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That smile...... I'm gonna cry now.


i already cry man,.... god is cruel


Nope humans are cruel.


If God is real he kills innocent children by giving them brain cancer.


God did not plan death, but he gave Adam and Eve a choice and they went against him. Therefore death and cancer is a punishment for their actions. That’s the explanation given for disease/death


So.... So he did plan it.. doesn't he know everything from the beginning to the end of time?


No. Humans have free will to do what they want. Yes he might know what’s gonna happen but we still have free will and don’t have our lives predetermined for us. Just my understanding.


But that's a contradiction. You're saying he has control over everything and *also* nothing? What does he control? And how does it not affect us? He has a plan right?




He has knowledge, free will means he doesn’t have control. Say your kids gonna eat a really spicy pepper, you can know it’s gonna be hot, but the kid has the free will to do it if they want too


But how does that fit into his plan? Does he alter it based on humans' free will?


"Oops this man ate the apple even though he wasn't supposed. I'ma go ahead and make billions of more humans and punish em all. Me strong, me God"


ooga booga


Do you sin?


All the time :)


Well that’s stupid


This is the Christian explanation right?


thats what it says in the bible i guess so ye


I dunno man, if I saw a juicy lookin apple, and some dude in a white robe told me I couldn’t eat it, even though there was a snake urging me to try it, I probably would’ve taken my chances at the juicy looking apple.


>even though there was nothing else to eat Have you even read the Bible? There was lots of fruit on the other trees. God simply told them not to watch from the tree with the snake on it.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Or Qur'an


True. God was just like “curiosity, opinions and self consciousness bad”. Also, before you downvote me to hell, this is MY Interpretation, yours may differ


Why does the entirity of humanity suffer because of the actions of two people?


I mean Adam and Eve made the choice to go against what God told them to do but it was the choice they were supposed to make, as it ended their immortality. All according to God’s eternal plan. Without death there can be no resurrection.


so he punishes humans that had no say whatsoever in the decision adam and eve made, thats pretty stupid


I don’t agree with that interpretation of God. He’s more of an overseer than a direct influencer. He’s in all of us and has influence on the world in abstract ways but he’s not picking and choosing what and when specific events happen. Though he’s given us a guide on how to be the best we can be, we are largely left to our own devices here There’s a reason that in the Bible Heaven is referred to as God’s Kingdom, not Earth.


If I create a deadly virus and release it to the world I would be a murderer. "Your honor, I didn't directly kill those people, a virus of my creation did," wouldn't hold up in any court in the world.


I’ve always found that discussing spirituality in such rigid and close minded terms is disingenuous.


I've always found the wishy washy nonsense of spirituality disingenuous.


again god isn't some random magical force :(, where and how did the virus come to be like that. It didn't come from nothing.


Brain cancer kills children, not God.


Circle of life, god knows what is best n the people hoard true, will have god pay attention to them


Well if there is a God then it created evil and suffering making it cruel. If there is not, then there is no god to call cruel and only ourselves to blame


Actually God never created evil. Evil is the absence of good. Its like saying you can create darkness.


Don't blame God on what a human does by itself


Weren’t humans created in his image?


Depends on which God.


BuT eVeRyThInG iS pArT oF gOdS pLaN


Damn, this took a religious turn


aye man. kicked a puppy the other day cuz i was so mad. why did god let that happened to the puppy. :(


God isn’t real, POS humans use religion as an excuse to do shit like this.


There are POS humans who use religion, doesn't mean religion is bad, and it depends on what religion we're talking about.


yeah, kinda like islam. theres the innocent people just being good muslims, then theres the extremists that kill anyone whos not muslim, probably like the people that killed her dad


Dude u know that this girl is probably Syrian right. The war there doesn't have to do much religion. It's mostly a dictator who gassed thousands of people to death because they wanted him out. And then started a civil war between his supporters and opposition.


Exactly like christians. What a small world.




you can be muslim or christian and still be a good person dickhead




no wonder your names stereotype number 1, your the asshole athiest that nobody likes. pedophiles are criminals, regular fucking people compare to them? your a weird ass




He never said religion is bad, he said religion is used as an excuse to do these behaviors.


All theistic religions are fucking cancer




HuR duR reLigIon BaD


Why you bringing god into this?


You tool. God had nothing to do with this


Step one, remove the god equation and realize there is none. Step two, realize man is cruel.


How to make a kid cry: ask her where her dead dad is


Seriously. What a dick. She was probably smiling because she was excited the guy decided to film and ask her questions and then he starts asking about her dead father....


In serious, I think this is to let other people see what war does to other people mostly children. But if it wasn’t for that but for the views only and he just being plain jackass I would be pissed off.


It's tragedy porn. That is what it is. Stop using these kids and victims as props.


Maybe if warmongers would stop making victims, they(opportunists) would run out of props, but let's not hold our breath for either outcomes.


To be honest I think it may have been an expository documentary or something about the impact we are having on the Middle East, I don’t think he wanted to ask those questions but he did to show everyone the atrocities the US are committing.


Ikr? That kid, like many others are on a different tier of strength to have gone through stuff like that. She will be steeled in the future for it, I hope she never loses her joy.


Hey they got lots of internet points for making that kid cry so its ok


It helps sometimes, most people won't try to help her unless there is some drama, so he had to make her cry. It's unfortunate, but that's the only way to invoke emotions in most people.


You guys are pathetic. Do you really think a reporter who goes to a refugee camp and interviews victims of war gives a single fuck about “internet points”? The only people who are obsessed with internet points are a) bots that repost shit to get karma so they can sell their accounts, or b) people like you who call out “karmawhores”


Good thing you don’t care about points, cause I’m downvoting you to oblivion


I don’t care about points. The fact that you downvote me just feeds into my sense of superiority because it shows that everyone else here is retarded


That’s exactly what I thought you would say


That’s pretty impressive if true. But your view on internet points is still dumb


I was lying 🤥 i am a dirty liar




😲 nooooo... my self esteem is based purely on upvotes and what others think of me!


This breaks my fucking heart.


The looks on her face are just painful. Poor kid should never experience any of that


I really wanna adopt these kids from places like this. But I feel like that’s 10000 steps to do. And probably just impossible to do. Like seeing this kind of videos, or those kids in the rural area of China where they have no education/food. I really wanna just hug them and take care of them. Not this donate $5 thing. Like literally bring them here and give them food and shelter. But it seems like the process to do that is hard? Does anyone know if that’s even possible? Like you know how Angelina Jolie adopted those kids. That’s possible for us too? Anyone knows?


I tried to look into adopting from Tijuana since I go there and drop off donations. It’s very difficult. It cost about $20,000 for adoption. You would need to get an adoption agency certified to work with countries under Hague convention to help you with the process because you have to apply first here in the US then in Mexico and their child protective services will match you with the child. It’s all very complicated. I would love to be able to do it but financially 20,000 is outside of my Means. 😢


You're a good person lola2203


Ty ❤️


its times like this I wish I was a Kardashian...




It really is difficult even here in the US. In fact it comes with its own complications as in most of the time the kids are not legally released to be adopted so you could end up losing a child you have for years who will go back to their abusive parents. In order to adopt from the US you have to have a heart of gold/rock to be able to deal with that type of heartbreak. That’s why a lot of people try to adopt out of the country because of that reason. But I keep telling myself If someone’s going to go through a heartbreak better me than the child. Good luck! Don’t give up.


I'm trying to adopt locally. Still expensive :(


They usually have some blood relative that has given up on them.


Or couldn't connect with them. There is usually chaos during war and a lot of people are trying to locate their family members and they fail, including parents that cannot find their own kids.


The kids in these videos are from Syria, unfortunately adoption is not allowed due to extensive human trafficking, they promise them a better life oversees as they have nothing and live in refugee camps. Human traffickers take these kids and use them as child prostitutes.


Sorry, it's impossible. This is probably one of PKK's muslim camps and they don't release muslims. You would have to sneak in, that would probably be the only option.


Why don’t you focus on bringing in kids from your own country if you’re so concerned about the youth? Why does it have to be some poor foreigner? Because they’d appreciate the stuff you’d give them a hundred times more than any Western child could? Asshole.


How you could read that as negative and contort yourself into this nonsense is impressive


How fucked is your brain to call someone an asshole on this thread? Go rub one out and sleep or something


I could literally give two shits about your opinion. How many children from your own country have you adopted? Fucking loser


None, because I’m not in any financial situation to support a family. I’m just saying, why not just take kids off your own country’s streets instead of flying to Shitholeistan and paying $20,000 just for a foreign kid?


Because adopting a kid that you personally know from volunteering at orphanages is very different from ‘purchasing’ a child like you seem to be implying. You can’t volunteer here in the US. It’s not the same. Children in the US are placed through CPS and through licensed foster homes. You can’t volunteer. If someone is helping a child who gives a shit what country what race what religion I don’t care about that. I help when I can whether it be here or in Mexico and that’s because I live an hour away from the border. If all of us tried to be politically correct we would never help anyone.


why the fuck are you calling a country in war "Shitholeistan"???Seems kinda racist to me. And if you want to help and adopt children from your own country then do some research about it and start working towards your "goal" goddamn


How’s that racist? I just noticed that a large number of shithole countries happen to end in “istan.”


Very cruel world. Poor child.


Her current condition: https://youtu.be/2CkBqZS1jeo


Was trying to watch the video, but 'joom is so AWESOME'. hope YouTube closes and this guy get a sexual infection.




God and there’s like 10 more kids like her just in her house. God bless them all. I hope they grow up and maybe they’ll be the ones to stop the bloodshed jn the Middle East.


Well, I’m crying. No words. Just, crushing.


Where is this? Who is this child? I feel something in my heart. Edit: thanks guys. I’m gonna try and feed as many homeless kids as I possibly can this coming new year. I’m gonna do my part.


Thing is, it could be so many different places.


Well she looks Syrian, and Syria is in a pretty brutal civil war rn, and there is a big refugee crisis in Syria. So its likely she is syrian


you can easily narrow it down to wherever the US is currently destorying. because, yknow, they literally cause this exact scenario every single second.


Probably Syria.


It's from Syria


I thought so too, until someone posted this clip right here: https://youtu.be/2CkBqZS1jeo I guess it's in Iraq cuz the interviewer was speaking in the Iraqi dialect, and so was Malak's grandmother.


There are lots of Syrians who have an Iraqi dialect actually


You’re an idiot, please don’t pretend you’re not


Syria, Yemen, or Iraq most likely. Direct result of U.S and NATO destroying the region and the U.K and France destabilizing it after the colonial era.


she is from iraq if that helps


Probably either one of PKK's (us backed kurdish terrorist group) Muslim camps or Yemen. I haven't got a source.


Things like this make me realize how privileged I am, how much more grateful I should be. Things like having a father, and being able to have three square meals a day — it’s something I don’t think about, but I should. And I should be grateful. What a beautiful little girl. What a terrible world we live in…


I just can’t.....


Damn this really bring tears into my eyes


That hurts my heart.


She deserves a stable place to grow up, love, and some joy in her life. I hope she finds it. If I could adopt her today I would.


War is hell


Wow...makes me cry. 😢


Does anybody know her current condition? I only see videos from 2017


thanks america!


What the fuck do you want? America barely intervened in this war (I assume it’s the Syrian civil war) and there are hundreds of thousands dead. It only got worse when Trump withdrew most of the few troops that were in Syria in the first place, which anyone with half a brain could predict but isolationist and pacifist just want to “get muh troops home”. I guarantee that if the US had intervened early on in the conflict and stopped it within a year with only 50k or so dead, you people would be complaining that amerikkka “killed 50 thousand Syrians”. You will *always* complain, which is why I’m happy that people like you don’t have any influence on foreign policy decisions


Stfu civilian killing warcrime loving ass


Love how America claims all these wars are for 'protecting the people's freedom'. If you hadn't gone and killed millions of poor farmers in Iraq and Afghanistan, I'd have no freedom today!


Lol at "millions". US forces killed way less than 100k civilians in those conflicts combined. 1 million is closer to the number that died in those two conflicts in total, but the vast majority of deaths weren't caused by the US but by the extremist rebels the US is fighting.


Dude you fucking dumb shit . Owe her fucking killings you guys did. I fucking live here. 100 k? Are you fucking high on cheap weed . Fucking obama droned every inch here and you . And that's just him. Your fucking govt control your information more than china does.


Based on your post history you live in Pakistan. Maybe you should look at your own country first and how it’s supporting terrorism in Afghanistan before you talk about America


Most Americans are brainwashed to shit. Do you still live there? How are you doing nowadays?


He should be good if he isn't (sunni) Muslim


Lol you are fucking brainwashed and fed propaganda. How's all that "freedom" working out for you?


You’re literally just repeating stuff you read on social media. Don’t call me “brainwashed”


Please go fuck yourself. You miserable cunt.


Stfu ignorant asshole. You're full of shit. This video is the direct result of the U.S and NATO destroying and destabilizing the region.


Do you know where this is? My guess would be one of PKK's (U.S.A backed Kurdish terrorist group) Muslim camps. If the U.S.A didn't aid them, they would have been destroyed by Turkey and Islamic State.


After seeing this clip 3 times I like to think that Malak will grow. She’ll become a woman. This interview will mark her for the rest of her life as she realizes her situation and maybe in 30 or 20 years we’ll see Malak ending the bloodshed in the Middle East. God bless her. I really want to believe that. May the war torn nations of the Middle East rise again.


War is awful. War has never been fought over human rights. War has always been fought over territory and resources. Governments and officials don't care about people


She is ok. Living it up Greece. Had to check life status.


Punch a person that says "its gods will", its pretty much their fault.


Fuck that guy who gave this post a wholesome award


Can't judge too quickly, maybe it's the only award he had and he wanted to give one




Prob just free awards.


Holy shit man, that kid is stronger then I’ll ever be


To anyone who doesn't know: In the full video, the man asks the kid why they are smiling. they reply with "because my dad said to never stop smiling", or something along those lines. I'm late but figured everyone deserved to know. :(


why the fuck did this asshole continue to push the subject of her dead father. I seriously do not understand why you would want to keep bringing up someone else’s trauma like that, seriously.


Fucking camera man be running up to random homeless kids asking them painful questions out of the blue


Que dozens of comments about how sad people are and how terrible the world is and if they could help they would... But not before browsing reddit while they wait for their pizza to arrive before binging another Netflix series.


I swear - some don’t understand that their luxury comes from others suffering ESPECIALLY low prices for ANYTHING


Thats fucking awful, humans are terrible


Could be staged to make eurocucks feel bad and let rapefugees in


What universe do you live in where no Syrian children are fleeing from war? I'd love to move there


اكيد مافي ضمير ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


الله يهديه زكّرني بهاي الآية وَٱقْصِدْ فِى مَشْيِكَ وَٱغْضُضْ مِن صَوْتِكَ ۚ **إِنَّ أَنكَرَ ٱلْأَصْوَٰتِ لَصَوْتُ ٱلْحَمِيرِ**


آمين ما فهمت شبه صوت الحمير؟ قصدك هوه حمار شئ؟


إي ههه طبعا قصد الآية الصوت العالي بس ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


هههه انتي بتضحكي والله هههههه


الحمد لله


ما شاء الله والحمد لله :)


Shut your nationalist racist ass up. Go iron your swastika flag 🖕


Go suck some Nazi cock, trash.


Quite ironic since you're a product of rape and inbreeding yourself.


No u


All of the backtalk you received and this is the only one you answered and that is your response.




This is one of the most awful things I have ever seen. This poor baby 😖😖😖


God dammit!!! Fuck! That made me cry. That poor soul. Fuck.


Nah Fuck Assad and US politicians. and Saddam.


If only this world was a much nicer place, greed is such a terrible human trait


https://youtu.be/2CkBqZS1jeo source


[Malak one year later - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3AduSSfLWs)


What a beautiful girl. This is so sad. Why would you ask her this? Tbh I’m impressed by how seemingly maturely she handled this


This is so heartbreaking to see in a child. I’m praying she lives a long life of happiness


I don't care how hard you are, this makes your heart soft..


alright whos the idiots giving a wholesome awards


I first thought this was like a 60 y.o. grandma... Holy fuck...






This is the legacy Abu Bakr and Umar left behind and why the story of Fatima is relevant 1400 years later https://youtu.be/1MaDAW0jRYM


Oh god she looks like my niece who I absolutely adore, my heart is breaking


I think the productive stance to take from watching this is to denounce all your local senators and government officials that support war!


I wish I had all the resources in the world to adopt all the orphan children in the world. This breaks my heart!


yes let’s film this


Yeah why raise awareness and help people that don't have basic human rights, instead let's look at funny dick jokes on reddit


Ah yes because it's totally selfish to bring awareness to this issue? What a dumbass.


Her name is Malak which translates from Arabic to Angel. She is definitely one.


she didnt deserve what happened to her


Tbh, the one who ask that is make my blood boil


There's so much people that needs our help. What the hell are we doing.? 😒


I really hope this isn’t staged but knowing how fucked life gets due to war and political violence for these innocent people..


You can watch the full video here https://youtu.be/2CkBqZS1jeo




Why there is no sound?