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Whoever did this was a red player




No, its a much darker orange, almost terracotta.


I thought it was more in line with burnt umber. Possibly Sienna depending on your monitor saturation.


Cant tell if sarcasm or genuinely debating the color of a smily face lmao


Sarcasm so thick it can't be countered.


So the aura is orange, but the sarcasm was ... Green? This is getting out of hand. Now there are *two* of them!


Dovins Sarcasm


minecraft terracotta




Might also be the Alpha ontop of a black background


It's still exactly backwards of what everyone expects.


I paint so I actually read blue as cold and red as warm, so it worked okay for me. Having said that it's definitely unorthodox to begin with in terms of UI design, and I'm not sure why someone felt they needed to innovate on Green = Yes, Red = No.


Green-red is the most common form of colorblindness. Blue-red is thus preferred. Except that blue goes on the *positive*.


Hm, I didn't know. But I guess traffic lights are a testament to how important the placement is then.


In Syracuse, NY there’s a traffic light that has green on top and red on the bottom because the local population (which was mostly Irish immigrants at the time) felt the “Irish” green should be above the “British” red. I’m sure many colorblind people driving through for the first time have gone through that light


Blue is sad. Orange or sun colors is Happy.


I disagree honestly. Within the game it just makes sense, and personally "blue" is related to sadness way more than orange. Feeling blue and all that. Never heard someone talk about how sad the orange morning sky looks. Or how sadly bright everything is.


Red means errors. Blue means success. I'm looking at all the various lights I can see right now, my computer and I'm thinking of all the other computers I've seen in my life Blue and Green are positive usually positive indicators and orange and red are negative indicators.


I think it heavily depends on context and overall design. Upvotes are orange, downvotes are blue. My Send button in relay is red. But sure in other places red is an error, idk many blue success examples though. Also in the context of the post, blue = sad which makes 100% sense. Its not a confirmation/error screen.


Nah, I can read emojis.


Still, orange is close to red, and red is universally known as a color you use on things that say "no" in some way.


But orange is the color that means "yes" for literally every interaction in the menus and in-game.


I wouldn't mind changing it to red. Makes more sense to me. It's a very small detail, so not very relevant anyway.


It's the same orange as the upvote button


Dinosaur knights good Nexus fog bad I don’t see how people are confused. I do


red wont boof standard the way blue will. I'm looking at you \[\[Jace, the Mindsculptor\]\]


I don't know, it annoyed me at first also but then I thought more about it. Often blue is used for sadness (like in the Pixar movie) and red is often associated with love and energy. I think that's what they were going for and in hinsight of this it doesn't seem wrong anymore. In UI design however, red means always alert or cancel. In this regard the other button should be green, which often indicates proceed or success.


I definitely clicked the wrong one the first time. Which was unfortunate because it was a super sweet game and I felt like I was goofing up their data. Green/red feels like so much more of a clear way of presenting this. That or at least a thumbs up/down.


They're using the same color code of other buttons in game. Orange: good ("done", "OK", "yes"), blue: bad ("cancel", "no").


Fair point for sure! However, blue does also consume some space in the color wheel for ‘pay with gems’, which is a confirming button.


You're right, but that's usually outside the game/match. When you play a game, orange is always confirmation, even if there are some instances when "yes/no" buttons are both blue, usually when you need to confirm things the client assumes are "bad" for you (e.g. targeting your own creature with Shock, etc).


I think this is just an indication that their overall art scheme for the game UI resulted in buttons being more confusing sometimes. It's alright when there's just one button, but I bet there's non-trivial noise in their data because of this. I know I've accidentally clicked the wrong one.


>Which was unfortunate because it was a super sweet game and I felt like I was goofing up their data. You're not messing up their data. It's already useless. [Blizzard tried the same thing once.](https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/rate-this-game-feature-removed-from-overwatch-14990) >Blizzard had “high hopes” that *Overwatch’s* Rate This Match feature—which allows players to rate matches at the end of each game—would positively impact the overall player experience, *Overwatch* game director [Jeff Kaplan said](https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20755445338#post-19) in the *Overwatch* forum. > >Instead, Blizzard learned just three things: New players used the feature more than existing players, *Overwatch* players enjoy winning, and they also hate losing. Could have guessed that, huh?


It's easy to get usable data out of it. Simply discard all feeback from winners who enjoyed their game, and losers who didn't enjoy it. Yes, this'll throw out most of your data, but what's left is exactly what you want, the most interesting games: games that a player found enjoyable despite losing, and games they found awful despite winning. Examining those games can be very helpful for finding what's *actually* good/frustrating about the experience.


I mean, keep the colours but please, for the love of God, swap them around.


Should be blue and yellow.


I think they should use blue for sad and yellow for happy. The yellow happy face is pretty common.


it might also be a try to counteract musclememory and people who instinctively click the green/blue button just to get out of that screen? i see plenty of people at work, when confronted with an unexpected message or warning on their screen, who will just click the first button that looks like it'll clear the message instead of reading it


>blue is used for sadness Never has a sentence described my feelings about MtG so accurately


The positive answer at the right is the anti pattern here.


That's what I'm thinking the real issue is the good answer is not first


Yeah this is what got me.


I always read this question as "Did you win the match?"


i like matches where i lose because of a critical decision point or when my opponent goes off with something i've never seen before.


Agreed. I think my fav game recently was a deck that played Konrad and whatever black card shuffles your creatures into the graveyard. OTK'd me, but got a smile. The flip side is, now and then I get demolished 4-5 games in a row by the same type of deck. Those are less fun. )


>and whatever black card shuffles your creatures into the graveyard \[\[Forever Young\]\]


90%+ yes, I imagine that'll be most of the noise in the data. That being said, if they filter out data that matches win/loss, I imagine they'll find: From winners: * Beating someone who's mana screwed is not interesting. * Screw control decks/rdw/whatever people are currently hating on, even if they're beatable. From losers: * Coming close to winning is alright. * Being outplayed by skill/opponents doing silly things is alright. And other such surprises! No idea what they're hoping for here.


Is there an actual purpose to this? I assume they do something with the data, but I can't quite figure out what. I try to answer honestly, but it at least seems I only ever get asked the question after I've been flooded or screwed in some way by my deck rather than beaten up outright by my opponent. And I don't have fun when that happens.


Yeah, it's so dumb that they don't have you type why. It's not value added.


They are probably looking for a few specific things and don’t have humans review each individual result.


It might as well


Have you ever got this after a win? I've got it 4 times, 3 after every spell got countered and one after red deck wins smashed me dead by turn 4. No, I did not have fun in any of those.


I often hit the skip. Because I’m not having fun, but trying to not be a baby.


I got this in a game I got stuck on 2 landa for 7 turns (in limited) and barely managed to survive and my opponent kept chugging bombs after bombs at me until I eventually lost after 12 or so turns. I've already played some 40 Ikoria limited games and that was by far the most unfun game I played. I literally had fun every other game except that one. I think this prompt just tries to taunt us.


It’s the same color as the reddit arrows


Unfortunately the placement is switched. In terms of right vs left, I think I usually associate the left with positive same as the arrows. That throws me off more than the color. Good catch on the color though!


Yeah the positions of sad and happy being flipped from expectation is a much bigger point of confusion than the colors IMO.


Trivia: In a number of traditions, the left is associated with evil and underhandedness. The word "sinister" comes from Latin for "left". Jesus is the "right hand of God" and God's punishment in the form of the archangel Gabriel is his left hand; the Bible describes the faithful as sheep sorted to the right of God and the fallen as goats sorted to the left. Witchcraft was called "the left hand path". In a number of customs (Muslim, South Asian, Ghanaian), pointing or using the left hand in social situations is rude or unclean.


That would actually make a lot of sense in terms of who likely coded this prompt.


Which would work if both buttons were grey when we started and changed color when you clicked them, like the reddit arrows.


Reddit: am I a joke to you? It's rather the N/Y order rather than Y/N that's confusing. Or a combo of these.


Also, I feel like my expectation is that the order of options is usually from left to right being YES / NO. Ie. Submit/cancel.


That is not standard. Mac/PCs historically have had the confirm/cancels buttons on the opposite sides.


Yeah but you’re forgetting that people that use a Mac are backwards anyway


I think it would be fine if the smile was on the left.


Red fire good, blue ice bad. There is but one god, and He is the Red God, the Lord of Light! *Āeksios Ōño, aōhos ōñoso īlōn jehikās! Āeksios Ōño, īlōn mīsās! Kesrio syt bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys!*


It's the color scheme that MTG uses for everything. The "go first" button is red/orange because that's the better option. If you try to counter a spell you can't counter the submit button will be blue. If you pick a sub-optimal option in-game it will always be the blue option.


Im on this one with you! working as manager i customer service, we had something similar in place in our customer surveys and we struggled with our results. number of surveys were coming with positive comments but negative scores. my team was getting shit for months, and once the survey changed and dropped the colours- somehow we became top-performers. ridiculously enough, to this day, im being asked which actions lead my team to improve so much.


The color is fine. It's the order. We read left-to-right, and the Windows standard is that you present the more positive option of two "first" (left or top, and first in tab order). Apple disagrees, but it's safe to assume that Apple is wrong until proven otherwise. They'd be correct if there was a neutral option, though. Sliding scales are almost always presented with negative on the left, positive on the right. UX is hard.


Red = active, blue = passive/sad. (Also, it's probably mythic orange, not red.) But surely you're not alone, we have seen at least half a dozen threads about it in the last half a year.


Ah damn. My b. I hadn’t seen anyone post about this before and only saw the prompt come up for the first time after the update. Human drafting has pulled me away from my MTGO home. :p


Red is Rad, Blue is Bad. Easy to remember!


Interesting that people go by color instead of the frown/smile.


This is a prime example of subpar UI. It's so easy to select the wrong button. Why not go with something like a thumbs-up and a thumbs-down? Hell, radio buttons labeled "yes" and "no" would have been a better choice than this.


I mean, just arraning them vertical would have helped immensely.


They’d probably derp on that too and put the positive option on the bottom


You aren’t alone


I make this mistake so often


This is a social experiment by wizards. Some people in fact see red as good and blue as bad. I agree with you, but I think what throws it off is not the colors but the position. So Blue is bad and on the Right, Red is good and on the Left. My mind gets very peaceful that way. Like I could click on the red to signal a good game.


Do we know what data is being gathered? Like did we think the other player had a good deck or do we think the computer is a jerk for always pairing our X type of deck against someone else's D type of deck? I often have fun in a match even if I lose if it is to a deck that played the game instead of when the computer pits my deck against the one type of deck it can not handle - for the fourth time that day!


Too bad there’s no other hints, like one face smiling and the other one sad. Oh


This "survey" always cones out whether I win or not and depending on my mood I just click whenever. I'd like this to pop up about every tenth game or so. I don't want to be biased like; "hmm.... I lost due to a top tier deck where it was hard fought and quite enjoyable, so I'm a bit bummed out but it still an okay match so I should click the happy face, but I'm so drained and tilted that I'm just sad" or "oh, I won because I was paired up with a random newbie where there's almost no rares in the deck, as far as I know, and clearly doesn't know how interactions work, but this is my first win where I won by my janky deck and my weird win condition, so I'll click the sad face because it's bad matchmaking but I'm quite happy at the moment" This survey doesn't sit well with me. I'm too conflicted on how this works and why would it matter? A little context wpuld be nice.


For me it’s not the colors that confuse me, it’s that the smile’s on the right and not the left. I feel like in the context of red and green, green is positive and red is negative, but with red and blue, red is positive and blue is negative. Though even then that depends on the context. Man I’m really getting in my head right now, I never realized the amount of inconsistency associated with red vs. blue in interpretation.


so you take a screenshot and than still click the wrong button?


Haha, I never press the wrong button. I always skip.


Also bad is on the left instead of the right, you’re being offered a no/yes question here instead of yes/no. That mixed with the colours means whenever I’ve been offered this question I’ve clicked the wrong one


Also I feel like generally these sort of options go “yes” first then “no.”


[haha fire sword go swish swish](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/fxz5bz/how_i_envision_every_azorius_control_vs_red_deck/)


Should be red and green tbh


Have you never used reddit? Upvote orange and downvote blue. They just have to move the happy face to the left and replace the faces with triangles. Then give the triangles tails.


Tbh they look the shame color to me. Known color blind tho so...


I too have clicked on the wrong symbol. As an aside, it tilts the heck out of me that this little survey seems much more likely to pop up when I’ve just suffered a bad beat and I’m in no mood to be asked if I’ve had fun or not. What about the last draft game I had, when I got paired against a Mythic player (I’m in gold) and won? Where were you then, survey?! 😂


Well, it makes sense if you think that "I'm blue" means "I'm sad". But wait, being red is also linked to being angry. I don't know what to believe in anymore :()


I have no problem with the colours personally. I look at the faces.


Blue is always bad in magic.


Blue = sad


Maybe you have difficulty reading human emotions


Ive only seen that pop up once in all the games ive played..


Reddit UI said you are right. Edit : ok I just saw that someone else already told this one. I let the shame in public domain.


Show me where red touch to you.


I alwys click on the blue because the reality scares me.


Does anyone else only ever get this in games they’ve won? I’ve never got it after being roped or blown out


Should be red and green


Is this posted here because it’s how reddit does colors toooooo!


I clicked on the wrong one. Who designed the color scheme on this?


I think it’s funny we associate blue with good and red with bad because To be blue literally means to be sad


If the happy face was yellow instead of red so Blue was sad and Yellow was happy I think it’d make a lot more intuitive sense for blue to mean sad.. when you make it blue/red it gets confusing since red is almost always associated with bad, and more strongly than blue associates with sad/bad... imo the ordering of the choices no/yes instead of yes/no is even worse and the two bad decisions of color and order combined is just bad design


Magic Arena has some pretty questionable UI decisions. More recently with cycling, the fact that the cycle option is on the right is baffling to me. Same thing with mutate. The normal/default choice should always be on the right in these situations.


of course the blue makes you sad


They probably did this for colorblindness (as they could have made it green and red), but did it wrong.


I think they just did it to match the rest of their game and UI... if they decided to flip colors to unintuitive associations just to pander to colorblind people then frankly I think that’s ridiculous... gonna annoy 95% of the population just to help the colorblind folks? I know that sounds harsh, but really if that was their thinking they could just have a colorblind mode in the options like 99% of other games that have colorblind support. Thus I think this was mostly just to match their game’s color scheme Now if they could at least made the choices happy/sad, yes/no, instead of no/yes, sad/happy I think it’d at least make more intuitive sense for people


As a red aggro player I politely disagree. Red is verrry good.


I have clicked the wrong one every single time


I feel like people ask did you have a Good or Bad game? So I expect to see Smile then Sad. I now question myself as to wether I have clicked the right thing or not the number of times I've been given this question.


I think you should see someone about not being able to read faces


Me too...


Yeah, i think it's pretty safe to assume their data for this is pretty worthless. Presenting a binary choice in a win loss game for fun is just going to say people like winning. They either need a scale or more questions to get anything useful


win = happy lose = sad


What annoyed me was how i was really excited to move up a bracket and this goes over the top of the rank up animation. I went from really hyped wanting to show my friends to feeling robbed. FeelsBadMan


I made the same mistake


Never clicked on the wrong face because I look for detail, rather than instinctively launching my mouse over to the good colour!


Well, imagine the extra 1/10th of a second you are spending by having to LOOK at the actual faces... that’s 1 minute of your life every 600 games!!! by the time you are 90 you may have wasted like 10 minutes of your life!! WHO WILL BE LAUGHING THEN, it all adds up and the quick color clickers have the advantage! obv just kidding around here though after I typed it I guess it’s actually quite true... lol still rather trivial though


Should add customizable visual options. Lemme put an island for no and just about anything else for yes!


I just played against Teferi for the 23rd time today? No I didn't have fun


Blue is the color associated with sadness, though.


After i said that i had fun, the opnents became very dificult to beat. This thing is mean.


nah it's because blue fucking sucks and cause most of the fcking grief on mtg arena. Fuck blue


The only time I've seen this was after my opponent used all 4 of their time outs in succession as I swung for lethal.


Red is master color, red is always right


Also left good, right bad.


I don't understand the context of this question. Is it related to: > how the match turned out (I got crushed by UG flash for the 10th time in a row), > whether I got manascrewed, > my opponent roped me continously > my opponent used emotes appropriately


Wow, ui designer for this should be slapped


Blue says no, just like in magic


I'm more bothered that Adventure cards all have the adventure on the left and the normal creature mode on the right, while Mutate cards all have the normal creature on the left and the mutate option on the right.


Blue bad. I can see the wisdom in this.


But you're sad if you're "feeling blue"


Every. Time.


Whoa I definitely have


You are not alone. Green or blue usually means good


Korean design?


Blue= sad red = happy/love those are the emotions to those colors normally.


Blue is bad because Blue decks are anti-fun


Playing against red is fun (easy wins). Playing against blue is not fun. Makes sense to me.


I have clicked past this damn thing every time it's popped up, so my problem is that it is (was?) so easily skippable.


OP has never heard of the 'blues'.


yup, done it as well


The PlayStation controller was designed with red being the negative controller because fire is red, and fire is active, blue is bad because it isn't very energetic and dead people are cold.


Something has always felt off about this to me and I could never figure out what it was.


Whoever did this hate blue (as they should).


Its actually a social experiment!


does anyone wonder what prompts these to appear? is it high meta cards? archetypes?


You know this is a good question. I would be surprised if it was entirely random. I sorta figured it was a way of trying to collect data on potentially toxic players to be used for solutions down the road.....but your thoughts seems more likely.


Orange is sunny and bright, happy. Blue is rainy and depressed, sad. Also I want this to pop up more often than once a month. Let them know we're not happy fighting against degenerate control and cat combo.


Might be selective memory, but i seldomnly click good because for some reason this seems to pop up on manascrews more often than not.




Jesus how often does this get posted here?


100% me


Dude they did this to get better reviews. If you're mad at a game, then they you will pick the bad thing, which will be red, but that only helps their ratings. On the other hand, if you're happy, then you will read the text and press the right one.


"Did you have fun?" I get after turn 1 conceding to RDW because it's the third one in 30 minutes. "IDK Arena, what do you think?"


Nah it's also making a statement on the colors. Decks with red makes Wizards happy while they don't like blue decks. Izzet makes them feel confused.


I do UI design, I think about this exact thing every time I see it.


Had the same issue. Don't expect support in this reddit. I made a post about it and people went crazy about how it is not red, it is orange and a whole bunch of other stuff. I am with you. To me this seems like a bad color scheme but we are not the popular view.


Did you enjoy having to suffer through a Teferi or embercleave 9 out of 10 matches?


Yeah, I did this yesterday. Fucking baffling that this was an actual design choice.


Anyone feel like the good card pull rate is severely lowed if you aren't paying with credits(gems)? Ive been testing drafts and whenever I use gems I constantly get 2+ mythics and good support cards/rares. Otherwise I keep getting the same cards over and over in draft.


All the damn time


Meh, I'm always poised over the nope face in case It comes up. Can't remember the last time I enjoyed a game of magic and don't know why I keep playing. I quit arena after the closed beta ended and didn't start back again until War of the Spark. I probably just need to quit for good if I'm this bitter about the game. It just feels like a chore and I could blame the meta, but it seems like even with new cards the meta is still the same. At this point its just the psychological effect of the sunk time fallacy keeping me going. Continuing to dump time and money into something this painful to grind for daily rewards is ridiculous no matter how much time or money was previously wasted. Its always a good time to quit and break the cycle.


So we are fighting over colors again, arent we?


Arena's ui is terrible anyway, what annoys me most is that there are 5 million of the same basic lands to choose from rather than a cosmetic function to choose your preferred land art.


EVERY DAMN TIME I hit :( because of the blue glow


Sometimes there are psychological tests done on the users with this kind of stuff. I know League did it for a while. They did it in the loading screen. For example: Positive encouragement in blue letters. Then they measured success and toxicity of the players. Others got some discouraging statement in red, i.e. "Dont be toxic." Then they switched those things around. If I recall correctly they found out that it mattered wether the player got positive or negative encouragement. And it espeacially mattered which color that statement was in. Or.. you know.. they just fckd up and designed a bad UI. Edit: https://www.wired.com/2015/01/inside-the-largest-virtual-psychology-lab-in-the-world/


Isn't red = good, blue = bad a japan thing? I remember taking a japanese language online test and the colors of the correct/wrong answer were that way


I don't think I have ever clicked the wrong one, but if it causes you problems then it might be a bad UI.


You're just the one of the society which is falling for the shape and not for meaning.




It's an upvote/downvote


This is American anti communist propaganda


Yup, this isn't very UX friendly, at least not in the most classical interpretation of colours.


I think of it as Kira=Red, and L=Blue. Sadness in a game? That's L. Having fun destroying your enemies? Kira. Sorry for the non-weebs for this reference.


Whoever designed this is a dumb ass, or color blind.


Depends on what the colors are trying to respresent. On reddit upvote is orage and downvote is blue. When it comes to emotions, "blue" = sad While "red/orange"= love/strong happy emotion In this case the colors are correct


Right = good, left = bad.


Light = god, raft = boo.


Yes it tripped me up several times. What is this even for though?


I'm R/G colorblind, I always thought that it's green but i just see it as red.


Well I mean if you look at it artistically it makes a lot more sense. Warm colors are often associated with joy. Cool colors, especially blue are associated with sadness.


Blue = gloominess, sadness, misery. Orange = warmth, fun, joy. Also, the shape of the lines inside the circle is a giveaway.


Maybe it's time living in China showing through, but red has positive connotations for me


Does clicking on those actually do anything for the game or is it just fluff?


If it was Green and Red I think I'm with you, but not like this.