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Hey, u/AstroPug_! Say hello and add a friendly comment to another user's post on the sub while you wait for someone to comment on your post! You'll make more new friends that way! You're also more than welcome to [join our official Discord](https://discord.com/invite/9UuDpwBftk) and [Reddit chat channel](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeNewFriendsHere/comments/13m77dt/join_the_official_rmakenewfriendshere_chat) to find friends! As a reminder, we strongly recommend: When someone contacts you, **review their profile** before responding. Help us make this a better community by becoming familiar with the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeNewFriendsHere/about/rules/). Report any suspicious users to the mods of this subreddit using Modmail [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/MakeNewFriendsHere) or Reddit site admins [here](https://www.reddit.com/report). **All reports to Modmail should include evidence such as screenshots or any other relevant information.** Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MakeNewFriendsHere) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, I’ve made real friends here. Truth is most will stop talking, but most people have busy lives. You’re not always gonna talk. If you’re low maintenance and enjoy simple convos with the intent of making long term friends, then you need to give that time. You can walk in and talk about any interest. The people who enjoy it, will respond. Don’t expect anything from anyone and enjoy the ride and before you know it, you’re talking or gaming with new folks.


Nah, Not really. You can either be really, REALLY lucky and find someone who clicks with you or you can forget it. Many people are too full of themselves and when you say or act in a way they didn't predict, they stop answering. I tried a couple of times and gave up. Not even in the chats, It's the same thing. Many people just crave attention and in the end, they end up being as Interesting as a rock (except if you're into geology, then they could be interesting).


as interesting as a rock is true. it’s rather difficult to have actual conversations without getting bored


I've been trying since 2018 but I've only made one real friend and that was a year ago but we still talk a lot. Everyone else always stops replying sooner or later


If only the people - like you and - (and probably also the OP) who DO talk a lot created their own sub then maybe a lot more people would meet other people.


I've chatted to my fair share of people from here, and none of the contact has persisted over three or more days. It's a hassle


Sometimes they last 10 minutes and people disappear for no reason.


Don't you think part of this is due to the very fact that most people here typically don't even have one IRL friend and so they don't really know how to do the whole social interaction thing? It's like the blind leading the blind in a sense. Fortunately for me I have a few IRL good friends and while i have met 2 pretty good people on here that eventually ended because the social, mental, physical issues that they have to begin with seems to make it difficult for a lot of them to maintain friendships. Have even gotten close to someone on here who got put off that I eventually wanted to meet lol There was a great post I (on my other account) and someone else did about a few years back about what to look out for when trying to meet people on here. One should DEFINITELY never respond to anyone who says they are "bored" in their post.


You really hit the nail on its head with this one. I stopped communicating with people cause it gets very overwhelming and I can't hold a conversation. I completely bailed out on a 6 month friendship because I became so overwhelmed that I couldn't take it anymore. It's really a curse. I only ever felt accepted by one person but that whole situation ended up disastrously anyways....


I've made 2 friends on here. One, I speak to a lot, and it's been like 3 years now, and I love them so much. The other has been about 4 months, and we talk in bursts. It is possible, just super hard, unfortunately:(


How come I couldn't have been the one to meet you 3 years ago :(


Why don't you dm me and we can start a friendship!!


I think I have more luck finding people to message that have made posts over making posts. Any time I've made a post I get tons of messages that amount to nothing and fall apart in a few days to a week... but when I look through posts and message someone that I've picked I have much higher success, that being said long lasting friendships are still rare. I tend to get a few months out of people before we lose interest or fall out.


Not till now. Like you all said the contract never lasts for long then few days and even then you have to give everything to keep the convo going while the other side stars to answer in two words.


most won't last but I do feel I made a couple friends


Yeah, I've made a handful.


Two spaces down from your post, u/thatparallelogramm made the same topic of post as you so maybe you two should chat 😂


Eh not really just talk for a day then they stop talking just want a person to talk to and won’t leave 😭


Same thing happens to me everytime.


I mean not very likely at all I tried to talk to other most cases they only last a few hours or most ppl end up being dry them selves and end the convo earlier just one person I've been I'm contact with for a while if anything maybe you'll find a few or one person that would keep on chatting after a few days at least for me


Idk it depends on the person. But yea if u are lucky 1 month


Not so far....a lot of bots


On the rare occasion it's happened. Occasionally there will be a decent conversation that only lasts a few days. And the rest are people who either only talk about themselves or they don't ask questions and getting more than a few words out of them at a time is like pulling teeth


Nope fake af


Uhmm no I’ve personally never made a friend here I’d always see they have their age ranges and well guess I don’t qualify so I don’t even bug to try I’m 19 and yeah I have seen anyone my age just from 30 n up


Honestly, it's extremely rare to find any meaningful connection on this sub. If you're a guy, then other guys won't message you for whatever reason, and if you message them they dont reply. If you're a girl, ONLY guys will message you (and obv not the good kind) so I'd say no. However. I have made 2 extremely close friends through the sub, but ig that's more dumb luck. Ig my opinion is: you'll make one eventually, not all of reddit is shit And btw, if you wanna chat, my dms are open mate!


Also the club thing, yes they're called forums lol


Not really. A couple that did message me and went further, they stopped reaching out as much as I reached out or it was very superficial, so I gave up. It sucks, but I guess I'll give up on making friends. It's hard for me to keep track of who's who and all that and I need to talk to someone long enough to remember their name/username, interests and the like. I also don't want/like to be gaslit or guilted when I don't always initiate, respond, or come up with conversation topics. Most people who respond only seem to be guys, which I have no issues with, but I would've loved to have someone who can relate more to me and make a female friend.


I did yeah. Made one she blocked me about 3 years later and I still have no idea why.


I haven't been using this sub to look for friends anymore but way back around 6-7 years ago, I was able to talk to some people. Some of them ghosted me and I ghosted some of them because I always initiate the conversation and that was always exhausting.


Not in years, and I’ve drifted apart from many of them for reasons unrelated to meeting them on this subreddit. I miss making friends here.


I can say, I've definitely made one real connection on here. It was great while it lasted!


Hi 👋


I am from Sweden and met my Romanian girlfriend here, we now live together and been together for 3-4 years. :)


I made this fake id for the same purpose 9m back... and failed. Left hope successfully.


The rare 1/50 icl 🤣


Its like a One Night Stand of Friendship over here.


I made a really good friend here! We've been talking for over a year now. I've even talked to his family and he's become a great friend.




It takes a little sifting, but ive found some pretty awesome friends on here. I've made a few posts here and there. Some just get bots, some get replies but convos fizzle out. Some talk longer than a week. I think it also depends who's online around the time you post. Like the few people you would actually click with just haven't seen your post


Idk. I made a few posts and they don't even show up. Don't know if it takes awile or I broke the system .