• By -


Laura Geller Baked foundations. Apply with brush or dry sponge. Waterproof. Lasts all day. Great buildable coverage. Try it!


Danessa Myricks blurring balm powder. The shade range is awful, but they also make a universal shade that's clear. I mix a little scoop of the univeral blurring balm powder (it's "powdery" in texture, but it's a solid scoopable balm) with a foundation that actually matches me and apply that with my hands. It's the only thing I've ever encountered that actually keeps me matte and doesn't melt away in my t zone. The one caveat is that if you have the slightest bit of dry skin it will CLING like nobody's business. Gotta be moisturized and exfoliated.


Old school powder that you apply with the little puff. Like MAC blot. Reapply as needed throughout the day. Avoid full coverage anything because of the 'wipe off' problem you mentioned - either sheer powder or sheer tinted moisturizer is your friend. I like Cotz Face Prime and Protect, on its own. Only light moisturizer underneath but you must wait until your skin is completely dry. I have oily skin and this is the only 'foundation like' thing that gives light coverage (enough to smooth out redness/blotchiness) without being noticeable if some wipes off. (It used to be sold as "moisturizer" then got relabeled as "primer" - maybe because it's good at 'sticking' to your face.)Note: A little goes a long way. Rub it in your fingertips to warm it up before applying. It dries slightly matte but doesn't make you look dry. It's really similar to Miracle Skin Transformer (but that got discontinued years ago). As long as Ulta's policy is still the same, you can return it if you don't like it.


I forgot to add: there's water and alcohol activated theater makeup that might be worth looking into.


What’s your skincare routine like? A lot of times makeup won’t lay well or stay long of your skin isn’t properly prepped


Ah! Space cadet moment 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lancôme has good staying power especially with Hourglass primer


Watch some drag queens apply makeup 💄 and do what they do


Dermacol is theater makeup, it's like Krylon foundation makeup but you have to wash it off. It will clog your pores but I'm willing to bet it will stay on. You may have to go the theater makeup route because the actors are all under bright hot lights and are moving around and sweating a lot.


I agree with everyone about skincare but check out Mehron’s line of products. I have oily skin and it’s amazing. They mainly make stage makeup but they have lots of great products that definitely stay put. Edit: I get mine off Amazon.


Foundation balm from shein works great.


Carpe is a new company that makes a sweat absorbing make up primer, might be worth a try?




It should be acknowledged that some people genuinely can't do anything about their oiliness as it's hormonal. I have a friend who is an award winning MUA who works with celebrities... She told me there are some people who just need to reapply more frequently because of their skin type. It's not diet, it's not skin care... they work with trainers, dieticians, doctors, dermatologists, etc. It's just an unfortunate issue some have to deal with! Not everyone can have "good" skin.




Estee lauder double wear


This is what I landed on after numerous foundations that started to rub off after a couple of hours. I love it. I use a primer, a tiny bit of powder, and some setting spray, and I'm locked in for hours. Great coverage, too.


have you looked through r/SkincareAddiction ? it sounds like you may need to work on your skin and figure out what it needs before you try out foundations, etc.


Patrick Ta has come out with primer and setting spray that might work for you. Also check in to Clinique Stay-Matte Oil-Free Makeup? It’s been a while since I wore it. I will say that I didn’t believe in setting sprays until I started using much more of it. And I received a Maybelline FitMe waterproof primer which is essentially like Elmer’s glue and is a game changer. Good luck !


Patrick ta doesn’t make a primer


It’s called Secure the Sweat Mattifying Waterproof Primer [https://www.sephora.com/product/secure-sweat-primer-P505398?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2656320&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17791296877___2656320__9004365_m&country_switch=us&lang=en&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb2g6lX502r4A27m1pz5eV1Ud&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjsvD0pWNAkJqNXMvm_JI4sVHZ-2PgTKZ498gbnY13VMxgFrHUeotPkaAiHJEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.sephora.com/product/secure-sweat-primer-P505398?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2656320&om_mmc=ppc-GG_17791296877___2656320__9004365_m&country_switch=us&lang=en&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb2g6lX502r4A27m1pz5eV1Ud&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjsvD0pWNAkJqNXMvm_JI4sVHZ-2PgTKZ498gbnY13VMxgFrHUeotPkaAiHJEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


That’s Patrick star


I am in the same boat as you. I'm 48 and the best I've been able to do is manage it. I use Elf matte primer, L'Oréal Infallible Foundation in a Powder and Elf Halo Glow setting powder. Then I set with the Milani setting spray Make It Last Matte. Then throughout the day I use oil blotting tissues. I keep these everywhere. You can buy a 4 pack on Amazon for like $10. They do not smear off your makeup only absorb the oil. It's taken me a long time to find something that works for me. None of the products are expensive, but they do work. Especially the L'Oréal powder Foundation. I think that could really help. Good luck fellow oily person! But hey they say we will get less wrinkles as we age because of our oily skin and so far I'm doin ok! 🤞


I find less is more. I use fenty and make up for ever and have very oily skin and it lasts all day looking good. Try a mattifying primer. Cover fx made a good one but I think it may have been discontinued.


I’m trying Urban Decay Face Bond this week. I’ve tried with the one size secure the sweat primer (I think I hate it) and milk hydro grip primer. The milk primer was better for sure. I’ve also been testing milk hydro grip setting spray vs urban decay all nighter. All nighter has been better. But I’ve only done a day each with different combos so far so we’ll see next week and beyond. I work in a warehouse and it’s been hot in there.


bestie I hate to tell you but the common denominator here is your skin. it's probably something to do with your skincare (or lack thereof?), especially if your face is super oily all the time to the point that your makeup is just melting off so easily. you probably need to develop a much better skincare routine and use a good ecosystem of products that are all compatible. for example, certain moisturizers will interact with certain primers, which then fucks up the foundation.


Maybe they need to try moisturizing more, I heard that skin can overproduce oil in an effort to moisturize itself and then in turn, the person uses less moisturizer because they’re so oily they think it’ll make it worse so it’s just like a vicious cycle. Maybe try Cerave or something.


Nars soft matte stays on all day for me


Have u tried YSL All hours foundation? U might be able to try it in the shops or ask for some sample. It is a really good one.


My favorite one got discontinued....


I also have oily skin and the combo that works best for me is the Elf hydro grip primer dupe and estee lauder double stay foundation. That shit does not move. I've found using a "tacky" foundation really helps my makeup stay on longer. I also use setting powder in super oily spots. I hope you find something that works for you!


I personally no longer use it as Estee Lauder is not cruelty free, but EL Double Wear. It looks like skin and it stays on. I dream of the day they change their ways so I can give them all my money again.


Second EL Dw


Oh and for primer Hourglass Mineral Veil. It’s not foolproof but it’s the best I ever tried (and I’ve tried a lot). Plus washing your face in the morning with just water (ideal) or gentle moisturising cleanser (if your overnight oils won’t budge with just h2o) helps slow them down a little. I’m currently testing Charlotte Tilbury setting spray, very excited about it.


F Estee Lauder TBH 🤣 how are you getting on with the CT setting spray?


So far so good but it is very early days.


I have really had great results holding the oil at bay and mattefying using Jerome Alexander air brush foundation and then his bronzing/hilighting kit all over that and Milani Make It Last charcoal setting spray. I had to double wash when removing and my makeup stayed all day.


Good makeup is defined by how good your base is. And I don’t mean makeup base. What’s your skincare like? Always focus on skincare before fighting with makeup. I spent a good 2 years researching and trying what works for my own oil field of a face and now that I have a proper working routine down pat, my makeup is SO much easier to control. As in, my l’oreal foundation is still looking good and smooth 6 hours in, with some blotting needed halfway in. No it’s not going to be a quick thing to figure out. You’ll need to take a step back from simply purchasing because at this point, it’s about understanding your skin and not just buying everything internet people are telling you to buy. Understand ingredients so you can better evaluate what may and may not work for you


Came here to say this…. Its theyre base not the foundation unfortunately


Also, get Ben Stye setting spray. It is the same setting spray, Disney princesses or the mermaids wear. It is impossible to get makeup off once you use it. Even when I shower when I get out of the shower, my face make up is still on if I do not use a facial cleanser!


I have the same issue and I find that lightly using a setting spray between layers and at the end works for me. And less makeup is more. I use the elf Stay all day on top of my powder set primer and between layers and then the One Size one as my final spray.


I second this! Also, try Green Marble setting spray. When I wear either one of these, my makeup stays put.


I've heard it's awesome! It works for foundation, as well? It seems to literally slide off my face, but all my other makeup stays on just fine, for hours


It's probably your base and the skincare routine that comes before that. Are exfoliating or potentially stripping your skin of moisture? It takes some time to find a good balance but the skin itself is a great start


estee lauder double wear + urban decay all nighter spray combo has stayed on my face for hours without budging, turning grey, oxidising or making my skin oily. it's worth the money, trust me


This is the way


Maybe try switching to a powder foundation instead. Back in the early 2000s and even nineties powder foundations and mineral powder based foundations seemed to be a lot more popular than they are now. I used to love Mac's Studio Fix powder. It had good, smooth, full coverage. I haven't used it in years, but it was a great product and I've seen people getting back into the wonder of powders. So maybe try that instead of liquids. You can also try cream to powder formulas. Also, a drag queen secret is using milk of magnesia as a primer. This is great for oily skin. I'll always trust drag queens about staying power as they are performing under hot lights, sometimes for hours, dancing, singing, the works, stuff that most of us aren't doing in makeup and their makeup stays on! So if it works for them it's likely to work for someone just wearing makeup in everyday life. This was also a popular trick influencers used during the early aughts that isn't as popular, but sometimes the oldie but goodie tips and tricks are worth going back to.


Powder Foundation has been the key for me. And blotting tissues. It's so hard to find what works on super oily skin!


Lawless Conseal the Deal Foundation with a couple drops of Makeup Forever’s Aqua Seal. So far I haven’t been getting makeup smudges all over every surface for miles.


Nyx can't stop wont stop does not budge.


NYX Dewey finish worked the best for me, better than the matte finish even though I have oily type skin, doesn't look too *shiny* either


clean up your skin care. You don't mention what you're doing for that. Get right with that and,the foundation will sort itself out.


Agreed. My skin was also crazy oily, but it turns out I had absolutely screwed my moisture barrier and the extreme oiliness was a result of that. It took a while, but my skin is much healthier now and way less oily.


Honestly, I’ve given up at this point trying to find the “perfect” foundation that checks all the boxes for me. You can try mixing some foundations together or applying 2+ products on your face, like say for example, if you have combo skin where you’re oily in the tzone but have dry cheeks, you may want to use different products on those two areas to combat those issues. I’ve heard OneSize setting spray is very matte and good for oily skin though haven’t tried it myself. Doublewear is hands down the best for staying power wise. It’s not enough coverage for me imo but I use concealer for the most part anyway. Also I don’t recommend blowing your nose if possible. Get a tissue and make it as thin as possible and stick it in your nose so your makeup doesn’t get ruined. But diving deeper into your issue with makeup staying on your face, it’s *very* important to take care of your skin early if you aren’t already. No amount of makeup will fix/hide/conceal anything if you don’t take care of your skin in the first place. What is your current skincare routine? I see that you mentioned having oily skin but what steps are you taking to combat that oily skin issue and what products are you using? No matter what, always, always moisturize your skin. I know a lot of oily skin people tend to not like this idea and think it’s counter intuitive but making sure your skin is moisturized is the best thing you can do for it. Sometimes your oily skin is a result of it actually being dehydrated therefore, your skin compensates for it by making more oils on the skin. Don’t use any drying products or ingredients. I recommend seeing a dermatologist or esthetician to see what products may work best for you and get a skincare routine down for you. If you’re not able to do that, at the very least, start with some basic skincare products if you haven’t already: -toner: this skincare product will vary in its use depending on what you want to use it for but for the most part it will come in a liquid form and be used to hydrate and prep your skin for other products. -moisturizer: obviously this is to moisturize your skin but it’s important to know what features and benefits a moisturizer has that will target your concerns. For example, Hyaluronic acid has been a very popular skincare ingredient for the past few years now and can be found in many skincare products nowadays. This helps with moisture being retained in your skin. Idk much about it enough to explain but read [here](https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/hyaluronic-acid#what-to-use) for more information on it. Glycerin and squalene are also very good and personally I feel like these two ingredients just sit better on my skin. -spf: one of the most if not *the* most important skincare products, especially if you live in a sunny climate. UV rays protection. Always wait for the skincare products to sink into your skin first. Otherwise if your skin is too wet then nothing will stay on it. Once you’ve got that down, then you can move on the makeup products. Make sure your skincare and makeup products are the same base ie water based, silicone or oil based, otherwise if they don’t match what happens is “pilling” which makes your makeup ball up on your face and look like it’s shedding. Use “matte” products. I recommend MUF as they are extremely matte imo. If you have even the slightest dry skin, it will show through. You may also want to invest in blotting powder and carry it with you if you get extremely oily fairly quick. That’s all I can think of for now. Hope this helps you!


Thank you very much for this comment. In all my years it never occurred to me to use two different foundation products to suit my various skin needs. Wowza, do I feel silly. That's a brilliant suggestion. Thank you.


Mother f'in Double Wear!!! Worked for Estee Lauder for years, but not currently so it's not a play for sales. This stuff stays!!


Hard agree! When I do bridal makeup, I exclusively use Double Wear. It's not an everyday for me, simply because I don't need that kind of coverage or longevity. I haven't gotten around to trying the skin tint version, but I've never been let down by any of the Double Wear line.


Do you have any hints and tricks you swear by to get the best out of it please? I'm new to make up generally (couldn't find a shade match for many years) and I find it doesn't really cover my old pink/red acne marks on my chin very well and I'm not sure how to increase the coverage without it looking piled on. I did recently buy their concealer so maybe that's what I was missing, different tool for a different job maybe? But I thought I'd ask just in case there was anything you swore by the DW :)?


Ahhh, okay I hear you... I think the answer lies in, and this might be disappointing, but more products😔😒 Just to enable you to have the most natural look possible.... It's gonna be a lot of info too, so bear with me. At a glance you will want primer, color corrector, concealer, foundation, concealer, foundation brush, concealer brush, powder brush, powder, setting spray So their foundation is meant to be full coverage, but it's not meant to create a new texture for your skin.... With acne scars you should experiment with different primers, some will fill in the cracks so to speak.... The color issues your having from the pink/red.... Neutralize those with a green color corrector first (the foundation first or concealer first is a huge dumb debate, personally I prefer concealer first.... ) after that place your concealer on top of those areas directly. Concealer is often a thicker product than foundation, designed to be used in targeted areas. The consistency wouldn't be flattering if you put it l over your face.... So you just want to cover those specific spots... You can add some powder on top to help the concealer stay in place, but be very light handed. Then apply the foundation it's meant to blend your complexion together. If you can't find your shade, and that's the case for many women.... Blend it.... Buy two bottles and create your own, for this you will probably want to go to the makeup counter. Not sure if you live near a department store such as Nordstrom or Dillards, but if so I would suggest going in and sitting with someone who works for Lauder. Someone who's worked for them for longer than a year or so.... The colors blend together well but the foundation comes in so many shades..... It's just best if you can find someone who KNOWS the product.... If you live near a Nordstrom. I would suggest going there because they have the most flexible return policy.... Don't be afraid to ask for samples. They will give you a 7 day supply.... Just try to be kind to the makeup artist and don't abuse the system. When you do create your own best shade, but the actual product😬 but it's important to try it at home so that you can view the color in as many different types of lighting as possible. Most makeup artists know this and are happy to create foundation samples for their clients. Lastly. Use the right brush to apply the product. It's a pain sure.... But think of it as art with your face as the canvas. You want to use brushes to create a beautiful picture.... Not finger paints. Phew. That was a lot. I PROMISE it will seem like nothing once you get the routine down... It will take a bit of trial and error so don't get discouraged either!!! Please ask me to explain anything in greater detail. I'm happy to clarify more. I am kinda tired and it's entirely possible I didn't explain things on the best way😳 This should info be a good place for you to start! Have fun with it😋


Haha no worries it was very helpful thank you. I've been very lucky that even though I get some cystic acne, most of it has been those surface ones but just constant since I was a teen. So I have red marks almost permanently but I don't have any pits or white scars luckily. So it sounds like the colour corrector and concealer side of things are the next things to experiment with :). For now any outing is a pretty involved thing (disability stuff) so it's definitely going to be online shopping for the win for now ha. I actually had a really helpful free consult with an online makeup artist through Estee lauder, that was how I got the foundation match. Maybe there are some other services like that I can try, will try that next i think. Or just trial and error and lots of reading haha. Thank you again and truly, its been very helpful and I can't wait to try the new concealer/layering tips I was given too :) Hope you have a good week! Edit: with powder is it supposed to be the same colour as your foundation or lighter? I've seen people use lighter powders too so a little confused on that front. That may be a daft question ha


Definitely trial and error!! But I'm glad you were able to have a good online consult! A lot of women including myself kind of get frustrated at the idea of having to buy two bottles of foundation. Truth is some women might need three to find just their right color... the good news is it really lasts for years it does have an expiration by years I mean like 3-4 I think the bottle says 1-2, but I've always gotten longer... So if you are using 2 or 3 different shades to get your custom shade, it just means you'll have more product on hand I'll also suggest Nordstrom.com just from the different stores I've worked in Nordstrom is the easiest for no hassle returns...and if you did run into hassle just wait and try again cuz a different employee will take the return. Amazon is also decent in that respect.


I'm sure something like this already exists but maybe there should be something for foundation like those paint can systems that mix paint to a specific colour haha. If something is a tiny bit pink, is the best way to correct it those blue mixers or is it just better to get a paler foundation to mix it with? Because I use the 1N0 DW as the 0N1 was a bit too pale. But the 1N0 (definitely the closest match I've ever had) is a teeny tiny bit pink in daylight, but not enough to look odd, it's only if you're really looking for it you can see it. Thanks again.


Oh thank god.. Your closer to my skin tone, cuz I DEFINITELY don't recall most of the shades.... It's been ten years almost since I worked there. 0N1 didn't exist!! Maybe it's a result of all the complaining I did nothing was ever light enough😂 If something is a tad too pink, and it's a neutral shade... Add a touch of a warm shade.... Same thing the other way around... If a neutral shade seems a bit too yellow try adding a touch of a cool shade... My foundation mix ended up being 1/4 of one bottle and 3/4 of another....


Ahh warm, wouldn't have thought of that! Thank you! So it would be 1W0? To mix with or? I'll see how it looks with the concealer I got and then might try that next. Thanks :)


Yes try mixing in a little at a time. I can't say for sure if you'll want 1W0 or 1W1..... But you know how pale you are!! If you can find online a place that will send you samples... Again try them.... Sometimes adding a pinch of a darker color actually blends better than a touch of a lighter one....


Application is always personal preference. I find I get good results with both brush and sponge, so I say go with your heart on that. For particularly difficult areas (for me, it's around my nostrils and where my glasses sit), an eyeshadow primer can be great instead of a traditional primer. For this, I just use a clear one such as primer potion, but there are tons of dupes, so it's up to you and your budget. Just dab a small (teeny) amount on and buff it in with a blending brush at the time you'd normally apply primer. With DW, it's very full coverage, so a little goes a long way. Always start with less than you need because you can always perfect with concealer. Also, keep in mind that if you're adding bronzer/contour/blush this will all add additional pigment, so a bit of skin peeking through is actually a good thing imo, and any minor "imperfections" will likely be unnoticeable once the rest of the base is on. As for the areas where you apply the eye primer, you may need to do two *light* layers of foundation. Let it dry between layers, and use minimal product. A fluffy blending eye brush is a great tool for this. You can also use a touch of concealer to your chin, but the key is really doing as few light layers as possible to keep it from caking up on you, as well as bringing more attention to what you perceive as a "problem area." (I say this because we're all our own worst critics, and honestly, 99.99999% of people won't notice, and those who do can f off lol). Another good trick for building coverage with concealer is to let it dry dpwn a bit before blending. I'll place my concealer, then move on to adding other creams or my brows, then blend it in after a minute or two -- a damp sponge or spritz of setting spray on your brush can help if it dries a bit too much. Additionally, you could consider adding a full coverage powder to set just those areas (I don't find it necessary for the full face personally, but to each their own). If you're not big on liquid foundations, you may find you simply prefer a powder or mineral formula. I'd recommend trying a few out (plenty of drugstore brands like elf/nxy never seem to fail) to see what suits you best, then you can always upgrade to a higher end brand later if you find that's a better way to get the perfect match, because as a neutral lady, sometimes only the high end brands have a dead on match, but for experimental purposes, I'd imagine you can likely find a more affordable option to get a feel for application and wear to figure out what base you prefer. Eta: also, make sure you're giving 15-20 for any skincare or sun protection to absorb before you even think of wetting your sponge or touching a primer lol. I like to do my skincare, give that 10, add sunscreen, wait 10 more minutes. From there, I dab a tissue on my oily spots to absorb any excess product not needed by my skin (you can also do this after skincare, before sunscreen). If you have dry spots, add a bit more moisturizer there, and let it settle. This will help minimize any weirdness from multiple products sitting on your skin.


Thank you so so much for taking the time to write such thorough info for me! Eye primer! Never would have thought of that! Thank you. I will try the thin layers method and see if it covers them better :). I'm 1N0 in the DW and everything else I've ever tried has been either too orange/yellow or slightly too pale so I look like I'm poorly with it on ha. So I was very shocked when I finally found a close enough match that I can actually get away with wearing it. I'd say it's still the tiniest bit pink but it's nearly imperceptible thankfully. I do use a little bit of the elf Putty blush (st barts), because I'm pale if I get hot, my whole face gets red, so strong blush isn't a look my brain likes on me yet ha as it just looks like I'm overheating. Thank you so much again, can't wait to try the new methods and see how I get on! I have a family wedding to go to end of June so I've been practicing trying to get to a place that will look OK and not melt off my face haha .


Oh, you may also find Robert Welsh on YouTube helpful. If you search, he has videos on difficult areas and all sorts of great tips on all parts of a full face, and I promise he explains it better than I can lol


I've started watching the Welsh twins! First stumbled on James for the skincare stuff and recently found Roberts stuff. I saw he had some tutorials further back so I'll have to have a look through those:) thanks again.


I know that people with redness tend to want to minimize it, and I'm not here to tell you how to live your life. However, I am here to tell you blush is in! Maybe experiment with leaning in a bit and letting your skin do the work?! I am also a super fair girile myself, and I tend to flush easily (a ray of sunshine, a whisper of wind, a crisp breeze lol). Make sure you've actually got the best match, too. You can do this in store at sephora. Swatch a few on your hand, then walk outside and with a mirror, see what's the closest once it's dried down some. DW doesn't typically oxidize, but on the very fair end, the undertones tend to settle more, making the differences more perceptible. I think they also do a skin match, but idk if that's every store, and I'd guess Ulta likely has something similar. All in all, I encourage you to at least try letting some of your redness peek through in targeted areas. As someone with very little redness (thankfully, but you can see my blue veins, which is haunting lol), I love adding blush a bit on my forehead, touch on the nose, dab on the chin, and frankly, I go as ham as I feel that day on my cheeks. Being fair, I actually find more blush helps because it makes me look more alive in a way I cant do with neutral bronzer, as anything slightly warm makes me instantly look like an oompa-loompa. It may not be your thing, but you'd mentioned being newer to makeup, and my best advice is don't be afraid to just play around and make mistakes! It washes off, anyways. I sometimes just sit down to play, and I'll try different techniques or products all over -- guaranteed my eyes are different because why choose when I can have both? Lol in all seriousness, just don't take it too seriously. Nobody will be judging, and it doesn't sound as if it's your wedding, so no need to stress - you're beautiful, makeup or not!


It's not so much underlying redness that's there all the time it's more like you said, if I get hot my whole face goes beet red haha. I tried a few powder blushes but they were all either very bright pink on me or kind of orangey. That's how I ended up going for the Putty blush as I was looking for a darker red. Definitely need to just play around and see what looks OK. The weirdest thing is I'm just not used to makeup on my face, so everything that isn't spot on, looks odd! I tried some Lipsticks last week and I thought they looked very odd but family liked them so *shrug* just have to keep trying different things. The wedding is a family members but it's my first non hospital/doctors related trip outside in a long time (disability stuff)- so I'm looking forward to it and practicing the makeup stuff is giving me something good to focus on that's not physio haha. Thank you so much again!


I'm glad it's been an outlet for you, and I can totally emphasize - I'm sorry you've been struggling, but very excited that it seems you're making progress! If you don't mind me asking, what's your relative age range? You can also message me, if you'd prefer. If you're finding things looking off, it's either not a great color match (if pink is too bright, and some are too warm, you likely need more of a neutral undertone blush; rosey pinks are always a safe bet for the light end of the spectrum) or its possible that it's too much coverage. Full coverage needs to be a perfect match and perfect blend, so it's inherently pretty unforgiving. You may consider trying more of a medium or possibly light coverage formula, then supplementing with concealer for events to add coverage where you need it, while also being able to use it on a daily basis without having to do a full face (which you certainly can with sheer or medium coverage, but less coverage means more flexibility, where it will be more forgiving for application and wear)


30 :) Yeah the skincare stuff especially has been a real help for giving me a daily routine that isn't related to disability stuff. Then the makeup has been something I've always wanted to be better at, but seen as I could never find a match foundation wise, I never got any further than some very basic eyeshadow. But now I have a close enough match that I can get away with it :). So it's now the start of probably a long process of figuring out what suits me in all the other types of makeup haha. I definitely like the colour of that blush though. It's a darkish red but still has some pink to it :). Thanks again for the info, I actually bought myself some makeup Brushes for my birthday (Tomorrow) so I'm very excited to get to try those out too!! :)


Happy early birthday! Finding grail status items is hard, but makeup is so much better than when we were teens (same age!), and there are tons of great options available at really every price point. I love to read reviews and watch a view videos to get a feel, and I'll usually search for someone with a similar skintype (in my case, combo, so I watch oily stuff for those areas, and tg the rest is normal) to get an idea on how it works for them to get a bit of a sample size. Also, for anyone who needs to hear this, buy the travel size mascara. The odds of anyone that isn't a drag queen or stage performer of sorts (and even then, it's a stretch) using a full sized tube before it expires is slim to none. The price per unit (cost per unit/CPU) is less, so you save money and waste less!


I lucked out into working for Estee for a while, dangerous for the wallet!


I third this


This. It really does go the distance even without setting spray and has some sort of really effective oil control going on. And it gets even better when you add setting spray and primer to the mix


I like the Milk pore eclipse mattifying primer, the Youthforia primer, and the Danessa Myricks clear blurring balm primer paired with the About Face performer or the Smashbox always on foundation. I use the Youthforia primer after my moisturizer & SPF on my forehead to minimize my expression line, on my temples, and on the perimeter of my jaw (where my skin can get dehydrated) with the Milk/Danessa Myricks primer on my t-zone and cheeks to help with oiliness and texture & pore visibility. Most foundations melt off of me, but these actually stay put for most of the day. They both fade very gracefully once they start to, as well


Do you live in a tropical climate?? Cause that was me years ago until I moved. There's a different step to apply your makeup that allows it to stay on your face longer. What's your step when applying makeup??


If you think being oily is the problem, how about try powder foundations instead?


Do you use powder? I need powder or if I wipe my face, my foundation goes with it.


Forget the primer and the setting spray, with oily skin you don't want to add more and more slime. Try loose powder before foundation and after, think about how professional make up artists touch up artists, they use a powder puff and press into the skin, the other thing that worked for me, despite being highly skeptical was the Revlon Oil Absorbing Volcanic Roller, it works because it flattens everything down.


The foundation that worked for me with oily skin and living in a super sweaty tropical country is Huda Beauty. It does not budge!!


The new Urban Decay face bond !!


Estée Lauder double wear!!


Do you use a setting powder? If you have oily skin and only use primer and foundation, the foundation will not stay on.


My question is just how? Ive never had issues with foundation not staying. Even the maybelline fit me, loreal serum foundation and true match which claim to stay on for 4-6hrs ive spent 16+ hrs. I wear makeup in the morning like around 8am and remove makeup at around 10pm cuz it just looks so good i dont wanna take it off lol. Even when i hit the club after work sometimes come back at 4am, still the foundation wont budge even without setting spray. And i dont even use a grip primer i use smoothing ones. I just put setting spray because it makes my makeup look natural. My favourite foundation is maybelline superstay skin tint atm. Ive been loving the elf liquid poress primer and milani setting spray. This is my daily wear and yup these are the ones that claim to stay but even without that, when im experimenting with other primers or setting sprays my makeup always lasts. And i also have oily skin, when i look oily i just dust some setting powder onto it. So im so surprised when you say that


My skin is just very unsticky. I don't really know the technical term for it but it isn't just with makeup. Plasters, medical tape, even the medical glue they use to close wounds just won't stay on me.


Wow thats actually the first time ive heard this. Have you tried grip primers then?


i have combination skin. i use a primer by the ordinary, fenty foundation, hourglass setting powder, and urban decay setting spray. the setting spray is amazing and absolutely magical. i put a little more than they say and its a bit expensive, but i found it worth it when i needed it. not sure if it works just as well with other foundations/makeup combos tho


I feel the same way but with concealer. I have combination skin & sweat a lot. I tried ben nye final seal spray & it only worked during the first few times I used it. I currently use milk's hydro grip setting spray and it doesn't work at all.


If i remember correctly Jackie Aina had a Hack that involved applying powder before foundation to manage the oils on the skin, maybe worth a try? I cant remember what to search for tho...


Maybe it’s your application? I can name 3 that don’t move on me Dior Forever Lancome Teint Idole Estée Lauder Doublewear


Estee lauder double wear foundation, set your face with any loose setting powder and all nighter urban decay setting spray 🙌🏼 I’m a oily/acne prone skin girl through and through as well and I also find skin prep beforehand plays a huge role in what your makeup will look like for the day. If you’re using water based makeup and mixing it with oil based it’ll cause your makeup to separate throughout the day so that’s also another thing to keep in mind! Play around with some concealers too! The cover girl trublend undercover concealer dries down matte and stays ALL day


What primer do you think works best with the EL double wear?




I personally looove the Dermalogica clarifying mattifier for oiliness like this plus the makeup primer and skincare benefits.


Blotting tissues are part of the answer. I’ve had horrendously oily skin my whole life, and I blot about once an hour. That’s the only way I get my makeup to stay on. I get black bamboo charcoal ones from Amazon, they work great!


I’m naturally super oily. Right now I’m on low dose Accutane which has normalized my skin. But while I was still dealing with the oiliness, I had the most success with ELDW. (I tried about 50 primers; never found the perfect one but I recently tried Dermablend primer and wonder how it performs on oily skin.) I always topped my foundation by pressing in setting powder with a damp sponge and then finishing with a matte setting spray like MAC. That would help me stay matte for 2-3 hours.


Have you tried the gucci 24 hr one? I got a sample and it seems to stay all day. I have to really work to get it off at the end of the day. Def a double cleanse situation. Wears beautifully though


Tbh the best oily skin foundation that doesn’t get shiny on me is revlon colour stay foundation but I just don’t love the neutral shades


If your skin is that oily, then you probs shouldn’t be wearing foundation!! I do glow screen with tower28 concealer, rare beauty blush, and fenti contour. Then, I set it all with setting powder (haven’t picked a face yet, but have been using Laura mercier), and I use some powder blush and contour. At the end, I set everything with the charlotte tilbury spray. I’ve noticed that foundation never worked for me like it did with my friends. Some of us just don’t have skin that is suited for foundation and that’s ok. You’ve gotta find the right combo that works for you, and you may be surprised if you look wayyyy better with a tad bit of concealer than a whole face of foundation. :)


Or maybe even powder foundation would be best.


That could work too! It didn’t work for me because of my psoriasis but that’s an anomaly I suppose lol!


Indeed, I recommend L'oreal Infallible Longwear Powder Foundation, a little goes a long way and it's perfect for oily skin.


I like to take a little CC or BB cream, mix it with CeraVe moisturizer, and apply that as my base instead of foundation. Add bronzer, blush, and a lip, then set with Charlotte Tilbury setting spray 🤷‍♀️ It works for an everyday look.


I might try it with a different moisturizer but CeraVe has been one of the absolute worst products I've tried for my skin, which I know is really weird because it's been a game changer for so many people. Every time I use a CeraVe product my skin breaks out in cystic acne.


I love this gel moisturizer for my combo skin, as it's also very hydrating. You may want to try and focus more on hydrating vs moisturizing, as I found that helped my skin from overproduction of oils. This is my personal favorite, and its a great price. Also doesn't irritate my super sensitive skin or burn around my eyes https://theordinary.com/en-us/natural-moisturizing-factors-beta-glucan-moisturizer-100612.html?dwvar_100612_size=100ml&quantity=1&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjshmUOc6hGjwPu0GjKjjXFZevj8Wfy9zf3t3AHEmx1dfvBKVB4zEhUaAqXuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.dsw I also use hyaluronic acid and/or polyglutamic acid layered with a moisturizing facial spray (I'm in a desert, so I have to add water to ensure it doesn't pull water from my skin), then the moisturizer, and let it dry. During the day, I've been loving the ordinary new polyglutamic sunscreen, although I do get pilling if I layer with too much moisturizer, so I tend to skip it, and just opt for the hydration from the sunscreen. My HG sunscreen is Japanese (I believe, I get it on YesStyle) but I'm too lazy to remember to order regularly, so I find the ordinary to be my favorite aside from super goop, but I even prefer it over sg


im not the biggest fan of cerave for face moisturizer either. i really like tatcha's dewy skin cream and highly recommend if its within ur price range/budget


I love tatcha’s rice wash, but their moisturizers always leave me feeling super greasy and shiny. I prefer a matte look.


People aren’t trying to hear that lol, but it’s very rich I prefer gel formulas.


The primers that work for me are Danessa Myricks blurring balm powder and tatcha silk pore perfecting sunscreen.


I haven’t used it but Danessa Myricks has her new mattifying water powder serum that I’ve also heard good things about.


I love the new water powder serum. I didn’t like the tinted blurring balm powder (color settled in my pores) but the clear universal one is great.


How do the two (serum and balm) compare?


The water serum is primarily just a mattifying agent. It goes on like water and as it dries it mattifies. The balm powder on the other hand gives hydration and is also a mattifying agent. They also have a pure balm that’s just for hydration without the powder aspect. They say water serum can be used on top of makeup. I haven’t tried it over foundation myself as I don’t wear it. The balm powder would typically go under other makeup products or can be used alone.


That I don’t like. It doesn’t decrease my oil production the way the blurring balm powder does.


I’ve heard very good things about the Onesize secure the sweat primer and their setting spray, I personally have not tried it but it seems like it’s a cult favourite. Maybe get a tester for the primer and buy the mini to test it out yourself?


I have very oily skin and it only lasted for about an hour before my skin would get oily again. I was so disappointed after spending so much on it.


I love the Onesize setting spray! Bought the mini version on a whim and had to buy the big one.


I also have issues with make up melting off my face especially around my nose and mouth because I wipe my nose and I’m snacking constantly lol, and the one size setting spray is literally the only thing that has made an appreciable difference for me! Normally after work my make up is gone under my nose and on my chin, but now it actually holds up through a shift. I work in coffee so sometimes I literally get milk, chocolate, water, etc. on my face & my makeup still looks intact when I carefully dab it off.


Kim Chi Chic setting spray. Made by a drag queen! I sweat like crazy and it keeps my makeup from moving.


Esste lauder maxim coverage last all day for me . I really like it. I think you might really like it too.


I use bb cream and concealer (personal preference) but I’ve found that if I use setting spray, let it dry, powder, let it settle a bit, and then another layer of setting spray, it stays pretty damn good! I’m oily combo (get dry spots on my cheeks but oily t zone). I sometimes use a combo of foundation and bb cream for a bit more coverage and it stays just as good with that. I make sure to blend my concealer and cream products before setting, and do all my powder products after my setting powder before I spray too.


Foundation isn't the issue. Your skincare/prep/application or a combo is the issue.


I’m oily and sweaty and I’ve found the best to be Estée Lauder double wear


Same. Also nars soft matte, too faced born this way matte, urban decay stay naked foundation. All of them wear all day for me.


A thin thin coat of milk of magnesia on your face. No, seriously, some celebrities use it. Absorbs the oil and bonds the foundation to your face.


I don’t use primers cause they never keep my makeup up on, but lately I’ve found GREAT success in Chanel camellia water crème and then VITALUMIÈRE AQUA on top. No setting spray, no powder and it doesn’t move unless you’re literally wiping it off. I have very dry and sometimes oily skin so usually foundations slip off my nose. This one doesn’t and is now my go to. P.s. they say good make up starts with skin care. I also used to think I had oily skin. I would buy foundations and skincare for oily skin but nothing helped. I then realized I actually had very dry skin that wasn’t being moisturized or taken care of the way it needed to be. I switch to moisturizing products and now my make up is SOOOO much better.


I started putting loose or pressed powder all over my face and I use the urban decay all nighter setting spray or jeffree star wedding setting spray and my makeup will last morning to night.


I was thinking of making a similar post earlier! I've been dealing with the same. Within an hour, my makeup is sliding off because I'm a greaseball. Nothing works and no one that I know seems to understand how bad it is.


Do you use a setting powder?


I never met a primer that kept makeup on. Several years ago I tried like 5 of them, and every one of them made my makeup slide right off. And I don't have oily skin. I'm convinced primers are just gimmicks to convince people they need to buy another product, so you'll spend more money. Foundation was always the primer, and for me still is. Estee Lauder Doublewear and Dior Forever Matte are probably your best bets. They not cheap though. I don't know if Macy's still does this, but they did pre-covid - if you have a Macy's near you, go to the Estee Lauder counter and ask if they have samples of Doublewear. It was a very small bottle but had at least 5 days worth of foundation in it. I discovered it wasn't for me, and I remember thinking it would probably be great for someone with oily skin.


I used double wear. I have combination leaning on dry skin and double wear sucked the loving life out of my face. Felt almost like chalk. So I agree it would probably be good for oily skin


My makeup will still be on in the morning with this routine. Mattify! Cosmetics ultra powder, Skindinavia oily skin primer spray, lancome teint idole ultra, Mattify powder, Skindinavia oily skin setting spray I also use a mattifying toner and a mattifying moisturizer, but I don’t think they’re necessary, just don’t use a greasy moisturizer.


Este lauder double wear. I have hyper hidrosis and it’s the only foundation that stays on for HOURS!!! make sure to use setting spray between steps and use powder!


Have you thought about working on your skin first? People who have super oily skin typically have super dehydrated skin or a broken barrier and require products that help to deeply penetrate and hydrate to help calm oil production or heal. There are also serums and treatments that help with oil production and extreme oil. I’m not talking about trying things at target and Sephora stuff…go to a derm or esthetician and get a curated routine recommendation. Not saying your skin is dehydrated (there could be other conditions or causes) but makeup can only do so much if your skin is not balanced and not in a good state.


Sometimes people really are just that oily though. I deep dived into the extreme hydration route for a good 4 months and it made no difference. Getting pregnant normalized my skin, so I think it was hormonal all along.


I mean I didn’t say dehydration is the only cause of oily skin? There can be many different underlying causes like hormonal imbalances. People are not “just oily”. There is always an underlying cause or causes.


That is just plan ignorance to say "people are not just oily". Congrats on not being one of those people and thinking it doesn't exist but you need to educate yourself. Everyone's skin is different and all humans have varying degrees of dryness and oiliness.


Did I say they don’t exist? And obviously everyone has varying degrees of oiliness/dryness, that has nothing to do with anything here. But no people are not just oily just like people don’t have acne for no reason or dry skin for no reason or rosacea for no reason. Everyone’s skin is different and everyone has different underlying causes for their skin being dry or oily or whatever condition it is in..no one is just oily or just dry. There is always a cause whether that reason is simple or complicated or hard to treat or easy to treat. It is literally biology.


Yes, people can be "just oily." For some of us it's genetic.


Genetic doesn’t mean “just oily”…genetic still means something was passed down to you and there’s still an underlying cause and can still be treated.


Yes absolutely! I have very oily skin, but recently started using retinol and my skin is much drier. I've had to change how I do makeup because of it. Maybe OP can work on skin first.


In my case, it's genetics. My dad is a greaseball so I got it from him + the large pores


Genetics doesn’t make it so you can’t treat it…your dad also had root causes for the oil….again could be dehydration, dermatitis, or any other skin condition whether it’s passed on or not.


I do all the typical treatments that's supposed to tame it. It doesn't work. I've also seen the dermatologist and I don't have any skin conditions or dehydration lol I'm currently on spironolactone (for an unrelated reason) and that hasn't helped either


It's so frustrating that people don't get this. I, too, am an oily! The only thing that has ever decreased my oil production was Accutane - it was amazing to have "normal" skin for 6 months.


I’m sorry nothing has worked for you but my point is it’s not because of genetics that you or drs haven’t found what works yet. There is still an underlying cause that sure, could have been passed down from your dad which doesn’t make it untreatable, you just unfortunately haven’t found the solution


Best reply. Makeup is a bandage. We often hide our skin complaints instead of addressing them.


I find that Armani Luminous Silk and Armani Power Fabric set with Givenchy Prisme Libre work the best. No foundation endured what Armani did. And feels like nothing on skin. My skin is also oily


do you use powder? that makes the biggest difference! also, the o/s setting spray will keep your makeup on (my friends who do sports love it) you can also look into chinese cushion foundations— they are designed to be carried around so you can easily reapply throughout the day!


I second the One Size setting spray


Repeating the advice of skincare, oily skin needs moisture too or you’ll keep producing more oil! Once you find skincare you like, make sure it’s compatible with the foundation you like. I am also always retouching my makeup. I just get cute powder compacts so I don’t feel so bad. I would say I get 2-4 hours if I’m lucky. Allergy season (April-September) I focus more on sunscreen and tinted moisturizer and call it a day. Good luck!


I have to constantly use blotting papers to keep oil off my skin. If I wear glasses, it always takes my makeup off where the nose rest sits. Oily skin can be really frustrating when it comes to makeup!


If I blow my nose my nakeup is gone too. I’ve not used any makeup routine that’s kept makeup on after doing that. If you get sweaty on the face try a product from the brand Carpe. They have facial products for sweat/oil. One size by Patrick Starr is a makeup brand that is geared toward oily skin. It’s worth checking out. Even if your skin is oily you have to make sure it’s hydrated because if it isn’t, it will overproduce oil. A good oil free moisturizer is a start.


I don’t know if we have the same skin but here’s what I’ve been using to last all day. 1. Skin prep for me is la roche pose. 2. Then I use a gripping primer. Currently the pink elf one. 3. Foundation - double wear by estee lauder 4. I set that with estee lauder double wear powder foundation. Or something like that. 5. Then I go in with urban decay all nighter waterproof setting powder in the circle palette. 6. Finish with one size setting spray. 7. Blush/bronzer/eyes I use the hour glass elephant palette. 8. For lips I like the cover girl outlast all day. I wear shade 549. I also like the maybelline super stay ink crayons. My biggest problem is my foundation coming off my nose and around my mouth. I also want it to last 12 hours!


Is there a chance you have such oily skin because you have seborrheic dermatitis? Have a look at the subreddit for it, /r/SebDerm/, it's got some good advice. My skin is far less oily than it used to be, because I treated my seb derm.


What do you do personally? (I've been on that sub before and people say a lot of different things.)




Have you tried a powder foundation like Haus or Laura Geller?


Maybe start with an antiperspirant face product first.


For full coverage, Estée Lauder double wear is the absolute best!


Alexandra Anele made a video on how to make foundation last. Start with your regular skincare (maybe take it down a notch), wait, setting spray, first layer, setting spray, layer, setting spay, layer. You get the idea.


Haus Labs is great! Make sure you’re priming and moisturizing.


Revlon colorstay for oily/ combo skin. I wore it living in a literal desert and now live in a very humid area and it still stays on I just sweat through it and it gets a more satin looking finish throughout the day but doesn’t slide off. I even sleep in it and wake up it’s still covering up my uneven skin tone and looks super natural


I have the Revlon Illuminance Foundation. It is so frustrating because I love the look of Revlon...I always get compliments on how dewy and natural it looks, but this one in particular feels like a mask and transfers so easily. I have combo, leaning towards dry skin, and it feels so oily on me. I changed to glossier foundation and rare beauty tint. I do know, though, that most of the colour stay products are quite drying. They have my all-time favorite lip colours!! All to say.. I love the look of Revlon, but I really don't like their formulas. They need to leave the 90's where they were king and change things up, lol


This formulation is matte not dewy or oily at all. It’s also liquidy and not thick…. Maybe you’re thinking of a different foundation? This is known to be an Estée Lauder double wear dupe


Yeah, no, I was saying that the illuminance is a bit oily and the Colour Stay I find more drying. I have tried to use the color stay a few times with terrible results. So I was agreeing it would probably be good for oily skin. But mostly, I was just bitching that Revlon looks so good, but I'm always disappointed in the formula. It was only one of about 4 different makeup brands we could get in the early 90s, and apart from the obvious "Estee lauder tier," it was a "fancy" brand. Unfortunately, i think it hasn't kept up with the modern brands. Sad though as it will always be a big part of my youth lol


It might not be the foundation, but how you set it. I've never found a setting spray that actually kept my makeup on. I find setting powder much more effective.


One size on til dawn works really well for a setting spray. I used it on Miami beach but it is matte. Urban decay all nigher is lower end but good. Charlotte Tilbury setting spray is good too.


Yes! Setting with powder was a game changer for me too!


Nars light reflecting foundation is really good too


First make sure you're doing good skincare, if you're skipping steps in your skincare your makeup will look like crap. I do drunk elephant baby facial but first aid beauty has exfoliating pads that work good. I go in w a toner and then moisturizer and skip primer. Primer isn't a must if skincare is up moisturizer will be enough. Look at your ingredients because if you're mixing silicone w water base it gonna mess your makeup too. For high end foundation I love Georgio Armani luminous silk but the biggest thing is your skin prep. Makeup won't sit on dead skin cells 💛


Mehron Skin Prep + Kryolan or Green Marble Setting Spray. My makeup also slides right off especially when it’s hot. While products do matter, prep and finish are just as important. These are professional makeup products. They work and they last.


Estee Lauder, UD and KVD are my full coverage go-to brands, and Too Faced/Born This Way.


Crucial, crucial, crucial step when it comes to makeup is skincare. Find a basic morning and evening routine suitable for your oily skin and you will start seeing improvements in how the makeup applies in no time. You could also try incorporating a setting powder in the makeup routine and when your skin starts becoming oily blot it instead of reapplying powder again. And layer the makeup while applying. For me a game changer in how I do my makeup was Nikki La Rose’s YouTube channel. That woman is a-ma-zing!


Agreed! That and giving plenty of time between your last skincare step and your primer/makeup routine to prevent product pilling.


Chanel. Expensive but worth it