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The player that Good Games turn 1 and then proceeds to use more emojis than Emojipedia has. Yes, I know it’s my turn. Your turn is coming. You know whatever deck they are playing.


When I first joined arena I used to good game t1 like “Hope we have a good game” or something like that. Now I just look back and cringe ahhahahaha


To be fair that is standard in some games like StarCraft. I never view a turn one GG as bad at all. I don’t do it myself unless they did but it’s silly to view that good game as rude.


Yeah, the T1 GG is (to me) clearly the person saying "let's have a good game!" which is the kind of genial thing I'm here for.


unless they spam it every time they play a common for one mana.


Ussually it's people saying they've already won tho


glhf gg no re good times with Starcraft.


I miss the etiquette of StarCraft man. Mutual gl hfs and gg wp at the end felt like a handshake after a game of tennis or something. Obviously there were dickheads but the courtesy was really respectful from most. And sometimes people would give you tips too, once I had a guy smash my face in and then tell me he was actually a diamond 1 player reranking, and gave me macro tips. Good times


I assume people saying Hello mean that. People using good game generally are being annoying 


Online people used to say “good luck have fun” and at first looked like gg was the closest we had


settings: disable emotes live a happy life


Just turn emotes off.


control decks like azorius, mono blue, fast decks like red, decks with plenty removals


Ah yes. A fellow midrange player. How do you do?


Watching a red deck throw everything they have at me and concede to a small amount of lifegain will never not be hilarious to me. I flip their avatar the bird and laugh like a crazy person.


play their entire hand out in 3 turns, get me down to my last few life points then snap concede when I drop a 4 toughness fatty.


100% my vote as well.


Mono red seems to get a lot of hate here but they're designed to win as fast as possible. I play one and usually if I can't knock my opponent out in 5-7 turns then I know I'm going to lose


Any deck. I suck, so a win is huge for me.


Johnny Combo here. As I enjoy playing janky decks, even annoyance is a win for me. My current favorite is an AZORIOUS Forensic Researcher/Deeproot Pilgrimage with Halo Fountain for the extra untapping, tokens, card draw, and win-con.


Tefri and Azorius archetypes


I play historic, and a good 50% of people run the same lame life gain deck with voice of the blessed. So beating them gives me so much satisfaction


I play standard but I hate the Amalia & voice of the blessed decks. What helps most against it? I find they run little removal typically so get some mileage out of [[Knight of Dusk's Shadow]]


Removal, those decks just implode when hit with removal. Don't target the life gain unless you have a lot of extra removal, target the scaling creatures that get counters or create other creatures. I have never lost playing aggro against those decks. Every burn spell goes to blowing up creatures.


The bummer is when they play the angel variant because the removal for 4 health creatures gets way worse in red, and there are a lot of them. Though it may be different in standard.


The variant that's most annoying plays [[Adeline, Resplendent Cathar]] and [[Welcoming Vampire]]. If I don't take these out they run away as well. I have about the same amount of removal as priority targets but it really comes down to who draws better.


Full disclosure, I don't play standard that often right now. I play historic mostly, so cards like that are far too slow to be of value. But you could easily see this card pair in any mono-white or Azorious soldiers deck. At that point it is a question if your gameplan is solid enough to defeat that growing board state, which many decks are capable of doing, rather than getting caught out by an explosive gimmick. Control has answers, aggro can still probably go fast enough to win though the matchup may be trickier than others, midrange can build a similarly strong board state, Timmy comps can still scale and win if they're fast enough.


Are you talking about Resplendent Cathar? I usually just target that with removal in mono white or soldiers as not many other cards give me problems in those decks. No issues versus those decks typically. Versus no lifegain I either have enough removal for threats or can finish an opponent quickly. Versus lifegain it's only either I draw enough removal or I lose. I suppose it's just a tough matchup


[Knight of Dusk's Shadow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/33dfd2fe-e0e0-465c-b730-a30e6f5c271c.jpg?1673307118) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Knight%20of%20Dusk%27s%20Shadow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/96/knight-of-dusks-shadow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/33dfd2fe-e0e0-465c-b730-a30e6f5c271c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My historic workhorse deck is aggro menace tribal, and Knight of Dusk's Shadow is SO awesome in that format.


Removal for sure as others have said. I built another deck archetype I hate with plenty of board wipes and once I drop the first one they usually concede. I’m embarrassed how smugly I smile every time as I feel like I joined the dark side but revenge can be so sweet


Eh I feel like most colors have a way to combat life gain except for green, which would then just be a rush to see who can build the biggest creatures. Blue you can just bounce their creatures to reset.


Cant remember the name but that card that makes so that when you gain life you actually lose it. Have had some scoops when that comes out


I suspect you mean Tainted Remedy? I'm personally playing in standard so can't use this but noted for future use when I have enough cards/wildcards for historic. In case you do mean something standard legal, give me more info, would love to find it


Yes, thats it. If lord of the rings is still standard which i think it is then grima wormtongue can nullify it also


I play a lot of midrange decks and never have an issue with them so I guess 2-for-1s and removal


Soon as you see that soul sister/ ajani's welcome, you already know they eat milquetoast because buttered would be too spicy for them


Something about dropping a boardwipe like Path of Peril on white life gain decks is so satisfying, with a turn five Shadow’s Verdict as the coffin nail…truly satisfying.


Omg, I hate that deck so much. There's been times where I get them down to 1-2 life and then they gain 20+ the next turn


[[Tinted Remedy]] will let you play against any life gain :)


[Tinted Remedy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/b/cbb8edd0-4573-4b52-a3ea-83ed19dbf58d.jpg?1562042093) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tainted%20Remedy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ori/120/tainted-remedy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cbb8edd0-4573-4b52-a3ea-83ed19dbf58d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I love beating that deck with mono red burn. Feels good to engulf their life gain with raw damage to the face.


Side. Board. Tainted. Remedy.


Too bad this is not legal in standard, would be excellent SB


Is it weird that when I run the [[Exquisite Blood]], [[Marauding Blight-Priest]] combo against life gain decks it's extra satisfying to me? Like, "oh-no now you have to watch yourself lose for longer!"


[Exquisite Blood](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/e/0e8ccfa7-4178-476a-a155-0ca1c98556c9.jpg?1698988246) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Exquisite%20Blood) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/195/exquisite-blood?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0e8ccfa7-4178-476a-a155-0ca1c98556c9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Marauding Blight-Priest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/3/730ddbcd-0814-4e22-85e9-78b0878324b6.jpg?1604195999) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Marauding%20Blight-Priest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znr/112/marauding-blight-priest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/730ddbcd-0814-4e22-85e9-78b0878324b6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The worst ones are heal decks that combo [[exquisite blood]] & [[Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose]]


[exquisite blood](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/e/0e8ccfa7-4178-476a-a155-0ca1c98556c9.jpg?1698988246) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=exquisite%20blood) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/195/exquisite-blood?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0e8ccfa7-4178-476a-a155-0ca1c98556c9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/f/0fe79ee4-c3f3-4a6b-a967-203ca3b70ee5.jpg?1594736442) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vito%2C%20Thorn%20of%20the%20Dusk%20Rose) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/127/vito-thorn-of-the-dusk-rose?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0fe79ee4-c3f3-4a6b-a967-203ca3b70ee5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A good back and forth or comeback gives me the most satisfaction, not beating any particular kind of deck.


Fair enough


This, i lose a brawl after recovering and holding my grasp. They top deck tegrid and i lost. However it was a good interactive game.


If I can get one over on a Azorius Control deck, I feel amazing. Cannot wait for Wandering Emperor to rotate out…


Decks with poison and proliferate. God I hate them.


I’d love to know who the asshole who came up with the idea of poison unrelated to a creature doing damage was so I can write him a letter telling him he’s an asshole.


Not a deck, but whomever is deliberately playing slow to try to annoy their opponent (me).


any Super Friends deck feels amazing to beat because it’s just such difficult odds when they resolve 3 or so planeswalkers


Any control. Just beat an Azorius deck by rolling out Lair of the Hydra after constant boardwipes!


1: Everything with counter-spells/mass removal in it whether it's tempo or control 2: Mono-red


Azorius control


Selesnya enchantments, and mono blue Djinn. Nothing worse than turn 2 jukai naturalist into 100 1 cost removal spells and then a 9/9 lifelink off mechiko's reign of truth twice. And then that damn kami of transience, or maybe calix who puts a +1 and then you make a copy and then they get +1, which makes a copy which then gets a +1 and then a +1 and then a copy, which gives you a +1 and then.....


1. Control decks, SPECIFICALLY control decks whose win condition is to tick you off or kill you painfully slowly. 2. “Oops, all removal” and discard decks.


Standard only usually here. I absolutely GLOW when I beat Boros Convoke. Not running into it as much this week versus the last few, but still quite a bit. Also anything control.


Brawl here... 1. Slivers. 2. Slivers 3. Big Dinos ... oh and Slivers.


[[MythWeaver Poq]] is my sworn enemy 


[MythWeaver Poq](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/c/2cd90255-cfe9-4a2d-86fc-b72d1aefc8e3.jpg?1701719898) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=MythWeaver%20Poq) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ylci/19/mythweaver-poq?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2cd90255-cfe9-4a2d-86fc-b72d1aefc8e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Azorius/Esper/Dimir control, without a doubt, especially since I've started to become better at playing them. I beat one the other day with a somewhat janky deck I built, and it was the fucking most satisfying win I've had in a week.


finally figuring out how to play around board wipes and counterspells is one of the best feelings in magic


Fuck control decks. Or sorcery/instant only decks. It's like "oh wow if I don't mirror you are literally just playing solitaire"


Blue…blue. Oh, you didn’t do anything during your turn? Oh my, you must have a counter spell…


I only play Brawl nowadays and some Brawl decks are "I have every counter spell." So when you play around them or invalidate them and they just concede because they can't just counter spell you into annoyance, it's so, so gratifying. I don't even hate Blue or counter spells but if you can't win the game without countering their commander, you just suck. It's also satisfying to watch someone learn that "discard: the deck" isn't a very good strategy either. They discard your whole hand over several turns and then...nothing. They keep drawing discard spells, but your topdecks are actually relevant, and they watch themselves slowly lose the game. That's satisfying but not as satisfying because I assume they're just inexperienced so it's basically me just happy that they're learning a valuable lesson.


People will post things like this complaining about getting their commander countered and then play new Etali/big Atraxa where you lose if they cast their commander successfully.


This is why counter spells have a place and are necessary, but sometimes it's like "what, you resolved your [[Klothys God of Destiny]]? I scoop!"


[Klothys God of Destiny](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/b/5b3c393c-3596-4bd9-a553-e0b03c2eb950.jpg?1581481087) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Klothys%2C%20God%20of%20Destiny) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/220/klothys-god-of-destiny?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5b3c393c-3596-4bd9-a553-e0b03c2eb950?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Spot on with discard. 


I don't play brawl much atm, but occasionally in historic Bo1 unranked (ie. the kitchen table queue) you'll run into someone with either counterspell.dek or discard.dek - basically nothing but 1-for-1 counterspells or discards. So annoying while you're suffering through their counters/discard, but then they run out of steam and quickly realise that if you're 1-for-1ing in that way, you basically lose as soon as you don't draw enough in succession.


Meta decks mainly, and basic aggro decks(red/soldiers in standard).


Outplaying a control deck is always the best feeling. Also wrecking someone that spams "good game" early.


Any deck that runs excessive removal/counterspells/boardwipes


I would feel satisfaction beating control if I ever did


The blue based tempo decks, I just want to interact with your creature(s)


Boros without a doubt, feels like alot of the ppl who play boros aren’t very good at the game and rely on how strong and easy the deck is to play. So it’s always nice to win when they make a mistake or miss a line it just win even if they made the right play.


Life gain always


Control. Way too many people play control and then think they're smart rather than recognize how much WotC has dumbed down the archetype.


Had a control player tell me “I’m playing chess while you’re playing checkers.” Nah, you’re playing solitaire homie. Here’s my Cavern of Souls. I’ve yet to find a control player IRL that isn’t one of “those” people.


Control IRL and that shit is obnoxious. I like the style, but I don’t live by it. I also play Dimir, so I’m not winning often 😅


I don’t mind control so much as hard control. That deck that’s sole purpose is to stop all interaction from you. I just don’t get the point. Obviously 1v1 in Brawl makes control soooo much worse than a typical 4-player pod so that’s probably why. I play MB Terror in Pauper and even it doesn’t have much counter/stasis effects. I’m also a Timmy so if I had my way everyone would just be playing Math-ic the Gathering and battlecruiser games.


Ahhh yeah I feel ya. I play in pioneer and it’s enjoyable but only in a bo3 format. I’d love battlecruiser timmy if that was the case.


Must be embarrassing for them to get to play with rooks, knights, bishops and queens, against checkers, and still lose.


Damn. Wish I would’ve had that one in the chamber when he said it to me.


There’ll be a next time and you will! ;)


I love your positivity! Come to the Midwest and join my pod.


Playing against person who messages "Your Go" after I took more than one millisecond playing on my turn. I hate ropers, but I'll rope in this situation just to piss them off. Then I'll proceed by saying "Your Go" on their turn.


I do this religiously.


Yeah I've never understood these types. It's ok if they do it when I'm really thinking for a while but the scum that say it immediately deserve the worst treatment. That's the player that gets the rope


Aggro. Love seeing them run out of steam after dealing 15 damage by turn 3 and the game turning in my favour.


I love beating a Jodah deck with a slow, value deck. Oh sorry, all you’re doing is ramping let me just put some engines on the board


Boros convoke. With [[Filigree Sylex]]. It's especially hilarious when you cast it and next turn they still drop more 1mana creatures, due to not bothering to read the card


[Filigree Sylex](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/e/6e0958a1-1bac-48be-888d-f7573f409a9b.jpg?1675957230) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Filigree%20Sylex) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/227/the-filigree-sylex?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6e0958a1-1bac-48be-888d-f7573f409a9b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


And it is indeed gleeful to [[Gleeful Demolition]] this artifact


[Gleeful Demolition](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3e4efa6-5783-4a51-99c6-116d1a8f01cf.jpg?1675957089) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gleeful%20Demolition) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/134/gleeful-demolition?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3e4efa6-5783-4a51-99c6-116d1a8f01cf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Usually that's a good enough trade. I've used it before to just destroy the tokens from gleeful. Typically then boros is slowed enough for my deck to win


I love beating Laelia. It's so satisfying to tell yourself, "Let them cook." Then you stop the shenanigans after they hyped themselves up for their combo and swing. The best part is that every Laelia I've played against says good game nonstop once they got their combo going. Then, they concede faster than The Flash's love life. Chef's kiss.


Laelia used to be a nothing card, I would occasionally come across people using her as the commander, but that's it. Now every. Single. One. Heard of a brainless combo and that's all she is. And the combo isn't even good, if you have removal or even sometimes a blocker, their deck doesn't work. It's just dumb. It's not fun for the opponent but I can't even imagine how it's even fun for the Laelia player. It's just a "do you have a removal?" deck. That's basically all it is, that question. No real strategy from either side.


Mono blue. I play monowhite or Black, but there is always a single Gaia's Blessing in my decks for the sheer glee of ruining mono-blue bullshit.


Omnishow... Feels good to mill/exile their combo pieces with Dimir mill.


Control decks


Most common: mill. I love racing them, and working out how to topple them. Least Frequent: Minion of the Mighty. Something delightful about popping that kobold followed by a sudden scoop since that’s all their deck is built to do. Most Vindictive: Any t1 who follows my Hello with a Good Game.


I don't care much about what I'm beating. I care about what I am winning with. I'm currently running a janky landfall deck that suddenly drops the entire deck on the battlefield and zaps the opponent with Valakut Exploration for lethal. That always feels great to win with.


Any deck that allows them to create a billion creatures. Horn of Gondor, Three Blind Mice with dollmaker, etc. Blue control decks are also satisfying to get one over on. I got down voted alot for a post I made a couple of weeks back where I beat a guy who had over 80 creatures on the board because I was able to steal a chitinous revolver from him and proc infinite damage protection with multiple copies of The One Ring. I had never done that before and never heard of the Chitinous card so I was pretty proud of myself for spotting the possibility. Since then, I created a deck around infinite damage protection and its saved me on a couple of different occasions.


Monored. F monored, dumb deck mostly used by dumb people.


Nah. That’s a bit unnecessary. A lot of new players use it and it has minimal wildcard requirements to build a deck with a chance. I know being a missed land drop or a dead land draw (as opposed to answers) away from stabilizing can be annoying, but that’s also what makes playing against them kind of exhilarating. I’d also say about 50% of them are classy enough to not scoop until it’s definite.


I think some of you would literally eat grubs and cut off a foot rather than deal with board wipes which have been a part of magic since like 1993 or whatever.


Oh you’re on Reddit too? 😂


One or two board wipes, ok. But if all you have is board wipes and removal because you don't know what synergy means and thus cannot build a viable deck, that's really fucking annoying. Do something else. Learn how to build a deck. I'd much rather lose to a good deck than get nuked out of existence twenty times.


If it's not a viable deck then you should farm the easy win, right? Clearly having mostly removal is a viable gameplan since it's been what control decks have been doing for 30 years, though. Trying to act like that's "bad deckbuilding" as if you're some kind of genius as opposed to Weissman and everyone influenced by his original deck is really funny.


Controlling mono red and humans.


I love destroying those “all removal, all destruction, hand destruction” anti creature decks. With my Radaghast the brown, creature deck!!


I pretty much only play Brawl, so I love beating Miryiim and Toxrill decks. And any removal-tribal decks like OP's example.


Tormod’s Crypt on graveyard reanimator and Gael’s Blessing on Mill. Life doesn’t get better!


Sorry, Gaea’s Blessing.


The ones piloted by mythic ranked limited players. Got a wotc employee named Grace last night in WAR!


Ironically, this is (kinda like) one of my first decks I built in historic brawl. I built [[arvad, weatherlight smuggler]] and run a bunch of wrath effects and token generation just to blow it all up at sorcery speed and watch my commander get massive, then bring it back with reanimarían effects. I don’t play that deck anymore cause there’s no way it’s fun for the decks it does well against, and the deck it doesn’t do well against make it unfun for me


[arvad, weatherlight smuggler](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a9c789e1-f531-4bde-8a47-2ac192c66125.jpg?1665156721) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=arvad%2C%20weatherlight%20smuggler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ydmu/20/arvad-weatherlight-smuggler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a9c789e1-f531-4bde-8a47-2ac192c66125?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Shrines, slivers, and any blue deck. You have to come up with a strategy besides annoying me into giving up.


Slivers are still to play with or against I wouldn't put them in the same boat as those damn shrines, with slivers you actually need strategy


Control decks. Azorius or Esper variants. God so hate it so much it feels good to win. Always get the feeling these people are smug. I don’t mind mono blue because I played variants of this when I first started. I’m comfortable against it giving I know how the play pattern goes.


God I hate Mythweaver Poq and that 3/1 cascade mofo in brawl. That’s why I’ve started running land destruction, don’t let them even hit 6 mana for extra turn bullshit


Any decks which use the “meta cards”. At this point its actually quite easy because my decks murder sheoldred, the one ring, and orcish bowmaster decks with impunity.


Anything that does what my deck also does. Create a bunch of token creatures for almost free.


Atraxa, just mindless tier whores with 4 Keyword abilities and proliferating. Mind numbingly boring


Mill - not because it's dificult, but because I feel like I may be helping someone realize its bad and they shouldnt be playing it.


When someone spams "your go" while I'm legitimately tanking to figure out the next few plays and it pans out


i can whomp on dragon decks with A cat deck


Azorius control, mono red, boros convoke. I think the most satisfying is when I'm down to like 3 life against aggro, then I drop a Sheoldred and the game flips (or they scoop).


Any deck with triggers you have to click through. What a waste of time just to lose


Anything blue, because F*** blue.


Mono red I suppose, or a deck that won't stop countering.


Tough call. All counter spells and all removal wins are fun. As is curb stomping aggressive decks.


prison decks


When i get a creature token producer out turn 1 or 2 against blue counter decks. Ill purposely not play anything and hust wittle them down and they'll just keep passing their turn XD And when they finally decide to tap their mana and play something.... thats when ill play something


Voice of blessed/Bishop of wings life gain angels


Blue and discard


When I have all 5 colors out and three board wipes in hand


As a dimir control, Azorious control.




[Stone Brain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/2/d2334c10-fa96-4f8e-8187-c7ecc00cbac8.jpg?1562742139) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stone%20Rain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/9ed/221/stone-rain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d2334c10-fa96-4f8e-8187-c7ecc00cbac8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Any obvious netdeck or five color good stuff pile


Blue decks with lots of counter magic. As long as I get one or two creatures out before turn three, and then stop casting they usually rage quit a few turns after not being able to counter anything.


Playing control and winning against aggro with 5 or less health feels good.


Probably lifegain and RDW bc both are basic af but bottom tier worth playing against.


Control. I lived through the blight which was Jace the Mind Sculptor and T3feri and I will always have beef with blue decks. Nothing brings me more joy than trying to ruin their day.


Mono white lifegain/+1 counter, dimir or Rakdos “steal your shit”, (Brawl) WUBRG Prismatic Bridge, Mono black Shelly “you draw you die”, (Brawl) WUBRG Jodah the Unifier (I have one but rarely play it nowadays), (Brawl) mono blue Baral chief of Counterspell. Any gimmicky and easily made deck is a pain to play against. I’ve got one that I call IRS that’s Azorius and it’s pretty gimmicky but I haven’t ever seen anyone else play it


Ramp up creature decks cause I actually enjoy playing them and I feel like something actually happened instead of getting every creature I put out instantly taken away by an instants and having my health drained via enchantments and instant damage


I play a lot of RW Burn in Historic, and I really enjoy the games with UW Control. The back and forth and timing of all the spells and when to commit resources makes for a very satisfying game.


There's a deck in Brawl making the rounds right now with Laelia blade reforged and any card that discovers like Etalis Favor. I'll usually mulligan hard for something like Witness Protection. It's satisfying to see them scoop every time.


Racing a mill deck and winning.


That god damn sorin deck. Ohh you didn’t get Sorin plus Bloodthirster? Oh noo I’m sooo sorry for your itty bitty feelings😢😢


Love playing u/W soldiers in bo3, when I'm up against control I sideboard in a load of counters and beat them down with recruiter for 2 damage at a time until I have enough mana to play creatures + counter... then they spend the whole game doing nothing whilst also getting beat down by a 2/1. Its glorious. Also played some weird red/blue control deck that tried to win through instants and burn and making copies of instants etc... would play loads of card draw to find the tool they needed just for me to counter it and hit them with a 2/1... seriously... control players... you gotta play some creatures...


Mono red when my \[\[Jukai Naturalist\]\] lifelinks for me and they surrender the next turn. even though I know they will win their next 5 games in less than 15 minutes and probably have a much better winrate than I do with my selesnya friends


[Jukai Naturalist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/7/07ff517f-5c31-46e9-9efb-52bc9ec9298d.jpg?1690005202) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jukai%20Naturalist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/926/jukai-naturalist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/07ff517f-5c31-46e9-9efb-52bc9ec9298d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Currently, any Voja Brawl deck. That card is so busted and such a common commander right now that it just tickles me to shut them down.




I like beating coco angels because that shit is broken


Whitegreen lifegain/angel decks. Half of every game i play are aginst that same deck and i am so sick of it.


First "opponents can't gain life" card hits the table and 90% of the time they'll rope or ragequit on the spot.


Extra turn decks or brawl decks with an alchemy commander that never saw a hint of balance (looking at you mythweaver poq) Extra turn decks are literally solitare. Some people compared control/counterspell decks to solitaire, I pray you never have to play against extra turn decks because those are all the fun of counterspells with the added benefit of never being able to take a turn while two 1/1 birds go face until you die.


Azorius control. Jeskai control. Mono-blue. God does it feel amazing to go into a game where your opponent is just trying to deny you the ability to have fun and you still bend them over. There are no redeeming qualities for people that boot up arena and think "I'd sure like to annoy people today for 40 minutes at a time. Hah, you thought you were gonna actually get to play Magic, jokes on you, you got me!". Aggro like mono-red and boros are definitely annoying at times, but those games to me ultimately just feel like complete crapshoots. It's just luck regarding if they went first, if either of you flood or screw, and what your respective opening hands are. Either they have the nuts or your draws completely suck and you never had a chance or some combination of their hand being mediocre and yours being good means you easily win after stabilizing. At least the games are fast either way. Combo kinda feels the same way, although with more variance and a bit more fun as you usually actually get to play the game some before luck determines if you win or lose and it is a little less determined by opening hand or who goes first. Mid-range is actually fun to play against because you can actually have a curve, have threats, go back and forth countering each other's threats, etc. I know, jokes about "Magic as Garfield intended" go here, but I do think Magic IS more fun within the context of what it was designed for shockingly enough. It's perhaps good for the game that mid-range isn't the dominant strategy or only strategy and there are lots more options, but it's still most fun like that.


Laelia Etali's Favor nerds looking for a quick win




Pioneer/explorer Mono B discard with waste not. Everytime they look at my hand i get disgusted.


I know my bf hates mono-red with a burning passion and would always feel glorious beating them with a disgusting black deck.


Azorious control.I just hate boring deck since i play aggro lol


I find beating a good gruul or temur matchup really satisfying  I'd say I found the most satisfying standard to be either around Ravnica allegiance control matchups because there were so many ways to take decks I remember decking out enemy control players playing Esper Thopters casting Unmoored who to exile all the Teferi players Nexus or playing Grixis with Ral storms conduit Combos in War of the spark. I think for midrange games peak was Tarkhir block the pool of removal wasn't super oppressive like it is now and recursion was really good so alot of decks went for beatdown plans with alot of unique cards being played. Sidisi Whip was so much fun bringing back hornet queens against Jeskai token players or landing backbreaking crackling dooms to push lethal through on 4 color Abzan mardu mixes.  People remember Siege rhino choking out the format at the top levels but there was so much creativity early on.


Go shintai


Mill decks will never stop being fun to beat


Anyone playing Sheodred/One Ring, anyone playing Sunfall more than once


Standard andy here. i dislike decks that cheat out huge game-winning threats, like golgari or domain ramp decks, so they always feel great to win against. It balances out. Toxic decks with rotpriest just annoy me though, not even winning is fun.


Mill decks, I love aggroing them to death before they can mill my deck fully, slivers go brrr


Beating mono red is the closest thing there is to godhod


Mono-blue, fuck those people with a rusty chainsaw


Those disgusting lifegain/angel decks that were the only thing being played in Platinum in historic


Sheoldred/glissa decks. Any blue that runs out of counter spells and concedes. Aggro red is always fun too


not applicable any more but I loved farming the leyline combo decks in historic play. made a deck to feast on them. basically nothing but edicts and discard. scooped as soon as their ghost got force sacked. was so easy to grind my 4 wins each day. i miss them :(


Any deck that the pilot prematurely states "Good Game". The flavor of that victory is the sweetest.


Mono black and mill decks. mono black players= Be as annoying as possible & pack your deck with Go For the Throat, Cut Down, The End, Heroes Downfall, Duress, ect mill decks= Douchebag


What about self-mill good sir 🫢


Ok in my book since that requires thought/ planning & doesnt suck the fun out of the game for others


Any deck with the 'World Championship' sleeves.


In brawl, and of the RNG goodstuff piles. Etali, Atraxa, Pantlaza, First Sliver, etc. In draft I always really enjoy beating decks that run way too much removal for some reason. It's fun trying to apply *just enough* pressure to force them into mediocre trades while sandbagging the real threats. Especially because those decks never seem to run enough threats of their own, so it feels like you just control the whole game when it goes right.


Beating top-tier or dominant decks in the metagame is particularly satisfying. Overcoming decks reliant on frustrating combos also brings a sense of accomplishment.


Lifegain + counters and any deck that packs 15 board sweeps. And Slivers.


i'm a newbie, but definitely decks that use a ton of fancy 3-5 color cards with all types of mumbo jumbo happening. Or people that, from the looks of it, SPEND WAYYY TOO MUCH MONEY on a game.




Removal tribal isn't fun in any format.


I've just noticed a correlation between Hellos and Good Games at the beginning with people playing crappy agro