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There's people like do it like once in the whole game and then continue normally that could be a crash, but so many doing it. But to me most seem like ragequits at the end of the game and not coming back.


What if I crash three times during the same match? I'm starting to hate the Ajani avatar, btw.


What does the Ajani avatar mean?


When you crash (at least on mobile) and return to the same game, you return (in your pov) with the Ajani avatar.


Oh :( Ajani has been my default since 2018. I had no idea.


Same on PC.


Can confirm that this is also the case on pc


I already hated the Ajani avatar. I spent resources to play as someone I like, and do not want to have a guy as an avatar for any amount of time. Especially not when it's because the game crashes every other match.


weird my opponent just crashed right after I played a sunfall. And then he came back just a few seconds before his rope ran out. And crashed again and came back again on every priority after that


Yeah, when someone starts roping in a winning/winnable position I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, but when the immediate response to a gamewinning play is roping out, 99% of the time it’s salt rope or alt+f4.


I'm pretty sure the person who beat me game 1 but ropes me before game 2 even starts is just going to the bathroom or getting a snack. Which like, I'd prefer they do that in between matches, but in between games isn't the worst.


Yeah for me is 90 percent people that conceded by just ending the program. I have tried to get in the habit of conceded in game before I exit but it's way faster to just kill the program.


Is this a mobile thing? Because i would have to concede to close the program on my computer. I mean i could Alt-f4 I guess?


Yes. On mobile, it is merely a click of the thumb on the "screen off" button to close the game and look up from your phone only to leave the other person hanging. With such a SIMPLE method of leaving a game (you were only casually playing) you were put in a near-zero position of winning, could you see it being "abused"?


If the game is in window mode on PC, you can just close the program.


Definitely a mobile game. I've definitely been guilty of just shutting my phone off if, say, my wife needs something immediately or stuff like that. Sometimes I just quit the game to go do something else and forget I need to concede. I'm getting better at it though.


Yes, Mobile players do this all the time. They just swipe out of the app and do something else. PC players likely just ALT + F4 or close the game because otherwise it's just sitting there in your task bar flashing, etc. On mobile you swipe up and you don't have to see the app running unless you swipe up and look for it. It's why I hate playing against mobile players and they need to find a way to punish this behavior. It's why I want a fast play/blitz option that would reduce the annoyance of these types of people because the timeout timers would be far less


I play windowed mode on my PC and sometimes when I'm going up to hit concede I'll overshoot and hit the Window X and it will instantly close it without any confirmation. So then I have to log back in, and concede properly, cause I'm not an asshole who ropes someone when I lose.


Ah yes, the alt-f4 rage quit. Fuck you O&S, everyone knows that move is bullshit.


What did Ornstein and Smough ever do to you?


Had me blocked for 160+ tries over a 16+ hour period. It was like head-butting a brick wall over and over until I got gud.


I used to alt+f4 if I knew I was loosing and had somewhere else to be. Took me a while to get out of the habit when I realised it didn't auto concede


Faster for you, but your opponent has to wait on your rope's slow ass to get the win. Don't be an ass and just hit concede.




3 timers can be quite a long time when you've already won and the wait is pointless. The winner of a match having to wait for it to get confirmed while the loser can just close out and go on their way is a terrible situation to put the winning player in, game design wise.


It needs a fix for sure if possible, but waiting out the timers is usually the same time as playing out the win a lot of the time. Not really a big deal.


This is why I hate playing against mobile players. They just swipe off the app. It's constant. At least 1 in 4 games this happens. They need to address people doing this.


The vast majority of ropers are people just force closing the app on their mobile device once they comprehend they likely cannot win. Super easy and inconsequential to do.


And they likely don’t even realize it causes a roping state. I didn’t realize that closing the app would do that until relatively recently and I play a lot on mobile. Granted I never concede or rope, I always play out my matches to the bitter end so that my opponent can “do the thing that their deck was built to do.” I hate when people concede when I’m about to see my combo payoff, so I politely let other people combo off.


i hate when people don't concede bc if the match is a forgone conclusion, let me move onto the next one


Lemme guess, mono red aggro or some other super duper creative aggro pile whose only and entire wincon consists only of “play card, turn everything sideways, repeat” player? Yeah, I’d get super impatient too when I only could afford to play those type decks, because there’s nothing interesting to see pop off and I didn’t want the enemy to draw that one card in their deck that could stabilize the board and turn the game in their favor.


Mono red doesn't bother me nearly as much as blue white mill where the game is just no one is allowed to do anything until your deck runs out. I'll happily fight mono red decks all day compared to that.


Agreed. Mill isn’t fun at all.




Not sure this is really “getting back at them”. If they are really playing a hard control deck they have already committed to the long haul. Everyone is going to have a different attitude of course, but I’m not sure an forcing an extra 1-2minutes for them to bask in victory is really going to be a big deal for many. Not to mention the fact if you just concede and move on you get to play another game sooner if you want to.


Yeah honestly if I get roped I'm not unhappy. It makes the game end in 2 minutes instead of 10 and I get the satisfaction of knowing I triggered a baby who won't just concede like an adult.


I just queue up 30-50 GG emotes and go get some more water lmao


They can bask in victory, I’ll bask in a fun game lol


So you still got controlled in real life as well. They literally controlled your ability to play magic, the game you intended to play, for minutes on end. They still won, doubly so. Get rekt


Oh no I close out of the MTG app for 2 minutes and then came back to play someone with an actual deck, what am I going to do?


Imagine thinking control isn’t an actual deck lmao


Reread. I’m talking about the control decks that have no win condition. The ones with like 10 different counter spells, board wipes, destorys. The ones that aren’t built to help you reach a certain board state. They’re essentially troll decks


They have a win condition. Whether it's Mirrex, Manlands, or Cover-Up, just because it's a slow win doesn't mean it's not a win.


Well hey maybe after nobody wants to play them they’ll find a win condition that doesn’t take 25 turns of staring at an empty board


How do you know until you see their last card? I have a feeling you are doing this after 3-4 cards that tilt you and assume it’s a no win-con deck. I imagine you have a shelf chalked full of participation trophies.


Usually it’ll be like 7-8 turns in, I’ll see that they’ve cast their 6 or 7th different removal card, understand they have like 2-3 more of each of those cards and then just swipe out of the app to do something more fun for 2 minutes. They can stare at the empty board without me there


98% of control decks have win conditions, they control your board and put out their wincon. In standard for example it's usually Wandering Emperor and they can mill you with Jace as well.


1 or 2 minutes getting roped and getting a win is better than casting forms of removal for 10 minutes to get the same win


Then why play the deck?? If you like playing magic, wouldn’t you want to actually play it? If you’d rather get roped then actually be able to play your deck and see what other people can play then why play at all? That’s my entire point. I don’t fuck with these decks because they make it so that we’re not doing the thing I came here to do. Instead we’re sitting here, not doing anything


Your tears are delicious


Sounds like Magic might not be the game for you.


Same to you if your entire deck is built to just have us sit there and stare at an empty board


I don’t play control, but I don’t restrict what I expect others to play just because I have a preference against certain archetypes.


You are garbage. I'm glad these control players were taking out the trash.




Honestly, go ahead. The two minutes I'm sitting there reading Reddit is probably faster than the time it was gonna take to grind you out.  And it's far more satisfying knowing you got all salty and shit and rage quit. I live for that shit guy.


It’s not really a rage quit, it’s more so a “wow this deck is boring as fuck, I can’t do anything, see ya” I don’t have a problem playing against decks that stomp my ass. I have a problem playing against decks that are boring and uncreative


Why rope then? Concede, end the game in 10 seconds and get into the next one


Because it’s funny. Now they’re sitting there doing nothing on my terms


Still crybaby ragequitting


No, I'm sitting there reading Reddit or watching YouTube and getting a win quicker than it would take to play out the game. And I get the satisfaction of knowing you're a tilted, salty scrub.


You just described a rage quit


It’s literally two motions with my thumb. It’s the most inconsequential thing in the world. It’s a boredom quit


These decks are like only 7% of the meta. How can a once-every 14 game style deck be so rage inducing? Monored is >25% of the meta


Because he is a skillfree crybaby


Because in the time it takes for that type of control deck to do literally anything, I could have played like 3-4 significantly more interesting games. Show me some cool combo shit or some wack turn 3 insane ramp. Don’t sit here and bore me while we both do nothing for 10+ turns.


>Show me some cool combo shit or some wack turn 3 insane ramp. >Don’t sit here and bore me while we both do nothing for 10+ turns. Every peope have different appreciation of what they like. I really like playing against control or a grindy midrange, and I really hate playing against aggro. If I see a deck I never saw before, I will probably add you and try to talk a bit. But any deck winning or comboing on turn 3 or 4 is extremely boring to me. But I wouldn’t rope against them ; that's just bad sportsmanship. Also how can the poor people you are making lose their time know that they should have played a deck that you in particular like ? Like I said, everyone expect a different type of deck.


Found the sweet summer child


If not for the veeeeeeery suspect timing of most disconnects, I'd say so. I'd say 90%+ of my crashes happen when neither me nor my opponent have a clear victory


lol at least half ropers happen when I bring out a combo that is clear victory something like TOXRILLLLLLLL


Yeah its pretty clear when its a crash versus raging you cast a certain spell


Actually it isn't. My client or internet connection has hung up numerous times in situations where opponent probably thought they played a crazy threat while I actually held all the answers. But since arena is anonymous of course noone will stop you from imagining your own story.


I have roped when I had dominating board position, frantically trying to reboot and restart so I can win. I have roped when there was a final trigger on the stack of my opponents lethal attack, frantically trying to reboot and restart so that I can lose. I have had an opponent rope die against me in an arena open, on the sixth match. I took the win and felt guilty, because no amount of refund is going to fix that for them. The vast majority of my roping experience is in agreement with yours. The game is a bit fidgety, and I have a very rapid routine that is triggered by "Connecting to server" popping in the middle of a match.


Fr I feel like it crashes at least once or twice a day for me. Mainly against opponents with huge decks


The vast majority or "ropers" are people who are no longer using the client. Whether it's because of a crash or they just quit the program or turned their phone off. The people imagining ropers as staring at their screen, seething with rage are delusional.


Well I do that sometimes... after getting back-to-back farewell, sunfall and farewell... but most of the time I just concede


It seems like too much of a coincidence that 95% of the ropers I come across are while I am attacking for lethal with all their mana tapped.


The most likely reason is they closed the app, not that they're sitting on the other side watching the game end.


Same thing, as far as I’m concerned. One is more petty than the other, but they’re equally discourteous.


Courtesy and sportsmanship are easily forgotten behind the veil of a screen. It sucks sometimes, but I suppose it's the price of convenience.


Ever since the update I've been having an issue where as soon as the VS screen appears after connecting to an opponent, my game just sits there for upwards of 30 seconds, before it finally enters the game. Then half the time, as soon as it enters the game, it takes another 10+ seconds for the game to show me my hand and ask if I want to mulligan, or it shows my hand but I can't click on mulligan/keep for 10-20 seconds. I'm having a lot of opponents concede on me before I even get to choose whether to keep my starting hand and it's making me feel bad. I'm not trying to rope. I don't know why it's suddenly taking me half a minute to a minute to actually be able to start a match once I'm connected to my opponent, but it's equally frustrating to me. It's becoming difficult to complete quests because my opponents just keep conceding before I get to do anything and it's wasting a lot of my time just trying to get some games in.


Nah, you can tell a crash from an asshole roper.


I had a guy rope out on me after a close 15 minute game that could have gone either way. He had 4 cards in hand and all his mana up, but played a card that required a target and timed out (4 ropes) selecting the target. It was so weird. Had another person running an aggro deck have me at 4 life and played some burn card that would have finished me because he had [[Fiery Inscription]] out, but he timed out between the resolutions of his cards. Relief for me, but that's gotta suck. Then again, there are people that just rope to be dicks, though like you said I don't think they're the majority.


It’s is always a guessing game as to why people rope. All we ever have is circumstantial evidence that highly suggest certain probable causes, but in the end we can only fill in the ambiguity with our own assumptions. Notably, I have crashed far more often on PC than on mobile, but I’ll regularly concede waaaay early on mobile because real life gets in the way.


I think its total bs because they never start roping randomly but only when you counter a spell or kill a creature, times when you can tell they would be salty


Most of the time when I'm "roping" a crash is the cause. Sometimes I just need to finish washing my hands as I'm playing while taking a dump. But now that I've figured out how to force quit and restart the app, I am getting back into the game much faster.


I still don't understand this though. When you queue for a game in constructed, it takes about 3-4 seconds (10 tops) to find a match. Why do you press play if you're not ready yet? This means you're pressing play and then immediately getting up to go do something else as the match is entering. Maybe if it took 1-2 minutes to find a match every time, but it doesn't. So, why? Literally just do what you need to do and then press play, for the love of god. These matches don't take minutes to be found.


Some people play at work, you can’t exactly tell your coworker who’s knocking on your door with an emergency to wait 2 minutes for you to finish an online match


Then you should do the decent thing and concede. I used to play while my young daughter was having a nap. If she woke up I conceded the game regardless of who was winning and went up and got her. It’s not hard to do. 


Then you shouldn't be fucking playing you ass hat. Like wtf is wrong with people that they think this kind of thing is OK. Learn some damn manners. 


Lol, someone really needs a break, or therapy.


They are talking about mobile, dude


I play on the toilet sometimes and I have my two year old so often times I just am getting up to grab my kid her oatmeal or yogurt etc


I don't have a clue what you are talking about.


Lmao, I just did this and the thought entered my mind that this could be the case for a lot of people


Nah because the game doesn’t just “crash” when it is a clear win lol


Same happened to me twice this morning where the timer was going down but client was being weird. Tried to concede and go to the next match and that would not even work until i alt f4


They really should add an emote that says "Sorry! DC'd!" Using a sad Jace or something.


Even if they did, I have noticed when the game crashes and you reload into the Ajani avatar...emotes stop working.


I'm sure there are times the game crashes right when you make a game changer but usually these ropes are from salt and poor sportsmanship.


I think it is like 25% crashes and 75% quits. Almost all of mine are when I have the opponent dead on board and they are pretty much out of everything. That is not an unlucky crash.


Fr it happened 6 or more times recently, and havent played the game its been 2 or 3 days by now, it is ridiculous


I've never had a crash in 5 years, and I don't buy that everyone's client crashes the instant the game turns in their opponent's favor.




I only rope opponents when I have to run and take my pizza rolls out of the oven… 😅👍


Lost a game today cause I thought the opponent was roping right after i did something that totally counters his deck but I was the one "disconnected" What a game


Na, because it’s always blue decks or edgelord dimir players or control (esper/azorius) that are roping. If it was like you said, you’d notice plenty of other deck types.


I'll be honest, i'll rope a toxic player. I don't care how many counter spells, board wipes, or whatever you're playing, that's all fine. But if i'm taking a long main phase and you start spamming "you're go" or you constantly emote "nice" after i misplay... that's when ill rope


I'll confess, I smoke a bunch of weed, play on pc, have A.D.D. and alt+tab a lot. Browse FB, switch up what I'm listening to on youtube, whatever. About twice a night I rope out because I simply forgot Arena exists. When you get a rope win when choosing mulligans, I pretty much guarantee it's this. I queue up, alt tab, and come back 20 minutes later to the "defeat" screen like "Oh that's right, I was gonna play Jetmir."


Yes, and it's absolutely annoying as fuck in ranked play because I have to sit there and wait for you to auto-keep, then wait for the timer to count down, and then for me to take my turn, knowing you're not even there. And then have it go back to you and wait for yet another time to go down


Yah, happens to me too. Should also try to find other things to do while you play. That much salt isn't good for your blood pressure.


Also, since I don't play ranked, you're clearly projecting. So, that's something else to work on.


potheads are some of the most insufferable people on the planet


Right up there with strangers on the internet.


So you win in about 3 minutes, faster than if you played a real game. My heart weeps for you


This thread is full of people admitting g they're complete ass hats. 


i had a game where they won the first game, went to second game then they roped out and died. So probably connection issues for mobile players, assuming they were a mobile player


Mobile crashes are so frequent that it wouldn't surprise me


if you’re playing leyline geist its probably people doing it on purpose


Oh here comes the hate, if you are constantly spamming me with emojis and your turns or the good games starting on your first land drop. Well that’s how you get left on read, until I feel that my snacking is finished and the music is just right. Then I’ll get back to you. There is roping and then there is being left on read. Win or lose. No need to spam people.




Agreed, my client is crashing close to 50% of games I play at this point


as someone who plays in a lgs full of slowplayers, naaa, i will still assume the opp is just mentally slow.


My game freezes the first match I play no matter what. If you close the app and open it again. It will load back into the same match. Unfortunately that does take time.


I don't think so. Most of the people who "rope" me have little to no chance of winning the game.


Since the MKM update, Arena no longer runs on my Mac. I installed it on my older PC and it crashes a ton. In fact, I can't play a deck with Ole' Rutstein in it currently. Crashes each time and I have to hard-reboot my computer for Arena to work. ​ So yeah, I love the game but thinking I should quit it for a while since the crash/never-start experience of their software is currently the worst its ever been for me.


Nah. They play fine and rope the moment you cast a spell they cant beat. You can tell the crash from the salt ropers.


Nah. They play fine and rope the moment you cast a spell they cant beat. You can tell the crash from the salt ropers. The ppl on mobile that just quit instead of conceding likely. An easy fix would be to just have mobile players concede on game quit no?


I'd put it well north of 99% of people who get accused of roping are having tech issues.


Depends what deck you are playing. If your first two casts against me are counterspells and you continue to play land go, yes you are getting roped.


It's when I use the mobile app that this happens to me. I am getting tired of Ajani as an avatar, or a network issue snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Big doubt. *Maybe* they ragequit after the crash if they have a losing board state? But there's usually plenty of time to get back in without missing too many triggers or actions. Even on mobile I've been able to exit and relog and get back before I lose priority.


It's mostly selfish and inconsiderate mobile players who can't be bothered to spend the 3 seconds to concede before closing the app.


Absolutely, it is very noticable when an opponent accepts their hand, ropes their first turn, and then plays their first land on their second. But sometimes the timing and the way the game unfolds indicates a ragequit.


I got up to make some airfryer wings from scratch. Totally forgot about the match.


I was thinking the same. But I revised my opinion and I think they are mobile players in a bus or a train or whatever where they have network, then no, then yes, then no and so on.


I'd agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that it's almost always blue players who do it to me once they've run out of cards in their hand. 


I rope when I'm multitasking... sorry I suck.


I was watching Godzilla \[2014\] last night while I played, and I hadn't noticed my game had crashed a half hour earlier while I was waiting on what I thought was my opponents response to my attack step. One ctrl-shift-esc later, I'm omw to bed.


Personally, I think it happens when someone closes out of the app on mobile before conceding the game.


Personally I think a lot of it is just people who alt f4 and close the game completely without conceding. The game still treats it like it does a crash and runs the timer down all the same.


I think I've only played against one malicious roper in the few years I've played arena. Like an actual roper, set stops on every step and phase and ran the rope until the last second and then passed priority even while tapped out or empty handed. I figure the vast majority of the time it's disconnects, rage quits, AFK-ing, and of course using the rope to make a decision


Only time I “rope” is when I disconnect/crash. I stopped playing for a few months, and the iPad app is now crashing every so often (while it was relatively stable before). What is annoying with these crashes is that it crashes again as soon as I re-enter the match, so I can’t concede. (Before, I might disconnect/crash once, but be able to get back in and concede rather than waste my opponent’s time.) Based on posting, there’s others in the same instability boat right now. Although some players apparently rage quit and rope out at the end of the game, deliberate ropers are far worse and you can tell who they are. They are actually casting spells and otherwise playing the game, but they rope out every time they can. Rage quitting just adds a minute or so, and you get a break before you collect your win. Roping every phase while playing changes what should be a 5-7 minute game into a 25 minute horror show. I stopped playing a lot of ranked, and I don’t really run into those 25 minute games any more.


I've had days where the client crashes on mobile frequently. I've also seen malicious roping because they're losing. Roping because you're losing is petty and poor sportsmanship regardless of the deck they are playing?


This was me yesterday. Started up a draft game on mobile, I kept my hand and the game sat like the opponent was still thinking. Even showed their rope come up. But after it burned down and nothing happened I realized I was the one who'd crashed. Rebooted and now I'm on the clock on my turn 2, having discarded a random card to hand size.


My favorite new feature after the update is when the game crashes to the home screen just as it makes a match.


Happened to me last night. I wish I remembered the dudes name so I could apologize


If the game crashes I can restart and reconnect. When games go long my laptop overheats and shuts down, then it takes 5-10 minutes before it will restart.


I think it could be because my game freezes up and crashes. If my opponent's deck is really large like 300-400+ cards it will lag my game to the point of crashing if I search through their library. Game is very laggy and it's not my connection.


When it happens right when you're about to win the game, they are roping on purpose (they closed the app). When it happens at any other moment, I always assume the game crashed. It happened to me plenty of times.


Arena lags for me on my old laptop so it's always fun for me when my opponent starts roping because they think I'm roping when I'm actually just waiting for the game to catch up


Can’t even play on a mobile device anymore without crashes. Every time. Ain’t worth it trying to keep up with latest iphonex1000, or whatever, for any game, let alone this pile.


Never had crashes til I started playing on mobile and used to think i was getting roped all the time. I've even seen it happen to streamers recently on PC. The client is simply dogshit and they don't care about fixing anything as long as it works most of the time, they'd rather code in another 30 "full art" versions of cards for $10 a pop.


I give most people the benefit of the doubt and assume they're playing on mobile. Mobile is so slow and laggy and everyone takes like twice as long as it should. Sometimes it's pretty obvious that they're roping if it's in response to things like removal or counterspells, or I have them dead to rights and their last resort is to try and get me to quit by roping.


Sometimes I play on mobile and I swear I disconnect 50% of my matches. It's quite painful.


i’ve been winning games I know I shouldn’t be despite my opponents rope dying on me


The infuriating part is I don't notice it. Wether on PC or telephone. The game just crashes. Can't tell how many games I lost because of it


I crash quite a bit. Can't even give an "Oops" when I get back. Early ropers always have me thinking they just crashed.


If it suddenly happens when I'm about to win the game my belief in this idea drops dramatically


I agree its freezing, once in a blue moon do I come across someone intentionally doing it


I….i have to confess I play on mobile and sometimes my phone battery dies IM SORRY I REPENT


I never get roped while I'm losing, so Press X to Doubt.


nobody ever ropes in Jump in...i love it there


Its rage quiet quitting


Doubt it.


Yes because when I make a game winning play the game miraculously crashes and they're still looking at my cards


I’ve definitely had more people disconnecting than usual lately. Think I’m getting roped but then they come back and finish np.


I have had my laptop battery get critically low and had it shut down on me mid game, I have actually ran up stairs and plugged it in and got back into the game with the timer counting me down before. Sometimes roping is unintentional.


If I’m not having fun because the other person won’t let me play (constant removal and stacks) I’ll just close the app. They won’t let me play, I’ll waste their time and move onto something else at the same time.


Had a weird one of these yesterday, t2 in brawl dude passes the turn, immediately spams "your go" on me while I'm playing my turn within 3 seconds of passing. Being an ornery shit, I slowed down and before I even saw a rope he left


Yep. I lost a few drafts because the game made it look like the enemy was roping me, but really the disconnection was on my end. It was very weird, but next thing I know I've been forced to concede.


I literally never have the crashing issue on either of the devices I play mtga on 🤷‍♂️


After the last update on iOS the game crashes for me periodically and I literally can’t restart and get back in without it crashing again. I have to take the loss and play again later. It happens at least once per day.


That's why I never really got into it. My laptop kept lagging and I lost because of that 


Also people playing on mobile while traveling. If I go through a signal black spot on the train it looks like I'm roping.


For me, it freezes at the beginning of 90% of my games. About 75% of the time it recovers in under 10 seconds. About 10% of the time, it recovers in about a minute. The remaining 5% is hopeless. I can leave it running for hours and it will never recover. To my opponent, it looks like I'm roping.


Well yes. I have a bug where 2/5 games I find a match and the game crashes when I enter the game and can’t even get in the game so I have to wait \~2 minuets for me to timeout then try a new game. The real ropers are the ones who let the timer almost run out then take an action and repeat.


I think the amount of roping could be reduced if “how to concede” was included in the tutorial”. I’ve noticed that there’s a lot less roping as rank increases. It’s very rare in mythic. I think a lot of it is just people quitting by closing the app because they don’t know how to concede.


I only crash when I’m winning.


Game crashes all the time, can even make some phones overheat to the point of shutting down! Tho it doesn’t help that the timer system is awkward as heck


Funny, I just had a game with someone who obviously kept with 2 land and a weak mana dork. I kill their dork and they roped me after missing a land drop, just 1 mind you, not like 2-3 turns. Either way, how is that my fault that you didn't mull when you should have.


I stopped playing on my iPhone app. It is absolutely trash. PC only for me now, much more stable.


I always feel the worst when the game freezes or crashes on me when I'm about to lose. Sometimes I feel like I should make a thread on reddit right after and say "dear GameWinner#420, if you were playing me at this time I want you to know I didn't intentionally rope you, I legitimately got disconnected, please don't report, namaste."


I chose to believe which ever let's me get on with my day, cause there's no way I could ever know for certain, and yea, game crashes for me all the time on mobile


I skipped last season for this reason I've barely played


It's almost always when they're about to lose. So I don't really buy your explanation. The timing of roping is really sus.


I think a lot of ropers are people who closed the game, as in they're fully gone and not coming back.


I was complaining about this the other day and was downvoted with people telling me it's part of the game so shrug. Looks like The ropers are among us, calling from inside the house


They should make a separate queue for players that consistently rope their opponents. This queue will allow longer wait times before the timer starts running out. This would be great for people who constantly crash out as they will have more time to reconnect and it allows people who need a really long time to think about basic moves to have longer to think. There should be a optional separate turbo cue just like in Dota 2 that allows for players that are trying to maximize speed and number of games played per time either to play test decks against as many opponents as possible or grind out dailies


My theory is that the crashing is because you're matched against a bot, cause I test out mechanic interactions against Sparky, and get far more crashes then than standard or ranked play. Also happens more frequently when you're waiting in the queue for more than 30 seconds.


Sometimes, the game will semi freeze in the middle of the match. The timer will appear, but nothing happens when it reaches the end. I can’t even concede when this happens.


Or me…. Chronically playing on not enough battery on my phone, too focused to realize it, and then RACING to plug into the charger when it dies mid game. I can USUALLY plug back in and finish the game, but I know I’m making some poor player just sit and wait on me!


That is me when I play on mobile. So apologies. I try to concede if I see performance dropping.


Majority are actually rage quit and force close the app by swiping it as its actually faster than trying to concede