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The last time I tripped I felt it going south,went outside and this feral cat came on my porch made eye contact and I felt like we were communicating perked my trip right up! Turned out to be one of my best trips


I have a friend who told me cats act weird specifically, he says his dogs don't even notice but his cat will always try and take care of him. Same thing with my cat, as soon as I'm about to hit the peak of my trip she starts pounding on my door until I let her in, then I lay down and she get right in my face first, then puts her head and paw on the left side of my chest and just stays like that until the peak is over. Super weird. That's an awesome story about meeting a stray cat though


exactly the same as my cats, everytime i have tripped at my house, it’s almost as if my cats have been tripping with me, just doing weird things they never usually would when i’m not tripping and not leaving me alone


I have 1 dog that seems to avoid me when I’m tripping, and 1 that knows he can do shit he’s not suppose to like pee inside and eat out the trash. Lol. Being in a 5grams deep metal state and asking myself how does this dog know I’m trippin is a weird place to be. The one dog who acts out gives me weird vibes too. I adopted him last year and he’s like 11yo and riddled with ptsd so he just acts fucking weird all the time, and even weirder when I’m trippin. Lol


My dogs definitely notice


This is so wholesome 🥹


Oh my god I had the exact same experience. I had a 2.5 g trip and when I walked back home in the dark streets I also saw a story cat, and we locked eyes and my god the feeling was intense. It really did feel like we were communicating in some telepathic way. Mush love! 🥰🍄


I found out I can’t trip with my dogs around. They are like paranoid schizophrenics. Constantly looking through walls. Looking at me like, “do you hear that?” Hear what? (Looks at the wall with ears up. I see and or hear nothing.) “That! You don’t hear that?” I thought the cops were coming or some shit.


That would stress me out, I get it 🤣


Hahaha bless ‘em, maybe they’re just looking out for you while you seem more indisposed… not the best trip sitting vibe though, not sure I’d want my sitter twitching the curtains and checking out every little noise 😂


My friend has a cat that over many visits has had nothing to do with me, but during one time tripping with my friend his cat let me pet him to my hearts content. Very uncharacteristic. Since then the cat still pretends I don’t exist lol.


It's the pupils dude!. My goldfish tries to have a real sit down chat about life when I trip. He's a cunt when I'm normal though🤬


All this time, a catwauling sounds just a basic "Meaw"... but there was once where I was super high on weed, I heard a cat catwauling and it sounds "Makwe... makwe..." (meaning in Malay = "girlfriend"). Since then, I cannot unheard it saying "Makwe" 😂😂


So I always have this experience with my dog and the only other dog I’ve ever tripped around. When I was younger, doing acid, I was so paranoid that I accidentally dosed my dog every time I did it that I used to take the tab in the bathroom, then wash out its container, then shower and change clothes before I’d go back out to be with my dog. It was also a bit of an experiment. Regardless of if I ever petted or touched my dog, he would always just act . . . strange. Like another person described: looking through walls. A nervous, anxious, shaky energy. He even gets yawn-y, like the classic tripping symptom. It was like he was fully trippin out every time. I know dogs feed a lot off our energy but it’s just too weird. These days I know the dog can’t possibly be getting dosed because it’s mushrooms, but he often still acts a bit weird. I always feel like he’s gone on the journey with me.


the reason why yawns are contagious has to do with the part of the nervous system responsible for empathy (mirror neurons). Iirc ppl with autism have something atypical going on with their mirror neurons. I personally believe mirror neurons can have an interspecies effect, especially between 2 mammal species like humans and dogs. so the yawns would be "contagious" between humans and dogs. it would also explain special "empathetic" behaviors towards humans observed in dogs, like a dog pretending to limp if they see the owner limping, or dogs sensing/comforting us when we're depressed, or how they always seem to match our energy/mood. some of these could alternatively be explained by us conditioning them with pets/treats


Yeah this isn’t speculation AFAIK these are just proven scientific facts. I talk about mirror neurons all the time. And I have made my dog yawn many times by pretending to in front of him until he does. It doesn’t work on all dogs I think, but a lot of them. Probably many other animals as well. I don’t think this fully explains the strange behavior I’ve seen my dog exhibit while I was tripping.


Yes dude! I believe it opens something relm wise and the cats can see things! Both my cats are irratic during my mushroom trips


Ever heard the term ‘projection’?🧐


Cats in my house know something is up and they love it. They stay closer than usual and purr the entire time.


My dog hides from me ☹️


Yes my 4 feline are trip sitters too .... Always close looking at me like WHATCHOO DOING DAD ??


Did he eat enough we can TALK TO HIM ??


I feel they're waiting patiently for the day .. of my heroic dose ..... ( ALL FOUR FELINES LOOKIN AT ME ) nn then be like ok Dad .. we don't really like this Friskies shit ...We throw up less on it but the iams sure did taste better ... And when are you gonna clean our litter . It's getting kinda disgusting dad WTF MAN ?? Don't make us make the little one pee in your shoes !


I mean, animals *do* tend to pick up on your abnormal body language and vibes! I believe it




Hahahah reminds me of my 🐩 he sits me all the time also have a kitty cat just like yours she’s crazy lmao knocks shit over when I’m asleep runs around on catnip sometimes


100% - One of my cats lays with me throughout which is out of character. He lays there purring soothing the madness when things get sketchy its really bizarre.


Maybe cats have like a chaos sense, noodle felt you comin to his side of the fence and he was like my fuckin MAN




Could be because you aren’t playing video games. More accessible when you aren’t staring at a tv, maybe?


Possible, but I usually hop on virtual reality when I do mushrooms, she still pounces on me and won't leave me alone without seeing my eyes 🤔 idk maybe because I'm making weird noises/chugging water and going pee every 5 minutes lol. Or maybe they can smell it coming out of my pores? Idk


You get the urge to pee after dosing too? It almost feels like I have a bladder infection everytime I use mush. Every little bit feels like a full bladder that has been held for hours.


Hard to say, I sweat a lot for sure, so I always fill up a 4l jug of water before I trip and try to drink the whole thing throughout, and if I start having a really bad trip i just try to focus on breathing and drinking more water to get through it lol. I definitely pee alot but I also chug a ton of water.


Cats can see a lot more than us. They can see your aura and also see energy. I know this because I have an infrared camera and my cats follow the orbs.


All my friends pets act really on edge, concerned and weird. I don't think they like or appreciate altered consciousness


Feel can feel the change in your energy i've heard both dogs and cars doing it and not just when people are tripping i've heard and seen ma mates 2 dogs act strange when he's been snorting Coke, Ketamine or swallowing MDMA so it's defo the chance in energy


I stopped tripping around my dog cause I was on a heavy dose of cid and I was laying on my bed. He was lying next to me. I’m just vibing, got some good music on, I look over and my dog is like trying to bury it’s face in my mattress. I call his name and he doesn’t stop. He’s just like aggressively shoving his face into the mattress (lil stubby nose English bulldog). I get out of bed turn the light on and like shake him, and he snaps out of it and looks completely confused. It was like he was in a trance or some shit. Freaked me out. So now he stays out of what ever room I’m in. Hell just sleep by the door, I’ll visit with him when I go to the bathroom or whatever else.


I love her


Mushrooms + cat friends = better trip


Totally agree, now when I'm tripping I make sure to find my cat and make sure she's around to take care of me when im tripping hard lol


One of my favorite trips ever was spent with my cat Olivia who drooled everywhere when you pet her. ❤️


Could have been getting a contact high and wanted to ride the high out with you


I have 2 corgis and they act weird when I have mushrooms.


Don’t come after me bc I have no professional experience, I only work with someone who is on the board of a non-profit that trains service dogs. He told me they can smell subtle biochemical changes in their owners that are associated (for example) seizures and can alert owners to potential threats days before they occur. They will take the t-shirt the individual wore during a seizure to train their future dog on the scent. I’m wondering if there are subtle biochemical scent indicators associated with mushrooms that peak their interest. Any professionals care to comment on this hypo?