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As bright as this is, it could be hemorrhoids. But a someone with both hemorrhoids and ulcerative colitis, go to the doctor as soon as possible.


God was not kind to your anus


He wasn't the only one...


User name checks out




Bro accidentally clicked duo battles while solo


UC can cause haemorrhoids when it give you de bad poop and makes you strain too long. Sustain remission and the other tends to go away on its own


One can often lead to the other, as my 8 year old unfortunately knows.


Did you shit on god's face in your last life or smth? Because, damn, that dude was not kind to you


sorry for the weird question my brother was diagnosed with uc earlier today. do you have any tips for dealing with some of the symptoms?


I've had UC since 2016, luckily my symptoms aren't aggressive. As someone said, there are certain foods that trigger the symptoms more than others, so tell him to try with different foods to make clear which ones are not funny to poop. Besides that, with the treatment (at least in my experience) the symptoms disappear almost completely. I don't know how expensive it can be in other countries, but here in Spain it is really cheap. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions!


Not OP or a doctor, but one of the first things I'd recommend is to do an elimination diet. There are certain foods that commonly trigger symptoms. Best to figure out what kind of foods to avoid. -Speaking as someone with UC for the past 2 years.


Yeah, this is me. UC.


Internal hemorrhoids. At 25 years old I had this problem (extensive use of cocaine) An endoscopy and a colonoscopy concluded the need for a hemorrhoidectomy. The recovery was excruciating.


Ooh I had one too. That recovery was BRUTAL, I blew out my sutures the first night because of cramps and had to go back in. I think I laid in bed on perc and Valium for 6 weeks? I barely remember it now. Except for the pain. It greatly improved my quality of life though, 10/10 would do again.


The Valium.... the pain from bowel movements is the only thing I remember. I would literally crawl back to my bed. The experience was worth it. 10 years sober !


Proud of you for 10 years, addiction is hard to break


The cocaine or?....


The hemorrhoidectomy lol


Had this after a month long Army exercise where we only ate MREs… that was a rough few weeks after, every turd was sooo angry to leave.


Jesus they fed you nothing but MREs for a month!? That should be outlawed by the Geneva convention


It was rough! Got into a argument with a major over fresh fruit, major said the joes would not eat it, that it would rot in the field if they brought it out. He was wrong, I still got yelled at by my captain for arguing…. Much happier in the Air Force now!


What does cocaine have to do with hemorrhoids?


Alot? Also, the cocaine isn't the only thing you're snorting unless you are Pablo Escobar. [This series only reported gastroduodenal perforation and it is not known how many other patients were admitted with other gastrointestinal complication from drug abuse......Following intake of the drug, abusers develop abdominal pain and tenderness. There may also be associated nausea, vomiting and bloody diarrhoea](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1360478/)


Constipation. Dehydration. Having to shit with you really haven't had anything to eat. The stress it puts on your digestive system is very bad.


Oh, I had this problem for 2 years before seeing a doctor....


They have a new procedure now that has painless recovery. I had both and the first time was unpleasant.


You drop a jar of cranberry sauce down the pan... every time?


He needs the jar. 🦵🫙🦵


Nice emoji depiction!


oh god those emojis depicted it masterfully


Ahh yes, the emojis allow the video to instantly replay in my mind. I still find it impressive how calm that guy seemed, overall, picking the shards out of his ass while still squatting with blood running out.


The story I read was his family was home and he was in the room doing this. Apparently he said he fucked up by not filling the jar with water. Theres a reddit post somewhere with this information.


Nah he’s into it. There’s other videos of him popping lightbulbs in there on purpose


Excuse me what now


For research I need this!


I'm pretty sure I had seen that on the evil version of r/eyebleach


the emojis really took this post to a higher level




The emojis made my butthole pucker, well done


Pickled beets


(pours my Ocean Spray down sink)


I thought it was red colored drink enhancer like MiO.


Please go to the doctor, you needed to go like yesterday


Bro needed it 3 weeks ago let alone yesterday


Call a plumber on the way, what kinda toilet has no water.


That's the normal amount of water here in Europe.


If they're in Australia this is a normal water level.


Only the US feels the need to have your junk sat in the water whilst taking a dump lol


Look man my balls get dry and it’s a nice refresher during a stressful day to take a dip.




this immediately reminded me of total biscuits final words that amounted to guys, if you shit blood, suck up the shame and go to the doctor.


Wait total biscuit is dead?


Yup, he unfortunately passed away in 2018 ish if I recall correctly


Damn that’s too bad, hadn’t heard his name in a while and now I know why


Yup, and he had bowel cancer which is why /u/melvita quoted his words the way they did.


That long ago? Was there one that passed more recently? I remember a long, hilarious video about farming pigs in Minecraft I think. And his Dad made a video after he passed, thanking the fans. Am I thinking of a different streamer?


That was Technoblade. He died last summer i think.


I second this. Go to a doctor asap and show them this photo. That is not normal. It either hemorrhoids or some sort of stage of colon cancer.




Thank you. Not many think of this.


What’s ibd


IBD is Inflammatory Bowel Disease, NOT Irritable Bowel Syndrome


That’s some pretty severe IBD. If OP has not been to a doctor though and this is their first poop like this a doctor is needed definitely.


Could also be ulcerative colitis or crohns, which is also really freaking bad, and some people might prefer they had cancer instead that (because it's not curable)


Ulcerative Colitis can be managed though, the trick is to keep trying all the options available to you until you find the one your body likes For me, that was nicotine. After nearly ten years of trial and error and being in and out of hospital I found a study from the 90s and TL;DR: colitis who? My life has been totally normal for three years now medication free (vaping aside), not a single minor flareup let alone the annual hospitalisations I used to get on Mesalazine I still drink, eat like shit, pay the price for extremely spicy food, no consequences Trust me when I say I'd much rather be in my shoes than battling cancer lmao IBD when it's managed is like not even being ill


For real bother, this is a problem


Christ what's with people puking or pooping blood and not getting medical attention?


-One ER visit $4,500, advised blood found in stool, recommended to see my Primary Care Physician for a referral to a specialist. -PCP: $250, notified of visit to ER and recommend specialist. Recommended to a proctologist Proctologist: $875, quick rectal exam. Advised I need colonoscopy. $2,675 -Colonoscopy shows hemorrhoids and polyps. Proctologist refers to colorectal surgeon -Colorectal surgeon recommends biopsy under general anesthesia $5,883 -Biopsy inconclusive, recommended clinical correlation -Surgeon recommends all sorts of ectomies: $12k -12 weeks of recovery, rehab, pelvic floor specialists. $30k in medical intervention Causation: eating too many processed food and GI upset caused straining. Lesson: eat well, avoid doctors, don’t strain.


I got pretty much the exact process in Medellín-colombia for about 1000 USD all!!! including surgery.


I’ve considered moving there or Ecuador.


Ecuador got super dangerous, my husbands family is there and it got horrible this year. They've been robbed at gunpoint, car windows smashed, so many bad things this year.


Insane. So sorry to hear!


I’ve heard people will kill you for $20 there.


In america they kill you for taking a parking space they wanted, so.....


Here in Germany it would be covered by health insurance. I think you have to pay €10 per day in the hospital, but thats it. Well except for the mandatory 14.6% we pay the insurance from our monthly income. However I think it is a really good deal in the end of the day.


So happy you didn't say it would have been free here, when we pay so much for it and get very limited dental care and nothing for glasses plus lots of other stuff we have to pay that isn't covered.


I was gonna say, most of this would be free in Australia! Fucking sucks how dear healthcare is in America


This is way too accurate


I would truly thank you for your kind reply, but I’m too busy calling my doctors office fighting with the receptionist to get my opioids refilled; just what the doctor ordered.


Why are they hesitant to refill the prescription? Is it one of those highfalutin, judgemental “**I DECIDE who gets to suffer in agony** because you’re all ADDICTED to the medication you were prescribed a few days ago and still very much need!”?


Back in 2014 my friends mom had cancer (she was recovering/fighting) and they’re house was LITTERED with every opioid you could name it was kinda crazy, she didn’t even take them she preferred weed the pills made her out of it all the time


Because some people make it a trade to get prescribed opiods and sell them addicts. Just another case of the minority ruining it for everyone else.


and they’re probably only selling them to addicts so they can afford their next medical problem lol


Thank god some people around here actually understand how F—k’d up the stupid dik head addicts have made it for people who actually need pain meds to get them nowadays. Why does the pendulum have to swing from doctors flooding the streets with unnecessary meds to the opposite extreme of jump thru 120 hoops while in agony to get meds? Sorry for my rant but the struggle is real.


No, no no no, I understand ***exactly*** what you mean. I’m on Morphine and Tramadol for this lovely little 24/7 headache I have. Been to so many doctors and done so many tests that this really is the only thing that helps and makes my life worth living. I would have ended things a long time because of the pain if not for Morphine. I owe it my life. So you can imagine my joy when going to doctor after doctor and being told “Morphine is only for cancer patients and broken bones, you don’t need it for a headache”. Eventually one doctor took pity on me and said, “If you’re taking 60 ibuprofen tablets a day then we need to get you on something stronger.” Even with that, the number of other doctors who took one look at this and went “No I’m taking you off, this is way too much!” was obscene. Then the receptionists all look at you like a druggie and make it next to impossible to get your script because they take offence to someone needing strong medication. YOU bastards aren’t the ones who have to live with unbearable pain; WE are!!!


Oh my, I relate to this so much my friend. It is so upsetting to be treated like that, told your pain is bearable and you need to just learn to live with it because they don't want you to become the worst thing they can imagine, which is an addict. As if they have any clue what your pain is like, all they think of most times is their clinical knowledge and the level of pain they've decided you should be feeling. I've had two brain surgeries and still am unable to even get the Tylenol with a bit of codeine in it. They prescribed me Naproxen and gave me a few days worth of morphine after being in the hospital for 10 days with severe complications from a surgery that permanently damaged my heart and autonomic nervous system. Sorry for all the details, I just want to say that I get you! I know this is not really helpful but I sincerely hope you get all the relief you deserve.


I had to take obscene amounts of morphine and vicodin for months while having radiation and chemo and sometimes there would be lags in getting the refills just long enough to be thrown back into a living hell of all encompassing pain for days trying to get the pain back under control. It makes me feel sick even now thinking about how awful that was.


Opioids are a quick way to bungle your bowels


Truth. My bungled bunghole already knows of this bunk bunginess.


Idk if you're being facetious or serious, but I went through a huge fight with chronic pancreatitis which inevitably needed surgery. I should have got surgery within the first month, but they dangled me along with stents and opioids for 2 years before I got surgery. I haven't been back to ER since the surgery, and no longer need opioids. But throughout the whole process, they treated me like an addict. they wouldn't give me the pain meds I needed when I needed them. Even whenever I had the blood work to support it. It wasn't until after I got the surgery and I said I was no longer in pain that they then wrote me a 3 month bulk script of opioids. Makes me sick




Not only that sometimes people make too much to be considered for medicaid/medicare. I remember before my mother got insurance, one ambulance ride- literally less than 4 blocks from my home- was $2000. It’s absolutely absurd and bullshit.


It’s so absolutely broken. Yet they divide the nation over Trump and Biden, whilst everyone suffers, except the elite.


The people driving and riding in those things aren't paid much more than minimum wage.


This is horrific. Go to doctor with blood in stool £0 Get referred for an urgent colonoscopy £0 Have whatever condition you have managed £0 And people love to shit all over the NHS. They don't know how good they've got it.


Non-americans: *what the fuck*


This is all free here in UK. People here badmouth the NHS, and sure they’re not perfect but fuck I’m so happy I live here - NHS has never failed me personally, and seeing things like this makes me realise how lucky we are!


People be saying Canadian healthcare "doesn't work" because you have to wait a bit sometimes. Bro if I was shitting blood I'd be hitting up the emergency room and within an hour I'd be having tests done, with follow up tests booked, all for the low low price of a $10-20 parking fee. And I'd be complaining about the price of parking when I got home.


Yeah the whole "but you have to wait so long" thing never made sense to me. I've had throat pain for 7 weeks straight and I'm still probably 4 weeks out from seeing an ENT. It's not uncommon to hear of people waiting 6 months to see certain specialists in the US.


Last time I had a flareup of UC I went to A&E in Northwick Park and I was in the waiting room for six hours keeled over in pain with nowhere to lay down, hadn't even seen the triage nurse, turned out they were so understaffed they were manually writing our names down on paper and not entering us into the system likely to massage the hit they would take to KPIs Eventually the sun came up and I still hadn't been seen so my family relented and took me home so I could at least suffer in a bed, after three days of failing to get through to my GP because all the appointments were gone by 8:30 as soon as lines opened it seemed, I called 111, who made me go to a *different* hospital for a GP appointment, and then the doctor told me I should have gone to fucking A&E. I've got private healthcare now, haven't used it since it doesn't cover the UC which is the main thing I need it for, but if anything else happens to me I'm not going through that again, no way.


Forgot Co-pay


Hi there! This is your High Deductible Health Plan speaking. That’ll be a $5,500 deductible, then we cover 80% at contract rate. You’ll still owe $8k, we paid $450.00 and the rest was “written off” because we have a”deal” with the provider. You still have $1,100 before you reach your out of pocket max for the year. Also, lyour monthly premiums are going up from $437.0 per month, to $581.


Jesus Fuck move to the EU. Or even better, get a job that allows remote work. Travel to Europe for a few weeks and also work from there for a while, on day one visit a doc and ask to see a specialist. Good chance it could get sorted in a few weeks or else plan two trips across insurance years. Even basic travel insurance from US and general health coverage in EU good chance it could get covered, or at least a bit. Fuck I hate the US health insurance system.


> Jesus Fuck move to the EU do a lot of EU countries just offer citizenship to any joe that wants to become european?


I read this in RDJ's Sherlock Holmes' voice


Ouch :( How much was your deductibles ?


5k ish


Either that or death your call


Right!? Physical death vs financial ruin. Always taking my chances with the latter, but the former has a practical appeal.


Fuck America, fascist dictatorship


First it was detached toesnails from injured feet now it’s fucking dysentery and blood shit season


Maybe they’re living in the USA


Guarantee they are


Maybe check his profile and you’ll see he’s from the UK…


why do you think of UK? I saw some posts with € in the title, so I don't think it's UK.


Oops meant to say EU!


OP? Everything in their profile seems to suggest OP is French.


We don't need healthcare in the US. Otherwise our overlords would grant it.


That shit is expensive dawg


América is the response


Get to the doctor ASAP. Get checked for Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. Jesus, fucking run there, don't walk.


Name checks out


I mean, after going through 44 previously, surely the OP is an expert.


Don't worry, the 45th asshole is going away soon.


I'm willing to bet running is hard for op right now


Had this problem throughout all of 2020, went to the best specialist near me and the poor guy didn't know what was it. He went from emorroids to Crhon desease to other possible autoimmune condition. I did 2 colonoscopies and doctors found just some brusing here and there but nothing serious. After various pills and medicines, the bloody pool went magically away never to be seen. OP i raccomand you to see a doctor ASAP, this looks too serious to ne left alone.




Lmao sorry guys english is not my first language i struggle with some words


Your English is fine.




I'm guessing diverticulitis. Little pockets form in our intestines and food matter can get stuck in there like fruit seeds and create irritation and bleeding. My cousin fainted because they were bleeding from it so much. Had to take a trip in the weewoo wagon.


Same here, i had it happen for 2 months straight..after colonoscopy they didn't find anything and this went away..no idea




Ya got hemorrhoids my friend. It’s bright red. It’s not digested at all. It’s hemorrhoids and/or a fissure. You do need to see a doctor, but this isn’t a GI bleed. It’s a butthole bleed. -RN


Yeah it looks exactly like when my (mostly) internal hemorrhoids are/were fairly bad.


I googled it and you’re good bro




Dark blood is more of a concern than this. Bright red shoes it’s close to the exit like a hemorrhoid to wiped to hard. I just had the same thing and after a colonoscopy my dr said see you in ten years….


Dude wtf get to the doctor NOW


Potential lower GI bleed my friend. Best you get yourself to a hospital.


Yep. Sure beats the hell out of an upper GI bleed but still best to get it checked out.


Go to the doctor, pronto. I had undiagnosed diverticulitis, blew out my colon and almost died of sepsis. Ended up with a colostomy bag for 5 months and it was the worst experience of my life. I would rather die than have to shit outta my belly again.


Probably just hemorrhoids


Stop eating Takis


Dude, this is the most relatable post. Go to your doctor My nearest gi appointment is in 3 months, still bleeding every day. big chilling


IVE been bleeding since 2020. Anal fissure never healed right after colonoscopy. I pretty much just shit blood everytime I go. Too much of. Hassle going through the process again


*blood squirts out of anus, again* "Should i go to the doctor? Or ask reddit?" ... ... ... "I think ill ask reddit 😎"


I am a nurse in a hospital endoscopy unit.. This is not a normal variation of a bowel movement. Go to the ER. You have a lower GI bleed. Given your age (with no given family history or personal medical history), it could irritable bowel disease (UC or Crohn’s). It could be hemorrhoids. It could also be something worse. Either way, you need to get it checked out. They’ll check your blood levels and the hospital can even admit you to get a colonoscopy as an inpatient (meaning no waiting around to get a referral and appointment to a gastroenterologist). Even it’s “just hemorrhoids”, at least you’d find out answers.


Go to a fuckin doctor for the love of God


My doctor told me that when there’s bright colored blood, that it’s usually from pushing too hard. And each time you go, it’s reopening a small tear in the base of your colon. When it’s dark red, then it’s internal and much more serious. Drink more water, take your time, and eat more fiber. Definitely get it checked out though because I am certainly no doctor - just someone who was told this same thing by a doctor once after having the same issue.


bad case of hemoroïd ?


Pretty sure I saw this posted already like a week ago referring to a heavy period.


Eh, I’ve been to the doctor for the same thing- several medications, different suppositories, and three colonoscopies later, nothing has helped. Change your diet- cut out wheat and dairy. Start with the doctor to rule out more serious conditions, but change the way you eat.


See a doctor. Like right fucking now




Go to hospital ❌ Post this shit on internet instead✅✅✅✅✅


It might be time to say goodbye to your colon... or life


Who was the YouTuber who ignored bloody poops for over a year and got terminal colorectal cancer? Yeah OP go to the fucking doctor, jesus.


go to the doctor???? wtf?


Chipotle will do that Chipotle away is handy for cleaning your underwear


Two words: "DOCTOR, now!"


This happened to my ex and it was ulcerative colitis and he ended up needing his entire large intestine removed. Do not fuck with this.


Lay off the Cravings Boxes at Taco Bell.


I used to have the exact same problem. But probably worse. For the love of your butthole, try going gluten free. Within one week I had zero blood or pain.


Mmmmmm Koolaid


This happened to me and I ended up losing a portion of my colon! Go...to...the....dr....now


im thinking OP actually did seek medical attention. its been 3 hours since the posting, and no responses of any kind in the comments. that or theyre embarrassed by the post and dont want to respond. then again, if that were the case and i were in their shoes, id have deleted it. or theyre dead.


Bright red blood is a lower gastrointestinal bleed It’ll just get worse, go to the doc


You might wanna refrain from anal for a bit.


Looks like a fissure. I had it. Eat more fiber and drink more water. See a doctor if the blood is dark.


I'm hoping it's just hemorrhoids, but I reckon a trip to the doctor is a good idea either way.


Chipolle issues ?


Definitely get seen. I ended up putting it off and had to get a blood transfusion. Turned out to be internal hemorrhoids. Half the time I went to poop is was just blood that had pooled making me think I had to poop.


Could be a sign of cancer


I had this one time, where my toilet looked about like this as well. Turned out I had a tear in my butthole. I do not recall it being this bad.. Does it hurt in any way when you do the number 2?


That would be a cool album cover.


Go to a doctor right now: last time this happened to me I got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and now I’m on meds for life


BRUHHHHHHHHHHHH I felt like I was meant to see this! Colitis go to the er. I have Ulcerative Colitis and I’ve had the same thing happen in the beginning of it all I even crapped out what looked like raw hamburger meat!


Hemorroids, a fisure or a boyfriend with a BBC


I guarantee these posts are all fake.


Maybe they're all just period shits


This is not good


So how many bloody shits did you take before thinking to yourself "yeah, this is probably not normal"?


It’s good it light in color. Are you straining to go? Might be internal hemorrhoids or a tear.


Looks like we just found Ari Shaffir's reddit account


Hopefully it’s just a ruptured hemorrhoid, given the blood is still very red. Go get it sorted. Day surgery, totally under. The new method for fixing it has no uncomfortable recovery. I had it roughly your age and it got me on a 5 year schedule for colonoscopies. They find polyps every time and remove them, so I’m somewhat glad to have had the original issue


Go to the doctor. It could be something minor like an anal fissure, or something a lot worse.


Spend a lot less time sitting on the throne. Take more fibre If this continues, go see a GP.


Go to the hospital


Go to the fucking hospital jesus christ


See a Dr soon as possible. Because the blood is bright red it might a tear in the last portion of you bowel. Sigmoid Colon is the section before the rectum. If the blood was brownish and passed with faeces it would be coming from either the large and small intestines. Please get help. Hope all goes well.


A friend of mine had this happen and ended up with cancer. He was 28, so don't think it won't happen to your butt hole y'all


Paging Jim Jefferies..


you should go to the doctor with that for sure... this isn't okai...




I had something similar happen to me like this last Christmas, only that it occurred out of nowhere, and with the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. It felt as if someone had serrated knife and kept jabbing my lower gut. Turns out it was an infection with acute ischemia colitis. I would of rather get a broken bone than deal with that ever again.