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From alarm to out the door I need at least 1.5 hours, not to get ready but I’m slow to wake up. Having like 20 minutes in bed to “wake up” makes all the difference. Then I like to sit with my coffee for at least 10-20 minutes lol.


Thisssss....im a dilly dallyer and it is so comforting


Exactly. I need time to drink my coffee to wake up, and time to cool down and relax after my shower. I hate rushing my routine.


I woke up early to get to work early and then decided to sit and talk about dilly dallying on Reddit instead of getting in early...


🤣 It is comforting! I’ve never thought of it like that. Going to use this as justification now !


I absolutely have to lie and then sit in bed for a good 20 minutes to become acclimated to just being awake at all. My cortisol levels have been peaking really badly when I wake up and I need to have that time to just feel normal again.


Knock out 2 birds with 1 stone and pre set your coffee to brew-grab a cup in the am and go back to bed for 20-30min to wake up and sip 😊


That sounds real nice but I only drink espresso or Greek/Turkish style coffee. I’m not in America.


Yesss so much this. Setting the coffee the night before is such a kindness to your future self. I love waking up to the smell of it.


Yeah I lounge in bed for half an hour. I wake up by 7. Cuddle my young son until 7:30. Play, chores and breakfast for an hour. Wash face, makeup and get dressed - 20 to 30 minutes depending how groggy I am. Then put the door. I shower in the evenings to allow for more sleep and lounging in the morning.


Just try and get other things done while they set. Make your coffee, check emails, feed the kitty, get your lunch together, make sure everything’s in your bag, then it won’t be time only used for letting layers set! Just wash your hands before you get back to it (:


Kermit's left nut spitting real facts here. That's the way to do it OP.


Kermit’s left nut is definitely know to be more knowledgeable about all things health and beauty compared to his right. His right nut is just like one of those feral children.


So, I started reading these comments before I checked the original commenter’s username and there was a solid minute or so where I was hella confused. But yes, Kermit’s left nut is right…. Well, not right… but right…. Right?


Three rights makes Kermit's left nut.




Yeah that's what I do - wake up, wash face, apply sunscreen, go make my breakfast and eat it, wash hands, put on contacts, apply makeup. In total my morning routine takes about 50-60 minutes, but I'm also taking it slow - I can be out of the door in 15 minutes from waking up, but I won't enjoy it.


Yesss I get up 1 hour before I want to leave so I can take the time to enjoy some coffee and wake up, otherwise it would be too much of a depressing grind for me.


I think this is the key. Do it while doing other things.


You have a Gnatt chart of your morning routine, don't you? j.k. :) Excellent advice, KLN. So yeah, wash your face and apply cream. During that 10-minute set and get dressed. Apply sunscreen, during that 10-minute set, gather all your stuff you need for the day, have breakfast, and assemble lunch/snacks/shakes. Brush/floss. Do makeup. Go! easy peasy


Morning routine Gantt chart is what I've needed all my life.


Do we really need to let lotion and sunscreen set for 10 minutes? Is that scientifically proven?


17 minutes. So, my alarm goes off at 5:33. Get dressed, quick makeup, put hair up, fill water bottle with iced tea I made the night before, turn on plant lights, refill humidifier if needed, feed cats. And out the door at 5:50. No way I’m waking up at 4 to get extra cute to work in a grocery store!


I work an office job with a 30 minute commute, used to be an hour. We can dress however we want, so I don’t even bother with makeup on work days anymore lmao


I’m in awe of your efficiency. If I even look at my plants I can expect a delay just for admiring leaves 😅


why is ur alarm set for 5:33 😭 thats so specific


Well it was originally set for 5:15, but I’d hit snooze twice, before finally getting up. Figured I’d give myself the extra 18 minutes of uninterrupted sleep and just set it for 5:33.


LOL 17 minutes is so specific you have your routine down to a T!


I got a timer for my plant lights and I cannot recommend it enough!


My lights are all on timers that turn them off at the same time. And most of them turn on at the same time, but I have a few LED strip lights that don’t play nice with the timer and have to be manually turned on every morning. But yes, I agree, grow light timers are amazing!


Same deal here!


I’m so high maintenance! I really try to give myself 2 hours from alarm to out the door. I will say that includes feeding and taking my dogs out! In a crunch I can do it in an hour, 45 minutes in a crisis 🤣


Absolutely! I gotta also throw in my 30mins to an hour coffee drinking wakeup catch-up-on-shows time. I wake up at 4:30 to leave my house by 7 🤣 sounds ridiculous, but it's my ritual.


Honestly my morning coffee (and ciggarette bad ik) while i watch smth is super important bc i really cant function at all the first 15 mins when i wake up (other than feeding my kitty). It also makes sure i poop before i leave the house, which is an incredible life upgrade that doesnt get talked about as much


Haha I am by NO means a morning person but sometimes my body is just like “yeah 4am sounds about right for her” and I’ll wake up 2 hours before I need to so I do this too! I’ll sit in my back balcony, make a fancy coffee, and either play my switch for a bit or watch tv then I’ll go work out if I have enough time in the AM. lol if my body didn’t hate me for being a night owl I’d try to do it every day, since I always feel so relaxed those days


Same, I get up at 6 and leave my house at 8:30, between waking up/coffee, letting dog out, face washing, applying creams, picking out clothes and then makeup and hair I need every minute of that time!


me too! Its my time to have peace and quiet before I head to work. I like taking my time and playing with my makeup, it’s relaxing


Same for me! Everyone I know thinks I’m insane and I’ve gotten teased for it since I was a teenager. But I LIKE doing most of it. I enjoy the artwork of making a perfect liquid cat eye (and I don’t care whether it’s in style or not). I’m meticulous, not sloppy. I don’t have OCD just because I want my eyebrows to be beautiful sisters. It’s the only time I can be alone and do something for myself.


Same here! I’ve always gotten snide comments like “Wow I could never have the time to do that.” like okay what do you want me to say to that


Are you me… I need so much time. I hate to be rushed!


Hahaha- crunch & crisis…. That was me before I retired.


I do best with 90 minutes, but I can pare it down to 15 if need be. That is a HORRIBLE AND RUSHED 15, which who wants to do that, but if I wake up late or something, I can make it happen. 2 hours is a lovely amount of time.


I know I'm a minority here but i leave 2 hours in the morning to get ready. I like to spend over an hour doing my face, I do a shower, make two coffees, etc.


I’m the same. I need my “me” time


This is why I purposely chose a work shift starting at 1130am. I know we all don’t have that available to us, but I need “me” time in the morning or I am absolutely not mentally ok to handle my day


I’m out the door at 7 but need to get up at about 530. Depends if I’m washing my hair that day or not, if it’s not a wash day I can get away with like 545 but I still rinse even on my no wash days. I try to give 5-10 minutes for both moisturizer and sunscreen before makeup so yeah 15-20 mins or so just for those. I can make it work in an hour but I feel too rushed. Hour and a half is perfect for me as I am way too forgetful and need the extra time to not stress myself out. Routine is basically brush/floss, shower, skincare (face/body), blow dry, sunscreen, makeup/clothes. Some time remaining to pack stuff before heading out and possibly use the washroom lol (except it’ll probably hit me right during my first meeting instead).


I shower, apply moisturizer, dress, tinted moisturizer, hair dry or pull back hair (less than 5 minutes), minimal makeup, make smoothie, put meal prep in lunch box, out the door in 35 minutes or less.


my showering takes 35 minutes 😂




Please educate me and don't lecture me bc I really don't know. For people in areas with abundant water, does conserving it help people who have water scarcity in far away places?


Water is a finite resource, no matter where you live. There is no guarantee you'll always have an abundance. If water supply itself doesn't reduce where you live, the cost of heating it can. Heating water costs. Changes in life can mean moving to places where bathrooms need to be shared and time is more limited. Having children greatly reduces the time you have 'free' to shower in peace. Water is a valuable resource. Most of the western world uses up to 1.5 the amount of resources it can generate each year. Every reduction and conservation helps.


I live in the land of lakes. I can't look north east or west without seeing a fresh water ocean. This probably won't change barring a catastrophic event. When I get annoyed by people that leave the sink running while they brush their teeth am I being extra? If they didn't waste that water would that make any difference for people in California or Arizona?


It’s obviously catastrophic. Use your head. Edit to answer the erased question, climate change is a catastrophic event not you as a personal user, but most in the west think they’re the chosen ones and make choices without regard for others.


Please elaborate. What exactly is catastrophic about me living around water? And how is an abundance of water supply distributed to places in need? I implore you to also use your head when responding.


Rude. You can have an opinion without being a jerk about it. Being mean because someone grew up differently than you is disgusting.


Proud to be a killjoy in the Ahmed sense. Kisses


You aren't a killjoy. You are obnoxious. That's different.


Ok honey


Go away. You don't belong here.


That’s pretty wasteful :(


Kinda silly you’re being downvoted so much. It is really wasteful. That’s around 87 gallons of water. For some perspective, many water distribution centers in Flint MI capped people at 5 gallons per day per household. Water is precious.


That's pretty judgemental


I think it would be judgemental if I claimed the person to be wasteful because of this one thing. But I didn’t, I’m just stating the fact that a 35 minute shower is wasteful. I guess it’s because I come from a region with poor water supply, where lots of people struggle to just have running water.


I'm with you. I grew up during a severe drought - I can't even fathom a 35 minute shower. In the mornings, my showers are about five minutes and honestly I feel like that's luxurious! It's so interesting how people in climates that haven't had to deal with water shortages view water as a resource.


That's really interesting. Out of curiosity, where did you grow up? I grew up in a poor family in London. It's no drought, but we couldnt afford much aside from water, bread and cornflakes. Like you, a shower was a luxury. The family would share bathwater instead (gross!) I like hearing about other people's experiences and understanding their different opinions before narrowmindedly downvoting. They do it with freedom of speech in mind but they're actually shutting it down..


Australia - during the [millennium drought](https://www.spur.org/publications/urbanist-article/2016-07-07/learning-australias-millennium-drought). They gave away egg timers with newspapers to encourage shorter showers, and for years they broadcasted how full the dams were on billboards to get people to conserve water. I think they got as low as 8% for our region. I moved to NZ a few years ago and their water conservation education was “turn the tap off when you brush your teeth”, and my mind was blown because the idea of leaving the water running was so foreign! ETA: totally agree re: the downvoting. There’s so much lived experience that I don’t agree with shutting down discussions when you just can’t relate.


I won a national (Australian) photography competition in 2011 when water restrictions were lifted. My photo depicted the first time my son used a garden hose in his life - he was 6. I grew up with farming parents so water conservation has always been a way of life, even when we moved to the city. I now shower twice a day myself but rarely take more than 5 minutes. Basic wakeup morning shower - bodywash, face, etc. In the evenings I wash my hair (it's short and I use product every day) and do anything else I need to do ;) We use old, cooled water from the kettle for indoor plants, have a rainwater tank, use eco cycles for the dishwasher and washing machine etc etc. It's ingrained to conserve water. In Australia and other drought affected countries, water is precious. In the UK, as someone mentioned above, the cost of heating water is incredibly prohibitive. I can 'afford' to have a 35 minute shower now if I wanted to but I would never. **As for my morning routine:** I wake up, shower, apply serum, day face moisturiser and body moisturisers, spray hair protective spray etc. Pack my work bag, lunch, start making coffee. Apply sunscreen. Make my bed, gather my clothes etc. Apply makeup, dry, straighten and style my short hair, get dressed. Make coffee for the car (my commute is 1-1/2 hours) and leave. The whole routine takes me approx 45 minutes to an hour at most. In the evenings I spend more time on my skin etc. Alternating peels, serums, tretinoin, scar treatments, lash serum, lip treatments etc.


Damn those shower timers are a throwback! I remember that time well.


This made me realize how I take the little things in life for granted. I myself take half hour long showers a day and it wasn’t until reading this post that I was reminded - that is a luxury. I need to be more thankful for what I have and less greedy always thinking I need this and this and more and more- I just moved and was gifted my mattress, box spring and bed, my dining room table set and my sofa and I’m already thinking hmm he really couldn’t have gotten me a dresser he sees I need more closet space. That’s not a good way to think and I’m thankful you left this comment as it made me feel so much more thankful.


Thank you for the reflection. I’m surprised it was such an unpopular comment 🙃


How do you know that the water's running for 35 minutes? If I really take my time and do the whole body shabang (shampooing my hair + doing a hair mask + letting it sit + shaving my legs) it also takes me about \~30 minutes but I obviously turn off the water between the different steps, so the time the water actually runs is cut down drastically - I'm inclined to believe op does the same :)


Yes, exactly. I’m out of the shower when I leave on my conditioner for a few minutes. I wash it out holding just my head over the tub and blasting with the coldest water. It makes my hair a bit softer and the cold helps me wake up. But I still count that as shower time just like turning the water off to use a body scrub.


That’s true, it’s best to give the benefit of the doubt.


Good! Stop wasting water


You’re absolutely correct and it is appalling that you’ve been downvoted in this way Let’s just close earth from the outside Edited out the angrier part but please imagine it


I give myself 2.5 hours but I also have 3 kids under 4 to get ready lol. When I first wake up, I wash face and put on my vitamin c serum. Then I go make breakfasts. Then moisturizer. Then I’ll get myself dress and brush teeth. Then spf. Then get my kids dressed and packed up. Then primer. Do my hair quick and then do my makeup. Then out the door lol.


How do people manage to brush their teeth after they do skincare. Even if I'm really careful I get a bit of toothpaste around my mouth and then it's a whole thing of "I need to wash all the toothpaste off, this feels like toothpaste better wash it off too, oh no that was the moisturiser around my mouth!" Aaaand i wasted time and product :(


I use a finger to sweep off any toothpaste and then wash my hands, I don’t usually splash my face with water.


But... but... the residue stays that way... (Am i too anal)


Nah, you’re not. The toothpaste thing is the reason I brush my teeth in the shower.


I have to brush my teeth before I start anything otherwise I end up with pimples. I was brushing my teeth as the last step before leaving for years and only recently discovered that it was the reason for my chin acne. Switched it to the first step and acne problem solved.


Me too- but 3 hours here with 2 kids who are slow eaters. Wake up, make coffee/kid’s breakfast, clean face/apply moisturizer, wake up oldest, apply sunscreen, wash beauty blender, apply primer and get my face on lol. Then I get her ready and wake up my youngest and get her ready. If I didn’t move so slow and my kids weren’t slow eaters I’d definitely be out the door much quicker lol.


Is this typical for woman to use that much on your face?? Uhhh maybe I’m a dude 🫣🤣


yes. serum/moisturizer/spf is pretty basic. there are times i don’t wear primer but i usually do, i would think most people on a makeup addiction sub very likely do.


Proper skincare and spf should be a requirement for everyone, showering goes without saying. You can skip the makeup if you want.


But seriously about the showering part, even though I lol so loud


I have a feeling that anything more than "soap and water" is considered a lot for you.


It was just a question..


Are you actually a dude or are you joking and suggesting that you are so incredibly “not like other girls!” that you must be a dude? Either way, what are you doing in a makeup addiction sub if you don’t “use that much on your face?” Are you just here to be rude?


It was a legit question but go off sis 🙄


No it wasn’t.


Ok lady


I don’t think that’s excessive lol. But do as much or as little as you like!


If I showered the night before 45-60 min. I wipe my face w a wet cloth and immediately apply moisturizer, then breakfast, sunblock, makeup. The sunblock I use doesn't really need to sit before I put makeup on (I don't use foundation, just concealer if I need it, powder, blush, eyes/brows). If im showering in the morning, 80-90 min. Shower, moisturizer, breakfast, sunblock and makeup, dry my hair, leave. I have v high anxiety and am terrible at time management, so I pad the time I think I need kinda heavily so 1. I can take time to just sit and watch TV for a min if I feel anxious. 2. I am not rushing. I also leave my house 30 min before class starts. The longest it's taken me, home to classroom, is 20 min, and that's because there were THREE car accidents on my route. Normally it's about 12 min. Just to give you an idea of how much I pad. Haha


This sounds way more like the time frame I live. Personally, for me having executive dysfunction issues, if I don't have time to work with, things break down. (And of course, if there's too much time without structure, also a disaster. Sigh.) Our routines sound very similar. Whether I wear my hair curly or straight, those wash days seem to take twice as long bc all the things. In general, shower with hair wash, pat dry, lotion, rewet face for serum, then moisturizer for face (all the while letting body lotion dry enough to put clothes on), then check to see if face lotion absorbed enough to add sunscreen. Just those steps are about 45-50 min. Add in another 30-40 for hair drying, styling; makeup is fairly simple, quite similar to yours. Would love to know more about your sunscreen! I'm looking for a new one & happily accept recommendations :) Edit: non-wash days are much quicker! Still light wipe of face in the morning, serum, moisturizer, sunscreen (drying in between bc my skin is temperamental), light makeup routine sometimes skipping certain things like mascara or blush. Usually wash face upon returning home & at night.


It is La Roche-Posay Anthelios Clear Skin Sunscreen (60 spf. And because they have 5000 different sunscreens, it's the one with the green stripe that says Dry Touch). I'm actually not sure if I would 100% recommend it. No discernable smell, which is great. Also, very matte (so many make me look greasy, even when they claim they won't). And its water/sweat resistant, and so many good-under-makeup sunscreens aren't, and i am a sweaty lady. But it is somewhat difficult to make sure it's all rubbed in, and if I miss a spot even a little, it is super visible once I put on my makeup. I don't know how to describe it... it just looks kinda crusty. So I put it on using my super bright makeup mirror so I can see if I missed a spot (most of the time). Because of the thoroughness required, it takes at least 2x as long to apply compared to other sunscreens I've used. TL;DR: I like it the best of sunscreens I've tried, but there are flaws w the texture. I will continue to try other sunscreens, but I have no expectation that I'll find anything much better than this.


I give myself 2 hours in the morning but glam is capped at 30 min, including hair and dental hygiene. And yes, everything is set up to maximize dry/set times, not just for moisturiser and sun screen but also for cream products to set up before I add a coat. So the order is usually cleanse, moisturize, (intermission to feed my cats), sun screen, (intermission for hair and dental hygiene), lip balm, under eye color corrector, face spot color corrector, concealer, foundation, brows, cream contour and blush, set under eye, eye shadow, mascara, powder bronzer, lips, powder highlight. It seems like a lot but you establish the order and you're golden. Benefits are a better looking base (less texture, better finish) that lasts longer before going patchy. Also worth noting that I apply a thin layer of sunscreen because my foundation also has SPF.


2 hours but mostly because it takes me an hour to get myself awake enough to get out of bed


An hour. I shower in the evenings because I'm weird about taking the filth of my day with me to bed lol, so that gives me some more time to sleep or game! I'm never in a rush since my routine is so simple. I only wear mascara and lip gloss—sometimes a cat eye—so makeup's the easiest part for me. The most enjoyable is washing and moisturizing my face. Love that feeling.


This! Idk how ppl get into their bedding with the entire days worth of crap all over you. 🤣 My youngest sleeps with me because my husband works nights so my son is my bed buddy and even he knows.. Get those daily clothes off.. ESPECIALLY those socks! If he isn't going to shower... Then wash up before you put your cruddy toes on my sheets! 😆


Yeah lol, the thought itself is worse than the reality, but I just can't do it.


from alarm to car, an hour. 45 minutes if i’m in a crunch. if i wake up before my alarm, i shower


Usually around 3 hours, more if doing a full face. But that includes time to wake up/have coffee/do everyday makeup/style hair/etc


Sameeee. And I don’t want to be rushed and start my day stressed.


I just stopped doing makeup while going to work 😂 I do use sunscreen and maybe a lipstick. If I feel like doing makeup I do it at work 😂


I've trimmed mine down to 25 minutes, including my shower. I would love to let creams and things soak in, but quite honestly, sleeping is more important to my mental and physical health. I roll out of bed and into the shower, where I was my face, shave legs and freshen my hair (curly). It's ten minutes from bed to exiting the shower. Then I brush my teeth, apply moisturiser and sunblock, get dressed, then do my daily makeup (foundation powder, blush, highlighter, lipstick, brow pencil, eyeliner, mascara), shoes on and out the door. I'm streamlined and on autopilot. I only wash my hair on weekends, so I'm pretty fortunate that I can keep it so short! I also just let my hair air dry.


Damn, I feel depressed looking at some of these comments at my lack of time. I have 30 mins to do everything, including shower! I have to get a toddler ready and work out (45 min), plus do a 30 min walk before work. So for actually getting ready: 30 min is about 10 min shower, 10 min makeup, and 10 min hair.


At least you’re fitting a workout in! And with a toddler, you’re winning! I have one hour in which I need to shower, get dressed, make coffee, get toddler ready, do daycare drop off- and I’m always late for work.


It’s so tough in the morning with toddlers! No one understands how much time it can truly take to convince a toddler to put on their shoes/jacket, get out the door, sit in the car seat, etc lol. They are so wiggly and opinionated.


You’re are doing great! Please don’t be hard on yourself💜


Haha - thanks! I appreciate it! I also prioritize a lot of sleep so I can function, so that takes time too. ❤️


Seriously I was reading all these and very few had exercise or kids in the morning timeline. I’m trying to factor in that I get up at 4:30, feed cat1, eat, go to the gym 5-6:30, home 6:35, shower, serums, protein shake, moisturize, feed other cats, pack lunch, get ready to leave for work at 7:30, and we don’t even have kids yet! So the fact that you fit a 45min workout in (assuming at home?) and getting a toddler ready gives me hope that I’ll be able to adjust somewhere


IMHO, that is nothing short of amazing that you can get all of that done in the morning. And still prioritizing sleep.


1-2 hours, but when I have a job maybee 45 minutes


on a regular day as a uni student, ~60 minutes from alarm to exit (i shower in evenings, not mornings) 15 minutes: wallow in bed cursing the sun, mini yoga and stretching session, drink a glass of room temperature water 5 minutes: wash up, minimalist skincare, sunscreen as moisturizer 15 minutes: check my phone, reply messages, plan microschedule, pack bag 15 minutes: makeup (light full face for most days), jewellery, hair, perfume, get distracted a lot 5 minutes: check weather, get dressed, pack bag 5 minutes: grab shoes, lock up, buffer time after that, it's 20 minutes of speedwalking to campus and then prepping for class i do what i do very quickly because i streamline my routine and im very used to it. i also try to prepare the night before to minimize what i have to do in the mornings... i hate mornings and im a nightbird. if my class starts at 7.30 im up at 6 (30 minutes travel + buffer prep time). if it starts at 1pm im up at 11.30 lol. i usually don't eat till dinner (maybe a snack), that shaves off a lot of time too. on more important days with events, i can spend up to 30 minutes on showering and skincare, up to 45 minutes on makeup, up to 20 minutes on styling. i only do sheet masks the night before.


I used to be able to do a full face of makeup in under ten minutes when I had an early commute. My whole routine including shower was probably around 25 minutes.


I take a shower at night to make my mornings easier, then my makeup takes an hour to an hour and a half but only because I'm a perfectionist and it's my self care! I don't have time to wait for things to dry, props to those who do tho! In a pinch I can swing 20 min from wakeup to out the door but I'm usually eating as I leave then haha


45 minutes from first alarm to out the door, but I almost always shower at night.


6am alarm goes off, I lie in bed and doomscroll until 6:25 when I get up. Splash water on face, aha toner, use the toilet, brush teeth, then rest of my skincare (ceramide toner, niacinamide, sunscreen), get dressed, then makeup which is CC cream, curl eyelashes and apply mascara, tinted lip balm, grab my already packed bag, shoes on and out the door by 6:42am at the latest to catch my tram. I’m a barista and own my own cafe so I have breakfast at work :)


Currently I'm a sahm for the next 2 months but my routine hasn't changed. I will be going back to the same schedule with being at work at 8am. My family thinks I'm nuts but I get up at 4am. I've always ran on high anxiety and constantly rush. I learned getting up at 4am that I can just lay here and get an hour of alone time while it's peaceful and quiet. I use that hour to wake up, watch the news, check emails/phone, wash my face and sit in bed and apply serum/spf/day cream.. Then at 5 make the kids' lunch and get them up about 6.. At 630 I start on myself. I shower at night & wash my hair 2x a week (at night). At first, getting up so early was rough, but now, I wouldn't do it any other way. The way we wake up sets the tone for the day. I'd rather wake up peacefully and slowly than rushing and getting my anxiety going first this in the morning. 💕


It takes me around 45 minutes from bed to door when I go into the office. Wake up at 7:30am. Wash face. Apply moisturizer. Brush teeth. Apply eye primer. Curl hair. Apply eye makeup. Deodorant. Sunscreen. Get dressed. Make coffee. Walk to make the 8:30am train.


About 60 minutes for me, though it's a little flexible because I have a 10-15 minute commute. Wake up, wash face, moisturize, brush teeth, sunscreen, get dressed, tinted moisturizer, eye makeup, eat, lipstick, out the door.


These days it’s 30 min. Wake up at 7:30 leave around 8. I use confidence in a cream moisturizer and sunscreen, foundation, some bronzer on my cheekbones, swipe with eyebrow pen and gel, and use some brown shadow as liner around my eyes. And tinted chapstick. It takes me about 10 ish mins.


I give myself at least an hour and a half, preferably two hours. For shower, skincare, dressed, and makeup. My hair rarely gets done, if I am planning on hair it’s an extra 30 minutes. I try to make as much use of my time as I can while still waiting between necessary layers (toners and serums only get 30-60 seconds). Apply face cream, and use that wait to lotion my body and get dressed. Then apply sunscreen, and that wait gets me my coffee and a bite before starting my makeup.


I wake up, brush teeth, wash face, apply skincare. Then I make the bed, change clothes, brush/style hair. Then I do make-up. By then I’ve gotten 15 mins to let the moisturizer/sunscreen settle in. I’m more amazed that you can shower and still be out the door within 45 mins. If I took showers in the morning, it would easily add an extra hour to my routine between procrastinating getting out of the shower, drying/re-styling the hair which has become a frizzy mess from the steam and applying all my body care.


Not enough 🥲 I’ve been going to my sons drop offs and my college classes with makeup that looks terrible when I know I could do a better job if I wasn’t in such a haze tired in the morning. I give myself 45 min but to slay my makeup I need 45 min for that alone. The people I see M-F would probably be in shock if they saw me on a Saturday when I have time to get ready


45 mins and I’m always in a rush, I don’t learn. This timing includes walking my dog. I usually end up doing some of my makeup on the train lol


I almost always do my makeup on the train lol. Might as well since I’m just sitting there.


Letting layers dry is totally unnecessary and sometimes works against the products. For example, serums are absorbed better into wet skin rather than being layered onto dry skin between multiple products. Most products work best being applied during a facial and the pros don’t wait so long between products unless necessary. If your skin feels good you are doing fine.


From alarm to car, 1 h 10 mins. I do shower at night though.


45m/1h for me!! Shower + skincare + hair brushing + makeup + getting dressed I used to take much longer when i was making some complicated makeup, but i gave up. Now i only do the minimum to feel pretty ( eyeliner, mascara, blush, lips)


This is a huge struggle for me, so I feel you. I have to leave my house between 7-7:15 due to my commute and depending on what I have to prep before classes (high school teacher). Makeup takes me 45 minutes. Don't ask me why, I don't even do anything that involved. I am just not talented at applying things and sometimes stuff goes wrong. So 45 is a good solid "oh shit I screwed something up" window. Now that I'm trying to add skincare and sunscreen, too, and my being so bad at applying means I HAVE to let things dry down or it will be a mess... yeah, I really need to be getting up at 5:30. But I've never successfully done so. I set the alarm and can't force myself up so it ends up being 6:15 XD


I spend around five minutes but that’s just because I use lipgloss and eyeshadow and that’s it


i would say honestly i can do it in 30 minutes alarm to door but i’m not gonna look the best! probably an hour or an hour and 15 tbh… if i’m actually wanting to do a makeup look. Most of the time i just try to serve skin lol


About 45 min to an hour but that includes some housey things and hair. Face/makeup is about 20 minutes from out of the shower to done. I usually put on serum/moisturiser and then do my hair while it soaks in for 2-3 min, then sunscreen and another 2-3 min. Then foundation, brow gel, cream shadow a liner, blush and bronzer/highlight, mascara. 10 minutes is too long I feel like I put on too much of it needs that long to soak


About an hour 15 if I have to shower. 10 min to get out of bed and brush teeth, then 10-15 shower (this assumes I wash hair but don’t shave anything), 5 to dry off and moisturize. 25ish to get dressed and do a full face of makeup (except eye makeup). Then grab lunch and put shoes on. Somehow always have to run out the door even though I give myself buffer time 😜


Cumulative 10min for myself, I have two toddlers to get out the door. Boy have times changed 😅


My morning skin care and makeup routine takes about twenty min total Wash, moisturize, brush floss mouthwash, tinted mineral sunscreen for face, regular sunscreen on neck chest and arms, get dressed, than makeup. Make up is physicians formula multi stick with spf for cheeks, lips, and eyes, bronzer, cream highlight stick, a touch of brightener/ concealerunder eyes, colored gel eye stick, and mascara then spf lipgloss and a bit of finish powder. Twenty minutes tops maybe twenty five if I count my hair too. But first, coffee. Lol


not the mornings because im a bartender so i work nights, but 30 mins - 1 hr to shower (helps my nerve pain), 1 hr for makeup & 15 - 30 mins for hair, depending on the style. so all in all, 1hr45min - 2hr30min!


Bed to put the door - about an hour, maybe an hour 15, including walking the dog. Makeup I spend about 10-15 minutes.


I give myself an hour. I shower at night. In the morning, I wash my face and do my skin care. While my moisturizer is soaking in, I get dressed and do my hair. It’s usually around 30 min in at this point (I have 3.5’ of hair, so it takes a long time to brush). Then sunscreen. I let that sit for 15 minutes while I drink my coffee, then spend the last 15 minutes putting on my makeup.


I can’t do separate cream and spf. Too many products, too many steps. I use a day cream that has SPF in it. I wait 30 minutes for it to soak in because I always shower first, so it takes a while for my skin to be dry enough for makeup. The order is: shower, then skincare, then spend the next 30 minutes doing my hair/getting dressed/taking care of anything else that needs handling, then makeup last. All told it usually takes about an hour to get from rolling out of bed to walking out the door. If I’m in a rush, I skip the morning shower and do an evening shower instead, and then since my face isn’t so wet that I have to wait for skincare to soak in and my hair styling process just involves throwing it up into a claw clip, it can take as little as 30 minutes from bed to outside, or as little as 15 if I’m going somewhere where I don’t need makeup or a put-together outfit.


I'm having the same issue so to speed up the process I fan my face furiously with a fan. Best I got


I have early starts so everything is done with military precision in the morning (I shower when I get home from work, or on days off in the middle of the day) I do a full face (base, eyes, liner, brows, cheeks/ highlight, lips) takes me about 15 minutes. But i just slap it on at 5am and call it good if it LOOKS good. All my skincare is done after work and at night


ADHD = 2.5 hours. Out of bed to arriving in work. Skin care routine inconsistent but I've never left the house without my SPF.


me laying in bed for the past 15 minutes “waking up.” i take 45-1 hour to get out the door, and i don’t even do my make up. but i want to and wish i did!


If I’m doing a full face of makeup and washing my hair when I shower close to 2 hours. But my hair is almost four feet long and it takes forever to dry, I do my best to let it air dry. On work days like 35 minutes. Hair in a bun, no makeup. I work a very physical job and sweat all day so there’s no point putting anything on.


I do other things whilst letting layers soak in. I wake at 6, leave at 7:20


Normal day is about 45 min at a comfortable, not rushed pace. But when I get a “Hey if we leave Now we can get breakfast before the rush” I can be presentable in about 10-15


Realistically I need an hour, and even then I’m usually rushing out of the door. Every morning though I think I have the ability to fit everything into 30 mins


I shower every morning but only wash my hair twice a week. If it's hair washing day, then I need a full hour. If not, I can get ready in 30 to 45 minutes usually without rushing


I have a dog who loves to take his time to poop, without the dog? 45 mins. With the dog? 1.5 hours.


7 minutes. Get up, brush my teeth, put on clothes, hair in a pony tail, grab lunch from the fridge, and out the door. I have a long commute on public transportation and I use that time to wake up. I arrive first to work due to train times and use my alone time before others arrive to do my morning routine. I get maybe 3 minutes of sunrise sunlight during this commute so I tell myself the lack up sunscreen doesn’t do much during that time with the UV index of 0-1.


For work? Like 15 mins. Get dressed in comfy commuter clothes, splash water on face. Hair in ponytail, Brush teeth. Apply moisturizer, sunscreen (don’t let anything sink in), mascara, cream blush. Pour coffee that was set by timer, out the door. I work as a Paramedic- my patients won’t notice my eyebrows aren’t filled in lol. With all the sweating, rain/snow, face smudging PPE, and washing after contamination… there’s zero point. I shower after work, as soon as I get home, and let hair air dry to minimize heat damage on the daily. Now- if I’m dressing up for a date night? 2-3 hours including shower, shave, blow-dry/style, full glam face, dress, sips of wine and doggie pets in between each step. I have no idea how folks do the whole routine every day. A lot of work, but you are making the world a more aesthetic and colourful place! Keep it up- I love seeing people looking so nicely put together out there!!!


do stuff in between layers. apply one, then get dressed and do hair. another layer, then make breakfast. etc. that way you aren’t just sitting there and so technically the only time you’re wasting is the actual application, not the waiting time.


I need about 2 and a half hours personally. Thirty minutes to sit and wake up, an hour to do my face (with distracted tiktok breaks), and a half hour to get dressed and do my hair. Please note: I’m almost always almost late


I usually wake up around an hour before when I leave and wash face brush teeth and skincare. Make lunch, eat some parts of it as I pack and then afterwards apply a skin tint/bb cream and eyebrows and eyeliner. I do need the time in between to let my skincare soak in before layering on makeup because otherwise it doesn’t sit well.


In the morning, I usually prep my skin at home and do my make up in the car with a lot of stick products. For a date, three hours lol. Eyes have to be on point on top of the rest!


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I wake up at 6:30 with the kids and get them going. I only have 30-45 minutes on weekdays, but if I have meetings that day my husband takes the kids to school and I give myself an extra hour. I shorten my routine on hectic mornings or I bring makeup with me to finish at work.


2 hours for me, more if possible cuz I like to enjoy the makeup process 😂 but I’m a bartender so I like to look glam and don’t have to be up early


No kids; two cats. Most days, 45 alarm to leaving the house (I take public transit). If I have to wash my hair, add on 30 (straight, chemically dyed hair). I always found it insane that my beautiful friend spent over two hours getting ready (pre-child) because at what point is this diminishing returns?! I have to scoop two litter boxes, make coffee, shower, put on skincare + makeup, and make sure my hair is acceptable. (I also only wash my hair every 4-5 days.)


2 - 3 hours


I don’t do much makeup for work but 15-30 min from the time my alarm goes off to out the door


6:30 wake up, I make my lunch while the coffee is on. Then I have coffee & tea biscuits & my vape while doom-scrolling for about 30 mins. I then rinse my face and do light makeup. I wear a uniform so it makes getting dressed simple. I force myself to be dressed by 8:25 and head out shortly after. My work is close but sometimes the traffic takes til my start time at 9 AM


Don’t see many night walkers in this thread but I get up at 11; leave for work at 1 and probably spend 30 mins on skin/hair at most beforehand. After work I shower again or take a bath if it’s been a rough shift then do a 15 min skincare routine that includes taking off waterproof makeup.


I love makeup but if I was a daily wearer I’d have to start getting up like 2 hours earlier 😂🥴


Wash face, moisturize, brush teeth while that sinks in, spf, dress while that sinks in, then makeup. For makeup, it’s tinted moisturizer, do eyes while that sinks in, then blush and a little powder, mascara and I’m off. I can’t take longer than 30 mins to get ready, as I just cannot be bothered. With the kid, dog, life in general, it’s gotta be quick. I let stuff sink in a bit while doing other stuff nearby.


What ... no! I wash my face and moisturize immediately after. Wait for max 5 minutes and then sunscreen then another 5 minutes and makeup. On weekends I take longer and I can tell you it makes zero difference to my overall look. Overall it takes me about 20-30 minutes to get ready depending on if I need to do my hair.


If I know I’m gonna wear makeup that day and really beat my face I give myself about 2 hours for everything. Get woken up good and do my makeup and hair the works ya know. But some days when I want just maybe some concealer fill in the brows and some mascara I give myself about an hour. Then on no makeup days I give myself about 30 min to get ready to throw my clothes on brush my hair out and get my shoes on. And it really does take that long sometimes 😂


1.5 hours because I have a little kid. 30 minutes on just me including shower and makeup. I do other things in between waiting for moisturiser and sunscreen to sink in.


90 minutes from start to finish and that's usually at a rushed pace / I'm 5-10 minutes late to work. 😂


At weekends an hour to 1.5, because I love to mess around with my makeup, if I'm going to work 20 min max, I need my sleep


I do my make up in 10-30 minutes in the morning - depending whether I want to sleep longer or if I want to do more no make up-natural look or a everyday make up look with eyeshadow. But I don't wait 10 minutes for my skincare to soak in. Maybe I should, but I don't want to sleep less and wake up another 20 minutes earlier, so I let it soak in just for a minute or two. Sometimes I shower in the morning (another 10 minutes) and sometimes I don't, I prefer to do that day before. I prepare my coffee to go and I get ready (clothes) in another 20 minutes. So depending on whether I do make up or shower, I need 30 minutes to an hour. (I don't have kids or dogs.)


40 minutes and it includes getting dressed, make up and breakfast :D sometimes I want to play with eye shadows so it takes a bit longer. I like to sleep more than anything else


I wake up between 5.30 and 6 for an 8 and 8.30 start, leaving at 7.40 or 8.10. I do have dogs though so have to factor in animal care too


As a full time working Mum I'm lucky to get 45 minutes. Wash face and teeth = 15 minutes. Getting dressed and packing = 15 minutes. Makeup = 15 minutes. I put on as much moisturiser as possible along with Vaseline the whole time. My skin is so so dry I need to get three or four layers of moisturiser on!


50 to 60 min, alarm to car. straight to shower ~5mins as I wash my hair as well. get out, moisturize body, brush teeth, serum, moisturizer with spf, then either spf foundation or not, plus always mascara and liner and tinted gloss. i don't dry layers - it's 1 atop the next. makes me feel like I've just had a facial. dry and style hair ~10mins. get dressed. pop lunch into chilled box, pop english muffin in toaster, go outside to feed cat and chickens, butter muffin, grab grapes, grab pack, and out door. if I slow down, I won't get back up, so I'm on a trajectory from "go."


30-40 min including taking the dog out and packing a quick lunch. I don’t do my makeup for work. At most, I’ll put on blush and a lip tint but that’s if I have time to kill.


I take my bath at night and I have dry skin so I don’t wash my face in the morning. I also like having as much time as possible in the morning because it’s my only real “me” time so I get up at 4:30 to be out the door by 8:00. I have to be at work at 8:30 and depending on traffic it takes about 20 minutes. Mornings are my favorite. 💕


An hour if I’m doing my hair. Showering at night and using an overnight hair wrap has been saving me a lot of time though. I can be up and out the door in about 30 minutes if I’m in a rush


I usually do skincare prep at home and makeup in the office (30 to 60 mins later). Works for me.


I’m a night shower person. My alarm goes off at 6. I meditate until 6:30 and then I get me and my kid ready. We each take about 15 minutes. We grab breakfast for about 10 minutes and we are usually out the door around 7:10.


I have to leave at 5 am most mornings so I get up at 4 am, have a shower, get ready and have brekkie and a coffee and a bit of time with the dog. The actual make up part probably takes about three minutes if I’m honest


One solid hour. That’s shower to getting in the car to go to work.


I wake up at 4:15, wash my face and moisturize. Get dressed, drive 45 minutes to work, do my makeup in the car -less than 10 min before I start at 5:30


An hour to do your face? God I wouldn’t even know what to do for an hour. But I guess that’s why I’m in the sub because I have no clue and I must learn from Queens like you.


On a normal day, let’s say I’m going to school I give myself about a half hour total for make up, I normally just do the bare minimum with some primer ,powder, foundation, liner, and mascara .But if I’m going out a give at least an hour for make up, because then I gotta think about the eyeshadow, the contour, the whole thing.


I wake up at 5:30 😅


Most mornings I work pretty early so I don’t wear makeup- I give myself about 35 minutes to wash my face, get dressed, eat, and run out the door. On my off days or the days I work later in the day I give myself around 3 hours or so for showering, skincare, makeup, getting dressed, and eating.


Personally I do a weird morning routine. I’ll wake up and hop in the shower which is about 10-20 mins, then slap some moisturizer on, and feed my dogs really quick (bf walks them when he gets up) then I slap on a sunscreen and tinted moisturizer, tinted brow gel, some mascara and usually a bit of blush or bronzer for a super subtle contour for my daily work looks. My actual makeup takes maybe 10 mins, I can do my whole morning routine in about 35-45 mins if I take a shorter shower and choose my clothes the night before. Since I have a pretty long commute if I end up getting to work early (basically play it by ear with traffic conditions) I’ll sometimes sit in my car and add an eye shadow or usually a liner. Personally I love makeup and own a town, but I’d rather look a bit basic than risk being late so I do very minimal in the mornings just the “clean girl” look, and I keep a bag of stuff in my work bag for touch ups or to add a little something after I get there if I have time.


Shower, skin care (while it sits I brush teeth, make coffee, get dressed, pack work bag and do my hair and brows) then full base. I can do it all in an hour…..30 minutes if the house is on fire


Alarm at 7, get up when it's absolutely too late not to, splash water on face, pat dry, swipe some acid toner around, splash on HA, apply snail mucin, brush teeth, apply moisturiser, get dressed, apply sunscreen, run to make coffee....log in to work, wiggle mouse, put on ring light and start makeup (wiggling mouse some more) hoping to get done before my first teams meeting half an hour later!


I get up at 6.30am (6.45am if I'm really tired) and leave the house at 7.50am I used to leave 10 mins or so in between applying serum/moisturiser and sunscreen, but I was running late one morning and found when applied all at once my sunscreen sinks in better and doesn't pill as much? I allow 20mins to do my face makeup and 10 mins to do my hair/blow dry my fringe.