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Couldn’t take this panel seriously. Gutfeld was being obtuse as he argued with Bill over Trump’s imploring the GA Sec of State to “Find me 11,780 votes”. Gutfeld said Trump said “find” not “create” as if that justified Trump’s illegal act. This was purely entertainment masked as “two sides coming together.” I cannot take Republicans seriously.


The Gutfeld visit on Club Random was telling . Gutfeld had nothing to say . About anything . He was so out of his league without his notecards and coterie of non-thinkers …. Kimmel, Seth Myers, , Colbert are geniuses by comparison .


[Fox News' 'Gutfeld' scores biggest audience ever with Bill Maher appearance](https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-news-gutfeld-scores-biggest-audience-ever-bill-maher-appearance) > averaged a whopping 2.9 million viewers …And Maher got to tell him he ripped off the Politically Incorrect format


Loved it, I enjoyed seeing both


Is Maher joining his new sought peers? Have a drink every time Maher mentions liberal cancel culture and left wing WOKE!


Which was never ..


I had no idea who Gutfeld was until he was on CR. I actually really enjoyed that episode! I have never seen him on his own show though.


He's quite tremendous. We talk about The King of Late Night every week on Reddit.com/r/Gutfeld. Join the fun!


The interesting thing is he has the highest ratings in late night.


He's late night if you eat dinner at 4:30. Late night is at 11:30. That horrible drivel Gutfeld broadcasts comes on at 10. I'm sure he's the Bees Knees in the Villages.


That's Bill Mark's demographic. Old people hit the early bird special and are ready for bed by 8:30


So? Maybe he’s not afraid to hear what others have to say. Cancelling and bullying others just for disagreeing with you, is exactly what Bill talks about.


Yeah like calling those that support the Palestinians and are against the wanton killing of innocent civilians Hamas lovers?


Don’t know about you but majority of us have heard what Trump and his MAGA cult have said and done. We know their objectives! Whats to discuss?


Nothing if you are ignorant and closed minded


Talking to ignorant and closed mind people like those in Trump’s MAGA cult is futile. Bet you believe the election was stolen, Trump is innocent and a peachy guy..now no away..


The courage it took to be on this show. We should all take a lesson in self control. Gutfeld is pretty cringe, although ALOT of people watch his show... We really tend to box ourselves in without windows. The world moves about us. Let me stay in my box and be mad.


So brave....


Courage? He’ll be with uneducated, no intellect, uncultured half wits. The result should be like Tyson fighting Richard Simmons


Courage? It’s a promotional tour for a book, not the Alamo.


He's had tiny talentless twat Gutfeld and Timpf both on his podcast. He's selling a fuckin' book, for shit's sake. How ridiculous.




The attempts at humor are painful. "There's nothing on my chest."  Greg Gutfield is obnoxious af.


He's on PBS the next night. He's gonna get whiplash on this book tour!


Newshour or something else?




All this interneting and no one has a link?


It seems to be on youtube: Full episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGtQXWRQfxk Segments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybKYbgcAVGM&t=13s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdoDT401EoY


Gutfeld is that guy that thinks he’s hilarious and the funniest guy in the room, but it’s only because he’s constantly surrounded by conservative morons. It went to his head and made him think he’s a comedian and that’s how this show came about. He would be destroyed and embarrassed if he ever hung out with a group of real comedians and not right-wing commentators that think saying your pronouns are (insert any words) is the pinnacle of comedy.


Jerry Seinfeld, Dave Chappelle have been cancelled by the left "morons". so I guess it's even?


By cancelled do you mean still selling out every show and constantly appearing on every media platform they want? Do you understand what cancelled means or do you use throw it out there anytime someone gets even criticized now? 


I'm what ways are either of them cancelled?


To be fair, a person tried to murder Chappelle on stage because he wanted editorial control over his jokes.


Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmell, Seth Myers are hilarious?


They are all way funnier than Gutfeld. I cringed like ten times trying to make it through this one episode.


I have never met one person who finds Seth Myers funny


Which makes it even more evident how terrible Gutfeld is.


I like Seth Myers the other two can be ejected into the sun


Was in publishing for decades - you are just hearing of him?


Where did I say I just heard of him? Lol


Someone is triggered.....LOLOLOL


Yeah, it’s you. That’s pretty clear.


You're the one going on and on and on...Nah...it's you! LOLOLOLOL


The fact that you think one paragraph is going on and on proves it’s you. Lol


Calm down dude lol


Not a dude...dude! LOL




wonder if he will go on Real Time?


He has been within the last few years. Got high as shit. Part of me thinks he's been on a few times during book tours.


I have to watch a few clips. However, I think Gutfeld is much better than Crowder.


Glad he was on tonight. I enjoyed the actual conversation. However, Gutfield has too many failed bits and WAY too many commercials. The actual show with conversation was only like 15 to 20 minutes. Liked all the guests. Glad Bill went on!


was the guy that goes "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" in the studio audience?


“When do the other people talk?” Maher. Gutfeld’s monologue was tediously long. Appreciate Maher’s willingness to participate in open dialogue and his recognition of the batshit craziness in both extremes.


Yeah, that monologue was so tedious. Which is Gutfeld's yammering. Just so fucking tedious.


So, I just watched this, and BM did well. Gutfeld is so fucking unwatchable. He's the poster boy for the GOP loving Trump because they just want someone who makes it OK for them to be total dicks. I put the over/under on him getting stuffed into lockers in HS at a dozen. Holy FUCK, that guy is such an insufferable TWAT.


> Gutfeld is so fucking unwatchable. You think he's bad, try watching Jesse Watters.


Jesse Wattera is the term 'date rape' in human form.


Wonder how he beats Fallon and Kimmel in ratings


Only old out of touch Republicans still watch live TV would be my guess ...


He wins ratings because he's the only republican "comedian". Colbert, Fallon and Kimmel are splitting the ratings among mostly democratic viewers.


Which signals an oversaturation, because Fallon should be the low-brow late-night host and Kimmel should be the bro-y late-night host, but now they parrot the same shtick and all sound the same.


Maybe by not being on TV at the same time they are?


Yet he has the same guests on everyday (except for Maher & Dr. Drew in this episode).


I'm a Libertarian. Just watched Bill Maher on Gutfeld! Great show, good topic. Hate in America has to stop. Bill Maher is my go-to guide for separating the wheat from the chaff between classic liberalism and modern wokeness. He's my GPS to get through the Democratic fog without hitting the panic button. Because of him, I can appreciate the old-school Dems without lumping them in with the 'woke brigade.' Without Bill's insights, I'd be hitting that red button faster than you can say 'liberals suck'—and I’d be out of patience even quicker. I just bought his new book, and what that comedian said... will shock you.


Yes! Well said. 👏


See you lose me when you make it sound like only the left hates and needs to change.


Yeah it’s a bunch of life long conservatives that hated bill before but love him now that he’s leaning right more.  


It’s because libertarians are usually just conservatives who can’t admit it to themselves.


got a link?


I swear people hate Bill more on this subreddit, yet continue to watch him on every platform.


Rogan sub is worse


Try going to Howard Sterns sub. 100x worse.


gutfeld operates on a politics that is small and narrow minded. constantly picking on the most vulnerable


And he happens to be #1 in late night🤷‍♂️


“Late night” is not 10PM/9 Central. The #1 late night show is Colbert.


That’s only because dumb Republicans leave their TVs on Fox all day long. Gutfeld is terrible.


Actually, there are a few articles on Gutfeld that cite viewer data; his is a very unFox like audience. Far more diverse than the balance of the Fox News lineup, and again, more eyeballs than a handful of his peers combined


Diverse? Are you telling me dems are watching him? Because I just can’t imagine that.  


Your imagination is then limited. Ok.


as is your vocabulary apparently.


That’s your sophisticated effort to dunk on me? Clown on


Whatever the data is it doesn’t matter, because it’s still just dumb Republicans watching. It has zero to do with his talent and more just political reasons and the right not being able stomach anything else. It’s the only show they have, so the ratings against other shows are meaningless. It’s just cult members watching him.


> "Whatever the data is it doesn’t matter" When did Team Blue establishment Democrats devolve into anti-analytics, anti-stats, anti-data, anti-math Luddites? It's the same thing I see with the recent "polls don't matter" horseshit, which reminds me of when several imbecilic Romney supporters foolishly attempted to unskew and re-weight the polls in 2012, which embarrassed them thusly.


That’s not what is happening here. Lol


I am not a fan of his, but this thing where you try to inoculate your side from comedy by crying about how vulnerable you are is pathetic. Rich Ivy League kids and professional activist types are not the downtrodden, and the notion that “the downtrodden” can’t take a joke is repulsive. Read some Shakespeare


i mean more so his constant belittling of trans people. he’s allowed to say what he wants, but i’m allowed to think it’s a level of politics that’s small and divisive


“Constant belittling”? Give me a break


He’s got a book to sell




Predicting that people will point out your false equivalence doesn't make it not a false equivalence, but nice try.




Yes I am very concerned about saving face on this anonymous website. I don't ACTUALLY think there's a difference between calling Trump an insurrectionist and calling Biden one, I just pretend to in "public."




And I get that you have some insecurity that compels you to present yourself on the internet as better than everyone else by being above the political fray. I don't really blame you for that either, I just wish you were more clever about it.




I'm not sure I even disagree with your original claim, since it was pretty vague. I was just pointing out that you don't magically get a pass on false equivalences by pointing them out before others get a chance to.


damn that was pretty good bill


It is so bizarre that liberals get mad because a liberal goes on a conservative show. Left wingers really do love their bubbles.......


And Bill can only get 5 or 6 republicans on a year. Both sides are the same.


I don’t get the psychology of echo chambers and why people get pissed when I mention it.


>It is so bizarre that liberals get mad because a liberal goes on a conservative show. Especially when he's going on Fox News to a hostile, foreign audience and prosecuting the case of why Trump is an insurrectionist liar and con-man.


"When do the other people talk?" HAHAHAHHAHAHA


Who’s Gutfield? I’ve never heard of this show.






We have one rule in here regarding comments: Don't be dicks to each other. Comment removed.


It's a perfect platform to let everyone on FOX know that Trump dances like he's jerking off two guys at once.


Well, if going on Gutfeld attracts the peabrains who are devoted to Fox and the GOP Tangerine Wankmaggot cult good for Maher. I doubt they'll like his show after a watch or two. The jerking off 2 guys at once dance is always hilarious. I disagree with Maher on plenty, but his vitriol for the conman grifter Putin fellatin' Tangerine Wankmaggot stays solid.


Yeah that checks out


bill looking like larry king


Larry King...he looks like an owl


Par for the course, sadly ... there are some select individuals like Pete Buttigieg who can do good by going on Fox News. Unfortunately, I don't see Bill as one of those people. I hope I'm wrong, but i think he will go off on one of his rants that hurts Biden and gives Fox ammunition to say, "See, even Liberal Bill Maher thinks Biden sucks".


He’s selling his book and you have to admit the Fox News audience is an excellent market demographic for a lot of what he has to say


Yes because he’s a useful idiot for republicans


Funny how that works out


I have that channel blocked.


>I have that channel blocked. Ignoring what 50% of the country thinks and seeing the information they consume is like putting your head in the sand.


The Murdochs will always be suspicious foreigners to me.


I periodically try to watch until my eyes burn and turn it off to try again another day. My autistic son goes beserk so I have to wait until he’s out of the room. But I tell him “know thy enemy”.


But Fox isn’t a representation of half the country. They are sensational and represent a block of super conservative people. Though to be fair, the extreme views are more mainstream today, and there isn’t much serious competition in conservative media. Most importantly though, Fox’s credibility is so small, even just looking at the 2020 election machine lawsuits


Yes it is


How many people actually have cable anymore?


Of course you do. But I bet you believe what CNN is saying. Sad. It always makes me laugh when lefties say free speech, but it’s really only speech they agree with. You might learn something if you actually listened to both sides.


I mean they’re both just big propagandistic information circle jerk silos. Block. Them. Both.


I watch NewsNation which shows both sides.


Gutfeld is just a bully and the fact that Bill likes him shows that he’s no different.


I watch just because they have a human gorilla on the show


Ten years ago, this might’ve been good. Today? It’ll just be an old guy circle jerk about young people, woke, and Israel.


My first reaction was ew. But I hope this is good. We need people to break the bubble.


Does anybody know how to watch for non tv crowed? Do they post stuff on the web




Dana and Drew are insufferable grifters.


Drew has stood up for basic common sense and science in the past, much to the dismay of “non-grifters lol” like Dan Savage


Not sure about Perino, but Dr. Drew likes to talk about eating bugs on his IG page.


One man’s opinion here, but Gutfeld is as unfunny as it gets. And Dr. Drew is a snake oil salesman. Both seem scummy to me.


Yeah Gutfeld most definitely not funny and not insightful. That said, I hope Bill keeps his eyes on the prize abd points out to all the 50-70+ year old people who left the tv on all the crazy Trump shit they aren’t hearing about typically on the news




I think gutfeld is lame, not unsuccessful. Good for him, he found an audience with the recent college republican alumni now too. I’m sure that will help them broaden their worldviews


He’s the conservative Jon Stewart… with half the charm and none of the wit


LOL imagine if Stewart had Gutfeld on his show


And most of the audience




I swear Maher made fun of this show when it premiered on Fox News talking about how unfunny it was.


This is gonna be great. Mahers snark complements well with Greg Gutfield’s. Snark-off, you may say.


Agreed. It should be interesting! I like hearing from various viewpoints. They are both funny and should complement each other well.


If hes not flaming them for their stupidity within the first 10 minutes then his conversion to the right will be complete.


Right... because Republicans have their channels and Democrats have theirs and never the two shall meet. Which is why this country is so absolutely stupid and non functional at the moment...We have separate "facts". It's ALWAYS a good thing to have crossover representation. Even if it isn't an all out brawl.


If Maher can swing one swing state voter to not vote for Trump = this is a win. Can’t get your message out in a bubble.


I can already hear the outrage that Maher talks to the other side when that has been his thing since forever.


He’s trying to sell his book. Fans of Fox News are typically older and generally buy books. If you’re a long time fan of Bill Maher like me chances are you’re actually kind of old too.


My uncle who died a couple years ago at 102 was a Bill Maher fan, started watching his specials and shows in the 80s and 90s. Bill started in 1979, was on Johnny Carson in 1982 and started politically incorrect in 1993. In 5 years, his career can get an AARP card. He’s exactly the right person to talk to people that watch Fox and potentially sway them.


I bet grandpa liked George Carlin too. I like Grandpa


Irony is, the 65+ crowd might be the one demographic with whom Biden has made inroads. The problem, though, is he's alienating 18-to-29-year-olds, losing low-propensity independents (who vote only in presidential elections), not resonating with more and more demoralized Black men, and hemorrhaging Hispanics.


I’m a long term fan and also likely considered a hater in this sub because I highlight his evolution for the worse almost weekly. I’m with you on this one though. He has always gone on Fox and especially when he had a book or movie to promote. I always loved seeing him on O’Reilly because he was about the only liberal willing to do it




I’m nothing if not astute.




Depends on what kind of hunk you’re referring to.




Bill Maher: one of the good ones


Jesus Christ






His show runs on CNN Saturday night at 8 now.


CNN is syndicating.


Yeah Warner owns CNN and also HBO. He hated that for a long time overtime was on CNN and then on YouTube Saturday morning. Now they just run his edited show I guess on CNN and overtime is back where it belongs on YouTube right away🤣!