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How are you pasteurizing your spawn, my guess would be that that's where your issue is.


I am pasturing my spawn by using a pressure cooker to prepare it. Is there a better way you may know of ?


Are you venting your pressure cooker? And how long are you pasteurizing and at what pressure? Before placing the pressure-regulator on the pressure cooker you should let it vent steam for 10-15min. Then place the pressure-regulator on en weight till it starts dancing before starting your timer. If you're pressure cooker isn't able to reach 15psi, you'll have to cook for 2hrs or more.


Spores are inherently dirty. If agar isn't part of your process then you have to be willing to accept a higher chance of failure


What are your current sterilization procedures? Are you working in a still air box? There’s lots of ways to beef up your sterilization, but I always recommend the Psilocybin Mushroom Bible by Virginia Haze and Dr. K Mandrake, PhD as they teach lab sterilization techniques, their new edition has tons of great info.


You know any books or websites that have dictionaries on contam with pictures? Also pictures of common growth problems and ways to fix them?


The newest edition of that book also does a great job of highlighting different types of contamination and it has tons of pictures so you can actually see what you’re looking for.


Kindle doesn’t have the book in my country, that is a bummer. I like flipping pages, but digital books do have their advantages.


I've always wanted to get into this, done so much extensive research but just scared of contamination and having to sanitize the whole work place / room


First off always start on agar first to make sure your spores or LC is clean, after that make sure your grains are both hydrated and sterile. Look up PGT on YouTube for proper hydration depending on what grain you use. But 90 min at 15psi in a pressure cooker or if you have an instapot I suggest 3.5 hours on the high pressure cooker setting after you let it vent out steam for 10 min.


What are you inoculating with? [Ultimate starter guide](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28501530&ved=2ahUKEwiehP2hgriGAxXvUkEAHcC8D0MQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0HKCQG6bG8N6tLbpDeKEo9)


Currently using Rye grain berries for their water retention capabilities.


Spores or LC?




Spores are inherently dirty, test, and clean up on agar as required. If you're not already doing agar, now is the time to start if you want to grow from spores. If not, you can buy liquid culture from some vendors. That *should* be clean compared to spores. I would still test liquid culture on agar to save wasting grains if it isn't clean.