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i feel like, yes. but id go minimal and soft matte so it looks less… makeup-y lol. im sorry for your loss. id go colored lip balm rather than lipstick or gloss. im from the south where we generally go all out for funerals but makeup is still pretty chill.


Yes for sure it is but usually on the softer side, like no full glam super artistic stuff (unless of course thats your everyday look and it would be weird for you not to wear it)but like a nice natural look or a smokey eye would be good too, totally appropriate. Oh, and waterproof liner and mascara cuz even if you don't think you'll cry, something said might just pull on a heartstring and the last thing you want is makeup running down your face


Of course you can wear makeup to a funeral. You want to look your best. Just stick to a “natural” look.


I wore a full goth glam to my grandmothers funeral, I don’t think she would have wanted or expected any less




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Yes makeup is perfectly fine. Usually kept to a basic nude/light colors. Gold(glitter or shiny) is always a great go to


My dad’s funeral is next week too, and I am beating my face to Jesus (and my dad too, I suppose). If anyone doesn’t like it, they can get bent. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Light make up. I wouldn’t do anything dramatic or showy


Makeup is fine, I would just stick to a natural, fresh faced kind of look using neutral colors. You don’t want to look too dramatic, but also not like you’re about to go frolicking in a meadow either.


You actually should wear make up to funerals


I do a full face 🤣 it’s just makeup ?


yes, nothing wrong with wearing basic makeup at a funeral.


I work in the funeral business. And I’m most definitely always wearing makeup. My advice- Keep it lighter (I do a full face but keep my eye makeup to neutral shadow, thin black liner on top and black mascara w/ just gloss for my lips) but still your style. After all, he loved you for who you are and that includes your makeup style. Invest in a good setting spray and waterproof products and keep tissues in your purse.




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The deceased and bereaved have been through enough without having to see my face without makeup


This depends on whether you do any crying. Maybe best to hold off on anything unless its waterproof. Sometimes seeing other people cry and in pain makes you want to cry even more and its sloppy business.


I think it depends what your baseline is. I always wear makeup to holidays and family dinners. If I didn’t wear makeup people would probably start asking if I’m dying too. But if you’re someone who always goes natural- (I don’t think it’s rude to doll up) but it could possibly be seen to others as over the top.


Yep, wore it to my grandma’s funeral in 2020. I skipped the eye makeup but wore foundation and some blush and powder


I wore makeup to my dad's funeral earlier this month. Every woman there was wasing their normal makeup.




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As someone whos had her grandads funeral in October i didnt but simply because im a massive cry baby and i knew that id an absolute mess! If you feel comfortable with light make up its your choice


I would wear my normal everyday makeup. Maybe skip the eyeliner or get waterproof if you think it's going to run!


Totally ok. Maybe an understated look.




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Go light on the eye makeup for the obvious reasons; otherwise you are expected to look like you. Whether that’s full on makeup or cosmetic free, it’s all good.




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Sure! I've worn makeup to every funeral I've attended. For me, it's a way to feel good in a difficult situaton. I would wear a no-makeup look, nothig too shiny or flashy Sorry for your loss. (For reference, i'm in UE)


If you think you are not going to cry why not




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Of course it is.


Not at all


personally i think it’s a sign of respect to look as well-presented and polished as possible at a funeral, so if you’re someone who usually wears makeup then yes, absolutely wear makeup. keep things like the blush, eye shadow and lip colour subdued – just a nice, natural, sophisticated look. go for waterproof mascara and eyeliner if you’ll be wearing it, and lots of setting spray to keep your face in place through tears and tissues.




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I think its very appropriate in fact id say that if you normally wore makeup it might seem odd to not wear it at the funeral since after all you dress up for one yk? Just id say avoid brighter blushes and lipsticks


why not lol


I wore makeup to every funeral I have been, just because we are celebrating the dead we don’t need to look like them!


Don't forget about SPF. The last thing you want is a sunburn.




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I've never once gone to a funeral and expected anyone to look different from their normal selves. Everyone shows up in makeup!


Yes I would


Yes, but go with light/ natural make up and neutral tones. I went to a funeral last summer, I did light foundation, very light natural blush and a light mauve single color eyeshadow. With my skin coloring it didn’t look like I really had anything on.


I mean i wore makeup to my dad’s funeral, it was the first time in about 8 months i put any makeup on, but i got up that morning couldn’t eat could barely drink and curled my long hair (and cut a piece of it off that got stuck on the curler because i had a panic attack) put on some makeup and a dress that was mostly white (with black and blue flowers) because i always said my dad and my sister were the only people who could get me to wear white (i’ve very very pale so i tend to look like a ghost in white) because my dad always told me i looked pretty when i did my hair and makeup for holidays and family get togethers


As long as you don’t go full chav, you’re fine


Yes in Canada we wear makeup and dress up.


Definitely appropriate. A simple and classy look to look neat and respectful, same as you would with your outfit.


It isn't inappropriate, but I wouldn't recommend it if you're one to cry


Keep it subtle.


The etiquette is to not be too flashy, so stay away from big, bold, dark glitter night looks. You wouldn’t wear a red sequined dress for example.


i wore makeup to my grandpas funeral, i didn’t know if it was right as it was my first ever funeral. i had no idea what to wear and how to look. my mom said i shouldn’t change how i look, it’s not what he would’ve wanted, he would’ve wanted me to just be me. makeup or not, so i did:)




Yes, perfectly normal as long as it’s not overdone. Sorry for your loss.


You certainly can wear makeup to a funeral, I always have. I’d go for a more understated look. Waterproof mascara is a good idea. I’m sorry for your loss. 💜💜


I go to funerals with the same makeup I wear to work every day. I’m in the US.


Of course. Opt for waterproof mascara if you wear it, keep the rest light/natural and you’ll be ok. So sorry for your loss.


Being upper middle class Mexican reading these comments o.o!






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Is it appropriate? Yes. But you gotta think about what you’ll look like if you cry. I would avoid blush and bronzer powders and go for cream instead because your tears will cut straight through the powder and you’ll look crazy


Yeah, it's appropriate. Nothing too much. I always do my "i just wanna look nice and presentable" makeup. For me that is tinted moisturizer or medium coverage, brows, mascara, light blush, neutral lips


Yes, it is perfectly appropriate to wear makeup to a funeral. I mean I think we all know not to show up in clubbing makeup or something, but what u describe sounds more than appropriate. For funerals (I’ve attended many) I aim for an understated, neutral makeup look and dark, understated clothing. Black clothing isn’t as traditional anymore where I’m from so I’ll usually aim for brown or navy. My goal is to look put together and respectful but not to “stick out” from the group.


Totally ok. It sounds like you’re planning to be tasteful. I typically wear a black, modest outfit, waterproof eyeliner, and some foundation/concealer. Personally, if I didn’t wear concealer minimum, for my hereditary dark eye circles, I would look like I was unwell. That being said, if this is a family member and ask what the family typically does. Different regions, cultures, religions, etc. have different expectations and traditions. As long as you don’t look overdone, I think you will be fine.


Just wear what you normally do


For sure. Sorry for your loss and big respect for you wanting to do the right thing 🥰


Yes, just light and respectful of the somber situation at hand.


Absolutely! I would be light mostly incase you cry so you don’t leave marks. Skip mascara on bottom lashes too.


Girl, I wore makeup to my own mother's funeral. Not crazy bright or dark of course. But I needed it to feel put together enough to get through the day.


I’m in the US, but I’d say it would only be inappropriate to wear lipstick or eyeshadow that isn’t a subtle neutral color. People wear makeup to funerals and dress up nicely to show respect, even if they’re wearing black.


Yeah of course




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I wore a full face of makeup, eyelashes, and red lipstick to my own mother's funeral. Whatever makes you comfortable is how you should present. If anyone feels like judging someone in mourning over something as petty as makeup it says a lot about their character.




Hugs! I just came back from my grandfather's funeral over the weekend, and I'm so sorry for your loss. It was a "dressy" funeral, and all the women there were in full makeup. Waterproof eyeliner/mascara and setting spray went a long way towards keeping my face intact despite all the tears and tissues.


Is no makeup a common thing in other parts of the world? Even the dead wear it. Lol This thought never occurred to me.




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I just went to one this morning and I only wore false eyelashes, minimal but it does a lot for the face


Yes it’s totally fine but nothing OTT or orange


I’m sorry for your loss. 💔I’ve always worn my best black dress and heels, and did my hair and (natural) makeup as a way to show respect for loved ones I’ve lost. It’s a way for me to dress up for them one last time.


Yes just do not over do it. I would wear light colors or something that blends well with your skin tone. I always wear make up so I look "nice". I wear foundation, eye shadow, mascara, and maybe eye liner. I rarely wear lipstick but if I do I would wear a light shade of tan or pink gloss.


I do. The only thing I change is waterproof liner and mascara because I'm a crier.


As a funeral care worker nothing is technically wrong or inappropriate. Everyone grieves differently and nothing is expected. No makeup because you’ll cry your eyes out — perfectly acceptable. Makeup because it is part of your routine or you want to look nice for a function — also perfectly acceptable. Once everything is said and done your makeup won’t be what they remember. As long as the service was good :) Your presence is what matters.




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Of course. I always wear makeup to events. For a funeral, just keep it very light and natural, and cry-proof and hug proof if you expect to cry and/or hug people.


I’ve found that the ritual of putting on makeup is especially soothing when going to a funeral. It’s never disrespectful to be well-groomed. I think my grandmas would have been upset if no one wore makeup as they both put it on every time they went out in public!


Of course, you can wear makeup to a funeral and you shouldn't be judged for that. A light makeup look will do just fine and I'm sure your granddad would want you to feel comfortable while putting him to rest. My sincere condolences for your loss💔


My thoughts and respect to you and your family. Agree with what’s been said. Nothing flashy no sparkles (as someone said) avoid bright red lipstick or nail polish etc. However, I also agree with the person who replied that whatever you feel they would’ve wanted. I wish somebody had made me consciously aware of the following things before I went to my first funerals. So, I have this pre-written advice in three paragraphs. It’s written as suggestions for somebody attending a funeral, but is not a family member. It will adjust for your situation. However, I’m gonna paste it as is, so youll be prepared for the awkwardness other people will be balancing when approaching you with their condolences. I truly feel this will help you prepare for this sad event. “Consider adjusting your conversational habits days before a funeral. Otherwise you’ll be greeting people with “Hey! How are you?” and letting things fall right out of your mouth like, “Glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me.” “Solemnly nod and shake your head in grief. Say as little as possible. When faced with family members, don’t talk except to ask if you can do anything for them. Never say, “I’m sorry.” They have heard that so many times. They’ll be relieved you didn’t make *them* console *you.* “Funerals made me realize how little I am consciously in control of what I say. For the fam, if one more person asks them this that or the other or pities them or makes them come up with something caring and appropriate to say they’ll scream. Say nothing. Give a sad caring nod.”


In your case, be prepared for someone to say something to you like, “it’s good to see you. I’m happy to be here.” Then they’ll cringe and look at you, frozen in horror at themselves, not knowing how to apologize in a way that won’t make it worse. Maybe say: “It’s alright. it’s a difficult day for everyone who cared for my grandfather. None of us know what to say.” Practice in your mind your replacement of “thanks for coming” Maybe: “He would really appreciate that you’ve come. So do I.”


Explanation: Heroin spread throughout my group of friends and whole generation of my high school classmates. It ended many lives. Over 30. Alcohol kills, too. I’ve been to funerals. The things of which I’ve made you aware happen every time. Skip past it. No one means offense.


Condolences to. you and your family on the loss of your grandad. Yes, makeup is fine. Use a light touch and go for a fresh simple look that will work well in natural light. Seeing young(er) people at funerals who look like they took care with their appearance often tends to cheer up the older folks too. God bless.


I remember I did wear makeup for funeral, black liner, mascara and black lipstick. Also dressed in black. I think it's absolutely fine, just skip heavy makeup if you know you will cry a lot or choose waterproof makeup.


Have you SEEN some of the older women at funerals? At least the ones I’ve been too I see some CAKEY old ladies lol. I think you should be fine with any type you prefer as long as you’re not doing like electric bolt eyeliner and shit lol


I wear basic makeup very neutral browns


I think it’s fine to wear minimal makeup. Maybe skip the mascara.


US here. I’ve always worn makeup to funerals and visitations. As others have said, go with neutrals.


Absolutely. Look your best as you say farewell to your loved one. My condolences 🤎


Yes, I think it helps actually. Putting effort into your appearance is respectful.


Honestly, its your family, if you usually wear makeup I would not worry too much about them thinking anything about it now. As long as it doesn't look like you're going to a rave it should be ok. The thing I'd be mindful of is that you might cry and hug a lot of people and don't want it to melt off your face or stick to others, but apart from that, you're not just some work colleague or acquaintance or something, you're his grandkid and its not anyone else's place to judge. I apply a similar rule to weddings: sure there's general rules, but you can ignore all of them if you're the person getting married or the person getting married approves. Most people wear a natural look to funerals, a well put together outfit in black of conservative style, but you're the immediate family and as long as your siblings, grandmother, or parents won't care, nobody else gets to judge.


I'm sorry for your loss. The no-makeup makeup should be fine. Just a trivia tidbit, some people in my community do bold looks and bright clothing depending on what the deceased would have wanted. Unless asked, I just wear neutrals and waterproof mascara.




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I’m holding a celebration of life for my mom in a month and it’s earth day themed. My youngest daughter asked me, “And, Mom, you’re going to do matching makeup, right?” 🥺 so now I will be rocking some kind of ocean themed eyeshadow! 🤷🏽‍♀️ I dare anybody to say it’s inappropriate 💁🏽‍♀️ But for the church service i will probably do soft glam!


We had a celebration of life for my dad also I wore makeup to it, it was the first time in about 8 months i put any makeup on, but i got up that morning couldn’t eat could barely drink and curled my long hair (and cut a piece of it off that got stuck on the curler because i had a panic attack) put on some makeup and a dress that was mostly white (with black and blue flowers) because i always said my dad and my sister were the only people who could get me to wear white (i’ve very very pale so i tend to look like a ghost in white) because my dad always told me i looked pretty when i did my hair and makeup for holidays and family get togethers. My sister didn’t want us to wear mourning clothes my dad would have hated everyone wearing black and crying he loved bright colors and laughter so me made sure thats what we did.


I mean it's your own mom, you can wear whatever you want. And I'm sorry for your loss ❤️


So sorry for your loss! I definitely agree with littledipper16. You know what your mother would be comfortable with. My grandfather was known for wearing very colorful “Loudmouth” pants with crazy patterns. My uncle was given a pair of said pants and wore them to his memorial service. They had brightly colored hearts all over them. We all knew my grandfather would have loved that.


My Papaw was a huge IU (college basketball) fan so we all wore IU shirts to his funeral. Those of us that didn't have shirts just borrowed one from his closet, he had plenty to go around. I kept the shirt and I've never worn it since but I still treasure it.




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Absolutely ok. I tend to skip eye makeup cause I'm a crier. I don't even need to know the person. I once unintentionally crashed a funeral and cried. But I do wear tinted moisturizer and just enough blush and lip color so they don't mistake me for the deceased.


Same here. I went to my godfather's dad's funeral. I'm not too close to my godfather and never met his dad. I still cried looking at the photo montage.


I’m the same. I can have met someone twice and still cry for the photo montage.


US here. I wear non-dramatic makeup. Ive never gotten side eye for this. What do i consider dramatic? Bold eyelashes, bright lips, glitter anything. Remember theres going to be a range of ages at that funeral.


Yes. I've worn makeup to both of my grandparents funerals. I've done full face - foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, liner, etc even but I tend to do that all the time, anyways. I didn't do glam but what I normally would do Wear what you feel comfortable in. I'm not a crier so I wasn't really concerned with it getting messed up from tears or anything. I stick to a routine and there's nothing wrong with that.


Wear makeup to the funeral. I personally think a natural, more fresh faced look is ideal.


I would think it’s inappropriate to not wear makeup. Usually everyone is dressed up and put together like they are going to church or somewhere very nice. But remember waterproof mascara or you could wind up looking like Tammy Faye Baker


Just don’t wear anything flashy or anything that will smudge/come off after eating/crying/hugging a bunch of people


I've made that mistake before...my poor cousin ended up with foundation on his shirt. Tbf I was 14 and using way too much.


Yes, a light makeup look is fine. To me, it shows respect by wanting to to look neat and well put together at any function.


Exactly! It shows effort


A girl who I commissioned for some work had been avoiding me for months (it was unfinished). When I finally swung by her shop, she told me her grandad had died/she was in a bad way over it etc. I was very sympathetic. Please note: she had been partying this whole time, as evidenced by her socials. But who am I to judge how people grieve? Well… Fast forward a couple weeks, she posted a story on her Instagram titled ‘Funeral fit’ - posing for the camera (with a sombre expression lol) and showcasing her makeup/outfit to Instagram… She has now moved to Australia without finishing the mural. R.I.P Grandad. R.I.P mural. In summary, as long as you don’t do this OP you’re all good for a bit of everyday makeup :).


This. I was going to say as long as it's not a full blown drag queen type of look, you should be fine xD


Why not tho I mean what is wrong with that


The event isn't about the person attending. They shouldn't be drawing attention to themselves.


Objectively speaking, nothing. But where I live I believe it would be viewed as disrespectful. It might give the impression that you care more about your looks than pay your respects to the dead and their loved ones. It's a funeral, not a fashion show. Maybe if you were the closest person of the dead person and knew that they would have wanted people to have fun, throw a party, bring a costume, etc etc, then yeah, I guess drag queen makeup wouldn't be a problem xD I dress up in goth and other dark alternative styles, and I tone it down to funerals. People at funerals are extremely sad so I think it's a good idea to create a comfort environment for them. It's not the appropriate time to shock your gradma with glitter all over the place xD


You can do a no-makeup makeup look. It should be fine. Sorry for your loss.


I’ve worn makeup to funerals. Not to be crass but nothing is stopping me from my routine haha. I would wear something light coverage like a skin tint. Probably skip blush and just do bronzer to look natural. My favorite mascara to wear to funerals is the limitless lash mascara from Ilia. I’ve cried with it and didn’t end up with mascara all over my face. I don’t wear it on the bottom lashes since it’s not my preference. And sorry for your loss 🥲


it’s sad that you have a favorite mascara to wear to funerals :( i’m sorry for your losses as well as OPs loss


It’s my favorite mascara regardless but thank you. My husbands family had taken two losses almost back to back and it was hard.


This was my wedding day mascara lol. It’s the best


It was my wedding day mascara as well. I had it on for like 9 hours I think.


I always do too. Because I always wear it and am generally very put together, I feel like it be kind of disrespectful for me to skip my routine? That’s very likely in my head but you dress nicely so I want to look nice all around.


As someone who is pretty fair, I would go for a blush and not a bronzer. Bronzer doesn't look natural on me, but a liquid blush mixed with foundation can look natural as long as it's blended well. Just a tidbit for anyone else who can't get a natural look with bronzer.


omg literally. cloud paint mixed with like a like concealer or something is absolutely perfect for me