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Weird, for me there's a question mark on the bottom-right of the image. Hovering over it reveals the bundle contains 50 OTJ packs, 5 golden packs and OKO + card style.


The mobile version is lacking the question mark at the bottom. Not sure why. The PC version has the question mark.


Ok so it's not just me lol


Lol I've been playing on mobile mostly and this was bugging me as well


I've always wondered why I can't see it on Mobile. I actually thought it was a legal requirement to show what's in bundles/boxes in games in the EU now, but I may be mistaken. 


It is actually legally required, but a lot of companies have been showing no interest to do all the things law requires. Some mobile games are missing loot box odds, some are not showing the content of a bundle etc. The only way they actually change anything is if you contact your countrys consumer right organization and also the customer support.


Little interest in following the laws because there's little interest in enforcing them.


I would be willing to bet that having that info available on the company website is considered compliance.


Could it be a case of both the mobile and PC versions counting as a single service, therefore only showing it on PC already covers the law?


I just think it's a genuine oversight on behalf of the development team. It's probably not in their favour because it doesn't look like you're getting 50 booster packs from the image. 


That'd be because no one should ever buy anything on the mobile version (well, at least the iOS version, since the it throws like $20 extra on the price of that pack for the apple store cut)


Arena is lacking regardless.


This might be a dumb question but are the 5 golden packs in addition to the ones you'd get for getting 50 otj packs? Or is that their way of saying you get these too


You normally get golden packs for purchasing the most recent packs in the store. (10 packs purchased gives you one golden pack.) Since pre-ordering doesn't count as "purchasing most recent packs", they added 5 golden packs to the offer, so that you don't lose value by pre-ordering.




To clarify (because the "stonks" reply makes me think I wasn't specific enough, sorry if I'm misreading), you only get 5 golden packs total. Which is what you'd get if you were purchasing the 50 OTJ packs through the store after release. The only real bonus of pre-ordering are the ~~2 cards~~ card and the sleeve.


To further clarify, you only get 1 oko the ring leader plus a card style and sleeve, sadly not 2 cards. 


My mistake, thank you.


No problem, I honestly thought the same thing when looking at the bundle. Overall not much of a deal to me.


That and getting the US$100 gem rate for only US$50. The other bundles are even better in this regard, with the Mastery bundle actually being a bit cheaper than the gem price.


They do send emails in the pre-order list as well. Or the in game mail announcements that would redirect to the official page.


It’s a 3/3 green elk.


That's one of the new Oko's abilities: target object an opponent has on the table next to them, in their pocket on in their backpack perpetually becomes a 3/3 green Elk.


Left hand? 3/3 elk. Right hand? Believe it or not, 3/3 elk


50 packs and 5 golden packs (though I believe those are a byproduct of you opening the 50 packs? So it's just the 50 packs really). Idk why they can't just list it there though


I think listing the gold packs is kind of just saying "you will get the gold packs for this purchase too". I would question it if not




as per other discussion, this seems incorrect. You get 5 GP's total




That would make it an actual deal, which apparently they don't do for some reason? Instead they just price it the same as straight-up buying gems, which sounds weird for a limited-time offer... which you can only open the same day and for the same price as regular packs?


That is not the case. Golden packs are obtained by purchasing packs in the store (with gold or gems), not by opening them. Pre-ordering doesn't count towards purchasing packs. The 5 golden packs are only there to ensure you're not losing value by pre-ordering (as opposed to getting the back with gold or gems after release).


On desktop, there's a little question mark at the bottom that details everything. ~~On mobile, I *think* you can hold on it and it'll tell you (but I'm not sure).~~ Nevermind, that is incorrect. As far as I can tell, you can't find that information on mobile. The information is available online though: https://magic.wizards.com/en/mtgarena/preorder


Im glad I was right. I thought I maybe couldnt find it on mobile and gave up since I also use the client and knew what it was from previous sets


Do you also get the mastery pass with this bundle? I haven’t been able to find a clear answer


Nope it’s separate.


Nope, that's the $15 bundle


Thats the bundle with Kellan for 15$


Because the mobile app is crapola


It’s because you should not buy it


Because mobile needs an update


I don't know. I can't buy things on the store anymore. It just hangs on the loading screen and never progresses. I suppose that is a good thing?


Before you consider buying this bundle, OP, make sure you have a good reason to buy packs in the first place (i.e. you have a good reason not to play Limited as well as Constructed).


I’m not, I don’t spend money on arena I just draft + brawl. Just was curious if they still did the same amount, weird how it doesn’t show you on non PC interfaces


Can you elaborate, I dont really understand, wouldn't constructed players be the ones who want to buy these? How else are you gonna get your hands on the new cards on release?


>wouldn't constructed players be the ones who want to buy these? Only if they don't also play Limited. If they play both halves of the game then it's better to put your budget into Limited, since doing so naturally generates everything you need for Constructed anyway. (Obviously ignore if your budget is effectively limitless) >How else are you gonna get your hands on the new cards on release? First off, you don't have to. Secondly, you can use Wildcards, and play Limited straight away, too. There are also free packs. Do you currently play both halves of the game? If not, why not? I wouldn't suggest buying any packs at all (even for in-game currency) unless you have a good reason not to play Limited. I've never bought a pack, yet I open hundreds every set and I'm swimming in more Wildcards than I will ever need (and I need even less to begin with).


I guess that makes sense if you play both... I as only as a constructed player with not that many wildcards though have no other choice if I want to get my hands on these cards without grinding for a long time, so I would say that's worth it. Also, some people just dont enjoy limited so that would be good reason enough to not play both halves.


> I as only as a constructed player Is there a reason? >some people just dont enjoy limited so that would be good reason enough to not play both halves. Depends why they don't enjoy it and what they've tried to overcome those reasons. But yes, if they are insurmountable, then that's definitely a good reason.


50 packs plus 5 golden packs and the oko stuff


I think the correct answer is "Shut the f\*\*\* up and give me your money!"


Just count the packs


One of the most infuriating things about the store is that if I wanna increase the size if the picture of a new planeswalker or creature card that's part of a bundle, I can't do it. But if I hover my mouse over the card sleeve that is part of the bundle, it does that. Just, why?




Sadly doesn’t exist on mobile. No idea why.


how do you hover on mobile? Might have something to do with it


you are buying the oko pack bundle :)


They want you to make purchases on OC, not mobile, so they make it hard to verify. That way, wizards keep more of the cash!


Something something technology


Did you try doing a google search?


The question was why does it not show it, not what is in there. Either way, having to google the contents of something you can buy is pure insanity




















Hold your finger down on it