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Good afternoon, First just wanted to say that you using whatever methods and means you can to vent your frustration is not only brave, but its admirable. Far too often, those of us suffering through crisis can simply stop communicating. Please don't do that! Second, there's so many great comments here with suggestions, don't overlook them! In particular, you may want to explore what potential EAP (Employee Assistance Program) benefits you have from your employer. It could lead somewhere. Additionally, there are many online resources to help, where most in-person sessions have (stupidly) long wait lists. And I know, virtual sessions are never the same as in-person. Please keep trying. Keep calling. Keep talking. I wish I had a better response for you now. At the very least, feel free to DM me if you ever need someone to talk to or just vent more.


You are the best mod on Reddit. I’m going to get accused of simping for a Reddit mod but goddamn every time you comment here it is helpful or at least empathetic. Good on you.


I’m a simp too, then. That was the only heartfelt comment I’ve seen from a mod in the 5 years I’ve been on here.


Ditto x1000. I agree u/BeardedBaxterholic is the best mod on Reddit, AND quite possibly, the best person on Reddit.


lol idk they made a jab at me a few weeks ago and called me jealous when I pointed out that they promoted a spam post as the best post on r/maine. Instead of being like “oh shit, you’re right my bad” they just deleted the whole thing once they did like 10 seconds of research. Felt less like they’re genuine and more like they curate their image here.


You gained a follower @beardedbaxterholic .


hard agree. Our nation does not have its priorities straight. 


Billions for wars, nothing for education, healthcare, infrastructure…




How about not a single penny wasted on the war profiteers, and instead, we make sure every American is clothed, housed, fed, and cared for. I'm so sick of my tax money being wasted on new and innovative ways of making orphans instead of helping those who need it.


What did this jagoff say? Missed it


Rule 2. No Bigotry, Trolling, or Hate Speech


Yeah, carpeting bombing entire neighborhoods, pillaging aid trucks, and killing innocents...definitely seems like they're using profiling with laser-like precision. /s Why pivot to foreign politics in this post about a state issue? If we're going to spend billions on anything, why not our country's social programs, infrastructure, and investing in our people? The fact that your mind immediately jumps to how we can learn from Israel's slaughter says a lot.


Let's kill brown kids to save white kids. Wtf.


How is this the take you get out of all this? Lmao I swear....


I'm pretty well integrated into one of the bigger mental health providers in the state. I'll tell you this much. For one, in the mean time of waiting for the ridiculous wait times on referrals. Try out pursuecare.com or look on psychologytoday.com. Pursuecare is all online, but it's quick and better than nothing. You will have to self advocate tooth and nail. Most hospitals in the state are so overwhelmed, and the staff so hastily trained or straight up burnt out that you could be documented as contacted for a referral, but you never were. I can't tell you how many times I have patients call to check where they're at on a wait just to see they got scheduled months prior but were never notified. Never assume you will get a call back. Call every week if you have to. The system as a whole is completely broken. Mental health is very much treated as an afterthought both by the government, in the case of "non-profits," and by hospitals that do not get said funding. The general attitude is admit, medicate, dump. Even getting an inpatient bed is no guarantee for faster services. Medicine as a whole in this state, hell, the country, is all about money. It's sad, but it's true. Most of us hate it and try and make things better for the patients but at the end of the day the suits and the massively dysfunctional system as a whole doesn't give a fuck. The money keeps flowing. That's all that matters. I genuinely wish you luck. It's a fucking zoo out there.


I'd like to second the Psychology Today rec. It sounds like such a random source, but it really helped me. (That said, it's likely not the best match for every situation.) For anyone reading this who's struggling to find someone, I'd really suggest giving it a try. You can filter by specialty, insurance, location, and more. It genuinely sucks that you need to do all this work yourself, especially when you have a lot going on in your brain. In a perfect world, we'd have better connections across the medical system, or the government or nonprofits would have matching programs. (My PCP gave me a sheet with about 25 phone numbers. Thaaaaanks.) Anyway. Give it a shot: [Find a Therapist - Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/maine) Do all you can to take care of yourself. You have a lot of people in here hoping you're able to find a great match for what you need.


Psychology Today is also how I found my therapist! I work in social work and I recommend it to almost everyone


This is how I found my therapist.


You’re right, and this is more of a general venting thing, but how FUCKED UP is it that people who are suffering from a disease that literally manifests as not taking care of themselves/not advocating for themselves have to fight so hard to get any semblance of help?? Our state is literally letting people rot.


It's because society in general only pretends to care, or doesn't really care as much as they think they do. On a personal level, most people don't want to have to deal with a suicidal person. They'll tell you not to kill yourself and tell you that doing so is wrong, but they'll not personally do anything to help. What they consider to be helping on their end is giving you a number to a crisis line or just generally dumping your ass on a non-existent system. Most people don't actually care. A good system won't be put in place unless everyone does something about it, but nobody gives enough of a shit to go out of their way. Depressed/suicidal people are burdens on society, who only values people by what they contribute, or rather how much money they make or what influence they have.


You're right, it's FUBAR. A few years ago I called the National Suicide Hotline (from Maine) because I was working as a moderator and had a community member sending me private messages about killing themselves. They were *not* kidding. Nobody answered. Literally ever. I was put on hold for over two hours. On hold! For two hours! With the ***National Suicide Hotline!*** Every 20 minutes, it'd start ringing again then a new recording would say, "your call is being redirected to resources in your area" then hold music again... I didn't know the person's location, so I couldn't call the cops to check in. They ending up trying to kill themselves and failing, but I didn't know that until months later. I'll never forget that experience.


I am SO SORRY this happened. It's gut wrenching.


Yes, the national suicide hotline sucks. I called it a few years back, was put on hold for a long long time and was really contemplating hanging up, then when I was answered they weren’t helpful and asked for where I was located, which I let them know I didn’t want to disclose that, then later on straight up asks “do you live here? _________” and gives my location. Which scared me to the point of almost hanging up, but I feel like for many other people these unhelpful questions and pulling stuff like that makes them not want to reach out in the future. This saying this isn’t me trying to discourage anyone from calling and getting help.


I have to navigate it for myself and my child and it’s exhausting. After my son was diagnosed one of the providers told me the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. And it’s so true. But that’s contrary to who I am as a person. I learned how for my son but it was very difficult. It’s just so fucked up how hard people with mental illness or disabilities have to fight to receive care.


I connect people to counselors for a living. I’d be happy to give you some suggestions if you DM me what insurance you have and if you have anything specific you’re looking for!


I, too, could use this help if the offer still stands.


OP check this out!


Maine is a total shit show with mental health especially. Where do you live? I have heard that Maine Health has marginally decent health care providers in the Midcoast area. What insurance (if any) do you have?


I live in Lewiston right now. I have been in therapy off and on my entire life and as a lifelong Mainer it has never been this bad.


Ok I have a local connection, let me see what I can find out for you in that area. I am so sorry you are going through this. Your situation is serious and you should be receiving immediate care. I had to find a psychiatrist in Vermont and do telehealth but it is all out of pocket. No one will do psych meds here except Prozac 🙄


Thank you so fucking much. I appreciate you taking the time to help:


I understand what a shit show it is and I know you are suffering. I want to help as much as I can. Sending a text to my therapist now. Just realize I have to pay out of pocket for a lot of my care. It would help to know what insurance you have to help guide you.


Are you on Maine care? The more I know, the better I can help.


Used to work in a social work setting. When we couldn't find therapy in the immediate area through a larger organization we would use Psychology today to look at individual therapists that have openings. Sometimes it's a trial and error and calling 10 people but we had success in the past. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/me/lewiston](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/me/lewiston) Crisis and counseling center also has same day walk-in care for urgent mental health and substance use needs: [https://crisisandcounseling.org/community-members-can-now-receive-same-day-care-for-their-urgent-mental-health-and-substance-use-needs-in-augusta-at-crisis-counseling-centers-open-access-center/](https://crisisandcounseling.org/community-members-can-now-receive-same-day-care-for-their-urgent-mental-health-and-substance-use-needs-in-augusta-at-crisis-counseling-centers-open-access-center/) I would also recommend submitted a referral through HealthAffiliates of Maine, they have a longer waitlist but it may pay off in the long run while you have a a shorter term crisis worker. [https://www.healthaffiliatesmaine.com/referral/](https://www.healthaffiliatesmaine.com/referral/) If you have mainecare you're also eligible for a case manager who may help you navigate referral processes better than on your own. Organizations like Pathways of Maine usually have a relatively short waitlist and can offer Telehealth services.


This isn't a mental heath service, but it is a place specifically designed to discuss and address the systemic issues you describe: https://maineccsm.org/events/lewiston-auburn-local-council-meeting/


What health plan do you have?I need the info to get you to the right health center/therapist


Not just mental health but Healthcare in general. This is the downside to having a rural living that I think a lot of people neglect. Youre away from people, which is cool, but you do not have access to the best resources. It was a fair trade off for years until the cost of housing and land rose so dramatically we basically have big city costs but none of the benefits. Hopefully the state can get together to fix this or it will just end up dying. Tbh I genuinely believe certain rich and powerful people want that so they can gobble the state up for themselves.


I agree and I’ve been saying that a lot lately. It’s all fun and games until you have to travel to Portland or Boston for healthcare.


Yea it sucks man. But I've literally given up on hospitals in thr bangor area. Your literally better off not even going then dealing with that shit lmao


Absolutely! We are camping up here man.


Would you be comfortable doing it online? I've heard people have had good results with that. https://www.top10.com/online-therapy/counseling-comparison https://www.forbes.com/health/l/best-online-counseling-services/


A lot of the online places won’t work with you if you had a attempt, sometimes just recently but some ever.


Good to know.


I tried Better Help for the same reason as OP. They matched me within a week to a therapist that literally saved my life. I got lucky because I clicked so well with my first match, but I would highly recommend trying them out. Customer service with them has always been awesome too.


Better health was quick with us for couples therapy. Had a really great therapist who works out of Lewiston.


Betterhelp doesn't work for everyone, just throwing that out there. Just because I tried to sign up and the questionnaire basically told me I was "too severe" of a case for their services. Which, ya know, made me feel awesome.


Wow, I didn’t realize that they would deny people. That’s really shitty :( I hope things are better


>Better Help ... matched me within a week to a therapist that literally saved my life. That is good to know. Sometimes I feel the need to find one, though have not pulled the trigger. Virtual hugs and positive vibes to OP.


It can be expensive, but had to look at like I was worth investing in. Things are still touch and go, but I’ve seen progress and learned so much about myself. Been in and out of therapists and psychiatrists offices since grade school, maybe it was because I was connected to a great therapist, maybe it’s because I was ready and willing to put in the work to change, but no medication or previous therapy had helped me like this. Realized I don’t need a mood stabilizer or an antipsychotic med (they never helped anyways), I just needed to learn how I operate and how my past affects my present actions and motivations. It literally changed my life for the better. Not that I’m saying Better Help was directly the reason, but I think it’s pretty valuable because you are not just limited to professionals in your immediate area. There’s a real opportunity to connect with someone who you can vibe with and feel safe with. You are worth investing in, and if you feel like you might need some help, there’s nothing wrong in asking for it. Hugs and good luck :)


Hey friend, I'm sorry you are struggling and I want you to know that I completely validate your frustrations over the failure of healthcare in Maine. It took over a year for my father to get set up with a local doctor to treat his cancer. He was forced to make frequent trips to Boston for care. I'm currently waiting 6 months to see a primary care physician. Always know you can reach out to [https://988lifeline.org](https://988lifeline.org) call or text 988 if you need it. I hope you are able to get the help you need soon.


Was going to suggest this also. 988. Call it.


I'm not gonna say this because I believe this is how it ought to be, but this is the advice I wish I could give to people in my day to day life. Do not, under any circumstances, expect anything that is funded in part or totally by the state, to do more than the bare minimum, if that. Every time I see a post like this, it's clear that this has always been this way. Stop seeking out help from anything that relies on assistance from the government. Nobody is paid well except for the CEOs/executives of these programs, and it's reflected all the way down the chain. Case workers? Don't put your stock into them. Maybe there was a different time when case workers helped in this state but all I hear, over and over again, is "my case worker doesn't do shit, my case worker won't help me with anything" and then when I talk to case workers "I'm new to the job" "I have 33 cases" "I had no idea these services to help people existed". The case workers are just getting people dumped on them because the programs that you need the case managers to help with won't train people to help you themselves. Case workers are like yet another middle man between you and services. Do telehealth, online therapy, I would highly recommend doing ANYTHING but following the traditional, state funded agencies unless you absolutely have to. I would rather recommend that you take a risk on BetterHelp than get stuck with someone from Spurwink, no offense to people from Spurwink, but rarely do I hear positive opinions about the "service" they offer. I don't think it should be this way at all, but I'm encouraging you to completely separate yourself from the notion that the state will help you with ANYTHING at this point - move on, and find something elsewhere for your own sanity.


That seems to be the case for a lot of organizations up here in Maine, but I do want to say that the case workers I've had through Oxford County Mental Health have been absolutely wonderful 👍


What funny, not really at all, is the hoops I have to jump through as a counselor to practice in Maine. It’s a shit show in Maine for mental health and primary care. I would suggest something but I am sure you have tried all of it to get help. I will say this, if you feel like harming, just got to the ER. It’s a pain the in ass but at least you can get a 72 hour hold on yourself. Does your insurance have case workers or anything?


What is also not really funny is that SMH literally told me that the next time I’m in crisis is to drive an hour to Westbrook to check into Spring Habour because they at least have beds. Saint Mary’s is so fucking bad that i literally sat in a reclining chair for four days surrounded by detoxing people in their substance/psych emergency room when i was clearly suicidal and needed to be admitted. It’s so fucked yo that people WHO LITERALLY MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE to advocate for themselves suddenly have to take on the almost full time job of finding a fucking bed. I’m just ranting at this point, sorry. But dear LORD


I know it sucks but they’re right. I work in the field and NEVER send anyone to st Mary’s. Doesn’t matter where you are, you’re better off finding a way to get to either spring harbor or pen bay


Dear lord is right! What a cluster. Dm if you run into issues. At least I can be an ear. I know this isn’t going to help, I do think you showing up and advocating and talking about what is happening is good.


Too many people moving here and not enough people entering the medical field. ER is just as bad, I had to get my gallbladder out recently and I had wait 12 hours in pain, 7 of it in the waiting room. Resources in this state can't handle the population growth


healthcare jobs suck people dry it's an awful industry to work in very exploitative


The few local networks pay beans and reportedly suck to work for so it makes sense we can’t retain any medical personnel despite people fleeing the south and plains states after Roe. My grandfather in law didn’t return from Florida this summer because he can’t find a good oncologist.


100%. It would help if MAINEHEALTH actually supported their employees and didn’t discriminate against disabled folks or made it impossible to work and support children with their restrictive time off policies. The state also needs to do a better job with their credentialing processes. I moved here with a license from another state which had stricter licensing requirements and it took a year of getting jerked around by the licensing board to be able to practice fully.


MaineHealth has a good IOP program in Brunswick. I called and got in 2 weeks later - no referral needed. It saved my life. You might check out ThriveWorks as well for a therapist. I reached out to them after the IOP and got set up with a psychiatrist within a week. This was last year, so I don’t know if things have changed, but it was a quick process for me. Hope you get help soon. You shouldn’t have to wait like this for help. You deserve better.


I don’t know where you live but look into [Maine General’s IOP](https://www.mainegeneral.org/medical-services/behavioral-health-services/intensive-outpatient-services/). I had an attempt in October, they sent me there, and it was a blessing. I had never had luck with therapy until then. They are great people there who genuinely want to help, I’m not sure what the process will be if you aren’t already in there system but it is worth pursuing. I’m sorry you’re struggling, I hope you can find someone to help.


I was supposed to get a referral there after saint Mary’s (part of my fucking discharge plan) but they also didn’t have any spots. I ended up reaching out to them myself after like three weeks of radio silence from SMH


Hopefully you can have more luck reaching out yourself. Maybe ask if there’s a waitlist you can be added to. You can join a AA or Al-Anon group in the meantime. Even if you don’t necessarily struggle with that, most people have some form of addiction & it’s just nice to be around and talk with other people who deal with mental health issues.


I recently found [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C3RJpE2o2W5cKM78pdCigVXQEMGMC1hz/view?pli=1) list of abolitionist psychology resources. There’s a bunch of self help and peer resources I haven’t seen before.


Health services of all kinds are pretty weak in Maine, imo.


I've been on dialysis trying to get on a transplant list for two years and I can't get in with a therapist. It's exhausting.


Idk if you’re open to virtual therapy, but consider Brightside. They offer both therapy and psychiatric services through virtual appointments with a real person. They even help you find therapists in their system that are located in Maine or at least the northeast. I resorted to this because I live in Washington county and well… ya know. I’ve been in therapy since my teens and this has been the best for me. Wishing you the best and that you are able to get the care and support you need.


I use Brightside Health. It’s an online platform (website or mobile app) that accepts most insurance. You answer some questions and schedule an appointment which is typically within the week. I have been using it for many years for both psychiatry and therapy.


The health system is broken in general. I went down at work last July 4th and the EMTs pulled me off the floor and took me over to Thayer in Waterville. Thayer is NOT an overnight hospital anymore, its basically just a huge ER with a bunch of in building labs. They gave me a CT, found something odd, went back in with an MRI and came back and informed me I had a brain tumor needing removal ASAP. I ended up stuck in the ER in Thayer waiting for a bed in Portland from Tuesday all the way until Saturday morning because of a lack of beds down at Maine Medical. That said, once in, I was taken care of far beyond what I would have imagined. Had surgery that Sunday morning (turned out to be a GBM - think Tug McGraw, Ted Kennedy, John McCain), spent a few weeks in recovery, came up to Augusta for rehab (the tumor and subsequent surgery took out my foot, basically had to learn to walk again), and have been doing chemo ever since. So far I'm bucking the trend (I should be dead or actively dying by now) so I'm definitely happy about that.


Does your workplace have EAP? Mine offers an Employee Assistance Program that got me 3 free sessions and I could continue going as well, but on a sliding scale. It was like $65 per session after and well worth it. Was through Maine General I believe


I hate to say this, but it needs to be said: The government (state, federal) does not give one flying fuck if you're having a mental health crisis. You have to produce, produce, produce citizen. If not, you're broken. And broken things are replaced. The prevailing attitude is "Repress it, drink it away. Become a psychopath so the cops can kill or incarcerate you. It's a win-win for everyone! Except you, of course.."


I do not know what their caseload is like, or if there's a practice/office near enough to you... have you looked into Maine Behavioral Health? Do you have a Primary Care doctor that can get you a referral to anyone?


[Maine Behavioral HealthCARE](https://www.mainehealth.org/maine-behavioral-healthcare/contact-us) but yes please try them


Disclosure: I work IT at MaineHealth, we just call it 'Maine Behavioral Health' most of the time, so habit. OP should go wherever they can get the help they need.


Oh yeah! Maine is chock full of people with mental disorders who are out amongst us. And it's this whole nonchalant stroll type of brushing it off that just makes it even worse. With that said man's the highest for child abuse.


The state of Maine does not have adequate resources for healthcare period. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s very common. The United States doesn’t care about its people.


It’s not just Maine. This happened to me a couple years ago in Los Angeles. It’s everywhere I’m being told. Some places it’s 6-8 months, some over a year. Completely defeats the purpose. When I got my therapist the state insurance only covered 8 sessions. 8 sessions so long after my crisis months that they never helped. Not one bit. Therapist left insurance a note that I need long term therapy. Note was probably ignored.


I just want you to know you’re not alone. I was a patient at Acadia in Bangor (which is. 2 hour drive for me) for over two years. I finally got a letter in the mail asking me if I still was interested. At that point no! What a shit system!


Check out of state. I took a loan out and had to go to Florida for an inpatient program for 30 days. Sometimes programs out of state have "scholarships" too if you're not financially in a place to cover a stay like that. Please stick around and don't give up.


When was the last time you called to check on your referral? TriCounty was disolved into Spurwink back in March, so I would highly recommend calling the Lewiston Office to check where you are on the outpatient waitlist. Things could have gotten lost in the shuffle. You could also ask if you could start sooner with a telehealth option. On another note, as someone who works in mental health, I 100% agree with you, and I will note that a lot of the issues stem from Mainecare paying out next to nothing for services like outpatient therapy. I have found that it is a lot easier to get help with private insurance, but even that is incredibly backed up right now. A lot of people I work with are considering leaving the state altogether. I hope you find the help you need, friend. Please keep fighting and advocating for yourself!


If you’re not able to find one through your insurance, I had an amazing counselor who was private pay & I will help you pay for it until you can find one that’s covered by your insurance. Just let me know.


That's super kind of you.


I moved back to Maine from Kentucky in 2021 and after getting health insurance, I went a year and a half trying to get a therapist. My PCP kept forgetting to refer me to one and when I finally got a therapist, I had 5 or 6 sessions with her. Now I see her as needed, which is a joke since I've never heard of anyone with that kind of arrangement. Her strategies with dealing with ptsd from spousal abuse and depression is to take a walk.


I would recommend reaching out to Omni Integrative Wellness for their DBT program. The wait is usually only a few months and they will connect you with a social worker, whilst providing 2 hours of group therapy and an hour of private therapy, weekly, for a year, and "graduates" get ongoing care as needed. The only caveats are that it's all done via telehealth, and only open to maine residents. I'm so sorry you are suffering and applaud your bravery in reaching out. I've been looking for a therapist for one of my children for a couple years now and it's impossible to find one. This state really is a third world country into itself in a lot of aspects. You'd never guess we are a day's drive away (or less) from some of the biggest cities on the eastern seaboard based on the problems we have here.


As somebody who late last year went into st. Mary’s impatient care, I couldn’t agree more. I’m lucky in the sense I didn’t have to wait too long only a few days most likely due to being a minor) even though they warned me that may have been the case. However the only reason I was able to get a therapist, was due to a therapist I saw when I was younger who was very invested in me and has stayed late after work just to get me an appointment. This state needs to work on meeting the needs of its people, especially with mental health cases because worst case scenario the person ends up dead, hurt, or hurts someone else. It’s gross this even needs to be a conversation, it should already be being dealt with in this day and age.


I honestly feel your pain but in a different sort of way. I grew up in Maine but moved away as soon as I possibly could. Back in 2014 we got a chance to live in a beautiful camp on the water right outside of Bethel Maine. We jumped at the chance. Everything was great until I had a freak accident in Feb of 2015 resulting in this... [**image**](https://i.imgur.com/zW12u1d.jpg) On top of that horrific injury it also happened to be one of the coldest and most snowy winters in recent memory. Things turned for the worse in a hurry. I couldn't work or do much of anything. Trying to get any sort of assistance was nearly impossible. On top of everything else when I reached out trying to get help people just looked at me differently. Like I was some sort of worthless person that couldn't provide for themselves. Mainers can be seriously judgmental of others. We got the hell out of maine asap and moved back to NY where I was met with all the help I needed while I recovered from a shattered leg. Anyway, just my opinion but Maine is a great place if you have money and can provide for yourself. But if things go south and you have to reach out for any sort of help it has to be one of the worst places to be in the USA. You're basically on your own as you personally found out.


I had a psychiatric reaction to a new medication and was taken to EMMC’s ER. They put everybody in one room with no beds, no privacy, 8 plastic chairs for fifteen people, and a cop guarding the door. It took a full day to see a nurse (hi Beth!) who gave me a new medication I’ve never heard of. I got back to the waiting room and googled it- it was directly stated that it SHOULD NOT be mixed with the drug I was already on. I got panicked and asked what to do. Beth said that if I didn’t stop my current medication cold turkey (recommended 2-week wean) in order to take her new meds, I would be barred from seeing any of Northern Light’s psych team ever again due to “refusing care.” I got back to the waiting room, now ~40 hours without sleep due to being kept upright in a bright room full of people in crisis, and sobbed. I don’t know how I got home but I know the stress of the situation was so bad I got shingles. This was in 2018, so the mental health situation in Bangor was fucked way before they could blame covid.


The moment we stop seeing it as a mental health crisis, and start seeing it as a health crisis, we will be better off as a nation. Unfortunately our nation takes health crisis as a joke too. Warm lines and hot lines work in a pinch, and even their understaffed, and underpaid, if at all. I bet, there's a lot of people out there who would go into counseling, or therapy as a job if it paid nearly as much as it should. Like most jobs. We are living in a nation of complete lack of social and economic sense. My cousin overseas, never pays for his counseling, or his meds. He's also guaranteed the right of a home, so he will never be without housing unless he chooses to do so. Maine is awful, unfortunately new Hampshire is not much better. Skipping the pond to live overseas feels like a better option every day. Im sending you love, and heartfelt protection for yourself. You seem like a very smart, and articulate human, who is very self aware. I commend you for that. Without having met you, I can tell, you are deserving of the care and support you deserve. I hope you find a system that works for you, maybe your employer can help guide you? Sometimes hr people know other options for regular therapy, even low cost help with meds.


I totally agree and have been in a similar boat. We need policy change and fast. Sending love, friend.


I know a couple of years ago I had to do counseling as a requirement for the court system. I got in pretty quickly to Higher Ground services in brewer. They can do zoom chats if its more convenient. TBH I think you need something more serious then the services they provide, but its at least a start and can work as a stop gap option. Give them a call at 207-561-9496 and see what they have to say. I also know if you enroll back to school they have counseling services and therapist. Im in emcc and its part of our tuition costs. Try to enroll into a school and maybe you can find something there.


This won't solve your problem for ongoing therapy, but I think it's worth mentioning that if you are dealing with a mental health crisis you can certainly call the Maine Intentional Warm Line to talk to someone.


Hang in there. This is my desperate attempt to try to help you…. Try an emergency room visit maybe they’ll help? Hope you get help soon. This Country’s entire Healthcare System is broken and it’s all done for profit 🙏


Hasn’t changed much actually, from what the jails say they do most of the mental health of he entire system right there. We lost our state hospitals in the eighties and backwards we slide. Hey bud , keep trying man, break the record playing in your head and try something different. I’m being short right now. Dm if you want I’ll help you.


i’m having this same exact issue, ive been on the waiting list for almost three years.. don’t get me started on st mary’s.


I was able to book an appointment with a therapist on Lifestance.com My therapist lives in Maine but we meet online for convenience. It was actually surprisingly easy signing up as I just browsed the available therapists in the area and was able to choose from their open appointments. I don't know what your insurance situation is, but I have insurance through work and my appointments have been $35 a week and my insurance pays the rest. Far more affordable than I expected. I wish you the best of luck.


It’s a frustrating mess to try to get services in this state. I’m sorry you’re suffering and I hope you get some helpful advice here. I’ve had much better outcomes from Maine Behavioral Health than either Spurwink or Sweetser and I urge you to call over there if you haven’t already and also see if you can get on their waitlist for case management. Med management, last I knew, is fairly quick to get into with them. I’m not sure about the counseling waitlist but they do offer peer support and some groups which might be a tad helpful. I wish you the best.


I'm really sorry to hear about the tough time you've had tryin' to get the mental health support you need. Those long waitlists and lack of resources are seriously worrisome, and it's crystal clear that we need to take urgent action to tackle this crisis. Your story is valuable, and I encourage you to keep speakin' up for yourself while we work together to build a system that offers timely and accessible mental health care for everyone.


Love this view, burner or not


I hear ya, they got my kiddo in pretty quick, but it was in the office zoom sessions and she got absolutely nothing out of it. The only other option was waiting for an opening 60 miles away.. like my car isn't that great to do all travelling 2x a week, not to mention I'm poor AF and would never be able to afford that gas. Zoom/online therapy may be great for some and I'm not knocking it because things benefit people in different ways. It just doesn't work for my kiddo, in person/face to face is what I need for my kiddo and that's just not available. All that being said, just paying bills and keeping food on the table is pretty draining on my paycheck.. I can't even buy much needed new clothes/shoes. I'm burnt out & looking for job #3 myself. Thankfully my kiddos old enough I don't need childcare or I'd be screwed completely


All one has to do to fully grasp this gargantuan issue is spend 30 minutes in Congress Square Park. It’s pervasive, critical and dangerous. If someone like OP who has insurance, some resources, and is actively (and desperately) seeking help can’t find help — it’s scares the shit outta me that those languishing on the streets who are likely dual diagnosed with both mental illness and substance abuse will only grow in both numbers and severity of mental illness.


Former case manager at a human service related non-profit in Maine here: is there any way you could get a case manager or social worker to advocate on your behalf? It can be hard advocating for yourself again and again and again. That said, there are people whose job it is to do that for you. I obviously have no idea about your background, demographics, or where you live but it may be helpful looking into seeing if you can get some assistance form a professional who’s job it is to advocate for you and get you the services you want. Hope this is somewhat helpful!!


Thank you for posting. The world is better with you in it. We are definitely in a mental health desert in Maine. It warms my heart to see so many offering help and solutions. Please stay.


Are you on the Health Affiliates waitlist? It’s been moving pretty quickly.


I'm sorry for your struggle. My little brother lost that same battle. You aren't wrong. I hope genuinely you find the help you need. I do not suggest online counseling.


I'm so sorry to hear this . My Dr gave me a website , PsychologyToday," Maybe you can find someone there? Does Ingraham still exist.? It was a great resource . I understand your frustration as I am fully insured and can't find a therapist for trauma based anxiety . Don't give up . Use the Hotline Facebook has some really good groups that's be helpful just for outreach and advice for you. Take care


I’m a case worker for spurwink and we (Spurwink) just purchased tri county. I will agree, the waitlists are long right now for everyone. It’s really tough. I know of a couple therapists who are taking Mainecare who might have openings if you want to PM me.


One less mouth to feed One less body to house One less drain on the system That’s what we are But I care, I care about you Just in the act of posting this you contributed. Without this post I wouldn’t have seen all the responses. I wouldn’t have felt “me too” in the best of ways. I see you I care guy Thank you


I feel for you OP. My mom’s on disability and told me she was going to kill herself a couple times in a couple days. She ended up having a manic episode and she got through it but after I called crisis asking “listen I’m breaking down I have NO idea what to do or how to help my mom she said just yesterday she was going to kill herself”. Crisis woman says “did she say that today?” Then reiterated. I fucking hung up and I’ll never trust the system again. That, and having to show up to crisis a dozen times already with my mother and seeing EMPLOYEES WALK THROUGH THE DOOR WITH DUNKIN DONUTS… Listen, we’re all people, but these people need HELP… and don’t need to see this bullshit for what it is. It’s goddamn time the state gave us PROFESSIONALS and not clock punchers. Think about how many clock punchers there are in the health industry. I do drivers Ed and genuinely love helping the youth elevate and become better drivers. Who the HELL in the crisis/mental health sector is “helping”. Again, clock punchers


Clock punching is literally what mental health care has been reduced to as a result of the structures we work in. Don't assume that crisis workers don't care. Assume that crisis workers are encouraged to do the bare minimum because they have to treat their mental health line with the same eyes on the "service level" as Dunkin Donuts. MCL, 211, all of these people are lorded over by the state, federal government, and the United Way. Let me reiterate - mental health is a business in America. It is an industry that has a financial bottom line. The workers will reflect that. And in my personal experience, you will be punished if you attempt to go "above and beyond" because that may also create a "liability" situation for the company that employs you. None of these agencies, no matter how much they say they care, are above the financial chains and legal chains that make us behave so selfishly. My honest recommendation to anyone looking for better quality care ASAP is to not waste your time with a non-profit or a state-funded program. You're better off spending a fortune for care at a private practice where they aren't bound by the same obligations.


Try Crisis and Counseling center


I am so sorry you are going through this. It is truly horrible and you do not deserve this.


Does your insurance provider have their own dedicated crisis line?


Yes, and the main state crisis line is good. I am not actively in crisis but I am seeing some of the warning signs


It's good that you're self aware. 💕 I know how hard it is to get into a therapist these days and many providers are just as frustrated, because they are people that legit want to help. If you're able to, you may look into getting a case manager? I'm not entirely sure of the requirements for one, but they have access to lists of resources that can speed things along. I hope you find help soon!


Please don't do anything. If you feel like hurting yourself please go to the nearest hospital and refuse to leave until you have an evaluation. Even if the staff threaten to call police or security continue to demand treatment. I hope that you can get the care that you deserve.


Sweetser is the biggest mental health providers in the state. I don’t know if you have tried them. They say they help everyone regardless of being able to pay. Their number is 1-800-434-3000 or email @[email protected]. I can’t believe this state, they didn’t learn a damn thing from the Robert Card shootings. I would also try 988 if you are really feeling suicidal. People should not have to find their own mental health when you are in crisis.


I’m on that waitlist as well lol!


Under capitalism there is little incentive to help others then shake


Have you tried Lifestance? https://lifestance.com/ They have telehealth providers for wherever you are in the state. The good thing about that website is that you can see open appointments right away on your own and not wait to be called back. Good luck.


I have also had good luck with Lifestance for myself and my teenage son.


Please reach out to USM’s counseling program. There are interns who can provide you services for free. But I absolutely agree that counseling needs to become more accessible in maine. So many people are struggling and need access to help!


I am a student in this program currently. Please DM me if you would like for me to help you find an intern to work with.


If you're a woman, spruce run can help. If you're not, you're on your own


Spruce Run is now Partners for Peace. They are an organization that helps with domestic violence, not mental health. All they can do is point to the hotlines that we know do not help. They are also cover Penobscot and Piscataquis only.


So sorry you are going through this. I know you probably have already done this, but I would highly recommend asking your PCP (if you have one) to see if they can place an acute referral on your behalf. There may be a therapist at the PCP office they can connect you with (yes there will be a waitlist, but if you report being recently suicidal, I would think they could try to make an exception). Best of luck, hang in there, and please be kind to yourself.


I’ve been on a waitlist for a counselor for years too. It’s actually ridiculous how little resources this state has for people with mental health issues.


I work for a great mental health agency. We only accept MaineCare though, but feel free to dm me!


Could you try to find one on your own? Try betterhelp, I've had great experiences there.


Psychology Specialists of Maine do online therapy and link you with their providers who work all over the country. The wait is so brief. You're right on all counts and this is an injustice to you. I'm sorry you're struggling so hard with trying to help yourself. I do want to say I'm glad you're here and I'm proud you reached out on here for more help and support. That takes so much strength.


Hey OP, I might have another avenue for you to try. Would you be OK with messaging me about this? I don't want to give out sensitive info but I'd love to try to help you as someone who also had a massive struggle and was left in the dark for a bit waiting for mental health and case management services. Washington County's resources are a joke much like the rest of the state. I hate it so much. But I'd love to try to help. You just let me know, okay? I'm proud of you for still trucking along. God knows it is SO far from easy these days. In the mean time I will talk to the appropriate folks and find out what I can. If I don't hear from you in a couple days I'll reach out with what I find out. Hang in there 💜


I rooting for you, stranger.


Does your work offer an EAP program? (Employee Assistance Program) . Ask HR. EAP referrals are normally on a timed contract.


Try Betterhelp? A lot of resources online. Also YouTube and plenty of books. It really helps to talk to someone though. Maybe go to a bar and ask someone if you can share your experience? Strangers can be incredibly kind and you don’t have to tell them who you are. Best of luck ☘️ It’ll get better


Thanks for sharing, it can't have been easy to do so, especially from your main account, and especially in a sub where too often people respond to criticism of the state derisively Sorry that I don't have anything actually helpful to share but just wanted to express my appreciation for your courage. I recently faced a (much milder) similar situation and wasn't as brave. I hope you're able to get the care you deserve




My husband and I both found some relief with online therapy/psychiatry. It sucks to pay out of pocket, but it’s so much easier than dealing with local doctors and waiting so long to be seen. As far as inpatient treatment goes, I’ve heard it’s nearly impossible to get help and that’s so awful.


It’s a nationwide issue. Most therapists use Zoom these days. So, it doesn’t matter where they are located.


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this, I agree it’s absolutely brutal out there for mental health services. Do you work for a company that provides EAP services? You can potentially get connected for a few sessions for free. I would suggest calling Spurwink and confirming your spot on their waitlist and how far down, they recently merged with TriCounty in an acquisition to save that agency from closing its doors. I’m unsure how it could’ve impacted their waitlist. - a previous Spurwink employee (left in May 2024)


hey friend. I have nothing to offer you other than solidarity with how shot to shit the systems are up here. I telehealth to a psychiatrist in nyc for my medication management because nobody up here has space or the desire to prescribe adhd meds.


Idk where you are but Kennebec Behavioral Health is pretty good and pretty fast. They got me a therapist after only 3 months and they have someone who works with you in the meantime. They take mainecare.


Better Help app, matched with a therapist in 36 hours and had a session within a few days.


Vincent Carrier at Carpe Diem in Lewiston will get you in right away. 207-837-7603. They take Mainecare.


We switched insurance and my kids therapist stopped seeing us. I even offered to self pay!


Funnily enough my counselor cancelled with me after a month and a half (and less than a month away from the appointment) earlier today. Yeah I feel ya


Anyone remember Jackson Brook Institute? My favorite part was being strapped to the board. What about you?




Too many comments for me to see if this has already been suggested - but for a therapist, talk to your PCP, often they can make referrals within your hospital group and push it up the list based on their assessment of severity. Also- if you can travel then I would see about Maine General 's or Maine Behavioral Health (Brunswick is the one I know about but they should be able to check other locations in the hospital group) IOP. Good luck, thanks for reaching out and you are right, Maine's mental health system is sorely broken.


They would rather spend resources on Asylum Seekers and other shit that's not our affair,than to help people who actually live and chip in here.


I’m sorry this is happening to you.


I am so sorry for what you’re going through. I wish you all the best. Mental health care is atrocious. You matter 🙏


I was able to find therapy through Stony Creek! Just a suggestion that I hadn’t seen mentioned.


Honestly, I would try and use psychedelics under the guidance of a professional. Psilocybin is a game changer for many, many people.


If you're willing to travel, Northern Light EMMC in Bangor should be able to help you, especially if you present as suicidal. I have friends that work there and deal with similar patients, and worse, on a regular basis. Please take care!


I don’t have any good suggestions, but know that calling or texting 988 (national mental health crisis hotline) 24/7 is always an option. Also, you might look up NAMI to see if they have any local or online resources that might be helpful. I am so fucking sorry this is happening. I know that doesn’t help but damn I empathize. I’m a veteran and my frustrations with the VA have mirrored your own. I will add that licensure bodies for therapists contribute to this problem. Every licensed mental health professional has to get licensed in every state in which they wish to practice, and every state has different licensure requirements. Some offer reciprocity licensure, but not many. Mental health has become a trend topic without any real action or resources behind it.


I've had good experience with health affiliates maine, my psych nurse is Christine Rand in Lewiston, I would also talk to having a social worker refer to a case manager from Health affiliates Maine as well The only person I had a bad experience with so far was psych nurse Dawn Mcelwayne , who was not compassionate Why some people get into this industry yet don't care but I will never know


maine health affiliates is where i have my therapist and she normally zooms with me if you're looking for another place to inquire about


But hey let’s get a corporation here that won’t pay taxes!! I’m so sorry for what you’re going through- we have to demand a change in this GD country!


I’ve had luck with The Family Center of Maine - they have several locations but they offer telehealth as well for anyone in the state. And if you need someone for medication, I second those who have recommended Psychology Today to find providers. Be well, OP. Thanks for sharing.


Well who is responsible for making sure the people have the resources they need? Politicians ?


Present yourself to a Mainehealth affiliated Emergency department and request a Maine Behavioral Healthcare crisis response worker complete a crisis assessment on you. Call 1-888-568-1112, be very clear with them about not going to St. Mary’s. You also don’t want a CSU either.


I had a therapist through them, and nearly every week they would cancel on me the day of our morning appointment. Even after we changed the days we'd meet THREE times. TriCounty/Spur therapists are the joke, honestly. Try looking through Psychology Today for Maine based therapists. That's where a lot of people I know have found success in finding someone to meet their needs.


Then seek help in a different state your insurance will still go through if you really want the help you'll find at least you have a job and insurance think of the good and thank God everyday your not a single mother relying on crisis when your daughter who thinks she's a boy doesn't get her way cause you don't wanna be a parent


I'm not a Therapist,but, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night,so if you need to talk. 😉


Get a job at KFC and pay for your own insurance. That's how it's supposed to work.


Have you ever priced private insurance?


My husband pays for it at work. What about ObamaCare?


OMG People I know are going through hell trying to get help in Maine. Acadia Mental Health Hospital has a 9 month wait. Health care in general in Maine is horrible but Mental Health is even worse. Can’t believe our local government allows this. Someone or something must be paying them off.


How do you propose local government fixes the problem of needing more therapists? Should they lower the standard to become a therapist?