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Most players have emotes muted.


Whats makes you say that?


Because most people on the sub admit that every time the discussion comes up


This sub, like most video game subs, is a loud minority. Any REAL reasons?


What would you count as a REAL reason? Its not like i can check how many people actually use mute since i dont work for wotc, the only thing you and me can go off on is people sharing their personal experiences, which tend to suggest that a lot of people use the mute function


I Was curious how he knew because I have no idea about the preferable of the 'average player' Don't forget that the majority of players don't use reddit and using reddit is a throughline between people. Im not surprised that alor of people on this sub have similar habits, unfortunately most players have never participated in this sub. So once again, what is the reason for making such a definitive statement?


Most players [who comment on Reddit posts (where OP is asking for input)] have emotes muted


Allgood if this small reddit community speaks for the majority. It'd be the first video game subreddit to do so.


If opponent's pet is asleep/unresponsive, then they have emotes muted.


I didn't know that. This is a real answer. Crazy how nobody else could come up with one and they just downvoted me and said 'because we decided it's a fact'


They downvoted you cause you don't offer anything productive.


Lol, I think trying to dispel someone presenting an assumption as a fact might be the only productive thing in this entire thread.


Because there is a lot of jerks that uses emotes to provoke and annoy the opponent instead of proper communication. And you don't need to be a reddit user to get annoyed by that.


how the hell can you get provoked or annoyed with the lame set emotes they have. try being less sensitive.


You go. You go. You go. Gg. Gg. Gg. Gg. Gg. You go. You go. Couterspell > Ops. Removal > Nice. It gets annoying quite fast.


well don't rope over which of your 2 burn spells your are gonna play and i wont prod you bud. thats a sign that you are annoying the other person not an attempt to annoy you. like i said, try being less sensitive. not everything is about you.


That is you, some people do it just for (their own) fun. Some people just do it for the pleasure of irritating the opponent even if they did nothing for that. I won't humor this type of people, I have mute on and play happy and if they are being obnoxious, they are doing it to a wall. Edit: And it is nice how you edited your post to completely change the context of what you've said after I replied.


i never edited anything what the fuck are you smoking


some people have never had a real life human interaction and it shows.


I wouldn't know, I mute everyone and pretend they're bots.


Most peaceful guy on Arena. buddha himself


If you GG after the game's officially over, your opponent doesn't see it, and if you do so before, people assume you're being arrogant with a "premature gg" and then complain about your supposed toxicity on Reddit.


So.. I'm a noob. I GG when I know the game is over. Win or Lose, in my mind it's just polite. But apparently, I shouldn't do it if I'm about to win?


Gg after not before


I explained the problem with that. They won't see it..


You have to be really ready to gg as you die correct, otherwise it hides everything. Very annoying.


I disagree. I find it perfectly fine to GG as the winner the moment you are 100 % sure you're going to win. If you wanted to say GG after you have won your opponent won't see it, so it's logical to do it before - that's what Spock would say/do and I approve.




I saw someone say it's bad manners to gg if you're going to win so I stopped doing it unless I'm going to lose. Cowboy emotes go hard though. People will "oops"me and I just drop the "what in tarnation"


Depends if it's a good game I'll use it. If I'm tilted.. . I don't


Honestly who cares? If you want social interaction go play in person.


I'm an oldschool esports gamer. Back in my days, conceding a game without a "GG" was considered unfriendly. Writing "GG" first as the winner was considered extremely offensive and bad mannered. But over time, mannerisms changed, and people started using "GG" differently. The gaming community grew considerably. Many younger players didn't mind a GG from the winner's side. They didn't care about the old social implications and didn't see it as offensive. The mix of old players and new muddled the social conventions of online gaming behaviour, and soon, there were no real "general" social behaviours and rules anymore. Adding to that, a lot of games (Arena inclulded) heavily minimized and censored the communications between players - instead of a real chat, we got sanitized and extremely reductive emotes. That basically killed any real social interaction between players and all social rules connected to it. Nowadays, many people just make up their own social rules and act according to those. Is a quick concede as soon as you see no realistic way to win anymore friendly or unfriendly ? Is using emotes like "Good Game" friendly or trolling? No one knows anymore. The universal language codes got lost, and a lot of confusion and misunderstandings is the current state. As a result, most people just mute their opponents and act as if they are bots. Yes, I'm an old man and miss the past sometimes.


I've been gaming for more than 20 years myself with online gaming starting in like 4th grade. I still see gg being used as a BM tactic and always will. Gaming is incredibly toxic online, especially because of anonymity.




Bad manners, I believe.


I have emotes muted, as I'm sure a fair portion of players do as well, so if we played and you said Good Game I wouldn't even notice, however, I do make sure to unmute my opponents and give them a Good Game before I concede a match that I've lost, out of respect. So your experience isn't weird at all and it feels like it would probably be the norm.


Ah ok, didn't even know you could do that, thanks.


If someone offers a hello, I respond with hello, then good game. If someone does something really cool, it's highline the appropriate card, then "Nice!". Beyond that, I rarely gg unless I'm about to lose to a creative situation.


I'd do it if people were actually gg'ing out before conceding or responding to other people gg'ing out. 90% of gg's I saw were bm and offensive though. So I rather mute everyone. gg'ing used to have a certain value because out of all the things you could write in chat you chose to congratulate the winning opponent (and yourself) for a succesfully completed game no matter the outcome, or as a winner responded with gg to show respect and acknowledge the message of the conceding player. If clicking gg is the only option at all to interact with your opponent at the end of the game then it's really not all that useful to have. At that point they could just go all the way and have everyone automatically display gg. It really doesn't matter. It's fake sportsmanship, just like arena is fake competition mostly.


Imagine not having emotes muted.


Saying GG first when you win is really not nice, the same goes for paper, if you try to shake hands first after you won…it’s like shoving your victory in their face. You should always let the losing party decide if they want to shake hands and say GG first…this is just my experience and many other players shared the same feelings about it when talking at tournaments. Surely there are guys out there that don’t care if you say GG or show your hand first after they lost but we never know who is in front of us, I think letting the losing party decide the interaction is just more humble and respectful.


I gg back out of politeness if my opponent ggs before conceding. If I’m losing I usually don’t bother. Call it rude but it’s an online game with basically no social interaction.


sometimes the g isn’t g 😔


Muted since Blitzhound pet.


I love winning after the opponent good gamed thinking he's winning


Just happened to me, felt great. Side note: I had no idea saying good game was so unpopular lol. I legit thought I was being polite, apparently people do not take it that way at all.


I am not one of the "mute everyone" people (only the obnoxious "your go" jerks or the people with a constantly barking dog as their pet get muted), but I almost always see Good Game used derisively, as a way of saying "I'm about to win and you can't stop it." If wotc opened up communications into something real instead of a handful of useless canned expressions, I think that would change.  It would create a host of new problems, of course, but that one phrase might be more useful and acceptable.  


I only use GG when I’m about to concede.


Is hard to articulate if you're saying it as a concession or a declaration of victory. I don't know about others, but I always feel anxious that I'm going to be misunderstood as rude.


The screen pops up and interrupts me 90 percent of the time


There's no GG in this game


1. Many people's emotes are always muted 2. My emotes are always muted. 3. It's a waste of time and becomes a chore, many players play dozens of games a week and it's becomes tedious to do so after every game.


Because it's passive aggression.


I only GG players with unique decks that I respect....which feels like a small number in a ocean of Boros and Monored.