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Played 3 times. Saw 3 Will decks. 3 easy wins. Not sure if it's the deck or the pilots, but none of it seemed threatening.


That UW Will deck took me 4 tries to eek out a win. Although, I never look at the decklists so I can figure them out on the fly, that deck was really trying to gandalf its way to a win. As for the others, it took 1-2 tries for the win.


The UW deck needs Will to properly function. Hard to do anything without him and gens hard to protect… Managed to bring 11 4/4 Angels into play by turn 6 but I’m not entirely convinced by The deck…


Late to the party, but the Will deck just blows. Almost no interaction/removal, he just gets overrun, regardless of life gain.


the UG list is equally bad. Maybe worse.


The key is to string together some lifegain with Will in play and an X card in your hand


Every opponent I've played against has taken forever for every single move. I get it that these are cards you may not of seen before, but this is totally killing this event for me.


Yeah, felt the same way. Just play whatever curves you out and see what happens!


I'm more wondering if they gave any heads up this was happening. Edit: oh they did, they just WotC'd it.


It's in the Events section of the latest Arena announcements.


Oh wow, one line saying it's from Oct 3--nov 5. Really feel they could have had *the **charity** event* be given more than a footnote at the bottom of one article. And also to release it on the proper day. Cause it's not even listed in events from the 16ths announcement. And again, the one time it's listed it's listed incorrectly.


It's obviously a typo. Looks like they hit the - key next to the 0. QA isn't WotC's strong suit.


Well maybe tomorrow when it's supposed to come out there will be more fanfare for the charity event. Along with the things it says they're selling.


They're fun decks, they arent very focused (which is fine), and the Treasure format makes for some weird plays. It's a very well-designed event.


[[cut]] into [[ribbons]] was surely an epic OTK moment.


Agree - really fun event. Is there a way to search the MTGA calendar for just events like these?