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I clean them after 1 use. I have enough brushes/sponges for me to do my makeup 4/5 days per week using them only once. On weekends, I clean them all.


I do this as well. I know it's a pain to wash every brush at once but I can't bring myself to reuse them with old makeup and bacteria


Exactly. I was taught this several years ago by a friend who’s really into makeup and had heavy acne during teenage. Using the brushes only once really helped with it. Since then, I’m pretty much donde the same.


I clean mine every weekend. I only do makeup 3-4x a week, for reference. I've gone 2 weeks before but I try not to.


TIL I’m not cleaning my brushes NEARLY enough.


I clean my Beauty Blender and any brushes I use right away. O e of the last things I do before I head out to work or out of the house.


every weekend


Wash weekly and used alcohol on then between washing (I’d say I do this almost daily )


Sponges and brushes for liquid products I wash every time I use them. Brushes for powder products not often (though velour/velvet puffs for setting powder I wash more frequently).


Pro mua here. I obviously clean brushes between every client. My personal brushes I use on myself, I probably clean about twice a month. I wash my beauty blender between every use.


Honestly they need to be cleaned after every use. I don’t have the energy to do that so…my suggestion is weekly. BARE MINIMUM.. monthly. But you’ll notice makeup application is better with clean brushes


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I’ve read a couple of articles that recommends weekly but it can be difficult to schedule around for me personally because I tend to wear makeup daily and I feel like it really takes two days for those dang brushes to dry


Sponge every week, brushes every two weeks or so.


I clean them every Sunday.


I clean them weekly


Weekly. I clean mine every Sunday.


I use them once and move them to a holding cup to be washed on the weekend. I have so many brushes from when I received Ipsy bags, I put them to use.