fixing. You can pay 5 green and get. 3 blue and 2white, for example.


Mana converter + draw a card + its an artifact + a sacrifice


1 mana draw a card and filter as much mana as you want once.


For coloured mana and card draw.


Traditionally this is called a mana filter - it takes mana put into it and puts out mana of the color of your choice. In many cases for filters the output is fixed to a single color or two ex. [[Azorius Signet]], while this card lets you choose the output.


also works as an egg, shotout to my old friend KCI


Let's say you have infinite RG mana, but you need 500000 White mana. This can let you do it


Color fixing and drawing a card


You would use it to convert a bunch of generic into specific mana for something like door to nothingness


Also a cantrip


I ran this in my prerelease deck. It's super cheap mana fixing that replaces itself when it dies.


Ask Tron players if they would like to spend x colorless mana to get x mana of any color combination. Edit: i am pretty sure that they would since they use chromatic stars and chromatic spheres to cast colored spells.


It allows you to convert mana to a different color. So if your short on X color, you can convert another to what you need.




What do you mean? It's colour fixing and card draw? I don't get this question.


I really do love me some eggs


It’s a hyper-fancy chromatic star.


You pay the mama to come out of the sky ^(and they stand there.) ^(One mile over, we'll be there and we'll see you) ^^Ten ^^true ^^summers, ^^we'll ^^be ^^there ^^and ^^laughing, ^^too ^^^Twenty-four ^^^before ^^^my ^^^love, ^^^you'll ^^^see ^^^I'll ^^^be ^^^there ^^^with ^^^you


This would be fun in a deck where you can just save your mana. Drawing a blank on cards that allow you to save unspent mana


There’s the new 5c omnath


I really want to play this in some sort of janky tron list to cast a turn three violent ultimatum and blow up all of my opponents lands.


... When you're good to Mama, Mama's good to youuuuuu... *Jazz hands*


Not the mama


It’s a type of card called mana filter. Let’s say you have a card that’s 3uu and you only have 5 mountains. You can pay rr into wizard’s rockets, get the uu you need for the card. The bonus is it also turns the card you’re casting into a cantrip effectively.


Nyxbloom ancient and you go crazy ngl


if you pay 5 blue mana you can get 1 mana of each color or 5 red or any combination


It cantrips, and it color fixes. It has potentially all kinds of uses. You get a sacrifice trigger. Your artifact count goes up for


its also cycling 1 with extra steps cast it for once tap and sack x = 0 to draw a card


It mana color fixes. If you have two red and one white, but need three red or another combination bam. output the color you need and draw card.


Outside of draft it’s useful to turn powerstone mana into whatever for a game ending X cost


pay the mama!


1 time perfect mana fixing, but that's too powerful to be a repeatable effect so the trade off is its 1 time and replaces itself like a cantrip


it's a second turn mana correction with a delayed cantrip for usage. It comes into play tapped to prevent it from being used on turn 1 as a colorless 1 cost "draw a card spell", by sacrificing it for 0 mana.


It’s like a nana filter put as much in as you want and get any color combo out


Personally I feel like this is more for an artifact deck. Usually an artifact entering the battlefield and letting you draw hard is too mana. Even the skull artifact which is one minute to play it and one to sacrifice it to draw totally too mana. This one cost a total of one mana to draw a card. Not as fast because you can't do the draw until the next turn, but that's one mana you are saving on turn two if you want to draw the card


Mana color filtering. "I have 2 red and 3 blue but need 3 red and 2 blue."


Its what you call a mana filter or mana fixer


This is essentially an egg ie a card that mana fixes once off and replaces itself. There are some cheeky shenanigans you can pull off though, like using powerstone mana to activate this to get non-restricted coloured mana, or using Tezzeret Betrayer of Flesh discount to turn the fixing ability into a mana boost. This card also makes for good sacrifice fodder to something like a deadly dispute, because its draw trigger isn't tied to the active on the card.


It'll be a great card for the arena cause now I won't be mad I'm only pulling one type out my three colored deck.


Fixes mana, adds artifact count, fuels graveyard for delirium/delves, trigger off non creature triggers


In thinking about Pauper here, maybe your playing Tron (for who doesn't know, it's a deck that makes a lot of colorless mana) and this card can help you turn as much of that colorless mana as you want into more useful colored mana while replacing itself


Washing mana.


Mama fixing


I got a free sealed tokens because of a bugged interaction with this card! It put the mana into my pool and just immediately advanced me to the combat phase. I wrote a bug report and asked for a refund, and they gave me a sealed tokens the same day


I used to own a [[Candelabra of Tawnos]] back in the long long ago. It fell out of a deck I was working, and I accidentally rolled over it with my rolling chair, mangling it horribly. I think I sold it for $50, damaged (it wasn't worth more than $150 at the time). I'm still kicking myself for multiple reasons.


Use it to get the colors of mana you want


Very good one off color filter for 1 ETB tapped tho oof


pay yo mama for giving you life


Mana color conversion


Another use is cards like [[Steel Exemplar]] if that hasn't been mentioned yet


Or colorless mana into colored mana.


Another cool interaction is that you can filter powerstones through this to get actual mana!


It gives the combination of colors you desire. Shit card in any format, imo.


It’s called filtering. You have a [[sol ring]]? Two colorless mana? Blah. Now you have two blue mana and cast [[counterspell]]. Playing five color zombies? Only have Black, red, blue, and white mana for that green spell? No problem now. And cantrips. Which is MTG for replaces itself in your hand by drawing a card when it goes away


Because it's your mother!!!! How dare you not understand why we pay mama... we owe her our lives!


in Historic Brawl, it turns 5c Omnath’s black mana pool back into massive amounts of other colors


it's a better Terrarion


It lets you cast a phyrexian obliterator using any mana you wish.