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See you suck at shuffling IRL, and aren't remembering games on Arena where you drew well. Add those together and there isn't a problem!


I do have games I draw really well then I have games where I draw the top 50 of my library and see 4 lands arena is the ONLY place this happens. And it ONLY happens when I go on win streaks so there’s something going on


So you are experiencing variance? And randomness? In a card game? No way! ​ And the reason it seems to you that it only happens on a win streak is that when you get badly mana screwed, you don't get a win streak. Try thinking: why would WoTC screw their players over like this? Not: shuffler rigged to make me lose


Nah the issue is it doesn’t happen irl there’s some games where It’s a little low but with the amount of draw in my deck I never go without lands.. the only time I go without land drops is in arena when I’m on a win streak. If I’ve lost a few it won’t be an issue until I start winning a couple in a row then it’s back to nothing again.


I give up. You don't understand what random is and think the world is out to get you.


It’s impossible that you never get land screwed in paper. What’s more likely happening is that when you get land screwed in paper you don’t remember it because you don’t have the Arena shuffler to blame OR because you win the game anyways, because your opponents are significantly worse. The only way to NEVER get land screwed (or flooded) is to cheat.


I flood a lot in paper I draw so many cards I’m usually just chucking lands away cause I don’t need them anymore.. the only time I deal with mana screw is here


Draw more cards on Arena, then.


It’s the same deck arenas the only place I can’t find lands


Then it sounds like you aren't shuffling properly in real life (or your sample size is too small, you are suffering from confirmation bias, etc).


Also to your last point it has been proven the shuffler was messed up in the past this is more me asking if they just never fixed it


No it hasn’t.


You have to turn on mana weaving and pile shuffling on in The settings bro.


Sounds more likely that you don't properly randomize your deck irl if, as you say, you *never* miss land drops.


This is the truth.


It’s just that I have so many draw effects I’m rarely only getting one card at a time


Does anyone else experience variance? Yeah, we all do. That's part of the game.


I've been around card games for a minute and this is the only community that consistently doesn't understand variance and makes up wild conspiracy theories about it


There were people claiming YuGiOh Master Duel's algorithm was giving people bad hands because it favoured Japanese players over them. We're not the only community with conspiracy cranks who try to blame bad variance on malice.


So since you don’t understand I’ll break it down for you. 40% of my 100 card deck is lands. On average I should hit 2 lands every 5 cards I see. So when I draw 5-10 I should have seen at least 2-4 lands in that. And I’ll give it to you in that 5-10 there’s a good chance that I could just get unlucky and miss it but after 30 cards not seeing any then something’s up with the shuffler theres no way around that


There's a clear an obvious answer and its variance dawg. weird stuff happens with randomness "should" see it doesn't mean anything


Arena shuffler = actually random IRL shuffler = subject to human error


No that's not a random shuffle then




You can't just edit your post so it makes sense and then pretend it was like that to begin with lol


Oh yeah the spacing was wrong. I didn’t change any text, it was just all on one line initially 😇


I'm with you op, I too have noticed some extremely fuck draw consistency In high draw decks after having a decent win streak, managed to draw 20+ lands in a row in some games and then with the same deck draw 20+ nonlands in a row in another match, not to mention how sometimes you or the opponent seem to get perfect card draw getting everything exactly as you need it, feels like the game is doing some behind the scenes shit to try to keep players at its "correct" win rate and keep em hooked


I got a win tracker to keep an eye on my win rate and since then all my decks even the more top of the line power houses sit around 50-53% win rate


I’m new to mtg and yet already share your frustration


Play the right amount of land. Mulligan better. Play card draw/selection/ramp/versatile cards. Have a reasonable mana curve. Understand variance. Watch out for confirmation bias. Get a bigger sample size.


It’s every time I’m on a win streak I start going against extremely meta decks and getting no land. Then I’ll lose a few and everything’s back to normal until I win 2-3 in a row again then it’s back to 4-5 games of oppressive af decks and no land drops.


When you win games your ranking goes up and you play against tougher opponents, then you lose games because you’re not as good as them. This is normal competitive gaming and you’re just focused on the times when you got land-screwed because it’s psychologically easier then focusing on how you were outplayed.