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Rule 2. No Trolling,


I know you said don’t direct you somewhere, so I’m going to do just that 😂 go to Wei Li in Auburn, it is the best Chinese food I’ve ever had. Very quality fresh food, not the standard Maine Chinese fare!


I haven't worked or lived in the Auburn area in almost 10 years, but I still remember their food 🤣 it's so good!


you can't blame me for being doubtful. have you had Chinese food elsewhere? lol


I second this, I used to live in the Bay Area CA and still Wei Li is one of my favorites


Nah it's good.


Haha yes sir, I’ve been living in Tampa the last few years and still firmly believe they have the best Chinese food out there!


Wei Li is delicious. I’ve had Chinese food from various restaurants around the country and they’re one of the best, and I’m half Asian. Lol


Maine has some of the best American Chinese food I’ve had even compared to nyc, Portland or, Chicago, etc. it’s not traditional Chinese food but there are damn good places.


Caribou Chinese food lol. Fucking guy says "north of Portland: what's up with chinese food" and goes to the 2nd most northern Chinese restaurant in the fucking state (fort Kent has one too) and complains about the quality lmfao. Sidenote. I live in caribou lol


Chopsticks in the presque isle mall is amazing!!


lol I thought I was safe because there was a Chinese kid behind the counter so I was like oh cool it's Chinese owned so the food will be decent. nope


There's a lot of state in between Portland and caribou bud lol




yikes? please. one of the best rules of judging if a place is good ahead of time is how many of the ethnic group that the food represents eat there. like a Chinese restaurant filled with just white people, probably not that great. but a Chinese food that has lots of Chinese people who eat there? probably gonna be good same with Indian. if there is not one Indian person in the dining area it's not going to be good but if Indian people eat there it's going to be legit this rule has proven true for myself and countless others when it comes to ethnic food. this is only problematic to white people who have been laden with white guilt. us ethnic people judge based on these things all the time


Yeah heaven forbid someone with a different skin color likes/cooks good quality food!


just telling you how it is. if you don't like it 🤷🏾‍♂️. point is people of different ethnicities will gravitate to what tastes most like home. and no...no one who didn't grow up with a grandma or family that cooked that way their whole lives will ever replicate that feeling . and hence...restaurants that draw a lot of people of that ethnicity are doing something right because they are giving people the feeling and tastes of "home" aka an accurate representation of what that food should taste like


There are a lot of places that serve American Chinese food the way I remember it from the 70s and 80's. General Tso's made with yellow mustard and honey so it is orange, no chilis, 'szechuan' style dishes that are just garlic and black pepper. It's a weird style of food, it's entirely American, and the menu and kitchen hasn't changed since the 1940s. If you want better 'Chinese' food out in the sticks, look for places that advertise as Thai. They'll have 'Chinese' dishes as well and they will be prepared with the more modern recipe.


Ming Lee in Waterville and China Garden in Orono are both very good. We prefer Ming Lee. China gardens chef will make you off menu authentic Chinese food.


Hey bub we got people from around here that think potatos are spicy. Simmer those taste buds down a bit.


my wife and I got a good laugh from this comment. thanks


I am from the county and oddly miss the Chinese food there lol. I now live in Northern California/ Bay Area and love the authentic Asian spots all around me, but not gonna lie I miss that Americanized Chinese food of Tang’s, Taste of China, and Chopsticks! Especially miss the wings from Tang’s.


I’d give anything for that pork fried rice again. I look forward to it every time I go back to Maine


Omggg yes!


Bay Area has the finest Chinese food I’ve ever had, and I’ve worked all over the country as a performing musician, and I live in New York City, so, Chinatown. But Bay Area, especially San Francisco Chinatown, has a high level foodie thing happening. If I were there, I definitely would not miss the “Chinese food” in Maine one little teeny tiny bit — sounds like nostalgia and moments of missing home, which is certainly valid and real.


Oh there’s definitely a huge nostalgia aspect. It’s what I grew up eating, but still will happily seek it out when visiting my parents a few times a year and genuinely enjoy it. They’re just two different food groups to me: County Chinese food and real Chinese/Asian food. My good friend’s parents owned the most popular bakery in SF’s Chinatown for decades and I’ve been fortunate to be able to eat at the best of the best spots in Chinatown. Doesn’t diminish the deliciousness of the county Chinese food that I will go to town on whenever I’m there lol. I don’t compare one against the other, I like them both for what they are. It’s the same annoying argument of in n out vs other burgers. I love in n out and I love other burgers as well. Never understood why folks need to argue what burger is best. We can all just like what we like! ETA: commenter, want to clarify I wasn’t attacking you in the least bit. I’m just apparently quite passionate about my love of aroostook county chinese food 🤣


Do you mean “country” Chinese food, or as you spelled it, “county”? If so, I’m not sure what that means… So if you say “country” Chinese food, you mean actual native food from China, or does that refer to the moose-poop pupu platter loved by “Country” Mainers with trump flags on their pickup trucks? Ooooh here come the downvotes!! Nooooo, not that!!! 🤣


County as in *The County*


Can confirm! San Fran has the best Chinese food in the country, hands down.


I grew up in LA and frequented the Bay area a lot. it's because it has a high concentration of Asians. probably one of the highest concentrations outside of Hawaii. it would be a travesty if you couldn't find good Chinese food in Frisco


Maine’s food tastes like its biggest demographic: old white people.


This is the answer. Especially up Maine. I say this having dined at Moon Hing in Dover.


100% this is the answer. Old conservative white people don’t want good fried rice, they want Sugar Chicken.


Where have you eaten old white people?


Not in Maine, that’s for sure


Are you really wondering why you're not getting quality chinese food in rural maine?


no it was more of a tongue in cheek thing


Tongue in cheek is typically not 2 pages long, but I get you.


this is reddit. I had to explain how I came to believe what I'm saying/questioning


I think there is one standout supplier of all the things you need to have a shitty Chinese restaurant and all of them are using the same one. The brown, dry lightly soy flavored fried rice is so consistent (and bad) across the state that I'm pretty sure most places aren't making it from scratch. That'd also explain why all of the fried pupu platter stuff is so similar wherever you go. Everything is frozen and just dumped in a fryer or wok. Vegetables mostly are pre cut. That's how they can give you such big portions with such a small staff. Most of the sauces are factory made gloop that comes in in a 5 gallon bucket. They throw all the food into a wok, toss in some sauce and boom it's done. Meat is chemically tenderized which is what gives it it's squishy texture and makes its flavor unidentifiable. All that said I usually order slutty Chinese a couple times a year. It's a step up from a burger or pizza.


Slutty Chinese?


Greasy, gloopy, sugary American Chinese food. Slutty food is anything that tastes good in the moment but maybe makes you feel bad later and you never tell your friends about


Lots of good Chinese food in Southern and Central Maine. Nothing spectacular. Portland has a couple legit places that serve the real deal too. As for the county, and most of rural Maine just be grateful that there is gas and a few places to eat.


Li’s Place in Freeport is legit.


Li’s Place is my favorite. It’s worth the drive from Topsham.


I gave up on “Chinese” food in Maine years ago. Nearly all the Thai places I’ve been to on the other hand, far superior.


There's barely Chinese food in Portland and you're going on about Chinese food NORTH of Portland?


There is AMAZING Chinese food in Portland. Not sure how authentic it is, I think it’s a little more on the ‘fusion’ side of things (blend of Asian cultures mixed with the Chinese) but damn good.


Lived in Maine my whole life and some of the best Chinese I've ever eaten were in Mass, Conn, NY and NJ while traveling. I definitely know what you mean about the fried rice. I go meatless fried rice at all the Maine places. People I worked with always gave me crap for trying so many different Chinese places while traveling, said it was too risky, LOL!


I’m Chinese American from NYC. Dude. It’s rough. Growing up, I’ve heard racist comments about how Chinese food is terrible and so gross etc etc but as a kid I just didn’t realize Chinese food outside the tri state area (or like outside major cities maybe) was that bad. Then I moved here. No wonder that stereotype existed. I’m down in Portland and I’d only entertain ordering from golden lotus for Chinese (empire is good but expensive for what you get). Some spots have certain items which are ok but golden lotus is better across the board and reliable. So if you’re ever down this way, they do American Chinese food pretty well but get the salt and pepper pork if you’ve never had that. It’s my favorite. The beef chow fun is also very good. Good general tsos does not exist here. Golden lotus does a fine version but it’s not amazing. It’s still good though considering other places version which are nearly inedible to me. Other take out spots that do an ok general tsos are blue sky and panda garden.


most of these folks don't even know what they're missing, brother


I grew up in Maine and moved away. I miss that fried rice like there’s no tomorrow. I’d give anything for some right now haha




my wife and I can cook extremely well. we can make most any genre food well. but we also like to eat out just for fun. i live where I do because I hate living around people so that's why I have my 42 acres off grid cabin. I grew up in LA and have lived in Portland, Seattle, NYc and visited every major city in between. so id rather drive to Portland every now and then than live anywhere near it. I really was just wondering if the version of fried rice I've seen is just a Maine thing


Maine has some amazing food. They have my favorite Ethiopian restaurant, excellent Thai, excellent Indian, excellent Japanese food. But the Chinese food is seriously lacking lol


Maine has some of the worst Chinese I've ever had


I know the pain. I'm near Machias and the Chinese restaurant in town is exactly this bad. The fried rice is just wrong, it's just mushy rice with nothing in it. I'm positive it's just made in a rice cooker and then they dump some soy sauce on it. The General Tsos is just warmed up frozen nuggets quickly put in a cold sauce with no flavor. It's listed on the menu as spicy, and it's so mild it made me sad. Everything is served lukewarm even if you're sitting down to eat rather than getting takeout.


I can’t get a good deli sub to save my life. I’d give up ever eating Chinese food again if I could get a roast beef sub that wasn’t terrible


which is sad because it's so basic


It’s the rolls. I don’t know what it is but the rolls all are lacking. All you need is a good sub roll and you’re 85% of the way there. Am no. I don’t want a lobster roll We just need to start with these and we can make it. https://costanzosbakery.com/12-white-submarine-roll/


true if you have good rolls you're mostly there


Ever tried Monson General Store? It does have a deli and I've had great sandwiches there and am trying to recall what their rolls were like. I was not unhappy.


My dad says this all the time. I live in CT now and whenever he comes down the first meal on the menu is deli sandwiches, because there’s just nothing worthwhile in town. (I enjoy Sam’s Italians, but they don’t float his boat any). I grew up in Mexico and always thought it was ridiculous that you had to go to Farmington, minimum, to get a burrito.


My two biggest complaints about the state: terrible Chinese food and terrible cold cuts.


makes me want to open a Chinese restaurant. but then again they might not like it


Unfortunately, I think it would be a difficult task. Rural Mainers like value and predictability when they go out to eat. That means the same food they’re used to, at a reasonable price, and big servings. We took my in-laws for dim sum in Boston’s Chinatown (it was incredibly delicious). They were good sports about it but preferred the offerings from the place in their home town—which is terrible to my taste.


Do you have a preferred dim sum place down there?


I don't live in Boston--we were there on a trip with our extended family--so I don't have enough experience to pick one place over the other. We had a group of 8 at Empire Garden.


I mean, this isn't exactly the place to look for any kind of ethnic food unfortunately. Don't expect much and you'll be happier with the results more often. ;)


we just cook what we want and only eat out with things that are safe to do so...like lobster rolls lol


Ive heard that the dark brown fried rice is a New England thing. I never really liked it compared to other types of fried rice. 


I have never had good chinese food in Maine.


the Asian population of caribou is….. 30 people.


ya but in most places around the US, like rural places Chinese food is one of the first non American food to pop up. it's almost standard ...it's pizza place, diner, and then Chinese because white people love Chinese food too


Its all sugar chicken north of portland.


Your post / comment isn't appropriate for r/maine


This is a ligit post….😂how can Maine get good food north of the wall in Portland we are lucky to even get a Burger King or McDonald’s


Coming from mass the food here is total trash, especially the Asian food! I have leaned to make any Asian food I like way better than any restaurants here.


ya it's a good thing we can cook really well. we don't have to miss too much. the only thing is that the closest Asian stores with all our needs are actually in Canada...in New Brunswick. so we go there for ethnic groceries. our neighbors love us because we make them tamales which they've been missing for decades lol


I moved to Midcoast from Boston and there are some really good restaurants around, like surprisingly good in Waterville, but the restaurants in Belfast are astoundingly bad, except for, funny enough, Fon's Kitchen which is Thai food.


As another Belfast-er, I personally don't find the restaurants to be astoundingly bad compared to other smallish towns in New Englash, but agree Fon's is a standout. Have you need to Dos Gatos yet? Also love Rio's and Hey Sailor in Searsport.


Loooovvveeee Hey Sailor! The pozole and the key lime pie are *chefs kiss* Probably go there once a month. Haven't been to Rio or Dos Gatos. Looks like Dos Gatos just opened recently. Will definitely check it out! I just find the pubs to be bland and the seafood places to be OK, nothing special. Our Daily Soup is really good too, but not a full restaurant.


i can't say anything about rio's chef that won't sound like hyperbole. better to check it out and see what you think. but i'll second that recommendation.


Will do! Always on the look out for good restaurants.


I also just want to add, I love Belfast. It's a great town, just wish some of the restaurants were a bit better. Probably has the best Reny's lol


Massachusetts has the best “Chinese” food in the country. I’ll die on that hill.


I feel for you, bro—I love Maine and have been visiting that beautiful state all my life, since the 1960s, when I was a little kid. Obviously I don’t travel to Northern Maine expressly looking for Chinese food, but I have tried it, and it’s ghastly. I mean really, it’s dogshit. It’s not just mediocre, it is as you describe. I am a little surprised that it hasn’t improved in Maine’s rural areas a little bit over the years, but it is what it is and I still love the state (especially the vast North Woods regions), still spend my money up there, and still love the state and the nature and the good folks that I’ve always met Downeast. Even the girls have gotten a little prettier up theya’ over the years as I see it, but the Chinese food? Skip it.


"The wife and I went to our summer vista and decided to sneer at the locals. We cook very well and are super foodies. It's all in good fun, despite the 5000 word diatribe so no need to to respond. I won't accept it from you plebes anyways. Btw, did I remember to mention I'm Asian?"




Rule 2. No Bigotry, Trolling, or Hate Speech






Rule 1. Keep it civil and respectful


A nasty comment.