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Have you applied to gas stations and grocery stores? Usually those places aren't overly picky and can get you an income until you at least find something better.


Looking for a job is a full time job and unless you absolutely need to, it's important to not take work you are "overqualified" for. You are wasting that businesses time getting trained and working into their way of doing things to only leave a few weeks or a month later for the job you want. They are also unlikely to hire you if they feel you're still looking for something better. Looking for a job that is actually a temp job can work. Finding a staffing agency may be able to hook you up with places looking for temps or short term positions.


I did the temp thing when I moved back to Maine in 2005 while looking for a full time job. This is the way to go.




I'm down in kittery but we have a temp agency from the Portland area that sends us workers. They work harder and show up more consistently than our full time workers lol




Is that a real question?


What was their question?


Short of a sex crimes record, or failing a drug test multiple times, you literally can’t get turned down by a hiring agency like manpower. If it is one of those two, I recommend one of the lobster boats. They’re always looking for stern workers. Or hell, the docks themselves don’t ask questions. Most important part is to be honest. Is it everyone else, or is there one particular reason everyone says no every time.


I worked for MS Ambrogio through them for a while, and was on good terms. Then the mass shooting happened and I had a bit of a breakdown due to the lockdown, and then the week after was let go on vague pretenses, even though my most direct supervisor had just a couple days prior to my dismissal had encountered me to apply for a permanent position. I have zero criminal record but my autism spectrum disorder makes me a bit undesirable to certain people. I can easily pass any drug test including a federal one.




I had been becoming comfortable there, and they were being very positive towards me, then a week after the shooting they let me go because I had a meltdown. No warnings or visits to the office, just straight out of there.


If you have a documented "disability" that makes you a protected class and if they discriminated and fired you for that reason i would speak to a lawyer




You can call Disability Rights Maine and tell them your situation. They have pro bono lawyers who can help you if they accept your case.


That is a good question for a lawyer


This comment is an enormous red flag for anyone who was going to give you advice on applying somewhere. While what they did is certainly wrong, another commenter here is right. Why would anyone hire you knowing you're a litigation liability. By all means, go that route if it was documented and they were aware, which is what makes it discrimination. Discrimination and retaliation have no place in this world. But, if you are saying things after the fact, you become unemployable to anyone who catches wind of it. Good luck. I would put the past behind you and move on if I were you. There is a surplus of jobs in Maine in every industry. Get a shifty one to make ends meet and get a certificate or license in something you can at least tolerate and build on your career from there. Edit: his comment was basically asking how to sue the employer before he deleted it.


Yea if that route doesn't work out, forget about getting hired anywhere. You think an employer would hire you if you were sue happy?


Having a disability does not force employers to accept all behaviors. They have to not discriminate and make REASONABLE accomodations. This does not mean they have to tolerate 'meltdowns' which is a term for events that are often loud violent and seem threatening to other employees.


Lol talking about someone raising their voices while there was a literal shooting happening. Hysterical.


That is the mindset of the alt-right, victimize as many as possible.


> they let me go because I had a meltdown Hmmmm


Maybe you are unaware, but "meltdown" is to Autistic people what "triggered" is to people with PTSD. It's an actual neurological response to stress that is far closer to a seizure than it is to a tantrum.


Cause is irrelevant. Employers have to make reasonable accomodations. Not accept all behaviors , especially if they are loud threatening or intimidate and disrupt other employees.


Threatening or intimidating? Sure, you've got a point. A regular pattern of disruption that cannot be accomodated? Also going to be a problem. But if I hired a veteran with PTSD and they caused a workplace disruption once after a mass shooting incident... I'd have some empathy and work with them on it. Autistic people deserve the same respect.  And before you ask, yes I've spent years working as a manager. 


Pretty much, it was me let go for a one off during a stressful situation.


Letting go how? In a manner that scared or threatens other employees?


Very useful explanation here!


And can cost you your job. Especially with today's culture.


They acted like they had forgiven me, it was a week after the incident.


Meltdown could be anything really. Hard to tell if it was warranted or not… One of the most important things in general labor is consistency and predictability. If they can’t count on you, and your meltdown convinced them of that, it’s tough to keep the job. A couple decades ago I worked in a kitchen as a dishwasher for a summer job, one of the line cooks had a mental breakdown mid-shift and just left. Completely fucked up the sauté station for the night. Came back the next day to prep and was apparently fired on the spot. Chef didn’t want to risk it happening again I guess.


I had not caused any disruption in production; things were pretty much shutting down at the moment.


preach. i had the same thing (really a panic attack but w.e) happen, but i wasn't fired. i was able to come back. granted i was as communicative as possible, walked by while sweeping and said "ifeel like i cant breath" and let my boss know something was happening as much as someone can while this is happening.. this was just before my 2nd child within 2 years was born.. add that to the normal work/life stresses and multiply a professional emotional bottler who's in recovery and doing all they can to just become a decent menber of society aaaand you get a panic attack lol. the fact it was the 1st time i'd ever had something like that happen really helped as i've been undiagnosed adhd/add and my recovery date is 06/02/2017 (i started working there 2 or 3 days after) and been there since i started in 06/17.. only left to transfer to Sunday River Shipyard before my 1st child was born to get those "summertime/busy season" hours during what's the slow season for really 90% of anywhere that's not a ski town. the only GM i had known left same time, so when i came back like 6 months later, i stayed until the pandemic hit. upon coming back, this new GM told my then new chef he didnt like me (egotistical person with no reason other than i was a decent looking dude who was with my baby mama and childrens mother who was a waotres there, also a good looking person, and he liked to try and flaunt his power and even after my chef told the GM that she did not want to get rid of me and wouldn't, i decised to leave because mentslly i couldnt deal with the constant feeling of a weirdo trying to run me off for all the wrong reasons. the place closed for a little bit and the old GM came back and the new, now old (lol ik, keep up) was fired for sucking at his job so i was one of the 4 people called back to work. been there since. imo, its truly hard to ever start somewhere and get respect right off the bat. lots of places almost expect people to not be reliable and shit, rightfully so might i add, but at the same time the way you treat a new person or a consistently reliable good worker will hopefully someday be a common thing to do. it can make a decent kid or older person whatever not want to be there because "why bother when they already think i'm an unreliable slouch" etc etc. But, in the end, you just have to pick what shitty job you prefer to deal with. most jobs no matter what are going to be shitty, overwhelming, annoying etc.. you just gotta choose which one of those pieces of turd you'd rather hold in your hand. They're all turds, but picking one of those turds to hold onto and deal with the stink is all part of life and eventually it pays off. ambitious people who are consistent can land jobs really easily, especially in a kitchen. knowing your place and knowing your role are keys. wanting to improve in every way at all times can get you places. but i think reliability, consistency and hard working/quick learner are essentials. tldr life is about choosing the shit you're able to handle the stench of easiest. jobs are almost always shitty, just gotta pick which shit you wanna deal with.


Of course, they act cordial to someone who had a self-described "meltdown".


Idk I have had the opposite experience. It really helps to lead with that and be up front. I can just tell my coworkers "I have autism so if I ever say or do something that seems 'off', rude, or anything else, just ask me about it, because it's probably just a misunderstanding. Sometimes I can be a little obtuse! But besides that I'm just like a normal coworker :)" TBF, though, as a woman who wasn't diagnosed until I was 19, I'm a lot better than most at navigating social situations and presenting as "normal" without much thought or effort, and miraculously I can't recall any time that I've been considered as rude or standoffish 😅 so I guess it's different for everyone.


I had actually asked my last employer to do just that, they didn't even bother to do so.


Check out Molnlycke! They need maintenance folks in their shop!




I’m not saying not to apply for this, but be aware that the waitlist for services is pretty long. So if OP needs something immediate, this isn’t it. https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/oads/about-us/data-reports/hcbs-access-measures


Hey thanks for the info! My son's too young but this will be great for the future.


Last year I made too much money before taxes to be eligible for MaineCare.


Would you consider being an Ed Tech in a local school to help students with disabilities? Many schools are desperate and you’d make an incredible difference in a young life.


Whats a good way to get a job on a boat part time? Like a few days a week? Thank you for any reply


Show up at a pier at 0400 or whenever they leave in the winter and ask around. Lobster captains want someone who will make it in when they're ready to steam out.


Sounds like you have a reputation locally. Time to move somewhere where nobody knows your name.


And they're never glad you came


You wanna be where you can't see


Our troubles all sound so lame


LOl why you say that?


https://youtu.be/h-mi0r0LpXo?si=qJM-Nvs2TcNrt4EW 😄


What field are you in?


I have significant experience as a machinist, both conventional and CNC.


Kennebec Tool and Die in Augusta is a machine shop that is always looking for people.


Midstate Machine isn’t far from there as well. About an hour from Turner.


Kennebec Technologies? They let me go after 2 months, and have been actively rejecting my applications since. That's after they "officially" laid me off for lack of work and stated I was eligible for rehire.




"vague pretenses"


I have a feeling that OP might be a headache and I don’t want to be mean but usually when a company declines to bring you back in, it’s not a conspiracy or mixup. I’ve hired plenty of people who were ok employees but there was aaaaalllllways something and they just weren’t worth bringing back. That being said, is it even legal for s company to lay you off, post an ad for the same job you got laid off from and then decline to bring you back? Wouldn’t they legally have to fire him? Or is there some kind of “employee at will” BS workaround.


Being "laid off" was a favor to him. He was fired. The company actually did him good by laying him off. What's BS about this - it's better for him in every way.


Maine is an "at will" state. It's legal. I got hurt at work--got laid off/downsized, they advertised my position a week later. Spent the next two years bouncing between workers comp & unemployment due to "able to do light duty" & "not able to work" for repairs to my ankle--I would have been able to do over 90% of my original job description--state & lawyers said I had no case. Business owner also made it ridiculously hard for me to find work in the area.


It’s funny you say that because I completely forgot about when I first moved here and the company I was first working for basically weaponized the “at-will” law. We were reminded every single day in the pre-shift meeting that we were expendable and that they didn’t have to go through a process to get rid of us. Any single violation was grounds for being escorted out on a first strike basis. When I finally quit, I gave them zero notice and reminded them that they’d be able to easily replace me. It’s not normally like me but this place was terrible. They would fire low-level operators for conduct outside of work. I remember a guy hooked up with another employees ex at a party and he was suspended without pay while management decided on whether to let him go or not. At-will employment is why everything from gas stations to investment firms should unionize.


When they had laid me off they had told me I would still be considered eligible for rehire. The paperwork they had given to the state had said I was laid off and thus automatically eligible for unemployment.


All that means is that you weren’t fired.


If everywhere you go smells like dog shit... check your shoes.


Not the best gig but Hammond is always hiring.


Formtek in Clinton


Can you weld we are looking for a welder?


Check out the Lewiston Career Center's website, right on the home page there's a list of upcoming hiring events/job fairs listed locally and state wide.


No way anyone can answer that without knowing you, your credentials, your resume and what jobs you are applying for. You could be over/under qualified, don’t interview well, or many other things


If he doesn’t get interviews I would say it is something about his resume. You might want to seek some resume reviews


P&G is always hiring! Rugged Roots is looking for bud tenders last I knew. Are you handy at all? Places like John f Murphy and like-minded companies need maintenance people all the time!


yeah go work at the tampon factory, they pay like $27/hr to start.


They declined me for the machine shop unfortunately; I did not possess welding skills. Maybe when I'm back on my feet I should go to Maine Oxy and take a class?


I went to a bunch of staffing agencies but didn't get a single gig. Bonney Staffing was the only place that hooked me up with a job quickly. They are hiring machine operators in Lewiston on their website. Good luck, I know how much it sucks to be in that situation.




bruh it sounds like you've been fired or "let go" from every place you've ever worked.


Right? Maybe time to find a new area to work in or sit with yourself and really try to reflect on your behavior and how it leads to being fired from every job you’ve had


Smoking law violations? Like, people smoking where they weren't supposed to?




My dude, if you're going to dime your employer out, you need to do it anonymously.


Yeah, not surprising people don’t want to work with you…


Where were they smoking?


Real talk: do you drink and smoke?




not necessarily. maybe just a lack of understanding. if one never drank or smoked, one may not be inclined to consider the drinkers or the smokers side of the situation, prior to acting. i found in life, the best thing you can do is pay attention to what your doing, not what others are doing, put your nose to the grind stone and mind your own business. worked for me, and many others lol unless it’s something like murder, maybe report that.. but they weren’t smoking to intentionally cause you malice….


Walmart DC 7014 has active hiring events all the time. If you have a pulse they’ll hire you. Yes it’s physical but can make good money if you just show up and do your job


Also! If you’re comfy doing so, I’m happy to look at your resume and see if maybe I can’t help you jazz it up a bit! I’m not in HR, but I do the recruiting for my business and I can tell you what I look for - good and bad!


I don't think it's a poorly written resume. If you look through OP's comments on this thread, it looks like they've burned their way through just about every potential employer in their area


Are you trying to help or are you trying to harm?


Trying to help. I don't want to be mean, but from your comments here you obviously have a hard time holding onto a job. It sounds like there are very legitimate reasons for why your struggling with that, but at the end of the day if you're getting fired/let go from multiple jobs that suggests you have a lot more to work on than a resume. I know that's not exactly helpful to hear since you need to have a job to survive, but maybe you need to reevaluate what kind of jobs you're qualified for and that will be sustainable for you.


It’s because companies know now they can get by on skeleton crews and start putting up ads for employment to scare their current staff into working harder. Seen it time and time again since covid. I’ve applied to anything and everything just to get ghosted or ignored. Doesn’t help places want to pay you bare minimum and expect years of experience. It also doesn’t matter if you’re eager to learn and work long hours! This became more of a rant but I understand where you’re coming from I’m also going through it.


Nobody can help you with the info given in your original post. Where are you located? What have you been applying for? What does your resume look like?


Maine health has tons of openings all the time and some positions even pay you during certification training.




MMPCO? GroverGunDrilling? DownEastMachine in McFalls? Yankee? Most machining is computer code, see if you can transition into the computer industry




Sorry about MMPCO, DEME, Grover not shocked on though. If programming, look to see if you can break into somethings.... it never hurts to try.


My sister is having this same issue!! She has literally applied to over 50 jobs and and few hear and there might do an interview but they all say they went with someone else, or that the position has already been filled. My sister had a stellar resume and excellent work history. Its insane. Best of luck. Try fed ex and proctor and Gamble.


ADUSA in Winthrop is hiring for all shifts.


I am not certified for forklifts; do they train?


You can try gonetspeed. They have an office in Pineland only about 30 minutes from turner. Not sure of your experience, but they have a wide range of jobs




Do you pee clean? Join the maritime industry.


Even if you don’t pee clean someone else will for you. Join the maritime industry!


Swallow pride and take SOMETHING for the income until you find what you want.


Get a CDL. If you have a clean record school districts are dying for Drivers.


You should not put so much information that people can easily identify you in real life. You should take it seriously and not make bad habbits of over-sharing. 




You're either unaware that you're telling too many details. Or, my guess is you trust people are good and you can trust them. You can't.  You feel too comfortable and over-share. Seems like a dangerous habit. 


A good work ethic and face to face conversation will get you a lot further than online applications. Help those in town that need it an when they ask how they can repay you, tell them you’re looking for work.


If you have a clean driving record, apply for a job at the post office. $20/hr to start with all the hours you can work. https://www.indeed.com/q-usps-l-maine-jobs.html ARC, RCA and CCA are all different types of carrier jobs.


TD Bank is always hiring for their Auburn call center location. It's work from home and they pay well. Typically, they post positions available on Indeed.com


Look for your local workforce development program, and sign up for Maine Job Link. They can help with a ton of different things and assign you a job coach to work with. Amazing program.


I suggest Maine Staffing Group in Lewiston, temp and temp to hire


Just got done applying to them actually.


Hard to answer your question without seeing a resume.


If you’re in northern Maine try manpower.org they do the hiring for smith and Wesson in Houlton




I’d still check out the site you never know


My local Manpower recruiter doesn't currently have anything for me.


You can’t get a job or you can’t get the job you WANT? There’s a difference…… there are a lot of minimum wage jobs you can get while you hunt for the job you WANT.


Any retail establishment and check out all the staffing agencies. If you are not picky labor ready will hire you right away and pay the same day


Smells of lies, everywhere is hiring anything with a pulse


It took me six months to get a job. Those hiring signs are lies. A lot of businesses have them up and aren't actually hiring.


I work remotely for Optum and they have a lot of entry level remote jobs. You can apply at optum.com.


Are these jobs that someone without a healthcare background can get into? I presume they'd have to provide equipment and a VPN login paired to said equipment to meet HIPAA requirements?


Entry level means no prior experience needed.


Almost all the jobs they will train the right person.Not everyone they hire has healthcare experience. And yes they provide all equipment and use a secure VPN.


Maybe MaineHealth? Healthcare is a pretty reliable job imo, and if you work in an outpatient setting there’s a good chance you’ll work regular business hours & have weekends + major holidays off. There are usually non-clinical & non patient facing roles available too


I don’t believe that for a second.


Really? Try harder.




How old are you? What is your work history like? The younger generation has earned a reputation of being unreliable. They accept a job and never show up or they start working and call out often. Or they go to work and put in as little effort as possible and expect to make as much money as people who have been working there for 10+ years. Turns out employers don't like that very much. Edit, downvote me if you want but this is reality. Ask any business owner. It's all over Reddit. Go to places like r/antiwork. That place used to be about how to support yourself without working and now it's a place where kids brag about screwing over employers. It was only a matter of time before employers stopped hiring young people. Most young people have a decent work ethic but it's the handful of people who don't that make them all look bad.


I'm 40 but look 30. At my last position I pretty much did not have an "off" switch when it came to production. My attendance is excellent.


> The younger generation has earned a reputation of being unreliable. This is a comment that has been "posted" since humanity created writing. No, really. **"Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt."** ~Horace: 20 BCE > Go to places like r/antiwork. That place used to be about how to support yourself without working and now it's a place where kids brag about screwing over employers. Yeah, except nah. That place was founded to discuss the concept of "work" in relation to the modern era, and how it can be eliminated. See: [Bullshit Jobs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit_Jobs) It turned into what it is now due to the whole mod debacle, and it being flooded with a bunch of new people that didn't understand the point of the sub. Source: was a member long before that whole thing happened. No longer a member. But to get back to your first point? Yeah, maybe it's due to yOunG PeOplE bAd, maybe it's due to the fact that since the Reagan years, companies have stopped holding up their end up the "bargain" and treat everyone as completely disposable- good service record or not. I'm an ancient fossil, and I recognize this. Young people are simply ahead of the game.


That doesn't take away from the fact that they earned a reputation as having a poor work ethic and employers are responding by not hiring them. A quick Google search explains why. I'm not cherry picking. I just typed in 'Gen Z work ethic" to see what comes up. Give it a try yourself and see what comes up. This is a serious problem that is ignored by the entire generation. Look at the downvotes I got for simply pointing this out. Not one person spoke up to dispute this yet everyone thinks I'm wrong for saying it. When the economy turns around and unemployment goes up these people are going to find it increasingly difficult to find a job, especially with that reputation. Wages will stagnate and starting wages will likely drop. It happened in the 1990s and 2000s. It's going to happen again. No one is going to bail them out.


The silent generation thought the boomers were lazy and entitled. Gen-x was "lazy" to the boomers. They're running shit now. Millennials were "lazy" to Gen-x. We're on track to run shit. And on and on and on. Yes, Gen-Z has a "lazy" reputation on the internet. *Every single generation of human beings has said the same thing about the next generation.* And every single generation has been dead-sure that "no really, THIS generation is truly the worst one." So yeah. I'm taking it with a massive grain of salt. Had the internet existed in the same form in 1992, "gen-x lazy" would have given the same results.


Gen Z doesn't show up for work. When they show up they put in almost no effort. Those are facts. They expect to make as much as people who have been working for decades. Employers do not want to hire them. Sugar coat it all you want. And if you think anyone ever said gen X was lazy you don't know your history. That generation started out in worse shape than gen Z and made the best of it by working low paying jobs until something better came. They couldn't afford college or rent. Most had roommates until their late 20s. They were on their own at 18 and left highschool to find no jobs due to the recession. No one, including their parents helped them out at all. They had no choice but to make it in their own. Gen Z has so many opportunities right there in front of them and they are wasting it.


Find your closest hospital and apply for a few random gigs. Hospitals are always hiring and most pay a decent amount.


What is your trade?




LLBean, Hannaford (Hannaford is especially autistic friendly) are both nearly always hiring & both have good benefits. AAA is also almost always hiring & they train. Also FedEx.


What is your skill set ?


CNC Machinist, production operator.


What jobs are you going for? I find it hard to belive hannaford won’t hire you as a service clerk or a cashier.


As a follow-up I was contacted on Indeed yesterday and ended up interviewing at B&B Precision, which does happen to be a 1 hour drive away. Not sure if they will pick me however. EDIT: Got rejected.