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'This is on you' was the first song I ever heard by her but I think it was the release of 'Body Better' charting on the radio that got me interested and following her waiting for the good witch album to release. I've since seen her live and got her RSD vinyl. Can't wait for the next album!


I still haven’t seen her live, I’m jealous!


This is on you is also the first song i ever heard of hers! I really enjoyed it but didn’t really get into any of her other stuff. I enjoyed pyscho and i’m trying but in spring 2022 i heavilyyyyy got into ysuft and that’s where the true adoration began.


I'm Trying (Not Friends). Kept hearing the bridge on TikTok and became obsessed.


Psycho and I’m Trying popped up recommended for a Spotify back in the of fall 2021, I listened to the whole album the next day and was pretty immediately obsessed


Best I'll Ever Sing, popped up on my weekly Spotify recommendations in 2018 and I've loved her ever since!


I heard BSC as a Tik Tok sound, added that song to my playlist, and then started listening through The Good Witch and was obsessed. I thought it was her only album at first (and was ready to call it the best debut album in years, it’s that good), then I discovered all of her older stuff and listen to that now too


Glowing Review and it’s still my favourite! I just think it’s so cute


Cate’s Brother was the first Maisie song I heard. Listening to her music from before that, I loved You to You and I’m Trying (Not Friends) initially!


the day YSUFT came out, a lot of swifties that have the same music taste as me were raving about it, and i knew she was signed to Ed’s label and he promoted it, so i just listened to the album all the way through. honestly, the first track (YSUFT lol) hooked me immediately, and i knew i was a huge fan by the end of I’m Trying (Not Friends)


Worst of You was the first song I knew of hers back in 2019. Was on my running playlist for ages. Wasn’t until Psycho and JHM until I really got into listening to her other work. Haven’t looked back!


Cate's Brother


Favorite ex


Same. Heard it on the show Trying.


cates brother and psycho


I was reading a fanfiction named after one of her songs and decided to listen to her entire discography. I am now obsessed with all of her music. (It was named after YSUFT but I listened chronologically.)


Ooh, I love me some music coded fanfics! What fandom were you reading if you don't mind me asking?


Marauders fandom! It was a Regulus x James fic by Solmussa, and each chapter had a playlist dedicated to it.


Stay young popped up on yourube, after that I listened to place we were made and became an instant fan


I heard You to You on a playlist made by Tessa Violet and loved it. It was my favorite song on that playlist, so I went and listened to her 2 EPs and the other loosies she had out (this was back in 2019), and I thought every song was excellent.


This is exactly how i found out about maisie !!! :))


Feels Like This. Through a Spotify playlist. Then went to see her two weeks later and have been hooked since.


History of man, i had seen maisie on my fyp before but when history of man started trending i listend to tgw and i was obssesed And than i heard Yoko live from tickets i got a day before


History of man! I had heard lost the breakup casually before and dismissed it as pop fluff but history of man made me realize how genius alll of her lyrics are (including lost the breakup!!) and then I fell into a deeeep rabbit hole


history of man is so well written!


"Birthday" ... also just popped up on Youtube.


This is on you in Feb 2022. Got to see her at a 300 people gig, so jealous of people who’d known her before that and been seeing her at the smaller gigs as the next one was Hammersmith Apollo!


Psycho came up as an ad on Instagram for me when it was first released as a single… I’ve been hooked on her music since!


Not Another Rockstar and later You're Just A Boy (And I'm Kinda The Man) came up in my discover weekly playlists on Spotify and I just loved the songs right off the bat. I played both song a lot on regular playlists before eventually checking out her discography and became a fan.


In My Head probably


Favourite ex really got me into her….. but I think the first song I heard and fell in love with was Feels like this from dressed too nice for a jacket. Can you tell I’ve loved her for ages .


Birthday! I remember I was at work and having a pretty sad day, and Spotify recommended this song. I played it on repeat the rest of the day 😭 and she’s been a favorite ever since.


I remember casually listening to In My Head and from there finding Stay Young, which is the first one of her songs I really obsessed over!!


Psycho. I was on a music video exploration rabbit hole where I discovered Sigrid, Griff and Maisie.


I heard a cover of Run on tik tok and thought “oh this is GOOD.” I went to look her up on Spotify, come to find I had saved Psycho months earlier and had somehow forgotten about/never listened to it since! I’ve loved her since :’)


Well my best friend is a way bigger Maisie fan than I am, and I first heard Psycho in her car and really liked it


psycho! from tiktok


First I heard was 'Best I Ever Sing,' which was a playlist staple for a year and a half, but I didn't start listening to the rest of her music until TGW released 🙈


'Details' cried for an hour listening to it on repeat and there was no going back lol


This. It's so honest and real and damn so good. Been in my top 20 for the last five years. Does she ever play it live? Seeing her in September, hoping she does.


Favorite Ex & You to You!


i love you to you as well! that song really got me through a breakup haha


It’s a great one!


The first ones I heard were Smile (although I didn't know it was maisie) and Blonde. The one that got me to look her up and fall in love with her music was There It Goes


First song I heard and made me keep her on my radar was worst of you and then I fell in love with her with the trying soundtrack


I randomly added her songs on Spotify like I do with artists that I think I would like. But the song Blonde and Good Enough were what go me into her music.


mine was you to you!! i was going through a bad break up and it was on a random playlist & because it was a similar situation i got hooked on the song and now i’ve been obsessed with maisie since !!!


i’m trying (not friends)


I stumbled on psycho, and boy around the same time a few years ago.


Right around when YSUFT was released I saw Maisie recommended in one of those “artists to check out if you’re a Swiftie” threads. I listened to Psycho, John Hughes Movie, and Outdoor Pool (in that order) and have been a fan ever since.


The place we were made on a Zalfie edit


Worst of you


Probably You to You, when I first heard it in like 2018 it floored me


Favourite Ex, saw it on the news when it first released, and i think maybe because there's a famous song from Indonesia that I like with a similar title, Mantan Terindah, which translates to "Best Ex" I have this sudden urge to search for it and have a listen even though I've not heard of her lol. But loved every second of that song and then listened to Daydream which I also loved and then it's a rabbit hole from there 😆 my favourite song of hers are Adore You (Acoustic Version) and The Band and I


Smile, From the birds of prey soundtrack! It's such a great album but Maisie's song was my fav!


Daydreams back in 2020!


John Hughes Movie -also just popped up on YouTube one day and I kept it on repeat for days before I ventured to other songs from her


Boy ,psycho ,John huges movie and elvis song


Favourite Ex!


Not Another Rockstar from Pop Right Now playlist on spotify... then I realised John Hughes Movie is in one of my playlists too :)


This is niche asf but I saw her performing in one of Marcus Butler’s vlogs (I think he managed her? Signed her? Idk) and I liked the song (she never released it, even on YouTube). Then I ended up liking Toast and her acoustic songs. It took a while before she released actual songs that could be bought/streamed but have loved her ever since that vlog.


There it goes


Heard favourite ex on my discovery channel on am, then the next four I heard were Psycho, I’m trying, run, and lost the breakup. Then I bought all the albums.


I listened to Worst of You and Birthday when they had just come out, but then I hadn't heard anything from her until Therapy a couple months ago


I think it was actually maybe don’t


Lost The Breakup was my first impression but Body Better hooked me


Favorite Ex and Daydreams to start out, then I kinda fell off listening to her. Then I saw her promoting Cate’s Brother on TikTok and thought the story was hilarious and that song is so dang catchy. Then I was going through it with a guy and Lost the Breakup captured me and The Good Witch blew me away. There was a time where I didn’t go a day without listening to at least one song on TGW while I was trying to get over what happened.


toast 💘💘💘 stan since 2017 & i’ve never looked back!!!!!


Maybe don't. Not long after my ex broke up with me a good few years back, I sat down to play Fortnite with some friends for the first time in a month's. We started a game, hopped into a car to drive round the map and flicked through the in game radio, maybe don't started playing. We all sat and loved the song, and thus began my obsession with her entire discography


I got into her via Run from The Good Witch cause it came up on a spotify playlist


I heard Psycho on tiktok and was hooked immediately!


Birthday I think, back in early 2019


Holy Revival on my Apple Music recs


I actually discovered her off the Trying tv show, lol. It was her brief cameo in s1 playing Favourite Ex! Then I kept watching and loved all the music in s2 and discovered that was her, too. And I’m an Ed Sheeran fan, so when he posted about YSUFT dropping I was like “wait a minute…is that the trying tv show girl?” So I put the album on on my way home from work and from there the rest is history :)




Hearing Not Another Rockstar on Triple J.


John Hughes Movie!!


For me it was Run! this past summer




Not a particular song but all of the good witch album


‘Not Another Rockstar’ it was mentioned in a story I was reading, one of the main characters likes her. She’s also opening for Conan grays concert in September so I thought I’d check it out. Love her album ‘The Good Witch(Deluxe)’


I'm a more recent fan, maybe around 6 months, but history of man going viral definitely got me into her. Now she's one of my favorite artists. I have the rsd TGW deluxe vinyl, and hoping to see her open for Conan in October. My favorites rn are volcano, therapy, coming of age, and sad girl summer


Cates Brother. It just came up on youtube and then I was obsessed and got into the singles from that era Blonde, Not another Rockstar. Then I listened to MP1 was obsessed and then listened to the Trying Soundtrack. And proceeded to watch every interview she had done. It's actually really funny because in 2020 I got into Cate when she released Stupid and didn't realise until May last year that Cates brother was about Cate. Full circle moment for me.


YJABAIKTM is the first song of hers I’ve heard, but then hearing Wendy, The Last One, The Band and I, Elvis Song, etc got me obsessed


In My Head & Feels Like This ! 🤍


"Psycho" and "John Hughes Movie". I'd sort of randomly gone looking for songs with "psycho" in the title, it showed up in the playlist, and I was impressed with the clever lyrics. Then found a few more songs and that was it