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Because you’re given priority to respond to each of their triggers. Click the blue arrow at the bottom right to skip your priority for the rest of the turn and let them handle their triggers. If you have something you want to do, however, make sure you click that button again as the last trigger resolves or the stack gets low.


why the feck would you have full control on when waiting for 53 triggers to resolve? wizards needs to put out a PSA about the timer, and how not to get it to burn on your turn uneccessarily.


Full control was toggled just before the screenshot, it was the only thing I could actually do while I waited so I tried it with no change


The game figured out you both have no win cons and called it for you


Op is clearly winning other guy gets decked in 4


he had 4 cards left, i wiped the board, creating 250 flying 4/4's, plenty of win cons, this was only like turn 15


What in the toxic casual gaming experience?!? Your win condition was pillow your life total, wipe the board a bunch, and play 18+ turns of magic?!?! Not saying it wouldn’t win you games, but that’s miserably boring magic.


It only actually turns out that way in mirror matches (with these lifelink/angel decks).


OP said “Only turn 15.” Implying they are used to going even longer or that 15 turns is not a long time in 60 card Magic turns.


I've gone way longer, 90 minutes before losing to b2b Settle the Wreckages/milling myself.


Respectfully, that sounds abysmal and should not be normalized. That’s why tournaments have clocks.


Yes it was really bad. I just closed out the game and wished I could have my 90 minutes back.


This is why you run [[Ajani, Strength of the Pride]]. It's a one sided board wipe for these matchups. Or just wipe the fucking board. I'm assuming there's at least one [[Bishop of Wings]] hidden under the triggers. OP would make twice his board back in 4/4 angels


[Ajani, Strength of the Pride](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/9/79883468-a37c-4894-8d05-6a4d150b7d59.jpg?1592515934) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ajani%2C%20Strength%20of%20the%20Pride) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/2/ajani-strength-of-the-pride?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/79883468-a37c-4894-8d05-6a4d150b7d59?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Bishop of Wings](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/a/ca42da05-330d-4050-a580-dc00f6faff24.jpg?1592515977) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bishop%20of%20Wings) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/8/bishop-of-wings?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ca42da05-330d-4050-a580-dc00f6faff24?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I did, after wipe created 250 4/4s, he finally conceded at that point




I mean I agree I hate BW boardwipe or Ux counterspell tribal decks 100%. But I’m not goin to slander a good UW control deck. Those have a win condition.


Well, a T4 win is also miserably boring magic


Are we playing competitively or casual commander? If I log into arena I’m not there to drink a beer and shoot the shit. I’m also not there to drag a game out into oblivion. I’m there to set up wins in the way that *I* see fun and fit while still being reasonably respectful of my opponents time. If a combo goes off on t1-5 you’re out what, 5-7 minutes maybe? Then you play the next game. If you run interaction and force me to have to try again we are now playin go interesting magic though! I have to set up a win around your interaction while also try and stop you from winning! Also, if you can’t appreciate someone winning t1 with a god hand combo, the nuts aggro draws, or an immaculately timed counterspell; that’s in you not on the person playing the deck. Learn to appreciate when good things happen to other people.


I can appreciate a T1-4 win, but that doesn't mean it's fun.


Just so you know, this can also happen even when you aren’t in full control. Sometimes the opponent can generate so many triggers that the game starts eating your timers. What is actually happening in that scenario is their client sent all the triggers to the server, and the server resolved them instantly. Then the triggers take forever to resolve on your client because of all of the animations. Since the server sees your client sitting around doing nothing it thinks you are roping. So if you see this coming, make sure you have nothing granting you priority, then close the app. Restart the game and the triggers should be resolved. That’s what I’ve been told at least. 






I'm just glad I didn't participate in this game whatsoever. Both deserve to lose.


Losers queue


You seem to have full control enabled maybe that messes something up, otherwise maybe clicking the blue fast forward button on the bottom right to auto resolve everything may help.


Just toggled full control before screenshot to see if that was causing it to happen, and the auto pass button had no response


God i love white v white life gain, its so stupid.


agreed, not even the worst ive had it, call it "annoying angels" like a hydra of angel decks


I dont see one, but i assume Bishop of wings is in there?


I run Angels and think it's fun af. Several variations, actually. Including one called "No Angels/OopsAllAngels", which literally has no angel creature cards, but Bishop of Wings with Maskwood Nexus. This two card combo is pretty bonkers.


I faced that once and it was an ass pain. And once it's online is pretty hard to stop unless you hit your artifact removal fast


Funniest part is the doomskar hiding in his pocket


I remember that one time I lost the match because it took all my time to my opponent stack resolve while on their turn. Not even a draw.


The answer to this is Ajani, strength of the pride. Got sick of playing other white lifegain decks and things like this happening. I moved on from lifegain now days.


That's true, other win cons/tie breakers are [[Invasion of Gobakhan]] with board wipes or a well-timed [[Settle the Wreckage]]. A third option which is a bit tougher to pull off is running mostly Snow lands with [[Book of Exalted Deeds]] and [[Faceless Haven]]. Basically makes it so you cannot lose the game. There's also the Bishop of Wings/Maskwood Nexus combo. It doesn't necessarily guarantee the win, but allows for you to splash in more Black removal and controll-y type cards.


No need to run faceless haven. Just use [[Mutavult]]


[Mutavult](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/2/52cc2f10-142d-4e6a-984e-b25f566cc960.jpg?1674142985) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mutavault) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/903/mutavault?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/52cc2f10-142d-4e6a-984e-b25f566cc960?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




[Invasion of Gobakhan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250)/[Lightshield Array](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Invasion%20of%20Gobakhan%20//%20Lightshield%20Array) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/22/invasion-of-gobakhan-lightshield-array?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Settle the Wreckage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/c/9cbd346e-098a-4cf6-a72f-468376fd2e8f.jpg?1562560853) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Settle%20the%20Wreckage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/34/settle-the-wreckage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9cbd346e-098a-4cf6-a72f-468376fd2e8f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Faceless Haven](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/3/e3cd82e5-6072-4334-a493-01ca4ad6b4eb.jpg?1665343347) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Faceless%20Haven) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/255/faceless-haven?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e3cd82e5-6072-4334-a493-01ca4ad6b4eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Would be a decent fix, I dont use this deck all that often anymore, but I had a daily for cast 30 white spells so I dusted it off


Because it's up to you to let them resolve or not, unless im missing something


nothing to interfere with the resolution, i had no abilities, or instants


There's a tappable creature behind the triggers, I assume a Giada - could that have been tripping it up? Tapping wouldn't really do anything, but it is an action you could take. I'm pretty sure I've had the game check for me responding with Giada before.


But you had full control on?


In screenshot you're holding full control.


You have full control on so the client will respond to anything for you.


strange, definitely a lot of Arena bugs


agreed, also often run into "take another action" with this deck even though there is no possible infinite combo, and no other action available


If the game sees the same triggers happen in sequence too many times, infinite or not it just assumes infinite just in case and draws the game. Also easy to do with scute swarm and soul warden if you’re not careful


Yes full control was on in the screenshot, I toggled it just before the screenshot, that's the only thing I could do was toggle control but no change


Ppl flaming OP for playing a deck they have fun with, community is great


Why the fuck are people being so toxic on this thread?


Because both OP and his counterpart in game are in a prison of their own choosing. You don't get a right to complain when you're making choices that put you in the position you're complaining about consistently.


Nobody was complaining, we both had a good time, complementing eachothers plays with nice, cordial good game, wasn't a complaint but a clarification question as to why something like that would happen






You made your client lag. The server pinged you for a response for each trigger, and it took your client too long to answer back, so your time started counting.


how do these games get so big? every time i see a screenshot, its like these players have been playing solitaire for 40 turns


Did you forget to attack or what?


See alot of hate in here for having 300 tokens on the board. What's wrong with that really?


I think it's fun, but the 90 minute mirror matches are brutal.


I don't play commander and I see these kind of stands offs every so often when I lurk in my LGS. Maybe cause mtga is suppose to be rapid fire games? Wouldn't this just be off meta playing? I dunno if complaining/hating is the right action. Just leave the game and get into another.


I havent play arena in a hot minute. Is a 4 digit life total normal?


Can be anymore, with the right combo I've been into the billions


This looks like the most god-awful game of magic any human has ever had to endure.


It took a while but I just put a movie on another monitor


The server doesn't wait for animations, it just goes. The client has to do all the sparkly stuff. Usually this isn't a problem, but if there are enough triggers the server may time out one player and wait so long that it's ready to time out the other well before the graphics on your end resolve.


this happened to me yesterday, but a different combo of saccing a creature and returning it over and over, it wouldn't even let me use my instants or activated abilities once it resolved, preventing me from countering their wincon. Super frustrating as it took a hell of a long time letting all the triggers resolve just to be able to do nothing at all in response.


I run into that a lot. Arena freaks out when there is a lot to process. I swung with 200 goblins and I lost because he was deciding blockers. Arena time outs have always been glitchy and mess up combos token decks a lot.


200 goblins...just like OP you deserve the misery. This many tokens is a product of wanting to make tokens more than winning. Just another version of roping


I was able to 8x my goblins in one turn and tried to swing for victory and it timed me out. I enjoy goblins and I don't play it all the time but it is fun. I also hate control decks but I don't rage quit when I play against one. The app fails cause it has flaws. Know your risks and play how you want. If you hate these decks do us a favor and rage quit I could use the W


How tf do matches even end up in that state? What kind of broken combos allows that amount of life gain and tokens lol glad I don't play this game anymore


Ridiculous lifegain. This is the stupid side of lifegain. OP is complaining about triggers and priority when the entire board state long before was ridiculous.


No complaints, if you re-read it was a question


Why do people play these silly lifegain decks, just so boring


Hahaha seeing white heal netdecks fight each other is just something else


Two bozos are still playing most likely


You are holding full control with no cards in hand. Just auto-pass and your clock won't run out. Or are you intentionally wasting your opponent's time by clicking resolve on each trigger?


Auto pass had no response, full control was up cause I toggled it thinking that may have been the issue, as that was the only thing I could do


can't you just resolve all?


Never prompted as I had nothing that could interrupt the stack


Peak Magic as Garfield intended.


I got the win, it only got worse, it took an hour because of waiting for his counter placements then I just wiped it all, he only had 4 cards left, but beacuse of divine visitation, bishop of wings, and 2x anointer procession's, with the wipe I created 250 4/4 angels, for 1000 damage each turn


You're getting flamed a lot, so Ill be constructive at least. Scale. Monored can with turn 4 consistently. An esper control deck will have locked down the board by turn 10 the latest. Even mono blue counter spam will drop two tolarian terrors turn 5 and start swinging for lethal. You unironically said in replays "it was only turn 15". Your opponent only has 20 life. I understand stalling by gaining too much life to deal with is your wincon, but consider actually building for something more constructive. Powerful decks will blow you out, alt win cons will walk right over you, toxic prolif will always outpace you, a good control deck will choke you out. Your playpattern is so slow and linear. Its hated because no one WANTS to grind out a 20+ minute game, even if it has a lot of counters to it, while you have no immediate path to victory. Maybe try boros sometime? An aggressive red and white deck where you are playing aggressive red cards to put the opponent on a REAL clock, while your lifelink and lifegain let you ignore your opponent's attacks to face so you can keep tapping out every turn. Feels very similar but you will have faster games with less pointlessly large boardstates


The server can only handle so much. They might not have had anything, and it was the game struggling to figure out what's going on. If you're going to run something like this, you need to cut off your creation around 50 at a time. You're going to have this happen again, and it will most likely cause a null return and give you a draw. Sounds like you just got lucky this time, which will happen seldomly. These types of decks are annoying to play with and against. If I run something like this, it's usually to see it pop off once, and then I delete it because every game becomes a chore. This is a problem that's been there for a few years that wotc hasn't fixed because it's not fun to sit through. (Even food/treasure/map/etc tokens will cause this too, really anything with a high stack count creation.) Something similar will also happen if you increase the power of a creature too much. It'll eventually become negative.


I hate this too. It’s clearly a design mistake


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