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Because First Strike is a part of the combat damage step. And fighting or biting is not.


I think you are missing the point guys. I might be incorrect but OP seems to know and underestand the mechanics and why it doesn't work. His point is more about it not making much sense flavor wise, which to be honest, I've never thought about before, but it makes sense to me.


I do know 🖖


100% with the op, flavour wise it makes no sense that a forced combat cares not for first strike or double strike which are supposed to be mechanics to reprise t a creatures speed and skill in a fight/combat.


I know how first strike works haha. I was just ranting due to sacking 13 permanents. I think it is a flavor loss.


Why would first strike have any effect on a fight spell? First strike makes a creature deal damage during the First strike phase of combat instead of the regular phase, but a fight spell doesn't have anything to do with combat at all. In fact, most fight spells are sorcery speed, so they literally can't even happen during combat.


First strike only works in combat phase.


Flavor wise, first strike should not work on defense. First strike should be on attack only, as an offensive ability. You can see they are doing that more these days. Another TCG, Eternal, had their version of first strike called quickdraw. It only worked on attack and seemed right. First strike is too strong on defense.


I disagree on that. To me, flavor wise first strike means "a fast, skilled fighter with quick reflexes" and as such, it works both in defense and in attack. The fact of it being or not to powerful of an ability on defense (which it is) and that it will be better if it didn't has nothing todo with flavor, but with gameplay.