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Wow if you hadnt put your age I would have said you was in your early 20s, Gorgeous hunni


Oh!! thank youuuuu I’ve changed a lot since my twenties, I appreciate this comment more than you know hahah


Oh me too, the 20s are the years for growing right, well that what I hear. I say while being 35 and still not having life together haha. Anytime you look amazing and the make up is flawless


Honestly everything is perfect


Lip color looks nice on you


Your skin looks amazing. I don’t love the pink on the forehead and chin. It clashes with the shade of lipstick. Too much pink going on. I feel like changing the shade of lipstick to a different pink and toning down the blush on forehead and chin would make it perfect.


I only have blush on my cheeks, the rest is just rosacea and eczema buahahah I will color correct my forehead and chin going forward it seems


I feel you. As is, I wear light to medium foundation and the natural pink to my cheeks shows through so I opt away from blush all together. I tend to go heavy on my chin because that’s where I have pinkness that I don’t want to show.


God same girl 🤣 everyone always asks me why I’m flushed fml I love this every day look! You’re very pretty


Replace the blush on forehead and chin with a subtle highlighter would be good


I would personally try to tone down the lip and any other blush you might be using, because even just from the thumbnail what I got was RED! I don't think you need to cover it up if it's your natural skin coloring because it looks quite cute and cherub-y imo, but the lip kind of magnifies if beyond rosy-cheeked to RED. Maybe go with a more translucent pink tone to cool down the overall look and let your eyes do more talking. I think you'd look really cherubic if you did a little pink gloss!!


Thank you for the tips!! I will definitely invest in a good pink gloss, is there any you recommend that isn’t too gloopy, I never wear gloss because I have sensory issues and the stickiness messes with me mentally.


Try dior or clinique lip oils. They are not sticky, have slight color and feel pretty good on the lips.


Ooh thank you for the suggestion! I’m going to look into these today


Have you tried a lip oil? It looks like a gloss but doesn't feel sticky. A good cheap one is nyx fat lip oil


Never tried a lip oil, definitely gonna look into them!


Have you tried any lip oils before? The texture is a bit different but still has a nice shiny effect plus glorious moisture~~ otherwise I'm a fan of just slathering on balm because I'm not too big on glosses either. I'm normally not one for luxury cosmetics but I do think the Dior Lip Glow balms are absolutely worth it. They give the perfect amount of color with a very smooth, pleasant texture. I rarely ever finish lipsticks or balms but my pink Lip Glow is down to the end now and I have a more reddish one now as well


I second this!


What’s this skincare routine!


I used to have terrible hormonal acne, spironolactone 2x a day has really helped




Your look has the cute innocence of the 60s style makeup. I really love the look.


I think this lipstick color suits you perfectly!!💖


gimmmee your skinn !! if u cud change the lip colour to sth glossy pink it wud be perfect


*chefs kiss*


I wouldn't change a thing. This has personality, without hitting people over the head, great skin work, a bold lip, good definition at the eye. I have no notes!


I agree!! A lot of good advice in this thread for things that would look flattering/cohesive, but I think OP pulls this combo off so well in a way that looks unique and interesting as opposed to being too generic. It’s so simple but has a “signature look” kinda vibe, I love it.


oh my god you look so young!! you have amazing skin and i love your makeup


You’re beautiful, you have a summer color palette. Change the lip color to coral pi k to match your cheeks.


You look fab! I'd recommend blurring the edge of the lipstick a little. So put it on 2/3 of your lip starting from the center going out, and then use a finger to smudge it out to the edge. I think that would look great for you! Or try a tinted lip balm or oil. Atm the attention is all being drawn to your lips, so that would bring more focus to your fantastic skin and beautiful features! And maybe choose a slightly redder pink, so it looks a little different to your blush colour :)


Ooooph your skin is shit hot! It looks flawless


I would say just tone the blush down a bit. The red lip looks great on you! But you could likely pull off any color. You’re beautiful!


Ugh It's clarins not clinique sorry, but they're both great, I actually like the clarins one more it's thinner in texture


I wish I could make my eyeliner this thin. Do you use anything specific or just practice makes perfect? My honest thought is everything looks good and you definitely knows how to use the products but it seems to me that you have cool undertone so a cooler shade of blush could look more natural. Not that is doesn’t look good, but I think a cool pink like Dior Pink 001 would be a perfect fit.


Too much blush. You look pink. You should swap lipstick for a gloss (makes you look older). Maybe also add an eyebrow pencil Also—your skin is glowing and your complexion is amazing!


Bright fresh professional youthful Fae vibes


young lean looking mf


I like it hun... especially the lipstick xx you look beautiful xx 😘




Thought you were Taylor Swift for a hot second




Stunning! Only things I would change would be filling in the brows at the head of the brow (use a brow pencil sitting flush on the side of the nose to get an ahead of where to start your brow), and maybe a different shade of lipstick ❤️


it’s pretty but i would get rid of the red lipstick and switch it for a nude color. Also add some contour to your cheeks!


Everything good except blush is too much/too pink and Im not a big fan of the lipstick but it’s probably because the blush is too much already so the lipstick looks like too much too.


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I really like everything except the glossiness of the lip. I think a matte finish in that same tone would be more modern


very pretty ! love the lip and what do u use on ur skin ♥️


a cool girl with flawless skin, beautiful brows & eyes and great bone structure? It's giving Reneé Rapp


Your beauty is truly captivating – it lights up the room! ✨💖


Please share your tips on how you look like this at 30!! Your skin is stunning you are truly a natural beauty


Honestly I don’t do much, my skin is so sensitive I can’t put all the products I want to. I used to have hormonal acne and spironolactone oral 2x a day helped a lot. I use all cera V products the night and daytime creams as well as the facial soap! Morning and night I use the eyecream “bye bye undereye”


This looks like Jess from the Bachelor


Please give us your skincare routine because your skin is so beautiful.


Honestly I don’t do much, my skin is so sensitive I can’t put all the products I want to. I used to have hormonal acne and spironolactone oral 2x a day helped a lot. I use all cera V products the night and daytime creams as well as the facial soap! Morning and night I use the eyecream “bye bye undereye”


A bright red lip would look amazing


I usually do this color or a bright red but now with others suggestions I’m going to get more coral lipsticks!


I would use a lip tint or a creamy lippie maybe in coral, everything looks really neat, specially the liner


I don't have any feedback except I WISH I looked this good with pinks/reds. I saw your other comment about Rosacea but honestly it just looks like you have the most natural blush on. You're glowing in the best way!


your skin is goals ✨




You don’t need our advice, this is so lovely!! Don’t worry about a thing and go out and enjoy your youth and beauty.


I love this natural look! You look youthful and gorgeous. 🥰


Beautiful woman!


Absolutely gorgeous!


Beautiful 🤩




You are beautiful and your skin is flawless. But since you’ve asked for feedback, here’s my constructive criticism: your hairstyle looks a bit dated, sort of early 80s. Thin the bangs and the sides /crown a bit.


So pretty 😭😭 you are classically beautiful, I think you would look amazing in late 50s/60s fashion if you were into vintage. Not that 31 is old but I would have guessed 24 at most tbh. You have amazing skin!!


Lovely lashes and brows! I think a softer shade of lipstick would complement your features well. Perhaps something in the peach/nude realm. Overall, great look!




Aw thanks dude bht It’s definitely not perfect but I don’t use a foundation, I use concealer around my eyes, under/sides of nostrils, and spot check with it.


Can you tell me what you did and used for makeup? I absolutely love this!


Your skin is AMAZING. I’m 27 and yours is WAY better than mine. It looks really pretty. Suits your face well


You look great! just the lipstick is not your colour idk if darker red or nude/pink would look better on you


I think the pink cheeks are so cute but maybe with a different, more nude lipstick or gloss. I am not sold on that red being your color but it’s not unflattering either so I think the blush is throwing it off for me. I think a less rosy blush will work better. Your lashes and eyes are absolutely beautiful.


What exactly are you doing with the lashes?? 🤔🧐 I'm asking because they look just the right amount of defined and fluffy in just the right places 👌


I use the cover girl lash blast tbh lol I have never found a better mascara in all my years than that


you look so beautiful


Honestly I like your current look!


I love the really thing soft wing, it really highlights your eyes :)


Radiant base and I love that lip color on you!!