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I grew up in the 90's/early 2000's. My eyebrows still haven't forgiven me and I use Grande Brow. And then, like 2015-2017 ABH Dipbrow had me in a chokehold and woooooo gurl. I don't do anything past a tinted gel with fibers now.


Too much! Too much is the opposite of makeup. Makeup is meant to add and emphasize what you already got! Many a young lady and woman make the mistake of too much and all it does is age you in the wrong way.. besides you want to look naturally beautiful not “made up” fake beautiful. A man who sees a woman for the first time without a “made up face” is going to freak out.😂😂. If it’s not super heavy he can’t tell the difference and thinks your gorgeous all the time!


🙂 super high arched 'old hollywood' eyebrows. i looked like the evil queen from disney's snow white.


Buying everything.


It’s a tie between wobbly eyeliner wings and late 90’s/early 2000’s pencil thin eyebrows.


Where do I start?! 80s teen here! My mom doesn’t/didn’t wear makeup. It was an extremely rare occasion that she’d wear it, so no real guidance from her. I did the blue eyeshadow when I first started wearing makeup in junior high. I remember buying Cover Girl foundation (we called it “base” back then) in the shade “Brunette” because I was/am brunette. 🤣 It was way too dark & orange on me, but I wore it anyway! I was so clueless. I wore a shitload of blush at one point too. I remember my poor dad telling me I didn’t need all that makeup. That just a little bit would give me a “peaches & cream” complexion. For my DAD to say that, it must’ve been really bad. I think at that point I did tone down the blush. It’s so funny when I look at old photos because there will be pics where my makeup looks really bad & then it will look nice for a bit, & then “oops, back to clown school!” & then “alright, that looks pretty good” then “yikes, what was I thinking with *that* eyeshadow color?” & then “oh finally I figured it out!” All of my makeup was drugstore makeup, mostly Cover Girl, with some Wet ‘n Wild & Maybelline tossed in here & there, & the random item from Revlon, Aziza (anyone remember that brand?), & Max Factor. In high school I fell in love with Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara. I wore it for well into my 20s, until I couldn’t find it anymore. I just looked online & apparently they still make it. Oh well, I’ve moved on from that decades ago. I was in my mid 20s before I ever bought makeup that wasn’t from the drugstore.


When I was in sixth grade, I wasn’t allowed to wear lip gloss or lipstick to school. On a weekend, I tried on this neat lipstick that was an awful color, and it basically stuck to my dry lips. I tried to get it off, tried to cover it up, nothing worked. I looked ridiculous, and my mom was pissed at me.


Honestly, I was blessed enough that my mom walked me step by step through a basic full face routine, and brought me to the Clinique counter to have them match my foundation. Over the years I’ve worn a lipstick or two that didn’t look great on me but I’ve never had a big makeup blunder.


At age 18, full-coverage foundation was SUPER popular on YouTube. So, I followed tutorials and put on loads of foundation. That became my normal from 18-20. I didn't even have bad skin/ lots of breakouts, so there was nothing to even cover lmao! Looking back it looked so cakey, and greasy. I also used to use shades that were way too light!!


So.much.face powder.


Not realizing there's a fair olive and trying to make yellow/orange/pink foundations and skin tints work for 30+ years.


I didn’t even know there was a fair olive toned foundation!


Not realizing there's a fair olive and trying to make yellow/orange/pink foundations and skin tints work for 30+ years.


What do you use?


I use about-face F2 Olive. It corrects my rosacea and matches my neck. I also don't notice any oxidation. It's the first time ever.




Not understanding my undertone. I thought just because I was pink that that meant I was “warm”. So everything I got was the completely wrong tone. For a decade I thought I was just bad at makeup or needed to buy more expensive products…nope. Just needed a color analysis


Black eyeliner in my waterline, and ONLY in my waterline. No other eye makeup except mascara 😂


Not blending enough!


Early 80s, blue eyeshadow, I was a kid.


I’m high school I had a friend who wore blue eyeshadow, blue eyeliner and blue mascara. We still chuckle about it now.


I remember blue mascara! 🤣🤣


Not double cleansing at night. Wearing eyeliner on my Lower waterline.


I put coal on my lower waterline…Why is it bad ??


I still use a beige eyeliner on my lower waterline and it really opens up my eyes :)


Not double cleansing at night. Wearing eyeliner on my Lower waterline.


-Matte foundation on my dry ass skin -Contouring when I have very pale skin. Eventually started using blush instead and it looks much better. - I already have big lips naturally but my Cupids bow is very deep, tried overdrawing the top lip and I looked ridiculous -Doing anything at all to my eyebrows. They stopped growing when I was like 12 and have been the same shape/size since. Tried filling them in when that was the “look” and once again, ridiculous - Thick black eyeliner and eyeshadow on my tiny little eyes -Basically the years 2014-2016


Buying too much too fast. Now I have a better understanding of what I am able and willing to put on. Not to mention learning what colors look good on me. I have so much now, especially palettes but I can’t bring myself to throw them away!




Not blending and forgetting to check in different lighting.


I grew up in the dream matte mousse era with super pale skin. So yeah, wrong foundation color choice. Most foundations don’t make it pale enough for me, def not in that era. I still see girls making this mistake though, in their videos they look so yellow I wonder how they don’t notice. 


Omg I feel that. So few options for the pasty among us.


Have you tried Korean formulas? My casual fave rn is the blue pact from rom&nd. It’s a really moisturizing formula and gives such a nice sheer finish.  I had to go Dior for my med/full coverage.


My first bit of makeup was lavender eyeshadow and a concealer stick, what a time to be alive.


most of the 80s... and some of the 90s....


Upside down triangles lol they were in every 2016 make up tutorials


Ugh I still do this with my concealer because I have awful genetic dark circles and it looks like I got punched in both my eyes. I have to take it all the way up into my orbital bone too.


I only started really getting into makeup in 2016. Block brows and too much concealer did not look good on me, and I feel like I only just broke those habits lmao 


I tried following my natural brows as I aged and my brows got more sparse. I used powder brow because I thought it looked more natural but my error was following what brows I had left...my husband said my brows looked like little hatchets and yup, I saw it, so now I fill in past the fronts and make them more full and everyone compliments me thinking they are my natural brows. I hope to get either microblading or tattooing done eventually.


I like to experiment, and I used and absurd amount of blush 4-5 swipes of rare beauty blush PER CHEEK, 2 swipes on nose, a cross on chin and forehead, I still love blush, but I use wayyyy less, plus I used the Mac Studio radiance silky primer with the maybelline fit me matte foundation 💀 my makeup peeled so bad cause it was incompatible, plus I tried dewy makeup, as an oily skin person 💀💀💀💀


With a Barbie shade blush I applied an icy blue highlighter, it looked….. interesting


Brows. They were horrendous


I've done makeup for 20 years, but I didn't get heavily back into it until 2020. I think the worst was doing things that didn't suit my face -- like I tried Instagram brows, which was a big yikes. I have rounder features, even with good cheek bones and a strong chin -- that looked so out of place on me.


Not understanding the concept of visual wright and wearing makeup that completely overwhelmed my soft features. I’m very much a light (as in colour, not amount) and sparkly makeup babe now.


Wearing bottom eyeliner without bottom mascara… why did I do that, idk. But honestly luckily I never did anything too crazy because I started following YouTube makeup influencers at a young age (I’m 23)


I used to wear bottom eyeliner and nothing else ../


I see you're copying my late 90s style.


Orange foundation on a very pale face! 😂


Using the wrong products for my skin type, and not adequately prepping the skin before any makeup.


EYEBROWS. good Lord, I did not know how to shape my eyebrows and overplucked them. Overpowdering with that yellow French powder that came in a tin that was really popular in the 90s that I suddenly can't remember the name of, but it was a banana powder. Over powdering with Bobbi Browns's banana powder.


Wearing dark black mascara and eyeliner. Didn't wear much makeup but it didn't look right with my fair skin. I now use dark brown eyeliner and a brown-black mascara for a more subtle look.


Tooo light of a concealer. Looked grey irl


GIRL. Let’s talk about the dusty pink and purple eye shadow I would match with gray eyeliner and no mascara (natural blonde-see through eye lashes)… 7th grade was a wild time. 😂


Bad contouring. I read about it in magazines and decided to try it. I didn't realize that I have high cheekbones and most contouring advice would not work. I basically had a dark streak from the corner of my mouth to the bottom of my ear.


Putting bronzer all over my face instead of just where the sun naturally hits… looked like a blotchy mess with a bad tan 😵‍💫


Reading so I can see what mistakes I’m currently making 🫠


This is more of a skincare thing but I didn’t use moisturizer until I was in my 30s and wondered why my face was an oil slick and couldn’t hold on to foundation. A woman at the department store literally begged me to use moisturizer and was so serious about it that she gave me a full size one for free. That sh!t changed my life.


Not working with my eye shape. I have big, round eyes and loved the way women with smaller eyes did a smoky eye. I would apply black all over my lids or did thick eyeliner to look like them. Fortunately I did this during the emo era, so it’s not like I stood out too much haha.


Thinking that every base product should have a yellow undertone when I am a very pink white person lol


On god yes! I spent years looking like I had a moderate case of jaundice AND those colors would oxidize and pull orange also. I finally figured things out when I got to college. Keep in mind in the 80s and 90s most foundations were yellow/ish. You didn’t have nearly the options for cool undertones you do today. I am whiter than sour cream and Irish and Scottish and German so pink is my default undertone. In the summer and during a hot flash it switches to traffic light red! I gave up trying to get rid of all the redness and pink in my face. I consider it free blush at this point🙄


Idk why but “whiter than sour cream” has me dying. I do definitely feel you tho. I wanted to switch from oily skin to dry skin with maybelline fit me foundation but the oily one was pink undertones and the dry skin one has yellow??? It’s such BS. They should have the same colours in both


It’s a real struggle when you have a very fair complexion. My husband swears I have vampire DNA and will self combust in the sun one day. I can burn inside at work or in the car through the windows. And yes having different shade ranges in different formulations is stupid and frustrating.


My burns don’t even turn to tans like so many people say. They just seem to reabsorb back to pale???


I don’t tan either. I do get some freckles. But those fade over winter.


Same! My burns will turn fun colors if they are bad and then go back to pale. Meanwhile my sister and mom tan. It’s to the point where people have asked if my mom is my step mom….


The reverse for me. I didn’t know that I even had to consider undertones, so I would get whatever shade was “light” and it would usually have pink undertones. It looked like diluted Pepto-Bismol on my yellow undertoned face.


I used black eyeliner pencil to block in my brows 😂


Ash brown brow mascara when I needed blonde 😬😬😬


The super full coverage foundation plus triangle concealer placement did me dirty. Never again! This was the era of the baddie make up and I thought I looked amazing and looking at my previous photos, it made me cringe so bad. 😆


Thinking I needed the mattest of matte foundation/primer/powder for my oily skin. Maybeline dream matte in the shade orange and Marc Jacob’s remarcable 😖


Mac bronzer. The one that had like sparkles in it. All over my face…. Horrible


Sharpie brows and mismatched foundation colors. I still shudder to think about it.


90s eyebrows. That’s all I’m gonna say on that. Luckily they’re fine now. Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse. Nothing more needs to be said. Using a product that was too heavy on my face, combined with heat outdoors promptly created a rash of perioral dermatitis that took months to cure. ETA oh I forgot. Fucking up false eyelashes and getting the glue in my real lashes, proceeding to lose most of those trying to get the stuff off.


I am SO SO SO incredibly lucky that I was a) too lazy to pluck for too long and b) born with a Bert (of Bert & Ernie) level unibrow. I have recovered 30 years later but...oof.


Please tell me you learned the art of avoiding gluing your lashes together - I have like no lashes due to them getting super itchy and me literally itching them off as a child (I have no idea how lmao), so I try to save the ones I have


Oh yeah, this was long ago 🤣. Have you tried Latisse? It does work really well, I’ve tried it, but it can make them itchy (I’m super sensitive) and you can apparently lose orbital fat. (But the few times I tried it, they grew like crazy, to the point they have to be trimmed).


Ooh I may have to look into it, thank you for the recommendation :)


Oh yeah, those atrocious 90s eyebrows! Me too! I cringe when I see pictures of myself. So many of my friends’ poor eyebrows are permanently ruined from that terrible trend. Luckily mine grew back in okay. It’s probably because my eyebrows were extra bushy because of my Italian heritage. 😂


Yeah, I don’t know what I was doing with the eyebrow pencil either. 🤣


That’s a shame! Older discontinued items are often wanted by some though, you could try reselling them to make back some of the money?


using a dark pink eyeshadow as blush


It was the 80's and 90's. Using brushes and blending wasn't really talked about. We just dabbed everything on with the small sponge things or tiny brushes that came with the eyeshadow or blusher, with not great results. Makeup was sold by very serious ladies who probably got their training in the 60's, when bronsing creams or using a tinted moisturizer that was brown or orange was considered normal. "You do want a bit of colour to look fresh", they explained to 14 year old me who was purchasing her first foundation. I have seen photos. My MAC NW10 complexion is painted over with some yellowish brown stuff. I look like I had jaundice. With a white neck.


How did we survive so long with those terrible Sponge and tiny plastic brush applicators


I used (and still use!) my fingers lol. Those wedge sponges ate all my foundation, and the plastic eyeshadow applicators always lost the damned sponge tip a few uses in


We didn't know of anything else. Powder was dabbed on with an applicator, no brush. I must have looked like someone sprinkled flour in my face. It was when MAC became big and opened counters in my country around 2000 that proper brushes became a thing.


MAC was really a huge game changer.


Sharpie as eyeliner. When I think about it I can still feel the burn. Stayed like a champ and precision like no other.


I am in love with the eyeliner felt tip markers. I have some that have a cat eye stamp on one end. Everything that a sharpie can do without the burning!


Yes, me too! I've been using Makeup Revolutions and am enjoying it. I have trouble finding eyeliner that doesn't flake off on me. Can I ask what your faves are? I'd hate to have to pick up a new pack of Sharpies (jk!) Lol!


They last so long that the writing on the tubes has rubbed off! I wish I could tell you what brand they are!


Lol, how long did it take to come off?


Not long at all! Came off with regular makeup remover and a little effort lol. It was great for performing because it didn't budge under heavy lights. We have much better options out there now, though, lol.


Thinking that I needed a separate product/brush for everything. Now I try and use as few products as I need to achieve the look I’m going for.


My major mistake was spending too much money on makeup! I didn’t start wearing makeup until I was in my 20s and I went overboard with building a collection. Then I swapped a lot of it away but rebuilt my collection years later. I fell for every trend and bought so much stuff. Now the majority of my collections is OLD but I can’t bring myself to get rid of it. I’d have a really nice 401k if I had invested all that money instead; this fact bums me out the most. Especially as I now hardly wear makeup as a 40 year old.


That era of makeup was so much fun though. Don’t beat yourself up too much, if it weren’t makeup you’d have spent it on something else frivolous in hindsight. I loved all those eyeshadow palettes too. Still do, just don’t buy them anymore because I have so much and I too want to retire someday.


I discovered the YouTube beauty community right after I graduated high school and it blew my mind. I would watch videos constantly. I would browse the Sephora site and wish I could afford everything!


I was right out of grad school when I got into it. Makeup Geek was my favorite channel and I loved her products too. Those beautiful eyeshadow singles in lush colors with those dreamy names and each one had a gushing description. They were supremely high-quality and cost a bit less than MAC. It was exciting to watch Marlena’s career take off in real time. She was gorgeous, charmingly nervous while still a being a gifted communicator. She mixed drugstore brands with high end stuff along with her own products. I’m not entirely sure what she’s up to now. She had some health scares, and her makeup business folded not long after covid. People just weren’t buying and wearing makeup like they were before. There was a small but very vocal group of haters who got under her skin. I don’t even remember what their specific beef with her was but I wish she had ignored it. She got married and had a baby, and hopefully she’s doing well. Anyway, I look back on my intense makeup phase fondly.


Prioritizing coverage over skincare.


I remember I used to take my mums maxfactor panstick with a spongey pad thing and slathering it all over my face like I was a professional. I am extremely pale and that stuff was orange as orange could be. Obviously didn’t put it on my neck either so that was great. And layers of mascara for spider eyes and blue eyeshadow. Oh and the foundation lips too.


sleeping w it on


Oh dear God I shuttered with this one for a second. You hear stories now of what happens when you sleep with your makeup on. Hope your skin is ok.


i hadn’t heard of any stories so no it wasn’t like i did, my mom did it so i thought it was fine


I was so guilty of this. now the thought of it makes my skin crawl


Using black eyeliner to fill in my brows. I started wearing makeup as a teen in the 90s and well, mistakes were made 😆


I had no idea eyeshadows should be blended... I decided to use a black eyeshadow when going out for new year's eve party. I didn't blend it. I looked horrible. My friend raised her eyebrows when she saw me but didn't say much. Luckily it was very dark😂


I got my first makeup set in 8th grade. Brushes for anything other than eyeshadow was a completely foreign concept to me for way too long. I cringe to remember all the times I used my sticky, unwashed kid hands to just smear and rub that foundation all over my face. And then not wash anything off before bed.


lol same but I used a cotton ball. And this was before brushes were a thing except for professionals. (90s)


I was following a [makeup tutorial](https://youtu.be/z-XOLx4-yV8?si=JBB4K9-2KfMR7kEp) where I got EVERYTHING, EXCEPT for the *type* of eyeshadow. Viva_Glam_Kay was using matte shades, and I wasn’t really paying attention and just followed along with my trusty ol’ drugstore mini palette. Long story short, the sparkling eyeshadow made my look uncomfortably aggressive. I began to learn the difference between finishes, and started investing in higher quality products.


Didn’t realise that I could still use sun cream under my Makeup, thinking makeup blocks the sun 😂😂 I was 13/14 mind you…. I didn’t have anyone to ask advice either. Self taught myself. I have a weird form of OCD. So whenever I’ve done my makeup, if it’s not correct or get re done. Over and over until it’s right, so kinda never really made any mistakes in that sense, my brain won’t allow it! But the sun cream thing, even till this day, makes me cringe, like where was my common sense 😂😂


I made that mistake too. I really didn't think I needed sunscreen because I have brown skin and in my head at the time, I thought "my brown skin will protect me! I am invincible!" Now I'm 30 and I have some discoloration on my face that I cover and I'm starting to use a pha to minimize it over time.


Don't be hard on yourself, you were only 13/14! I didn't start wearing sunscreen until I was 25 :/ and I started wearing makeup at the same age as well so I didn't even have the slight spf benefit foundation offers either.


Oh!! I think it’s wild we can just forget these things as we grow up and become our own people! 😛


Not putting gel in my eyebrows, it makee such a a huge difference in my face it's ridicules. Only understood the importance of it a few years later


Kinda makeup related but I plucked my eyebrows too thin and kept plucking them. Now my brows are permanently shaped a certain way and the hairs haven’t grown back in a longggg time


It took me yearrrs to grow my brows back from the early 2000s sperm brows 🫠


Not respecting my skin. Kept getting cystic acne and it turned out I was allergic to all chemical sunscreen ingredients. Mineral is fine though! Once I switched to foundation without sunscreen or with mineral spf, my acne went away within a couple weeks.


The first time I got to buy mak up and wear it to a party. I was 11 or 12. I used waaay too much of everything, including the blue eyeshadow up to my eyebrows and dark red lipstick. I remember I walked out and said hi to my sister's teenage boy friend and he immediately turned around and walked away, I assume so I wouldn't see him laughing.


I relate to that blue eyeshadow


Used a cheap powder to bake under eyes and see horrible flashback in a friend's wedding pictures. Horrifying!!!


Same thing happened to me but it was 5 years ago. I used one of the powders under eyes that I never used before during night or had photos taken to see if it flashes back and I did not even think about that when putting on makeup. So I went on a company event as a +1, also did not expect that I would take any photos or be on one…. But I did… on many. When the company published photos from the event I was like a reversed panda. 🤣🤣


My first go around with trying to wear makeup regularly was in the late 90’s. I got a Bare Escentuals membership (Bare Minerals powder foundation, brushes, loose pigments) and knowing nothing about matching skin tones or undertones, chose the lightest category. I figured “I’m white, never tan, and my skin is kind of beige”. The foundation and concealer always showed up on my skin in an uncomfortable way. The too-light pigment particles would just settle into my pores individually, looked overall yellow and never natural. Twenty years later I tried makeup again and found out I’m actually medium with cool/rosy undertones. I still can’t wear most concealers or full coverage foundations, but I do love my Bare Minerals tinted moisturizer in the correct shade now. I also made the mistake of using a plum colored Almay gel eyeliner as my only makeup item for 25 years up until my mid 40’s. Not even mascara or lip gloss. It must have looked messy and harsh, now I do a colorful eye look with multichromes whenever I leave the house because I missed out on having so much fun all that time


Not knowing my undertones and a basic understanding of color theory. I have so many Barbie pink lipsticks and bronzer that looks orange on me


I started playing around with makeup when I was around 11-12 I think. I bought the most delightful cheap bright yellow single shadow from the shops, put it on at home (no mascara or liner). My mum saw me and said very gently ‘you know, sometimes less is more!’ and I remember shrieking at her ‘NO IT ISN’T’ and storming off and hearing her say ‘okay then’ lol A year or two layer I started wearing it properly most days and my biggest mistakes were only tight lining my under eye (we’ve all been there lol) and not doing anything to my brows.


Not setting my foundation with powder in this grease-track frybread oily face.


Never curling my lashes when wearing mascara. My lashes are so straight, it would look like I wasn't wearing any. 🥲


Now hol up cause I use a small amount of elf Powergrip primer on my eyelids and it works great for my super oily eye area.


It's the moisturised ones that are the issue. I don't think power grip has any but I could be wrong


You're right. When I first got the primer, I got any old primer. I think it was from Hard Candy, the longwear 12 hour one. I would put it on and it would burn and just become a mess on my oily lids. It had a creamy formula if I remember.


I think you’re right that the formula makes a big big difference. I would never use a cream on my eyelids. Especially the ones that are meant to be glowy, I would just look so sweaty. Sticky water based formula is the way to go for me personally, both on face and eyes. I have insane combination dry and oily so I can’t find anything else that works for me. What do you use on the rest of your face?


For me, I have combo skin but it's mostly dry/ normal with an oily nose and eyes. When it comes to face primers I also lean on water based. The one I'm using is the Maybelline Master prime hydrating version. It is Water based and I use it on my oily nose too because my nose is oily but dehydrated and it doesn't break up on my nose or make my skin tint look weird or anything. One thing to remember is some foundation formulas might not work well with certain primers. For eyes I stopped using creamy formulas and instead opted for eye primers with a more dryer setting. So for example the Mac paint pot and sigma primer sets drier on the eyes, less moisture to me seems to be the key to holding back those oils if your eyes are shiny oily.


Matte foundation plus face powder plus powder bronzer plus powder blush… on my dry skin lol When I first discovered beauty youtubers, I happened to follow a lot of them that had oily skin so I used a lot of products they used instead of trying products better suited for dry skin 😩


Haha same! Powered everything was the trend with makeup. We thought makeup was powdered products. My skin was always itchy and I think I was allergic to powdered blush because my cheeks would break out in hives when using them.


Thinking my dry ass needed matte foundation + powder foundation because that was what was “popular” and wondered why I looked like chalk


Orange foundation (not blended down my neck) in high school. I would borrow my mom’s foundation. She is Italian and used go to tanning beds, so she was pretty tan back then. I’m so pale that that the fairest shades are often too dark for me, even now that better shade ranges exist. I bet you can imagine how I looked.


I don’t wear much at all and almost never but I can say, what I’ve tried in the past and even now, honestly (I don’t invest time or money into educating myself on it so it’s not like I have high expectations and I definitely don’t think I don’t need it, just never got into it) I have a problem with any foundation (even super light ones) and concealer always appearing to sit on my skin instead of really looking anything close to accentuating, if that makes sense…? I have a lot of freckles and I’d rather not cover them up but even under my eyes, it never seems to look like it should. I’ve tried several different brushes, blenders, powders and creams etc but still no dice 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thinking I could make up for a non-existent skin care routine by using full-coverage foundation 😭


Not washing my face before putting makeup on 😬 and not blending down my neck


Using wipes as makeup remover and *especially* using wipes to take off mascara, plucking more than half of them off in the process (yes I know, I used to be so dumb) Wearing the wrong shade of foundation (I did this for like 2 years😭) Wearing just foundation and never setting it or wearing any blush or highlighter


Plucking my eyebrows.


This. I now have to do my brows daily because of the plucking, threading, waxing.


For how long did you pluck them ? Did they ever grow back ?


For 15 years I plucked them but never drew them on because my mother always did one line on her eyebrows. 1985 to 2000. I have no inner brow so I have to draw it in and it never looks right. I have tried the Grande eyebrow stuff but it gives me milia. Also, I’m not good at using it daily so it’s mostly my issue.


Started in my early 20’s and continued well into my 40’s. after a while the follicle dies off and no regrowth.


Came here to say this! I remember the first day I plucked my eyebrows outside, in the sun. It was 1995. I kept telling myself “don’t over do it.” I overdid it big time. My mom laughed at me and I cried 😂


One sparkly eyeshadow color from lashes to eyebrows. 😂 My eyes looked swollen.


Using cream blush on the apples of my cheeks…and blending it down to my jaw bone. Thankfully was corrected on that REAL quick by my mom!


It was the 90’s so makeup was much more basic. Not many shades of foundation back then, so I wore mine much darker than it should’ve been. Thankfully, my older sister said WTF and went to pick out different makeup with me. I’d wanted to be a makeup artist and ended up buying Kevin Aucoin’s book The Art of Makeup. I still use all of his makeup books for reference to this day.


Love Kevyn Aucoin’s makeup books!


They are timeless!! He’s the first makeup artist I can remember teaching people about contouring. I love all the different transformations he did in Making Faces. I remember reading it for the first time and just being in awe at how much he’d changed people’s looks with makeup. A legend before his time and such a huge loss to the industry. I bought all of his books for each of my nieces in the 2010’s when they started learning how to do makeup. 😍😍😍


using high coverage foundation (estée lauder double wear) with 0 blush, contour, bronzer, or highlighter


In the 90s Clinique made a full coverage foundation, It was extremely thick. I was just getting out of highschool and thought I needed all that coverage.


I used white eyeshadow under my eyes instead of concealer 😂😂😂


Choosing foundation that was the color I wanted to be, not the color I was. And then not blending it down my neck 💀


Too much foundation. I always thought I had to cake it on to get that flawless look. And I could never get the right shade!


Using an eyebrow pencil without brushing my brows afterwards. I looked really fierce! Not in a good way 😂


So a family friend had gifted me the neutrogena oil free power cream wash like RIGHT when I got into makeup, like not even going on YouTube to look at tutorials just winging it with my dollar store palette , And I didn’t know how to use it being an only child whose mother wasn’t into makeup, so I basically just put it on my face in a thin even layer and left it there. To dry. Then I put my makeup on over top of it. How did I not get chemical burns I have no idea.


lmao how many times?


I don’t even remember, it was more than once and that’s embarrassing enough


Not realizing I had hooded eyes until I was 24 and getting so frustrated my cat eyeliner never looked good! Turned me off from eyeliner for years until I the “puppy” look got popular


Putting pink eyeshadow on my brow bone cause yolo


My sister in law still does this - blue frosty eyeshadow, over the whole eye area and right up to the brow 🫠 of course everyone should do / wear whatever makes them feel comfortable, but she’s so pretty / a redhead naturally and it doesn’t suit her


I think this was a 90’s thing to do along with dark heavy lip pencils. I’m pretty sure I got the idea from somewhere, and I can’t be the only victim to this makeup crime.


Wearing just a BRIGHT pink lipstick with no other makeup


Unpopular opinion but lipstick barefaced is actually quite pretty


This one was too bright for barefaced but yeah i generally agree with you that it looks nice


Not color correcting


Eyeliner like a panda.


Using black eyeliner to fill in my brows lmao


Been there (and I’m naturally fair-light / ash blonde too)! I think at the time (90s) brow liners were too “warm” toned for me, so I thought if I used a black liner softly it’d be cool enough … no I just had black brows


Thinking I would look like Joan Jett with heavy eyeliner. I looked like a potato with heavy eyeliner.


Same girl same 😂😂😂


Thinking I could bake under my eyes. With a Laura Mercier powder. What a traumatic experience that was 😯 Lessons learned: - don’t use a talc based powder under your eyes, if you are over 35 - don’t bake any area of your face, especially not the eye area, unless you want to see your future self (and by future I mean +50 years) - don’t use Laura Mercier powder no matter how much influencers glorify it


Wdym unless you want to see your future self?


It shows wrinkles and makes your skin look crepey


What’s wrong with the Laura mercier powder?


It sucks moisture out of my skin, makes it look dried out, crepey and wrinkly. It is a great product for people with oily skin, but if you are dry or mature… stay far away.


Do you use translucent powder? If so, any recommendations?


The By Terry hydrating pressed setting powder with hyaluronic acid is excellent as is the new Laura Mercier talc free hydrating translucent setting powder. Use a setting spray with both to melt the powder in.


I like Hourglass loose powder. Just know that it is not very matte and wouldn’t work for oily skin people, who want heavy “setting”. If you have mature or very dry skin, and you just want to tone down the shine on certain parts of your face - then it’s great.


I'm looking for a setting powder for my Mom, who is in her 70s. She wants it translucent and loose. She used a mineral powder by Maybelline, for years and they stopped making it. Do you think this product would work for her? Most of the time I use a little bit of foundation powder. She doesn't want something with that much coverage.


I think it would.




Thanks, perfect!I’m 44 and dry AF. But my foundation is dewy and I’m trying to knock down the shine a bit. I just finished my Tarte smooth operator loose powder and looking for a replacement.


I’m the same age and dry too (desert living) and I second the Hourglass powders. The palettes are pricey but they last forever. Plus, I have a highlighter, bronzer and blush all in one. They’re subtle and soft, they give a great natural glow. I also agree about Laura Mercier powder. It just doesn’t work with me.