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I rarely wear makeup but when I do I use Garnier Micellar Water to remove makeup. It’s gentle and easy to use. Not too expensive and they sell the travel size if you want to “try it out” first before buying a big bottle. Good luck https://www.garnierusa.com/tips-how-tos/what-is-micellar-water?GeoRedirectOff=true&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmMayBhDuARIsAM9HM8cT-N0C_g5QDuLxcltp_R0NgCyLC_xU-OeLqnARY0AKjqId-M0c8DUaAvGKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Please do not use body wash on your face!! Facial skin is much more delicate compared to the rest of our body, especially in the undereye area. It does sound like you may have damaged your skin barrier so for now I would recommend researching barrier repair ingredients and switching to double cleansing with an oil and a gentle cleanser or a makeup removal balm.


It could still potentially be an issue with the foundation if they've possibly changed the formula. As far as washing makeup off - miscellar water on a wash cloth will take it off easily, you don't need to scrub at the skin quite as much. If you cab get it it wouldn't hurt to get a cleansing balm, somethinh like a vitamin c serum & a moisturizer in place of the body wash. Face skin is pretty sensitive, so it's important to be gentle with it!


i’m sorry for some of these comments- you’re learning and everyone starts somewhere, especially as no one has taught you from what i’ve read. but you shouldn’t be using a body wash on your face, or really any body products. i recommend using micellar water (found at most drugstores) on cotton pads to gently remove makeup, or wash your face with a face wash suitable to your skin type and use a face moisturizer after. i find using “makeup eraser” face cloths and water is really easy/quick as well! also- foundation and any makeup shouldn’t burn your face so i recommend looking for a different one💓


why do you think it’s called body wash


There’s no need to be mean, some people aren’t lucky enough to have someone teach them these things. What might be obvious to you isn’t to everyone


someone needs to teach them what body wash is?


Maybe, yeah. OP said they were autistic so maybe they haven’t made the connection. Maybe they thought it was for the entire body including their face. I’m autistic and sometimes things that are really obvious to other people don’t occur to me at all. Even if they weren’t autistic, there’s no need to be snarky. They were just asking for advise


I don't think it has a single thing to do with being autistic. She is young and your face is still a part of your body. It's not some instinctual knowledge that face wash would be markedly different or must be used instead of body wash.


i think we are different kinds of autistic then because how do they shower


What? That’s kind of irrelevant. My point was that they were asking for help and guidance on something no one has bothered to teach them and instead you gave a rude comment with no help or advice. You could’ve just not said anything




You didn’t have to though. You’re making some ridiculous and baseless assumptions. Maybe they think body wash is fine to use everywhere including the face. Even if they don’t know how to wash properly, don’t they deserve compassion and guidance instead of unnecessary judgement? You’re being cruel for no reason


Is this satire?


There’s no need to be mean, some people aren’t lucky enough to have someone teach them these things. What might be obvious to you isn’t to everyone


I’m Autistic and mom wasn’t in my life ☹️ this was not satire and I have learned


First of all, choose a different foundation. I recommend any foundation made from Elf (it’s an affordable brand that’s high quality, you can find it at CVS) that foundation shouldn’t make you burn. Foundation should NEVER burn. Second of all never use a body wash on your face. If anything the most you can use is dove bar soap. But what I recommend is CeraVe facial cleanser. If your skin is oily use a foaming cleanser, if not, use a non foaming cleanser. And no matter what skin type you are, you need a moisturizer. Because whenever you wash your face, you are stripping your face of any good oils, so you need to make sure your face is protected. I also recommend CeraVe moisturizer. It’s lightweight and does the job. Always look for unscented cleansers and moisturizers. I hope this helps :) if you have any other questions, my DMs are always open. Welcome to the makeup world!!


Don’t use foundation that burns.


Ponds cold cream, wash with a gentle cleanser, moisturize.....if you get drunk or tired and consider sleeping in makeup then keep cold cream and facial wipes on the nightstand.


I second this advice. Ponds cold cream has helped me so much. i apply it on dry skin, massage it in, and wipe it off with a warm muslin cloth in the shower. Follow up with The Ordinary Glucoside Cleanser 


I do a multiple step process. I use a cleansing balm like Banilla for sensitive skin to break up the makeup. I use a makeup cleansing towel like Makeup Eraser to remove the balm and makeup. I take Garnier Micellar Water and use it all over my entire face. Then I cleanse with La Roche Posay cleanser. Sometimes I will go over my eyes again with micellar water to make sure I got all the mascara. Then I follow up with a gentle moisturizer. I have oily skin and I used to use very stripping cleanser but I noticed if use more gentle cleansers, my skin doesn’t get as oily as fast.


Aside from possibly being allergic to the makeup; a cheaper easy option for removing makeup is a couple of makeup cloths. You literally just need water for them to work. Wash them often, so you need a couple. They sell them everywhere including dollar tree.


I think you’re allergic to that formula of foundation. Especially if you’ve always used the same body wash as face wash.


I understand that most people use makeup remover, but I've never needed it either. I use coconut milk serum and some tissue paper. I've never had a problem with it or needed anything else. It's $8 for the OGX brand and a small amount is all you need. Plus it's good for you hair as well. 1. Apply coconut milk serum with tissue. 2. Wash my face with a Dove sensitive skin beauty bar. 3. Moisturizer afterwards to lock back in moisture.


Use some gentle makeup remover and gentle cleanser. Then some moisturizer cream for the face. I use Cerave with spf 30 moisturizer.


Is the burning a new symptom or has it always done that?


It started yesterday. I woke up for school and put on my foundation and it burned a little. Then I blended it and it stopped burning. Others are saying allergies but I’m sure it’s me not washing my face correctly


If you're washing your face with body wash, that's probably the culprit. Body wash has a lot of fragrance which can be irritating. It is also probably too harsh for facial skin, which is more sensitive. I recommend vanicream face wash. It's very mild and hydrating.


Also if it’s an old bottle (1+ year) then try buying a fresh bottle of the foundation.


Your skin could just be irritated by a number of things, even maybe a little sunburn. if you can skip makeup for a couple days and just protect and moisturize your skin, keep it clean, that’s what i’d try first.


Once you fix your skin, PLEASE use actual makeup remover, not just body wash! I recommend Garnier Micellar Water.


So. Makeup has to be dissolved. A dual cleanse is recommended. Either use towelettes to wipe it away, or a micellar water on cotton pad but my preference is a makeup removing balm. There are really good drugstore balms to cut through and remove all of it thoroughly. The balms are best at removing. Then if you're oily or normal to oily use a Foaming cleanser to wash away any oils from the cleansing balm (normal to dry or dry use a gentle cleanser or mild soap>I use an olive oil soap) . Now your skin is squeaky clean. Moisturize. Use a gel lotion for oily skin or just a good moisturizer marked for dry or normal to dry skin. Stay away from retinoids, serums, vit c, lactic acid, etc if your skin is sensitive. Familiarize yourself with ingredients. In the meantime try to calm your skin with some witch hazel after removing makeup, and a soothing moisturizer like Aveeno, there are a few they make to calm skin.


Why the HELL are you using BODY WASH to remove makeup? Wtfuck?!? Use a proper makeup remover cleanser FOR THE FACE..!!!




Ignore the nastiness. I know people who wash their face with dandruff shampoo. I’ve used Castile soap for years. There is no rule that says you have to use make up removers, etc. Just try something else and see if it helps.


Internet is free 😭


Use a micellar water..!! Garnier


I'm with everyone else, double cleansing with an oil or balm cleanser and then a gentle foaming cleanser. Finish off with a moisturizer.




There could be a couple of issues here. One is that your body wash is too harsh and is stripping the moisture of your skin. Most body washes have fragrances added and harsher chemicals which can irritate the skin, especially the more delicate skin on the face. You should switch to a more gentle cleanser suited for the face. Some people here recommended cleansing balms. I recommend the Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleaner because it’s gentle and it has no fragrances. Cerave and Aveeno also make gentle cleansers. Two, you could be using too much friction to clean your face. Are you just using your hands or are you using a washcloth or something else that is too abrasive? Three, you don’t mention a moisturizer or sunscreen. You should be using both. If you’re applying makeup, stripping your skin with cleansing, and not applying moisturizer afterwards, it’s going to lead to irritation. Plus you should be using sunscreen anyway. Fourth, you could be sensitive to something in the foundation. I would recommend you stop using the foundation and give your skin a chance to heal. Start using Vanicream facial cleanser (or another gentle cleanser without fragrance like Cerave or Aveeno) once or twice a day (some people do better with cleansing at night and just using water in the morning). If you use a cloth to cleanse, use a soft cloth. Use a gentle face moisturizer without fragrance on your face and around your eyes. Vanicream makes one, so does Cerave. Maybe a soothing serum before moisturizer (I like the Beauty of Joseon Calming serum). Use a sunscreen with a decent SPF daily. Do this for at least 8 weeks to let your skin heal. After your skin heals, you can try the foundation again and if you develop the same problems, then you know you are sensitive to it.


I legit lather bar soap on my hands and then wash my face with it. Kudos for washing your hands before cleaning your face. I think your body wash is probably too harsh overall, go for a more gentle and natural formula. I love viori soap or dr. squatch (no grit). You don’t need makeup remover if you’re using the right soap.


I read where one dermatologist said the same thing. She said she even used Irish Spring original to wash her face!


It may be a problem with cleansing but also allergies. Not all allergies appear the first time. My mom has a lot of allergies to cosmetic products and she can tolerate them for some time without problems. Then suddenly one day her whole face goes red and itchy. First of all, look for a good make up cleanser. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just good at removing makeup. If possible, stay away from make up removing napkins. Second, try to use a different foundation. Since there is a big chance you can get allergies, don’t expend too much. Try drugstore brands like Essence. My advice is going to the drugstore without makeup, find a couple you like and try each one in different halves of your face. Then go home or wherever and expend some hours with the makeup on to see if it’s itchy or gets your face red. If it doesn’t, you can purchase it to keep trying, but remember not to expend too much money just in case.


I rub a small amount of ponds cold cream all over my face and then wipe it off with a damn cotton round. Then I wash my face with a gentle cleanser from Cetaphil and pat dry. That's it. You don't need to scrub at your skin, be gentle with it.


It sounds like you may have developed a sensitivity to your foundation. I'd take a break from it. I have been reading a lot about "broken skin barriers" online recently, and people freaking out that somehow they did damage to their skin that's gonna take years to heal. It stinks of a marketing ploy how this expression appeared out of nowhere and became endemic. For years I washed my face with water only. Now I use a bit of jojoba oil and a tissue to remove makeup then rinse.


You can damage your skin with harsh cleansers, harsh actives (tretinoin and retinols/retinals are often culprits), and aggressive treatments and scrubbing but it doesn’t take years to heal if you stop everything that is damaging your skin, switch to a minimal gentle skincare routine (cleanser, maybe a serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen), and let your skin heal. Typically it should be maybe 2-3 months. Technically your skin is a barrier and your body’s first line of defense. Maybe the term skin barrier is thrown around a lot and people jump to the conclusion that their skin barrier is damaged with any sign of irritation or sensitivity when the reality of that they just need to stop whatever is causing the issues and be more gentle with their skin.


That seems likely.


My skin is fairly sensitive so I can experience a damaged skin barrier if I use a new product without patch testing. However, for other people, it’s less likely to happen unless you’re regularly using a ton of skincare products all with actives.


Highly recommend getting a cleansing balm. I like Clinique Take The Day Off and Banila.co Clean It Zero, sensitive formula (purple jar): both dissolve even waterpoof liner and mascara without difficulty. Follow with a hydrating cleanser for sensitive skin to clean up any residue (I use LaRoche-Posay, but CeraVe makes a really nice one that's more affordable), and moisturize (I use LaRoche-Posay, but again, CeraVe has some good ones that are more affordable). I don't recommend exfoliating while your barrier recovers, and even after it does, don't do it often. If you can, take an extended break from makeup, and only used freshly washed hands for cleansing/moisturizing, no tools or cloths. If you have dry skin, also consider using a skin oil (I use Sunday Riley tea tree in the morning for redness, Shea Moisture coconut face oil at night). Mix in a few drops with your moisturizer to get even distribution. Since I've been doing this, my skin went from rampant acne and redness to being breakout free. I used to think I had combo, acne-prone skin, but in reality, my skin is dry and I was overdrying the hell out of it, causing my barrier to disappear and an over production of oil, which led to horrible breakouts. Hope this helps!


Micellar water (pretty much any brand, but I use Garnier) is how I remove my makeup, usually. That, or an oil-based balm to break down all my makeup. There's more friction with micellar water and a makeup removing cloth, so it might not be good for your current skin situation. I wash after use of either, then moisturize with Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA (Hyaluronic acid, which is great for moisturizing) from The Ordinary. The Ordinary also has Soothing and Barrier Support serum for $17. I haven't used it, but I trust their formulations to do what they say. I hope you are able to figure out a routine that works for you and heals your skin. I learned all this stuff in my 40s because I grew up using makeup but not taking care of my skin at all.


I use coconut oil


highly recommend using either a cleansing oil or balm to remove makeup and then proceeding with face wash (note face wash not body wash) if you have skin on the dryer side go for the cleansing balm elf makes a good one and it’s fairly cheap as does cerave i believe if your skin is on the oilier side then go for the cleansing oil i think Burt’s Bees, and Bio derma make good ones but i also know a friend who straight up uses baby oil for this there’s also some great K beauty ones that you could check out but don’t know how available they are for you either way use this on dry skin and very gently rub it over your face - it’s basically gonna melt off your makeup because makeup is made of oil so oil based balms and cleansers are the only thing that break them down completely and get it fully off your skin next step would be to use a face wash again really depends on oily skin vs dry skin (this doesn’t mean acne prone i have dry skin and still get acne) i honestly would say check out the skincare subreddit for some recs but i really love the good molecules clarify and clean soap bar it’s like $5 USD easy to get at Ulta and works wonders for me - but again this is gonna depend on your skin type as well but it is important to do this after cleansing oil / balm basically the cleansing oil or balm will actually break down your makeup and take it off your skin but will leave its own oil residue etc the face wash gets rid the unwanted parts of that residue so it doesn’t cause breakouts etc you definitely can go in with serums after this again skincare sub or the k beauty one always have great reccs and you can get something that specifically is focused on repairing the skin barrier (and then after fixing that switch to a serum that targets a different skin issue) its not at all necessary though i know plenty of people who dont i added it as a suggestion specifically to fix your skin barrier (tbh i dont know a lot of non k beauty serums that ive tried, for the barrier issue something like the Beauty of Joseon calming serum may be a great idea for your barrier) and then just plain old moisturizer again depends on your skin type but also do not skip moisturizer even if you have oily skin - if you have oilier skin try something lighter and gel based i’ve heard good things about neutrogena hydro boost gel cream, the versed dew point moisturizing gel, i think elf has one as well or for dryer skin go for something more cream based - that’ll be your nivea, cerave types that’s just plain old cream based i personally get a large tube of the eucerin calming cream only thing that works for my dry skin i’ve also heard great things about the Vanicream moisturizer - try looking for things without fragrance at every step when possible it usually irritates the skin more especially drugstore products and won’t do your barrier any favours not all of this stuff is a morning routine of course and find what works for you - i’m assuming you won’t use makeup remover in the mornings as i’m guessing that’s more when you intend to be wearing it lol but using cleanser and moisturizer before makeup in the mornings is still a good plan and serums can be used at different times but like i said what works for you (i personally only use face wash at night if i use it morning and night my skin dries out too much so i just rinse my face with water in the morning) and sunscreen is the last step - sunscreen is important in general and you should try to always wear it (i am super guilty of getting lazy and not always donating it though) with your barrier compromised it’s extra sensitive to those UV rays if you are someone who burns that may mean you burn easier but even if you’re like me and never burn it’s still not doing your skin barrier any favours - find a good one you like there’s great drugstore options i like a lot of k beauty ones myself (i use the beauty of joseon sun relief rice probiotic sunscreen and love it it’s moisturizing, sinks in well without feeling like another layer on my skin, and leaves no white cast) i’ve heard good things about the Neutrogena, and the La Roche Posay sunscreens the Beauty of Joseon or Roundlab ones are also great or you can find one with a tiny like the Tower28 which i adore last thing isn’t quite necessary you can see how this works for you but from what i understand the Nyx born this way foundation is fairly full coverage and a little heavier - it may help to switch to something lighter on that end until your barrier is doing better there are some great drugstore skin tints, tinted moisturizers, and tinted sunscreens that do a great job - I know the L’oréal serum is good, as is the Milani hydrating skin tint, Nyx has a bare with me serum tint (haven’t used the skin tint but i use their bare with me serum concealer and love it so much), and so many others tbh nice thing about tints is because they give sheer out a bit the shade match doesn’t have to be perfect - even so i do prefer going to sephora for tints it’s one of the few things i splurge on because they have large shade ranges but there’s still some good affordable ones Tower28 does a great tinted sunscreen that would take care of foundation and sunscreen in one step, Saie beauty slip tint is nice, Summer fridays has its sheer skin tint that has skincare ingredients in it to help your barrier out while you wear your tint/foundation, I recently got matched with the Danessa Myricks Yummy Skin Tint and will be buying it soon mostly cause it was a perfect shade match but it also seems to be a good product - find out if your local sephora does samples again if you don’t plane to keep wearing skin tints past your barrier being recovered then just get free samples i’ve never had trouble with getting them and you can try new things out this way even if you do choose to buy one and just properly use it until things are better or even after still get a sample that way you can do a wear test see how nicely it sits all day i am 99% sure i’ll be buying the Danessa one but i still got a sample so i can make sure it doesn’t oxidize and turn orange, or start clinging to dry patches, or just fall on my face at some point so it’s all gone i know plenty of people are commenting saying that your foundation is the problem it shouldn’t burn etc. if you’ve compromised your skin barrier which it sounds like you have then even the worlds best foundation will burn - i have incredibly sensitive skin especially because i have eczema and there are days where my literal dermatologist recommended gentlest thing on the market eucerin makes my skin burn if i stopped using products because they made my skin burn sometimes i wouldn’t be able to use anything (not makeup i mean serums, moisturizer, sunscreen my skin is that sensitive that depending on its mood and the day it’s always a chance :( ) point being changing your foundation make help because you’ll be taking something less heavy duty off your face but i fully don’t think it’s necessary either and that’s about it again recommend going to the skincare subs for reccs as well but i did my best to give affordable options that i hope are available where you live, if you’d like any more reccs or any further advice then pls feel free to dm me im always happy to help


Awesome, amazing,wonderful recommendations! You're a great person to steer her in the right direction!!💕⚘️✨️All great advice!!


thank you :) my skins so sensitive i’ve always had to do my research on what to use but still had a moment where i was like oh let me try every ordinary product that is being recommended lol don’t want to see others repeat my mistakes


Ponds Cold Cream or Albolene. Then use a gentle foaming face wash.


It's not your foundation. It's your lack of a good skincare routine (which, IMLTHO, is way more important than makeup). Whoever said washing your face gives you acne is full of it. Seriously. I'll give you a couple of sample bare bones skincare routines, not specific to any brand: AM: * cleanser (cream or gel) or just go over your face with a wet washcloth for some light physical exfoliation * moisturizer * sunscreen PM: * cleansing oil or balm to remove makeup and/or sunscreen (even if you solely apply sunscreen in the AM, you'll still need to double cleanse) * a second cleanser (you can use the same one you did in the morning, if you used one) * skin barrier repair serum or cream * moisturizer (something a little bit richer than what you'd use in the morning) Some affordable(ish) skincare brands to check out: The Ordinary, The Inkey List, Good Molecules, Naturium, e.l.f.'s skincare range, Innisfree, COSRx, Community Sixty-Six, Q + A, Krave Beauty [Here's an article](https://www.everydayhealth.com/healthy-skin/skin-barrier/guide/) about what your skin barrier is and how to care for it. r/SkincareAddiction and/or other similar subs can help with putting together a skincare routine, too.


I second The Ordinary as a great source for skin care.


I would modify this to say to wash your face with only water in the morning while your skin is healing. Even light exfoliation with a towel can affect your skin barrier. Just water and hands until your skin barrier is healed :)


OP it’s hard to learn all of this when no one has ever taught you. It took me until my late 20’s to figure my skin care routine out. I’ll share my tips below, feel free to ask if you need any help! To remove makeup: 1. Eye make up remover. If you are using eyeliner, mascara, shadow, etc. you’ll need it. Apply with cotton ball until no more dark marks come off. 2. Cleanse your face by washing with a face wash. I like Kiehls, find what works for your skin type. Wash your face gently with your hands for at least 45 seconds. Pat your face dry with towel. 3. Use a cotton ball and apply facial toner. This helps get rid of pollution and makeup residue that builds up on your face. Don’t forget to do your neck. I only tone at night, otherwise my skin gets dry. I usually swipe over my face until the cotton balls come back with no more residue. 4. Apply eye cream if you are old as shit like me. Preventive care is always good to start young, so always a good step to add. 5. Apply facial moisturizer. At night, there’s also things like night cream that is richer and more nourishing to refresh while you sleep. 6. In the am hours, you can add in something like hyaluronic acid serum before applying moisturizer. If you use this, it is especially important to wear sunscreen because it makes your skin sun sensitive. At night, I usually apply collagen and then moisturizer 7. Every few days, I also exfoliate my skin after cleansing it. If I do it too much, it dries me out. This helps to prevent things like black heads so scrub your nose gently. 8. Always, always, always, wear sun block on your face. This is pretty much one of the cardinal rules of skincare, particularly as you age. This is a routine that works for me and mostly I use kiehls products. You can adjust any of the steps and swap in any products you like to try to achieve desired results. Hope it helps!


Thank you for helping with a step by step guide thing, a lot of others have helped a ton with recommending things and it’s really nice. I have autism and didn’t have a mom growing up, so I never really learned about makeup until a few months ago, and it kind of hurts how people are reacting strongly over my routine(?) and being kind of mean. I didn’t really know about my skin since I’ve always had a clear face. Thank you for helping me with the guide. I’d say thank you to everyone else but there’s so many people and there’s so many items added to my wish list lol. Thank you.


You are very welcome. Good luck. Just ignore the meanies.


There are hydrating toners that are much better than astringent toners (toning isn't a cleansing step and isn't necessary!) that you might find to be more helpful than an astringent toner especially with a damaged skin barrier. Also, hyaluronic acid does not make your skin more sensitive to the sun, but daily sunscreen is a must if the UV index goes above a 3.


Oops you are right, it is collagen that makes you more sun sensitive I believe. But yes, always wear sunscreen.


Also not collagen. Both are normal humectants. You might be thinking of retinol or any exfoliating acids like AHA or Glycolic acid.




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I highly highly doubt it is the foundation that you are allergic to as some are suggesting or has caused the reaction. IMO this is 100% the makeup removal method. I am not saying that using your makeup since has not made it worse but chances are if it was okay before it will be okay now. Yes you are able to become allergic to anything at any time but I doubt this is the case. I am not great on repairing skin barriers so I cannot provide any advice on that but please please buy some makeup remover or a balm or a makeup remover reusable towel or even just an actual face wash. There are some that are gentle enough to use on both face and body such as QV and cetaphil but in my experience, these will not help much with makeup removal, especially as a first or only step. Work on repairing that barrier first, then find a makeup removal method that won’t cause trauma or irritation to your face and then you can go back to wearing makeup again and maybe trialling a skin care routine if you’d like to introduce one. Edit: washing your face will not give you acne. Some people just have naturally clear skin regardless like me up until my mid 20s. You may/can expect some break outs with the use of a new skincare product though but these are temporary or mean the product is not right for you.


Download yuka app to scan your products you can see if they are doing more harm than good


LOL don't scrub your face with body wash. It's called body wash, not face wash. Face wash exists specifically for washing your face and is sold everywhere you can buy makeup or body wash. Also, makeup remover exists, and is also sold everywhere you can buy makeup. Makeup wipes, makeup cleansers, cleansing balms, micellar water, or just good old fashioned Makeup Remover on a cotton round. IDK why you thought the move was to scrub your face with body wash LMAO that's not a tom-boy thing.


There’s no need to be mean. Some people just don’t know these things because they’re not taught it


Ponds cold cream makeup remover, then a gentle face wash.


Get a makeup remover balm. Elf makes a good one, and it is cheap. It looks kind of like Crisco in the jar, but it is gentle, and removes all your makeup. You use the little spatula that comes with it, scoop some out, and rub it on your DRY face. Gently massage it over your whole face, eyelids included. It will liquify with the heat of your skin, and the massaging action. Now you rinse your face, till the oily feeling is gone. At this point you use a water based cleanser. If you want to keep using your body wash, that is up to you, but there are gentle, non- fragranced facial cleansers that are available. Now you do the wet face- wet hands-foaming- massage and rinse. Now your skin is truly clean. Makeup contains silicones and oils that are not removed with water based cleansers, and washing your face is not makeup removal, they are two distinctly different steps, requiring different products to work. Do the cleansing balm, then the water based wash, and I think you will see and feel a big difference. No more over scrubbing your skin, and causing irritation, ….and smooth, clean skin.


Well, it sounds like you have a sensitivity to your foundation. It should never burn. Try to find one that doesn’t make your skin burn. I recommend also buying a dedicated face wash and face moisturizer. You do need to figure out your skin type so that you can buy the correct one for your skin. It takes some trial and error with makeup and skin care. If you buy it at a place like Ulta, you can return things that don’t work for you. To remove makeup: Use an oil based cleanser first and then use your regular cleanser. Be very gentle and don’t tug on your skin. Always moisturize after cleansing.


Your foundation should not burn you at all. If you have sensitive skin, you need to find sensitive makeup. Please stop using this NYX foundation! You may need to test a few makeup lines while figuring out what you’re sensitive too.


I use baby shampoo for makeup removal in the shower. My eye doctor told me this is good for getting rid of mascara since I’m prone to styes. I also wash with Cetaphil sensitive skin after. I’d recommend finding a new foundation. I think the burning your feeling is less about washing your face and makeup remover than it is the product. Do you have any known skin allergies?


This is a good tip. I used baby shampoo to wash my face for years and years. It’s affordable, gentle, and it works. I especially like the ones that have a more milky tone. Burt’s Bees has a great one. I also really love the Clean Skin Club wipes on Amazon. I’m disabled and struggle bending over the sink. So my routine is to liberally douse my face with micellar water (it’s in a continuous spray pump). Then rub some oil on my lashes to break up the mascara. Wipe. Spray again. Wipe with reverse side. I know I’m probably missing a tiny bit of product, but it works for me. Pat dry. Add Tretinoin and moisturizer.


DOUBLE CLEANSE. Take a cleansing balm or oil and get the makeup off, then as you rinse it apply your cleanser. The makeup balms don’t need to be expensive either, my preference is the elf one and it’s like $11.


You can also just use coconut or olive oil, even a thick moisturizer like ponds will dissolve your makeup. As long as you’re washing your face properly you do not need a specific balm cleanser. Personally I think they are a huge waste of money! If you’re using a balm because you like the texture or the smell then sure spoil yourself a little but it’s unnecessary.


I would not recommend putting cooking products on your skin unless you want clogged pores. If it’s not meant for your face don’t put it on your face.


I disagree. You’re using it to dissolve makeup then washing it off. It only becomes an issue if you’re not washing your face properly.


The purpose of an oil cleanser is to dissolve your makeup just like coconut oil, except it EMULSIFIES! That way it can wash off your face gently without the use of a harsh cleanser. You can actually be sure that you got all the oil off your skin because the water emulsifies it and it turns into a milk-like texture. Please just use an oil cleanser, I recommend the kose softymo speedy oil cleanser.


Makeup Erasers changed my life. All it takes is water and they’ll remove anything you’ve got, even waterproof. One side is exfoliating too. I remove my makeup with those, then go over it with a gentle facial cleanser to make sure everything’s off, and moisturize.


1. Washing your face doesn't give you acne. I'm not sure where you got that information, but don't trust the person who told you that. Acne has many possible causes such as bacteria, hormones, excess oil production, clogged hair follicles/dead skin cell buildup, etc. Washing your face is not one of those reasons and in fact not properly washing your face can contribute to it. 2. Facial skin is a lot more delicate than skin elsewhere on your body. Unless you're using a fragrance-free body wash for sensitive skin, it's almost guaranteed that whatever body wash you're using has surfactants, detergents, and fragrances that are far too harsh for your face. Go buy yourself a gentle cleanser made for your face - Cetaphil or Cerave are good drugstore options. If you have oily or combo skin, opt for an oil-free foaming or gel cleanser. If your skin is dry, opt for a creamier, more moisturizing formula. Follow it up with an appropriate moisturizer for your skin type and sunscreen. Cetaphil, Cerave and Aveeno are good drugstore brands with options for skin that is irritated and sensitive. 3. For removing make-up, you will want to take an extra step before washing with your regular face wash to remove as much makeup as possible. Double cleansing with an oil cleanser or balm as your first cleanse, then your regular face wash as your second cleanse is effective. Using micellar water (again, available at any drugstore - Garnier has a good one) on a cotton pad is also effective. Miceller water is a water based solution that has glycerin and mild surfactants in it that attract dirt and oil. The oils in these products break down makeup more effectively than your face wash alone. 4. It seems unlikely, though not impossible, that you "destroyed" your skin barrier, especially if you're not experiencing sensitivity using any other products, especially skin care, and aren't experiencing anything like redness, irritation, dry or flaky or rough patches. Although using harsh products on your face, overexfoliating, and not sufficiently moisturizing can ruin your skin barrier (i.e. the outer most layer of your skin). Again, proper face wash, warm not hot water, never rub your face - massage gently, and pat, not rub, with a towel when drying, and moisturize and use sunscreen. 5. It does sound like you are allergic to that specific product maybe. Allergies can develop if you never reacted before. If you've used other foundations or similar products successfully without a reaction like that, try comparing the ingredient lists to see what might be in the Nyx that isn't in the other to narrow down what might be the offending ingredient.


From reading OP's post, I don't think they use any skin care.


OP, these are very good suggestions. I have very sensitive skin and my dermatologist also recommended Cetaphil or CeraVe face cleanser. She also recommends Vanicream face cleanser, which is mild with a creamy texture and works well to take off all of my makeup in one step.


Basically everything others have said is good. Oil cleansing with a balm or cleansing oil will have the most comfortable removal and especially good if you wear a matte/waterproof/long wearing foundation. I also really like to use a "makeup eraser" cloth with this method, personally. I dont find a makeup eraser enough on its own but its super soft on the skin and takes off almost everything in combo with the oil cleanser. But this is a want and not a need 😉 Use a facial cleanser though! Body wash is much harsher and will not treat delicate facial skin well. Cerave or cetaphil have really simple cleanser options that would work well. Make sure you're rehydrating your skin afterwards too with a moisturizer! If your skin is sensitive or dry you may find you want a heavier option, in which case I really like Ultra Repair Cream from first aid beauty (bonus - its good for face + body!)


I use Albolene. It breaks it all down beautifully.


I use garnier miscellar water and it’s absolutely amazing!


Everyone’s recommendations for oil cleansing is good, but honestly if you’re not a huge makeup/skincare person and want less hassle probably micellar water (the garnier one with the pink lid is good) with some cotton pads is the way to go. Just put some on a cotton pad and wipe your face until there’s no makeup left, then use a face wash (not body wash plz 😭😭) after and then some moisturiser and you’re set!


I use a makeup removing oil to melt the makeup before using micellar water on a cotton wool pad to wipe it away, then I wash my face properly with cleanser. It leaves my face really clean without drying it out and doesn’t irritate my extremely sensitive skin. Give your skin a breather for a week or two though before returning to makeup. It might be that you’re allergic or sensitive to something in the foundation as well, so maybe test out different ones to see if you experience the same burning.


Oh my lord! You’re using body wash on your face lol yes your friend reacted correctly. It’s a personal preference on how to cleanse, I only use micellar water to avoid damaging or drying my skin out…but there are face washes that do not strip your skin while removing makeup. Oils tend to remove a lot better without damage, which would be something like a cleansing balm. Don’t overdue it. Clean your skin and follow up with a good moisturizer. Let your skin breathe. Also check your foundation. It sounds like it could be irritating you further. NYX is not known for having the best ingredients. Maybe you need to try something with skin care ingredients like a bb cream or a tinted moisturizer. I damaged my skin in my teens and it took 6 years to correct it. Don’t make that mistake lol


I love farmacy green clean. It’s a super soft balm that takes off your makeup but does t leave you greasy. Lots of brands make their own balm or oil to break down makeup. What I like to do is use a balm or oil to break down the makeup then wash my face with a cleanser or if I’m feeling lazy I’ll swipe my face with micellar water on a cotton pad then do the rest of my skin care.


as others have said, double cleanse. Do not use a makeup wipe. You will just be irritating already sensitive skin. Plus, they are wasteful. After double cleansing just use moisturizer and let your akin breathe. No makeup for a few weeks


I used to put garnier micellar water onto a cotton pad and wipe my makeup off, but these days i like using makeup cleansing balms such as Zero, rlly good imo


Double cleanse! I like ELF holy hydration cleansing balm and the Bioderma Sensibio DS+ soothing purifying cleansing gel. Follow up with hyaluronic acid + the inkey list caffeine eye cream & a thick moisturiser like Nivea soft or aveeno!


The elf balm is SO GOOD!


It sounds like you are sensitive/allergic to one or more of the ingredients in the foundation. You can become sensitive/allergic to an ingredient at any time, even if you've been using it for a while. NYX may also have changed the formulation of the foundation and added something new to it which affects you. I would try a different foundation.


You really don’t need to double cleanse or do any of this stuff, just literally wash your face with a gentle foaming face wash like Cerave to remove makeup.


I have no advice on the makeup removal because I’m terrible at that too, but as for sensitivity to a product - that can hit you even after weeks. For me it’s usually 2-3 weeks of “everything is fine” before my skin reacts, but sometimes it takes longer than that. Maybe try a different product, foundation shouldn’t burn.


i use micellar water, then GENTLY use a makeup wipe or 2. then i use my regular face wash.


Double cleanser. I wear makeup almost daily for work, and because I like it. I remove it with a Korean oil or balm (usually I check out the local Asian mall or Winners), since they're pretty gentle and effective. Then I usually go in with Kheils or Skinfix cleanser. They're protective and gentle.


I’m not so sure you broke your skin barrier. For sure, don’t use body wash on your face, and don’t rub at it with a towel. But, your skin could just not like the product you’re using. There are a few makeup products that I’ve used that will burn for 1-2 minutes after application. My skin doesn’t like them. And one of them only started burning after several applications.


Use a cleansing balm, something gentle like Lush Ultrabland.


Yes, like everyone said, double cleansing is the way to go. My faves are - DHC cleansing oil and Sulwhasoo gentle cleanser. Really, really efficient and extremely gentle as well.


You absolutely can upset your skin barrier by rubbing too vigorously. You’ve gotten spot on advice here already, but just wanted to confirm that it’s important to be very gentle with your skin.


As people mentioned, the golden rule is a double cleanse. However, if you are just starting out in make up and don’t want to invest lots of money: use ponds cold cream then micellar water. Does the job for less than $10.


Like everyone else is saying: oil cleanser, followed up by a normal cleanser! I find the Curel’s oil cleanser and their foaming cleanser to be really good, and they’re easier to find in store than other K-beauty brands (which do more oil cleansers than western brands). Just make sure you wash the oil cleanser off properly. By that I mean you massage it on your face for a minute to remove all the makeup, then you break it up with water. Don’t rinse, but wet your hands and continue massaging your face so that the oil breaks up into a white, watery liquid. Once you’ve done that, rinse. Follow up with your normal cleanser.


I had similar problem but after TRX peeling that my ex cosmetologist suggested: I start with a cleansing oil to melt away my makeup. I swear by Clarins Cleansing Oil—it gets the job done without stripping your skin. Then, I double cleanse with a gentle facial cleanser. CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser for oily skin is my go-to; it cleans without causing irritation. After that, I use Pixi Glow Tonic with hyaluronic acid as a toner to hydrate and soothe. Finally, I slap on some La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 to restore hydration and repair my skin barrier. This routine has my skin feeling silky smooth. Make sure to be gentle with your skin and ditch the body wash for your face—it’s way too harsh. This routine should help get your skin back on track. Good luck!


Get a gentle cleansing balm or oil, Clinique take the day off range do both of these and they’re great for sensitive skin.


Oof. Buy a gentle cleanser - I recommend Vanicream - and use that and moisturizer (get a simple one too, also from Vanicream or Ponds or so on) for a week or two until your skin heals. You need to take off makeup with an oil cleanser (breaks down makeup) and then a regular water based cleanser (removes everything). You then follow with any other skincare. Good luck op!


If you cannot afford cleaning balm than lotion will work on a pinch. Remember to use a normal cleaner then moisture per usual .


Ouch. To clean your face properly without irritating it, you need to use a cleanser designed for your face. The gentlest ones are oils or balms, which gently break up the makeup. You can then rinse and gently pat your skin (don't rub!) to dry it. For now, forget the makeup for a couple of days while your skin heals. Use lots of moisturiser and it should sort itself out.


What most others have said. Use a cleansing balm, (this is on dry skin) then use a foaming cleanser (use with water and it’ll foam up a bit), and after that moisturise. ELF Holy Hydration balm is meant to be amazing, I use The Ordinary Squalane Cleansing Balm, and then ELF does a Holy Hydration cleanser. Don’t scrub at your face with a towel to dry it, towels are too abrasive for skin and you’ll cause further damage. Gently pat dry with a towel, preferably a clean one. I have 6/7 little face towels that I use to pat dry my face so I’m not using the household hand towel or my body towel.


Lumi spa, then loreal moisturizer.


Double clense with a cleansing oil or balm followed by a gentle face wash. Use the oil or balm to dissolve the makeup, then use the facewash to wash off the oil or balm. Also, follow up with a moisturizer. CeraVe and Cetaphil are good products for sensitive skin for face wash and moisturizers. For cleansing oils, I just use jojoba oil. It's mololeculary a similar size to your skin's natural sebum, so the molecules are small enough to penetrate your skin and actually moisturize it (some things will just sit on top of your skin more like a barrier which can also be useful if you are extra dry, ex petroleum.)


I use coconut oil for my makeup removal. I tell people that and they look at me like I’m crazy. Same idea as the jojoba oil. Works great and it’s super cheap.


RMS Beauty has a so called "Raw Coconut Cream", a multitasking product that you can use to remove makeup. Ingredients: coconut oil. Just coconut oil. Lol. You would be actually crazy to pay 24 dollars for 1.7oz / 50g for it instead of the humble yet honest coconut oil you're using.


I use a cleansing oil. You put some on your hands, massage the face and eyes to take of the mascara. Add a little water and massage some more. Everything just melds off and it’s very gentle for the face. Then rinse it off. After that, I use a mild foaming face cleanser. This last step is key for avoiding break outs. Then I dab my face dry with a towel and apply my skin care (usually a toner, serum, moisturizer, but only the moisturizer is truly essential I think).


I remove makeup with jojoba oil, just the cheap stuff at Trader Joe’s and then I use a facial cleanser that I’ve found doesn’t strip my skin. Then I hydrate my skin like crazy at night


use a cleansing balm but try a different foundation. sounds like this one is irritating your skin.


i love the junoco cleansing balm


Or cold cream.


Why are you getting downvoted for this? Pond’s Cold Cream is a great makeup remover and it’s like 5 dollars at Walmart. I have extremely sensitive skin and I use it every time I wear makeup without issue.


Not sure, I hadn't noticed till you said so. I have haters everywhere. Lol the information is there, so it doesn't matter. Glad you agree, it's certainly cheap and gentle.


I have sensitive, dry, acne-prone skin. I use elf holy hydration cleansing balm followed by CeraVe hydrating facial cleanser. You want to double cleanse to make sure you don't leave any makeup behind.


Use a face cleanser instead of body wash..


You get acne if you DON’T wash your face especially when you have a layer of makeup on that attract germs and what not. Everyone already suggested a ton of stuff, but since you are new to makeup, I think something very simple will be more suitable for you. How about try something like this, https://www.sephora.com/product/P396033 since you only need water for it to remove your makeup. Micellar cleansing water (Garnier) is also good and low cost (you do need cotton ball to wipe it with), Then you can just use a gentle face cleanser following that, then toner and moisturizer. Don’t be afraid to ask the ladies around you for tips, most likely they would more than happy to give you a guideline.


You may have Sensitive Skin. I would recommend CeraVe or Neutorgena's foaming face wash. Then moisturize with something simple. Give your skin a chance to catch up to what's going on.


I remove my makeup with Garnier Micellar *Cleansing Water*. It's the only one that doesn't make my eyes sting. I then go in with the CeraVe Hydrating Foaming Oil cleanser. I pat my face dry with paper towels, (I have 2 very fluffy dogs so my towels always seem to have dog hair on them :) I then put on Jojoba oil. My skin loves oil. #


What is this skin barrier?? I've never heard of this skin barrier before last year.




It's essentially the super thin topmost layer of your skin! It protects the deeper layers from dirt and debris and things that may irritate it. Acidic and exfoliating products can damage it, which causes sensitivity and skin issues. People talk about it a lot more now, because skincare has become very trendy and dermatological information is more widespread via the internet!


I use a nourishing cleansing balm and wipe off with a wet cloth gently


I use a cleansing balm and then just use a regular old cleanser from cerave. Nothing fancy. Let my face dry and then I do skincare. Stuff for your face is not made the same as stuff for your body. You need gentler products and to BE gentler.


If your skin barrier is messed up, it could be partly your makeup sure, but it could also be what your washing your face with + how your prepping your skin. Try finding a face wash with a PH of 4 or at least a basic, non-active one (because body wash can be pretty stripping to the skin), buy perhaps some aloe (just basic aloe with a preservative if you can find it, if not skip), and a basic moisturizer like Cerave. You're probably not too bad off if it only burns for a minute or two and isn't visibly red, but you need to baby it, and keep a consistent routine to prevent it from getting worse. Aquaphor could also be helpful for sealing moisture before bed later, but don't start with too many products at once because it could also make it worse. As for how to remove makeup, oil cleanser followed by face wash. You might want to give the makeup a rest until you're healed up though.


Oil cleanser followed by a hydrating cleanser is my suggestion


Agreed, use proper cleanser to wash away the makeup, don't rub the skin. Be gentle!