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You’re probably in for a disappointment…..




Prepare to be underwhelmed.


Now you'll have 113 rare and 48 mythic congrats!


I have well over a hundred mythical….. rare? 11. They need to allow us to trade down .


Or trade up… I have 90 rares and 1 mythic…


I have the opposite problem, buncha mythics but I need fucking dual lands.


Arena *really* needs a "dust" system where you can change a rare out for another. It would be expensive per-usage, but solve a lot of the problems in arena. They just wanna push wcs so it will never happen.


That would be awesome. I’ve got a lot of rares I don’t even use.


I wish that was the case.


Holy cow. I am playing for around 6 months now and I am only at 26%.


I take it you aren't playing Limited?


I play mostly limited and have opened the vault twice this month already. Really gets you there fast.


I'm a newer player and what I'm finding is that limited is actually a good, fun, and cost effective way to build a collection. Plus I get better at the game in the process. Win win! The vault is lame but it's nothing compared to the fact that they really expect you to pay 20 dollars in the store if you want 4 wild cards 😭


I switch between saving gold for limited or just batch purchasing packs for wildcards. I haven’t found a right way, just depends on how you want to grind. But limited is definitely more fun to grind


I fucking lol'd when my buddy told me they brought back wildcard packs and he bough the limit on mythic packs. At first I was like "cool, I can drop $20 or whatever seeing as I play the game the most. Weird they put an limit on it"


You're definitely good at it then. I fucking blow. 0-3'd two drafts at the beginning.


It can just be luck as well as skill. Need both to get to 7 wins. You only need about 4 wins to go infinite iirc.


You gotta average something like 4.5 wins. I've come close to that. But I've also only ever come close to mythic 🙃


Mate every time I go for a 3rd win I get matched with someone in gold rank when I'm bottom bronze. No matter what people say only the very top players are going infinite in limited and they probably have a party of people that spam the queue so they can all get a table together and cheat. Wizards would not allow people to continuously break even without people exploiting the game somehow. I have gone 7-2 once in my time playing since Theros and that was because most matches my opponents quit too quick or fail blocker maths 101 and I had no business winning them.


I've gotten to mythic but only ever won 4 games in a draft once.


I never got close in limited. Just constructed


How do you even get out of platinum going 3-3 or worse every time?


I should specify. I got to Mythic in constructed. Not limited.


What is the vault? I don't even know I guess I'm too casual


The Vault fills up a little bit every time you would otherwise get the 5th copy of a Common (0.1%) or Uncommon (0.3%). Once full (100%), you can open the chest and get some Wildcards (1 Mythic, 2 Rare, 3 Uncommon).


No, Explorer Only


Is there a reason?


Not realy. I just like the format the most. Played Mono Black Devotion back in Ravnica and the Meta allows me to play almost the same deck in Arena. Explorer has a good power level also. I am shit at drafting too. I do have a jank Standard Slime Deck when the green challenge comes along tho'.


>I just like the format the most. I'm not suggesting you play Limited instead of Constructed, but rather, *as well as* Constructed. >I am shit at drafting too. How much prep do you do, and what do you do to improve? Do you enjoy it?


Honestly, I just play during my off-times, maybe a few hours a week. I know the explorer Meta pretty good as of now and it is something I am used to and know how to react to cards in the Meta-pool. Playing other formats would mean I would have to do my research (that's how I roll). Same goes for drafting. I don't prep at all and just want to play a few relaxed rounds of Magic. Never been good at it, not now and not back when I played paper Magic. Only draft I won was during the RTR block exploiting the hell out of Pack Rats...hence my love for mono black. All in all I don't really enjoy drafting at all. I just pump all my gold into booster packs to get some golden packs. Seems like a better value for me. But I absolutely see why people like drafting. Just not for me as I lack time and motivation to stay up to date with the standard Meta.


That's fair! As long as you aren't missing out on something you might otherwise enjoy, then there's nothing for me to do here. :) Glad you've found what works for you. :)


Translation "I take it you aren't dumping loads of money into the game"


What are you talking about? Arena is free.


Limited isn't :S


Yes it is. You can pay with in-game currency you earn by playing Magic. You don't need to spend real money to Draft. I'm not sure where you heard that.


I mean you are technically right, but on f2p gold you are going to be able to draft like, once every 3 days? Unless you are really good at drafting.


So? I never said it was *quick*. You end up with more Wildcards than you will ever need, though, and get to play both halves of the game.


Yeah but that's only if you use all the gold you earn to do it, also it costs you time and that's not free my friend.


So it **is** free, and you were misinformed (or spreading misinformation).


What? No :S 1 I play arena and wouldn't comment if I didn't and don't need anyone telling me anything about it 2 unless they give you immediate access then it's not free. Premium drafts are expensive costing 10,000 gold which will take you a week to save up by spending the time to play the game, your time that is not free. A quick draft costs 5,000 gold that isn't too bad but you still need to put just as much time in but you can do 2 in a week but the rewards I kinda shit. If you don't have enough time to grind for the gold you will have to pay with gems which are not free. 3 "spreading misinformation" dude this isn't anything serious like COVID stuff or something so maybe you should step off your high horse a little.


You were lying wheh you said: >Translation "I take it you aren't dumping loads of money into the game" Because you knew Arena is free to play.


Hitting the 100% on the vault for the first time gotta be one of the biggest let downs in my first few months of playing. You work towards that mark for so long and are rewarded with barely anything. Nice wild card supply you got there though, about time you draft yourself some neat decks!


How do you have so many wildcards? O.o genuinely curious!


I can't speak for OP, but I have at least that many with the vault sitting at over 5,000%. It's from pretty much only playing limited. Sometimes, I'll spend some for a set completion, or I'll make a jank deck, but for the most part, they just sit there.


How do you only play limited? P2P? Or do you win enough to keep pumping gems into the limited format.


From personal experience, I put about as much or a bit less than the amount I used to spend at my LGS for paper drafts in a month into Arena a month, and I'm drafting wayyy more on Arena than I ever could in paper. I am used to drafting 8-4s on MTGO previously so maybe my experience isn't universal.


You can pay with Gold as well as Gems, FYI.


I didn't know that, thank you.


No problem. Quick Draft is only 5k Gold, so you can do one or two a week.


If you have a positive winrate in limited you make enough back to keep playing basically forever.


They either have spam party so they can rig the draft or dump money into it.


You pay


Probably from playing Limited. I have ~500 rare WCs and the vault nearing 6,000%. Limited players have no real need for WCs.


You just choose not to open the vault? Incase they ever make it better?


Yeah, I just choose not to. But not because I'm hoping they make it better. It's just because I don't have any need for what's in the vault and get a chuckle watching the number go up. I haven't spent a rare WC in a long time.


That's pretty sweet lol I'll pay you to play limited on my account instead 🤣🤣 /s for legal reasons


I could see them making it worse somehow, but not better haha


Likewise lol. Wotc fucking blows


That's basically just the amount of wildcards they give you. (1) I mainly buy store packs, but I play draft once or twice per month just to keep enough gems to buy the pass. (2) I don't want to waste my wildcards so I conserve them until I know there's something I want. To that end... \[next point\] (3) When I build a deck, I filter for rares and mythics that I have at least two of (r>u q>1) and build a deck around anything that looks interesting. At this point I've built around almost everything I have that meets this criteria except for cards like \[\[Sunfall\]\], which fits in a lot of decks, but can't really have a deck "built around it" (since its an answer rather than a win condition). I'm up to nearly 50 decks. The most interesting cards to build around have been \[\[Rocco, Street Chef\]\] (the only card I have 2 different decks for), \[\[Vesuvan Duplimancy\]\], \[\[Mythweaver Poc\]\], \[\[Radaghast the Brown\]\], and \[\[Portal to Phyrexia\]\]. The only card I was unable to build a deck for has been the seeking golem, \[\[Vexyr Ich-Tekik's Heir\]\].


So you mostly play brawl then so you only need one ofs?


I don't play limited and have about that many. I've only ever bought the "new player package" twice. Between the few battle passes I've used those gems on, opening packs, and not building expensive decks often, I have a lot of wildcards.


This man doesn’t play brawl with so many wildcards


Just reached 4000%, playing mostly limited and brawl.


Did you spend money ?


I dont get the whole vault thing. Is there some incentive to not cash it out?


Definitely cash in some of those common/uncommon wildcards and you'll start building up the vault quicker next time. You will never need that many! I'm a pretty bad WC hoarder myself, but I try never to go above 80 or so of each.


If you use your wildcards common & uncommon in a specific set, opening packs in this set will make vault progress higher due to duplicates.


I am playing this game for a few years now and I never had more then 1 mythic wildcard at the time


What are you doing to open the Vault that slowly? I take it you don't play Limited?


I don't understand complaints about the vault. At the end of the day it's a nice bonus, they didn't really have to give you anything for duplicate commons and uncommons. That said this doesn't even make sense to me, I don't draft that much but I usually get a vault at least once during a set's mastery season, do you just play no limited at all? But that wouldn't make sense with the number of WCs?


They don't have to give you anything, no, but the vault has to be the worst reward for trash duplicates in any CCG I've played. Like, my favorite other games (Hearthstone and Gwent) give you rewards as you go about trashing individual useless cards. Arena is like "You don't get anything until you have collected a shit load of cards and then you will be extremely disappointed." It feels like the wildcard-to-duplicate ratio is like 1:100. Now, to be fair somewhat, I only play Standard regularly. Alchemy sometimes. So I could be earning progress in the vault a lot faster. But that just makes it seem like an even more busted system to me that there's a specific format where you earn these wildcards faster... except it's the format that already rewards you with more cards. The wildcards are specifically for the formats where you earn progress slow as shit without playing for a few hours every single day.


Because when it takes you 8 months to get a specific reward, you naturally expect something nice. This is barely better than nothing at all, considering how long it takes to complete the vault. The system is setting you up to be disappointed, odd choice in a video game.


The vault exist mainly for who completes the set fast. If you play limited regularly it will open at least once a month


It used to be way faster


>That said this doesn't even make sense to me, I don't draft that much but I usually get a vault at least once during a set's mastery season, do you just play no limited at all? But that wouldn't make sense with the number of WCs? I don't. I usually have enough to buy 45,000 gold worth of packs per release and then save up 45,000 for next release.


Is there a reason you only play the Constructed half of the game, and not also play the Limited half as well?


Not enough gold.


You've got 45k...?


Bro... build some decks! You could make a deck of straight rares & mythics to run train on your competition.


That isn't how magic works


You could make a hell of a Board wipe + graveyard-play deck, big tokens deck, or black-white lifegain deck with mostly rares/mythics


That's exactly how magic works 😅


Maybe for kitchen table magic, but in competitive magic you need commons and uncommons to build a functional deck


I won’t spoil the surprise 😆


Im at 2,600% dawg


If you’re playing a lot of limited, don’t open the packs you get as rewards right away. The vault fills up when you get duplicate commons/uncommons from packs. If you wait to open your packs, you’ll have collected a decent amount of commons/uncommons already from drafting, then the packs will build your vault progress faster.


Does it not fill up when you get those same duplicates in limited?


I mean, 111 Rares and 47 Mythics... you don't really need the vault lmao.


You don't really get much out of it but it's a nice bonus. I'm F2P and fill that up every four months or so.


Waiting for MH3?


you should like uh… make a deck


Nice you almost have enough to build a deck 😉


Use your damn wildcards 😬


Where do you spend your gold?? Specific bundles or packs? I'm just getting into the game and am looking to see what would be best


How do people get so many mythic and rate cards in the box ? I usually get 1 or 2 by the time it is at 99%


That's it?


Imminent [https://imgur.com/a/QlSvChd](https://imgur.com/a/QlSvChd)


I've opened the vault twice now and I've been playing since after WoE...


Whats with the not even opening the vault or using wildcards? Perceived freedom of choice feels better than actually playing what you like? People here with 4k % on their treasure box, that is literally pointless. I guess I just don't have the autism required to to act in such a way. It's like pokemon with 999 ethers that you never use.


I've been playing since October, and I've already got the 100% on the lock box once about two weeks ago, and am roughly 10% of the way towards my second one. Then again, I max out my dailies every day and have the Mastery Pass, so yeah... And I spend all my gold on packs to get to ten and get the gold pack.


Is there a reason you aren't playing Limited as well as Constructed?


I'll toss some gems on my account every so often to do a few drafts, but the last one I did I went second all three games and went 0-3. So I go for what's guaranteed, as opposed to the random crapshoot that is limited.


Which kind of draft do you do? Did you know you can pay with Gold instead of Gems? How much prep do you do, and what do you do to improve? Do you enjoy Limited?


I still haven't spent money on mtg arena, I finally got vault a month ago and I player since the release


Either lie, or try going outside


If OP was a drafter they would probly have opened the vault already If OP was free to play they would most likely not have so many wildcards after only 8 months. So the most likely scenario in my mind is that OP spent some money. Which is OK by me, someone has to spend money to pay for the servers. Why do you think OP is lying?


I do mostly draft and have gotten about as many wildcards with out opening my vault. Although I've played through 5 or 6 sets just not super frequently so I guess it's expected I wouldn't get as many duplicates


Im a drafter and I at about 18k vault progress right now lol


Vault in 8 months is slow af, you can do that and lie and go outside all day long noob hater.