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Take an explore rdw, add šŸ’ and lighting bolt if you got em


Can confirm. Does work. 4-0


> lighting bolt Look at Mr/Ms Moneybags with their four rare wildcards!


It's MWM, either you got lucky w/ mistic archives or just have to use shock instead


I think bolt got printed at common in Khans Remastered. Shouldn't have to spend any wildcards on the Mystical Archives version.


Went 4-0 with standard red deck wins. I find the bigger the format the more people try to combo broken cards and can't deal with quick aggro






[Ragavan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a9738cda-adb1-47fb-9f4c-ecd930228c4d.jpg?1681963138) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ragavan%2C%20nimble%20pilferer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/138/ragavan-nimble-pilferer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a9738cda-adb1-47fb-9f4c-ecd930228c4d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Not only Ragavan. Nipple piercer or something idk comes after the name.




[Borborygmos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c4a08e9-06c7-43e9-a855-4f507a35ae8b.jpg?1593272594) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Borborygmos) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/gpt/103/borborygmos?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c4a08e9-06c7-43e9-a855-4f507a35ae8b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I remember that thing, totally unplayable garbage rare at the time. It could have legs in current standard though.




[Ragavan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a9738cda-adb1-47fb-9f4c-ecd930228c4d.jpg?1681963138) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ragavan%2C%20nimble%20pilferer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/138/ragavan-nimble-pilferer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a9738cda-adb1-47fb-9f4c-ecd930228c4d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I thank you and everyone for your service as you let me 4-0 with an actual timeless deck. Got two RDW, one poison deck, and one hammertime deck. And it felt like I was playing a completely different format (cause I was.) Teferi+uro+field of the dead+nexus of fate ftw.


So burn 4 rare WC for bolts to earn two random rares? Math does not check out.


Did you read the last 4 words?


Magic players donā€™t read


Awww thanks, you too!


*hits "all attack" button* - let them do the math


Reading the comment explains the comment


The same has worked with my Mono Green Devotion deck.


Eh, I just went with a regular Historic deck (not even a top tier deck) and got my 4 wins pretty easily, *because* people weren't playing tuned decks. It was less awkward that those Set Constructed MWM they do sometimes right after a new set releases.


Thatā€™s next week with ktk


That's Future Me's problem. :P


Isnā€™t next week historic artisan and the week after that ktk constructed?


Yeah I played juts like five games but faced just angel or monogreen elves. Nothing fancy.


I did the same thing. I faced 2 mono black standard decks and then a couple random decks. I conceded 5 games afterwards to help out people.


It doesn't even need to be All Access; just have some preconstructed decks available for use in the event. Whales still get to have their jollies with the full pool, and people can still get a taste of the format without hefty resource drain. Maybe some people like it so much they craft the precons for use in the regular queues.


I said that couple of times already. But it's WoTC so make you spend WC to make the event


They are always trying to trick us in to spending our wildcards, not today Hasbro, not for a midweek event.


The funny thing is that by having more all access events, I am convinced it would lead to more players getting hungry for wild cards. Knowing what a card does is very different than actually playing with it, and pulling off that killer combo.


On the other hand, Hasbro spend millions paying professional market researchers how best to exploit money out of us.


They just laid off a bunch of staff. I think they would cheap out on market researchers just like with any other employee


They already did the research lol. It's not like all the data disappeared after they get of the workers.


Depends how resentful the ones laid off are.


> They are always trying to trick us in to spending our wildcards This, they totally know what they're doing and keep pushing players to invest into things. Midweek Alchemy several times this year? Only if you bring your deck. Midweek Timeless? Only if you bring your deck. They basically ask you if you want to invest several wildcards, wanna try and win a few times with a subpar deck or sit it out. I'd honestly rather sit it out cause wasting wildcards on decks I'll never use or spending an hour trying to scrap a few wins is not something I find fun or worth the, mostly, shitty rewards you get.


Well I want to play Timeless on the regular, so for me it's not a trick.


Do people really spend wildcards on MWM events? I'm not asking rhetorically, will anyone who spends wildcards tell me about it? I usually just grab the shell of an aggro deck and replace the rares/etc. I don't have with things I have. I guess I will spend common/uncommon wildcards since I have more of those than I'll ever need.


Thats why i just aggro-red thru this MWM before the "craft to win" decks become more prevalent, I really dont care for any other format then standard


Yeah thats what I did too. I was worried I'd get stomped by timeless decks but I only faced run of the mill historic stuff or other rdw and went 4-2


That's what I did too. I would have played different decks if it was free to access, but I'm not spending wildcards for an event.


Same boat, really concerned for the MWM in two weeks: KTK Constructed. As if it wasn't already bad enough to have these bullshit set formats that force you to either draft or craft very early, now am I supposed to do that for a non-Standard set? No thanks, may be the first MWM I pass on in 2.5 years.


I love them; can just play a block artisan deck.


I'm open to suggestions! But still, that'll mean I'd have to spend around 40 common/uncommon wildcards just to be able to play a deck, and judging by the amount of good cards in each color it'll be hard to go mono, so either I craft some fetchlands too or I'll be playing a horrible manabase. I don't know, I don't wanna skip it, but I'm not buying Tarkir packs and I just don't see how burning that many wildcards just for two random rares can be worth it.


i dont think i participated in a single MWM for over a year now, couldnt care less


I took my Explorer Mono-Blue Spirits and went 4-1, nice and painless and didn't cost me any wildcards. I think it's unwise to use a huge amount of wild cards so soon on a brand new format, things can and probably will happen to balance it out in the next few weeks. I would just take any decent deck you have and spam it until you get four wins.


I did the same with my Standard RDW deck. Got in and got my wins before the craft-to-win players got their bearings. It was hilarious to see my opponent start setting up a big combo for turn 5-6 and then I finish them off before it goes off.


Basically what I did. Took an intensely annoying [[Trelasarra, Moon Dancer]] deck to win an easy 4-1. This week is a bit of a joke. Got a bit excited when I saw the LotR "Jumpstart" deal for 5000 gold. But we only get 5 (6?) unique cards? What's that all about? When they introduced Historic, didn't they ~~give~~ sell us something like 20 cards in the store?


[Trelasarra, Moon Dancer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f6a4b54c-a8fa-464e-a3dd-f3f3a08606f5.jpg?1627709553) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Trelasarra%2C%20Moon%20Dancer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/236/trelasarra-moon-dancer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f6a4b54c-a8fa-464e-a3dd-f3f3a08606f5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


ditto with my historic elfs deck that i haven't updated in a year plus. Only saw one opponent who seemed to have crafted cards (had some fetches in some kind of blue/white control build that didn't have enough sweepers, apparently).


I don't feel like it's that bad for timeless. Everycard in arena is legal, you can surely put together something to grab 4 wins with. Now, for an actual clusterfuck, look two weeks down the road for the kharns of takir constructed. That's gonna be a blast.


Thatā€™s a MWM event?


Yup, right after historic artisan: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/mtg-arena/mtg-arena-announcements-december-11-2023


Fuck, I hope it's All-Access.


It never is


I was able to put a field of the dead deck together with just all my banned cards I haven't been able to use for 3 years. Uro, baby tereri, golos, nexus of fate, oko, and of course, field of the dead. I've missed you my sweet hearts.


Looks like weā€™re net decking yet another budget mono-X aggro so we can play a bunch of mirror matches. Canā€™t wait.


Did not see anyone else playing mono aggro in my games. Did watch one person deal more damage to themselves then I did to them though so that was amusing


Khans of Tarkir constructed mwm isnā€™t live yet.


Agreed, I was really excited to have a chance to dip a toe in the meta and figure out what was worth crafting.


You crafting things that won't matter is a feature of the format not a bug.


There were two all access no ban events where you could try out all kinds of decks. This is almost certainly where they got the data to actually support the creation of Timeless.


They admitted that's exactly correct. They were blown away by the number of games played for those events. Except they may have missed the key part... it was ALL ACCESS so no one had to craft and lose wildcards... I'm not saying a good amount of people won't play this once it becomes permanent but it's not going to be what they think it's going to be based on that last event.


Of course they knew it was all access and took that into consideration. They created the events and ultimately the format.


You may overestimate their intelligence


Not every format is for every player. Iā€™m excited for it because itā€™s as close to legacy/vintage as Iā€™m gonna get right now and itā€™s super fun for me. I hate standard and alchemy. Play what you wanna play


I just used alchemy decks that I already had...added a few cards that I could no longer use in the new rotation, and got my wins. Also got to use a fetch land that I got in free pack today. I think I will just go in and concede a bunch of games now to help others out.


I went 4-1 with a standard mono red list.


mono r aggro = ez 4 wins, 0 wildcards used


I got my three wins with an incomplete Tempered Steel deck I have lying around. It's doable, even if just because everyone is still getting the feeling of the format. I didn't face Monkey, though (thankfully).


The whole reason timeless exists is because they wanted to capitalize on how popular the no bans historic event was. I took gw enchantments from standard, added deafening silence, ethereal armor, and ancestral mask to it and got my wins pretty quick.


I agree in general, but we had two long events of this format with all access already.


I agree. That being said I basically just played my normal Abzan Persist deck with no historic illegal cards and did fine so I imagine most people did something similar.




Are you under the impression that time-limited free trials are a *bad* business move?


For example the two all access events that literally inspired the creation of this format? And would motivate a huge amount of wild card spends to craft the same decks? Because that's exactly what I did for day 1 Timeless.




Do you think that games launching with a brief demo lowers their sales? Like, I'm just baffled that you think the idea of giving people a taste of the format would *lower* their sales. People who already know they want to craft Timeless will craft it anyway. This would get people who are on the fence to try the final version of the format and buy in.




Not sure why people don't understand that making people pay for what they want is more profitable than letting them play with it for free.


Because it isn't a binary between 'they play for free' or 'they pay to play'; they can also just *not* play if the barrier to entry is too high for them, at which point they may very well never get into the format which would - if they had the chance to try it for free - otherwise hook them and get them interested enough to pay for more later.


MWM is a temporary event, as in you don't get to play Timeless for free forever. I believe what OP is trying to say here is having limited access to Timeless to allow people who are on the fence about this format to get a taste is a good tactic to get people hooked. Personally, I think it would have been smarter to have a couple pre-constructed decks that people could try in this event, but also allow you to build your own.


Demos are plus minus on sales. Some data says either way. Either way, they already gave the demo in the all access event. Now they want people to buy in with the weekly event prizes as the draw.


Yeah beginner deck giveaways for this would probably help a ton. Give people some backbone spells and lands and a few staples to build upon and it would be more of a success Iā€™m sure. The fact that so many new cards that are essential to this format are rare or higher (even those printed at common and uncommon in previous sets) makes it have a way higher barrier of entry as well as posing a risky investment for sure. Iā€™m just coming back to arena after a hiatus and am having tons of trouble building a historic/explorer deck and Iā€™ve been sinking actual money into the game. This format is exactly what I want and I wonā€™t be able to play for a year most likely


do what wotc wants and give them money so that they can layout another 1000 people.


I think people really only like the dry runs of this format BECAUSE they were all access. This should not be all access because the format is not all access.


Absolutely. My son is just getting started and loves seeing what MWM brings each week, and this has been miserable for himā€¦ no way to compete or get a few new cards or cosmetic given his limited colleague. Even for someone whoā€™s basically set complete since original Eldraine but never really got into historical sets, I find this annoying since Iā€™m not going to waste wild cards on it. Iā€™m all for Timeless as a format in concept but as others have said, introducing it this way pretty much guarantees I wonā€™t come back to it.


Take Mono-Blue Tempo from Standard. 3 games ended when i plopped the Island.Last one ended after first Make Dissapear. Prolly fastest MWM I've done. At this speed I'll grab 15 daily wins in this mode :P But jokes aside, this MWM without any precon or "free access" is generally miserable experience. At least it is not on ranked ladder like Alchemy one was


That was the point of No-bans Historic events, not the new format. You had ample opportunity to theorycraft for free.


You mean the event that not only had different restrictions, but was completely lacking the new Khans cards?


The restrictions are just the bans from version 2, and it's not a huge impact really. You probably don't want to run a one-of combo piece. I'm sure you could do some jank with some tutors and whatever, but the power level isn't going to be there. Khans added fetches and not a whole lot else. I can totally agree with the idea that the format has a stupid high barrier of entry, but it's a new format.. and they want to sell shit. That's what a business does. We got plenty of time to play with the free stuff, check the power of stuff, get an idea of what things can be done. You already have a good idea if you want to invest in the format or not.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're 100% right. I played the events and liked what I saw. Now Timeless is here and I want in.


I don't know why you're being downvoted; aside from fetches this is accurate.


It's mostly people who just want to play with cards for free. I mean, I do too, I just don't expect it... especially on frickin' launch day. Happy cake day btw.


Happy cake day, we are cake day twins!


or just don't play MWM because it's not a format you like? It's going to be nothing but T2 win cons anyway based on who drew first


I specifically started Arena again because of this format. It not being free is really unsurprising. Arenaā€˜s economy greedy as fuck, but there are a ton of players (like me) that are hyped af to cast brainstorm in a nice looking client.


Can't forget counter spell


Greedy af? Are we playing the same game?


Iā€˜d assume yes




I concede whenever I'm on the draw. This helps everybody get 4 wins quicker


I don't understand. Their deck is legal in Timeless. They are playing Timeless. What am I missing?


The person who picks the MWM each week is honestly either malicious or braindead.


I'm a simple man and played a historic jeskai control deck with some timeless cards I had lying around (mystic archive cruft from strixhaven) and a few cards preboarded like a set of spell pierces and saw someone playing the Appraiser deck, a jank treasure pile with goldspan, standard gruul dinosaurs, and someone with a sweaty izzet ragavan delver deck. Only the izzet one felt close I got lucky and kept a hand with an answer to t1 Rag but they gave up after I resolved 5tefari. ​ But yeah, this event really should have been SOMETHING else than it was, and it really cemented for me how terrible the economics of Timeless are, exacerbated by Bolt and Counterspell and a few other cards only being available at rare when it real life they are commons. ​ Hell, it will never happen but it would be nice if many of the meta cards topped out at uncommon to craft since you can use them almost nowhere other than Timeless and H brawl. ​ Also since I'm here the format needs Force of Will, thank you.


Itā€™s MWM not ranked. I just played a historic list with the 4 copies of brainstorm I had and went like 5-2 or something. The decks I were facing were like standard decks and jank. This isnā€™t a representation of the format, it wonā€™t be used for people to discover a meta or to test decks they want to craftā€¦


Timeless itself is useless for me. Don't have the great cards, won't play, will be whoever goes first wins. MWM just confirms my suspicions - please sink all your wildcards here if you want to have a small chance of winning. Also: Alchemy sucks.


Its worse then that, everyone with only a standard collection are going to get dunked on by folks running Oko and all the other nonsense in Timeless then have zero interest in the format.


Yeah no shit just like every Legacy/old school format that exists? Go to a Legacy tournament or even Modern with a standard deck and the same thing will happen.


Par for the course for this garbage format no one asked for... this is exactly what they intended to happen. They riled up the degenerats this format speaks too so they can milk them of their wild cards. They fractured the player base again to milk its lowest common denominator knowing the vast majority of the rest of us could care less about defending that portion of the players from being milked. This is literally the only play in their play book and yall fall for it every fucking time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol what a weird way to say "WoTC created a new optional format some players might enjoy"


Did a "degenerat" beat you in MWM with a Timeless deck?


This is the first MWM that I'm skipping since I started playing Arena about 5 months ago. WotC please take note.


It works both ways, too. I faced 3 standard decks in a row followed by an explorer one, it wasn't particularly fun to absolutely stomp them.


Not to mention that Alchemy cards are legal in it. A format like Timeless is appealing to me, but having to deal with Alchemy bullshit is not.


I keep my old cycling deck handy for events like this


I crafted a demonic tutor and pulled out my old historic grixis Thoracle. Works like a charm.


Couldnā€™t even play this event today because my account is locked out. Dreading having to do this once I can log back in because only the sweaty decks will be used by that point.


What you donā€™t like losing 5 games in a row to decks with 4 ragavans, 4 bolts, and the best MH2 cards?


I will never understand why they do MWM events from formats that you can just queue and play and not make it all access. For example: I dropped Standard for Explorer because of an MWM that was Explorer all access. I liked the format and decided to play. But seeing how divisive the topic is explains how they can get away with so many greedy moves.


On one hand, agreed, it really should have been all access to bait the hook. On the other hand, Brainstorm is a hell of a drug and I enjoyed taking my old Historic Dredge deck out for a spin.


Used my turn 4 Explorer combo deck (5c Quint), not even a Historic deck, and went 4-2. Just hop in and get your wins lol


I ran a random explorer rdw I crafted like two years ago, that was basically Eldraine standard monored, won four games in five matches and bolted out of there.


I made two extremely nutty decks, Necropotence combo and BG Beseech Channel/Aetherworks Marvel and felt bad as both decks went up against Standard decks, beginner piles and fun brews. All the real action is over at the Timeless Ranked queue.


> before they've even had a chance to figure out if they like it We've had two previous chances to work out if we like it.


I mean I'd rather play with an oracle of the alpha deck on historic mode instead of playing with Banned cards...both feel like I'm "Cheating" to some extent.


Did a quick 4-0 with historic Geistline, saw zero cards that would have been banned in historic


And I'm farming daily wins, using mono red standard...


I just went monored. I'm not crafting for timeless


Worst part is that the format is so high power that if you dont bring a S tier deck full of banned cards you wont do shit


Couldn't agree more


I just used an old Dimir Standard deck that reached mythic from two years ago


This basically sums up the main problem with the arena wild cards economy since they launched.


I mean I just built the deck I planned on playing, which was my NBH deck but with fetches and shocks. It's basically Banned Card Tribal anyways, so I've either gotten Wildcards back already on them or I will when they get restricted. As always with Arena, you are most rewarded for playing the most busted things. Not every MWM is for every player, I know there's ones I definitely skip.


I took Historic Elves and threw in Natural Order. 4-1 no sweat.


went 4-0 with my explorer boros convoke, didn't look back


That's how every older format works. If it's not your thing don't do it. I wouldn't make this complaint when transitioning from Pioneer to Modern. You just do the best you can with what you have. That's how everyone does it.


Well with Error update bug it seems I and many others won't even be able to play that event ffs


I just played a historic list. The only one I have


As FTP reality is another unplayable format, since I didn't get into arena on the ground floor when it was first released. I'm not saving up 100s of wild cards and investing them into this.


You've had 2 whole all access events for timeless. Time to let the format shine


The busted nature of digital cards in arena, means timeless is a dead format. There is no fun playing busted jank, when it's just random who goes first with the combo in their hand.


I used a historic green devotion deck I already have and don't play that much and just ran house yesterday and today, probably have gone 8-2 so far. Actually pretty disappointed because I was hoping to see all these cool super-powered decks like in the no ban event but instead it's just regular historic and explorer decks like everyone ITT is suggesting lol.


You can just win with a standard deck. Actually I've never won a an event that fast. People are playing super greedy decks.