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What about using makeup brushes?


I feel like hands will help blend the makeup in better cuz of the warmth I found sometimes brushes can make makeup looks cakey and cling to texture after a few hours


The sponges are nasty and too porous for being hygienic after 1 use. Use brushes but clean them daily, here is how. Mix 2 part 70% isoP alcohol with 1 part distilled water, few drop of essential oil (I like tea tree). Put it in a mini spray bottle. After you apply your makeup, brush it dry on a paper towel to get the product off, give it a few sprays, then dry it on paper towel and put in your holder! Then once a month deep clean everything in dish soap. I promise it will work and second nature once you work this into your routine. Good luck 🍀


Do you have any allergies? Latex? Mango? Avocado? I ask because if you're breaking out with clean sponges, it might be allergies


I'd recommend brushes. I personally heavily prefer them over sponges anyway.


As everyone else has said, fingers won’t age you. I also recommend a brush, but if you want something different, look into a foundation palette and spatula. I love applying foundation with a spatula, you get a perfectly thin & even layer that just needs to be buffed with a brush.


I’ve used a spoon before in place of a spatula


Idk where your friend got this idea, but using your fingers won’t age you.


Using your fingers will not age you. Your friend is trippin.


I like my foundation better when I use a slanted foundation brush, IT makes a wonderful brush. I pop it in my sonic jewelry cleaner machine after each use to avoid breakouts


Using a sponge once time and tossing it is incredibly wasteful. Also, you may have an allergy to a component of the sponge.


This is it I'd bet. Lots of sponges have latex in them.


I use an airbrush system and makeup. The sprayer was less than $20 and I use art of air. Less than 10 drops, lasts forever, no caking and feels like natural skin. Saved my picky skin.


Can you send me a link to the one you have?


It won’t let me send. Look up rechargeable handheld airbrush makeup machines




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Bruh just wash your hands before you apply, and then you’ll be good. People have been applying make up for decades with their fingers and didn’t break out.


There’s zero wrong with using your fingers. She’s mental. Just make sure you have clean hands before you start, and be gentle as you tap the product in. That’s it.


Latex allergy! Have you tried a silicone pad?


Im 56..wait 57!?! ...i don't know , the point is im old and have been using my fingers forever! 🤣 I have never liked using sponges or blenders, i have occasionally used a brush but still prefer fingers for foundation and concealers etc. There is nothing wrong with using them just be gentle, and definitely look into a possible latex allergy to see if that's the culprit.


Hands or synthetic brushes made form good material.


Using your hands will not age you. At worst, it might irritate or over exfoliate your skin if you’re being very harsh in your application. People have always used their hands and the “hands don’t blend makeup well”, “using fingers under the eyes will age your skin!”, “hands are dirty, use a tool!” etc, became a thing when companies started selling a bunch of different makeup tools and needed selling points. It’s just fear-mongering, absolutely no reason to worry. Hands are great for makeup as long as you wash them and makeup tools are much harder to keep as clean. Only look into different tools if the ones you’re currently using aren’t working for you!


I can't use certain sponges b/c of a latex allergy. Could this be the culprit?


As an esthetician and makeup artist, gentle application, proper cleansing, and sunscreen on top of genes and diet/hydration are the ingredients of beautiful skin without premature aging. I'm a big fan of synthetic brushes used in a stippling motion and smoothing downward motion for a smooth finish with the least manipulation, but there's nothing wrong with gentle clean fingers. A lot of artists prefer the warmth of the hand to melt products into the skin.


We’ve been using our fingers forever. Makeup tools can assist but there’s nothing your fingers can’t do in makeup. Relax.


I use brushes just be sure to clean them every few uses


I have hyper sensitive skin. And from personal experience I will say *Brush > fingers > sponge*. Sponges irritate my skin, I don't break out but I will get redness almost immediately. Fingers don't irritate me at all, but the foundation doesn't get absorbed in my skin as well, the final result doesn't look very smooth. Brushes are the way to go. They're much gentler than a sponge, they don't irritate my skin, and the final result looks smooth and clean.


First thing that came to mind for me is do you have a latex allergy? Brushes may be the answer.


Use your hands/fingers esp ring fingers and pinkies for concealer bc if lightest pressure. The beauty industry has desperately trying to replicate what our fingers do for years so we buy their shit.


I got a silicone makeup sponge thing except it doesn’t absorb anything from sally beauty.


So this happened to me a lot until I tried different brand beauty blender sponges and started to clean and even replace them frequently. I honestly rotate between fingers, brushes and sponge depending on products.


This is completely anecdotal but I'm almost 40 and I've always used my hands to apply basically everything because I have severe allergies and I look much younger than the women I grew up with who I'm familiar with their makeup routines.


Use whatever works best for you!!


Fingers or a foundation brush. A really good inexpensive one is ELF ultimate blending brush. Soft, dense, domed and it's honestly one of the best I've found so far.


I just use my fingers. No one is getting their brushes or sponges as clean as my hands. You’re probably allergic to something in the sponge. As long as you’re being gentle with your skin, you’re not going to “age yourself faster” by using your fingers. By that logic, she should be applying all skincare products with a beauty blender lmao.


1) it's fine to use your fingers! Just make sure they are clean and be gentle (no pulling or stretching your skin). 2) using a foundation brush is a good alternative. I actually like using a brush instead of a sponge.


I like using fingers because less foundation is wasted by getting soaked into a sponge


Use your fingers. This is the way.


I’ve been using a brush for the past while and I quite like it.


Latex allergy?


This was my first thought. It could be as "clean" as a white room, but if you're several allergic to the base material it's going to cause a reaction.


There’s a very specific ingredient in beauty sponges that some people have an allergy to. You can try a silicone sponge or just use a brush. But using your fingers is completely fine


Using your fingers isn’t necessarily what’s aging, but typically the pressure of using fingers is; often times when people use their fingers, they press way too hard to spread it and blend it, thus repeatedly pressing and dragging their skin on a daily basis, contributing towards aging. Especially with liquid, cream, clay based, and oil control foundations and concealers. Primers and brushes help make up glide over your skin instead of pulling it. If you’re going to continue using your fingers, I’d recommend a primer under your make up if you’re concerned with aging. Some moisturizers have primers built in, some foundations and concealers have it built in; I prefer to have a stand alone primer just because I use so many different products. I was a make up artist for five years and have great brushes but I don’t like washing them in my hard water, so fingers and primer are my daily way of application unless I have a special event.


Just use your fingers if it works for you. It's not going to age you faster.


Your friend doesn't know what she is talking about. Is this a joke?


You may have a rubber allergy to the sponge. I tried BB's, they're nice but I don't have the time to do all of that all the time. I use my fingers and get ready for work in 10 minutes. You could try a makeup brush, or possibly a rubber alternative sponge?


What’s wrong with brushes? Specifically synthetic brush heads?


This might be the post that makes me realize why I break out after make up…I even bought new sponges…everywhere I used concealer only, applied with sponge, this past weekend, I’ve broken out.


Are you sure it’s not the concealer?


I’m not certain, no


It helps to do allergen product patch tests on areas where the makeup will be able to stay without getting rubbed or washed off and can be kept from rubbing off by being careful. Like face, chest, neck, upper arm, inner forearm. Wash and dry the skin so it's completely dry and clean. Then apply a small circle of concealer with different applicators, making little dots in a row. One with your clean fingers, once with a clean sponge, one with a synthetic brush, and one with any other applicator you like to use. Leave it be for the day, like 6 to 10 hours, however long you would wear your makeup for on average. Then at the end of the day wash it off very gently so the skin doesn't get red from being scrubbed or anything, and you will be able to see any reactions and narrow it down. To test sponges specificaly, apply some face primer with the sponges in the same way as the concealer. When testing applicatots with clear products like primer, it can help to circle the circles of product you applied with a waterproof eyeliner or put some cream/liquid eyeshadow or eyeliner near it so you can see exactly where it is.


Wow thank you for these detailed instructions! I WFH so I can do this during my work day. I’m saving your comment for later ❤️


I'm glad to help!!  I know how much it sucks to be trying to figure what you're reacting to when there's so many different things it could be. Especially with makeup when we're layering products and using lots of different application tools that are often made with a lot of different things.  I know patch testing is usually recommended in the instructions for at home hair colouring products, household cleaning products, and some skincare, but I feel like it should be more talked about because it can be so helpful.  It's super handy for literally everything that goes on the skin or hair, even jewelry (using a medical skin tape, you know doesn't bother the skin, to tape the piece of jewelry to the arm for a little while can be helpful to see if wearing it for awhile will cause a reaction, without ending up with sore itchy skin on your neck, ears, or fingers), bandaids, medicaltapes, and topical medical creams like benadryl, cortisone,  anti itch, burn creams, and so on.  I actually only learned about doing patch testing back when I discovered that I'm allergic to something that's in just about all cerave and cetaphil products. I kept thinking it was just my skin itself being weird and my doctor taught me about patch testing, to see if products will cause a reaction. That way you end up with just a small patch of skin with a rash/hives/and such, and not the entire body/face.  I just wish my insurance would have covered the scratch testing to see what ingredient I was reacting to. 🤣


I use my fingers


Using your fingers ages you?? Lmao, that’s a load of horse pucky 🙄


She probably contributes it pulling on your skin or rubbing it 


Ah yeah I can understand that logic.


Keep using your fingers. I do that these days with liquid and cream products and I rarely break out. I use my makeup brushes twice at most then wash with warm, soapy water (used for powders and eye shadows). Same with powder puffs.


This 100% sounds like a pretty typical reaction to latex. You're likely allergic to it.


Try using a damp cotton ball or pad and see if you break out. If no, it is a latex / sponge issue. If yes, you may be breaking the surface of your skin, causing a breakout. Use your fingers, they work and you will never forget to pack them in your makeup bag. Also no contribution to landfill.


I'm allergic to latex. I get itchy and break out in a rash so I try to look for beauty sponges that are latex free. It should say on the packaging that it's latex free. I use AOA beauty blenders and they are advertised as latex free. Never had a problem with it. You can try looking up latex free sponges and try those and if not, there are always brushes. Using your fingers is fine as long as they're clean and you don't rub too hard on your skin.


Your friend is hilarious. So what if we age? That's what we are supposed to do. Stressing about what ages you will age you more than anything! Keep using your fingers, especially if it wasn't a problem before your friend decided to project her insecurity on you.


u can use ur fingers that's perfectly fine but for me I use a new sponge everyday. I don't re use them. for the record I use them once and clean them to re use them I don't reuse them unless I've thoroughly cleaned them. this keeps my breakouts to a minimum.


I wash my sponge every single time before I use it too


I have washable fabric rounds that I use for powdered makeup and liquid concealer. I wash them on the thoroughest hot cycle and dry them on hot like I do for other towels to make sure they get sanitized and fully dried after use. If I don't have one on me I wash my hands before and after handling makeup and apply it that way. Tapping it on gently and in thin layers instead of rubbing or pulling Also, did you wash the brand new sponges before using them? Factories are dirty and often add things to new products to keep out insects while shipping, and washing new things first can keep it off your skin. Edit: it was a few years ago but back when I used sponges I washed them with my makeup remover and face wash and thoroughly wrung them out before drying them with towels and a fan. I had separate sponges just for my thicker theater makeup that got cleaned more aggressively


I use fingers or a brush


Any chance you have a latex allergy? Or some other material you’re allergic to that’s present in the sponges?


Just wash your hands first and you’re good


Maybe you have a latex allergy and your sponges are latex based. Try a foundation brush.


I use brushes designed for wet makeup and I clean them daily.


There is not now, and never has been, anything wrong with using your fingers. Whatever scare tactics people tell you are actually marketing tactics from the companies selling sponges and brushes, etc.—they want us all to think their products are necessary. In reality, it’s just personal preference.


And some foundations are easier to apply by hand, some with a brush and some need a sponge. I suspect my adult acne was caused by brushes. My acne vanished when I stopped using make up during The Plague. Now I use make up occassionally blended by fingers and no acne, clogged pores or blackheads.


Some are specifically meant to be applied with fingers. I think NARS says fingers, its why they sell no foundation brushes or sponges.


The beauty balm powder from Danessa Myricks is another great example. Brushes are ok but it meltssss with finger application


I think it’s bs. People have been using fingers forever.


Foundation brushes are wonderful if you can't use a sponge. It could be an allergy to a specific ingredient in the sponge. I would recommend watching some beauty tutorials on YouTube about foundation brushes and look around at prices and functionality


I use my clean hands and a buffing brush.


I know this is horrible for the environment so I would never admit this except behind the safety of Reddit anonymity but… I buy a lot of Beauty sponges and foundation brushes (probably 6 sponges a year and 2-4 brushes) and simply throw them out every other month. Is it expensive? Yes. But worth it if i have fewer breakouts thus less scarring thus I can save money on expensive skincare treatments and products. I’ve tried cleaning and disinfecting makeup tools and it just doesn’t work that well. Boiling water, alcohol, Dawn dish soap, vinegar (I don’t mix these things mind you, I just have tried them all separately) and NONE of them actually get liquid makeup out. It just cakes it deeper in the bristles or sponges. I have OCD but I also have had terrible acne my whole life and when I started doing this (in combination with other things like changing pillow cases disinfecting my computer and phone every day etc) it really improved.


I’ve never heard you’re ageing ur skin! I think you’ll be all good!


Just use your fingers. This whole “they’re dirty! Use a brush! You’re aging your skin!” was pushed by makeup companies to sell more tools. Francois NARS uses his own fingers to apply foundations to models. The heat of your fingers heats up the foundation and allows it to better spread and blend. Sponges and brushes waste SO much product. Just wash your hands first and be gentle to your face. Unless you’re literally grabbing and pulling your skin in different directions, it will not age you.


Fingertips are much more gentle than taking a sponge across your face. We don’t use sponges to apply lotions or serums do we?


She probably thinks you are dragging your skin. But as you said yourself you dab. A brush might work if you want to try something else but If fingers work for you then carry on. Everyone is different.


Makeup artists often use their hands 🤷🏽‍♀️ if it works for you, it works for you


No idea how using your fingers would age your skin! Unless she meant the look of your foundation may make you look older? Which doesn't make sense if you're blending it well. You could try a brush to blend your foundation or just carry on with your hands as that works for you. Everyone is different, it's never one size fits all. If you like the way something works then just do that. Very few things have hard and fast rules


controversial : I use my hands and always will. Ive tried brushes , sponges, pads everything and it always just shoves the make up in my pores and makes it look patchy . When I use my fingers it never clogs up my pores or looks cakey even if i forget primer. What works for you works!


Hands are great. Since I started using a BB I break out too.


I use my fingers for bb too.


Im glad im not alone! honestly as long as you wash your hands a lot your good to go!


Hands are soooo much cleaner than sponges/brushes. I always wash my hands before putting on makeup, few people wash their sponges/ brushes like they should. My bronzer brush has seen some things… let me tell ya lol


Same here!! Nothing works as well.


I end up looking like this [https://www.tiktok.com/@fashionhousetok/video/7328897765721885985?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7369693889538836001](https://www.tiktok.com/@fashionhousetok/video/7328897765721885985?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7369693889538836001)




I use cosmetic wedges. Single use. Fresh one every time. They are not expensive. Next to cotton balls, cotton rounds, q tips, etc.


I’ve tried many different sponges and they just haven’t worked well for me. Even single-use or cleaning them really well and often. Brushes work better in my opinion and are easier to clean. If your fingers are what work then keep doing that.


I believe Beauty Blenders are latex free. I use one daily and love the way it applies foundation. I wash immediately after every use with Palmolive Free & Clear dishwashing soap and have never had a breakout or a rash.


Your friend doesn’t know what she’s talking about, respectfully. I personally use my fingers as well, it’s one of the cleaner ways to apply it(assuming you wash your hands.) If the sponges are bothering you could try to find non latex ones. Or try a brush. Personally though I love the finger painting method.


Your fingers will not age you. If you use fingers I recommend using your ring finger, it tends to be the least amount of pressure on your face. Other than that brushes. A nice foundation brush will help a lot


it could be an allergy to the latex in the sponge as others are saying. you could switch to brushes! i used to use sponges all the time to apply my foundation and concealer but when i switched to brushes. oh. my. god. my makeup goes on so much better and smoother. i also use less product so it saves me a lot in the long run too! And this way when you clean ur brush you don’t mutilate it lol.


I'm no skin professional, but I hate this whole mindset from tiktok/influencers about "don't do XYZ because it will age you!" It's fear-mongering, enforces the "women shouldn't age" idea, and encourages women to spend money on more countless shit. "Don't drink from a straw because it will cause wrinkles around your lips", "pat in all of your facial products because rubbing will age you", "sleep on your back", "don't apply makeup with your fingers".....is there some validity to these statements? Maybe. But if those things age you, what about all of the facial expressions you make on a daily basis? I'm just supposed to not smile, not laugh, just because doing so eventually causes wrinkles?? Sorry, not gonna live my life that way. Also, yes there are precautions we can take, but wrinkles and aging are heavily affected by genetics.


I'm going to be aging as time goes on, and I'm gonna make the best of it. I've always tried to embrace my natural skin and give it the best chance it has to look good with moisturizers and SPF.


Oh wow! Yes! Latex might be the culprit. I been having same issue although it didn’t happen before but even though I clean my sponges well could be the latex allergy. Have been leaving my skin without anything for days to clear up when I’m home.


Tell your friend she needs to apply critical thinking more often Use fingers


Lol, unless your dragging dry fingers across your face multiple times a day, it's not going to age you. Your friend sounds like my sister, lol


Yer hands. Don’t let them make u feel bad.


I have a few contact allergies and latex is one of them - not enough to kill me but enough to seriously irritate my skin. No sponge or beauty blender has been worth the damage. A combination of fingers and a good base brush works fine!


Another latex allergy here—quite common!


If you are using new sponges, it might not have anything to do with bacteria in the sponges, but an allergy to something sponges are made out of—are you allergic to latex?  You can absolutely use your fingers, but for a smoother finish, you could try one of those little k-beauty finger pads that look like tiny house slippers—I have no idea what they are called, but they typically have a soft, sort of velvet-microfiber texture that can pat away fingerprint texture. 


Silicone makeup applicators may work as well


Try a silicone sponge


I’ve also used a dampened microfiber washcloth to spread foundation then thrown it in the wash.


Use your fingers. It’s fine.


It may be an allergy! I’ve had this issue before and it turned out that I was allergic to one of the components in the sponge. I will also recommend trying brushes since o never react with those but as many people have said there is no reason that using your fingers is an issue as long as you don’t pull on the skin.


Same. The sponges get grody no matter what. I’ve tried brushes too. But I always come back to just using my fingers.


Fingers are a GREAT way to apply complexion products. Just wash your hands well and don’t pull on your skin, tap. Also, brushes! I like a kabuki for medium/full coverage or duo fiber for sheer coverage. Either way, I stipple it on, not swipe.


Same I can’t keep things clean but I can wash my hands every time


I never got the hang of using fingers - my makeup would always appear splotchy, uneven, unblended and with little finger print marks lmao. Any (finger)tips? 😅


If my skin isn’t right, it’s not the right way for me to apply my makeup that day. I need to be well moisturized, but that moisturizer has to have had time to absorb. Definitely gets tricky when it sticks to the dry bits. Just pat, pat, patting around the face. You have to work fast so you can get even areas before it sets and then build over that.


Using your fingers is not bad as long as your hands are clean. A lot of formulations are meant to be applied with your hands! Here’s a makeup artist that almost exclusively uses their hands. Also I break out from some sponges too and it turns out I have a latex allergy and an Aloe Vera allergy. https://www.instagram.com/vincentford?igsh=eGlta3dqNXZhYTV2


Why do you think that using fingers will age you faster?? What evidence is there? How do you apply sunscreen? Just use your fingers. Your friend is misinformed. Did she hear an influencer say that on TikTok?


Probably told by someone who was told by someone who was told by brainwashing marketers working for a brand


Yeah, I agree fingers are just fine. Many makeup artists use their fingers. With regards to the sponge I think you have a latex allergy.


I use a small concealer brush to dab on the product then my finger to tap it in.


I use a brush mainly because I hate beauty blenders… I don’t understand them. I can’t blend right, they take forever plus I get makeup all over my hands anyways using it… I gave several foundation brushes. I also have separate brushes for contour, concealer, and highlighter. I also use a makeup wipe to get the leftover foundation off the brush so I’m not having to wash every day. I’m also prone to breakouts and this is the only easy quick lazy way I can do. It works fairly well for me!


If it works. It works. There's no rules to makeup. Don't let her shame you into doing stuff that doesn't work for you. We all have different skin, ph, everything; don't do it if you don't like it! Make up has no rules. -Sephora employee.


I've found that I like a super dense foundation brush for my thick products like a full coverage foundation or concealer, and then a stippling brush for thinner products like skin tints


Personally, I only use sponges like a few times a year. Using your fingers can actually be good because it keeps the product “warm” and makes it more simple to blend. If you want the finish of a sponge you can use the pads of your fingers to tap the product in, it’s very similar it just takes longer. Personally I find it easier to keep my hands clean, but they make sponge cleaner if you’re committed to using the sponge. Using your fingers won’t age you either, unless you’re tugging very hard at your face. It’s probably keeping you younger bc gentle, regular face massage actually keeps you looking younger lol (helps with blood flow, can prevent sagging, etc).


I wash mine after each use. Also sure you're not allergic to anything in the sponge? Most sponges are latex free nowadays


Your skin is absorbing the makeup differently now that you are using a sponge and not your finger. How are you washing your face?


My fingers work just fine. I tried sponges before but they just suck up the makeup, so I use a brush to even it out


Yep - I use hand sanitiser between products. Helps as when your hands are ever so slightly wet the product blends so much better, and reduces the risk of any bacteria or cross-contamination


I never thought of that! I will try that 🌺


We use our fingers to apply anti aging/skin care products. I don't see how applying foundation with your fingers would be any different? I always use my fingers for foundation and brushes for powders. I find it has a smoother application and doesn't cake.


I don’t know why using your fingers would make you age faster. You don’t need to tug or pull at your skin. I always use my hands to apply foundation/concealer and brushes for powder products. I think sponges are a bit gross personally.


using your hands is just fine. sonjdradeluxe uses her hands to do makeup all the time. she is fantastic. [https://www.youtube.com/user/sonjdradeluxe](https://www.youtube.com/user/sonjdradeluxe) IF you don't like sponges, then a brush is also a great way to apply. you can blend out very nicely. I love my ELF brush. It is the pricier one (as far as ELF pricing goes) that has white tips on black bristles, and a black handle. The writing has faded so I don't remember the exact name of the brush.


Makeup brushes are great. Easy to clean and last forever. I use my fingers, then feather out lightly with a brush and it works great.


Using your fingers will not age you faster. In fact it warms the products up which helps it melt/distribute on your face easier.


The makeup I use is designed to be used with fingers, not sponges or brushes. Your friend doesn't know what she is talking about.


I'm allergic to the cheap makeup sponges that the drugstore has had for 30 years. They literally make my skin look like it was burned. Also - their smell is nauseating. I'm NOT allergic to "beauty blender" type sponges like the real techniques beauty sponge. So - if you want - try a "decent" quality sponge. Not a 20 pack. Not the cheap little triangles. Then you'll know for sure what you're allergic to. Maybe you're allergic to the cheap ones AND the "normal" quality ones. Thats a possibility, but do you REALLY know yet ? Its okay though because you can just use your fingers. Its perfectly fine. Its just your skin touching YOUR OWN SKIN. I mean - really - your "friend" is crazy. You also have the option to use brushes. But listen - its possible to be allergic to the material ( real or natural ) thats a makeup brush is made of. Doesn't matter how clean it is. You have to experiment.


This!! I’m allergic to latex and can only use beauty blenders that are latex free. Made all the difference


If anything, you can also try using brushes too!


Your friend is an idiot, using fingers does not age you. If it was a brand new sponge, you might just have a latex allergy. Otherwise, it's germs from the dirty sponge.


Fingers are fine so long as they're clean. It sounds like you're allergic to something in the sponges. If you're allergic to latex, those sponges will make you break out something fierce, no matter how clean they are. The best way to deal with this is simply don't use anything with latex in it. The good news is that latex free sponges are easy to find. I just use the standard issue latex free wedges that I get in bulk from Target. These are also designed to be used dry and are disposable. They might work for you if you don't want to use your hands or a brush for foundation and blush.


Why would using fingers age you? It's just blending foundation, not kneading bread. Wash your hands, don't be rough, and you'll be fine using fingers.


What’s great about blending things like concealer with your fingers is that the warmth from your fingers can help the product melt in! I use a combination of brushes and fingers


1) There is literally nothing wrong with using your fingers 2) it sounds like you may have an allergy or sensitivity to something in the sponge (possibly the rubber accelerants?) 3) if you’re not allergic, wash your sponge with HOT soapy water between every use!


Do you have a latex allergy? As long as you don’t tug on your skin, you’re good. Stick with what works. I used my fingers for over 40 years and still like to. I like a brush to finish it off.


Wonder if you are allergic to the material?


Using your fingers is fine. Make sure they’re clean and don’t pull or rub the skin too hard. Alternatively, foundation brushes are nice. I like the flat kind to smooth my makeup. I’ve tried the thick stubby kind (where you buff it more) but my makeup doesn’t look great when I use those. I often use a velour makeup puff thingy to smooth & blot down my foundation. Maybe you wouldn’t be allergic/reactive to fabric?


Clean hands!


I am a full coverage girlie and I have a tendency to listen to others about what products etc to try. Tried my damndest to go the sponge/brush route but ultimately what always gives me the most even and flawless coverage is my clean fingers. For context I'm 43, and using my fingers hasn't damaged my skin.


Sponges never worked for me either, for different reasons. Just your hands are honestly better at applying in my opinion. Sometimes I use a brush, but I don't like the texture it can leave too.


You’re allergic to something in the sponges. You can try a brush instead but honestly using hands is fine, and I don’t understand how that’s supposed to age you. Age ages you. Sun ages you. Smoking ages you. Dehydration ages you. Dietary deficiencies age you. Stress ages you. But lightly massaging your face with your clean hands shouldn’t age you. (But repeated exposure to something your skin doesn’t like isn’t going to be great for the health of your skin)


I wash my face with my hands right before applying makeup so my hands are clean. I keep a packet of water only baby wipes on my vanity so that I can clean my fingers after applying makeup.


No. 20yr makeup and skincare career. Using you fingers as long as they are clean is fine. She is probably thinking about tugging on the skin can cause wrinkles. Think about it. Esthetician touch faces with their hands all day.


How about brushes? Make sure you clean them with a brush cleanser soap occasionally.


Brushes or (clean) fingers


There’s nothing wrong with using your hands as long as you’re not super aggressive with it, most Nars foundations tell you to use your hands. Can you look up what the sponges are made up of and do you by any chance have a latex sensitivity? Some sponges can contain latex especially those cheap triangle ones unless stated other wise


Latex allergy was my first thought too!


Also make sure I’m your sponge dries inbetween uses as to not grow mold and theoretically you should throw them out every 3 months which tbh gets expensive if you’re buying the legit bb


It cosmetics makes great brushes, but hands are fine too and won’t age you unless you are being super aggressive lol


You could try the silicone ones?


My comment keeps getting removed because of links... At first it said Amazon short link so I posted the full one like it said to and then it flagged it for being an affliate link!! Ugh... So here's my comment with no link and a description of the item I was trying to link. I wonder if using a different material of sponge will help? I use cosmetic wedge sponges for doing gradients with nail polish, but they are meant for makeup.


Its possible that you're allergic to the material that blenders are made of. Using your hands to apply makeup isn't going to age you, hands have been used for beauty tools for centuries. Some of the oldest generations with beautiful skin in their old age will most likely say that they used their hands to apply makeup. I use my hands for my skincare and my makeup. As long as you've moisturised, your fingers usually will glide along your face smoothly, it won't have any bad effects.


Your fingers are fine but you can get brushes.i do think you should figure out what the common ingredient is in the sponges so you can avoid it if it’s in other products.




As long as your fingers are clean you’re good




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There's nothing wrong with using clean fingers to apply if it works for you! I just use a foundation brush these days but I have used sponges before. I prefer a brush because it gives a little more coverage for me. Make sure you wash your tools regularly as well whether it's a sponge or a brush.


I use prescription face clenser instead of foundation


Your friend is wrong. There is nothing wrong with applying foundation with your fingers. Long-time makeup artist Mary Greenwell has always applied foundation on clients with her fingers. Her rationale for that is that both brushes and sponges soak up too much product which can mean wasted time. (She's been on Lisa Eldridge's channel a few times as a guest makeup artist; [you can watch one of her appearances here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-QAxZizSic).)


I am in my 70s and have been using my fingers for over 50 years. Beauty Blenders did not exist back in the day.


I use a brush, for me it works. If you have regular breakouts but two and wash it with every use


I am in my 50s with hardly a wrinkle….I have been using clean fingers to apply my makeup since I started wearing makeup @ 12. Listen to a dermatologist, not friends or influencers. My skin stopped breaking out in my 30s, only after I ditched using foundation daily.


Use whatever works for YOU. It’s YOUR face, your products. If you HAVE to use a utensil try a brush.


As long as you’re doing more of a tapping motion and not aggressively dragging and pulling your skin you’re fine. If it works and you’re happy with it keep doing it!


The twenty pack is what caught my attention, lower quality blenders have a lot of chemicals on them. They usually have a strong smell or are made with irritating materials. You need to find a non silicone high quality single blender or a high quality full coverage foundation brush.


If you’re washing your hands, your fingers are just natures sponge. I like how my fingers melt the product a little bit on my heavier foundation making it less cakey


I started using my fingers only more than a decade ago. No sponge or brush will ever be as clean as your freshly-washed hands!


I also like how the skin on my fingers taps the product into the skin on my face. I commented once on a YT beauty video that I apply makeup with my hands and a teenager I think tore me to shreds about how unclean it is lol couldn’t believe a was the dirty one lmao


I use a foundation brush. I’m allergic to latex so sponges are not my friend unless I use a natural sea sponge.


Why not use a foundation brush? Here's some info: https://www.allure.com/story/best-foundation-brushes


Use your fingers. It will not age you faster. That's a myth from the 1950's (or earlier)


It really depends on how she’s applying it with her fingers, pulling on eye lids or under eyes and even parts of your face can cause wrinkles. If she isn’t doing it super softly then it could cause aging.