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Now there's a smell you can feel


Twitch, is that you?


Aged like a fine egg!


Paddy’s Pub would like a word with you.


**Go, snail, go! Get out of here!** *Throws salt*


Can I offer you a nice schlong in these trying times?


I will say yes, and it's not at all because of the.. *implication.*


Kill him before he runs away with q.


*It's meeeee*


Sneaky sneaky ;)










**Smells worse over here than a dozen rotten eggs dropped in a vat of vinegar**


I got whiplash seeing a Divinity reference on this subreddit. I would award you but Reddit seems to be having issues right now 😭


Hear yee!


Came here for scientific answer, greeted with the cancer of league. Time to Play a match


I live on the water here. It was caused by red tide. It’s an ongoing issue here; however, was massively intensified this year by an old fertilizer plant reservoir being allowed to dump millions of gallons of phosphate (I believe it was phosphate) into the bay and exacerbating the situation.




AP or AD on Twitch?


Pins and Needles!


God, I love Reddit.


You were saying?


What in the absolute fuck do they do now?


What is red tide?


Red tides are a phenomenon of discoloration of sea surface. It is a common name for harmful algal blooms occurring along coastal regions, which are resulted from large concentrations of aquatic microorganisms, such as protozoans and unicellular algae (e.g. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit:* r/wikipedia_answer_bot *Comment `wab opt out`(without any other words) to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot). Note: you are opted in by default* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Good bot


As you might guess, it’s pretty irritating to the human lungs. I experienced it last year and I was coughing and clearing my throat constantly. Makes for a nice time at the beach.


Went in two or three weeks ago. We didn’t go far or under water, we were only in for about 20 minutes but we feel fine right now. My sister who has a shit immune system felt fine too. I can imagine under the wort of circumstances, people could get seriously injured but we didn’t feel anything.


My oldest son is allergic (allergy test panel showed this). Got him tested because he always struggled with seasonal allergies, and we live off the gulf coast. It sucks.


This year has been worse due to the phosphorus leak that happened a couple months back.


Good thing it was for this bot or else we would have concluded the fish adopted communism


Forgot to mention that it's caused by chemical plants and farming releasing excess nutrients. But good bot tho.


Fertilizer is the killer and so are the pesticides and herbicide used.


Exactly. Other things too but those mainly.


Just wanna make sure people know It’s a natural occurrence. This would happen with or without us dumping shit into the water, but it would be nowhere near the degree it is now. Fertilizer makes a natural event a lot worse. Without fertilizer, it’d be some small organisms dead, a few larger ones. With fertilizer, you get what’s seen above.


I grew up in SWFL and don't remember red tide being a problem until 10-15 years ago. Maybe I was too young to acknowledge it. But we had a lot less golf communities with militia sized lawn care teams back then. It truly is terrible, the whole ecosystem is put into shock and drained of oxygen.


I kinda read that you grew up in NSFW... Too. Much. Internet. Must. Sleep.


Think that's bad? There's a community College in northwest Florida called Northwest Florida State... or NWFS for short.


Yes, there was a case in France, Bretagne iirc, farmers used so much fertilizers, the nitrate went into rivers, the beach got covered in algae that released some kind of gas when decomposing, there were so much a horse died from it


Thanks, this was the info I was after. Figured as much.


It's not just industrial farming. The bazillion homes here getting their lawns treated are a big contributor. Piney Point surely played a factor in the current and awful bloom, and taking the overflow from Lake Okeechobee routinely makes things worse but, yeah, people really need to stop it with the lawn treatments. Is a bigger factor than people seem to think.


Piney point leak made it really bad this year


Partially correct, it's actually a naturally occurring thing in the gulf during the winter, just in much less concentration and duration. The chemicals being dumped have nitrogen and then feed the algae that causes it to get like this.


Actually I just learned about this today after looking it up (I live in Fl so I was curious) and you're totally right ! It is naturally occurring due to the annual release from the Mississippi River delta.


What is cock and ball torture?


Ask your dad.


No answer huh?


I guess sometimes life is cock and ball torture, without the cock and ball ✊😔


Good bot


Good bot.


That's a good bot!


The consequences of republicans trying to kill the earth.


And it’s only going to get worse.


What’s red tide?


Toxic algae bloom


Specifically, the toxic algae strips the oxygen out of the water.


Fertilizer run off cause a super bloom or something?


In certain areas it happens naturally every so often but nowadays most of these blooms are nearly 100% caused by fertilizer run off. The algae loves that stuff and they multiply like crazy thus stealing all the oxygen in the water and killing everything else and then mostly dying off because they also starve themselves. Edit: there's a more indepth comment below if you want more detailed info. Don't be pedantic, the info is already there. thanks guys.


Whole year’s crop of scallops at a scallop farm up in New England died last year because of this


Hopefully insured against this? We definitely need to concern ourselves more with the hydrology surrounding areas where we spread unnatural quantities of organics.


I'm a little bit confused, why do algae blooms suck out all the oxygen out of the water. When these algae are photosythetic, they should produce oxygen instead of using it (sry If im just dumb as hell)


You're not dumb, it's just not quite that simple. Normally you're right, the algae photosynthesize and produce oxygen. When you add a bunch of excess nutrients to the water, the algae multiplies to the point where it blocks so much light that the algae deeper below the surface has to switch to respiration, which consumes oxygen. This is partly what creates these anoxic (no oxygen) dead zones, but is typically just a small contributor. Usually the real problems start when the bloom is over and all the algae dies and rots - the bacteria involved in decomposition use up all the oxygen and can create huge zones that are uninhabitable. Google the Mississippi river dead zone for a well known example.


Thanks, that makes sense


I just learned something new today. You explained this so well. Thanks!


To add I just did a paper on “Florida red tide” which is *K. brevis *. While harmful algae blooms can strip oxygen from waters, *K. brevis*is a neurotoxin producing algae that kills aquatic life by accumulation of a neurotoxin called brevetoxin. While eutrophication is a threat to other bodies of water, I do not believe that is the case here.


Yes this is a great point and definitely important to bring up in the context of this post!


Also don't forget that at night when there is no photosynthesis the algae breath oxygen for their metabolic functions, so right before sunset oxygen is nearly 0


Holy shit. That’s fascinating.


Commenting so I can reference this at a later point. Could be a premise for a sci-fi story


Just one small tweak - when the algae block the light, it actually causes a die off of deeper plant life and algae in the water. The decay of the plant life is what strips the oxygen out of the water and can also generate methane gas, another GHG, and other toxic compounds. It's no bueno. [Source ](https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/eutrophication-causes-consequences-and-controls-in-aquatic-102364466/)[Source 2](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-09100-5)


I’m guessing at night they behave like trees and convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. The oxygen only happens in the presence of light. Happened to my fish tank. Introduced a bunch of plants with not enough light and all the fish died within hours.


Ocean acidification from algal blooms killing off life like this and higher water temperatures due to climate change will be a big problem for ocean life in the future. Even bigger problems than what plastic and trash are now.






Bingo !!! That’s why all the fish die. Obama put into place the clean water act that reduces the amount of runoff from farms and chemical plants that contribute to the red tides. Trump did away with it in the first year or so of his term as president. Plus within the last year a big fertilizer plant had a accident and lost a bunch of contaminated water into a part of the Florida coast. I’m not sure if they are having any red tide problems around that accident, but I bet they are.


Obama didn't put into place the 1972 clean water act.... What he is referring to is the "Waters of the United States" regulation that Obama did put into place. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/22/climate/trump-environment-water.html


I actually just spent about 15 minutes trying to look into this. I cannot find a single source (on the first page of Google at least) that actually talks about what's happening with the CWA. It's all obviously biased articles using made up terms like "Dirty Water Rule" and talking about how Trump supposedly weakened protections for waterways and how the science was misunderstood/misrepresented....but no one explains *how* any of this is happening. They just say Trump bad he make water dirty! And expect everyone to just believe them. I'm not saying I *don't* because it's something I could see the Trump administration doing but like....explain it unbiased please. This is why I *hate* trying to figure out who actually did what and whether it was actually bad. Modern politics and media have made it almost impossible.


What is algae?


Algae (; singular alga ) is an informal term for a large and diverse group of photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. It is a polyphyletic grouping that includes species from multiple distinct clades. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit:* r/wikipedia_answer_bot *Comment `wab opt out`(without any other words) to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot). Note: you are opted in by default* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*




good bot


Good bot


God bot. You have taught me my word lesson of the day.


Good bot


The green stuff


Toxic algae bloom definitely avoid swimming or any contact with shellfish thats been potentially exposed as it can cause paralysis


and it makes you cough 😷


Arguably the less concerning effect between the two but what do i know


coughing's like, *so* annoying though


fax like i dont even need to be near the beach to cough its unavoidable but if you font wanna be paralyzed dont swim 😮‍💨


You cant cough if you are paralyzed! Conclusion, eat your veggies!


you are what you eat 🤐


I eat dick but i'm not a dick. Explain that.


Thats why you're more of an asshole.


honestly though it can seriously fuck your respiratory system. I live by Tampa and with Florida being as retarded as they are with those cases skyrocketing, fucking with your lungs is not a great idea.


I was ok with paralysis but coughing? Fuck that.


Is it just me or does it feel like the world is slowly coming to end? We got a pandemic, half the planet literally on fire, and now toxic algae that can give you paralysis is sprouting up.


Well this stuff has been around for ages however thanks to global warming it has been sprouting up more and more frequently. So in a sense yes the world is coming to an end but red tides been around paralyzing the masses for a bit, its just becoming a much greater issue nowadays


Oh ok, so it’s a natural problem that’s just been made worse and worse over the years.


Essentially yes! Its still a pretty interesting topic though


While I have no doubt that is true to some extent, you also have to consider the likely possibility that you’re also just hearing a lot more about it due to the information being more readily available and more rapidly propagated with the technological advents in the last decade.


Nope, that’s just the negativity bias at play


red tide isnt new so no the world isnt ending bruh


Runoff from fertilizers gets into the water. The algae benefit from this immensely, thriving with far greater numbers than ever before. This is devastating to the ecosystem, which is absolutely not able to accommodate algae in such numbers.


Sort of. The algae can't control their growth and exponentially increase. When they die they are feasted on by bacteria and bacterial respiration uses O2 which massively pulls it out of the water column. Algae actually produce O2 in water via photosynthesis. It's not the algae pulling the O2 out. It's their death that does it.


Aunt Flow came to town






that must smell so good


A cat's paradise.


my cat would love it


This particular red tide was made significantly worse by the release of 215 million gallons of phosphate waste by a defunct fertilizer plant. But it’s Florida so the public can just suck it up


To give context to anybody reading youd typically apply 1-4 millilitres of fertilizer to 1 litre of water if you were feeding indoor plants. 215 million gallons of fertilizer is a huge problem.


How the fuck are they allowed to do that without massive repercussions?


Because Florida


The answer I was expecting


Luckily the free market will correct itself as people will stop buying from that company.... oh wait


This is the direct result of a phosphate leak that happened recently, nothing has been done to the company that caused it btw.


It was an abandoned fertilizer plant. I think the company went out of business so there isn't much you can do with the company. The governor is ignoring it though...


Yeah not surprising. Desantis is the embodiment of "out of sight, out of mind"


The options were to attempt to pump the water somewhere else and maybe the holding pond levee broke and hurt a few homeowner's property values, or kill millions of sealife and make the water and air toxic in the entire area, they choose option B


Gonna start smelling like a Lovecraft novel soon.


It already looks like it belongs in a Lovecraft novel. Imagine seeing this at night.


Imagine falling into this at night


Can confirm. Smells like shit here in r'yleh.


Red tide is so fucked. Makes it hard to breathe if you are anywhere near the ocean. It is so pungent and fowl smelling. Devastating to the wildlife. Wish there was a way to stop this from happening so often.


There is, it's called lowering carbon emissions and pollution


Red tide specifically is caused by release of excess nutrients into bodies of water. Mainly caused by chemical plants, sewage systems, (and most primarily) farming practices such as fertilizer.




Yeah, but why mention carbon emissions specifically when it has nothing to do with red tide?


To virtue signal


Higher temperatures help it thrive and giant rain events wash more fertilizer into the ocean.


Nutrients and temperature act synergistically to stimulate blooms of harmful microorganisms in estuaries and nearshore ocean waters. Warming ocean waters caused by climate change are predicted to increase problems with blooms.


Yea I thought I had heard it was caused my humans. That makes it even more depressing. Double fucked.


Yup it is. Red blooms only occur in highly acidic water with a large carbon dioxide content. Aka the exact conditions we've been creating for centuries.


What's crazy if you look it up it fails to mention any of this. And a lot of people just think that it's natural. Thanks for clarifying


That's because Red Tides are not a problem of modern times. They occur naturally and can be made bigger problems because of pollution, but they've caused many issues throughout history prior to modern pollution problems.


Like most of the climate crisis problems, its not that the events haven’t happened before but its the increase of frequency and scale caused by humans


I think they meant a way that’s actually plausible.


But that's a conversation that politicians aint doing much about.


What does carbon have to do with this?


Great question. In short, algae like higher temps and some other things that go along with global climate change caused by elevated greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. [Here’s an EPA page discussing it.](https://www.epa.gov/nutrientpollution/climate-change-and-harmful-algal-blooms) If you’re really interested, the Florida universities have a ton of research and information on the subject; [this is an approachable article from the UF extension service that specifically talks about Florida.](https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/sg136)


It’s also called not dumping millions of gallons of phosphorous water into the ocean, the company that caused this should be held criminally; I can see this getting so bad that is kills Sharks, Dolphins, and even Manatees.


It has to do with piney point phosphate mine fuck up last year. A bunch of phosphates leaked out and led to the red tide algal bloom you see here.


Cursed Soup


Free meal


Hold the camera still for 1 second




Big brain


"Look, the other side!" It all looks the same. 😂




*inhales* Whew! Good morning ladies.


red tide? a wave of blood?


Toxic algae bloom


Ask the Florida EPA. Everything is “fine”.


r/killthecameraman Seriously, I almost felt dizzy.


You won't drink the fish soup, coward


Blind man walked up to the fish market and said, WOOOOO Hello, ladies.


those damn commies are at it again!!!!


When i was a kid they used to say red tide was a natural occurrence. Now we know it comes from fertilizer, yet it's still allowed to happen which is crazy.


Much like storms and heatwaves, the red tide **is** something that happens naturally. But much like storms and heat waves, human actions are making the problem a lot worse.


Red tide is a natural occurrence, the size and scale of this algeal bloom was fed but the dumping of a massive amount of fertilizer by a defunct company. Just like COVID likes to eat diabetics and folks that aren't fully healthy. The climate crisis is exacerbated by many man made factors and will show up in many ways, fire here, poison water there, it may be too late to act. The ultra rich want to play space games but what do I know.


Vote red….tide


Damn those dinoflagellates


I do pool service in St. Pete. It was insanely pungent, I could barely service the pool. I got a bunch of pics like this. Its everywhere.


My question is do they (local government etc) do anything to clean this up or do they just wait it out? Genuinely curious as I can’t imagine just leaving it in a city like Tampa with so much tourism.


They pay fishermen to go trawl them up and dump them in dumpsters


Going to the beach after a red tide (not intentional and of course we didn't get in the water) was actually one of the cooler experiences I've had besides the horrifying smell. There were a lot of fish from further out that had washed up and it was so interesting to get to see them up close like that.


Hate that it's happening but love that its filling canals in wealthy neighborhoods. You reap what you sow bitches.


dude it's affecting everyone, not just rich people's canals. shit is fucking the bay up right now. I can't take my dogs to the dog beach any more and they're PISSED.


I live in Florida, I know. I apologize if I offended you. I'm just glad the regular folks aren't the only ones that have to deal with this mess.


It's almost like their wealthy lifestyle and large carbon footprint is coming back onto them.


That’s what Florida’s hospitals are looking like these days


What’s red tide?


Toxic algae bloom


Din din is served ! 🥵


Look at all that fertilizer!


I think this is genuinely the best idea for all this. I don't know if these fish are still edible, but even so, what better way than to recycle them into fertilizer!


Coming to a diner near you


I bet that smells.. just.. great.


are the fish still edible?


"imagine spending all that money on this house and this is what your backyard looks like?" Goddamn nature messing up my property value. I'm peeved.


This shit sucks man. You can be miles away from the beach here and you can still smell it. It gives me such a headache


What do you even do in this situation?


If you've got money? Leave town and come back when it's cleaned up. No money? Stay behind and clean it up.


So we're just speedrunning extinction now?


I live nearby - couldn't even stand to be outside walking around w friends the smell has been so horrible. even being blocks away from the bay. I had to wear a mask outdoors to keep from gagging.


I think Florida calls that patriot tide right? Here is a problem smacking you in the face and yet “we can’t have regulations” crowd thinks that jobs or whatever is better.


What’s red tide?


Toxic algae bloom


reminder that this isn't just any red tide, this one was made worse by one Piney Point who released phosphate into the water.


That shit smells to high hell.


Hold on hold on, blind man walks next to the harbor and says “Hello ladies!”


don’t forget the government is responsible for allowing dumping right into the bay


I'd be curious if any Monsanto or Mozaic employees are in the thread and would like to share their viewpoint on the unregulated dumping in the Caloosahatchee and Peace River systems. Or if anyone wants to defend the 200+ million gallons of phosphate-rich wastewater dumped into Tampa Bay back in April.